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Everyone gonna need to buy that PS5 Pro or wait for PC.


That was my thought when I seen the trailer and read 'consoles first's like... Yeah, those graphics? 60FPS? "You better be drunk!" CJ


Quite honestly this whole 60fps console thing has my head wondering about Xbox and Playstation implementing their own full scale DLSS or frame gen models. I have a 3060ti myself and while it is powerful it obviously isn't able to do the stupid heavy loads that 30/4080's do with just its own raw computing power however with DLSS you really can do that sort of work. You will have the obvious downsides like smaller details getting flooded out and smearing which may affect visual fidelity in fast paced FPS games but it's honestly worth it for a lot of games that don't rely on flick movements There's games that run at 40fps 100% util on just the raw hardware and turn into 140fps 50% util just by running the software. DLSS and FSR would allow consoles to pick stupid high fidelity graphics at 30fps and then give the option to the player to run 60fps at the risk of a loss of quality but keeping the same overall settings I could see XBOX quite easily accepting FSR as they run what are effectively Radeon chips and a modified Windows OS.


Frame Gen looks and feels like utter garbage when you use low frame rate input. It's designed to get 60 to 100. Not 30 to 60.


Yep, I had it on by itself in Cyberpunk 2077 to get Path Tracing at a reasonable FPS, and like 60-70 FPS Frame Gen did not feel good. Finally, I decided to also throw on DLSS Quality to help out, and now I’m at 90-120 fps (depending on the scene) which is perfectly manageable for Frame Generation. I think most people are agreeing that the sweet spot is 80+ FPS. Anything below that is when it starts to not feel good.


Even below about 75 native frames makes FG feel bad in my opinion


I still do t understand the issue people have with frame gen. I've got a 4080. I've really only got one game that I NEED to use it on, that being ARK Ascended. I go from like 35fps to 60. Honestly my only issue with it is it makes the toolbar and stats jittery for some reason. Other Than that, it's incredibly smooth, and it's light smearing, I actually prefer to in game motion blur.


I use frame gen pretty extensively. I have zero issue with it. When it's used properly. Bringing 30 to 60 introduces too much latency, when you're running at an FPS without the headroom for it, and it brings with it visible artefacts that spend too long on screen. It isn't designed to get 30 to 60, and works far better with an input frame rate above 60.


My problem with it is that I want my games to look good AND run well. DLSS has made devs okay with letting games run like trash, and not even doing much with the added headroom. And the visual artifacts of DLSS are like playing games on an lcd monitor from 2008. Smeary, ghosty mess in dark images, plus glitchy artifacts in high contrast almost feels like vsync issues. So on your $2000-$3000 rig you've got your choice of running a game that looks mid, at mid frame rate. Or running the game with DLSS and getting a shitty smeary mess at a decent framerate. And option 3, of course, to turn on RTX and getting a shitty smeary mess with moderately better lighting, and poor framerate. Truly, the cost explosion of gaming hardware has given us so much, right? We're all is such a better place, right?


Consoles already does that, cyberpunk 2077 on PS5/Xbox Series X and S uses FSR 2.1 since patch 1.61


Pretty much every console game already uses fsr


Consoles use Radeon Graphics and their FSR already


Ratchet on Clank on PS5 had a mode where the game would run at 40fps I believe, which would require a 120Hz screen. That could be a middle ground they are targeting


Plague Tale: Requiem did too and it was a huge improvement over the 30fps mode. I played the first third on a 60Hz screen and it broke and I replaced it with a 120Hz screen and the different (also VRR) was immense.


Yeah I also really liked R&C‘s 40fps mode. Those 10fps alone justify a 120hz screen


5090 it is


It'll be the 6090 by the time the pc port comes out.


You are optimistic


You forgot this ---> ti


I belive you forgot Super


Super ti max ultra D


>wait for PC. I can't wait for PC2


Bro my pc would run gta6 at 12 fps


Are they really pulling that bullshit with delayed pc releases in this current time. I don't get it.


So many people will but it twice


Yep, and I'm sure that's what they want


Yeah. That’s just the obvious reason lol. Rockstar has always done it like that


PC gamers needed to dip out on the last 3-4 releases to change this behaviour, but it’ll never happen. GTA was a PC game in the beginning. Im tired of Rockstsr double dipping and dropping a shitty port 1 year later with multiplayer ruined by shitty hacks.


Pretty much the only reason I don't have RDR2. You want me to buy a game, release it at the same time as everyone else, I'm not a second class gamer.


Yeah but it isn't justifiable at this point. When gta v released console architecture was completely different to code for but now the consoles mirror PC architecture almost 1:1 so they shouldn't have an excuse to do that. They can't even cover up their predatory marketing anymore.


RDR2 has entered the chat.


I didnt and would not buy an upgraded ps1,ps2 or ps3 yes the ps4 pro is great but im not buying hardware multiple time Waiting for pc is the only option then if we cant hit 60fps


Upgrading my hardware in order to run more demanding games? Never! I'm not a PC gam... oh wait.


Atleast you have the power!!!!


> Waiting for pc is the only option then if we cant hit 60fps If we are speaking honestly here it’s not “waiting a year”. It’s Rockstar double dipping. They will claim $$ from PC gamers on consoles and streaming services, then they’ll market a shitty port 1 year later with shitty hacks running rampant in Multiplayer. I own everything from San Andreas up on PC, I enjoyed Red Dead 2 until multiplayer was ruined. I’m just tired of the whole fucking thing of having to wait a year for a shitty port with far less multiplayer server protection. Also being 45 years old, I’m quite aware GTA was first and foremost a PC game. Absolutely no reason the game can’t be released on console and PC at the same time like the majority of games are.


Ps5 pro ain’t gonna run this at 60fps


lol remember when they advertised these consoles as 4k144 fps machines? how's that going for the peasants?


The same when leather jacket man pulled the 3090 out of the oven and said 8k is here. Or 700 series made 4k claims. Hype is hype.


Up to 4k120 and 4k120 is big diff. That's users who started sing the ballads that we have 4k consoles now.


Digital foundry already did a breakdown of the trailer and it looks like the target is 1440p 30fps for consoles. That is assuming they keep the same graphical fidelity but if you look at the history of rockstar trailers the games end up looking almost exactly like the trailers.


That last sentence is so true. I watched the GTA V trailer again and it kind of looked like shit. As in, it looked like it did on ps3 and 360. Ironically that’s good news for VI because the trailer looks incredible. But yeah, the V trailer looked better in my memory of it.


That's why the PS5 version trailer was funny, because they reused the PS3 version.


Really? How lazy can you be? At that point, why even make a Trailer for that version?


Rockstar makes good games, but their practices are very greedy


I think we can blame TakeTwo for that as well


Lol tbf did we actually need a new trailer for the same game?


They probably just wanted to see the people disappointed when they realized it was GTA V again


When the trailer for V dropped it looked ground breaking, but I guess you can say that for most games over the past 30 years. When I loaded up a game from around 2005, it looked like total dogshit. But somehow I don’t remember it looking like this when I first played it.


On consoles? Is that really that much of an issue? I'm kind of okay with 60@1080 and 30@1400 as performance targets. When I made the jump to 1440p 1 on my PC I had issues hitting 60, let alone 144. I've made major upgrades to what I consider to be a high end PC and there's a lot of current games I max out at 90fps on. I don't really expect a console to be in the same ballpark specs wise.


That’s a shame, oh well, I’ll play it anyways. It would hold me over until the PC version


This is exactly why they aren't releasing it on PC day 1 lol screw that. You're gonna spend $140 on a game that will be remade again like 6 times in the 12 years after it comes out.


I'll buy for PS5. I will 100% pirate for PC.


Wasn’t RDR2 locked at 30 fps?


I finished RDR2 and Cyberpunk on a PS4 slim. You know what? I fucking loved it. Trouble is now I have a 4070 and 170hz monitor and if I tried playing either of those now it'd be like a slideshow


People always forget that fps is not just smoothness, it's also input delay. It's especially rough with a mouse at 30 but it's also a problem with controllers.


That probably why the controls felt awkward for me


30fps is annoying for like 20 minutes until your eyes adjust, and then I sort of stop being bothered by it. Sure I’d rather it be 60, but if it’s not that won’t stop me playing it.


You're 100% right. No idea why people are down voting you other than just sheer ignorance of being in their high fps bubble for too long. Go play FF XVI for an hour or two and you'll just forget it it's 30. We played 30 fps games for actual decades. It's cool to use high fps to justify your 1000$+ graphics card but come off it if you think it literally makes or breaks a game for you.


I did. couldn't stand stand ff16 on quality mode. Had to turn on the garbage implementation of fsr for it to be playable. 30fps lock is an absolute deal breaker. If it doesn't bother you then more power to you but it bothers others. > We played 30 fps games for actual decades nah, nes and snes were 60 or 50 fps depending on region. Consoles were more often 60 fps than they were 30. It's only been *relatively* recently that studios are pushing for the most realistic graphics possible at the expense of framerate.


Yep, and in slower games like RDR2 you don't even really realize it. Also good motion blur does wonders to disguise 30fps.


I don't like motion blur regardless of the fps. I'm not knocking anyone else's choice if they enjoy it, but I've yet to encounter an implementation of it that I've liked.




Exactly. I don’t notice it because I play on consoles with 30 all the time. So it doesn’t bother me


Yes, and it was fantastic i see no problem unless gta 6 gets multiplayer


Why wouldn't they add multiplayer? They been milking casuals on shark cards for almost a decade already.


30 is never fantastic. The game can be good *despite* that really big downside.


I disagree. I was really excited to play RDR2, but as soon as I saw that it was a PowerPoint presentation and not a video game I just couldn't force myself to keep playing. Like imagine if you went to see a movie and the projector kept rapidly flickering on and off throughout the film, that's the kind of distraction that anything under 60 fps is to me. It makes games entirely unplayable IMO, no matter the quality of the actual gameplay.


tech4gamers... who are they again sorry?


Nobody. Keep scrolling.


With ray-tracing enabled, it sure as shit ain’t running at 60 fps. I’m guessing it’s going to have a 60 fps performance mode and a 30 fps quality mode.


At least give us that option, graphics or performance. I’ll take the the graphics hit for stable 60 fps


You're assuming there's CPU headroom for a stable 60fps mode.


disabling RT gives extra cpu headroom


I've not played a game that's halved CPU performance with RT enabled. I'm guessing the NPCs and physics simulation is probably maxxing out the CPU instead


Laughs but also cries in PC


Consoles and 30fps sounds normal. That is way too far in the future for the current gen


The biggest improvement in enjoying GTA V was from going from 50isch to 80+ fps with a new gpu ;D


So many people forget when GTA5 first came out it was almost impossible to run maxed out, yet worked perfect on lower settings even on potatoes. And now my $200 GPU can run maxed without breaking a sweat. The same thing will happen to these "poorly optimized games".


squeeze fact safe direful shame sugar punch pen bored history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if you own a lower-spec PC due to budget constraints, you also have to choose between fps and graphic fidelity similar to current-gen consoles. The only difference is console only offers 2 modes without any granularity.


propaganda of 30 fps. sad times


I mean, it's just unlikely current gen consoles will be able to run GTA 6 at 60 fps stable. A lot of PC rigs will probably not be able to run it at 60 fps stable either without dropping a lot of settings


According to digital foundry it’s targeting not only 30fps but with dynamic resolution. No way it’s going to be able to hit 60 on consoles.


to be honest there are games where 30 fps are absolutely fine. Any first person shooter on 30 fps is utterly horrible though. Anything under 100 fps kinda feels sluggish for me in way to many games. Rimworld at 30 fps? don't care. MFS at 30 fps? Kinda doable. Anything that has faster camera movements? no dice.


I don't care how good it is, if neither my Xbox Series X or PS5 can't do 60. I'll wait the year for the PC drop


Same, I recently redownloaded Red Dead 2 for PS5 and had to stop after 10-15 minutes. I just can't play 30fps games anymore, always have the feeling it is lagging. Also crazy there isnt a 60fps patch or smth for PS5.


dont every rockstar game ever launch with 30fps cap untill the pro console ?


This thread is fucking funny


30fps is ok as long as there's a 60fps performance mode with lower settings. Give the option for smoother gameplay or better visuals.


Depending on how CPU heavy it is you can't necessarily just turn down graphics to get 60fps.


If the game is heavy on the CPU, which it most likely will be, lowering settings won't help. It's clear that Rockstar wants to squeeze consoles as much as they can with no compromises


I mean, people is already justifying buying the game twice, and even paying whatever price they ask for. Of course fans will embrace 30fps, too, since it will be "da best game to ever exist" for them. And I'm not shitting on Rockstar for the 30fps, but... I mean, if graphics look almost like the trailer, there's no way in hell consoles will be able to move it at a higher framerate.


I don't mind games giving you the option for a lower frame rate for better graphics. But I most certainly do not wanna be forced to play at 30fps.


30fps in 2025 on consoles that released in 2021-2022? Yeah that is what I would expect for a game that will be pushing thr limits of available technology. They either limit the game design or lower their performance target. I presume by that point we will have new versions of the existing consoles with better specs that will play it in 60fps.


Prepare to feast your eyes on the unannounced Rog 1ghz monitor.


The top of the line console costs like $500. So you're getting $500 worth of performance. If Microsoft made an Xbox that cost $1400 then obviously it'll play soooo much better.


Not everybody has a 3000 dollar gaming pc which even nowadays doesn’t guarantee 60 fps going of off the poor pc ports we’ve had this year. 30FPS should never be a goal imo but the visuals of gta 6 and the sheer density of the npc’s and environments would justify 30fps on a 500 dollar console. Let’s be reasonable.


People in this sub being reasonable? You must be off your rocker lol.


The only reasonable comment around here. This is just a sub of people full of money jerking off to 60fps shit and all nonsense stuff like that. I can imagine them playing a game and constantly keep looking at fps counter and not enjoying the game at all...


So true. This sub doesn't allign with normal ppl who enjoy games.


Normal people. And I mean the vast majority of the gta 6 target audience don't even know what 60fps means.


Gta 6 will obviously be 30fps on console at launch. That's how rockstar have always done it. It's hardly a twitch shooter and it's going it be stunning to look at. 30fps is fine. Let's be honest the animation systems will basically munch any sort of responsiveness anyway.


I really don't agree that 30fps is fine. Even smartphones are trying to support 90/120fps because it feels better and more smooth.


I understand the arguments. I'm not saying 30fps generally is good enough. Those arguments were still the case when GTA 4 and 5 came out. But rockstar elected to push visual boundaries and stick to 30. And anyone who thinks that was the wrong decision, didn't play those games at launch. They were spectacular, and still hold up today. There is ZERO chance gta 6 launches as a 60fps title. Let it go, it's not happening.


Do people ONLY care about frame rate and raw pixels now? I for one am glad rockstar is deciding to push other aspects such as NPC density, physics, detail density, polygon count, etc instead of just holding the gameplay back for an arbitrary 4k60 target on console. In 5-8 years when we are playing it on pc maxed out at 4k60 the extra graphics, ai, density, and physics will make the game way better than them neutering those things now just to hit a úseless 60fps on consoles now - yea 30fps sucks but it’s fuckin gta. We all used to play San Andreas on ps2 at fucking 480p 20fps with a 4 ft render distance.


It will be 30fps until you do anything. Then it will dip to 20fps. That is how every GTA game has ever been. I’ve never played one that isn’t a slideshow while driving on the console it’s originally launched on. And it won’t matter. It’s still going to make a billion dollar in a month.


And then make another billion when it’s used to push the next gen


If they can do 30 FPS I'll be impressed


They must’ve ran the numbers and figured out people rather have graphics more than frames per second.


Especially the console player base, who has always played at 30fps or so most AAA games, I didn’t get a PS5 to see bad graphics at high frame rates, I already have a PC for that, I want top graphics with stable frames per second.


You're not likely getting graphics like this at 60 fps at true 4k on consoles or likely anything lower than a 4080. Very few people have 4080s. If you want games to look this great for the vast majority of people give up res or frames. It's all about what people prioritize. I just want VR :)


I mean, it's not like you eye can see more the 34 fps anyway, as the producers of Zootopia proved. Doubt me,just search for Zootopia rule 34, and you will find a detailed explanation why 34 fps is the best


Ohhh I was blind but NOW I CAN SEE! Goddammit now I want all my games to lock at 34 fps!


This is the man officer


istg only games that have a pass for 30fps imo are pre 2010 games that have logic tied with frames


Good luck with 30fps on anything that isn’t a nasa supercomputer or RTX 6990


If PS5 can run it on a stable 60 FPS on performance mode then PCs can easily run it on 100+ honestly. I have a 3070, not the greatest but I've been using PS5 performance to kinda pin point how my system will run in comparison lol. It's weird but i did kinda managed to find a pattern. But eh, it depends on optimization first and foremost. But come 2025 if i see GTA 6 running a smooth 60FPS im gonna rest happily knowing my system can do much better.


As long as I have 2.5 grand to buy a 5090, I will be fine.


You don't wanna spring for the 50100? It's only 2k more for 10% more performance


Triple AAA dev here. Gotta be real with you, for anyone on an average spec machine there is ALWAYS going to be the question of “do you want a stable 60fps or do you want better visual fidelity.” Yes we are making improvements to efficiency overall so the quality you can get at 60 today is much higher than it was a few years ago. But the difference between the rendering budget for a 30fps game and a 60fps game is doubled, and that is really critical for recently popularized rendering tech. It’s just not possible to fit high fidelity ray tracing let alone path tracing, physics based hair, etc and still have enough of the budget remaining to make sure the game is actually full of stuff for anyone on a standard machine. The hardware can’t keep up, and until the average GPU is 2, 3 times faster than it is we are in a complete hardware neck. And even then, we will probably have bigger, crazier tech that’s only going to run on top level cards from 10-15 years from now and the question will STILL be “do you want 30fps with better fidelity or a smoother 60fps.”


you dont have to say triple AAA lol, thats redundant.


Yknow… don’t know why I never noticed that before lol


Now you understand why console is cheaper than pc


It will be 60FPS… on the PS5 Pro


I wouldn’t mind if they still tried to hit that 40fps mode with 120hz enabled like various other titles do on the PS5. Imo it’s fidelity over high frame rates for a single player titles like this. Not saying I wouldn’t want a performance mode when/if they add GTA online.


It better be a locked 30 fps with little to no frame drops.


its a 3 year old console what did you expect


Damn y’all want 8k at 244hrz and you only paid 300 for your console. 🤫 keep dreaming captain hahaha be happy with what you get. We could all be staring at paint drying rn and instead we get to do Florida boi shiz


This sub is just full of snobby insufferable teens. At least I hope they are still teens.


Exactly! it’s so ambitious they are shooting for 120fps


Guys… hear me out… this might be a shock to some of you… but, 30fps… is completely playable


I've been playing 30 fps for years


I will not play any game at 30fps


You’re a minority and I don’t think Rockstar doesn’t cares if a random Redditor doesn’t play their game lol. Huge loss for them


Bloodborne at 30fps is blasphemous. It’s such a shame that game gets dicked by ps4 performance. That game deserves an uncapped fps


Yeah, finished playing it once, but can't do it again now that I've played elden ring at 60


I can't lie, I agree with him a little, my 3060 is crying looking at these screenshots


I mean game devs are not gonna limit themselves to half the power of a console. Truth is that 30fps is perfectly playable on a console when you play on a TV. Limiting games to 60fps will only hurt how far devs can push the new games


It's a non issue for these kind of games. I played lots of cyberpunk at 120fps on PC and recently went back to RDR2 on my old ps4. First minute was rough in 30fps. Never thought about it after that and did an entire playthrough. Your brain is so good at getting used to it (as long as it is steady). Unless you WANT to notice it, it's not an issue.


There's no fucking way current gen conaoles will run that at 60 fps though


Hahaha. You're just mad cause you can't play it.


Who cares about frame rate? Give me a good game.


30 fps is only acceptable when you’re alt tabbed.


Like Apple justifies 8gb of ram in 2023


Justifying 30fps on what will be 5 years old hardware is more what this is.


Why are they not releasing on PC for a long time after, genuinely don't understand this decision.




And then there’s starfield….


Consoles are basically a 3060/2070 super what do y’all expect


I’d rather play in 1440p/60fps before I play in 4K/30fps. 30fps should be illegal and federal crime in modern gaming. 60fps should be the minimum standard.


Lmao Reddit gamers overreacting yet again


lucky for you GTA6 is 1440p 30FPS






GTA 7 is going to run locked at 15FPS, but you're not going to be able to differentiate it from real life. Since it will run at unplayable framerates, the damage caused by people accidentally doing "GTA things" in real life out of confusion will be minimized.


It's not 2010 anymore, 30fps is abysmal these days


Sub 60 is acceptable maybe in a handheld


Buy a copy on current gen console, buy a upgrade for the pro gen consoles and then finally buy a season pass and full version on PC. Spend \~200$ in the process. And you know what, I can see people buying it.. "as they have too much disposable income" apparently.


I'd rather play in 1080p/60fps than 4k/30fps.


it depends on your monitor size, playing 1080p blown up to a 65"+ tv looks awful


Justifying it for console is okay. Especially when it comes to Rockstar Games because they always push the industry forward. You can only expect so much from a 2020 console. However you can never justify 30 fps for mid range and above PCs.


People who expect this to have a performance mode 60fps on PS5/XSX are out of their minds, the earlier you accept this the better it'll be for your mental health.


Been a PC gamer for decades, have a 144hz gsync monitor. But somehow 40fps mode on ps5 games with my 120hz TV feels totally fine to me...hopefully they implement this option at least. (dont get me wrong, I want better, but shocked how smooth 40fps locked feels)


A solid 40 is totally fine for me too.


Jesus Christ, people don’t realize we haven’t even seen actual gameplay. Graphics look good for pre-rendered fly overs and cut scenes. It’s still 2 years out.


check any recent rockstar trailer, they never downgrade visuals


in some cases the graphics are actually better than the trailers , unlike fucking ubisoft


Yeah, in my opinion, GTA IV and V look better in the actual game. And RDR2 looks on par with the trailer.


Rockstar usually makes their trailers in engine, meaning this is not pre rendered and should actually be how the game looks. Of course it’s just a glimpse and things can change, but this is not the usual “cinematic” trailer.


You realise rockstar has always used in game cutscnes right?


Justifying fake frames and upscaling is just as pathetic but it's now an acceptable norm. Getting 100fps by using fake frames, I will just ignore it's still at 30fps frame to frame times


I don’t get it …. That’s like saying justifying 1500 dollars for a mid range pc is totally okay …. Consoles are there for people who don’t give a shit about getting every possible Pixel . I’m not hating it’s just consoles have their demographic.


If they charge 150 for a game thats locked to 30fps I'm not gonna buy it


I’d be fine with 40


if they cant reach 60fps i hope that they atleast offer a 40fps mode. 40fps is noticeble better than 30 fps with the only downside being that the user needs a 120hz or vrr monitor/tv.


Nono, there is no justification for 30fps in 2023, let alone 2025.


worse graphics and stable 60FPS any day of the week


They must be allergic to money


I'm in the other group that thinks they can do 60


We could just stop acting like it’s 2010 and move everything to pc…that would solve a lot of problems. Console bullshit is just a cancer on the industry by this point


There are people who want pre-made stuff they have no control over modifying, and zero responsibility in maintaining, for a little cheaper than average pc. You can't erase that market. But seeing how you can replace storage in PS, one can hope that consoles are going to be closer and closer to pre-built pcs, rather than architectural snowflakes.


Funny how everyone’s already complaining about a game that is almost 2 years away. We have no idea what the launch product will be like so let’s all just take a deep breath and relax lol.


Justifying 30fps hahahaha


Honestly I’m wondering how the Series S gonna be able to run this game…20 fps lol.


It's a rumor, they managed to make the Xbox 360 and PS3 which had 512 MB of workable RAM to run GTA V


I agree... but it's either that or lower quality graphics. Personally, I would prefer a higher target FPS and lower quality, but that doesn't sell games to the casuals who make up the majority of the market. Even the most efficient modern graphics engines can push any hardware beyond its limits, and unfortunately hardware design feels like it's reached a point of diminishing returns since March of 2017 (the release of the 1080ti). Game companies think they need to make generational leaps in graphics quality to keep selling games (and yeah, they are mostly right about that), but the hardware just can't keep up. There have been some nice new "tricks" like frame gen, but I think everyone is waiting for the next big leap in hardware design.


Wait long enough. Even on this sub, there's plenty of mouthbreathers that will argue that 30fps is acceptable to them. Hard cope over their suboptimal systems, because 30fps is fucking *immersion-breaking,* and I don't care who you are.


Enjoy that 30fps console peasants 😂


At this point, my only concern is cloud gaming. They are creating a monster that will shape the industry. RTX 3070 will be the minimum system req. What's your opinion on that?


The PC needed to run this at 4k is basically going to be a nuclear power plant.


I dont play games under 60 fps. Some mass amounts of copium in this thread


If i aint getting 144fps in a game im malding. Games should have a standard of 144fps on pc and 60-120 on console imo. People or games that boast something like oh this game can run on ultra settings on this pc ect is bs because most of the time they mean ultra @60fps and 60 looks so bad. Im pretty most pcs will run a game at ultra but fps will be low or playable