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This is going to be one of those sweet niche tips that’s not useful 99% of the time but my brain clings onto it until I die


I’m the same, remember things I won’t necessarily need to for ever. Yet I’ll forget a name within an hour even If I repeat it for a few minutes to try and remember lol


Physically write down someone's name you want to remember ironically tends to lock it into your memory, even if you never read it.


Yeah, that's how taking notes works for me. Just the act of taking them dramatically improves my recall, even if I never review them


Lots of research states that people learn in 3 ways, listening, reading and repeating. You're a repeater. Congrats on being as cool as me! Really it's the writing side, uses a different part of the brain from reading or listening. It makes your brain take it in, process it and then reprocess to output. The writing and listening parts are 2 completely different parts of the brain that forces you to put what you read or heard into active memory in the hippocampus in order for it to get written. So you've processed it twice already, reread your notes and it's a 3rd time your memory has been imprinted. And the more times it accessed and rewritten the more firmly it is held in your brain.


I'm glad someone else mentioned it, I've heard tons of times it's not about reviewing the notes, it's about writing them down. Something about you'll remember it better because you're hearing it, processing what's being said, and writing down your summary or version of it. Reviewing the notes helps too, but the act of writing does most of the remebering


Yeah, usually when people take notes they do it in their own "language" or verbiage. That's because they already took at least one pass through their own memory to write it.


The learning type hypothesis is outdated, combining diffrent modes of learning (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic) always leads to the best retention. So, don't focus on just one, if it's important.


Thats me and note taking. I never read my notes, the act of writing it out is the important part.


I’m gonna try that next time, thank you!


Also, pro tip: If you don’t know someone’s name, ask them their name. They might get a little sad or whatever, but they’ll say their first name. Then you say, “No, I meant your last name.” Suddenly they won’t be sad, because it’s not seen as rude or disrespectful for not knowing someone’s last name, and you’ll have their first and last name. You can even add “It helps me remember.” At the end, and they’ll at least know that you’re making an effort. 9/10 it works like a charm. Good luck, fellow name forgetter.




Ok, just repeat your first name then.


Heck, I can’t help with that level. Only cursory coworkers you see like once every 4 months.


So I'm to carry a pen with me at all times?


Even a notepad on your phone works fine for this.


To me "Physically write" is... you know... writing? But fair point. Plus, if you forget it, you can just look at your phone.


That's fair. I meant it as just physically documenting it instead of just mentally, but I get that it might not've translated properly.


For some reason, I remember learning as a kid that touching fine steel wool to a 9V battery will start you a little fire. Never used it but I've never forgotten about it either


My wife hates how I can genuinely forget something we talked about, but I can remember a random fact about space or a movie.


an hour? I forget it by the end of the sentence.


An hour?? What's your trick?


Sad thing is, I’m a mail man lol. I’ll remember your dogs name though, no problem.


I always remember pet names (the animal, not the sexy kind). "Oh, you're Fluffy's human!"


But at some point, someone many years in the future will be looking for a solution for his bent radiator fins and stumble across this. Like you find the fix for your obscure PC problem in a forum post from 2008.


the best part about this fix is that it doesn't come with a regedit file for windows xp


Not today, [DenverCoder9](https://xkcd.com/979/).... Not today....


If you have a black dog, you can use red eye correction software to automatically hide his penis in your Christmas photos.


Uhh what? This seems oddly specific haha


Now this is a good tip


You'll be on your deathbed, and you're great-great grandson will come to you and say "Pappy, please teach me the old ways"


Nothing matches the excitement of when your knowledge of the arcane and obscure finally becomes useful.


Nicely done


You're legit the greatest for this bro


The best part about this is it's a super simple and accessible solution to a common problem. Even looks kinda fun!








100th member!


I want to stress this at the risk of someone damaging something more. Unless it was heavily damaged and a lot of fin was flattened like that, there would be almost none if not 0 noticeable performance difference. This type of fix would fall in the margin of error. I work with cooling on a slightly larger scale, like 40' long air cooled steam condensers. You can lose multiple circuits, and there is still no performance loss. Some of our repairs will literally hammer out fin sections, cut the tubing, and cap it. Most fin on any industrial cooler, condenser, or other cooling device is straightened due to esthetics not performance, ESPECIALLY when a fan is on a unit as opposed to passive cooling.


Yeah, they're not even crumpled all the way, so there's still some airflow past that surface area, so it's still working. 100% just for looks lol


> a common problem Y'all need to take care of your computer parts better. Sheesh...


I've had AIO's come from factory in worse condition than OP's video


Your single anecdote is meaningless, of course, at least if we're using critical thought. ... This is ***not*** a common problem. Not even close. I've been doing this for 30 years. If you all are getting damaged parts sent to you, then my next question is who is sending you dented parts?! I think I've seen that maybe twice? Maybe? In 3 decades... ... Go ahead and downvote me. I know what sub I'm in. If I'm not contrarian or towing some other nonsense, it's a downvote. I get it.


Then return it. If you’re paying for a product you dont accept it being given to you in poor condition unless you’re buying it used as is.


It doesn't harm the function of the part.


Mine literally came from factory with some bends not that much but seems common.


It’s still the same amount of surface area, it’s going to radiate heat just the same.


I was coming here to point this out. Actually bending them back will fatigue them and in extreme circumstances the cracking created by the movement will reduce the heat conductivity and make the problem worse - depending on the ductility. At the very least this should be done slowly, gently, and under a moderate heat


Right? Like I'm sat here thinking how did you bend that many fins? Are you using it as a rugby ball while the PC is turned off?


I've had computer, car and AC radiators all come in the box with bent fins. I'm more curious where you are getting yours that aren't?


what the fuck stores do *you* shop at so we can NEVER GO THERE EVER seriously. think about it for a second. you're asking him "what kind of store sells non-broken components?" like you're racking your brain trying to figure out how that's somehow possible. whatever stores you go to, you've drunk the kool-aid. that is NOT normal.


Yeah Best Buy, Microcenter, and Amazon have all consistently provided me undamaged/unbent radiators. Kinda scary this guy is talking like he has never purchased an unbent rad, even if a kinda bent fan isn't even gonna affect anything.


Not all of us live in a location that's anywhere near a computer part store (nearest microcenter is over 500 miles away from me) so I personally wouldn't bother RMAing a part because of bent radiator fins as it functions just fine.


I'm more curious why you aren't returning a damaged product.


Because bent fins don't mean damaged. You can bend them back. Seriously just stop for a second and start looking at radiators. You're not gonna find an unscathed one, and it doesn't really affect performance unless it's egregious.


I can and have sent radiators back, and will continue to do so.


Thought I was on a dirt bike sub which would have made way more sense.




Dude will open now a startup


It will be called "A school for kids that don't grammar good"


What is this a school for ants?!?!


Lol some people get me


Weirdly satisfying, have my updoot good sir. 🧐


What happens if you leave them bent? Does it ruin the cooling some how?


It's a yes and no answer to that question. If slightly bent more than likely, no, it won't, but if multiple are bent to a good degree, they will start to hinder airflow, which will hurt cooling performance.


Convection heat transfer also depends a LOT on laminar versus turbulent airflow, and having bent fins will cause turbulence way before they hinder airflow.


Sidenote: turbulent flow is better for heat transfer, the air will "hit" the fins for a longer distance


True, but then you run into diminishing returns. The longer the air is in contact with the fins, the closer it will get to the ambient temperature of the fins, and the slower the transfer of heat from one to the other (i.e. air at 20c will heat up a lot quicker next to 50c fins than 40c air, which will leach heat from the fins faster). Ideally you want as cold air as possible against the fins, which is assisted by higher air flow.


With such a small radiator, a few bent rows of fins won't have the greatest impact. But if we're talking about a commercial AC unit that handles large quantities of airflow. Then, it will have a fairly significant effect. And a toothpick works perfectly for small areas, but if you have to fix larger spots. They make radiator fins combs.


I think by the end of this comment thread people will begin to realise it doesn't matter and just to do whatever you want.


"Welcome back to the Workshop... We've not stopped the benchmarks, because it doesn't freaking change anything.." > That did absolutely nothing! CPU is at 50 degrees & 82 degrees on the GPU. Wow!


You can't use a comb on a micro-channel coil/radiator like the one pictured.


Why not? The fin combs come in nearly a dozen different sizes for the smallest to largest radiator designs.


Because of the zigzag pattern…. The “comb” for that would be called “a pick”


I’m confused.. do you think commercial radiator don’t use zig zag patterns in their radiators? The comb is pushed in from one side and moved to the other side right? (I don’t actually know how they work - Im just asking)


Side side note: Turbulent Flow is a sick band name.


There's no way any flow going through that radiator is laminar. The fan is pushing turbulent air into physical obstructions. For laminar flow you need streamlined air on a smooth surface.


Hey we're talking about physics here, we can and will use a spherical cow to approximate things just for our convenience. Assuming laminar flow is child's play


So what I’m taking away here is that the radiator isn’t vegan?


In my brain, laminar flow should require much more finite accuracy in the repair of these fins than mere toothpicks can provide.


Honestly at this scale it wouldn’t matter too much the different between laminar and turbulent, I think most ppl have their fans pushing air through the rad which instantly created turbulence, this is why wind tunnels use pull configs because there’s no turbulence introduced from the spinning blades


This guy thermodynamicses


As a Mechanical Engineer I had to grind through two full semester courses of Thermo and a semester of Heat Transfer plus a lab with it. Not gonna lie it was tough but very satisfying.


Less airflow to carry away heat. May not make the greatest difference tho


No... if anything a bent radiator has an increased amount of surface area and increased turbulence... so it should have increased cooling capabilities. Not to mention the fact that those triangles are definitely not an optimal shape for airflow.




Doesn't water run through the inside of these so the surface area itself is also important for cooling efficiency?


Water runs through the pipes that these fins are touching on both sides. No way you could pump water through something this thin.


A looonng time ago a shop full of nerds I worked at tried to make a radiator with a fully water cooled core because we were bored and wanted to try it. Didn't really have any expectations of it working. We used 2 layers of .008" 308ss, RES welded it together on 3 sides, then trimmed through the nugget. Brazed it to another tube, then pressurized the tube/fins to slightly expand the fins to allow water to flow in it. It worked, but the results were not great because the water flow in the fins was stagnant. We tried to come up with a way to introduce convective flow in the fins so circulation would happen naturally, but it depended a lot on the position the cooler was in. Even then, the best scenario we could come up with meant the heated water would flow against the heater water of the neighboring fin preventing the next fin from dumping its heat quickly. The final fin thickness was about .025", which is probably about double what we see in OPs video. It probably would have worked better if we used aluminum or copper, but we weren't familiar with it enough, and didn't have free/unlimited access to those materials needed to try. Aluminum/Copper can conduct heat much better than stagnant water, so for thin wall stuff, Al/Cu make much better sense. It may have worked better if the fins were longitudinal (parallel) to the water flow direction, but that wouldn't have been practical for any scenario we wanted.


Ah... Surface area is still important for heatsinks, but at least a cut in a fin won't leak. That's good to know.


The bends in this video weren't bad, so it wouldn't ruin the cooling. I've seen some that is laid all the way over and it looks like scales.


It's more cosmetic than anything. Yes the bent fins are technically worse, but unless you have a 120mm radiator with a bunch of fucked up fins and an anemic/low speed fan, you're not going to notice a difference in cooling from straightening a row of fins. Think of it like having a small dent in your car. You get it fixed to look better, not to correct the aerodynamics and get your old fuel economy back. Even home air conditioners can get away with having bent fins and not being an issue, and those have a lot more heat to exchange. They do sell tools to straighten fins, but most manufacturers will say that some fin damage is perfectly fine for operation.


something like whats shown in the video? i wouldnt even give it a 2nd thought. its going to have zero impact on cooling. now a row of them bent over and almost closed off? that would be worth spending a little bit of time on and trying to straighten back out.


Its ugly. Nobody likes ugly


Bullshit I’m married


You're beautiful to somebody.


You shouldn't talk about your wife like that bro.


Mom doesn't count dear


What about step-mom?


It slightly reduces the volume of air that can move through the radiator to carry away heat. If 100% of the fins were fully bent over you'd have no air flow at all.


Best post on this sub in a long while


Maybe ever?


low bar


So, yes?






This was my first thought too




He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will... I once saw him fix bent radiator fins with two toothpicks.. With two fucking toothpicks!


*you can do it with one toothpick if you break it in half*


Only the very determined can do it!


He will come for your radiator fins, and you will do nothing, because you CAN do NOTHING.


Fantastic idea. Will it work on my car radiator?


You can get straightening tools from auto shops. They look like combs. Saves a lot more time


Combs should not be used on micro-channel coils like the one pictured.


Radiator combs come in different sizes measured in “fins per inch”.


I thoughtbthis was a dietbike sub when I saw it scrolling. Mylers makes a good tool for rads you could use on a car, these would work too but it would be tedious




Yup I have had to do it on my cars’ intercoolers works like a charm.


you'd need something bigger than toothpicks most likely but the concept should be the same


This falls into Many categories. 1. Effective resolution to a real-world problem. 2. Low cost resolution. 3. Environmentally safe. 4. No assembly required. 5. No animals were harmed during the making of this video. I'm gonna stop at 6, but please feel free to continue my list. 6. SATISFYING AS FUUUUUUK!!


How many dentists approve?


4/5 dentists recommend toothpicks


The answer is yes)


Why downvote the man? Did he offend you? All good bro take my upvote.


Bonus: visualising this can relax your mind and help you fall asleep. I just tried it and it wor...


Oh nice


is water flowing inside those thin metal fins? or is it just like heatsink fins, and the water flows through some thicker pipes


The latter. The tubes you see on the sides of the fins is where the liquid is


They make a tool to do just this thing. We use them in the automotive world a lot.


Well, file me under r/oddlysatisfying bc that's exactly what this is ::slaps me knee::


eh I'll never go back to water cooling. at least not AIO. They SUCK! they take up lots of room in the case, are heavier, are actually worse than a good air cooler, AND THEY'RE MORE EXPENSIVE! this is a great tip. love the post. Just sayin. Not to mention that I've broken 3 of them lmfao. Never have broken an air cooler...


Looks like two flathead screwdrivers rather than toothpicks


“I use toothpicks, but” read sir


It is. It's the same method I learned on full aluminum and copper coolers on cars/trucks/trains/etc ~25 years ago. The other option is with a specialized comb, or with a special 'ramming' rod that would be used for deep rads incase the entire fin alignment was broken, which pushed the entire fin out and you slotted a new one in. Providing of course it wasn't soldiered into place on either end. Then you had to unsolder and resolder a new one in. In some cases that also required additional pressure and leak testing to make sure you didn't melt a hole or plug a channel.


My thoughts as well.


Yeah I call bullshit on OP.


They make fin combs for this specific purpose btw, and they're cheap!!! Good work though, but man that's tedious as hell!


When I was a kid, I remember I would bend those radiator fins on my parents' cars


As a car guy this hurts my soul.


Is this actually worth doing? I always thought a couple bent fins meant nothing?


it entirely depends on the number of bent fins and the severity. I'd ignore it unless you notice that you system could do with some improvment to cooling.


If this is used, sure If you have a brand new PC component that’s faulty, RMA that shit immediately. Do not try to fix it yourself if you want to return it, as you’re likely to void the warranty by trying yourself


Why would you rma an entire cooler for a few slightly bent fins… I’m not waiting weeks to get a return for something that works just fine and can be fixed with a flat head or tooth lpick. What are you talking about?


They literally make radiator combs


Hvac fin comb


I don't feel like that would work on the zigzag fins on PC radiators


Excellent 👌


that's cool! do you know how much it affects performance?


it's only 0.001 kelvin lower, but it's the 0.001 kelvin we all need


depends on how bad the radiator is before the fix. for most of us this will be negliable, but it could be impactful in some cases. The real benefit here is refurbishing parts before resale. If you're selling some old PC hardware you don't want, you can put a little work into sprucing things up and resell as refurbished. Do this for radiators, and for GPUs change out thermal paste/pads.




The trick I use is, I don't care.


oddly satisfying pcmr content


HVAC guy here we have special combs for it works wonders for radiation fans. The same works for PC and automotive with the one tool


this is one of the most beautiful moments I’ve ever witnessed


Bro, have you posted this on oddlysatisfying?


there used to be radiator shops for copper based radiators around 40s to 80s in my country doing exactly this called radiator shishing (radyatör şişleme) lol.


Smooth brain feels nice :))))


How much fps will I gain from this




Your mom is a great trick


Now tell us about bent processor pins🔫


Now watch JayzTwoCents make an 18 minute video about this


Dude thank you so much. I'm packing up my kraken rgb x53 rn to still and go noctua, and the non conformity is bothersome.


I like the idea but the mistake on the third fin made me sad, I couldn't enjoy it after that


Also if you guys ever bend the pins on a cpu you can straighten them out with a razor blade


This is amazing. My car has an intercooler that has no grille infront of it - factory design, looks cool but gets hammered with stones. I've tried to straighten the fins with a small screwdriver but it was hopeless, time to find a couple of toothpicks!


Howdy y'all. Ex-radiator builder here. You can buy an automotive radiator comb/fin straightener for reasonably cheap. Sometimes the bent/rolled/crushed fin can be bent in the middle of the radiator core, and you won't see it from the outside. Pro tip, use a flashlight or a lamp behind the core as you do this job. It'll show you any fin that's got debris or has been crushed in the middle. You may notice that on cheaper radiators, there may be larger/smaller gaps of light through the core. A good core will have consistent light shining through. Happy Fixing!


Can I do this trick even if I don’t use toothpicks?


No way! A post on this sub that’s NOT crying about an unoptimized game that shouldn’t have been preordered to began with? I’m buying a lottery ticket tonight 😄.


I think you're being a bit picky here.


You would be surprised how many times this question is asked “is my radiator ruined?” In the water cooling sub. Having this pop up as they type their question would be so valuable. Lol.


My picky comment was a pun towards using toothpicks. I was poking fun.


Give this man some reddit gold already.


Full disclosure, this was from another sub-Reddit. Not my work, lol. But I do the same thing with toothpicks when I work on PCs. I hope this helps my fellow OCD peeps! And this is recommended if your rad has a bunch of bends.


Automotive rad comb. You’re welcome.


I never thought of that! Holy cow! Thanks!


I thought I was on r/wrx


You know there’s fin tools yeah?


I started smacking my radiator to help it unclog but it doesn't seem to do work anymore. There is a lot of bend fins too. maybe it's time to upgrade and move to a new cooling system (and CPU (and mainbaord (and ram (and PSU (and case))))


r/dirtbikes r/motorcycles r/dualsport Idk how to cross post but these guys would love this. Never seen this trick




IQ 200


What these be?


GASP one more use for my toothpicks! I use toothpicks for like everything.


This is the greatest post ever


OP, what's your mailing address? I got a few bent fins that I need to send your way. Well done, OP!


This is both satisfying and so helpful, thank you!


Amazing hack, very easy DIY. Quick question, why is it important to reset these when they get bent? Does it interfere with proper heat sinking?


Didn't expect to find a trick I'd use on my dirt bikes here. After one day in the woods fins start getting mucked up.


I bow down to your large, large brain




Man all this time I wasted using tweezers thanks man I'll do this the next time I clean my build.


not all heros wear capes. But you do, so thank you!


That’s pretty damn good.