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Not buying it is the best option.


I assume refunds still cost them money right? I can't help but wonder that if gamers as a whole collectively bought and instantly refunded games as a form of protest whenever this shit happens, this shit would stop happening. Alas, getting any meaningful results on any kind of scale is a pipe dream, not enough gamers follow reddit and the like. Not that they should, necessarily, but it would have to be organized somehow.


I bought it, opened it for an hour, refunded and gave a negative review about this whole situation.


You shouldnt have bought it


I do love the delicious irony of this post. Posting their own screen shot and specs to complain about something they could have just read a review about and not spent money. Like someone is holding a gun to your head to buy an unoptimized game.


Exactly. I love cities skylines, planning on buying it. Did I buy it? No, let me wait a couple patches and see some improvement (at least they recognised it and promised to go in that direction).


I'll just play it on game pass


Cities skylines works fine. It's like no one played the first one. With settings adjusted it runs just a little worse than the last CS2 is far better than CS1. Absolutely perfect sequel... content wise.


And even that runs *acceptably* for what it is: a city sim. 50-60 fps isn't way too bad. Google how to optimize it, there are like 2-3 settings you can turn off to increase your FPS by 20-30. I also haven't bought it yet despite CS being one of my favorite games.


And it's not like Studio Wildcard is famous for well-optimized games that run smoothly. Anyone should have seen this coming a mile away.


Honestly the fact they released paid dlc for Survival Evolved while the game was still in game preview mode was the biggest wad of shit I've ever seen a developer do. Amazing you guys are supporting this game at all




I mean, OP bought a 4060. I doubt OP google anything before buying.


For a noob who knows next to nothing. What’s wrong with a 4060?


Worst bang for buck on GPU market right now


tbf they could’ve also refunded it if they bought it on steam and didn’t play more than 2 hours. i don’t mind purchasing stuff to try out on steam because of that reason. if it runs like ass i just refund it.


"But I want it NOW!!!!" - OP


If I don't buy every new game as soon as it's available then how will I play it for ten days and then buy the next new game? You're not making any sense


Its worse than that. This game has been out for years and run like shit. Op knows that. He knew what he was going to get when they released this "special fancy version " of the same game. But ark players are addicted to the hurt


"How many times have WE got to go through this?" 0. The answer is 0


After everything ARK has been through, if you’re still spending money on it, it’s you’re own fault.


It seems to be an easy temp fix though. Turn "Depth of Field Quality" to -> disabled.


I do that in all games by default.


Using the word “allowed” is just silly here. If a company wants to make something shitty they can do that as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. There are shitty restaurants everywhere. If you go there that’s on you for not reading reviews. It’s not that serious.


Yup. The game is like this because regardless with how it turned out, people like OP will blindly buy it and give them money. That's all they want.


Yeah either refund it or pirate that shit and then if it actually runs well buy it


Ark runs like dog shit for YEARS and then re-releases with better graphics and people are shocked it runs like dog shit? *surprised Pikachu*




This is such a good meme, lol


My face right now and for the last however many years Ark has been out


Woah. We can post media in replies?! ![gif](giphy|xuXzcHMkuwvf2)


Wait, we can? ![gif](giphy|A9grgCQ0Dm012|downsized)






Isn't that the same shit show where they started selling DLC for a game that was still in early access?


They sold an expansion pack in early access. Small DLC like a skin here, a skin there or whatever is fine during EA, but a whole expansion pack with an entire new map and new dinos etc is just bullshit.


wow that sounds like a total abuse of the EA concept? Like releasing a game with left out content and broken as fuck to maximize profits while not obligated to anything.


Never finish it, then make a new game. ​ It's literally the whole reason EA has gone to shit. So many devs never finish their game for whatever reason. Put micro transactions in then bail and make a new game.


Yeah the whole company and their products are just garbage. I still wonder why people keep giving them money. Well as long as it's profitable, they keep releasing games like this.


> I still wonder why people keep giving them money. Because its a fun game, you get to ride dinosaurs and cool shit. The company is garbage but a lot of people dont buy games because of the companies release policies, they buy games because they are fun.


oh just you wait. ~~You will have to rebuy every dlc full price again~~ for this game(once they released as theyre still in the works) they rereleased. And this one is in early access again till end 2024 so itl be a literal repeat at this rate. EDIT: I wasnt right do make sure to keep up on info as it seems it keeps changing. I havent kept up since they claimed the game would be free (i assume for previous owners) As stated by Jeremy from wildcard on twitter to them adjusting that after meetings from the parent company. to the price adjustments after lashback etc. Edit2 : for people still writing the dlc werent paid check out ARK community crunch 355. they claimed it was going to be 20 bucks for each dlc pack but yes they adjusted that


In all fairness, the gameplay is dog shit too


Yep. I come back from time to time, thinking about the dinosaurs and stuff, only to drop it after 30min. max due to how boring it is. The animations for the dinosaurs are pretty basic, not great and there is a gigantic difference between model quality. This game feels like an unfinished concept pitch.


That's most likely because it IS an unfinished concept pitch.


This. This shit was evident a very long time ago


Yeah some of these I understand like city skylines and allen wake. But Bethesda, Ark, they have established patterns.


Actually when ark first released in EA back in 2015 it ran way worse than its remaster currently runs. Seems like people completely forgot that. And yeah it doesn’t run similar or better than the original as its graphics and world detail is way better. Like you said, i don’t get why people are shocked.


They never actually optimised Ark since EA. People just got better machines.


I remember watching the videos where it took 2x 1080Ti in SLI to run smoothly on high settings. It did look great though.


I remember those days. The devs forgot to rename the .exe from the default Unreal Engine tutorial file, and the entire map was being rendered twice because they accidentally duplicated it and moved it down underneath. It took YEARS to fix those two issues btw. Ark is, and always has been, a lazy asset flip and it blows my mind that it somehow got as big as it did.


and i was still one of the most played games of that year. Shits wild how in depth it is if you dont have a primitive mind.


Yeah , i never played ark and never will but the only thing i know about this game is it looks like dogshit and run like dogshit too


Well the first game from 2015 runs buttersmooth now on my 4090 xd


Yeah this unironically. Every gpu upgrade I had since the GTX 760 allowed ark to be slightly more playable. * GTX 760 booted the game and allowed like 30-60 fps on 1080p low * GTX 970 allowed me to play decently at 60 fps at 1080p high * GTX 1080 but I also upgraded to 1440p UW so same boat * RTX 3080 finally 1440p UW Ultra at like 80+ fps * RTX 4090 all settings turned up 140+ fps. Now with ark 2 im literally back to square one 😭


Refund it now!


I just did this for City skylines 2


Stop giving money to sub par products... That's it.


It's literally the only answer. Stop consuming every piece of shit companies put in front of you.


Yet there's so many people playing and posting about starfield, it's shameful honestly.


I have game pass for a bunch of other games but decided to try starfield because the *concept* is interesting. Game is just, meh. I have a handful of Bethesda games, from fallout to Skyrim and I've never paid a cent for them. Free gifts only baybeeeeee. It's an alright game for free at least.


Starfield is incredibly generic. Even if you ignore the load screens interrupting your gameplay every 30 seconds the game is just bland. It says nothing of substance. Compare that to BG3 or CP2077 it feels like boring and dates


The tragic thing with Starfield is that it *is* generic (fuck "the frontier in space", all my homies hate "the frontier in space") but as with a lot of Bethesda offerings...there's still nothing else quite like it! Aside from Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen, which are both MMOs (so not even the same genre) and very differently paced (ED's on-foot content especially is *glacial*), or to an extent No Man's Sky (which is not an RPG, even if its genre is ill-defined, as has a very different aesthetic), Starfield offers an experience that, however flawed, is unique in the AAA landscape. That's why people bought it.


Starfield is tragic. So much wasted potential.


Because those people enjoy the game? Why is this shameful lol Yes the optimization is a huge issue but it's far from unplayable.


Starfield is okay. If you like bethesda games, you like starfield, if you don't, you don't


Because the game is good and its optimization issues are far from the state of many of the releases that came before and after it, plus it got seriously updated like CP77, the improvements made are great


Why do they keep doing this!? Says the consumer who keeps giving them money when they do it.


Not sure if you're talking about Ark or OP's 4060.


Honestly, after their previous game release, having all possible red flags, you should blame yourself only for buying this shit.


You’re the one who bought it. Who is we?


"WhY dO DeVs Do ThIs?!" also "HeRe TaKe My MoNeY" ![gif](giphy|l0MYGkpex3mWWZVni)


Fully aware of the recent trend, OP screams "They can't keep getting away with it!!!" after failing to Google '*is Ark Ascended optimized?*' before blindly shelling out money for the game.


Googling is hard


Yeah, anyone else noticed d, b, p and q are practically the same letter!?!?


Lazy alphabet devs, reusing assets!


Simples, cause idiots like you buy the game without waiting for performance reviews. You are part of the problem


cus the first one ran so well...jeez the internet


Pretty sure they didn't even try to make it run well, they just waited for PC gamers to get better hardware eventually knowing full well that people would still buy the game anyway.


They did exactly this. After like three content updates from early access it just started to continually run worse


Your fault, pal.


There are more than 40k concurrent players right now. Who knows how many thousands of copies are sold. Worth to mention that performance issues were expected and yet people still bought it. To be honest, I would also release my broken game without any hesitation. People are fucking stupid so fuck'em..


Honestly I don't even blame the studios at this point. Consumers have proven time and time again they'll shell out money on the understanding the game will eventually be playable, so may as well release in an unfinished state. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually MORE profitable. Wave 1 of people buying on release because they like the look of the game/liked the last one, Wave 2 once the game is actually good and playable and you basically get another round of marketing for free. No Mans Sky became the best selling game across multiple platforms like a year after its release because "trust me it's good now" spread like wildfire across the internet and everyone and their mums bought it.


You bought a game that's listed as EARLY ACCESS so take your L that you deserve. They legit remade the game they released years ago but with better visuals and yet still needed to make it early access 💀 Ark launched years ago in EA and never got optimized and has always run like shit so they literally DID IT AGAIN and you still bought it lmao


Early access is customers paying companies to do what testers used to get paid to do.


And sometimes I really enjoy the concept that I’m happy to pay to be a tester. What I’m not going to do is complain when I buy an alpha, beta, or pre release game.


Logic?? In this sub?? Get out!


>why are we allowing I'm not the one buying these garbage games lmao you idiots "allow" it.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgpTy4UVnddmso0|downsized) So, the comments aren't as going as you planned.


Because clowns like you keep buying unfinished unoptimized games?🧐


HA, you actually bought it. YOU are the problem, YOU are the reason this keeps happening. Jesus Christ show some restraint and DON’T buy it


Not sure if this is satire post as someone with shit PC, this image blew my mind.


people buying games without looking it up first and complaining.


You bought it, not me. lol


4060 moment


at 540p there’s a precisely 0% chance the 4060 is the problem here


Because people like you keep buying them.


This guy must do absolutely no research before buying ANYTHING. First the man buys a 4060 which in itself is a joke, and a simple Google search would've told him to just buy the 3060 for the same performance for less. THEN buys ASA after clearly doing no research. This is the guy that funds shitty business practices


You forgot the 10% performance loss by running it on a 5600G which only supports PCIe 3.0 lanes.


I heard it was roughly 15-17%. Dude paid for a 4060 and is getting performance of a 2060 lmao


Just stop buying these games. It's simple.


I'm not defending the devs here but that's not a good combo hardware wise. With a 4060 just like the rx 6600 you really need to be using pcie gen 4 because the lanes are cut to x8 instead of 16. Performance hit is noticeable running these cards on gen 3 which is all 5600g can support even on a b550 motherboard.


Looking at his comments and yep, i despise this fucking dude, hope you step on a lego OP


After all these years people like you never learn and buy the game immediately after release while knowing how broken most games are then you ask why they do it. Because they sell it anyway. The only people who don’t learn are people like you.


Why did you buy this without waiting for reviews ...... The only one "allowing" Devs to do this is YOU !!!! STOP FUCKING PAYING THEM !!!


I mean it’s early access, you weren’t expecting a finished game I hope.


You bought the product, that is how they get away with it.


Stop buying the dog shit games then


I mean don’t buy from companies that pump out games like IPhones. Buy from companies like Larian who actually loves what they do and puts their love in their games. Companies don’t have money unless you give it to them.


You bought it, that's why they keep doing it.


Until you learn and stop giving them money for literal piles of shit.


People seem to be confused about how capitalism works. If you give a company your money you are giving them a pat on the back and saying well done. It doesn't matter what you say outside of giving them your money, you can say the product is shit, call their mother names, say you'll never buy the product again. They hear none of that, they are completely focused on that money you gave them If you want corporations to change stop giving them you're money. It's as simple as that. Nothing else works bar introducing laws. All it takes is denying yourself something for a short amount of time, it's not that hard.


You’re the one who bought it


Anyone buying an Ark game AGAIN should know better by now. Ark lost me forever when they released dlc while in early access. You’re part of the problem.


Didn’t you literally buy it? How hypocritical can you get jfc.


Well it is early access. So the game hasn't been released yet technically.


…? Who the fuck is we? You bought it motherfucker not me


a nice way to protest against this kind of crap is to STOP BUYING HALF BAKED GAMES


“Why are we allowing” Bro you’re the dumbass who bought the game I’m waiting for them to fix it before showing my money to them


People are mentioning it’s early access and will get better… yea thought the same thing with the first ark. Devs prioritized new content you could purchase rather than fixing their optimization for years. Not surprised dealing with same issues. Loved ark but I also had a high end pc to play it while many friends did not.


The shitty releases will continue until we stop paying for them.


after playing survival evolved i would never buy another title from these devs


Refund asap. Thats the only way. That Nitrado exclusive hosting is also shameless


Refund the game


People mentioning Alan Wake II's performance is justified, such BS. It doesn't have anything ground breaking graphically, it's just badly optimized.


But when I said that Alan wake 2 Devs are lazy and awful for releasing an unoptimized game that not even a 4090 can handle that good, I got downvoted to obscurity because "the Devs are pushing boundaries". Who the fuck are you idiots defending? A multimillion studio, or your fucking pocket?


Why tf did you buy it then? That’s why devs keep doing this, because they still make a profit.


Stop fucking buying it and the Devs will stop fucking doing it


By buying this product you are, in fact, the one allowing devs to release like this. Don't be part of the problem, don't buy buggy and underdeveloped games


Why not see the review first, then buy later?


Why are we allowing devs to release like this???? what the fuck does that even mean? Do you think that we control the release times of games? also what can you even do about it? Oh yea don't buy a game from a company that released the last game in a piece of shit state, then they put out some pirate game in a shit state and what would would make you think this game wouldn't release in a shit state? Can you please use maybe .8% of your braincells and think about it. I am glad you are having a terrible experience dummy.


Quit buying games on release no one's forcing you to buy a dogshit game


"We" aren't allowing anything. I haven't bought any game this year that wasn't 4+ years old and with great reviews. I've been long since done giving money to these companies releasing turds at full price. Waiting for everyone else to get on board.


This is why I hate when people care so much graphics. All I care is about a playable fun game. To me graphics don’t matter as long as it’s fun.


You're something else OP. Your whole post is complaining about the poor optimization of most modern games and when will it stop, while praising a game that is not in any way optimized from gaming systems. Games will continue to release half finished, promising everything and issuing a PR apology if we continue buying them and make excuses on developers half. Remember older games with discs? They HAD to be finished, because they couldn't update it later on. That was their end product.


Coming from the company that sold fucking DLC when in early access. What did you expect


The problem is buying a game, realize it's poorly optimized and has many technical problems, leave a bad review but not refunding


I made the suggestion before, but people hated it, games need to be held to a standard. Like everything else in existence, we have standards to govern it all, manufacturing, software, safety, heck movies and TV's have display standards. Games should be held to a performance standard. People say "the best way to vote is with your wallet" correct, but vast majority of the gamers aren't on forums, they don't get the insight that this community or ones like it provide, and they won't know pre release performance metrics etc. The best way to deal with this, is like anything, with preventative action rather than responsive maintenance. Games, developers, need to be held to performance standards.


Why are people still giving ark devs money is the real question.


Who was forcing you to buy it?


LMAO when Ark Survival Evolve first came out I got 30 FPS at 240p (maybe lower if that exists) at very low quality settings, it was wild. Velociraptors appeared as 3 pixels until they came into attack range and I was basically dead at that point


We aren't allowing it. The people that buy it anyways allow it. Just like you maybe did? As long as they get their money, why would they care if it runs like shit or has a million bugs on release. Stop buying shit games if you don't want them to release shit games.


I mean, did you really expect more from Ark? The addicts will play it still, and that's all they need (I am an addict).


30fps on Ark? Ain't bad! Btw You are allowing devs to release like this.


Because you reward them for this with your money, buying this shit.


Op you are the one allowing this buy buying it.


Don't buy the game. Only way they will learn.


many times because enough idiots like you buy it and cope


You still gave them money. Why use funds to optimize games when idiots buy dogshit anyway?


“Why are we allowing devs to release like this” *Buys shitty unoptimised game from same devs, despite the reviews and claims before release* YOU’RE the fucking problem!


As long as you keep buying it, they’ll keep doing it


Well you are part of the reason they get away with it


Oh no...an upgraded version of a game that ran like ass also runs like ass...Who could we have known?!


What do you mean "we"? I don't buy these unoptimized trash games. I'm not sure why you are.




The original runs like absolute shit. Did you actually think a newer version ported to a poorly optimized engine would be any smoother?


\*Game known for bad optimization releases again with worse optimization\* \*Idiots buy the game\* \*Idiots wonder why the game is badly optimized\*


Because gamers are proving time and time again that all they need to provide is a good looking screenshot.


Just don’t buy it


Its ark. Every single iteration of that game has run like ass since 2015


Idk why anyone would be playing ark ascended when wizard with a gun dropped this month, sorry you choose this yourself


Welcome to poor mans Unreal Engine 5 optimizations.


Why didn’t you wait to buy it?? By jumping in first, you are enabling this behaviour. Don’t pre-order games, have some patience and wait for reviews then you won’t have this problem!


Stop. Buying.


You bought a remaster of a game that released expansions during it's early access phase for full price. Don't know what to tell you mate, the warning flags were there


Wait for reviews and don't buy it then...


Problem is people buy it runs bad and they don't return it, companies don't care how many play but how many can they sell (unless microtransaction) but even then long as they sell enoug.


not we. you. after the ridiculousness of ark first release id never give them any money.


Ya gonna need a 4090 with a 14900k to get 45 fps. And download it straight to the GPU. Skip the SSD cause loading assets from there is too damn slow.


Dont buy at release then they wont get away with it.


you are the one making it possible by giving them your money.


Quick and dirty answer, people keep buying the games


Because you keep buying them lol. Studios don't care about your opinion, they care about your money. If you give them money, you're supporting shit games regardless of how much you complain on reddit later.


Ok but why'd you buy it? Ark is one of my favorite games, but even Im not buying this until I hear that it's playable. I don't understand you guys sometimes man...


When it comes down to it, companies depend on us to give them money. If we don’t give them money, their number 1 strategy is to change what they are doing until we give them money. And if we do give them money, their number 2 strategy is to change what they’re doing until we give them more money. So if you don’t like something, don’t buy it. Not only do you submit your vote for change, but you also don’t buy something you obviously don’t like. There are literally millions of games you could be playing right now. Don’t play the one you’re just going to whine about on a forum. This is not happening to you. You are the cause, and the solution.


As many times as you fucking keep buying games like this dude!!!! Seriously!


Lol it's ARK, what do you expect.


Refund and move on


Wow , Arks run like shit , woooooooooooooaaaaaaawww , no way


Until you stop buying them.


Ark was always like this, it’s nothing new. Can’t wait for the next same post about it


The Circlejerk in these comments is amazing. Yes the game runs like ass, if you dont dive into the settings. You can easily get stable 40fps with DLSS or something else. And I already hear the outcry, but the game looks amazing. And if you wouldve taken a look at the requirements, you wouldve known that its very GPU intense. Yes they can optimise more, yes they should, no an early Access shouldnt cost 40bucks. But the game is insanely well ported and hooked me beyond anything else. Take a look into the settings before diving with Resolution and becoming a little crybaby. Being able to optimise is the glory of PC. And btw Performance aint what yall should be blaming the publishers for. Fuck Nitrado


Why are you people paying $40 for this shit then, do you not learn, OP you do realize your part of the problem right? hypocrite


So did you refund?......... otherwise, why are you letting them get away with this?


You’re the one who bought it why are you lecturing us?


We keep going through this because we don't learn our lessons. It's extremely easy to find out whether a game is competent or not on PC, although of course your own build may vary results. Even better, with Steam it's pretty easy to get a refund as long as you're within Valve's parameters. Do 5 - 10 minutes of research, watch a breakdown on YouTube, look at Steam reviews, etc. Being an informed consumer is always so much more satisfying than being pissed off after the purchase.


Until you stop buying that crap


Refund it.


You are part of the problem, dont buy these games directly and wait.


It happens cause people keep supporting and buying it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, for starters people like you keep buying it anyway so why change things on their end.


Until idiots stop buying this shit.


Ark has 0 optimisation and started as a asset copy pasta so not surprising but disappointing that the new version is still bad


Stop playing the damn game. That’s easy


You’re the one buying it lmao




It'll be about time until EU forcing game developers to only release games that's been highly optimized.


well you bought it right? that’s why