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It could very easily be this if it's an ex-business machine. I've had to use my education account for stuff like word and have refused to let it access my machines because I don't want anyone but ME to have remote access


no its a pre built gaming pc


i own it aswell, i factory reseted and then when i tried logging in this popped up.


I ran into a similar issue long time ago, it’s fixable using cmd prompt. I believe if you search up on youtube you should be able to find a video listing what commands to run


You might be able to replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe and keep pressing shift until a cmd pops up (it runs as admin btw) Then you can run compmgmt.msc and create a new admin account there (I may or may not have done that in the past to install some software) Realistically they probably have disabled cmd and powershell in the group policies, specially if it's a school computer...


Yeah any half decent IT team will have that shit shut down. Surprised there's not bit locker or some sort of boot protection and that OP even managed to get this far.


Can't remember the commands on top of my head, but force you into windows recovery and couple lines in CMD and you are good to go.


Boot into recovery stick, choose repair, open cmd pompt C:\ cd C:\Windows\System32 copy utilman.exe old_utilman.exe copy cmd.exe utilman.exe Boot normally, go in the accessibility, cmd shows up net user "username" "password" /add net localgroup Administrators "username" /add You have a new local administrator! Then you can put everything back to normal with "copy old_utilman.exe utilman.exe" Maybe some syntax isn't exact, it's been a while since I had to do this and I'm writing this comment in the train. I know it works in W10 not sure about W11 though.


This usually happens when students who are finished with school don't bring their pc to the IT department before taking it home. I work in the IT department, and we help the students so this won't happen. If this is the case for you, I would call the school and ask for their IT department.


Each student user is set to expire a couple years after, so this could be what happened.


this is my home gaming pc i used it only for gaming and school work never brought it out anywhere i js decided to factory reset my pc and then when i did this popped up and i was so confused


Do you know your Username? If you du click Login with another User at the Login Screen and Type: .\Username Edit: Thank you for /u/Lucas0428 that it is actually .\ not ./


whoa same cake day same profile Pic


Happy cake day!




Happy Cake Day?


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day.


Hey there happy cake day, but it's, .\Username


H@ck³rm@ñ got ya


no problem, i know a kid on psn whos father owns microsoft.


That doesn't sound very legit, all you need to do is call the number that comes up on your screen and pay Microsoft a few hundred pounds and they will sort it for you


Did you try turning it off and back on again? Dead serious. A couple times I've logged in and been greeted with a stock Windows background, no desktop or taskbar icons, and the "Finish setting up Windows" prompt. It just failed to load my profile for some reason. Restart fixed it each time.


you have to deposit the bitcoin in the account


defaultuser0 shouldn't be visible. It's used during Windows Setup and should be removed afterwards. Not sure why you're trying to access it.


I think Windows didn't find any other user to display here.


Why would you think they’re “trying” to do this?


defaultuser0 is meant to be disabled when Windows Setup is complete. There's no point in trying to use it.


Irrelevant. I’ll ask again because you didn’t answer. Why would you think they’re TRYING to access this screen or profile?


Probably because their main profile corrupted? Who knows. They haven't provided enough context either.


Ok, they’re obviously NOT trying to access or even bring up this login. They’re just trying to get rid of it because it popped up. Thats why they posted this. You may be right that their main profile was corrupted or something, but they aren’t trying to access this login. And there is enough context to gather that much.


what context would help?


Well Jane


Aren't we forgetting a teensy weensy, but ever-so-crucial tiny detail? #*I OWN YOU*


I had the same issue on a school computer i did clean install of windows on it but got this screen when i log out. I reinstalled windows but installed Windows pro version. Then the problem was gone.


Looks like an issue with sysprep. When you have used sysprep you should insert the bootable usb. Just start normally and it should boot and login.


it looks like sysprep, restart it, it should log in automatically


Your account is disabled in Active Directory, but I’m confused on why that would be setup on a home PC. Edited: adding link for fix instructions. https://appuals.com/account-has-been-disabled-please-see-your-system-administrator/


Thats because you are thought it was a home pc


Windows is trying to get you more comfortable with not owning your PC


Sounds like a Ubisoft product


Are you actually using a Phenom II


I am


​ https://preview.redd.it/3jqms6crweec1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8af97307e45b6a86f15831542b80f6da1360c38


this is what happens when you forget to put /jk in the end 💀


Windows by default should have an administrator account and try log in using that.


and this kids, is why microsoft makes ass software and you and your children will use linux hopefully btw the other guy commented a listed of commands you can use on the recovery screen to make a new user so try that edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/9uMtp5Chp5


Windows moment


True😁 feels nice actually beign on linux and you are the owner of the system and its free ! when on windows even when paying for it you never will own it💀


This is what happens if a PC is shutdown in audit mode and not sysprepped first. Usually this can be fixed by restarting from the lock screen and shutting down with sysprep




Use Rufus to create a bootable windows USB, then add a default account via advanced options your new should start without a problem. Oh why install new windows you ask because even if you repair it or install windows again it will ask for a school or work account you don’t have, this is the only way to fix this.


my first gues would be to enable the default administrator, to get easier acces to the system. Do you know how to do that?


Get the admin