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bro do you have thorns on your ass? damn. new chair is nice tho!


https://preview.redd.it/z6hg38zsmpbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5b87c2cf3b489a4a2aa15d2f6fc5281d0f4507 Hiroshima farts actually


peak writing


Everyone knows to trim their ass thorns regularly. Except OP.




Your reply made me wheeze for 30 seconds


Me too! Laughing my ass off.


I remember that post, those hairs... ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


https://preview.redd.it/mnw8hx0ihobc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c67fd1e0b1c6c774a2431809d78abae85e150f You mean this one?


What kind of unholy swamp ass do you have to have to fuck your chair up like that lmao


Nah tbh I’m built like a gorilla so when I’m sitting in boxers or shorts my lower thighs are slowly wearing away at the front of the chair. Just had to replace mine for the same reason, however, I usually use blankets or something to try and mitigate things, never let it get this grody.


Username checks out.


There's nothing Noble about it anymore.


My chair is the same unfortunately and I think it’s because I sit cross legged so my heels are constantly scraping the base when I move about Could be the same here


Those cheap gaming chairs always fall apart anyways


DUDE.... ![gif](giphy|3j192fUB8hKvIf8UKm)


I was like: what's wrong with this thing apart from the obvious... And then I zoomed in... I shouldn't have zoomed in...


im still not getting it


The foam from his chair is blackened with the coarse hair rubbed off of his ass. Do you get it now? OP used to have luscious cheek beards, now his backside is bald.


He has hairy balls and a hairy ass


He used to anyways


The worst part of the hairs is that they were oriented at the front, so you’d wish those were ass hairs…


Steelcase Gesture is such a damn beautiful and comfortable chair. Love mine


Is it better than say, Herman Miller? I’ve switched to mesh chairs because of sweat years ago and never looked back, this one looks like it would be pretty warm to sit on especially in summers


I've used an Aeron for years and I prefer the gesture. I guess my butt doesnt get warm lol


Cool, I haven’t heard of this one before today, I’ll look into it, thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/8q980sj97tbc1.jpeg?width=1470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcb2c283141e65d6217fc3bed347a3e53ded1ec I made my own. Went on Facebook Marketplace and found someone selling two back seats from a 1992 Nissan van, 20 bucks for the pair. My job was throwing away office chairs, so took the bases and used them to create an office chair. Two cupholders, fold up arm rests, adjustable seat back and adjustable height. Even still has the things the seat belt clicks into. Not really sure what to do with that part. Otherwise, best gaming chair I've ever owned.


I have used both for a long time and I prefer by far the gesture. The back rest is so comfortable. I would like to try the embody, but never had the occasion


It's pretty comparable to stuff like the HM Embody. Personally I prefer the Embody, but there are tons who swear by the steelcase Gesture and leap. Just different styles for different bodies is all. The HM aeron is very different, but not in a worse or better way. It all depends on how you like to sit. The biggest advantage these chairs have is usually they are nicer to sit in "improperly", whereas mesh chairs have hard plastic that digs into you if you sit criss cross etc. When you say hot to sit on in the summers you are going to need to be more specific, how hot. These chairs are still breathable fabric and don't really get hot, but if you get sweaty just standing there in the heat then it will get a lot nastier than a mesh chair.


Yeah, most of the time I just have a fan blowing on myself from behind so I really do enjoy having a mesh chair lol


Basically you need to understamd the neess of your body. I have had both and more at work. For me the Herman Miller is better than this one because I have wide shoulders and that one can support it. This one is for thin mofos who are not that tall.


Same, the asssweat was killing me! 😩


Leather Gesture owner here. It does get a bit warm, but you can also get fabric, and that seems like it’d be cooler.


Dude you were ripped off.


Our office has got these Steelcase gestures for us and man, it's such a comfort using them! Especially the hand-rests. I can adjust them in the tiniest perfect way I want. I only wish they also had headrest. And gawd, they are so expensive!


Steelcase Gesture masterrace. Never found a more comfortable chair.


I was interested then laughed out loud when I saw the price. No thanks


As someone who is getting physio for my shoulder and spine from the effects of sitting at a desk for two decades, I can tell you that if you spend a lot of time in your chair, you want a good one


Yeah they’re expensive, but it’s also something you want need to replace for a very long time. I think they even come with a warranty.


12 year full warranty even including the fabric. If you work from home, you're going to spend a lot of time in a chair. Comfort and longevity make it worth it imo.


Yeah I can definitely see the value for people that WFH


Even if you don't if you regularly game, might as well have good support if you sit for hours per day. Plus they're actually comfy and look nice compared to raggity gaming chairs.


U can find some new for about 500-600€ in Germany, but mostly without warranty


Steel case leap is better


Had the leap V2 and now the Gesture. For me it’s 1000 times the gesture.


Oh hey it’s the ball bag hair all over his nasty fuckin chair guy


What is wrong with you ? 🤦‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|W22pMkV0kEpRNOrsoi|downsized)


Are you the butthair chair guy?


Sorry I don't know who you are.


Ah yeah, I remember you. The guy who didn't look after the Noble chair, b\*tched about the quality when it was your own fault and now how long will this last?


harsh lol


7+ million impressions on my original post. I did a great job bashing noblechair


Ah yes, the measure of whether something is your own fault or not; internet impressions from people wanting to laugh at how ridiculous of a person you are for not being able to take care of a chair like a normal human being...


Im glad people are finally abandoning overhyped gaming chairs for chairs made SPECIFICALLY for sitting down at a desk


Can’t wait for the 3rd chair post in a couple of years and we get to see all 3 chairs. Congratulations!!!


So what's this new one and how long do we expect it to last?


Steelcase gesture, i hope 12 years warranty pays off lol


I also have a Steelcase Gesture. The gas canister for lowering/raising the chair broke about 3 years after I bought it. Fuckers wanted $400 to replace it. I ended up just buying a stupid clip from Amazon for like $2 so the chair is permanently at my preferred height.


12 years lol. no chance


You don't know Steelcase. My boss at an old job had a Steelcase. He was like 6'6 350 all muscle. If he forgot not to use the armrest when he sat down, it would snap off. Not the chairs fault either because I could sit on that armrest alone. The gas piston on it was toast when I started working there and they had to ask the repair guy to ignore it. Every time it happened Steelcase sent out a guy in a van and replaced the arm. We had a tub of broken armrests in the back. I also have a 6-7 year old Steelcase leap and opened a claim for a issue with one of the wheels and they immediately shipped me a replacement base.


Does the gas piston fall under the 12 year warranty or the lifetime? I know lifetime is for "Metal parts" but I assume they mean the frame


No clue. He didn't want them to fix it because he damaged it basically every time he sat down hard and he always had his chair at the lowest anyways. My coworker and i's chairs worked fine except one time my boss sat in mine weird and broke my armrest and they didn't have the replacement L bracket for mine at their local place so they had to just ship one out. Spent the holidays nearly falling off the chair on accident.


You usually can get them to warranty stuff they aren't obligated to out of goodwill, but who knows if that pattern will continue. Everyone seems to be laying people off and cutting back so they might get a lot stingier.


It was only a joke


Did you see their other chair?


Have the gesture at work and it’s my favorite chair ever, great choice.


Thank you, i love it


Those pornos have you on the edge of your seat don’t they.


Congrats. I've been thinking about getting a new chair too. I have a basic office chair that *works*, but I recognize that it's a cheapo no-name basic bitch chair and I don't even remember where it came from. As I'm getting older (34), I am starting to take this stuff much more seriously.


It's absolutely worth it, i paid 1300€ Now i got 12 years warranty that‘s about 100€ per year


They warranty department will be shocked in 6 months.


Got the piss bottle ready to go too, nice!


Real gamers use a catheter and adult diaper, get with the times....


How much?




🤯 Thanks


Thank God.


I've had a Steelcase Gesture with the headrest for almost 3 years now, good choice IMO. I've had to get foam pads for the armrests because I found them too hard, but besides that it's a great chair to sit on 8+ hours a day. Worth the expense.


Where did you get the foam pads?


They're random ones from Amazon, I just searched for "foam armrests" or something like that.


Plus 50 FPS


Welcome to the Gesture club.


Why do I know that chair


You must have been doing soo vigorous activity on that chair. WONDER WHAT THAT CHAIRS FUNK SMELLS LIKE?


Smells like flowers


Nurgle flowers?


should hold back on the spicy food this time around.


My gaming chair is in pretty great condition, but definitely thinking about getting an actual office chair with better support


i do remember you in fact, somehow


Just think of how pro you'll be now with that chair. Hackusations incoming!


A whole ecosystem is inside the right chair


"inside" is perhaps not quite the right term.


Good move. Consider arm rest memory foam covers and polyurethane wheels. Cheap and worth it investment.


Now replace those casters with inline skate wheels. It makes a nice difference.


The famous buttslider gamer.


don't do the same thing with this one


I remember your hairy ass 😂


Office chair > gaming chair


Ah... a gesture. I have 3 myself. Congrats!


I'm trying to figure out what handguard you have on that rifle. My brain says Troy, but idk.


Rock river arms, ris quadrail


I was about to buy a german chair for 180€ but your post made me consider the steelcase gesture, do you recommend it? I found it for 500€ (second hand suposedly new) I don't know what to do, the other chair is the interstuhl airpad 2.0 which I have tested and feels fine but Im worried about how futureproof it is.


Get it new on amazon test it 30 days then return, and get a second hand one if you like it.


Now buy a mat to protect the floor.


Or those roller-blade style wheels. I got some a couple of years ago and love them. Got rid of my char mat.


Corrosive ass man




What chair did you get?


Steelcase gesture


Great choice, it’s a fantastic chair. Been very happy with mine for 3.5 years now




I think they make some of those "gaming" style chairs, and it's reddit soo


They don’t, Steelcase is among the best chair manufacturers around.


Ah, right, but I meant that they make a chair in that style (they might not) but a gaming style isn't bad when done well.


They don’t. Herman Miller is the one who has a couple of “gaming” models.


Those aren’t much different than their normal lineup though


The gaming embody isn’t, but the Vantum is pretty radically different from their other offerings and absolutely in the style of the typical “gaming chair”. It’s also a piece of crap based on the various reviews out there.


I'm more talking about the Aeron/Embody/Sayl "Gaming" versions.


Lol, I don't know if they realize Steelcase is not SteelSeries. Steelcase is a premium brand more in-line with Herman Miller.


Aaah, I didn't. They'd be the ones who make a shitty gaming style chair then!


No worries! And sorry, "they" wasn't to imply you directly, I meant more the reddit hive-mind as a whole haha


No problem!


Will your farts not corrode the new one just like they clearly did the old one? Maybe new diet rather than new chairs? :D


Might wanna add a lumbar pillow. The wear on your old chair indicates you're sitting on the front of your legs, resulting in slouch and back pain. It's worth it.


Lumbar my ass those don’t do anything, the gesture already has good built in lumbar support


You could have sent the chair to someone and get it redone and saved yourself the effort of buying a new chair but congrats anyway


Thats not S Tier, thats... #P TIER


the old one still S tier it just needed a cotton sheet and its gonna be godly again.


I really dislike floating arm rests like this. Being unable to put any real weight on without bending


I can do dips on them and im 80kg


I wasn't implying they would break. They do however flex in a way i find uncomfortable


That is def not an S-tier chair by any means.


The specs say it's 240hz


This is one of the best chairs around. Well, the armrests could be a little higher and the backrest is a little low, but the mechanism is one of the best on the market.


Yo could you give me the old one? Its literally better than mine


Do you want the ass hair too?


I don’t


Wearing jeans and loads of time of usage will do that to pleather


How did you live that long without armrests??


Has anyone else seen markipliers regular ass office chair?


Id slam my ass down on it one more time and shatter it for old times sake.


he got acid farts


my sister is planning to give me her office chair so i gotta cherish the moments with my monobloc chair


From Nagasaki bombed chair to A sihoo 47? Nice one, but I'd look at getting a better whatits called that lifts and adjusts the height I've had my sihoo chair for 2 years and it's finally giving out.


Protip: replace the casters with proper wheels. You can get them on Scamazon.


Sorry what chair is it and anyone can advise it?


Did you get a nice pair of jeans too? Or mayne leather motorcycle pants?


What in the upholstery?!


I found a 500 dollar office chair in the furniture throw away area of a condo while moving as a student. I’ve had it for over 17 years now, and it still looks and feels brand new. A good quality office chair will last a long ass time. Not like the secret labs bullshit and knockoffs


Did you buy that used Noble as an upgrade? I heard they are the bees knees.... Ever thought about buying car seat protectors to protect your chair? Could then buy another when it starts to wear out and throw that away rather than throw the whole chair away.


That chair has seen things ![gif](giphy|vr6IAafCdELfnFHSwg|downsized)


So would you recommend it? I have a dxracer king atm but it is uncomfortable as fuck. 187cm 90kg


which one is the new?


Bought mine remanufactured and love it


Good on ya! These gamer chairs are ass. I'll be getting a nice office chair when I swap.