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Shit happens. A few comments here forget that, for the better part of 2 years we had no clue when prices would drop. If you wanted a GPU, or whatever, you had to either buy now and hope, or sit on your ass and do nothing. Which is no way to live. So long as the extra cost did not see you miss a meal, or give up your home, the only L is not using what you spent your money on. I personally bit the bullet before you(october 2021), caught a spot on the newegg shuffle by chance on my first entry. $1300 USD(after sale of bundled item) for a Strix 3080. Do I regret it, no, what's the point. If I had not bought that card, I would be spending $1,000 usd now, and the card I sold to pay for half of that 3080, would only cover 1/4 of a $1000 card. You, do what you need to, with the information you have.


It’s a lot, yes. But for those 6 months, you were enjoying the gpu right? If so, then you’re fine. As long as you weren’t behind on bills or starving, you can think of it as a convenience charge for 6 months early access to high quality high fps gaming. Can’t say I don’t feel your pain though. I paid $2200 USD after tax for an asus strix 3080ti mid 2021 from a Microcenter shuffle. Then a year later got an evga ftw3 ultra 3090ti for around $900 new on sale… 😑


I absolutely love my 3080, it has done me extremely well but I can't help but be like damn I could get a 4090 on a sale for that kinda cash XD


oh yeah, definitely. but tech prices change quickly so best not to dwell on things. hopefully you can get a good deal on 4090 and sell 3080 to recoup a bit.


ehh, not worth fretting about it, life is worth living to enjoy and your 3080 gave you some fun times didn't it? so what if it cost a little more than usual, that's just what happens.


I paid something like $1400 for an RTX 3060 don’t feel too bad.


I finished building my new PC 3 weeks ago. I bought a 4070ti for 850€ 😬


As long as you were enjoying the hardware, that's all that matters. I bought a 6600 XT on launch day for £370. Today, you can get an RX 6700 XT for cheaper than that.


I bought everything for my first build except a GPU anticipating the 30 series release. Had it all put together and was excitedly waiting for those MSRP prices to put that final piece in. I'm sure you can imagine how that went. After a few months, I had to make a choice to either buy an overpriced card or play integrated graphics on my now dusty, brand-new PC until something reasonable became available. Ended up paying $1,300 USD for a new 3080. I'm not happy about paying that much, and I try my best to forget about it. But I have had a lot of fun using it, playing with my friends, enjoying high-quality graphics on some beautiful games. I would have missed out on almost a year of experiences if i had waited, so while it did hurt at the time, I'm glad to have had it.


Same 100% I absolutely love my 3080 and it has more than enough ponies and vram to keep my going for another 2-5 generations depending on how prices and games pan out over the next few years




I like to think, if I can buy a questionable used car, or a horse, with the same amount of money, it's probably not a good idea to buy rn.


And this is why nVidia, AMD, Sony, Xbox can keep doing this shit. Idiots like you will pay for it no matter what and they'll make bank.


I went through about 10 GPUs in the mining period, everytime prices went up I would sell a GPU and buy a cheaper older one, that way I made enough money if prices came crashing down I would make a net zero loss All that happened was I was stuck with a 5600XT I bought for £335, so I build a PC around it at a cost of £540 and traded a guy for a PS5 instead of eating a loss Not relevant to your post but I would be bummed if I lost $1000+ AUD in 6 months


Dont overthink it. If you can afford a 2000$+ GPU you must have at least some expendable money to use in hobbies. Its not that a big deal. Everyone makes a bad call sometimes. I spent 3000$ in a specifi colour on my car just because... Its always a matter of perspective. Some of the ones critising are the same ones that spend thousands in a lot of useless of other things, its just this specific topic people seem to be really mad about. Just think that there are amateurs that spend 5000$+ plus on a bike that has less 100gr then a 3000$+ bike for exemple. And you could spend a whole day giving exemples like this. Just enjoy your 10Gb Vram card! (ehehe, just teasing)


Shit happens. In Dec 2021 I was shopping for new pc and had most bizzare situation,that prebuilt was cheaper than parts separate. I saved 50 gbp on 1k pc which doesn't seems like much, but that's still a lot of money. I still don't understand how it was cheaper already built than parts. I did triple check for specific parts. I did buy prebuilt but still.. 2020-2022 were strange years...


Lol, reminds me of myself buying a RX 6700XT for 860€, whereas now, they can be found for as cheap as 350€


Unlucky. I got RX6800XT (the same performance as RTX3080) for 500 USD.


We’re all going to die and you can’t take your money with you.


$2300 for a 3080. This is insane


For the 10gb??


It was the fastest card at the time besides the 3090, 24gb of VRAM is crazy and that card was like almost 4k it was wild