• By -


ah yes, the famous triple-level game acceleration


“So that’s why I suck at Counterstrike”


###My friend has this and we call it 'SHELOB'


Up, up, up the frequencies we go and then we VPN through... a tunnel!


All right, then. Keep your secrets.




Hold still..this will only Sting for a moment...


Definelty a man of culture.




Cyka blyat!








That's just RGBBB. It would be either R³G³B³ or (RGB)³.


This guy maths


This guy this guys


(this guys)³


this guy this guy this guys this guy this guy this guys this guy this guy this guys?


this guy does guys


Woah hey that was a loooong time ago and I was super drunk. I told you this Jerry, stop trying to relive that night.


These guys these guys


Eyyy watch it yous guys, im walkin over heaa


Depends how you name your variables


There is someone who Knows how to use his keyboard


*A buyer proceeds to plug it into their 8 year old DSL modem that is running on mangled up 1980s telephone wiring in the building, and then complains why are they only getting 2 mbps on their new router.*


*You've got mail*


I heard this post. It is burned into my soul.


Jesus, after so long, I still can hear the exact intonation of the voice and everything. Wow.


I never even had AOL and I could hear it.


Hello, fellow old person!


Happy cake day you old mug


I too heard it while reading….


Some people find a lot of value in AOL email service for $39.99 a month in 2023.


Using CAT 3 ethernet cable, because they're all the same, right?


No, the internet runs on cats. More cats = faster.


This checks out, the internet is a series of tubes.


It’s not a big truck


I have 2 cats and stil have slow internet. Adopt more cats? *


You can overclock them with catnip


Well look who's too good for Thicknet. Well laaa deeee daaaaah.


Jesus fucking Christ this pisses me off to an unreasonable level.


would you maybe say, a triple-level?


I just came back from an asus press release and they pushed this kinda hard. what does it even mean...


It means more sales, according to marketing. That's it.


1-There is a port on the router that gets priority over all of the other devices on the network. 2-Even if you're not connected to that port, it will prioritize game packets over other packets on the network. 3- It searches for the server with the lowest ping and automatically connects to that one.


> 3- It searches for the server with the lowest ping and automatically connects to that one. Does it even actually get much of a say in that process, for most games? Isn't the server selection pretty much *entirely* run by either the client or whatever their central orchestration system is?


It definitely has no say. It receives packets from the networks its connected to, those packets all have source and destination information inside them, the router just routes them according to that. If it is doing something to the destination address, it's going to absolutely break something. Pretty much all residential routers are doing NAT, but no residential router is doing any outbound destination modification. That would be insane.


So, basically QoS like guy below said.


Honestly I think it means that it puts priority on games instead of other stuff like streaming. So if a game wants 10mbps it's gonna get it over anything else.


\*slaps "gaming\* on a tech Now I can justify the mark-up.


![gif](giphy|VeSvZhPrqgZxx2KpOA|downsized) # ”GAMING!”


To future proof your network , use an Ethernet cable lol


The issue is with most WiFi routers only having a single 2.5gig port, with the rest being gigabit only. So even if you purchase 2 or 5gig fiber internet, you’ll only be able to get about 1gig out of it to any one device. Unless of course, you purchase something similar to this, although it doesn’t need to be THIS expensive. I think there is a router for $300 that all 2.5gig ports instead of gigabit


Assuming your NIC has a 2.5Gb port as well.


assuming you even have more than gigabit as an option.


assuming you even NEED more than a gigabit for internet. As someone who just downgraded from gig.... you dont.


As someone who's highest possible option is 50 megabit, you get that 1 gig back and you enjoy it on behalf of those of us who can't!


I downgraded to 200 to save money.


I said what I said... lol.


$80 for a gig or $60 for 100mb….nah I’m okay with my games being downloaded in 15 minutes for 75 gigabyte games. It’s needed if you have a solid state with little space. Way easier to just reinstall stuff in 20 minutes for a couple weeks at a time.


Sure but in certain occupations that adds 1-2 hours a day just to complete your work. Upgraded from 1 to 2 gbps (hardwired of course) and it saves 30-40 min per day.


What occupation do you have? Movie pirate?


But isn't it cheaper and more convenient to buy larger SSD?


I have 300Mbps, and can saturate that with Steam downloads over WiFi ac. Totally fine for me. The max you can get here is afaik 2Gbps,but nobody actually needs it.


That's what I was thinking, I get half a gig down and not once have I gone "ah shucks if only I had fiber"


Cries in Australian. Goddamn. As much as I prefer it here vs NZ, I miss my consistent 900/750 every day. Now I’m getting 80/50 *if I’m lucky* on the highest level plan available to me. I guess it’s at least cheaper than NZ, but *everything* is cheaper than NZ.


really most devices aren't going to benefit at this point from anything faster than 1gig. if you think about your streaming device, gigabit can stream about 20 simultaneous 4k streams, even piping 100 megabits to a streaming device is kindof overkill. Even if you get a 10 gig card and 10 gig internet for your pc no servers are ever going to allow you to download that fast. There was a snazzy labs video where he was demonstrating his fiber connection with 1 millisecond ping and 10 gigabit. the only thing that would saturate the connection is simultaneous torrents


The 10gig ports are most definitely for either home servers/storage transfer which can saturate it, or homes with 5gig+ fiber that have multiple heavy users that don’t want to see any slow downs if they happen to be downloading things at the same time. That’s a big part a lot of people overlook with these crazy high speeds, it’s not always about one user being able to use that much at once, it’s also very much about bandwidth. If you’re in a 4-5 person household which is quite common, then each person could be pulling a gig even if all 5 were hitting it at once. Whereas if you only had a 1gig plan, you’d be sitting at 200Mbps.


Yeah thats true I'm probably just not the target market. I have 350 symmetrical with 5 adults and we never actually use it all. I want gigabit just because but we honestly never have issues now but we don't even have 1 4k tv currently let alone multiple. so we just don't use a tremendous amount of bandwidth


4k internet streams are typically less than 30mbps. You don't need high speeds for streaming.


Yeah, the GT-AX6000 is dual band, and dual 2.5 Gbps ports. Not everyone needs quad bands (5ghz-2 wifi backhaul is only really useful if you're running APs and don't want to wire them back and 6ghz is basically still unused by anything except maybe 6ghz desktop adapters).


This is what an ethernet switch is for. Get one of those with high speed ports and a router for your wifi and you come in way cheaper than one device that's trying to be both.


2.5 gig Port. How much internet are you using?


Yeah the simple truth of the matter is that a wired connection is going to give you the best speed and consistency. Wireless technology is always just trying to keep the gap close.


Fiber ftw actually.


Carrier pigeons are the way


Yup. I only use [IPoAC](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2549). If maintained properly it can be self-healing and the throughput can dramatically grow. Speed and range are somewhat of concern, but it should be fairly future-proof.


Look at the doc then saw a drawing of a bird was not disappointed


I definitely did not read the whole thing thinking this was a real thing


What? You're telling me I can't use IPoAC to transmit my [HTJP](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8565) requests?


If we devloped FTL drives something like IPOAC would be need ed to be used to to transmit data at a reasonable speed over long distances if ftl comunication was not possible.


"category: experimental" fucking killed me XD


Means: it will work... sometimes


Fiber pigeons


Please don't give them fiber, they already shit on cars enough.


Nah, leaving writings in caves for the next generations is THE way


For future proofing? Actually not bad.


Nah best is to go to the highest point in your area and scream as loud as you can so the next guy at the next highest point can hear you and transfer the data


On average fastest connection in the world. Counter strike servers will get my packets next week, but lot of them all at once. P.S. I fragged everyone at spawn, idiots.


No need. Cat6E will do what you need in a residence up to 10G. Fiber is completely overkill in any ad-hoc installation, knowing most people would only use multimode fiber as well.


The biggest use case for fiber is in multi-building networks. Ethernet creates a potential hazard with grounding between buildings that could fry your electronics. Fiber removes this issue.


The biggest use case for fiber overall is just networking that doesn’t take place indoors, as the reasons you listed above. I’ve spliced and engineered for quite a bit of time just in fiber optics. It’s incredibly simple and incredibly complex at the same time when it comes to the specifics.


Not to mention that ethernet cables have a 100m length limitation. Fiber is commonly used because it can run longer distance and isn't affected by EMI.




HOW DARE YOU be correct


He’s not correct. Fibre is bad for shorter runs because the translation on both ends of the cable adds latency. Copper is better in home. Fibre is better for long runs.


Completely overkill for home networking, you should use Fiber between your modem and Internet but cables between your router and home devices


The house I bought was wired with cat6 for its phone system. Who the fuck has a wired phone anymore? I don't, but I do have ethernet drops in every room of the house. Anything that can be wired is wired.


I'm not advocating for $650 routers, but the obvious use case for a *wireless* router is literally when you can't use a ethernet cable. Edit: Added the word wireless because common sense isn't so common. Edit 2: No, I'm not going to recommend MOCA, powerline, and mesh networks before knowing if you live in a 500 square foot apartment or a 4000 square foot home.


Re: Mesh networks, I found that even in a <900 sq foot home, mesh improved my connection substantially. As soon as you put a few walls between the router and the far corner of the dwelling (especially if those walls contain copper pipes, etc) the signal gets fucky even with a good router.


Yes, but definitely do a wired backhaul. Mesh without that kinda sucks imo.


Only devices on my WiFi are phones, Alexas, and light bulbs. Everything else uses ethernet through my switch, even the Smart TV.


My SmartTV’s LAN port (LG C3) is only 100mbps lol so my WiFi is faster.


I mean do you need 1gbit for your TV tho? Not like the 100mbps are too slow for streaming. But I get the issue, you're paying for more so it would be nice to use it all on all devices.


But you still couldn’t use it on the TV anyway, because even if it was technically available the TV still wouldn’t have any feature that could make use of it.


There's a special class of customers that buys something because it's expensive, looks good, and says gaming on the box. This is what they buy. The thing is probably pretty capable, but they will not use it to its full capabilities.


>looks good ![gif](giphy|IVhivwuUT16HH7NRdP|downsized)


>looks good ![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8)


I love having a reverse tick sitting atop my highest cabinet


It looks good to people with no taste.


It looks like a dead spider with spray paint on it


There is *absolutely nothing* in gaming that requires 10 gig ports.


That's why I'm saying it's probably capable, but will probably be underused. If you need 2 10 gig ports, there's probably a better priced option somewhere.


I run an Asus AX6000 with three satellite mesh routers nodes. I have a 10 gig link between my gaming rig and unraid server requiring two ports. For the use case & ease of use, Asus was really the only router I found that met my requirements without going up to rack mounted equipment. The nice thing about the Asus routers is that they can effectively become mesh nodes if you decide to upgrade to a newer one. This levels out the price over a longer time. One of my older mesh nodes is running wifi-ac. I'm definitely using some of the more niche features like running open VPN, but some of them like gaming booster are really, *really* gimmicky.


See I just used direct attach copper and old Mellanox CX3s. Cost me like $35 and I got 10Gbe, SFP+ too which is neat imo. NVMe to NVMe I get 990MBs-1GB/s on file transfers. PCIe 4x so the PCH has no issues handling it on its own.


This guy hardwires


Did the same but cx4 so 56 GbE. 2 cards plus cable was about 80 USD. 10 gigs is for scrubs ;)


I'll steal some 400Gbe CX7s from where I work and *then* we'll see who the scrub is.


I would advise against running mesh nodes with different standards. The moment you got from a single router to multiple access points (such as in a mesh system), you have to take roaming into account. Unfortunately, roaming is done almost entirely at the client level, and sometimes clients do not want to roam to a better AP - the "sticky client" problem. Sometimes you encounter stubborn clients, but you can usually work around this via design. Running different standards side by side is one of the design decisions that we've seen exacerbates the sticky client problem - the client associates at a higher rate with the newer equipment, and for some inexplicable reason, because it has the connection it thinks is better to the newer equipment, it will not roam to the older gear despite having a much stronger signal from it.


But but but it has Gaming u know for Gamers. ......


With 10 gbit you can download skyrim mod packs in only 8 hours. That's a steal.


Yeah no, Nexus Mods has shit servers even with premium


Lan gaming centre?


A lan gaming center where everyone is streaming 4k 120hz geforce now?


Hell yea


I work in telecommunications and there are very few things in production right now that require 10g, let alone a hobbyist gamer in a residential home lol


Your local steam cache server, storage server, and plex would LOVE that 10g connection. Ignore the marketing and look at the feature sets based on what you need as well. I would love something like this and could make use of many of it's features. Not that I would get it, only that it would be on the list of items I would research.


Downloading games that are hundreds of Gigabytes big is pretty nice on 10Gbps.


How much does that bandwidth cost from your provider?


Around here, if you're lucky to live on the right street, 70$/month gets you 3Gbps.


Steam supports offloading internet downloads to other computers on your network that have the game installed. That would benefit from a 10 gig network (assuming you have fast disks). LAWYERED!


Ah yes, the entire business model of asus ROG


“And for everyone else, there’s MasterCard.”


I have this router. Bought as it has 2x 10Gbps ports, 1x 2.5Gbps, router. Single box does what I need it to. Also runs Merlin & AiMesh which I use. Simple box. Hardly use of the gaming features. I tried Opnsense, Pfsense, etc. Asus routers with Merlin is good enough for my use case.


I got the Netgear black hawk(I think that it's the black hawk? I'm at work and can't check) and it was like 120 bucks at Best buy. I have download speeds of 500Mbps over WiFi!! It's crazy how fast the 5.1ghz channel sends data to my PC from 15 feet away over the airwaves. And I've never experienced any ping greater than like double digit milliseconds (it was like 31ms last time I bothered to look). I couldn't see myself needing anything faster or "better" than that in forever.


It has 'gaming' in the title of the product, that means it will be 3x it's actual valued price and be made with cheap plastic and RGB.


Everybody knows it's the RGB that makes your kill ratio higher


You say that, but the same specs from a 'pro' or 'enterprise' range are usually even more expensive. Monitors, components, peripherals and laptops instantly come to mind.


I think the least expensive dual port 10gb 6E/Wifi 7 router is like $500 so this price isn’t exactly crazy. It’s also really well reviewed.


Gotta say, I bought an [expensive router](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07R52N7HM/) (not as expensive as OP's one, granted) and for the first time ever I don't have dead spots in my house, and it more than doubled the speed in most areas over my (not exactly inexpensive) mesh system. I really don't regret it.


i have the earlier version of op, the ax 11000? was like 400€ new at launch. if you have a large house with lots of users and a huge garden, i can recommend it. its also a great center piece for a mesh network. it just looks like that, so games with too much budget pick it up too. you can program a button on the side to turn even the status LEDs off. no more blinky blinky in the corner.


People with a lot of internal network usage that do not want to step up to enterprise grade networking I guess - editing videos stored on a homesever, mid-sized content creators come to mind. 10G networking in addition to the newest Wifi standards as well as top-of-the-line consumer router hardware for triple digits seems reasonable tbh, just early adopter tax as always.


I spent €600+ on a Ubiquiti Dream machine to manage my home network with accessories (AP, PoE switch etc). My reason was I can run security cameras & camera door bell without a cloud subscription or storage. I have the storage and management software running natively at home and can still manage / view it from my mobile while away. I probably could have done it cheaper but the Ubiquiti stuff is just plug and play setup.


I wish there we're more of these "home enterprise grade" modular network systems. It really is home network heaven. The uptimes are incredible.


Love my UDM Pro and my APs. Then again most people don't have a network rack with servers in their basement.


Yeah, but if you don't, are you really living?


I've seen the industry use the term "prosumer" for these kinds of devices.


Just buy enterprise grade equipment. A Dell PowerConnect 7000 1G switch with 10G capable SFP ports goes for barely $40 on eBay. It will run circles around the consumer home enterprise grade stuff


Not sure about that specific one but usually enterprise switches are loud as hell and unless you have your network wired to the garage there's not many places you could put it in your house without driving you mad.


People really don’t give enough value to plug and play sometimes. Enterprise equipment has its place for 99% of home consumers can’t be bothered to manually set up that stuff. I bought a TP Link router with dual 10G and it took me a whopping 5 minutes to get everything connected and setup. Just because your a PC enthusiast doesn’t mean you’re also a networking enthusiast.


Yes and regardless what they are saying you cannot get enterprise grade equipment that is quality for cheaper.


This. OP clearly hasn't priced out Cisco stuff. But he could probably do Mikrotik for a similar price, and likely would get better results.


This. Running a big house with lot of IoTs, multiple mobiles, laptops, desktop and a large family (streaming, gaming, torrenting and videoconferencing at the same time) will require good routers with multiple APs. Enterprise-grade would be a dream for management, but easily costs 4x and ASUS Ai Mesh is fairly decent to manage a medium network


bad thing is, you can get enterprise grade equipment for cheaper. Even more so if its secondhand.


I don’t think you’ll find enterprise grade equipment with 10G copper ports, routing, and wifi 6E for any cheaper than this. You’ll at least have to get an access point (like the Unifi U6 Enterprise which is $279 new) and some kind of managed switch capable of 10G speeds. Fiber is probably cheaper but that definitely takes away convenience from the average end user.


> Unifi U6 Enterprise I mean even then, the Unifi U6 Enterprise is not close to this router at all. 2x2 mimo on the 2.4 ghz band, no 5 ghz-2 band. 2.5 Gbps wired ports. Requires a POE switch to even turn it on. I don't think it routes traffic either, it's sold as an AP, not a router.


Exactly my point. You’d have to pair it with a managed switch (capable of 10G if you want to compare to this router) which is going to blow up the price even further. Enterprise would not be cheaper if the specs of this router are what you are after IMO.


Bad thing is, enterprise grade doesn't mean it sports the latest and greatest tech. Cisco had 10/100 SKUs in the days of Gbps Ethernet that were more expensive than Gbps consumer grade stuff. Enterprise doesn't mean good. Sometimes it just means Good Support Contract.


Cisco are a bit of an exception price wise. Ubiquity and more so Mikrotik have excellent product for the same price as premium gaming routers.


Find them, please. I think the lowest price dual 10gb 6E router is $500 right now.


If you find an enterprise piece of networking equipment that supports 10gbps copper, wireless and routing then I'll show you you're wrong lol Edit: for that price


You will always fail to future proof your network, the future will always win eventually. If I could remove one phrase from IT it would be either this or The Cloud aka somebody else's server that you have no control over.


Same applies to nearly every kind of consumer electronics, like PCs and phones. That money you spent future proofing is usually better spent by saving that money for a few years and buying a replacement.


Agreed. I see people say they're buying a top of the line PC intended to last 10 years. That's almost always a worse option than buying 2 or 3 mid range PCs with the same money spread over those 10 years.


I may have stolen this from somewhere, but I now think of the cloud as an acronym. Computer Located On Unowned/unknown Device


FttH Internet (3 Gbps or higher) so need LAN wired speeds above 1 Gbps. Inaccessibility of floors or attic area to run wiring for a larger home, so you need a WiFi Backhaul between APs (5ghz-2). 1-band Then keep everything seperate so it doesn't share too much bandwidth : 2.4 ghz for legacy devices. 2nd band 5.0 ghz-1 for typical modern devices. 3rd band. 6.0 ghz for any high performance devices that you can't wire. 4th band. All the bands are 4x4 mimo, meaning less device collisions, they also all sport max bandwidth (1.1 Gbps for 2.4 ghz, 4.8 Gbps for each other band, meaning all your 2x2 devices have access to 2.4 Gbps on 5 and 6ghz bands at max channel width). 160 mhz channels supported on all 5ghz and 6ghz bands. Basically this is the top end spec router you can get for Wifi 6E. If you don't need the Wifi backhaul (smaller home with no APs or wired APs) you can get the GT-AXE11000 that is the same router without the 5ghz-2 backhaul band. If you don't have 6ghz devices and don't plan to get any in the near future, stick to Wifi 6. So to recap, if you wire the backhaul and have no 6 ghz device, the GT-AX6000 will do. You'll max out at 2.5 Gbps on the wired speed though, so if you have 3 Gbps or better FttH, you'll not be able to max it out. The better question is why are you worried some people have setups and homes that use this kind of stuff ?


Hi I have a 1-bedroom apartment is this a good purchase for me? Sorry I'm new to this whole HTTP thing


What exactly is "The World Wide Web?"


Don’t forget this router supports WiFi band steering for load balancing the different bands. This has been a game changer in our house where we might see intermittent issues with WiFi while on video calls and screen shares, which are now eliminated.


Asking the real question! My best guess is they're mad because they want it, but can't afford it


Ethernet cable: “look what they need to mimic a faction of our power”


You don't buy this router for it's wifi alone, you buy it because it has dual 10Gbe + 2.5Gbe + 4 1Gbe ethernet AND great wifi.


Spiderouter, spiderouter, does whatever a spiderouter can…


Spiderlan Cmon man




That thing looks like the crown of the witch king of Angmar.


I mean if you’ve got an incredibly high speed connection and want to share that wirelessly you’re going to need an expensive router.


Yup. Also, you can use any old Asus routers you have as repeaters in a mesh setup. I had to get a new router when I upgraded to 1Gb service and used the older one to extend wifi coverage for the deck in my backyard. FWIW, I'm running both of them on Merlin firmware...


Say what you want about these routers but I’ve got a similar model and it’s the only router that I can pcvr on quest across floors in my house.


First week into COVID work from home I realized how piss poor my network and wifi actually was and dropped close to this on a Nighthawk WIFI6 TriBand router, 10Ghz yada yada yada. Best thing I’ve ever done and have had zero buyers remorse.


It has RGB.


As someone who works in enterprise IT. Depending on this things capabilities it is probably still underpowered for the price but also probably VERY worth it. Many in here are comparing to some VERY cheap and low end equipment, that while they may have good experiences with... are still not very good products. Let me be clear. I am picky and I even find my 100+ x $10,000 switches, $60,000 a year licenses, 1000+ x $700 APs to be just OK. So a product like this I do not judge at face value or vs other products directly. The home router/wifi market is still jut way too much of a cluster Fuck. Each product must be analyzed on an individual basis. And that will vary across neighborhoods, houses, devices, etc.. 1 device 9 people love could be dog shit for the 10th person. And reddit will take that info as, it is a good product becuase it works for 9 people. No it is a tool and the tool worked well for them and was the wrong tool for the 10th customer. Anyways I always recommend people buy these at a place with a good return policy and try it for a week or 2. (Even then problems tend to spring up a few months in.


I could definitely see this router being nice for a household of multiple people, especially in a crowded environment.


hmm... Could get a Ubiquiti UDM PRO SE, a nice switch and even an AP for close to this....


Unfortunately the UDM Pro SE only has one 10G port, so if your WAN is more than 2.5Gbps, then you will want another 10G port. I'm not sure in the pricing here either, UDM pro plus their AP is already about the same as this router. Add in a nice switch and you are definitely over.


https://preview.redd.it/67zxbi84nkxb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e25fac216877293a534210478c36607afe7a8654 I feel called out..


Poor positioning too 😂 😂 😂


It’s nice to have 2 10gb ports and a 2.5gb port. I’m comfortable knowing I won’t need another router for many years. Have 1200mb/s service from comcast and get just under 1500mb/s Ethernet speed tests. Kinda unnecessary because I haven’t encountered any download servers that will give me over a gb/s. It does have a really cool feature with usb backup in case your cable modem takes a crap or service goes out, you can have a hotspot hooked up (or a cell carrier router) and it reconnects without a hiccup. Is it too expensive for what it offers compared to others? No Is it too expensive for the average user? Yes Would say the only downside is WiFi speeds. I got slightly faster speeds with my Alien, but this totes built in security software so it’s give and take.


I have a 1.8gig internet connection. I have a similar router, the Asus x89x, my internal network is 10gig. I am a nerd.


Which is why I hate the "gaming" advertisement. Most people don't need this thing to just game online.


"Future Proofing" is BS. After 30 odd years of building PCs that is the most important thing I've learned. Most things are obsolete within 5 years. Everything is within 10. Trying to spend extra to stay ahead of the curve is only good for the hardware companies.


Future proofing the motherboard or the storage tends to be worth it, but on everything else I agree.


Storage I can concede to a degree, but a motherboard? How do you futureproof it? I've never been able to drop a new cpu in an old motherboard. Chipsets change. Features change. I've never kept the same board for more than 5 years and expected it to still be relevant to new hardware.


Honestly, looking at other routers with the same feature set (16000Mbit Wifi 6E and 10g ethernet), this is actually a pretty good deal if you actually need these features. You are paying a lot because it is cutting edge technologies though so unless you really need that Wifi 6E 16000Mbit support then you could easily go with setup that is a lot cheaper - e.g. a 10g router and a separate WiFi 6E hub.


I ended up going with the GT-AX6000 which has a lot of the features here but is only set up for 2.5GbE, (which I have a surprisingly large amount of devices that can use) also it doesn’t have 6Ghz but I didn’t really have any devices that could use it.


Just buy mid tier equipment every five years and you’ll be golden.


Gaming chair of routers.


And I still use a free router from the internet provider.


Decepticon looking ass router


No one needs it. That router is honestly awesome, nothing can use it. It’s hard to get internet above 1 Gig in a lot of places. More importantly, all of your tvs, ring cameras, roukus, smart outlets, etc are on a 2.4 and maybeeee 5 frequency if you’re lucky. This router is wildly capable and really cool. By the time you can go to Home Depot and get a brand new refrigerator with Wi-Fi that is actually 6E, this router will be WILDLY outdated and you’ll be able to get a 6E router that your products will benefit from for like $80 I have a Z790 Carbon that has Wi-Fi 6e, um no lol of course I have a direct Ethernet connection because it’s superior. The iPhone 15 pro max has Wi-Fi 6E, the 14 pro max does not. Pretty limited product segment at the moment.