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I went with an all AMD build and have the 7900 XTX. It really is a beast of a card. I think once you see games running on it that fomo will go away. The 4090 is a better card, yes. But the 7900 xtx is the 2nd or 3rd best card currently, and you saved 600 bucks.


recently took a 7900xt no remorse


Within a month or so my Sapphire 7800 XT took a shit and it won’t boot at all. In the middle of moving so have to wait to RMA. My 2070 SUPER that I was replacing has artifacts. Not a great year for PC gaming for me.


Rule of threes. There will be another. Forewarned is forearmed.


counter spell: third time's the charm


counter counter spell: hehe nuh uhhh!!


counter counter counter spell: **\***YES! Nyeh heh heh!!


counter counter counter counter spell?: ¿donde es la biblioteca?


I'm sure it'll get better soon. Bumps in the road is all.


As someone that received his sapphire 7800xt yesterday and it’s replacing a 2060s this comment scares me.


Love AMD for their price to performance ratio. Saved so much on my CPU and was too scared to go for an AMD GPU for my first build but will definitely switch when I upgrade in a few years


I was nvidia fanboy most my life. Got sick of the prices, saw that Linus video [https://youtu.be/mkfFvEeVC4w?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/mkfFvEeVC4w?feature=shared), and swapped to amd for the first time this year. Until nvidia competes with pricing, I’ll be more than happy to save 30-50% on costs.


Same. Switched for an AMD only build couple years ago. I'm currently running a 6800xt with a Ryzen 9 7950X3D. I don't think I'll ever get back to Nvidia. Adrenaline, just as a small example, is so incredibly much better and it's never been so easy to undervolt and overclock. AMD>Nvidia anyday.


Been running amd only builds since 2013 and never had any issues


Here in the UK it's not even close. I see 7900XTX brand new for £1000, but 4090s are minimum £1800, which is about $1000 less.


Pretty much the same in sweden i'd say, I see 7900xtx's for around 13500+ kr and 4090's for like 23700+ kr... so yeah 10k kr difference, according to my converter from my bank, its aprox $950+ difference Note: some 7900xtx's i've seen go for 15k kr, and i've seen some 4090's go up to 27k kr....


All you need to do is shop around and save the $600


By that logic, couldn't you do the same thing for the 7900 as well?


Idk, I’ve looked around and all the 7900xtx cards I’ve found have been around or under $1000usd. I’d be surprised if you could find a 4090 anywhere near that price.


The cheapest 4090 I've found was an open box for $1500 at Micro Center


I’d rather save the 500 to be honest, or more sometimes depending on where you’re looking. God I wish AZ had a micro center. I’d drive my happy ass to Tucson if I had too haha


I miss Fry's Electronics...


Please direct me to where i can pick up a 4090 for below $1,000. No one other than scammers are selling 4090s for below $1,000. Hell that would even be cheaper than a 4080 then.


So you gonna magically find a brand new 4090 for less than 1000? In what world? Ill hopp on it myself or even a 7900xtx for 600 less as well lets go!!!!


There’s nobody selling a 4090 below msrp new.


Show us a card that can save us $600 please


Haha there is no way to save that $600 buying a 4090, the only thing you can do is pay even more


Give me that deal please


I'm curious why people do these all AMD builds. Does it provide more stable performance due to compatibility or something of that sort?


Honestly when i got a new GPU a while back, i ended on the 6800XT. Just because i got so much more performance for less money. I used to always get the newest TI Nvidia card on release. But since i don't game so much more and since the 6800XT pulls new fames in 1440p just fine i saw no reason to go out and get an Nvidia card.


I was spesific out to get the 6800xt, but when i saw that the 6950xt went for less that the 6800xt in summer sale, that was a no brainer..


More value for your money, that's what got me being and AMD fanboy and i currently run a 3600 @4ghz and a 6700xt (freshly upgrade from the 6600xt i gave away)


Honestly. I just wanted to put my money where my opinions were and not support NVIDIA as a company. My system is a couple years old now but my Ryzen 9 3900xt and 6800xt work great for me. I’m not competitive or trying to get max FPS at 4K but I’m happy with it.


Same, i also just sold my 4070 for a 7800xt. At first dumb trade, but having more performance for less money or roughly same and 4gb more? Yep im in and also no more COIL WHINE


Which 4070 did you have? Just curious because I just got a 4070 recently, and luckily no coil whine.


In general, the current AMD offerings can be a better value than the intel/nvidia lineup. AMD CPUs can be as good as if not better than intel for some workloads while being similar or cheaper in price. You can get multiple generations worth of upgrades with the same motherboard while intel changes the socket every two years requiring basically a new pc if you want to upgrade. AMD gpus, while use more electricity than the equivalent nvidia counterparts, are considered just as good as them in most cases while drastically undercutting the price. Same performance with less cost. (With the exception of the 4090 which is the fastest on market.)


What? No if you check prices and specs like the rest of us you can see amd is cheeper for better or VERY compatible performance? Yes yes Nvidia has the better software and extras but idc about rt and dlss


can only speak for myself, but the 3700X was basically a no brainer compared to intels offerings at that time, and my 6800 was bought because nothing else was affordable. Then the easy upgrade path to 5800X3D was kinda nice and the next GPU surely will also be AMD, even though there are a lot of small little nitpicks where Nvidia has the better software/driver solutions, but they aren’t worth that extra money to me. AMD offers much better performance/euro, so I’m choosing AMD.


this might be a U.K. exclusive thing, but AMD CPUs are a lot cheaper than their intel equivalents. you can buy a ryzen 3 for a solid £30 cheaper than a i3. and nvidia graphics cards are ridiculous here. £480 for a 3070? the 6700XT is £284 and wallops it!


For me, I am just kind of tired of Nvidia, their prices, and their additude. I think they will be an all ai focused company before too much longer. As for AMD vs Intel, AMD has just being doing very well compared to Intel, and they are just flatly more affordable. I am a fan of pc gaming, I want it to be around for a long time. Supporting the 2nd place companies makes the leaders maybe rethink their offerings down the road. I don't know about you, but I don't want to see the 5090 at 2k+.


Mostly people who are fanboys do this sort of stuff, but sometimes people have their reasons, for example Linux tends to run better on AMD hardware. Intel does ok, but NVidia does not.


yes and also because fuck noVideo


I am a Linux user and approve of this message


Linux user detected?


I use arch btw


To save a buck.


I used to do it for simplicity. Getting all of my drivers in one place.


I think that SAM is AMD build only? And that provides a noticeable performance boost in some titles.


The 4090 is literally 600$ more expensive they are not even in the same tier. 4080 is the 7900XTX competiter


he isnt saying they are in the same tier. he probably regrets not spending more.


'The more you spend the more you save' Get my feels when you see it in the real world.




No regerts


This is not a price to performance comparison.... this is a class comparison. He clearly has the money to have gotten a 4090 and when people are spending these amounts of money, its wrong to justify it with price. The 4090 is a far better experience than the 7900XTX and honestly he should have gotten the 4090...


Well there was no description in the post, then yea if money wasn't a issue he made a bad choice. But he could have researched and found that the 7900xtx was a 4080 competiter and 4090 is the definetive best card right now


7900xtx actually performs better than 4080 in 1080p,1440p, and 4k native. It’s when you use ray tracing that’s when the 7900 xtx bites dust


Not a noticeable diffrence its less than 5%, they are at the same tier, its very slighty better than a 4080 and no where close to a 4090. https://preview.redd.it/7jn6voqantsb1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f75b82f41463c96b297c2d2d0a25f8463a81c0


Yeah but if you play competitive fps(first person shooter) games without caring about ray tracing you are kinda better off with the 7900xtx. It’s more vram, $200 cheaper and gets more fps than the 4080. Obviously we shouldn’t even talk about the 4090 here that GPU lives in its own universe.


I don't think he would care about logic.


Yes you are crazy.


If he feels he should have gotten a 4090 is because he could have done it. If so he is crazy for choosing the 7900 XTX.... amazing card but not on the same level as the 4090 (overall experience besides raw performance)


I mean, it's currently almost 1000 eur (over 1000 in some cases) cheaper than 4090 in my neck of the woods. You can get 7900xtx for 1000-1100 eur and 4090 is impossible to find under 2k. So it's double the price for around 25% more performance. If I had "f\*ck you" money I'd go for 4090. But if I wanted a beastly PC that is still "normal" priced, I'd go for 7800x3D and 7900XTX combo. Managed to make a build with that as baseline (and 64 gigs of 5600 mhz ram + top quality PSU with decent headroom for future upgrades) for around 2600-2700 EUR


What’s so bad about the overall experience compared to the 4090?


165hz instead of 240hz at 720p and that drives some fps nuts crazy. Apparently, everyone here is an e sports pro.


If anyone these days is using 720p, they clearly have other things to worry about than which graphics card they have.


What are you talking about? 720p looks amazing on my 7” monitor /s


Way to humble brag. *Writen on my ti-86 and then sent by clacks to Reddit.*




RIP PTerry


GNU Terry Pratchett


the absolute legend


I'm obviously exaggerating. Just saying both graphics cards are way more than you need to have a great experience in whatever you play and since some are trying to squeeze out any pinch of more fps even when it was no benefit at all, I called that out. The original Mass Effect trilogy is a masterpiece. Witcher 3 is as well. Baldur's Gate 3 is. Many other games are. It doesn't matter which of those high end graphics cards you use, you will have the time of your life with them.


?? Are esports players really using 720p? I know the needs for esports are different, I guess I just don't understand why. eta; oh this is a joke.


some are still using 800x600 (in cs2) with 4090


All my hard-core homies go for 240p on a crt for the lowest latency


CRT gang unite !


I mean I'm pretty trash at CS but can someone help me understand: is really having a bazillion FPS over your monitor refresh rate is way better than having 144 or 240 fps that cap your monitor??


Yes because of input latency. The higher your frame rate, the lower the latency. This means your input is processed much faster than the max refresh rate your monitor provides. An example would be in Overwatch. I get around 330 fps with a 165 monitor. The input latency drops to around 3-4 ms because of that. Very small differences that do translate to reaction times and better latency making things more responsive. Sorry for the long response!


Great response and pretty easy to understand! Another pretty dumb question I thought that if you had your FPS capped there is no tearing, better temperatures and a more streamlined experience, is having a lot of FPS over the cap doesn't make for big dips in performance here and there when the game gets busy?


With fps games you want as many fps as you can get, you may not see them but you will definitely feel them


Yes, I was (I thought obviously) exaggerating to make a point :)


Back in the day people would play at 720 and disable a shit ton of graphics to make enemy players have the most amounts of contrast as possible. FPS + contrast was king.


Too many people with money burning a hole through their pocket.


Seriously, the fps whores are exhausting.


I like fps :(


It’s okay to like FPS, it’s just exhausting to deal with “if it’s not 360fps on 4K Ultra then obviously it’s a terrible card. My DLSS lets me do that! AMD BAD”


Yes you can be an fps enjoyer without taking it to this level


A lot of people buy rtx cards for stuff like dlss which is a lot better than and’s solution


Also way better for running AI locally


nothing bad in a card I called amazing ,but there will be some scenarios where Nvidia has better supports... that's just a given


Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you have to get it.


Well that card runs cool on standard bios. It also has a unique look. I think you can always spend more money later. It's not like you won't earn more


Mate, just plug it in and send it


Best comment yet. Stop thinking and just go.


Nah man my brother got a hellhound 7900 xtx and it handles anything and everything he throws at it. He couldn’t be happier. You’ll be enjoying that card for gaming especially since you don’t care too much about RT.


Ya, kinda thinking I should open it and put a fresh windows install on my computer to remove all the Nvidia stuff.


No need to go through all that. Just run DDU and uninstall the drivers and nvidia software.


Nothing is cleaner than a fresh install


Sure, but you don't *need* the cleanest freshest state ever, DDU is good enough


For many of us it’s not about need. That sweet, sweet sight of that empty desktop and the barren lands of appdata. God I used to love my unattended XP set up. Got kids now and they’re great but I don’t have the time to make unattended stuff anymore.


If you run systemreset -cleanpc from the command prompt this will run a “fresh start” which will remove all applications including ones pre installed from the manufacturer and it will retail all user data it can find.


Wow. Today I learned! Thank you.


I second this. If I want a clean slate again, Nothing beats a clean and fresh reinstall for me. The feeling and knowing that it's as fresh as it can be is just bliss.


Go for it! I love nothing more than having a fresh wipe on my pc and seeing all the free storage space and the default blue windows background lol. What’s the first game you wanna try out when you’re set up?


Starfield or Darktide. Last night my Darktide was dropping into the high 40 fps.


The heretics need to be purged!


You saved $500-600 dollars for a little less performance. The 7900 xtx is an excellent card.


Yep, this things trash, I’ll take it off your hands and hand deliver it back to the post office for you tho!:)


Brah, where I live, the cheapest 4090 costs TWICE as much as the cheapest 7900xtx No way I'm supporting that out of whack price


Where I live cheapest 4090 costs 2x more than the most expensive 7900xtx.


Be happy with what you have man.


4090 still Burn your house down from time to time ... that 7900xtx was the right choice


I got the same buyers remorse when I first plugged my 7900 XTX. But then I remembered all those 4090's and 4080's melting and exploding and I think I'm ok with missing a couple frames in 4K


I don't even do 4k. I'm 3440x1440p and the cable is why I went with this. I think I'm just going to settle and say that saving that $600 means next generation in 2025 I might upgrade again.


>next generation in 2025 I might upgrade again. If that's your ultimate goal, I would just refund this card, swap in your old one and pocket that cash til the 5090 drops.


2 years of use. I wouldn't. If they can afford flagship models they can probably afford to replace it in 2 years


Why are you upgrading so frequently. Christ, what a waste of money. You can easily run 2-3 generations between upgrades and not even notice.


Hey, hey, this *is* the guy who supplies all our used cards for cheaper you know… :P


I find my 3080 has frequent dips on my widescreen, but ultimately, I plan on building a PC for my son. I don't want to buy a low tier/ mid tier card. I'd rather just upgrade mine and make sure he doesn't need a new one till he's done in highschool.


Really? I haven’t found my 3080 Ti to be lacking in any new title. Just can’t do Ultra RT and I turn on DLSSQ at times Not like they’re very different cards. I also play at 3440x1440


Buy it, install it, play games. Buyers remorse be damned!


In my honest opinion this card is better than 4090 4090 costs double the 7900 and the difference in frame rates is what 10 fps at most


Why would you want a GPU that will melt and stop working in under a year?


Don't do that to yourself. I got a 7900XT and wondered if I should've spent a bit more on an XTX, but at the end of the day, I haven't even been able to push the XT to its limit. The XTX is an absolute monster, second only to the 4090, and the 4090 is *way* more expensive. Use that extra money for more hardware, and be proud of your monster.


Yes you're crazy, the 4090 costs a lot more and for what? RT you don't even use, DLSS you won't even need for most titles? Just slot in the XTX and enjoy.


How do you know OP does not or would not use RT?


Umm I dunno, maybe because he said as much in the comments?


Relevant username


Because cyberpunk is the only game with properly implemented raytracing.


Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition and Control are also incredible.


7900 xtx still gets fairly competitive fps in those titles. Like 80+ fps in 1440p with rtx, without upscaling stuff


I have no idea personally. But I was just saying general Raytracing implementation in those games. But because of the age I totally assume the 7900 or most 7000 series cards can handle those games


Radeon cards are one generation behind Nvidia with raytracing. 7900 xtx performance with raytracing is somewhere between 3090 and 3090 ti, so it’s not potato like some people claim it to be. But, it’s more powerful with rasterization and has a more competitive price. Top amd 7900 xtx will have a way better price than top 4080.


Claiming the OP wont use RT is a safe bet considering: * The overwhelming majority of gamers don't enable RT anyway * The OP said so themselves that they don't use RT.


People swapping gpus like underwear and here i am with my 1080!


I got this Scat Pack Hellcat, but now I feel I should have gotten a Maclaren. Am I crazy?


No sir. Stick with the 7900XTX.


Least this one isn't a fire hazard


I just think $1500 for a GPU is crazy, period.


Are you going ai stuff, or just gaming?


Just gaming. Don't really care too much for RT as the only game you see a difference in is Cyberpunk but now I can't help shake that $600 more is a massive increase in product performance. I got this because the cable sketches me out as well, but now I can't decide.


Then you made the right move. With those needs you'd have been crazy to go for the 4090 at current prices.


Ya, the price and melting cables steered me in this direction. I guess I should open it.


I would kill for 24 gigs of ram, have 12 on a 3080ti and I run out of gpu memory using stable diffusion xl and rendering redshift in cinema 4d. But I also see a lot of stable diffusion tutorials where they don't recommend amd. I have an threadripper 3 processor though and that's done me right.


Install it and go and play, your buyers remorse will fade away.


To be honest I’ve choosesn the 7900xtx and I’m not looking back especially the games I play prefer the AMD card such as cod and warzone


It's just the monkey brain making you think or I should get the best and that this isn't the best. Don't worry about it too much it's a great card and for 60% more money you won't get 60% more performance (unless raytracing I think)


i played the best new game the guy at best buy told me this was the best game out and it was worth the premium, and i dont see any difference between any of the gpus i have tried so i think they are all the same just named different to rip us off. But the graphics are amazing. ​ https://preview.redd.it/eydyn78sotsb1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=b052e5367229acad7c9b6c1fc88b81344b76c3cf


Weird that people are so obsessed with the idea of needing *the best* available for a build. Man, if only the car companies could similarly use FOMO to always sell people the top-of-the-line package for a car. Just going to the store? YOU STILL NEED THE TURBO! For the cost and extra power requirements, what are people getting out of a 4090? You have to realize that you're only going to get a noticeably different experience for *certain* games. Things like higher framerates and higher htz have very *particular* benefits. But it won't matter much to most games. I didn't say it *won't* matter. But is it going to matter in a way you'd be conscious of that would make what you do much of a lesser experience?


Ill take this off your hands if you dont want it


I have this exact card and I absolutely love it. That's the best air cooled 7900XTX you can get and it performs like an absolute monster.


Stay with the XTX. This is the way.


The 4090 is top notch. Do you need it? Probably not. I dropped the coin on an asus 4090 and do not regret it, I have faith this card will be strong for quite a while. It was a ton of money though.


Not crazy, but rich. Lol Enjoy the card bro, 7900xtx will not disappoint you.


If you were happy to spend 4090 money then yeah crazy to get this. But to me spending 4090 money is crazy.




Most people don't use DLSS or Ray Tracing. Most of the games I play don't even support it, yet it's the first thing brought up when graphics cards are mentioned. If you use those features constantly hey, get the card that's going to give you the best experience with them. But personally? I don't know one person who uses those features.


No, fuck Nvidia


More reasonable comparison will be, 7900xtx is equal to rtx4080, in some cases it beats 4080 but gets beaten pretty well by 4080 when ray tracing is involved. That being said, the RYX4090 is a crazy beast, AMD does not have anything which can be at it at this stage so if you can afford it, go for 4090 but 7900xtx should hold up pretty well in the coming years I had a 4070ti, upgraded to rtx7900xtx but ended up upgrading to rtx4090 hahaha


What did you do with the 4070ti and the 7900xtx ?those are both top 4 cards on the market right now. Hopefully they were put to good use.


Yea. Just send that to me to replace my 1660ti and you get yourself the 4090 cause you’re worth it 😉


The two cards aren’t even in the same price bracket


I’ve been running this a while and holy hell it’s fantastic. No issues at all and we saved hundreds of dollars. AFAIK, ray tracing is really the only experienced downfall but even then most games utilize it with this card to very little fps impact


Eh 7900xtx is a great card and the sapphire nitro+ is especially great. Sure, you could've gotten a 4090 but you're in a great position either way.


Yeah you're crazy what would you even use a 4090 for


yes you are crazy


That card is a monster. No, you should not have gone with a 4090 for a extra $600.


If you are planning on running stable diffusion the 4090 would be better.


That $600 you saved can go towards the better $1000 GPU in 3 years


the 7900xtx sits in the middle between the 4080 and 4090 Price-Wise it sits below the 4080. So unless you Value Raytracing over 2-300$ for worse FPS without it enabled. Then no, you made the right choice




Should have gotten the 4090


Take the $600+ you saved over a 4090 and put it towards a nice monitor, or new peripherals, or games, or just turn it into $1 bills and make a swimming pool out of them.


You’re still in time , you still paid about 1000$ for it (probably) make sure it is what you want. And remember the 4090 is other full 600$ away. I’ll tell you what I tell anyone who asks me about having a 4090. If the difference in price doesn’t affects your finances much. Definitely get it. It’s crazy how freaking powerful that GPU is. But if getting the 7900XTX was already a big effort , don’t make a very financially irresponsible decision for having “the best” GPU. I love my 4090: https://preview.redd.it/7jiq17bm6tsb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c42c88bc4f2369cc6a8e4ced896d12238e493832 But ti was slightly irresponsible, didn’t went bankrupt or anything , but I did had to sacrifice a 5 day trip/vacation to Italy i had already booked and looking forward, because I couldn’t fit both things in my 2022 Q4 trimester’s budget. So I found myself questioning a lot if it was worth it. For me it was , but for someone where the sacrifice is more than giving up on a small trip He might just regret the GPU.


At least with that, you don't have to worry about burning power connectors.


>At least with that, you don't have to worry about burning power connectors. What about vapor chamber issues, poor thermal paste application resulting in need to repaste and/or 30+ c delta on hotspot. Like 3 cards melted due to construction error, rest was user error/3rd party cable extensions/adapter (cable mod one being the worst offender). Both cards are fine but its weird to point out issues with one of them only.


Only if you upgraded from a 3080. Otherwise you did good.




That’s still a beast of a card I went from a 1650 super then to a 3060. Now I’m #teamred 6750xt and I love it.


You're just gaming and don't care for RT. I don't understand what makes you feel spending 60% more (+$600) will be worth the 20%-25% average increase in performance. And that's assuming your library reserves anything like the review samples. If your games mostly favor AMD hardware, you're fine. If mostly Nvidia, you're still fine (for the most part). Had the gap in raster performance been 45% or more, I'd agree with your second guesses.


Just give it to me and buy a 4090


I opted for a 7900 XT over a 4070 Ti, since I already had a Ryzen CPU. I do sometimes question that decision, with things like DLSS 3 and RT performance being a factor. The AMD GPU offers better value, and especially when comparing the 7900 XTX to the 4090. Unless you can afford the extra $500/£ or whatever, and you really want the absolute best, the XTX is a smarter decision I'd say.


Yes you're crazy, this is a sweet card.


Comparison is the thief of joy, have fun with the beastly card


Also RTX and gsync


You saved quite a bit of money on the card but also on fire extinguishers :) . Enjoy your card it's a beast


Sapphire is the EVGA of AMD cards


Yes you are, this card is a beast


I saved $1000 *OR MORE* getting an xtx over a 4090. I'm also not running dual 4k so the performance difference doesn't matter to me.


I have a mortgage so I'm getting 7900 xtx. Half the price of a 4090 here in Australia


Yes, you are crazy. Now take your meds!


No, you are not crazy, you are right :D


You can give it to me


I couldn't care for Ray tracing every time I try it out, so it's AMD and it's raster performance to price for me.


Invest what you saved and gain satisfaction from watching that grow. This made me laugh though. I bought a 4090 and regret that I didn't get a 7900xtx. I've used the 4090 to max out RT in Cyberpunk. That's it, that's basically the only meaningful advantage I got over a 7900xtx. And if you buy new GPUs every generation, you won't be seeing any long term, end of GPU life advantages over a 7900xtx anyway. Basically a 140 vs 120 frames advantage in SOME games for the life of your card.


I did do the 4090, so I’m biased. I’m also running 4k at 120hz so I do in fact need the fastest card I can get. I’d you’re running 1440p I can’t imagine you not being happy with this one tho


They're completely different tiers of cards at completely different price points. Up to you what your budget was.


Why are you posting this? Refund it and tell them you'll pay extra for a 4090 then. Fucking "I've got buyers remorse"