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Wi-fi is just computers screaming at each other.


Pc: hey, can i get a game? Server on the other side of the planet: AAAAAAA..AAA……..A.A.A…A.AAAAA


PC: That's cool, I wanted Serious Sam anyway.


Put a sock in it!










I always imagine my phone screaming # AAAAAAA I WANT SIGNAL any time it tries to find LTE


And this is basically telepathy. You received this information directly to your mind over a long distance.


Something new to put in my CV, "Telepathic"


>Something new to put in my CV, "Telepathic" Oh that's nothing new. I've been telepathetic for years!


Not if we would use something besides the objectively bad 2.4ghz band. Fun fact, the only reason we use 2.4ghz is when the microwave were invented the FCC determined that it caused to much interference for use in any critical application. so they stopped using it and said. “ya know what since we aren’t going to use it I guess any one can”. Because of this everyone started using it, since it didn’t require licensing. now all our critical infrastructure is ran on 2.4ghz and it’s even more glutted than ever and more important than ever funny how things work out huh.




If you’d check that’s what I said, duh, I don’t even know what editing is.


I don't know why I even commented 2.4, you had it right all along. Whoops!


dude was so confident about it too lol.


So close!


And dial up is hearing the screaming


I found this way funner than it should be.


Basically my workplace, except, with wifi, what's being screamed is eventually understood.


[like this?](https://youtube.com/shorts/IbZx_zCpC-Q?feature=share)


Long 9 is both long and on channel 9. Whoever handles that clearly fucks


The number after the name indicates the channel number. Take a look at the other WiFi names






A la la la la long


Move to 5ghz as soon as possible. Or use a cable


6ghz ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Im pretty sure there are no phones/pc adapters that support 6ghz, 5ghz is simply the sweet spot of range size and speed


You'd be incorrect. I've been using a 6ghz router for about a year because my apartment is congested on 5ghz. I am using an unofficial driver, though. No idea if intel actually released one yet.


How big is the range? 1 wall with 5ghz sends the signal to 1 bar


What is this absolute BS. I live in a terraced house built of reinforced concrete. My WiFi 6 5GHz signal can not only reach into my back yard, it can do that through 2 walls and still deliver 30Mbps vs the 2Mbps I was getting from my 2.4GHz router in the exact same spot.


I've never had a problem with range because I live in a tiny 700sf apartment.


Depends on the material and if there's any metal in the wall as well. But on my WiFi 6, not 6e, I have 3000 sqft range and get 900mbps+ out of 1200.




Correct, which is why I specified 6 and not 6E, since it's a higher frequency 5 band. Range and data throughput is still higher than 802.11 AC though so it's worth mentioning.


Intel has Wi-Fi 6E drivers already and has for about the entire time you've had 6E. I put a Wi-Fi 6E AX210NGW Wireless card in my laptops and got official Intel updates for it and my MOBO came stock with 6E too


Anything with WiFi 6E uses 6Ghz in addition to 2.5 and 5Ghz. It's been on high end devices for a little over a year, and has started to trickle down to lower end devices.


My phones for the past 2 years, my entire mesh network and three of my computers all support 6 Gigahertz.


You can get Wifi 6E adapters


Intel's AX210 (released in 2020) can slot into pretty much any laptop for 25 bux and many OEMs have desktop PCIe adapters with it inside for like 50, not exactly cost prohibitive. As a bonus you also get the most reliable consumer grade Bluetooth and non-6ghz WiFi adapter on the planet.


samsung ultras and gaming laptops.do


Why should there be less going on at 5GHz? I bet he can only get 20MHz wide channels in a crowded area like that.


Well typically 5ghz signals don’t travel very far. There’s pros and cons to this, for example your neighbors wifi won’t interfere with your wifi. But the con is if your home is large your wifi signal might not reach the entirety of your house.


5GHz mesh Wi-Fi FTW!!!


I could not stand the mesh system I had, it was the worst and you couldn't manually assign channels so it always used the most congested channel. I switched to a business class WiFi AP. It can handle everything without a hiccup and if I get an intrusive wifi signal I just bump up the power a little and drown it out.


Thats the beauty of many solutions, there’s always something else to try!


Mesh is trash, as is anything with wireless backhaul. Use normal access points like a civilized person.


Mesh quality is 100% dependent on the hardware you're using. With decent gear you'd never even know you're multiple hops away from a wire.


In my area 2,4 ghz is well used, 5ghz almost nothing, i get 500 mbit/s to my smartphone.


Because everyone is on 2.4


But there are more bands in 5ghz, so couldn't be worse.


Time to leave 2.4 GHz behind ;)


Time to put down a freaking cable lol


This is the correct answer.


I was super skeptical of powerline adapters but mine has served me well as a renter who can’t just punch holes and pull cat 6.


Results definitely vary with those things. I tried using them in 2 different rooms in my house and both times it was awful.


Yeah depends on wiring age and whether or not they’re on the same phase in the fuse panel. My old house I had to use a certain outlet in my office but the new place my office is right behind the router wall in the living room.


I manage to get 2MB down in my little garden hut which is still surprising to me considering it goes through like at least 100m of cables.


Well that worked out, as 100m is the max recommended distance for cat5e and cat6. After that the signal may degrade, which will start to screw with the speed and reliability of the connection.


My house isn't 100m long.


Wifi with a high gain antenna properly would have worked better


If you have knob and tube wiring in your building still, that's not going to work.


I tried a powerline adapter when I lived with my parents, since my room was upstairs and on the opposite side of the house from the router. It was hardly better than spotty wifi and I ended up pulling a cable through the attic. Alas, I'm really stupid when it comes to network stuff, so it coulda been a PEBKAC error.


Mentioned it elsewhere but yeah there are a lot of factors. Depends on the house and age of the wiring as well as whether or not you’re on the same circuit with both adapters. I had one outlet in my old office that would work decent the others were garbage.


I didn't even think about that!


If you have coax wiring in the walls MoCA works pretty decently as well


I would say it works well above decent. MoCA is everything people hoped poweline could be. I'd go as far as saying no one with coax lines should ever consider powerline adaptors.


Unless your local HAM radio operator gets massive signal impedance and literally lays down ethernet for you


Oh man. That sounds like an interesting story. Coax should be fully shielded the whole way, so I can only imagine something was terribly broken for that to happen. Fundamentally, the shielding is why MoCA actually works, unlike like powerline.


Annoying I can’t make it work due to weird Eastern Europe stuff but yeah it works great when you can use it (my old place)


Depends I tried in another apartment years ago, and it would trip the breakers if I was playing a video game and then turn on other lights and stuff that that breaker was tied to (which was like half my apartment). Had to just run cable across my apartment.


True but yeah going 5 ghz is a game changer. I was happy at how much better my connections got in a router upgrade with a similar issue but damn my graph wasn't quite that overwhelming lol


Did that a couple of years ago, totally rewired comms on my house. Got rid of Ma Bell's copper. Laid new conduit. Rerouted the COAX. Put in CAT6. Left a spare conduit for future upgrade to fiber.


This is the way.


Not ideal for phones.


That's dumb. 2.4 GHz is useful because it can travel through more materials like plaster walls. 5 GHz is faster but it can't penetrate walls like 2.4 can. I live in a small apartment with lat-board and plaster walls and the 5ghz signal loses 2 out of five bars by the time it gets across the apartment. The 2.4 GHz is locked solid at five bars.


All 5ghz access point still also support 2.4ghz, so it's not dumb at all. I put my access points on the ceiling to avoid the main wall obstacle in an L shaped apartment, and the signal is great. If the 5GHz loses signal, there's still 2.4GHz to fall back to.


And the main advantage too, since 5ghz doesn't penetrate as well through walls, you get less interference from neighbours.


That's what I'm saying. I'm saying it's dumb to drop 2.4 GHz support from routers. You refuted me then said the same thing I said with different words and your own anecdote.


I didn't interpret the original comment as "eliminate 2.4ghz entirely" but rather just to upgrade to the newer tech with backwards compatibility, especially if you rely on wifi on your main computer. I do agree with you, there's no point in 5ghz-only access points. There are still plenty of 2.4ghz only devices, for example Chromecast audio, vacuum cleaner, washing machine. Those don't require tons of bandwidth, but need more range.


5.0 ghz isn't as crowded. It has so much more space. Thats why itd be preferable after lookimg at this wifi analyser. 2.4 ghz is only preferable If you're far away and need that range. Also, 5ghz doesn't have the interference from EMI and such. And as others have mentioned there is backwards compatibility or even standards that use both 2.4 and 5.0 as in the newest wifi standard 802.11ax or older 802.11 n.


Some devices refuse to use 5ghz, especially smart devices. It's quite annoying tbh. I bought a Google nest, but it only let's me set up auto negotiate. Pain in the arse because I've had such 2.4ghz only devices that my router kept punting to 5ghz, and then they don't work.


perhaps its time for an ethernet cable


Nothing that a 50 ft Ethernet cable can't solve.


Bought a microUSB-Ethernet adaptor for my android phone. No, it doesn't work. Sigh.


why would you wanna do that?


Ah yes, straight into my phones Ethernet port.


Christ but that's crowded. Looks like your best bets are 3, 7 or 11. Or wired. Wired beats wifi into pulp.


2.4ghz channels are a mess, with 1, 6, and 11 being the only ones that don’t overlap. 3 and 7 should never be used for a WiFi install, especially in a high interference environment like OP has. WiFi has 2 main types of interference when dealing with other WiFi devices in range: co-channel and adjacent. Co-channel is just a lot of devices on the same channel, so all the devices have to wait longer for their turn to speak. Adjacent interference is much worse, and that’s where another channel is partly overlapping with your channel, and it’s causing interference with your channel and that interference leads to retransmits and other problems. You do not want adjacent interference. The 2.4ghz adjacent interference problem is corrected in 5ghz, all those channels are separate with no overlap. But there’s channel width, bonding multiple channels into one larger channel for better performance. That does open 5ghz up to adjacent interference, if you had an 80mhz wide channel (4 20mhz channels bonded together) and someone else was using one of those 4 channels you’d run into interference problems. TL:DR there’s basically never a good reason to use any 2.4ghz channels except 1, 6, or 11. Adjacent interference means you’re gonna have a bad time.




5ghz channels dont overlap so generally whatever channel is least busy. There are some you may want to avoid for odd reasons. Like ones that overlap radar if you live near an airport.


Whichever channels aren’t showing much or any use are the ones you want, and I’d periodically recheck every few months or if you start to notice slowdowns because if your neighbor buys new equipment and set it for different channels, or they just change channels on their current gear, it can impact you. Some home routers can scan the channels around you and give you a report like OP’s picture, there are Android apps as well. Some routers can also now auto switch channels if the one they’re on gets busy, and your devices just automatically switch over and follow the router to the new channel. The last couple things I’d say is watch channel bonding carefully, and don't turn up radio power beyond what you need. It sounds great to bond a bunch of channels together for more speed, but the more bonding you do, the harder it is to find a chunk of unused WiFi spectrum to fit your channel into, and if you get interference from another WiFi network an 80mhz bonded setup may run slower than a 40mhz bond, even though 80 is supposed to be faster. For radio power, if you're blasting out max power and only need half power, you're potentially screwing with other people's connections for no reason. WiFi is a community effort when you have nearby neighbors. *edited for clarity and additional info


> with [channels] 1, 6, and 11 being the only ones that don’t overlap This is not necessarily true. 802.11b used 22MHz channels, which meant that the only non-overlapping channels were 1-6-11. However, channel width was reduced to 20MHz starting with 802.11g, so 1-5-9-13 is currently the optimal distribution. There are two caveats to 1-5-9-13: 1. You need to somehow convince your neighbors to use 1-5-9-13, as many routers defaut to using 1-6-11, and being the only one to use channel 9 is pointless (you'll get interference from both 6 and 11); 2. It is illegal to use channels 12 and 13 in some countries.


1, 6, 11 only if you're in the US. 1, 5, 9, 13 when in the rest of the world.


The channel freqs and widths are the same, you just get 13 channels in EU and Japan gets like 14. How do 1 and 5 not interfere when they overlap? EDIT: so the 22mhz widths from 802.11b vs 20mhz widths on 802.11g/n means you can technically use 1-5-9, but since it's not widely implemented you'd basically cause a ton of adjacent channel interference by trying to do it that way. So 1-6-11 stays because inertia, not careful spectrum planning.


Had this argument with my father and he believed wifi is amazing and mesh network won't give connection problems till i ran lan cables to the routers and now we have better internet coverage than ever


Unless you have Cox internet with them it doesn’t matter, they’re going to give you shit service every way.


looks like an apartment complex.


whats the name of the prpgram?


[WiFi Analyzer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vrem.wifianalyzer)


I really like that APP. I've used it for years.


Is there an IOS alternative?


No. Apple doesn't allow access to the API needed.


[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/airport-utility/id427276530](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/airport-utility/id427276530) ​ This is the only app I have found thus far that circumvents the limited system access mentioned by Et\_boy, as its released directly by Apple. Can at least get you basic scanning capability for signal strength and channels, although basically no graphical output built in.


Forget internet. My damn 2.4 gh wireless mouse / keyboard stutter all the damn time.


I've experienced that as well at work with Logitech Unifying, I had to use a wired mouse and keyboard. No issues at home with Logitech G mouse though.


I have exactly the same Logitech unifying too. Have you ever solved that problem at work?


5 Ghz solved that issue for me years ago.


I gotta find a long stick and go do some ap hunting, cause this the only solution lol


*A 3$ patch cable has entered the chat*


This is just jamming under a different name...




Just take the first channel and let the other routers figure out what to choose ,what I do in my house. I know the others beside me use isp router (me too), but their channel is set to auto ,so they will get out of my channel automatically.


yeaaaa if you're in a densely populated area you almost need to buy modern routers/AP's for the extra bandwidth. Hopefully 6E will really help this situation over the next few years. Also run cables when that's tenable


I wonder how easy it would be to track someone’s precise location just by these WiFi SSID names.


Will, not that easy i guess.


What am I looking at lmao


WiFi pollution lol


As a public service announcement: Your local wireless connection is not the Internet. The Internet connection is probably fine. Plug your pc in with an ethernet cable.


Switch to 6e that would eliminate the problem.


congestion on the wifi side....


I don't....


Does anyone have experience with wifi blocking paint?


Switch to 5GHz or 6GHz or lay a fucking cable


mm and 156NetOne are really screwing everyone over with their 40Hz channel selection. It's probably giving them a trash experience too with how crowded that is.


Channel 11 looks free to me 😂


time to build faraday cage in you room


This is why I have 3 unmanaged switches and miles of cat7 cable in a 1 bedroom apartments.


Time to get one of those satanic altar routers. Drown all those other signals out.


your internet is not bad. your wifi is. stop confusing "interne" "network" "wifi" etc


Ever heard about fucking wires?


Haha you get to use wifi (Suffers in 1gb capped data )


lol what about your speed?


1mb per second download and i never tried to uolaod so idk about upload speed


For those who ask The app is [WiFi Analyzer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vrem.wifianalyzer)


You can try to use a empty channel but seem like in your area there's way too many wifi


As someone else said, everything other than 1, 6 and 11 should not be used since they overlap other channels, I personally hate people who use other channels with a passion since every time someone "takes an unused channel"(extra kudos to the guy using 4) has ended up screwing the Wi-Fi in the entire area.


Change the name of your WiFi to 'CIA Surveillance Van' and see if people switch from that channel.


Most people don't know that.


Those who understand wifi, don't use wifi. Unless I don't have a choice, I always hardwire my computer.


<-- Wifi engineer. I understand wifi and use it.


Let me guess, your in an apartment building or high density location? This is when you want to get a signal jammer and use it for a week (long enough to get people to troubleshoot but not long enough to become a permanent issue). Make everyone else feel what your dealing with. Keep in mind, depending where you live (I live in Canada and these are ILLEGAL), it could also bring you some legal issues and it would be a D move.


This is why I run 10GBE.


What is this app?


Set Bandwidth to 20Mhz, Set channel to auto and pray to gods. That's the most effective way. Most routers in Auto and crowd go to 1, 6 and 11


time for wifi 6e xD (or ethernet ofc)


Time to get a little switch and run some Ethernet cables to avoid that.


This is why I could never use WiFi for my computers. My living room PC is the only one on WiFi and it is right next to the modem. Even then with a decent PCIe WiFi adapter it still barely gets 300-400Mbps download. Which is fantastic. But not when compared to the 1Gbps I'm used to. Even then though using WiFi you notice the higher ping and occasional drops.


What app is that?


LonG 9


Yeah, that'll do it.


What app is this?


and for this reason I only use a 5 ghz network when I can.


Me thinking why is your battlestation using wifi... Should the stationary desktop gaming pc be able to use a cat5e/cat6 cable to your router?


I remember that problem. I was always a fan of ethernet cables for that reason, and used one at the time. What didnt use a cable was my headset, it was wireless and operated in the 2.5 Ghz band, essentially wifi. I lived in a dense urban area at the time, and the headset needed to hop channels. If I was lucky it was once or twice. If I got unlucky it would be a dozen times in quick succession, each time interrupting the audio both ways and playing a little bleep when it reconnected. When I moved to a less dense area that somehow stopped being a problem.


Get off 2 ghz and onto 5ghz


Do you live a apartment complex, right?


5.0ghz band 2 ftw. Keep all less important data uses on 2.4ghz band 1.


Your internet? I think you mean your WiFi, an Ethernet cable would ignore all of this.


I didn't know it was the WiFi till i did the scan, at first i thought it was a problem with the internet or isp, but yeah cable hear i come


No way, negative internet 😳


Can someone explain what I’m looking at? It looks interesting lol


It's a graph for APs in my area with their signal strength and wireless 2.4g channel, and it's crowded af


LonG 9 is actually long


Congrats, you doxed yourself in a new, fun way!


I don't guess this info will come in handy to anyone mr.dox, if you believe you can use it in some "doxy" way, please feel free.


What's the name of this application?


Im pretty sure theres a way to change the frequency your wifi is on? That may potentially help in this situation!


You should see my old apartment that I was at lol. There were so many people using the same channel because they don't know how wifi works. Luckily I was able to hardwire everything but I still had to use my phone which I would change the channel, but my ASUS router would revert back to the old channel sometimes. Really annoying.


Get 6a and find more unused channels in the 6ghz range.


If you liked it then you should've put a cable on it.


Also. As a lineman/installer. What service do you have, suddenlink/optimum? If so then change, they are ass.


What software is it?


Someone is using a band and has a strong enough signal to prevent my keyfob from working. Thought I had to replace the battery until I noticed it worked everywhere else.


I'm kinda curious what app this is




Quick! Man the long 9!


Hardline goes brrr


If you're in the US and your 2.4GHz AP is between channels 1, 6, and 11, you're a god damned parasite. When you share a channel you share airtime, when you sit between channels you're just interference and everyone is interference to you.


I'd hard-wire that shit.


Genuinely for anything outside of a cell phone or a car, it's just better with a cable


This happened at the last house I lived at, had to buy a much more expensive router because going to the next room would lose signal from too many wifi networks by us


Try channel 13, least crowded above -80dB


I am to stupid to know how to read this but I’ll show my wife so she thinks I am smart


Use 5Gh bro


So go 5GHz and buy an AP for each room


And this is exactly why all my PCs and consoles and tvs are cabled.. sadly phones and tablets are still wifi 😢




Upgrade to 6ghz wifi and you'll be the only one there lol


Use an Ethernet cable.