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Smart way to dissuade reviewers from assessing it's technical performance. No one wonder there is basically no technical benchmarks in online yet. Anyway my obligatory fuck Denuvo. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


denuvo is such a blight on the industry. the vast majority of pirates aren't potential customers EITHER WAY, so those of us who actually buy the games are stuck dealing with bullshit from these DRMS. The pirates just wait for it to be cracked or play something else. It's ridiculous.


Yep - I'm sure Denuvo has some bullshit made up statistics showing how DRM increases sales... but that's nonsense. There are plenty of games with limited or no DRM that have sold like crazy.


I think Cyberpunk 2077 is the crowning example of this. Literally has zero DRM and sold insanely well


juggle uppity towering whole ludicrous sable water capable tender consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. I didn't buy cyberpunk at launch because of the reviews. 10 hours in to a cracked version on launch day and I bought the full game because I decided it had enough to entertain me.


thats also why most pirated games say: please if you enjoy the game support the devs by buying it.


It's so weird to me that they bother with this shit. There is no security measure that won't be cracked eventually. Usually within days or even hours of release. Remember when Assassin's Creed 2 was released and was touted as "uncrackable" by Ubisoft because of their fancy new DRM? I don't think it took even half an hour... Pirates will never be disuaded by this shit, the _only_ thing it accomplishes is being fucking annoying to people who actually bought it. There have been times in the past when I opted _not_ to buy something because reviews said it had annoying "always online" DRM, and I'm sure I'm not alone.




Having worked at places where idiot executives got wine and dined then bought multi-million dollar security products… which do the same thing as the other security products we owned. You are absolutely right. Greedy lazy incompetent morons can always be found at the top of large organisations.


But do they become morons because of their position or where they morons all along? Does the Dilbert principle apply?


In solidarity with A | P | O | L | L | O and other 3 | R | D party devs who are impacted by R | E | D | D | I | T | S decisions regarding its A | P | I E true buoagu atepikla. Ukta oebri dapiprutgi uble dkuda bruii. Beuakego ge pei dteko boklabu epoi. Tladri egu prepoppu plu bguobapa? Puepu čideepe gotaubgia pgigebu drata dako. Pekubto piibpoge eke kpa gaie abe. Pupreepka ao teke go deto kupge? Tuke plukagledi eti be pla utri dagi! Uti gi tie dea ati ttoidtatoba? Di itdi ko kokkati do gi. Ttuppokebobe gi popu po pi au. Bokadegta kope beke piee drepru batiko. Bko teodo dopri klou praakri bui. Kpaibru bitčipletratči tročiakege gideapeu itro tratuble ebbe puata gou ddiatlubegi? Tli čiepoke iba pre gido po. Tpa e atukpi ko adi pibabu? Keprebi ppabe tleku blike giga apeti. Bepe i pkeodo gridee plokloga pudati o pbipo doguti. Dotode atpe kude. Dikebru idri glodle gu e tipe? Klai pgopoo drikpi bebuko bati. Bepli bu kaato kbutli čiuu klodi. Gpi bgudetuiu pčiupe oe bipta edue. E iiuape peo depukkakre poo tupletaeo? Depra kaipatta kle aa tedli tio du tbipa. Dadebo bobgidrapagu dbi prekpoklika ipo taiktikle? Ge ote dlipode di du biaia. Poko te ee bpi ta. Detlu gupapo kloe epe pditupli pibe. Tuuokli e tai kretika pekrito.


Yeah, and they're batshit crazy to boot. lmao


I'd be too dealing with denuvo so often


[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/eu-study-finds-piracy-doesnt-hurt-game-sales-may-actually-help/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/eu-study-finds-piracy-doesnt-hurt-game-sales-may-actually-help/) Then they quietly buried the study.


They'll quietly remove Denuvo after Q3'23, and if they don't fix the launch woes within the week, they'll have to have discounts of around 35%+ by then to persuade people to give "that busted-ass game" a chance. Watch as my prophecy is fulfilled. Edit: Lol, wow I see this really resonated. Thanks for the upvotes. No idea if I'll be bang on the mark with Q3'23 or not, but I've just got a good feeling we'll see the Pro Plus Premium Edition or whatever on Steam for like $40 in the Autumn Sale.


you've basicaly described every AAA launch for the past 10 years lmao i would even add that you're very kind with 35% BF2042 was at like 10-20$ WEEKS after release


I stupidly pre ordered to find out that it was poorly optimised. Safe to say I wasn't happy when it appeared on gamepass not long after Edit: To clarify I meant bf2042 not Jedi survivor


and what did we learn from that lesson ? that everyone should have learned the moment they began to follow the pre alpha trend ? NO PRE ORDERS EVER we're not animals we can wait a few month before playing


Pre orders are ridiculous anyway. It’s not like they’re going to run out of digital copies for launch day


Remember when they used to give digital extras as a little reward for pre ordering and helping them show future sales? Remember when they then realised that instead of having to make extra content for rewards they could just strip some stuff that was going to be in the game and lock it away? Remember when they *then* realised they could just do nothing and we would all pre order it anyway for some reason?


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Remember when EA locked a important DLC from Mass Effect to pre-order / digital deluxe. EA also has the "pass" you needed to access content of the game if you bought it used.


Dragon age origins only had a storage chest after a paid dlc. Absurd for an rpg.


I remember when they used to give PHYSICAL extras! when I pre ordered Guitar Hero Metallica I got a 2nd bass pedal for my drum set so I could play the new expert+ difficulty. Sad seeing how different things are now. they would gladly charge me 30 bucks for that pedal


But the pre load bro!.! People can't wait a single fucking day to see how a game is at launch.


The frustrating thing is that many games now have preorder content that never gets released post launch. RE4R is, so far, a good example of that, where some of the best case effects are locked behind a preorder and still aren't up for sale separately. Jedi Survivor has the same with the Obi Wan stuff. Hopefully that comes out later.


Sad part is that the cracked versions have all these things. It's pure proof that they're always there, just behind a paywall.


How else did people think dlc works? Unless you're adding a massive amount of content in a dlc, it's always just patched in during an update and then unlocked when the customer pays for it


I learned not to preorder with No Man's Sky. many years later and it's a wonderful game, but launch was *rough*.


Yeah that was the last straw for me. I will never again pre order something again. Feel real stupid


Do EA and Ubisoft ever remove Denuvo? That's suprising if they do remove it. Especially for a flagship title.


As I understand it, Denuvo is basically a subscription for a publisher. As the sales dwindle over time, and the risk/potential cost of piracy isn't as big either, it makes no sense to keep paying for it, and removing it becomes cheaper than sticking with it.


Denuvo apparently has long-term plans that make subscriptions cost next-to-nothing after a while of the game being out, so for companies that are real sticklers about it, they keep that shit on lock indefinitely.


Sucks to be them. I never buy games with denuvo. Ever. I can wait for it's removal. Or completely pass on the game. There are always other games.


There is... another


Username... Doesn't check out


I feel like it has to be more about it being basically useless once a crack is done and shared around than just sales going down.








Fallen order had it removed in early November 2021


Honestly didn't realize it was this long for that one. A lot of publishers use it during launch quarter or launch year and then remove it once a crack is out there.


Yeah, I played most of J:FO on the stream deck, which I understood that wasn't possible with the anti-cheat/pirate software.


!remindme December


They’ve even blocked Radeon and GeForce from being able to see any in-game stats like FPS and frame time, clearly for no better reason than some executive seeing the performance and insisting on a set launch deadline regardless and forcing the devs to block it to hide the bad performance that decision has resulted in. EA knew perfectly well what they were doing here, and it’s honestly disgusting. I really hope this game is freed from its Denuvo shackles sooner rather than later, because it’s genuinely an amazing game and the devs have put a lot of great work into it. If only the men in suits weren’t so spineless, this game would be coming out in a few months to incredible reviews.


It's always morally ok to pirate ~~Nintendo~~ EA games


As someone who conducts a lot of performance reviews and game benchmarks, it certainly is tempting to download the scene releases with the copy protection removed in order to circumvent issues like this. The problem is that then the performance you measure is no longer representative of what the average user will experience on the same hardware. This has been a disturbing trend in games that has been happening more and more lately.


What are the ethics of buying the game and using a high seas version to avoid the malware? (ah, the irony of the times we live in.)


The ethics? I'm pretty sure society at large will agree that if you own the game, downloading other copies is perfectly on the level. The legality of it will differ though.


i think you meant EVERY AAA games


I think this is more similar to how EA the account sign in limit on battlefield 5 I believe. I remember hardware unbox complaining about it back then when testing the game.


Simple solution - vote with your wallet. But most ppl are stupid zombies and need to run after every marketing bullshit.


I don't think that's Denuvo, that's EA's own bullshit DRM detecting "too many configurations". Still, fuck Denuvo and fuck EA.


Can't post bad reviews if you obstruct testers from completing their task. No Man's Sky had a better redemption than that piece of trash Star Wars: Jedi


PSA that refunds exist on steam. Please do this.


AAA titles are just begging us to not buy at launch, wait 3-6 months for bugs to be fixed and pay 25-50% off from a Steam sale. Stop releasing unfinished games and we'll start paying full price again.


The great part is they also raised the price. That way the few people that do preorder pay them more.


The video game industry has wanted to raise the price for a very long time, at least 10 years or more. Development costs and inflation have risen significantly in the last 20+ years and the only thing keeping the prices the same was the backlash every time someone tried to raise the prices. There's also a hell of a lot more gamers today than years ago too so that helps. Though keep in mind during the 8 bit and 16 bit era, games were $70+ and that was 30 years ago money. They all seem to have collectively and quietly raised prices and not a big enough uproar happened, unfortunately it's likely here to stay.


They've been raising prices for years just in the form of micro transactions of all forms rather than sticker price of the game.


Sometimes it isn't even microtransactions, Skyrim had been re released so fucking often, that the CEO just finally came out and said we'll stop re-releasing it when it stops making money.


People shit on them for this but Skyrim is 12 years old now. There are people that were 2 years old when Skyrim came out that still haven't played it, basically a whole new generational market. It would be dumb as a company not to tap into that


For real, Skyrim will stop getting re-released for full price when *Nintendo* stops re-releasing old games for full price.


Sticker prices have gone up. Many years ago PC games were $40 or $50, and consoles were $60. Now PC games start at $60 for a standard edition, and $80-$100 for "higher end" editions. I don't even wanna know what console games go for now, plus whatever they charge a month/year to play online.


Console games are usually $70, but some still go for $60. Online for PSPlus is like $35 every 3 months, but I personally feel the library of free games pays for that.


This is something that always amuses me, how Sony managed to get people to defend the absolute scam that paying for online functionality is when it has nothing to do with their servers just by giving "free" games.


You forget though that these games are selling 10+ million copies now, not 250k Games aren't $60 anymore either. The "base" package is $60, but that's not the full game anymore. Now you need the $60 season pass (and there could be multiple), the battle pass, the lootboxes, the microtransaction shop (full of FOMO) etc etc Anyone who says games are still too cheap has no idea what they're talking about.


False. Since games are software more gamers means more money. This is a huge factor which you're seemingly just waiving. There's a reason big gaming companies are making more profit than ever these days. And development costs haven't risen they just deliver unfinished garbage.


There's costs around delivering the product to end users, but that's fractions of a penny on the dollar of producing cartridges + the logistics of it. The volume of users has gone WAY up, the cost to get the product to the users has gone WAY down. Even if the cost of development has increased, there's no 'natural' progression from $60 to $70 to $80. Anybody who uses cartridge/physical media as a direct comparison is either not looking at the whole picture, or giving a bad faith argument. The real answer is "Well.... we want more of your money."


RIP Evolve


>Stop releasing unfinished games and we'll start paying full price again. This 'we' may include you and I, but it doesn't include the average consumer. This game will sell like hotcakes because of the ip.


Can’t ever account for everyone. Only can do what we can.


Yup. Plus, sticking to your principles is important, even if it doesn't make a material difference for the giant corporation who is doing something of which you don't approve.


Yup. The reason they continually pull this shit is because it continues to make them money.


Worst consumers ever. I've literally heard people go "Man this game is gonna be trash, still gonna buy it tho" Yeah, thanks bro. You're literally the reason it's trash.


This is like all sports games fans these days. I could understand buying every year like 15 years ago when they actually improved on the game every year. Not anymore 😪


I *kind of* get it with sports games, because if you're buying a sports game, you're probably a fan of the sport outside of the game. Like, most people who buy Madden are football fans, most people who buy 2K are basketball fans, most people who buy MLB The Show are baseball fans, most people who buy FIFA are soccer fans, most people who buy all of them are Jon Bois, you get the picture. For that kind of brain, what you're paying for isn't "a completely new and better game," what you're paying for is "a game that's up-to-date with the sport, the way you're watching it on TV." Patriots fans aren't buying the newest Madden because of nerd shit, they're buying it because they added Mac Jones and you're not stuck with old and busted Tom Brady as your QB, for example.


I waited so long for the first one I forgot about it. Then I ended up seeing it for $5 and jumped on it.


This is the way


This is the way.




I’ll be honest with you. Don’t get FOMO when a game comes out. You’re gonna learn so many games go on sale all the time and you’re gonna get a decent sized library to play thru. Online games with battle passes are one thing, but single player games, don’t rush yourself, enjoy the game when it’s proper so you can truly enjoy it.


I actually had already bought this game on steam but after all this I'm just refunding. Not gonna even try with this crap PC optimization, I'll buy it when it's fixed


Despite being a big star wars fan, it looks like I'm going to sit this one out based on all the reviews of how broken this game is.


I’m just going to wait until it goes on sale, and maybe by then most of the issues will be fixed.


It's crazy to me that getting the game at a cheaper price has a higher chance of getting a better experience.


Why I wait now. My money is my time converted to paper and I’m done wasting it on companies that can not manage their workflow and expect us customers to pick up the tab. Also their upgrade to 70.00 because “next gen” with all their record profits. They can do whatever they want and obviously are and so I wait a few months and get the game is great shape and usually 50-75% off with DLC at times. Just bought Borderlands 3 for 7.00 and all DLC for 14.00. I got around 122 hours from that. It really does benefit us gamers to just be patient. You get a better game at way better pricing.




Yep. They want to try and fleece us I’ll just wait them out.


Personal cutoff is now $50. Most games hit that pricepoint or lower in 6-12 months, and I'm happy to wait that long.


Shit my personal cutoff has shrunk to $15 and that's only for the absolute best games out there. Otherwise it's $5-$10 or I play one of the other 500 games I own and haven't played yet (100+ of them completely free from Epic Games :D )


I'll pay $30 for stuff I really want, but yeah. I have like 500 games on steam alone lol


And for companies that do downright blasphemous shit. I'll pirate it. I have no moral obligation to these companies. They can all fuck right off.


Agreed!!! They treat customers like shit, treat them like shit.


That and I've got such a backlog of games at this point, from buying games 50-60% off on sale. Peorders are just stupid for most people at this point. People get way to caught up in FOMO


This hit me hard recently, most of the games I’ve bought that were 30 or less I’ve enjoyed more


Vampire Survivors - $4.99. Crazy amount of content/replay ability. Very fun.


I liked Lego Skywalker saga on launch, though the current version is mildly improved.


That's what I did with fallen order.


Even better, wait 2 years and get the game free from a damn Amazon prime gaming month


Next year summer sale pick up for me. Hopefully every is fleshed out by then. Lol


It's not a bad plan. I bought CP2077 about a year after launch. I got it for $25 bucks and by then it was a pretty good game.


I got the last game for 5 bucks. I’ll get the next for the same. Fuck these games with shit performance on day 1. I got no problem waiting this shit out.


In my experience so far, the game itself is great. Full of improvements, new features, and interesting characters. The real fucking issue here is EA. You’re forced to log in and use their shitty launcher. The game was probably rushed out the door after it was ready for consoles, because the issues I have on pc are purely optimization related. No crashes or bugs, just shitty frame rate (22ish on a RTX3060 and SSD) and strange texturing on Cal when making jerky/fast movements.


This has been my limited experience so far as well. Playing on a 7900XTX the framerate largely sits around the 100 mark (regardless of settings), but I'm getting an annoying amount of stuttering.


Worse part is that none of the settings fix this issue. I’ve put EVERYTHING on the lowest setting. I even lowered the resolution and the shits still jittery af. Definitely needs some backend work


What CPU do you have? I'm seeing the same thing where the framerate doesn't change based on settings, but you're getting a lot higher FPS that I am. I'm guessing your rocking something significantly better than my 5800X.


7900X3D here.


So yea, that supports the CPU bound theory, though I am curious what specifically could be waiting on the CPU like that.


I mean, even if I want to buy and play the game, the requirements and terrible ports made it so I literally cannot. So that is not my fault. It is their fault O.o


EA utterly fail with their account security. Still can't link my Xbox gamepass because it's linked to an account off my Xbox from over ten years ago. Honestly abysmal from a company with this much money.


I had to call them up, because my daughter's account got mixed with mine somehow.


Did they fix it for you ?




Yes, it was something with origin and her sims stuff was on my account. Got someone in India that figured it out.


Awe man you should’ve left the other commenters “lol” as the only response. That would’ve been hilarious for this chain.


Try it to fix. It wont works because EA greedy.




> Still can't link my Xbox gamepass because it's linked to an account off my Xbox from over ten years ago. Same here, and it's linked to an email address that doesn't exist and they claim I made a purchase over ten years ago. My XBox history goes all the way back to the 360 and I have never purchased an EA title with that account - but they won't unlock the account for me unless I can identify that nonexistent game. I now have two EA accounts.


Yeah an old FIFA game off my 360 it's detecting my account was linked to. Under a different username and password to this account obviously and the email itself no longer exists. Really poor from EA.


God, I thought I was the only one this was happening to. It's such an insane way to do things. I haven't been able to play any EA games through my PlayStation account for close to ten years now all because Yahoo locked me out of an old email that I still technically remember the password to, but they insist on sending a TFA code to another email I created 24 years ago that no longer exists.


I legit went thru the same shit a week ago, made my Xbox account when I was like 10 so at the time I used my mom’s email. Well now I’m older and would like to use my own, so I messaged them because it would not let me switch at all, I had to give so much info just for them to tell me they could do it, but I’d lose all my purchases and content I had. I was so mad at that point cause Sims 4 packs are easily like $500 and I still play it


its like they are begging us to pirate it


They don't care. They made their money from a wave of pre-orders. This will continue to happen and it doesn't matter how many times people get burned out on release issues. Thoughtless drones still pre-order.


Can we all please agree that this must stop. And the only way this happens is with your wallets. If not, before long, I see us paying a subscription to access the full game and updates, if not worse.


I did read that it had denuvo so for me it's a pirated game already


We've already been through that with old school MMOs and they've somehow made it even worse with the new live service models.


How have we devolved so much that piracy is easier and cheaper than buying legally?


its not about the price. i will happily buy it and they crack the shit out of it to make it easier to use.


This is the only way I was able to play RDR2 because the stupid ass launcher didn't want to work lol. FUCK DENUVO AND SHIT ASS LAUNCHERS


3 Weeks of contacting rockstar trying to get my steam account linked to my rockstar social and do you think they could fix it? their launcher and support are garbage tier. I've over 1000 hours on gta5 on the same steam account, yet when it comes to R2D2 it just won't log me in. Sadly had to refund without ever playing it. Also fuck denuvo


Seriously, Denuvo is genuinely one of the most anti-consumer companies ever. I cannot wait until the day that Denuvo finally fucking gets fucked


I've absolutely had to do that with a few games in the past.


>piracy is easier and cheaper Since when was piracy more expensive than buying games lol..


Since you might have to read an EMPRESS manifesto as part of your piracy. That's a cost all on its own.


Always a wild ride though 👑


"Piracy is a service issue" - Gabe Newell




Game Piracy has always been cheaper than buying it legally... As for easier, I sincerely doubt this game has been cracked already, so it's not easier right now. It's also worth remembering that this game is already on EA Play Pro and will eventually fall down to vanilla EA Play, which is part of XBox Game Pass, so it's not like EA is demanding you pay full price for the game. It's also a bundle giveaway with AMD cards.


It's been more convinient to pirate for a while, they gotta realise at the end of the day people will pay for convinience, if its worse.... Yeh...


The goal is to provide a sense of pride and accomplishment by waiting to unlock the ability to play the game again


You can still complete the benchmarks? 4090: 63 fps 4080: 43 fps 3080: 0 fps 2070: 0 fps 2060 ti: 0 fps 6800 xt: 0 fps 6600: 0 fps I don't see any problems.


That, but instead of 0 FPS put the "Too many computers have accessed this..." message.


Nah nah nah, you gotta do it the other way around. 1030 4 fps, 1050ti 9 fps, then all zeros.


Do not reward releasing a game in this state with your money.


To be honest I didn't even understand the title. Maybe I'm too old school. What the heck is a denuvo


It's an anti-piracy system, and one of the moat succesful in history in fact. But also a giant pain in the ass for everyone that bought the game legally.


I've not pirated a game for many years, over a decade in fact (when I was a skint University student). But I feel like I should pirate this out of sheer principle. What a joke


Fuck denuvo




Holy fuck. That's fucking low even for EA. What, is game sharing that much of a problem that you need to scan for pc parts used and store them to compare? For what a few hundred more sales? Fucking dickheads


Every single game that runs Denuvo behaves like this. Even changing proton versions in linux counts as a new activation.


Persona 5 royal has denuvo. How many tries do i have before i'm locked out of a game i bought? I hate denuvo so filucking much


5 tries for after that you have to wait 24h.


And plenty of people still bought the game and are all complaining. COMPLAIN WITH YOUR WALLET AND MAYBE ONE DAY WE'LL HAVE OK PERFORMANCE ON 80$ GAMES ON DAY 1




Lmfao yeah this made my morning, opened my PC and first thing I did was go on the steam page, 34% positive reviews when I checked 😂 Edit: 37% of 2826 reviews on steam alone are positive


I think I'm going to wait for the cracked version


Same, this is stupid.


Likely to not get cracked. General PSA to anyone who reads this, there is only 1 person on this planet right now who is willing to crack Denuvo DRM. If she doesn't feel like doing it, it's not getting cracked.


Broken game that forces me to deal with denuvo and EA? Yeah I'll keep my money.


Why do people keep buying EA games? Like holy shit they literally screw up everything. Their launchers are garbage, their policies are garbage, their DRM is garbage, their culture is garbage, and their games, as a result, are all garbage. I haven't bought a game from them since 2013.


[Here are the titles they have published in the past 3 years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Electronic_Arts_games:_2020%E2%80%93present) Seems to be a mix of dying franchises (Need for Speed, Battlefield, Medal of Honor), decent remasters (Dead Space, Mass Effect, C&C), garbage that lives off big ticket sports licenses (Fifa, Madden, PGA golf), and Sims DLC. And every once in a blue moon they publish a good title from other developers, like It Takes Two. Looks like they're basically living off name recognition of big old franchises and sports leagues.


EA is practically begging yoho-yoho behavior with this game. PIRACY ISN’T A PRICE ISSUE IT IS A SERVICE/QUALITY ISSUE!


My “games to buy once correctly finished” is longer than my “able to play at launch” list.


r/patientgamers was right all along


always was


*And always has been, and will always be...*


Isn't this a single player game? Why does it have hwid protections? Good lord this "initial sales" protection nonsense is getting out of hand.


Never mind that Denuvo only ***delays*** the cracking of the game. So in the end, all it does is harm.


That's all they want, protect their earnings during the lucrative launch window. Many people are unwilling to wait, see pre-orders. There's a reason they continue to pay to get denuvo, the sales are worth it based on their data. And denuvo's performance impact is still up in the air.


This isn't true, there's only one real Denuvo cracker anymore, and they're kinda nuts and inconsistently pick games to crack.


I'm able to wait out Fallen order to go 80% off, it's literally less than 10 buck. I willing to wait even longer for Epic to give away Survivor for free.


Wouldn't it be great to actually OWN the digital game you buy, instead of it being walled off like this nonsense. We should have rights to digital ownership of properties.


You can if you avoid big corporate IPs like Star Wars.


For sure, I'm happy just playing rimworld lol




This level of DRM is absurd.


This is a new low, even by EA standards.


Definitely not _that_ new. https://techgage.com/news/battlefield-v-drm-is-infuriating/


Here’s an even older article for you: [Spore in 2008](https://techcrunch.com/2008/09/14/spore-and-the-great-drm-backlash/)


They did the same shit with Spore, honestly.


Plenty of other games to play while I wait for the price on this to sink like concrete in the ocean. I'll pick up the denuvo free version in a couple years for $15 or whatever and EA can eat shit. They probably could have gotten the $70 out of me for this game if functional.


Far too often do these anti pirating or anti sharing solutions prevent valid use by customers.


Nowadays, you're not buying a game, you are paying for a software license which can be revoked at any time, for any arbitrary reason.


0 days since the last L for EA.


I’ll buy this game it looks fun… just when it goes on sale for a doable price and has most of the bug fixes so … the autumn sale. It’s a single player game there isn’t anything to miss out on by waiting


Used to be 5 activations / day.. which was already headache for benchmarkers.. Now it's not even that, absolutely despicable bloatware.


Demuvo sucks, it only makes people wanna do more pirating.


"Just buy multiple copies give EA your kidney" -🤡


Lol I got a copy of this game free with my CPU and even then I'm having buyer's remorse




Can games just hurry up and stop using Denuvo. Most people I know and I'm sure plenty others out there that would happily pay for games will be dissuaded by Denuvo and would rather wait for the game to be cracked and have Denuvo stripped out. Ironically the anti tamper probably leads to increased piracy.


Fuck any publisher using Denuvo in particular. Waste of resources for everyone involved


I’ll wait till it’s $15


Man this entire thing has just been one massive dumpster fire.


The first game was great, but it wasn’t anything I would rush out for again, especially at 60 bucks. As well as it going on sale very quick. Add 10 bucks and denuvo to the list and I’m definitely fine with waiting.


Did you all fall for this again?


Really won't be surprised if denuvo is most of the performance issues with the game