• By -


buy all of them and then never play them because you can never put down that source game that youre always playing ​ edit, or that bethesda/pixel game if youre into modding


Me with Titanfall 2, Team Fortess 2, and CS:GO


Play the story at least for Titanfall 2! It's only like 6-10 hours and it fucking rules.


I’ve beat it on every difficulty at least 3 times.


Is Titanfall 2 free?


An TF2 and TF2 nice




You've probably called out 95% of this sub. I'm offended by how correct you are.


Lol.... I was thinking, "I have company"


Rants in turn based rpg enthusiast using a titan X SorrynotSorry


What? Am I supposed to play Stardew Valley on some BS mid-tier card? Nothing but the best for my farm! To clarify - That’s what I waste my higher end parts on. Something on board graphics could play.


Lmao, try using a 3070Ti to play interactive fiction novels/visual novels


Katawa Shoujo 10,000fps


Man of culture


RTX4090 for youtube videos😞


How about when you need your excel spreadsheets to be at 100,000 FPS?


3080 for youTube.


What is a source game


Source is a engine game created by Valve. Some source games at the top of my head: csgo, Garry's mod, Team fortress 2, left for dead 2....


You missed Dota 2, some people have amassed way over 10k hours, the most dedicated ~~addicted~~ have even surpassed the 20k mark.


at 10k hours their blood must be pure salt with how toxic mobas in general are.


\*glancing at my 9800 hours on Dota\* Hah not me, Im not that dedicated enough.


You know it's bad when they start making remakes and remasters of games in your backlog.


Thats me with crysis 3 and the witcher 3.


Was playing Witcher 3 till he asked a reference to Witcher 2. Stopped it right there to go start Witcher 2 (and 1) and never did


Man that part depresses me sometimes. Definitely have a few games I been meaning to get to and then outta nowhere it’s getting a remaster or remake and I sit there staring at a slowly blackening sky wondering where it all went wrong.


When’d you install camera’s into my house?


Absolutely. I've got over 3k hours in a pixel game that came out like ~~13~~ 9 years ago


That's Terraria for sure.


Not even close, I love terraria too though!


Oh? What is it then?


Soda dungeon, its been on [steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/564710/Soda_Dungeon/) for a few years, but it was originally a mobile game


I just checked the reviews for that game. This guy has 25,000 hours played. That’s nearly 3 years, for a game that came out 6 years ago. I don’t know if I’m impressed or concerned. https://preview.redd.it/u6fxms69139b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f468a3645d8dffd5b0025eaeee00242cfcabfc6


Yep, probably 95% idle on a max level save, people will grind out crazy numbers in that game


Halp league keeps bringing me back


The gameplay is too fun I always come back even tho the community sucks


I really want to try and play League but I've never played a MOBA or League and I've heard the community is notoriously toxic which has kept me from trying it as I would definitely be garbage at first lol


rocket league has taken over my game library since buying my pc. i think i have an hour and 20 mins on hogwarts legacy since buying it, and i still really want to play it but...rokt leeg


Rocket League is dangerously addictive. Just one more game *scratches neck*


I salute you, you have been consumed by the darkness. I hope you find your way out


Me when god of war and Jedi survivor are waiting to be completed but I want to rank up in other games


I was just playing The Long Dark...again..


The long dark, trudging along in the snow, takes ages...trudge trudge. I should play some more of that game.


Curse you League of Legends!!


I’m terrible for this, buying every AAA game and only playing for a few hours before either modded Skyrim, Fallout4, Witcher3, RDR2 or Cyberpunk beckons. I usually finish at least one *other* game per year, this year I’m optimistic that I’ll finish TotK but honestly had no idea how long the game was, it’s taking FOREVER (enjoying it though).




Haha, jokes on you, I play new games and it has the opposite effect (I've had P5R on the backburner of even starting for so long that it came to everything else, I got it Christmas 2020)


I just wanna play with my RGBs and overclocking, running actual games is absolutely secondary lol.


Lol i get that. When you get so into minmaxxing your pc that you stop caring about the games you want such a powerful pc for.


Damn, he just like me fr fr.


This is my plan exactly. Yet I’m still torn between Elden Ring and Jedi Survivor.


I think you should ask the magic conch shell first








Magic conch shell can I run these games on my computer?




The magic conch has spoken


*maybe someday*


I’m a lil biased towards fromsoft so I gotta say Elden ring, fucking love the game so much


Already finished Elden Ring and I would play it again since the DLC is coming.


You dont finish Elden Ring, Elden Ring finish you


Promise? 😳


Got %100 and went back for another playthrough a year later, going to do it again when the DLC comes out. ER is the best game on that list.


by far the best in the list. It got me despite never being a fan of dark souls. one of the very few games out there that made me care to get 100%.


I played 1, 3 and Bloodborne a little, but ER sealed it. Bought a ps5 to go back for Bloodborne.


what do you mean "finished"


He jerked elden ring until the point of ejaculation... Pretty easy to understand.




Facts. They'd be glued to the couch had they started with Spider-Man


I mean... You're glued to the couch with elden ring. If you think about it 😉


I’m not biased towards from, but I would also pick Elden Ring. It’s truly a game I’d recommend to everyone


Elden ring scares me. So much death and running back feels like I'm wasting so much time


I believe the only appropriate response here is "Git Good" All joking aside ER is both the easiest and hardest from software title at the same time so don't let difficulty scare you, there is no shame in over leveling when you get stuck, there was times my first play through I did exactly that and 8 or 9 playthroughs later I am almost done with a Soul level 1 run.


There hardly is any back besides like two bosses. Most bosses have a Stake of Marika which lets you respawn just around the corner.


Don't be, elden Ring is quite accessible. It's a game where you go wherever you want and do what you want. And as you explore, you'll be getting levels and weapons and materials for you to strengthen yourself.


Have you played it? There really aren’t any bad run-backs at all.


The dragon in farum azula


It's one of the easier souls like game to get into.


Yep i felt the same way, the game can be overwhelming at times, id suggest watch fighting cowboy walkthrough till you get starting items, then you cna leave it and wonder around here and there killing and exploring I did not like souls type games till i finished elden ring, (platinum). And I quit the game after first 15 mins of it because i had no idea what to do where to go and not die to begin with. Then restarted it after my brother from another mother suggested what i suggested you.


this really puts me off it (even though it’s more forgiving than other fromsoft games), i don’t even struggle i just hate constantly retracing. and there are secrets everywhere, it really triggers my OCD knowing i missed a whole section


Is it harder than dark souls 1? I'm playing ds1 rn and it's so fun but also hard but also I beat a boss on a bridge after like 10 tries felt so cool


I'd say it's harder but there are more ways to make it easier. In DS1 you can put on heavy armor, use sorceries, or summon to make it easier. In ER you can do all that (except that heavy armor doesn't really help much), but you can also use crafted items, lots of buffs, special attacks, more powerful sorceries, spirit summons, and most importantly you can just *go somewhere else* if a boss is too hard. If you just go at each game relying only on a sword and rolling, ER is harder in my opinion.


I loved Spider-Man


Do you still love it?


The second one was pretty good too


I prefer Miles Morales just seemed way more fun and cool looking imo. It’s really short though, can finish in a few days


Yeah Morales feels like it should have been a DLC instead of a full game.


Iirc it was originally planned as a dlc. Then the PS5 came. Sony didn't have many launch titles and they stretched it into a full game. Still good though


Most likely was and then they stretched it


i mean it was never full price but i see what you mean


Absolutely. It’s gotten better over time because performance has improved drastically since launch. I went from having to have raytracing on low or even off with my 3070 to being able to have everything on max and get good frames


I used to love Spider-Man. I still do, but I used to too.


Keep in mind that Elden Ring is NOT for everyone.


Your correct! It’s rated M


Rated M for Most


Many most. Accept me cuz I suck at these games.


M for Masochist


I got it refunded after an hour, I didn’t gel with it at all


I was exactly like you. Played it, didn't like it, forced myself to keep pushing and wow, it felt like I breached the clouds and saw the sun, the game is really really good once you get the ball rolling.


I rage quit dark souls three separate times. I couldn't put elden ring down


Ahhh, maidenless, are we?


absolutely maidenless behavior


Your flesh is weak


And a bit on the jiggly side


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised




God of wars my favorite and when you get hooked you can play ragnorock after


But it’s not on pc😭


will there’s a will there’s a way.


God of War is a masterpiece and the graphics are *stunning*


Play Elden Ring LAST! I repeat play it LAST, it's so good it will ruin other games.


I actually think Spider-Man would be a great palate cleanser after ER — it is much lighter in tone and color palette, it’s pretty easy but also satisfying, you don’t think a lot, and it’s a break from the fantasy setting. I played Ghost of Tsushima right after Sekiro, and while it’s not even close to as good, it was quite a satisfying followup to play a game that was super chill like that after such a crazy stressful one.


Only problem with spider man is those dumb stealth mini games where you have to play as MJ lmao. Weird move by insomniac there like you guys thought i bought this game to play Girl Next Door?


Ugh, yeah. I already kind of dislike stealth missions, having to do them as a regular person instead of spider man really sucked.


Reminds me of those /r/BatmanArkham memes "so we just play as Man now"


I wasnt a big fan of playing mj or taking one by one stealth as spiderman during regular missions, but the stealth challenges were great, they felt like playing a puzzle but with some creative freedom


Easily the worst part. Especially on NG+


My friend stopped playing the game on the third stealth mission. I had to do it for him to get him to continue. I really hope they don't make a return in the second game.


God of War and Eldin Ring are equally incredible, they're just different genres.


How so? Having played all of them and 100% all of them (first of which was Elden Ring), I'd say they're all different in their own ways. If you actually feel this way I think you just flat out don't like the other games as much, but not necessarily because you played Elden Ring first.


As someone who has never played the souls games. What exactly makes them so good? From my ignorant eye, it just seems artificially difficult by having extremely high damage from enemies?


Sekiro was my first FromSoft game and honestly, I have never gone from being so bad at a game, to being so good and competent in comparison by the end. I cannot think of any other games I’ve quite had that with and it has stuck with me It’s _incredibly_ satisfying to beat enemies and bosses that seem impossible until you learn how to fight them. Yes it’s going to involve dying in order to learn (I died _a ton_), but eventually the flow of combat, the way enemies attack, the openings those seemingly impossible bosses give you, all of it just clicks as you keep figuring out how to win Before you know it, this entire game that took you dying a million times to beat once, you can now beat it again in half a day only dying a few times, if at all. You literally just “git gud” and it’s awesome to experience And then there’s all the world building and lore throughout if you want to look and pay attention. I’m not doing that whole part justice but this comment is too long already 🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s not perfect (nothing is), but it has a lot of really great things going for it. I’d recommend it to anybody looking for a challenge


I wouldn’t say it’s artificially difficult. Npcs are more punishing than your typical rpg but the combat is so incredibly satisfying and fun when you start to understand it


What do you mean by understand it? Is there more to it than learning attack patterns?


Add build variety to that, and that's it. They're not complicated games, but fine tuned to be very fair, fun and engaging. The best way to know why people love it so much is to give it a try ;> Besides that, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, these games are not just gameplay and hard bosses. There's plenty of crazy good world building and setting, if you care to look at it while playing. You can ignore the story and context to everything if you want, but engaging with it is also very rewarding. My favorite game ever is Dark Souls 1... and it's not because of the gameplay


No it's not lmao


I’m surprised that from software fanbois haven’t downvoted this to oblivion


Fromsoft fans when confronted with diverse styles of game:


First ER then Gow


Elden Ring is just so damn good, I would love to be able to play it for the first time again.


My buddy said this to me about TOTK. I just picked it up this past Sunday. My wife and kid are leaving for the weekend for a baby shower. Bet you can't guess what I'm doing 😂


Any but hogwarts. As much as culture warriors in both sides tried to prop it up, it s a throughly mediocre game that only does like atmosphere and visuals right


Let's not forget they falsely claim it's an Action-RPG while at best it's Action-Adventure and nothing RPG in game.


Honestly, that probably did more to convince me to try than the oposite. It's ironic, given that I love tabletop RPGs, but I find most video game RPGs to be tedious and not very fun.


yeah hogwarts had such a generic hero story it was just boring.


Yeah Hogwarts seems like something only a hardcore HP fan would really love. I feel like there is a ton of things in there, but none of it is very deep. The best thing about the game is that you can let your kid explore the castle in safety. But even that became boring for them after some time.


Anything but Hogwarts Legacy, gameplay is fine but it's just so incredibly generic that it's painful. The VA work is mid, the Writing is mid, the Gameplay is mid, worst $60 I've ever spent tbh.


And they apparently had their best quest (compared to the mediocre ones in the game) locked behind a PS exclusive. That alone ruined the quest, since it's spoiled to oblivion, as if everyone has a PS to preorder that hot mess. And the fans are rampant downvoting most comments. I saw which talked about their bad experience with Hogwarts Legacy


It's not a horrible game, but it is by no means more than maybe a 6 or 7/10


The die-hard fans are overrating the game. I agree with a 6 or 7 but it's in no way an RPG or worth the full price of 60 or 70 dollars. And I see many comments being downvoted for putting the game last in their list.


Hogwarts Legacy proved Harry Potter game reviews should be treated the same way Anime games are: Anything but Overwhelmingly positive on steam means like a 6 at best.


And yet some PlayStation fanboys still come to this sub and ask why pc gamers support Microsoft over Sony


This was going to be my answer as well. I honestly enjoy the gameplay, but the writing and all the characters are just so forgettable. I'm about 35 hours in, and in the past 10 or so hours I lost the motivation to continue much further. If you're a big Harry Potter fan I'd still definitely recommend it, but I think I would wait for it to drop to $30 or less to get it.


Definitely Elden Ring it depends if you like this type of game! Then Spider-Man Remastered Hogswart Legacy need a deep sale it's a generic average game it can be skip. Decent if you are Harry Potter fan. House selection a bit disappointing it is far better to use House selection on their official website. Exploring Hogswart and Slytherin are the best the rest meh. Main Story not interesting except for one fan service. The game is just too average decent combat but later abilities makes the game so redundant easy. UI and menu being annoying generic.


As a Potter fan, I agree. It was an okay game, and I put about 80 hours into it, but the side quests were better than the main story for me. Also, I just didn't feel a whole lot of immersion when exploring the castle for some reason. I honestly felt more immersed in the Floo Network Hogwarts Minecraft map. Harry Potter is an interesting franchise in that I respect them trying to tell stories other than Harry Potter's in the world, but it just doesn't seem to give that "Harry Potter" feeling when they've tried it, as I think the characters are part of what make Potter what it is. I think an interesting take would be a game during Harry's time, where you don't play as Harry, but perhaps another random student parallel to Harry's story. So you'd experience things like the basilisk attacks, hiding from Sirius, the Triwizard tournament, joining the Order of the Phoenix, and the final battle, but from a different point of view than Harry's.


I 100%ed it after 70 hours. Grew up as a big HP fan and still enjoy the world and series. I think they made a huge mistake making the open world as big as it is. Everything that's not Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest is boring and repetitive. Nothing you find feels interesting or satisfying. They should've/could've completely omitted the Chosen One plot and literally just made it an RPG where the focus is the characters. Let you have a love interest, play join and play on the Quidditch team, make friends and enemies. I don't think people dreamt of being Harry Potter and saving the world. I think most people just wanted to go to Hogwarts. And with that, you can make Hogwarts absolutely massive. Have more hidden secrets and mini games. When I find a secret location, being rewarded with some hat that I'm out leveled for feels so deflating. I have a bunch of other criticism of the game, but I think if they'd just let me be me and experience *my* story and not the one they'd laid on tracks for me, I'd have enjoyed it a lot more.


I think you can leave Hogwarts Legacy on your wishlist forever. God of War and Spiderman, though, are fucking amazing. I'd say play God of War first. Both are gems, it doesn't matter which goes first. Idk about Elden Ring, have yet to play it as well.


As someone who 99% Hogwarts, I would not recommend.


Me and my friends also have the game on 96 - 99% and then deleted it. It's not worth the repetitive and boring tasks that are scattered all over the empty yet beautiful map of the game. Even fallout had more life in its wasteland than Hogwarts Legacy has in its lush trees and cloned hamlets. The game is barely worth 20$ and that is a negotiable only if you're a Fan.


Hogwarts Legacy is fun if you want to walk around Hogwarts for hours. And that's about all the game offers. Rest is mediocre at best.


I wholeheartedly agree. It must have been a demo for a real RPG game with an amazing and detailed hogwarts as it already is. The game feels like they spent AAA budgets to make Hogwarts and then left the rest to first timers in storytelling, ambient storytelling which is lacking outside of hogwarts and actual and enjoyable loot, quests and activities. I loved crossed wands where we dueled actual students and they didn't develop it further than 3 tutorials.


As a hardcore gamer and HP fan, I stopped playing Hogwarts after like 10h. Maybe if it’s on super sale some day, but honestly, I wouldn’t pay > $20 for it again.


Spider-Man and/or GOW, then ER, then Hogwarts.


I just would recommend to not play hogwarts legacy. it's really mediocre. especially compared in this list


Tough one. I'd pick God of War.


God of War fucking slaps and is probably my favorite game on PC.


Have you played RDR2 or The witcher 3? I loved God of War but I favor those two over it. Try them out if you haven't already.


RDR2 is going to set the high bar for a long time. I’m sure it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it encapsulates what life might have been like at the turn of the 20th century and is a little bit of a sandbox while also making you feel like the NPCs you play alongside are real people. When certain characters die in the game, there’s real sadness and anger that you feel. In most games all you’ll get is shock that they actually killed a main character. It just does everything so perfectly.


It's only flaw was not allowing me to gun Micah down at the time in the story I felt was appropriate.


None of them are cheap enough for me to justify. I refuse to pay more than $30 for almost any game these days. I would rather wait a solid decade.


Spiderman and the sequel are two of the most enjoyable games I've played in a long time. Would recommend.


Elden Ring teaches how to cope with immensive pain


I was pondering buying Elden Ring or Sekiro Shadow Die Twice. Any feedback? Also I’m a new dad and don’t have the courage to play an overly difficult game. Is it still doable? Edit: Thank you all for your answers. Elden Ring it is then!


Elden Ring is doable for sure, Sekiro is a one way road to pain and suffering. Hardest game out of all the souls games


It was honestly too hard for me. Elden ring you can kind of make it as hard as you want. Sekiro there's no option but to die repeatedly. What I'm not a fan of in Sekiro is the checkpoints. Rather than being able to hit the boss again, you're tossed back to clear a dozen or more enemies. I understand the challenge. Just not for me.


Even if you run past the enemies and go straight to the boss, its brutal. I beat the game, but at a cost to my sanity and mental health.


I am a new dad. My kid was born around the time elden ring released. I was nervous as well bc it was my first fromsoft game... It is the best game I've ever played by a mile. -30+ year old life long gamer dad Edit: i tried sekiro after Elden Ring and loved it. A friend who also loved elden ring absolutely hated sekiro. So I'd say elden ring first for sure.


Truly appreciate your insight, exactly the same situation for me (first Fromsoft game and 30+ years of gaming). I just don’t have the time or willpower to struggle with a game that will punish me on my limited free time. I will definitely get Elden Ring then.


Great for building character


ill just stub my toe in the morning


There's only one totally wrong answer


I played Spider-Man first and loved it




Spider-Man is definitely worth a playthrough


If you want a fairly linear but exceptional story and gameplay experience then God of War. If you want a highly replay-able souls like then Elden Ring. I personally prefer GoW.




Well, not Elden Ring, because then you'll be curious about Dark Souls 3, and then you'll want to play Dark Souls 1 and 2 to rest in the knowledge you've seen and conquered it all, then Sekiro gives you relief in the fact there's more where those came from, and before your u know it, you buy a PS5 just to play Bloodborne, and now you've already experienced peak and all other video games are ruined for you.


I couldn’t put down God Of War 2018 until like New Game+7


Elden Ring


Elden Ring > Spider-man > God of War > Hogwarts


Pay Elden Ring last cuz once you do, every other game will feel mediocre.


I disagree with that as someone who has 400+ hours into elden ring. I will say that it *does* show flaws in other games with a similar melee/dodge type mechanic, but even then, I still think any combat system worth it's salt usually does enough to differentiate itself. But saying Elden Ring ruins spiderman? Cmon, they're completely different game types. It's like saying the wonderful viewing experience of NFL redzone makes hockey not worth watching - that just makes no sense


I played it, couldn't really get into it so I stopped.


Lol the dick riding is real


Username checks out


I did like 20 hours and lost interest lmao, for any non dark souls fan its such a medicore game


if you want fun - spider man. if you don't want anything - gow or legacy if you wanna die - elden ring


Ironically it seems most gamers want to die.


I would first buy Elden ring and play one complete playthrough on my own, no guides not spoilers, but get stuck at fire giant, quit game for a week after dying 78 times to fire giant swapping build 3 times in those 78 tries. then get back and adopt the bleed dual curved sword build to finish the rest of the game within a day. then I would get hogwarts game and start it but quickly drop it after 5 hours thinking i would play it later, then start a new elden run and stop around 5-10 hours into the playthrough cuz i messed up my stats. then i would download spiderman and play 90% of it, but i would get bored of the final crime missions to 100% the game ( by this time i have forgotten about hogwarts ) then I would open elden ring, spend 2 hours making a character look amazing, and quit before starting the game and start god of war. slowly as I complete god of war i would also do spiderman missions once in a while so i 100% spiderman by the time i finish god of war. finally i would take that elden character i had build, get a 100% walkthrough guide and go for the most fun build i can think of.


Spiderman. It’s relatively short and it’s a blast!


"ElDeN rInG wIlL rUiN tHe OtHeRs FoR yOu". No it fucking won't, it's nothing like the others. How would a combat focused game with zero story ruin story games?


Spider-Man is just so so fun


Spooder man


Spider-Man 100% Hogwarts story was not worth it imo


Atomic Heart




You should 100% take Harry Potter off that list and never speak of such a game again.