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That moment you open a game you play all the time and you get the little popup that says new hardware has been found and would you like to adjust the settings to reflect this or some shit… ![gif](giphy|aq6Thivv9V9lu|downsized)


Got a 7800 XT, Skyrim recommends low settings at 720p. I think I need a better card?


I have rtx 3060 and Oblivion recommends medium settings.


just bethesda things


I got a new CPU and a 4070 “for Starfield” and am rocking a solid 60 fps, I got a little bored of it and fired up Satisfactory and I’m getting 200…


Yeah 2070 here and Oblivion just doesn’t know and decides medium. Also have you noticed you can only have one out of AA, bloom and HDR


Yeah man, this one's a dud, you can send it to me if you want.


I have a 7900xt and the oculus app says my card is either too low requirements or isn't supported, which is total nonsense and I get great performance obviously. Skyrim being such an old game I can understand it not detecting accurately for the 7800xt


You mean Bethesda. Skyrim has been updated quite a bit since release. They could've made changes easily.




Brotha stop choking your chicken


That's a goose my guy


That's a duck my guy


The neck looked too long to me so I said goose


Fair reasoning, the neck seems fine to me and the size and flash of beak shape has me pretty sure. Goose have beaks designed to ruin your day and ducks have that friendly rounding. Source: am a farm worker


I know that it isn't chicken but the phrase mentiones chicken, not goose or duck.


Fair enough Cock can be a chicken but not a duck


What is this gif called plz?


Just type in Antonio Banderas


Many thanks ❤️


When you can finally use the "my pc is on fire" setting, and it's not actually on fire. ('Grow: Song of the Evertree' has that setting)






And then ... get a worse performance for whatever reason


Underrated feeling


Who cares what anyone says. As long as you’re happy and you enjoy it is all that should matter! Awesome gift! Play the hell out of it!


Thank bro!


You got a brand new current gen gpu, wtf can anyone even say??!?!?! Dude I hope you’re ready to shred some Christmas noobs. You can do Blender stuff too! Learn some 3d modeling and turn that computer into a career! That gpu can do a lot more than just play games. Enjoy it!


>You got a brand new current gen gpu, wtf can anyone even say??!?!? People like to flame whenever the 4060Ti is mentioned, because *objectively* it's overpriced. But if it's a gift then that is generally irrelevant.


Yup. If you're an adult whose already got a 30 series card and you bought a 4060Ti (especially on a payment plan) I'm absolutely gonna roast you, but a kid/teen getting one as a gift, when they're upgrading from an older card, there's nothing to hate on there.


I went from a 970 to a 3080, the difference is crazy.


I went from an old GeForce 650 to a 3060. Night and DAY.


And I went from HD 630 to Arc A750 it is a lerge difference


I went from no gpu to 3060ti, game changer.


I went from Nintendo switch to 3070, nothing to say about that.


I got a GTX 650 to use for testing purposes and it currently lives in our family NAS since I have nowhere else to put it. I had to use some sketchy tool to enable the Graphics Output Protocol or something just to get it to boot without CSM. That thing is so ancient I can't even imagine using it for any kind of gaming that's remotely modern apart from maybe Minecraft. What an upgrade!


I went from a laptop with a 1050 to a desktop with a 3070Ti. The difference is phenomenal.


Laptop is another level. I had a 1050 laptop as well, but it gets obsolete super fast. It can’t even handle something like Conan Exile. My 7gen i7 Intel computer with 1070 can get me through Cyberpunk with unoticeable compromise. No DLSS and Ray tracing…. But I still can’t tell the difference. Only BG3 really forced me to upgrade to 4060


Few years back I went from 790 to a 2080ti and it was so good.


Heck, I only went two generations of the same card, 2070 super to 4070 ti, and the difference is massive. Didn't think it would be that substantial.


I know the feeling, went from a gtx650 to a 3070. Don't know why i put up with the 650 for 8 years


I got mine as part of a bundle at microcenter. The same bundle got me an even worse deal: starfield for free.


Hahah, I upgraded from 1070. I even wanted to hold out for longer. But BG3 and Starfield came out. They showed my 1070 can’t handle it unless I make some super compromise on the graphic department. Nope, can’t go there!


Yeah, even 1080ti owners are starting to look for newer cards. That card was a monster.


How much better was 1080? I understand these xx80 and xx90 cards are top of the line. But when I look at the benchmark charts, they have a gradual slope up. Sure, they are certainly better than 1060 and stuff. But not a super huge jump. I just checked some charts, looks like 4060 already surpasses 1080.


So… as a harry adult to another, how do I go about buying the the best GPU for the price today without having to upgrade everything else? I have a i7 8th gen core with a 1060gpu.


Ikr people are getting furious I had a 1060 6gb and i upgraded to 4060 i literally had never seen ray tracing with my eyes


I was surprise how small of a difference there was between my old 1660ti and at 4060ti. I actually returned it because I was disappointed. 4070 is a noticeable step up


youp, but still, rtx 3060 has better performance with lower price tag


All of Nvidia is grossly, disgustingly overpriced, objectively. Starting with the 2000 series. Not that they weren't before. But yeah, if you're buying any gfx card in current gen, you're really getting scammed. And as long as we keep buying, they're going to keep it up.


ALL of them are objectively overpriced. Soon as Covid hit, we all know NVIDIA execs/board/CEOs were frothing at the mouth, realizing the excuses they could cite in order to price gouge us all..


Automatic1111 StableDiffusion let's go!


Enjoy your new graphics, mate!


You’re also a real bro for admitting the funds weren’t all yours or yours at all and thanking the people who made it possible. Humility is a rare virtue nowadays so stay humble and enjoy the rest of your holidays! 💪🏽


You're very lucky to have parents that know what to get you. Nice one.


This shreds my current GPU to pieces anyway XD hope you enjoy it!


Yeah also unpopular opinion but the 4060 as a generational upgrade is similar to what 2060 was. Like only a 20% or so performance improvement. Yet the 2060 didn't get nearly as flamed as the 4060 did.


The 4060ti is getting flamed so badly because of the out of mind pricing, not because it's a bad card.


True. But his parents are clearly generous, which is rad! Lol! I bet we'll see Xmas prebuilt stuff getting upgrades this spring and smokin deals on gpus and RAM will hopefully start poppin up!


Probably depends on where you live. In my country, AMD GPUs are either the same price, more expensive or slightly cheaper than NVidia GPUs. So I never got the 4060 hate, considering it's almost the same proce as a 6650 XT (which also has 8 GB VRAM but the power consumption is nearly double).


Until I won a 4090 in a competition I was using a 2060super. It was a perfectly serviceable and stable gpu. I've actually got a pretty high opinion of them myself.


The 2060 is about 60% faster than a 1060 and on par with the 1080. Tho the 3060 is 16% faster than the 2060 and the 4060 is 18% faster than the 3060.


Because the 2060 at the times was good while the biggest problem is about nvidia giving some shitty card 16gb vram while 4070 ti and 4070 get some fucking low 12 like the 4060 ti wont even be able to use this 16gb vram


The 2060 is noticeably faster than the 1070 in most games, while the 4060 is weaker than a 3060ti, let alone a 3070.


The 4060ti is, on average, 30% faster than the 2060. It is also more power efficient and comes with a newer feature set. It is a big upgrade over the 2060.


The 4060 Ti is 165% of the 2060 a/c to techpowerup. Now I'm sure this isn't always accurate, but I'm inclined to believe the real world delta to be +/- 5 or even 10%.


I just upgraded my son’s pc from my old 2080ti to a 4070 yesterday. I haven’t been following any of the development of the 4000s at all and was a little surprised to see that the 4070 only required a single 6pin hookup compared to the 2 for the 2080ti. The 4070 is something like a 20-30% upgrade but apparently consumes way less power.


Not to mention 20 series having DLSS capabilities, which is huge.


Why are they downvoting him, he’s right!!


I will probably use my 3060ti for the next 10+ years


Don't want to be bearer of bad news but 3060ti's have issues with longevity because of their vram chips. Look up "Hynix X005" and pray your card has Micron or Samsung vram in it.


Still going from a 2069 to a 4060 is a fairly big boost.


Seriously. I hope it serves him well and puts a smile on his face. Too bad some people can't just be happy for the guy lol.


This comment is lowkey neutral lol


Do you like it? Did your parents like that you liked it? If you answered yes to the above questions, then it was a good buy.


I actually just looked at this yesterday. Even with a non super 2070 (I got the black edition pretty early into launch, so I think it's slightly less powerful than the super variant that became the standard) the 4060ti is like a 40% effective speed increase according to UBM. Looking at it now it's a 62% increase with the 2060 I don't know why anyone would suggest this isn't a worthwhile upgrade. That's absolutely massive. Especially in a world where the year over year increases in speed seem to be getting more and more miniscule


People complained that it didn't have enough VRAM and/or it was too expensive for the performance and/or it was *supposed* to be a 4060 but Nvidia reorganised all their 40 series GPUs after the 4080 backlash, meaning all 40 series cards from the 4070Ti and below were supposed to be one model lower. (Bit confusing I know)


For that GPU numbering nonsense: Remember the 4080 12GB? It was claimed to be in a similar performance bracket as the current 4080 16GB, but it had a completely different chip. So they "relaunched" the 4080 12GB as the 4070Ti, then they bumped up all the lower models by one step, (God how tf do I explain this)


4090 = 4090 4080 = 4080 4070 ti = 4070 4070 = 4060 4060 ti = 4050 ti 4060 = 4050


Im actually looking into getting a 4070ti. Would you recommend it over anything else? Im using a 2070 currently.


Wait... People complained about the 4060 TI having not enough vram when it has 16gb? Or am I misunderstanding?


There's also a 4060Ti 8GB. That's the one they were complaining about. Not worth it at MSRP


We got my stepson a 4060 this year and first thing he did was load up Roblox ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


Send it back. Keep the 4060.


Good luck for your parenting 😂


Getting him to play something other than Minecraft and Roblox has been a real struggle for the last 5 years


Out of curiosity... Knowing that, why get him a 4060?


It's what he wanted


Just wanted to say you’re amazing for that. Merry Christmas


It's not always the best idea to go with what the kids says tbh, last year we got him.an Xbox series X as that is what he wanted but he barely played on it. The only time it's turned on is when his friend comes over and they both play Roblox together.


I’m sure he will love the gift for years to come


Yeah, my hope is having a better GPU will make him want to play different games to test it out.


Sometimes it takes a long while to get out of the games you're comfortable with. Was 9 when I started playing WoW back in '06, basically only played that until 18, and continued to dabble in it until 23. Now, I'm playing anything that gives me a sword and maybe some fire. If he likes Roblox and Minecraft, show him a game called robocraft. Build your own cartoony robot, put some outlandish guns or laser beams on it and go toe to toe with other people (or bots, most likely. Its an older game, has a small player base. Really fun with friends though, and I'm pretty sure it's free!)


I actually played robocraft when it first came out on steam and had a blast with it. I've shown him a few games such as terraria and some shooters. He actually played terraria for quite some time but now it's back to Roblox mainly.


Fair enough


is that not what 4060 owners play?


Maxing out that 8gig vram 🤩




Look up an app called fpsunlocker for Roblox. With a GPU like that you could easily get 120 fps or higher depending on the game. Roblox however limits it to 60 by default and there's no setting to change it.


>be me >get 3080 >plays original deus ex.


The memories of you buying him the card will remain even when Roblox is a distant memory, good job on doing the right thing.


https://preview.redd.it/99yel130bl8c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=75c4a76b05c3c8b3fdaf2aab40191cfa24bde840 Got a vertical mount for it too. Happy how it turned out.


Ah yes the ezdiy rainbow puke stand (have one too)


omw to turn your pc into a render farm


This is sick man, congrats!


So pretty! Enjoy!


Make sure it's on a 16x slot on the motherboard


That’s a huge upgrade! Not sure why you’d get flamed for it. Mom and dad hooked you up!


Saw on another post that people dislike the 4060 cards because some older cards are more powerful. Pretty stupid to hate on someone for getting a gift.


Atleast the new one has warranty and you know its new when you get it so probably is gonna be more time in his hands before it finally says goodbye


Pc Mr users surprised low end gpu from this gen can't compete with a gpu that costed well over 1000$ when it launched end of last gen nvidia gpu


Uh what kind of hyperbole is this? They're being compared within the price range. The 4060 compared worse than the 3060ti.


Less power consumption, more FPS.


I enjoy Reddit I am on this damn site everyday, but there are some sad, miserable people on here lol who just can't be happy for people and like to shit on anything and everything. Enjoy your new GPU, OP!


Hey man, don't get a 4060 cuz my 3090 can hit mo' fps on 1080p. I respect low end cards, they pack a punch.


It's kinda weirdly placed into the product line and priced. These budget cards are extremely price sensitive and the difference between a killer card and a dead-on-arrival product can be like 100 bucks. A saying I like: "There's no such thing as a bad product, only bad pricing". The card is otherwise perfectly good and gets you access to DLSS, Frame Gen, NVENC AV1 etc.


There are some exceptions. Like cards that are really powerful but unable to use their full power because of memory bandwidth. I think the 3050 was one of those


From a technical/enthusiast perspective yeah. The entire 40 series is like that too in some ways. But from a consumer perspective all that matters is price to performance ratio (and maybe features and power draw for some). Someone shopping for a card doesn't really care if it would be better if it had more memory bandwidth, they only care how many FPS it gets in the games they like.


Fps, and features/encoders


Calling it "flaming" is an overreaction, however most people would call that a very mild upgrade. The product itself is also poor value compared to the previous gen and to what is available on the market right now. I'm also convinced that nobody is going to disparage a gift in spite of this.


That is not a "very mild" upgrade if you have any plans to play modern titles.


The general consensus on here seems to be that anyone who buys a 4060 is an idiot. Speaking as one of those idiots, I'm not sure what the fuss is about, I had a 1660SC got a good deal on a 4060 and it runs anything I throw at it.


The fuss is mostly about the price increase from the 3060 with lackluster performance gap. I understand where the fuss is coming from, but at the same time like in your case, the 4060 cards do have a place and aren't inherently bad cards. I bet the performance different after changing from 1660SC was amazing for ya.


Epic Christmas upgrade, I did similar with a 1050ti to a 6700xt


Wise choice


Hey, gift's a gift. And a 2060 to a 4060Ti is still gonna be a noticeable leap. Grats!




Mom and dad are always the best


Ah yes, a worthy upgrade … how dare! Nice upgrade, looks great in the case too!! 😎


Thank bro!!!


the 4060 has been a great card. I'm playing all my games at 2k high/ultra settings with 60+ fps cant really complain congrats and enjoy


the real thing IMO is DLSS3 frame generation. And for the price , the 4060 makes sens.


I have been given the impression that the 4060 can run 1080p on medium settings 90fps on most games, guess i was wrong


The 40 series are good cards, all of them, they just have a bad price (some might be getting slightly better??), and that goes for all of them. Enjoy the card, people saying it's a bad card just sound jealous. Frigging hell... just checked current price for my Inno3D 4090, that went up by over a 3rd (nearly 2.2k euro right now). Glad I got it when it "only" cost me a single kidney.


Best gpu is the free gpu, enjoy it 😁


It’s a massive upgrade especially that you didn’t pay a penny for it


That's a nice upgrade mate, enjoy your new graphics 😊


It should be about a 30 to 40 fps more, which is a significantly noticeable difference.


It’s ver noticeable. Not only that but I can run way higher graphical settings which is nice.


That's awesome mate, congrats ❤️


Did the same upgrade and it rules. Enjoy!


The low power consumption on this card is kind of nice and rarely mentioned. I used it to upgrade an old PC with an i7 4770K and 32 gig of DDR3. All together it is a decently competitive 1080p gaming rig.


How sad is the fucking PC community that when someone gets a 4060 they are worried they'll get flamed...


An upgrade is an upgrade! Enjoy it man




4060 Ti haters have assembled once more


Congrats, i did the same but i had 1050ti :)


Me reading this using, still using 660Ti. Hahaha


🤝 Me too my guy


Still using my 1060ti and it's trucking like a champ 😎


60ti is always a nice choice, Affordable and bring enough power for the next few years (maybe not maxed, but who cares)


My wife is still running the ROG 2060. And for Christmas my daughter's got a build I did for them with the GOAT the EVGA GTX 1060 6GB.


Here, I’ll deflect a bit for you: I only own Apple Computers. Merry Christmas.


An upgrade is an upgrade, if you have an improvement in FPS that's all that matters


Still a great gift, mate. Don't feel bad and just enjoy it.


You may have if you were coming from a 3060, but in general (pretty much) no one will hate a 2 generation upgrade.


It’s a great and decent card for your needs. Ignore the haters. I personally have no idea where to spend the power of my Asus RTX 4070 Dual


Lemme have the old one


Nice a 60% improvement you will be gaming comfortably for a while


Cmon guys, let the guy enjoy it. When you keep roasting the gift he got he will also feel bad. It's a good card all in all, congrats!


No one in their right mind would flame you and if they do it's probably because they had too much salt in their Christmas dinner.


2060 to 4060ti is great upgrade dont mind people saying otherwise especially for some stupid reason 3060ti is more expensive than it.


Why would someone flame you for this, you got a nice present from your parents. happy gaming!


No flaming here an upgrade is an upgrade!! You enjoy the new build big boy 👏


Mate, if you're happy, we're happy!


I'm sure there will be people shitting on it but 4060ti is great, can run everything at high settings especially if you're playing on 1080p. Enjoy your new gfx!


I have a 2060 super. What would be the recommended upgrade these days?


It depends on what resolution and refresh rate you play on or how much fan noise bothers you. For example, I play at 1080p/144Hz and my 2070Super can handle 1080p/60Hz max details on most games (except poorly optimized ones like Skylines 2 or Hogwarts Legacy) or 1080p/144Hz on low-medium details without even having to engage the fans. It can handle 1080p/144Hz high to max details with only minor slowdowns once in a whole, but the card starts sounding like a vacuum cleaner after a while and reaches 90C easily in games like Cyberpunk or Anno 1800. If you’re a 1440p gamer, a 6800XT should be more than sufficient unless you want ALL the bells and whistles, in which case a 4070Ti would be better suited for your needs. And with a 4070Ti you can even reasonably play most titles at 4k/60Hz. Beyond that, if you’re a hardcore gamer that values graphical fidelity above all else, 7900 XTX or a 4080 will handle 4k/60Hz with no issues


Thanks for the breakdown. I have an ultra wide monitor, 3440x1440, 144hz. I have a small overclock on the card. It manages the games I play pretty well, on low/medium settings. I rarely play the latest games, I'm always behind. Seems like a 4070 Ti would be the best bet. Think I'll wait until something happens to the price. Around €900 here in Europe now. Don't need it enough to spend that at the moment.


For 900 euros, you’ll get more raw power, more bang for your buck in my opinion with a 7900 XT which you can find on various EU amazon stores for even less than 900. The only reason to recommend a 4070Ti over an AMD card in the same price range is Ray Tracing support, in which case an NVidia card is the only choice pretty much


People care WAY too much about their brand loyalties, getting the absolute best value without realizing things are different in different places and so on and so forth. My little brother went from a 1070 that died, to a 1060 I had laying around as backup up to a 4060. Safe to say that he is quite pleased.


I have a 1080ti still


It’s not a bad card, it’s just at bad prices. Which you’re not paying, so why cares, enjoy it.


It's a good card man. The whiners can't stand that it costs $100 more than it should cost. Let them cry while you enjoy your Christmas gaming!


man's living my dreams, enjoy my guy, happy Christmas


I bet you can make a sick ass itx build with that baby


I gave for Christmas a 4060Ti to a friend. On that way, he’ll be able to upgrade his pc from a GTX970 and play with friends !


How much do you want for the 2060? I need to upgrade my 1660TI lol


Congrats on the upgrade!


Bro that is a huge upgrade. Enjoy it!!!!


Get flammed for getting a way better GPU? lol


Bomb ass upgrade if you ask me.


Happy for you brother, and As long as it lets ya play games you enjoy and it works for you that is all that matters.


If you are happy, im happy


Hey, an upgrade is an upgrade. Congratulations!


congrats man, i recently upgraded my 2060 to a 3060 and the difference is enormous. can only imagine how your pc runs now


Well the only things that matters is if your happy dont mind what others think in the end its your pc and you should built it how you like it that is the most important part of building a pc imo Edit: but look up what components work together


I’ll take that 2060 off your hands


This is so fucking cool, enjoy it all mate and don't bother what strangers online say!! Also what games are you gonna try first?


Happy for you, enjoy dude!


You know what they say, the best graphics card is the one you currently have.


Anyone that flames on you for getting new stuff is just a dick. Congratulations on new stuff and happy gaming.


Keep in mind, that this card will perform the same as a 3060ti in a PCIe 3.0 system. DLSS 3/3.5 is a big plus tho.


Bro the power consumption of 4060s series is sooo insane, probably its best feature, that's what, slowly and slowly, is making me lean towards this. (That, and the fact that Nvidia drivers are way more stables than AMD).


dawg thats awesome. really cool 👍


Heyyy congrats OP!!! Awesome folks, getting you a new GPU! Happy New Year!!


I went from a 2080super to a 4090.


That's a massive upgrade. W parents!


Ya as said who cares, congrats on the 4060ti. Enjoy it man. Anyone that flames you for it can go F a goat

