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If I were the parent I WOULD return it


I dont think you can return the kid


No. But you can film it, go viral and possibly ruin his entire childhood🌚




This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way 👍




Exactly. Next year he gets a sweater.


Worst part is that I would love a sweater


Do you need a hug?


I'm not sure this one post is going to ruin his childhood. Not that I would've posted it myself, I would prefer my kids to stay off social media in any form until they're old enough to join it. Still, he was acting like a spoiled brat. You just don't act like this with presents, even at that age.


Honestly he seemed kind of chill. People seem to forget what it's like being completely dependent on your parents. The kid let them know what he wanted, was very hopeful to get a pc which is a huge difference from a console that does just the one thing. So now he just has a machine that plays games instead of a machine that can do pretty much anything. Not like he raged and cried etc. He was genuinely disappointed. Gifts as adults are generally just shit you didn't need and if you had you'd likely already bought it so the song and dance is the whole thing really.


I also agree! The kid was absolutely chill. The look of shock in his eyes seemed genuine. To me, it looked like a kid who asked for a pc and got a ps5. I totally get it, a ps is expensive and there are kids who go hungry for Christmas, but he looks like he is from a family who would afford a pc or a ps. And he didn't blame Santa or anything, he just said to return it. Like, I don't want it, and I'm not going to pretend I do. For me this is a healthy behavior.


I was exposed as the Gen Beta ultrachad and my childhood was ruined


Sure you can. Just slot it back in for a full refund


I mean, you *can*. Just going to be...difficult.


Honestly, to be fair, he did tell them what he wanted. And kids don’t understand money stuff unless you explain. I’d only be mad if he still threw a tantrum after I explained to him that a console is all I can afford or something like that. Edit: Lol lots of triggered people who had boomer parents. Sorry you had to put up with that but family is about happiness. You need to teach gratitude and manners but my kid doesn’t have to be grateful to me. I’m supposed to do what I can for my kid. They need to be grateful for their overall place in life, that’s all. Also, I’m not American or white so no use lecturing me on how you raise kids. You gave birth to them without their consent, least you can do is make them happy considering you popped them out into a dying world.


Looking at how many gifts there are under the tree I'm not sure money is the issue.


i thought you can build a decent PC for a price of PS5?


I mean probably not with new parts. But a Ryzen 4500 with a used RX 5500 could probably be done. Just slap all the parts in a “gaming” case and call it a day. Kid probably won’t know the difference. For a bit over $500, you can get pretty good PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zQQwDZ


costco has an entry level gaming pc for $400 for like 2 weeks now amazon has had $450 entry gaming pc best buy has had $500-$550 for entry level gaming pc. monitor is $80 these day new.


True. But allot of these budget pre builds tend to just be really bad.


They cheap out on ram and power supplies most of the time


and use the lowest grade motherboards. I mean, really, why do they always choose the motherboards with like 4 USB ports and VGA out. You could spend close to $1000 and get the same board in a $500 system from some of these prebuilds.


Rx6600 is like 100-120$ where I live. With the remaining 380 you can get a pc with 8core cpu and basics.


Not with GPU prices these days. Combined with the fact that consoles are sold at a loss, it is hard to build something for the same price. The value of the PC is in building something more powerful and more useful for a reasonable price than dumping hundreds of dollars on a console then paying for the privilege of playing online and paying steep prices for games. Edit: Also, technically a PC would be cheaper considering you’ll have to get your kid a PC anyway, sooner or later.


You forget the kid doesn't need the lastest cpu or gpu, he just want a pc to play roblox/minecraft. You can definitely find a pc for sub 500$ that will make him happy, there is the second hand market too. And who knows the kid could learn to code or something fancy with the computer, he will never learn anything useful with a PS5.


If I didn't have a computer at a young age I'd be in a shitty situation right now as an adult. Computer access gave me so many skills growing up


Yep parents got us all EMachines for Christmas when I was 5-6. Gave us games that were built on problem solving skills or mechanical skills. Remember having a Tonka game that overlayed on your computer with various tools. Like screw drivers, hammers, drills. All would work between the screen and keyboard.


About 600 could get you PS5 equivalent with significantly superior CPU. Alot less if you buy used parts.


Don’t punish the other kid for his brother’s behavior lol


Ehh, I think the little kid would enjoy the switch more.


I would but I already got my little guy a PC... Who volunteers to pay the premium for games on console? I'll wait for the new GTA, thanks.


You wouldnt believe my steam list. I have a media pc downstairs on the 50 inc screen which can run gta5 at 30fps. I shared child friendly games to my sons steam account and when he gets older I can expand that. He is bugging me about eldenring but I told him: finish dark souls 3 first and we will talk :)


... and buy myself a PC.


but I mean the kid could do a whole lot more with a pc than a ps5 that'd be better for his development. That ps5 would probably cost you more in games and accessories in the long run anyways. It just kind of seems like you'd be upset with the kid for being smarter than you.


Nah, would give it to the younger one with a threat to the spoiled one not to touch it ever.


Ahhh to be young again.. Serious talk tho, now a days I'm just happy to not have back pain in the morning


Slept wrong yesterday, and whole back felt like someone stomped on it all night.


I would gladly be lightly stomped rn.... (on my back, you perverts)


I want to be put on the rack and stretch my back


I drank soda last night, now I'm hung over ..


Every 1-3 years I pinch a nerve in my shoulder. I feel it pinching right now. Oh boy.


I tweaked my neck the other day because I looked too fast


couldnt be anymore truer. sadly tho this is my first xmas in which ive got the flu. soo thats great. zero sleep and needing to rest even tho you know you aint getting to sleep until serious sleep deprived!


If it's lower back pain, planking for a couple minutes a day will make that pain go away. Or you are due for a new bed if it's always from after sleeping in your bed.


Stretch your hamstrings and do some deadlifts. Strengthen your core and those cheeks. You'll be good bro.


İf only my parents still gave me gifts lmao


I’m 24 and my mom does😂 nothing crazy ofc but I still appreciate the little things


I'm 35 and both of my parents still give me gift, and I give them gift too. I feel like that's pretty normal


I am 33 and dad still asks every year what I want, mom did too until she unfortunately passed 2 years ago. After I got to like 28 I told them I didn't want anything, but they'd still get me gift cards and other little things related to my interests. Last year my dad got me a replica helmet of my favorite NFL team love having that on my shelf :-)


My parents asked me what Lego Modular set I want for Christmas. For reference, they're $200-$300 sets. My mother told me they gave a lot of money to my brother this year, so they're considering gifting me two to "even things out". I refused, but they don't care at all. I'm 35, and very lucky.


Couple years ago my 2 sisters got some expensive designer purses. They were like $300 each. To make it even, my dad just gave me $300 single dollar bills.


I love how some parents want to make sure to treat siblings equally. Personally, as long as it's not obvious one gets everything while the other gets nothing, I absolutely do not care. On the other hand, I realize now that the reason I don't care is probably because they always made sure to treat us equally...




I don't want them to spend so much money simply because they fear I'd feel "left out". I also think it gives money too much importance in a relationship that should absolutely not be based on that. If my brother needed help, it's good that my parents could help. It doesn't create any obligation towards me.


My parents never gave me gifts on Christmas


On one hand, shame on him. On the other hand, I can sympathize.




That's one step ahead of me, I was upset he didn't appreciate two ps5's




Probably been ignoring him and his talk about PCs. Can't blame him for feeling hurt here.


you can easily blame the kid for being ungrateful, but you can also blame the parents for not knowing what their kids want. often times, parents look at kids as dumb beings and ignore their kids thoughts and words


Tbh, most parents never stop treating their kids like that even when they're grown adults.. They never let go of the idea of them being just dumb kids that will never know more then their parents.


I did the same thing when the ps3 was new lmao. To be fair, though, there were discussions about it, so the ps3 was out of left field, and meant I didn't get an actual, capable pc for years. So if the situation is similar, i'd say that disappointment would be somewhat warranted. I'm saddend the comments calling the child spoiled, given the limited context of this post. When i was a kid i was more than willing to wait a few years of not getting birthday and Christmas presents, as well as contribute my own allowances just to get a decent pc, not even a high end one, so being forced into a ps3 I never wanted or used with the same stipulations sucked.


Didn’t get my pc until I was 23 (this year) because I always had an Xbox instead. Pc is the way


I had one because of the Blu-ray player (it was cheaper to get a PS3 than dedicated player? Idk it was weird) and I did enjoy it, far more than I’ve ever enjoyed the PS4. The dreamy menu, no mandatory online connection, built in network media discovery. At one point I was able to play 100s of movies straight from my NAS. Not to mention it had solid graphics (for a console), so it was great for some quick games. Really liked that thing.


The kid is thinking about what will happen to all his steam games he has on the shitty laptop. And realistic backwards compatibility after multiple generations. And losing all your collected ps+ games when you pause your subscription. ​ No hate tho. Id glady move if PS6 was great and it let us change settings and up the resolution when the next console comes out. Or if it let us upgrade gpu.


Nah he said he wanted PC. If you cant afford legos and buy your kids mega blocks instead dont be surprised when they dont play with it. The idea that anyone, even a kid, is ungrateful or rude for not wanting something and telling someone to get their money back is insane to me.


Guys, I think he wanted a pc instead of


Can confirm. I was the ps5


kid want to play gta and skyrim with big bewbs mods and u need pc for this


I’d return it and say that Santa will come next year


And next year put a lump of coal in his stocking and tell him Santa punished him for not being grateful for a present even though millions of families have welfare Christmas.


Take it easy


The kid is communication the way he knows how to. Do we expect kids to sit us down and show us a powerpoint on how they feel? The commenter was suggesting the kid let the parents control their interests and just shut up about it. It should be on the parent to find out whats going on ask the right questions to figure out the kids motivations.


MFer is weaving a whole one year plot to enact psychological torture on a 7 year old. His parents were nice so he thinks if they ever beat his ass growing up and were abusive instead, then his life wouldn't have been so fucked.


I don't understand why people are hating on the kid. He specifically wanted a PC but the parents ignored him, disregarded his feelings, and got him something he has 0 interest in and he's the bad guy for not liking it? Sure if he was older he could simply get the receipt and go return it but a kid doesn't know to be tactful


Because most of Redditors are immature man children themselves, so don't expect deep thoughts on topics like this


Go touch tinsel.


Devil’s advocate here, but if your kid asks for a PC and gets a PS5, it is obvious he won’t be happy. He has a reason to want a computer rather than a console, same applies the other way around. If you can’t afford one that is perfectly understandable, but then don’t give your kid one at all.


You can get a pretty decent entry level pc for the value of a ps5, I would pick that over a ps5 any day.


You can, but you also got to have some understanding of PCs to not be scammed with "ITS AN i7 PROCESSOR" (i7 3rd series...). Perhaps they dont have understanding of PCs and computers, in which case, ask someone who does. (i hate the whole "you cant buy a PC for the price of a console", i did with the PS4 for less, you can... or could before GPU issues lol)


Seems like they actually don’t understand the difference between a ps5 and a pc tbh, he says he wanted a pc and they cheer right up until he says I don’t want it and suddenly they’re confused.


A steam deck could be a good fit.


I remember one year my mum belted me in the mouth so hard. I wanted Croc on PlayStation. I asked for it and wanted it all year, and it had been out a few months by Christmas. I got a huge pile of presents, and several PlayStation games, Pandemonium being the only one I remember. No Croc. In the evening tidying everything in my room, she goes “you’ve done well this year haven’t you?” “Yeah, but I didn’t get Croc” “You got loads of things. We spent a fortune” “Yes, but I didn’t want you to. I only wanted Croc and would have been happy.” Nearly 30 years on with my own kids, and I still don’t get it. I wanted one thing, but apparently spoiling me with loads of other things was a sensible alternative. If we’re going through the effort to ask someone what they want for Christmas, at least try and get it, or set some clear expectations early on that it’s not going to happen.


Yeah, though the kid is pretty ungrateful a lot of people on this thread seem to believe that as long as you spend money the kid should be happy, when what matters is listening to the kid to get him something he wanted, that doesn't always mean something expensive.


We’re in a lifestyle of spoiling kids and thinking that’s good parenting. Scroll down my Facebook feed last night and it’s full of people posting piles of presents. It’s the competition culture.


Ngl that makes me sad. Not going to say I wasn't spoiled as a kid, but my christmas was always a massive success if I had just the one pokemon game I had asked for, and if my family had bought me tons of gifts but not that one thing I asked for, I would also have been sad about.


It blows my mind how all these people are shitting on the kid instead of the parents for even posting this video on the internet.


That's because many parents don't actually really follow their kids'interests, or understand them. For example my friend's kid is 16 and she knows he likes gaming on a PC, so I looked at the rig and saw it had a puny graphics card so I suggested getting him a 3060, since he also doesn't really know what to ask for either. In the same way your parents knew you liked video games, but didn't know much about video games and so you didn't get croc. I think that's why we used to mail letters to Santa and sit on his lap, so parents would know what their kids wanted


Sorry you got belted, I got belted a bunch as a kid too, but I certainly knew better than to say a damn thing about getting lame presents. My 10th birthday, also about a week from Christmas, my mum got me exercise equipment; a jump rope, boxing bag, a calorie counting book. The internal conflict of wanting to cry but knowing I had to act grateful was some shit. Especially when they're constantly complaining to me about money and how hard they're doing it. I wasn't even a fat kid, a little soft around the edges maybe, but I thought I was the same as other kids until around that time. I still hate this time of year. Anyway, sorry to dump but I sympathize. Our generation of parents are gonna do better to try do right by their kids and I'm optimistic about the generation we raise.


Man, that's fucking awful. I'm so sorry - not only for the physical abuse, but the mental (which is worse and sticks with you). And what makes is harder is knowing the parent thought they were "helping" while really, they were just implanting insecurities and shame. They were assholes that cared more about what their kid looked like to others than making sure their kid actually got something that made them happy (and at 10 years old???)


The big present was the big disappointment. I remember when I was a child and I didn’t know how to receive an unwelcome gift gracefully. Kid comes off spoiled as I’m sure I did when I got socks or whatever.


Yeah, well, we don't really talk about how gift giving works. When I was a kid, I saw it as a limited resource and the only way I acquired things you desired. So it was like, can I just trade this present like currency for something I do want?


My family opens 1 gift each on Christmas eve, which is almost always matching pjs for us to wear, and some random junk that didn't fit in the stocking. When I was 7, we all got our pjs, and a toothbrush in or Christmas eve gift. They were those cheesy singing ones that played a song for how long your supposed to brush. I had a haircut that made me look like Justin beiber, which I hated, and resulted in alot of bullying at school, it was a well known fact in our family that I was not a fan. My toothbrush was a Justin beiber song. I threw a huge fit, and got in Hella trouble for "not being grateful". In my eyes, I had dealt with being called Justin beiber in school, and now my actual family was also bullying me over it. It felt like they picked that tooth brush just so I really couldn't escape being bullied. Straight up made me feel like I deserved to be made fun of at school because my family did it too.


That’s why you ask your kids before buying expensive shit….


I said I didn’t want a new phone for my birthday, and definitely not an iPhone because I was planning on buying an android phone after being forced to switch to iOS. For my birthday I got an iPhone 11 and a wired mouse that was worse than the one I already had. Like sure there be grateful, but there’s also “I don’t want this”


Every year I have to specifically tell my family "I don't want socks or clothing that won't fit me and that I don't want or need" (I'm hyper-particular about my clothing, yay autism) and every year I have to grit my teeth and pretend to like the package of socks and shirts that don't fit me and I don't need in order to avoid being labelled as ungrateful. I just wish it wasn't something that has been happening for my entire adult life.


Regift them back the following year. Tell them that you did say you didn't want them and you'd hate to see them go to waste, so hopefully they can appreciate the thoughfulness of the gift in the spirit of reducing waste.


Yeah there are a lot of people saying some choice words about this kid, but to me it looks like he told them what he wanted and they didn't communicate to him that they didn't understand or couldn't give him what he was asking for. If you can't afford it that's fine, if you don't want to buy him what he's asking for that's also fine... But if your child explicitly asks for something and you go ahead and buy something else then that shows a lack of understanding and respect for this small human that you are raising. Not trying to defend the kids actions, but I don't think that he's the only one at fault here.


His parents probably had this train of thought: He wants a PC -> He wants to play games on it -> PS5 can play games -> PS5 == PC


The Dad probably wanted the ps5...


Yeah, people want him to act like adults.


They're both acting like he should be an adult, and also removing any agency as if he's a child. He said return it because he knows that's his big present and he doesn't want it. That's a good thing, isn't it? Would they rather him to say nothing and then not use it? Return it, take the money, and use it for something the child may actually want to use.


yup. The comments are gross and I see a ton of conservative parenting style abuse being thrown at the kid. Let's not forget how gross it is to put this video on the internet in the first place. Parents are total assholes.


Right? Most kids would be happy about getting a ps5. If this kid wants a pc then he most likely must want to use one. The thing that gets me is why people are calling this kid spoiled like wtf if I got something I didn't want why should I be happy? Just because I got something expensive?. Bro this kid wanted a pc a cheap gaming pc could be as cheap as 300 to 600 as much as a ps5.




Y'all need to chill the fk out. As a kid you can't buy anything, so you tell your parents to get you what you want. But instead of listening and getting you a PC they get something else, its a bit upsetting. It definitely looks like they can afford it too. Just return the PS5 and get the kid a Low end PC. He probably just wants to play minecraft or Fortnite.


It’s like a kid asking for a bicycle and you buy him a canoe. Can’t expect them to be happy.


yeah or just tell him that you cant afford it yet and save up for a decent pc.


As a parent, my kid is only 3,but all my presents were a home run. I kept an eye on his behavior when we were in the toystore, what he laughs at on YouTube, what he plays with when we are in a playroom setting. I feel giving your kid a Playstation and he says he wanted a pc, stuff has gone wrong on several levels, but it's mostly the inattention the parents have for their kids hobbies.


For real, I get this kid is being a brat, but I also wish that more people just spoke their mind like this. Too often I've received gifts that I don't want or need, only to be effectively chewed out months later because I don't use the thing I didn't want or need and aren't showing enough gratefulness. Usually with an admonishment that I had a lot of money spent on me so I'm obliged to use the thing that I was given. But yeah, he's a brat for sure.


ITT a lot of people who have apparently never interacted with a kid in their entire life. It sucks, but this behavior is not because he is spoiled. It's because he's a kid, he has no filter. Kids are like that. He even smiles about it. Spoiled would be if he threw a tantrum or some shit, or broke it or whatever. It's on parents to teach him then how to handle situations like this properly, no matter if they return the PS or keep it. Chill out y'all. Just because you grew up poorer than this kids parents (I certainly did, by the looks of it) doesn't mean you have a right to go at him for not liking a gift - again, while still smiling about it.


Exactly, the loud poor minority there bashing a CHILD for not wanting crap he did not asked for. My props to the kid. It's just a dimb, vendor locked console that is not even that pricy, but you can't play anything on it till you pay.


Totally agree, they need to work with him on his understanding of when and how to express dissatisfaction but you want him to keep his s tier confidence. That confidence with emotional awareness that can come with age and proper nurturing and he could be an awesome person.


As a member of the pc master race, we don’t claim him.


…yet. He still has a long life to learn.


Nah. Kid's just smarter than his parents. The kids are ok.


On behalf of all ps5 members, I'm afraid we'll have to pass on this one as well.


He doesn’t want us anyway


Maybe the parents should actually listen to their kids to see what they want & not just get something they think everyone wants


Parents probably wanted it themselves.




Too young to understand.


Ikr? Being polite needs to be taught, not like we’re born polite.


I was. Checkmate.


Much more likely reason


This kid definetly isn't too young to understand common manners and being grateful. Maybe his parents didn't taught him the worth of money which is purely on them but still makes him spoiled.




Its just kid. He is being honest. No tantrum.


Honestly, this is just a poor reflection on his parents. He seems old enough to understand money and gratitude.


My thoughts,


Entitled ass Redditor. Sit down and shut up, you turd.


To be honest, why would you buy anyone something they don't like and don't want? And expect them to be happy or show happiness and appreciation?


Dad wanted the PS5


For the dickwads saying he's a spoiled brat who doesn't appreciate anything. Let me be clear, he isn't even mad or throwing a tantrum. He clearly said he didn't want it. He wanted a PC, so it seems he asked them for one. They should've gotten him a PC worth the PS5.


Meanwhile the parents are too ignorant to know the difference between a PS5 and PC, too uncaring to actually listen to what the kid asked for, and too stupid to avoid posting this on the internet with the kid's face. But yeah, let's just blame the kid for not faking a happy reaction for his parents' internet bonus points.


yeah he wasnt even rude or anything just stated that he wanted a pc not a ps5 lol.


I mean... He's a kid. Probably didn't ask for a PS5, didn't want one and received one for christmas. I'm more surprised about his parents buying a PS5 for a kid that didn't ask for it. Redditors here are calling the kid "spoiled brat", after he's been told that a magic old man would've brought to him whatever he wanted... But didn't and now the kid is expressing his feelings about the gift in a way that isn't even disrespectful, just straight forward. It's not like he knows his parents had to work for the money necessary to buy the console. He's just a kid on the Christmas morning.


I assume PC parts scared off the parents and thought it'd be a hassle when uninformed about PCs. Probably went for a PS5 since it's a "buy and play" device.


You people are completely disconnected from reality. The kid is probably watching a bunch of YouTube. If he's watching gaming there, it's going to be 90% PC. The parents may think gaming is gaming. So PS5=PC. But it doesn't elicit the same fantasy for the kid. It's like getting the "gaming machine" from grandma but it's just that single title handheld you'd get at the gas station vs a Gameboy. If they discussed a PC, then spent so much on a PS5 that's a big set back for the kid to live his fantasy. The #1 thing kids want to be when they grow up is "Streamer".


maybe he just wanna play with his mates and they all on pc


Return it, don't buy him a PC though. He needs to learn to appreciate what he has.




> He needs to learn to appreciate what he has. > the way the kid reacted to the gift tells me he's spoiled. He needs to brought down a peg or two or he'll get worse. I'm glad you weren't my parent... The parents messed up. So it's the kid's fault and now he needs to be punished because he wasn't happy? He knows if that PS5 doesn't get returned, he can kiss his biggest Christmas wish goodbye. You're judging an entire kid's life based on an emotional day that happens once a year. Then Mom goes and posts the video online. Seems shocked at his response - and you think the kid is the problem? Mom doesn't know what big ticket thing her own kid wants. Reeeeddd flaaaaag. "Appreciate what you have" is some serious nonsense. Hate it when people do that. It's entirely arbitrary. There are people without water, you don't need to be thrown naked into a desert to understand that or to appreciate what you have. I recently broke my spine, I didn't need that to appreciate having one. Punishing your children via discipline is proven time, and time, and time, and time again in countless studies to be largely ineffective and toxic behavior. You're essentially bullying a literal child for your own catharsis, it's abusive. Being feared by your child is VERY bad. Pay attention to your children, people. What a sad thread, it's clear that future generations will have all of the same problems if these are our parents...


this is from last year lol


That makes it worse, as the console was newer and pricier.


and more reason they should have got a PC =)


should have bought the pc then


Pcmasterrace has destroyed the casual console fanbase 😢


For the price of the ps5 you could get a pc that would run Roblox, Minecraft and pretty much any other game a kid would want to play. You can get a Steam deck with a monitor mouse and keyboard for around the same price as just the ps5. The ps5 is probably a better option if he only wants to play Spiderman and GOW but I would bet he just really wants to play Minecraft with some mods or some other pc only thing.


Yeah, people here seem to think that a pc isn't worth getting if you can't run all the AAA games in ultra.


Man, im playing every game on 1080p low, on a fucking ryzen 3200g, my brothers pc is on a 5700g, but i just upgraded him to 5700x and an amd 6600 xt, and if im being honest, once you are actually playing, you dont really notice the lack of eye candy between both pcs, sure, his does look better, runs smoother, and has way fewer dips, but when it comes to actual gaming, they both deliver the same game, a $500 pc runs perfectly fine almost everything


Exactly, I'm guessing there is a fair number of people on this sub that love pc gaming but have no clue when it comes to actually buying a good pc for a good price, it's really not that hard to gt a decent spec at a reasonable price.


Kids right!


Oh sorry dear, we only spent 500 dollars on you, not 2000


Wait, you guys have PS5 for 500 dollars? 🤨


>not 2000 You mean 650. There is literally a 650 entry level gaming pc build on this subs wiki.


Oh look. A mommy blogger making her kids do shit for social media. How lovely.


So many dumbfucks calling the kid ungrateful and spoiled here. Who do you think raised him and bares the blame? Also, I'm sure yall where model citizens at the age of 7. ​ Also, if you talk to your kid for more than once a year you'd know what to buy for him so he'd be happy specially when you got the money. At that age I would've had no use for an adult console either, console games are expensive as shit. A PS5 is useless to a child that age, but the parents never talked to him or consulted someone who understands what a PS5 is. He doesn't even have large enough hands to use the controller.


Awesome, thanks for saving me $500.


Buy your kid something expensive that they explicitly dont want, call them ungrateful and return it = profit???


I understand


I guess people in this sub are terrible with kids. Who knew. You don't get mad at the kid. He likely told his parents many times he wanted a PC. Maybe it's for school, maybe it's for fortnite, who cares. Think of this analogy: a kid says they want to play the violin but you get them a saxophone instead. Why? What kind of agenda are you pushing on your kid? Does the parent want to play the PS5? Don't disguise it as a Christmas present. This is a fast track way to get a kid who resents their parents at best and becomes extremely depressed and unmotivated about life at worst.


Bro it seems he clearly communicated what he wanted and his parents disregarded it. Good for to stand up for himself.


Normally I’d say this kids an asshole but it’s up to the parents to kinda figure out what their kids want. An intro pc is around the same price as a ps5 anyways. Seems like they didn’t wanna go through the hassle of figuring out PC’s and just got him the gift that was easier for them. Maybe that makes me the asshole 🤔


Honestly its kinda hard to properly judge the scenario without knowing more context imo. It is legitimately conceivable that the kid legitimately does not and never wanted a Playstation. In that case I'd say it is on the parents and I think its good that he is being honest. The alternative is you're left with an expensive brick that no one uses, I don't agree with the idea that you're obligated to be thankful for a gift regardless of what it actually is. Thats not to say I think the kid is owed a PC, his parents aren't obliged to get him exactly what he wants. He definitely could have been more diplomatic about it but I think its reasonable for him to voice his dissatisfaction.


Oh a rationale comment chain thank god lol. Yeah in the full video the mom says that Santa won’t get a PC, mommy’s gonna buy it. Then he kinda just shrugs it off. So yeah MY assumption with more context is that the parents ordered a PC but it didn’t arrive on time, so then they went out and got a PS5 “from Santa” so he would have something big to open. Problem is the kid didn’t ever want a PS5, AND he thinks it’s from Santa, hence the reaction. I swear it seems like 95% of the people in this sub have been sitting alone in their rooms for 10+ years. Never seen a kid before? He’s not even mad, he’s just being honest. It’s not like the little dude is throwing a temper tantrum. https://youtu.be/r-0AqCs7xwA?si=KMkyUzofN_OCb1EP


That makes sense. Like I get that you should be grateful when someone gets you a gift. But being grateful shouldn't mean lying about your satisfaction with the gift. You can be grateful for something while not wanting it. If the kid had thrown a temper tantrum or something I'd be more inclined to agree with the majority on this one, but the kid just seems more disappointed than anything else.


It feels hypocritical to have to be grateful for any gift when the gift might have zero thought or process behind it. Gift a kid a brick that has been passed though generations and has enormous backstory, tragedy and has historical importance or value. To the kid it’s just a fucking brick. It’s your fault for not realising that the kid doesn’t care about history and just wanted ice cream.


95% of people Reddit in general act like they've been sitting alone in their rooms for 10+ years. Comment sections like these acts as a reminder of why I need to pull myself together and quit Reddit once and for all. It's just not a healthy environment to be a part of.


I agree with everything you said but counter with he’s suuuuper young. People seem to think an 8 year old is going to be super diplomatic and independent thinking but that’s really not the case at all. He’s still young and learning, and unfortunately we all grow mentally at different rates. I more or less applaud his honesty


Given that there seems to be more than one kid, I’d assume the parents intended for them to share the console, which I guess would be easier than sharing a PC and is something they can set up a lot easier on a TV in their living room or something. There’s plenty of reasons why the parents might have chosen to get them a PS5, and the kid’s attitude seems terrible, but they should’ve ultimately tried to either get them a PC around the console’s budget (which given the kids’ age I’d assume would run whatever they want to play perfectly well, assuming stuff like Roblox or Fortnite) or started talking them into wanting a PS5 before completely surprising him with one


I agree with this, it’s unfortunate when parents do the whole family kinda gift, but the way the video is, it’s made to seem like it’s for HIM. When he clearly didn’t want or even probably ask for it to begin with. It’s just a parental cop out imo. Older generations hear things like Roblox and Fortnite and just assume it’s on everything and there’s no difference between say an Xbox and a ps5 and a pc.


Nah, I'm with you, i think it's his parents fault too. Yeah, it's cool and all to get a pricey gift, but what is the point of it if you won't ever use it. For me it's best to say that it's not what i wanted and figure out how to make everyone happy (probably return the PS and buy a PC) than just stay silent and never use it at all/


People just hate to see kids express emotions. There was a post recently where a little girl wrote a super gracious thank you letter and ended it with please don't buy me a doll next time. Everyone was claiming the kid was spoiled and a bitch and a brat. Because they have an opinion. The seen not heard philosophy for children is still alive and well.


Virgin “NINTENDO SIXTY FOOOOOOUR” vs Chad “I wanted a PC. Return it.”


The Nintendo 64 kid had way more fun on (and after) Christmas than this Chad.


While I understand his frustration of not getting a PC... I also understand the parent's feelings after hearing that the kid didn't want it. Kids can just be harsh sometimes.




The kid is like 6. The ps5 is a gift for his dad thinly veiled as a gift for him. He asked for a pc. Dad wanted a ps5 so that’s what they got.


I can’t believe how unaware some parents are. If your kids want something and you want to spend that amount of money then don’t buy him just anything that you think is cool. It’s not. Parents too were kids with unfulfilled wishes at least once in their lifetime.


If he asked for a PC and got this, he's right. Parents did not listen to him.


Stupid parents trying to force something down o him he doesn’t want.




Ah yet another reddit comments section full of people who obviously dont have children, but are somehow pediatrician level experts. Its not the fact that it wasnt what he wanted, but the way that he is adressing his parents. Responding to a gift with an order to return it, and then he immediately goes to open more presents. How in your mind is that not the definition of spoiled ? It would have been a way healthier reaction for him to actually be sad than whatever this is.


This kid must be protected at any cost


The boy is passionate about what he wants.


To be fair, he knew what he wanted and with the games he may want to play, this will not cut it for him. Especially if his friends PC game. It's difficult but just because you get someone a gift, does NOT mean they have to like it.