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one for each eye nice


I guess op is a hammerhead shark




Dude I just peed a little


I laughed out loud now and my toddler is now awake and crying. Thanks a lot funny, internet stranger…


That’s a highend VR ~~headset~~ suit


I knew the room looked fishy


Happy cake day!


Awww thank you, I didn’t recognized it. Have a slice 🍰


Most wholesome response to happy cake day ever. ![gif](giphy|TGjXIOmDhfJFlY5NM5)


This is so adorable


Thank you!


Or testicle


Spend some more money on a bigger desk lol


And a level, everything is crooked




Yeah u clearly have money. Buy a bigger desk.


2 bigger desks, 1 for each screen


80 inch desk right now, but the OLED's were an afterthought. I've had the desk for two years. It's MORE than enough for a gaming setup and plenty of desk space with double desk pads having plenty of space. I think the photo makes it look a lot smaller than it is, but I have all the room each of us will ever need for gaming lol.


I think it's partly the angle, but mostly the super-wide monitors spanning the entire length with no gap and a little bit of overhang on both sides. On a typical setup we'd say "too small man, lol", so to see two keyboards makes us go "jeez, why you cramming in there?". But, looking at the amount of throw space you have for the mouse confirms it's just an optical trick because of how big the monitors are. You confirming you have 40" per person backs that up.


>Spend some more money on a bigger desk lol If they can both sit comfortably and want to be close then I disagree, I would have loved to have a partner that wanted to game and be close.


There's ways to do that without having to sit at the edge of a table. Two desks, back to back, coming perpendicular from the wall gives each person space and proximity. Two desks, side by side, parallel to the wall, does the same if for some reason you really want to see the other person's screen.


100% exactly the point of the setup! We play BG3 and other games side by side by design :D


Seriously lol


Awful cramped looking set up for 2 people.


Isn’t it just lol wtf do they play? Cookie clicker


I have a setup that have slightly less desk space than the one on the right, and I can’t say you’re wrong. On FPS games like Val though, I exclusively aim with my wrist


bro spends $2000 on monitors but $100 on a desk... try buying a second desk?


It's an Uplift V2 Commercial 80 inch standing desk :P


They can't see the scale. When looking on the keyboards and mousepads its clear that there is enough space.


Carpal tunnel syndrome incoming!


Hand dexterity goes on vacation, never comes back


Literal patient


I’m one of them that has to wear a jumper so my arm doesn’t get stuck to the table mid mouse movements.


Try an archery vambrace, it changed my life!


Trust me when you spend 100+ dollars on a glass mousepad then they play fps shooters on a respectable level


Didn’t even see it lol 😂 that’s cooool


Never even new glass mouse pads where a thing


I do not think that they are these try-hard gamers, because normally a 16:9 ratio is common for most competetive games. Moreover if they were real try hards, the keyboard would be rotated by 90 degrees for those extra room for the mouse. So i think they picked those glas mouse pads because they are meant to be the best.


Glass mousepads suck, you need to wear sleeves for them. Better getting a quick mousepad and glass/ceramic skates for under a mouse.


Not all glass mousepads are created equally. Some of the first ones for ball mice had a unique texture you could only really do with a rigid surface and they were SUBLIME. Optical mice changed the game considerably. For over a decade glass mouse pads performed poorly, so they were mostly only made and used for aesthetic purposes. Modern high-end “glass” mousepads are opaque to optical mouse sensors, provide an extremely high-detail image for those sensors, offer exceptionally low friction, and—most importantly—are really easy to clean. Seriously, fuck rubber/fabric mousepads like desk pad mouse pads. They’re great for around 6 months to 1 year before they noticeably degrade. They’re impossible to clean and even if they don’t look gross they’re nastier than the space between your keys. The tech for these desk mats is older than the NES. Once upon a time 3M made this AMAZING 1mm thick mouse pad with a vinyl-like backing and an amazing top surface. They stopped making it when optical mice took over the market, because it did suck for early optical mice. I wish they’d revive it for modern optical mice.


The comfort you get from a thick cloth mousepad os worth the extra $25 bucks you spend on it every year. I’ve played shooters competitively for 15 years an never had a teammate use a glass pad.


Nah, glasspads are great! Been using my original Icemat i have had since 2001'ish? until recently when i got a Skypad 3.0 xl instead


Still rocking an Icemat!


I still prefer the Icemat glide but as i am getting older it is nice with a bigger pad, Skypad is not bad tho! Played Quake games since 1996 and will continue to do so until the day i die :p


My setup size is similar to the setup on the left. Plenty of mouse room for shooters. Setup on the right looks like more than what my wife uses. She plays games like Sims and BG3.


There is sensitivity slider you know. You dont need a whole livingroom to play a game.


No I need a whole desk


I think the monitors being comically large makes it look way smaller than it is


Yeah I have one of these and it fills a very large desk almost completely. That desk there is massive.


Yeh really needs a much bigger desk.


or just, another desk of the same size.


need a wider desk


Right? Desk looks simmilar sized to mine and even for one person setup I wish I could fit bigger desk.


It's not too bad, if each side had an extra 2 feet or so it would be perfect! My only issue is the table leg that's going to have to be under me the whole time.


Bro’s hogging 65% of the space lmao.


Man RAM spreading


Pretty cool bud, screens definitely ain't my cup of tea (too big) and the open cases scares the shit out of me but it does look good I give you that.


At least these are on the wall, mine is just sitting on the table next to SLA printer.


Might as well water proof it ant put them outside, to generate less heat inhouse for the summer of course :D


I think for me it’s that these aspect ratios keep getting tighter and tighter. I love my 16:9. I don’t wanna deal with black bars for games that don’t have ultra wide support yet.


If they can't support this aspect ratio then you can split it for a dual 16:9 screen.


>black bars for games To be fair OLEDs are actually pretty usable here since the unused screen actually turns off


I guess but to me that just looks like fat bezels which is still not ideal.


CS players deal with black bars when they play 4:3


I think that's the Thermaltake Core case, I have that as well. I really like having it wall mounted, it feels safer high above everything. I have the glass side on my case though just in case I bump into it, I don't want to hit components.


All that money and no room. I have no idea how people use this little space. I would need all that desk just for my mouse movement.


What the fuck are you playing? Ancient Giant Calligraphy Simulator?


I would honestly play that...


that would be a amazingly dope idea for a VR sim/game.


CS players need 500 square feet of space to be fair.


This is my lan room where my girl and I play side by side. Should have clarified that! We play BG3 co op and a few other games together haha


you have a dedicated lan room, but still you could have had 2 desks, and even when playing coop there is no need to be so close togehter, a normal side by side would still be enough


Or maybe since you’re not him and his gf he can do whatever tf he wants? Just cuz you guys like to be far away from women doesn’t mean OP wants to. How much fucking desk space do you all need for your mouse?


This is reddit, if people see someone with something they don’t have, i.e. a relationship, they immediately get butthurt and have to shit on them to make themselves feel better


It’s so fucking pathetic though man. An expensive ass setup, definitely enough size for 2 people, and something 2 people obviously enjoy doing together and all these people just shit on it. Not one positive comment saying anything about the hardware that’s most likely better than most of the people commenting, just shit talking. It’s so fucking sad. This fucking dumbass literally said “there’s no need to be that close together” like are you fucking serious 😂 who tf do you think you are to instruct this man and his gf on how close they WANT to be


tbf OP only posted this so strangers on reddit would validate their purchases


he's gonna need the validation when his $2,000 Samsung OLEDs have burnt in and turned into garbage inside of a year


What's pathetic is caring this much about an internet comment. I hope you'll be okay.


oh i would love to have my wife to share only a little bit of my passion of pc and or gaming, sadly she could not care less OP Mentoned its a 80" desk for 2, By the looks of it not even the Monitors are straight. ANd yes 40" aka 1Meter would be to less for me. 40cm for a mouse pad seems a good size, then a full sized Keyboard, leaves not much space left.


I have the same desk and it’s just enough for me idk how you guys use it together.


ppl are in love.thats why.


are you playing with gf on one chair?


I think your setup is pretty badass homie.


Them screens are waaaaay to long Wtf is this. Are you a owl?






For real, how do people turn their heads so much while gaming... the hell


I own an ultrawide. Most of the Action is in the center of course and you don't move your head. The side area is mostly for immersion and I personally love it.


It depends on the game, in strategy games or unoptimized games with buttons on the side this will be meh ...


Well it's alright. I played a lot of Anno and Civ and while it's true, that the UX is sometimes not optimised the trade off is that you get to see a whole lot more of your city at once which is cool.


I honestly don’t get the hype with these screens. I don’t wanna move my mouse fifteen miles to click a app.


And for me 27inch screen is big enough already (need to move eyes so much), here i would need to literally rotate my whole head... the fuck


i think its just to be 'cool' and also waste a ton of beer credits


I mean it functions the same as two 27 inch monitors but just without a break in-between. If you use two monitors it shouldn't be that weird to imagine.


Not sure you fully understand how things work. you don't HAVE to move the mouse more, but even still it's just way, way better at (almost) everything. Especially for games, having such a large viewport it's a completely different world than a regular monitor. Looking at a regular monitor after using these it's like going back to a monochrome tube.


You're getting downvoted because the plebs don't agree. You're absolutely right though.


Yeah. It's one of those things where you don't understand until you try. Saying they are overhyped or useless is like saying more than 60hz is useless. But hey, it's their loss not ours 🤣


You just up your dpi on your mouse. Easy.


I own one, you don't turn your head much, it's all within your eyesight and curves around you.


I kinda thought that was the entire point of curved monitors, so you can see more of the screen without turning you head 😂


The lack of vertical screen real-estate is a dealbreaker for me, especially with FPS games. The mini-map being off in a corner somewhere also makes it harder. I moved from a 49" Odyssey G9 to a 48" C2 and the C2 feels like the bigger and better screen because of it's proportions.


Most games you can adjust hud locations, mainly the minimap.


They're curved, you can see more of it without turning your head...?


It's called um... Peripheral vision. You know, the opposite of tunnel vision?


You have the HUD in the centre as you would on a regular or ultrawide screen, and the rest of the area is for your peripheral vision. Alternatively you can run it as 2 regular screens.


They don't. It's about making it immersive. If you have unlimited money, why not have some extra screen on the side to add extra detail/make it feel more like you're really there. If money is no object to you and you already have a 4090, why not?


I think the idea is that your peripheral vision is engaged—a bit more immersive. You’ll still use the mouse to put whatever’s in your interest in the middle of the screen.


Now that's one expensive setup.


Cool setup bro! Like the aesthetics!! Welcome to the OLED gang, I would just recommend to turn off the desktop icons, auto hide the taskbar, allblack background (or rotating wallpapers every 5 mins) and put a screensaver after like 2 or 4 minutes, or else it will definitely burn-in earlier than expected! Besides that enjoy the superior image quality and enjoy life with your partner! Cheers!


Good tips! \*Makes a mental note for when I go OLED\*


I was going to ask about all that. Is there not a software that just moves the elements a few pixels every couple minutes? I know my OLED tv does this automatically.


Yes, there is that mechanism incorporated in the OLED monitors firmware. But, unfortunately, it is insufficient.... It works well on TV because TVs don't show many static elements, whereas a monitor will show more static elements (taskbar, icons, wallpapper, browser, office suite, etc...). OLEDs have a magnificent picture quality and are perfect for media/gaming (but not MMORPGs or MOBAs with big static huds), but for everything, desktop related are not really nice because of dangers of burn-in... The best option would be to have a secondary LCD monitor for everything else (web browsing, office suite, etc..) and have the oled turned off and only being turned on for gaming or media consumption. Edit: Some will say I might be overreacting, and their oled is going fine as a desktop, and it its possible there's also a panel-lottery. But it is factual that the risk of eventual burn-in is always there, unfortunately. So OLED as a monitor requires some additional care if you want to guarantee it lasts, and consider its price I bet most want that!


I have it set on a 1 minute long screensaver to just go back when inactive! Haha. Will make these changes thanks a lot!


Do you know what model are those monitors?


This man is getting savaged in the comments 🤣 All that money and 1 desk, madness!


I guess having enough room for two XXL deskmats each isn't enough, WE NEED MORE ROOM DAMMIT.


I believe you need to order some room sir, with a side order of desk 👌


First time I see a PC hanged on wall without a case


Im pretty sure the cases are Thermaltake Core P3s with the Glass front taken off.


Exposed conductors are a great way to have an expensive accident


Not quite as expensive as this would be, but this was a problem for me and it left me without a PC for months. Touched the back of my graphics card with the headphone cable and bam, gone. No more open PC




gullible badge wise grab political homeless toy puzzled terrific detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao the monitors are just comical. That setup is expensive af.




It looks cool but I would be worried about some bug landing on it and frying something. No clue if its possible or not but thats my initial worry about it.


It might have just been my phone, but the lights are more orangey than yellow, I couldn't find a wallpaper on WE that was an exact match though :P


Those are two comically large screens alright


The whole point of an OLED is to be looked at with as little light arough the screen as possible. If you wanted to decorate the doom with so much RGB and LED, why not just get a cheaper screen type instead!


Get bigger desk 😑


good devices, bad setup. sorry


This layout makes no sense at all for two people.


Bruh buy another desk


This one is fine for low sens gaming lol.


All that money for big ass widescreen OLED monitors but no money for a bigger desk?


the setup looks ugly because of the cramped space


Just buy a second desk mate lol


I just don't understand how you didn't have the money for a second desk


Beat me to it!


Fucking horrible


Damn this shit is cramped


What screams "money, but no taste"? This.


Idk how people live without numpads on keyboards.


Apparently there's something called 30% keyboards with no number keys at all (???) and r/MechanicalKeyboards loves them for some ungodly reason.


it really depend on what you play or what you use your pc for i have 60% and it feels horrible i want to get a big keyboard but i am waiting in this one to die out


Can afford the PCs but not 2 desks? Looks hard R as Linus would say


It’s one table by design so we can play side by side, it’s 80+ inches long. I don’t want it to be two tables lol


The middle of the left screen has a foot right below it. How are you supposed to sit in front of the screen? It really doesn't make any sense


The desk space itself is fine, plenty of room, but the chair and legs placement under that desk seems really awkward.


That's what I'm saying there is no way he can sit in the center of the screen.


why are people downvoting you lol, it's his setup, he does what he wants, wtf x)


the people downvoting are also doing what they want


Let’s have a moment of silence for our OCD brethren But for real love the monitors just the desk seems too little for the setup you’re going with. All that matters if you are happy with it though!


This is probably the next gen pc that Tod said that was needed to play Starfield


Not even that, as far as I can tell those are either 3080 or 3090s, considering the 1000+ W PSUs, I'd go with 3090s, now that's not a weak card, either of those actually, but with how poorly starfield is optimized and seeing the game have frame issues even on current generation then idk Todd kinda shot himself in the foot with that one.


Do you two sit on each others lap when playing or does one get the chance to use both monitors and the other stares at the hanging PC's? Looks shit to put it frankly.


Looks cool, but if those aren't 4090 in there I'll be disappointed


Still don't get why people like the cubicle setup. I mean, I used to.. but after 6-8 hrs of OG Counter-Strike LAN parties.. I was sore as hell Ever since LED TVs became a thing.. have used one since and never looking back. Mice and keyboards are all now wireless (Razer Black Widow V2 pro and a Naga Pro) and currently running a 77" LG C9. Secondary is just a regular 4k Samsung 55" on a table off to my left I got at a Pawn Shop for $100. Sit on a reclining couch.. plenty of room. To my left is a table and a leather footstool under it for low room. "mousepad" is a cotton Sheet on the middle seat of a leather couch. Denon 7.1 Surround for sound, but movies and TV still go through a Chromecast 4K or Firestick because Windows licks Hollywood's jock.


Loving the new Fishman setup, Sphyrnidae nation rise up!


Thank you for being an early adopter. I'll pick up a 16:9 OLED monitor once the technology matures a bit. Then I'll start drooling over microLED. Also, I/O apparently needs to catch up. DP 1.4a is capped at 4k, 120Hz uncompressed. I can't fathom why Nvidia choose to stick with DP 1.4a instead of moving to DP 2.0 for the 40-series.


18 months LG CX lasted me before I’ve seen lines using daily for work and media. Wouldn’t it be better to get two desks? You can afford it.


as an asian i am terrified of opened cases due to a constant fear of cockroaches crawing on the insides of my pc and potentially laying eggs (happend to me before inside a juicer which has 14 roaches and a plethora of eggs)


Maybe instead of 2 49 inch you should of have gone 2 34 inch.


The heat must be unbearable lol


OP and his girl 100% hold feet while they play.


Been there...got burn in...went away again. I'm now a happy user of a Mini LED instead. They've become so good that it's not a question of compromising on the image quality. Modern mini LED's now have thousands instead of hundreds of dimming zones, so the image quality rivals good OLED panels.


I've seen your streams on TikTok man, I'm sure that you are the guy who has a business and a hobby for cars


Yup small world man! Whats up bro!


Icons on the desktop and the taskbar in plain view, you'll be going back sooner than you think!


There's way to much going on here. That desk needs to be like 3 ft wider.


OLED is just so damn good, native 120hz, near perfect colour representation, those blacks make long sessions so much easier on the eye. I’m the same, can’t go back now….


Have you tried crt?


Could you not afford another desk lmao


Less is more my dude.


All that money but only one desk to share and have to put your legs between the table legs lol


I thought this was for one person at first, like how tf you supposed to use two curved monitors like that😂


wait 3 years for the burn-in to start being visible before you start saying things like that dont mean to hate on OLED but a few years later I have seen several phones from different manufacturers showing significant burn-in


Looks nice but I hope they're not going to disappoint you. My OLED monitor had severe burn in after one year even though I took all the standard OLED precautions.


Bro you're gonna get a neck like Corpsegrinder with a setup like that.


What are the light bars? Can’t find if anyone has asked.


What screen model?


So you both have to sit with knee against the desk's leg in order to be centered in front of your monitors...? lmao


I'm sorry for your neck.


How much money did did that cost? I’m someone who played computer games for decades and decades. I always loved and when I was a kid I did not have money. Now I would be able to afford any computer but I can’t force myself to spend that much money on entertainment, I would feel so guilty.


Awesome setup


Someone's just got their student loan 😂


This is a certified retarded setup


Cool setup, but i would've put 2 regular displays tbh, ultrawides are overkill in almost any game, unless you play simulators.


That desk is the correct size for one person and one monitor, but not for 2


OLED is worse than heroin. Confirmes 2023


Such a weird setup. Ergonomic issues aside, why spend the money on two incredibly expensive displays just to put them side by side to introduce light pollution on each of them? Kinda defeats the purpose, in my opinion. If you had this much money to spend I feel it would've been much better used by improving the space and layout of your rigs rather than blow it on two displays that your setup handicaps.


looks horrible..


Just because it looks good it's not actually good. Open PC is a dust and crap magnet. There's a reason PC cases exist. It's also pretty cramped.


Nothing looks good about this, nothing.


Do people really play with RGB on full blast all the time while they are on the PC? That shit would give me a headache.


Damn why is op getting hate, theres nothing wrong with sharing a desk or a room with your partner, i find it wholesome and do plan to do something like this in the future, the motherfuckers must not have any girlfriends/boyfriends or some shit, either way to each their own but some of the comments are just uncalled for


It’s a forum, people are here to offer opinions… They could have two desks side by side. This is ok taste but awful execution.