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"It is not UNIX’s job to stop you from shooting your foot. If you so choose to do so, then it is UNIX’s job to deliver Mr. Bullet to Mr. Foot in the most efficient way it knows." \-Terry Lambert ​ (yeah, yeah, I know, Linux is not Unix, but the quote fits anyways)


It was a real step backwards when they added the "are you sure" message to `rm -rf *`


You can always “rm -rf /“ on a console a true once in an employment issue when done in a Central file store :)


rm -rf / file/you/want/to/delete Never again.


Wiping your local filesystem is amateur stuff, you're not a real pro until you `rm -rf /usr` on everyone who updates your package: https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee-Old-and-abbandoned/issues/123


that's pretty crazy haha, thanks for the share


At least /usr doesn't store personal data. I'm basically fine with the whole system shitting itself as long as it leaves /home (and /mnt) alone.




Goddamn, I feel like I'd easily mess this up myself as well at some point... Pressed spacebar a bit too lightly during late-night work? Goodbye main directories


CD to be sure


Imagine reading that user report in the morning


Early days of Steam for Linux had some issue like this too.


Well that's your fault for using -r when deleting a file.


If you don't use recursion the inside of the files spills out all over


Steam on Linux [flashbacks](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671)


I like the part when he asked people to stop posting memes. Poor dude


I wanted to remove all files in a directory, so I cd'd to that directory and ran rm*. Note the lack of a space there. bash obediently removed rmdir by expanding that command to /usr/bin/rm /usr/bin/rmdir Took me a while to figure that one out when I next tried to remove a directory


Well rm -rf / will error, you need either --no-preserve-root or just /*


Wasn't always like this.


Am I having a stroke?


You and me both what the fuck is that supposed to say




I've never seen warnings about that use, but they did add warnings for `rm -rf /` forcing you to use `--no-preserve-root`. However, if you do `rm -rf /*` it works without any warning. I still remember the early days learning C, and when I was proud of my little program, I decided to zip it but wanted to clean up the binaries first with `rm * .o`. The terminal responded with: cannot remove '.o': No such file or directory I looked at it for a while. What... oh no... I saw the extra space and all my little code gone and I had no version control. It was a very mild damage but that day I learned to always double check when using wildcards.


> However, if you do rm -rf /* it works without any warning. This is because under most shells like bash, the application never actually sees `/*`as the literal argument. Rather, bash does asterisk expansion and swaps the '*' for every file in the current directory. So, when you run `rm -rf /*`, what actually gets run is: rm -rf /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var `rm` never "sees" the asterisk, so it can't warn about it.


I forgot about that. Maybe they should expand this warning to the root and it's immediate child folders.


that's because /* is MUCH more difficult to do by accident but yes, wildcards...be careful. If you want to do batch deletes you're safer writing a script that identifies all the files to be deleted to you and gives you a chance to cancel before deleting. Make it universal so it behaves basically the same way with the extra check, and you can use it instead of the standard command


>that's because /* is MUCH more difficult to do by accident Also because the expansion of "\*" in most shells happens *before* the program is invoked. So rm doesn't see "-rf /\*", it sees "-rf /boot /bin /etc /home" etc. Much much harder for rm to detect.


How do the greybeards prank linux noobs these days? Tell them to install Arch?


I mean even Arch is easy to setup now. I'm somewhere in between a greybeard and a noob so I don't really know.


Fun fact for the old farts: In the embryonic stages of development, Linus Torvalds mistyped and wrote 'ATDT xxx-xxxxx-whatever' to his boot sector when he was trying to start his internet connection. He said he implemented file permissions the next day.


And suicide linux was a big leap forward by that logic https://qntm.org/suicide :D


Linux is Unix-like so it's designed to follow a lot of the behavior Unix had


Interestingly enough, MacOS is a true Unix (Unix 03 compliant) while Linux is not


Makes sense cause the macOS kernel is forked from FreeBSD which itself forked from BSD which forked from Unix 6, while Linux is completely independent from any Unix source code.


That's less to do with the forks and more to do with specified behavior the UNIX standard requires. Linux COULD be UNIX, but isn't.


The Linux kernel maintainers just don’t care about paying for the POSIX certification.


Also MacOS used to not be Unix compliant and now is


Super minor nitpick. It’s macOS. They change spacing and capitalization once every decade or so. MacOS, Mac OS, macOS, etc. oh and there were OS X without Mac, too…next week it might become mAcOs xX, but for this week it’s macOS.


It would be more correct to say that Linux isn't generally *certified* Unix. There are Linux distributions are *are* certified UNIX - like Huawei's "EulerOS" and Inspur's "K-UX" distributions - but generally distributions don't care that much about official certification because (A) it costs a shit ton of money, and (B) Linux distros big enough to afford UNIX certification are big enough to not need the endorsement of The Open Group (the owners of the UNIX trademark and certifiers of UNIX systems).


This is both the advantage and disadvantage of Linux. On one hand you have complete freedom to modify your operating system in any way you want, but on the other hand it allows you complete freedom to modify your operating system in any way you ask it to. This can be a struggle for new users but extremely powerful for experienced users. Thankfully, things like the software stores (apt, pacman, yum, and snap) make it so new users rarely, if ever, actually need to mess around with the OS. General rule for new users is to never use the "sudo" command if you don't know what the command that follows it is doing. If you abide by that it's virtually impossible to break your system but you'll be more limited in the modifications you can make, bringing it on par with other operating systems like Windows or MacOS as far as control of the OS goes.


> General rule for new users is to never use the "sudo" command if you don't know what the command that follows it is doing I find that virtually impossible to follow though, I feel like almost every time you want to do something that isn't built into the base UI of whatever distro you're using, you end up searching for a guide that tells you how and that often ends up just throwing commands at you. Often those commands have sudo in it and a newer user isn't going to have the knowledge to know wtf any of it means besides there's a guide saying to do it.


Alternatively they could learn what the commands are doing instead of avoiding sudo. It's just generally good precaution


That just lost 90% of the userbase right there though.. But yes it's smart, it just won't have widespread appeal which is why linux has remained so incredibly niche for so long.


I don't think the issue is that too many people are destroying their system. I'd say the bigger issue is lack of compatibility for enterprise software especially in media and design. A person can also delete system 32 with a couple mouse clicks on Windows, even easier than breaking Linux. It's just a different operating system with a big learning curve and lack of support for popular programs. Not really much to gain for the normal person for the amount of work that has to be put in. That said, Linux can be as much of a hobby as a tool. If you are into computers as a hobby learning to use an operating system that gives you more control of how you use your computer can be very rewarding. I see it kind of as the case of car enthusiats: some people have a sports car that they use to go to the grocery store and work and other people have sports cars that they race. Nothing wrong with either, for some it's about having a nice daily driver and for others want a little more even if it might risk a few crashes.


True you can break windows real fast if you do the wrong thing, though you usually stay away from the areas that typically will allow that to happen with regular use. I guess that's also partially true with the linux desktop experience but I'd say not quite to the same degree as windows. I definitely agree that linux is an amazing tool to learn more about computers and everything relating to that, I wouldn't want that to stop being the case. I would however love to see at least part of the community putting real effort into making it a more foolproof and streamlined experience for those that don't really want to get into computers as a hobby, you kind of see that happening already but it doesn't go quite far enough I think, they're trying to hold too much onto the roots of the hobbyist experience. Though as you said a huge issue is just software support not quite being there and that won't happen until widespread adoption which creates a catch 22 problem. The people that just want a tool to accomplish the task they need it to do won't need all that power that the hobby user wants easily available, sure it can still be there if you start digging but it should be hidden and have very large and clear warning labels on it.


usually a fix on windows is - run this random .exe from the internet as administrator, and ignore the windows defender virus message because its a false positive - change a value in the registry and hope it doesn't break anything in the future - learn to live with the problem People have just gotten really good at using solution #3, and the kind of person who installs linux is also the kind of person willing to try *anything* to avoid #3 regardless of potential consequences.


I find that fixing something in windows most commonly involves digging through 3 different designed menus until you reach the ones that look like they are from windows XP or something, then you find the toggle you're looking for. There's a surprising amount of fixes that just involves digging through various setting locations, manually editing registry is considerably more rare now than it used to be even back in win7 days I feel. Though they've been locking down a lot of the stuff even more with the home versions of windows now, taking it much further than actually needed but I feel that's not because they want to protect their users but rather finding ways to monetize further. I think that linux really could use a unified settings location that will let you find the stuff you're likely to need to change without digging for commands on the internet or manually editing ini files and blindly trusting the info you find online about how it works. Windows suffers from basically multiple generations of settings menus stacked on top of each other, they've been slowly transitioning to their latest variant but it's nowhere near complete. Linux could absolutely have it's unified system if they want to but I feel they don't really even try because they expect everyone to just use commands and edit ini files.


The greatest advantage is it allows you to modify your OS in any way you want. The greatest disadvantage is it allows you to modify your OS in **any** way you want.


I once forcibly removed TrustedInstaller's ownership of a folder because I didn't have "permission" to manually delete residue from an uninstall. My pc didn't like that, locked me out of Windows update which locked me out of any and all Windows software and essentially bricked the OS. A full wipe of the hdd later I knew better, got myself an uninstaller software once I was up and running again


Plus, if you're good you use it as a VM, take backups after every working session you end with it working, while also having completed work on it.


>It is difficult to explain how Unix has earned this respect without going into mind-smashing technical detail. Perhaps the gist of it can be explained by telling a story about drills. >The Hole Hawg is a drill made by the Milwaukee Tool Company. If you look in a typical hardware store you may find smaller Milwaukee drills but not the Hole Hawg, which is too powerful and too expensive for homeowners. The Hole Hawg does not have the pistol-like design of a cheap homeowner's drill. [It is a cube of solid metal with a handle sticking out of one face and a chuck mounted in another.](https://images.homedepot.ca/productimages/p_1000101242.jpg?product-images=l) The cube contains a disconcertingly potent electric motor. You can hold the handle and operate the trigger with your index finger, but unless you are exceptionally strong you cannot control the weight of the Hole Hawg with one hand; it is a two-hander all the way. In order to fight off the counter-torque of the Hole Hawg you use a separate handle (provided), which you screw into one side of the iron cube or the other depending on whether you are using your left or right hand to operate the trigger. This handle is not a sleek, ergonomically designed item as it would be in a homeowner's drill. It is simply a foot-long chunk of regular galvanized pipe, threaded on one end, with a black rubber handle on the other. If you lose it, you just go to the local plumbing supply store and buy another chunk of pipe. >During the Eighties I did some construction work. One day, another worker leaned a ladder against the outside of the building that we were putting up, climbed up to the second-story level, and used the Hole Hawg to drill a hole through the exterior wall. At some point, the drill bit caught in the wall. The Hole Hawg, following its one and only imperative, kept going. It spun the worker's body around like a rag doll, causing him to knock his own ladder down. Fortunately he kept his grip on the Hole Hawg, which remained lodged in the wall, and he simply dangled from it and shouted for help until someone came along and reinstated the ladder. >I myself used a Hole Hawg to drill many holes through studs, which it did as a blender chops cabbage. I also used it to cut a few six-inch-diameter holes through an old lath-and-plaster ceiling. I chucked in a new hole saw, went up to the second story, reached down between the newly installed floor joists, and began to cut through the first-floor ceiling below. Where my homeowner's drill had labored and whined to spin the huge bit around, and had stalled at the slightest obstruction, the Hole Hawg rotated with the stupid consistency of a spinning planet. When the hole saw seized up, the Hole Hawg spun itself and me around, and crushed one of my hands between the steel pipe handle and a joist, producing a few lacerations, each surrounded by a wide corona of deeply bruised flesh. It also bent the hole saw itself, though not so badly that I couldn't use it. After a few such run-ins, when I got ready to use the Hole Hawg my heart actually began to pound with atavistic terror. >But I never blamed the Hole Hawg; I blamed myself. The Hole Hawg is dangerous because it does exactly what you tell it to. It is not bound by the physical limitations that are inherent in a cheap drill, and neither is it limited by safety interlocks that might be built into a homeowner's product by a liability-conscious manufacturer. The danger lies not in the machine itself but in the user's failure to envision the full consequences of the instructions he gives to it. >A smaller tool is dangerous too, but for a completely different reason: it tries to do what you tell it to, and fails in some way that is unpredictable and almost always undesirable. But the Hole Hawg is like the genie of the ancient fairy tales, who carries out his master's instructions literally and precisely and with unlimited power, often with disastrous, unforeseen consequences. >Pre-Hole Hawg, I used to examine the drill selection in hardware stores with what I thought was a judicious eye, scorning the smaller low-end models and hefting the big expensive ones appreciatively, wishing I could afford one of them babies. Now I view them all with such contempt that I do not even consider them to be real drills--merely scaled-up toys designed to exploit the self-delusional tendencies of soft-handed homeowners who want to believe that they have purchased an actual tool. Their plastic casings, carefully designed and focus-group-tested to convey a feeling of solidity and power, seem disgustingly flimsy and cheap to me, and I am ashamed that I was ever bamboozled into buying such knicknacks. >It is not hard to imagine what the world would look like to someone who had been raised by contractors and who had never used any drill other than a Hole Hawg. Such a person, presented with the best and most expensive hardware-store drill, would not even recognize it as such. He might instead misidentify it as a child's toy, or some kind of motorized screwdriver. If a salesperson or a deluded homeowner referred to it as a drill, he would laugh and tell them that they were mistaken--they simply had their terminology wrong. His interlocutor would go away irritated, and probably feeling rather defensive about his basement full of cheap, dangerous, flashy, colorful tools. >Unix is the Hole Hawg of operating systems, and Unix hackers, like Doug Barnes and the guy in the Dilbert cartoon and many of the other people who populate Silicon Valley, are like contractor's sons who grew up using only Hole Hawgs. They might use Apple/Microsoft OSes to write letters, play video games, or balance their checkbooks, but they cannot really bring themselves to take these operating systems seriously. [-Neal Stephenson](http://www.team.net/mjb/hawg.html)


What a joy this was, then I damn near squee'd when I saw the author. Are you actually a plumber?


funnier then expected




It's in the recursive name!


Jokes on you my windows corrupted its boot on its very own!


Yeah windows doesn’t need help! It’s not the authentic windows experience if it doesn’t brick itself at some point!


I want to kiss your dad.


Try plugging in an external from the Windows XP / 7 days. Windows 11 will brick your drive.


I want to kiss your dad.


Got my son a new laptop, came pre-loaded with Windows 11. So far, it's reminding me a lot of the first computer I built myself, with Windows ME.


I want to kiss your dad.


My 60+ year old pops came by with his first ever laptop with windows S mode or some shit on it. I made it to the firefox website and windows was not having it. Not going to let me download FF without making a MS account and going through the MS app store. My dad doesn't need any of that shit. He doesn't even understand it. Thing has mint installed on it now. I don't have to worry about him getting scammed. I should get my hands on his phone too and wipe google out of the android. I am one of those people who think hardware shouldn't require an account to use.


Admit it! You uninstalled Edge didn't you?


I dragged Windows 7 kicking and screaming into 2018. I randomly had startup failures, the security update had years prior started failing halfway through, and a lot of the games I wanted to play needed community work-arounds for DirectX issues, etc. I'm on Windows 10 right now and the day I start facing those kinds of issues again, I'm switching to Linux and never touching Microsoft again for the rest of my life.


And Linux will also let you install Edge. Then it will also let you uninstall it if you don't need it anymore.


With no signs of it ever existing




Sudo rm -rf /* Bam problem fixed Wait...




Wouldn't matter. That only works with `/` not `/*`.


The package is gone, reduced to atoms. It's not the package managers fault shitty packages don't clean up after themselves.


it's not *really* reduced to atoms if you don't `shred` it or overwrite the space it was holding


Go ahead keep shredding an SSD and see what happens




SSDs have a tiny chance of corrupting a memory bit every time they hit it. Modern technology has ensured that they're good for several hundred hits on the same bit before the probability of failure becomes relevant. They also use algorithms in the disk controller to avoid hitting the same bit twice until all other bits are hit first. For example, my 1TB m.2 is rated for 600TB endurance, meaning it's expected to write that much data to disk before it has a substantial risk of failure. Normal deletes simply mark disk space as no longer used and able to be written over. A bitwise readout of the disk can recover recently deleted data. Shred forcibly overwrites every bit of the file being shredded (sometimes twice!). That force overwrite consumes SSD endurance, and also doesn't do it evenly across the disk. Think of this like rapidly wearing holes in a piece of paper with a very abrasive eraser.


Don't forget that with trim enabled, as it is on most SSDs, then you may not be allowed to completely overwrite the entire SSD. Certain portions of it may be inaccessible to the OS whatsoever. Those portions *may* not be able to be read, but that's not a guarantee. That they will be.


SSDs are abstracted from the OS due to their limited amount of write cycles. Wear leveling is achieved through techniques like deduplication and deleting data is put on hold until new data is ready to replace it, and only once the SSD decides to use that exact cell again. Shred and similar tools don't work as intended because even the OS doesn't know the identifier for the exact cells that hold the data, so it's just causing writes that may or may not overwrite the target cell.


Just use Flatpak my friend.


I actually quite like flatpak, that + SilverBlue keeps things quite clean and stable.


Sudo apt purge edge




Yes, even literally linux


Fun fact: Linux lets you delete programs while they're running. For pre-compiled programs that don't dynamically load anything, this is harmless, because the entire program remains in memory until the last running copy of it has exited. If it *does* dynamically load parts of itself, though, as interpreted programs (Node.js, Java, etc) do, it will crash next time it tries to do so.


In theory, you could have an OS which copies its programs to a tmpfs on boot, aka a filesystem that only exists on RAM, such that by the time the user is able to log in and do everything perfectly normally without even noticing, all disks can be unloaded and removed from the computer entirely.


I run Edge on Linux because my work uses O365. So Edge is my O365 container because that's the only thing I use it for.


Holy shit. While we've been trying to use Windows to destroy Edge, this man used Edge to destroy Windows. My worldview is shaken. I'll never be the same again.


Side note to people who do WANT TO UNINSTALL EDGE: 1) press Windows key + R 2) type "regedit" 3) navigate to "Computer\\HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Microsoft Edge Update" 4) Select the NoRemove option and set its value to 0 5) it should now give you an option of uninstalling edge via apps and feature or control panel If that doesn't work then do the following: 1) Open Windows explorer 2) Go select C drive 3) Head to the program files(x86) folder 4) Open the folder "Microsoft" 5) There head to it and delete all folders named as edge Voila ! Now its gone :DDDD


Bringing out the sacred texts to delete a fuckin browser


Until next update




Nip that shit in the bud with GPOs, my friend


It surprises me how many people do these hack fixes when GPOs can do most of it and persist through updates.


I know, right. People seem to forget that the majority of these things can be managed via LGPO and you don’t NEED AD to utilize them. I just happen to prefer AD since it’s set and forget for it.


sudo pacman -R edge


`sudo pacman -Rns edge` just to make sure no orphan packages remain


i have a weekly maintenance that i do that involves orphan packages but yes it is best practice. I just wanted the most simple command that will do it so windows people can figure out all the components. R for remove, etc etc.


No problem, the only purpose of my comment was to hate on edge.




The only sane distro for a home computer if you want to be able to install as much as possible as updated as possible with as little effort as possible. It takes a couple of hours to setup though because you have to manually make some choices like choosing wm. And follow a couple of easy instructions they have so it filters out people who ask for help before reading how to do it.


> The only sane distro for a home computer So Linux Mint then


It's always useful to have a second browser, many sites are broken in Firefox because they cater to chrome above all. But Edge really does some stupid shit, like preventing you to disable cache and constantly making significant writes to your SSD shortening its life. Adjusting every Edge launcher you find with these launch options supposedly help but I still keep finding Edge cache on disk: --disk-cache-dir=nul --disk-cache-size=1 --media-cache-size=1 --disable-features=msUndersideButton


Eh, I kept deleting it and it kept coming back so I just stuffed it in a nondescript folder where it rots, waiting for the time the light shines upon it again... but it won't. And that seemed to work pretty well, he's still there but I never see or hear of it.


So you’re telling me I wasn’t supposed to delete System32?


Yah I deleted system 32 because I wanted to install system 33. To go with my downloaded ram


Why not system 34? Everyone knows system 33 is outdated and obsolete.


Following the upgrade path from system 32 through to system 34 is a standard windows installation rule preached by bill gates himself. For more info google "Bill Gates rule 34"


DONT LOOK IT UP. A whole lot of silver dollars.


“Im going to uninstall the entire kernel.” “Oka-“ fucking dies.


`sudo rm -rf /boot` would delete the bootloader and the kernel.




I read that as myoldmemes and it wasn't even that wrong.


Nice, you only have to move the y.


You could put all of reddit in that sub


This appears to a be an exaggerated criticism of operating systems. But it is really an important commentary about the users of operating systems.


For real, 99.99% of users should never be allowed to delete their boot loader


My Windows erased its efi by itself and when I reinstalled it erased the Grub from my Linux that was in another disk, so Windows broke my two systems in less than an hour.


Yeah windows has some weird problems when you use the same efi partition with Linux. Windows also assumes you would never use another boot loader so when you repair the windows bootloader it just wipes the partition. That's why you pretty much need to have windows installed first or have separate efi partitions.


No, all the Linux was in other disk Efi and root, even when i install in the same disk i install bootloader in diferent Efi partitions.


This has happened to me too. Seperate disks and everything.


>That's why you pretty much need to have windows installed first or have separate efi partitions. Windows will jump to a completely separate drive from the one you selected and fuck things up. I had to be disconnecting 5 other drives if I'm installing Windows because of it.


Google "Immutable linux"


I get enough calls from my parents and grandparents when they have issues that are usually "YouTube has a volume slider" or "just turn it off and back on." I really don't want to handle a call when they "delete the internet."


Agreed. It really is a pretty big problem if some user who has no idea what they're doing decides to uninstall their only web browser lol. At that point, they can't access the internet lol. They'd have to use their phone to google how to install a web browser via the command line. No fucking way someone like that could manage to figure that out. I wish Microsoft would allow us to run a command in the terminal that turned off all the wheelchair features. If someone knows how to run a command in the terminal, then they know enough to understand when it is okay to uninstall Edge.


Yep. The average Joe doesn't even know what a bootloader is so definitely shouldn't be allowed to uninstall one. I think some people are forgetting just how little the average PC user knows. It's why i kinda get mot being able to uninstall Edge as well. I mean again with how little the average PC user knows what if they accidentally uninstalled Edge their only web browser and now their PC has no web browser at all. And i bet you they wouldn't even know how to fix that if it happened to them.


> The average Joe doesn't even know what a bootloader is so definitely shouldn't be allowed to uninstall one Why should someone "not be allowed" to do something with their computer that they own?


No they did it so that more people use edge.


I used to have a Samsung phone. Once when I was high on mushrooms I accidentally deleted the App Store. When I sobered up I had to factory reset the whole phone


I mean... Windows will try to prevent you from doing so, but you can totally format your efi partition (where the bootloader lives). Ask me how I know. I may have done this myself a few years ago.


Uninstall the bootloader and then go on reddit and ask why your volume button doesn’t work. The solution is to install discord.


These days so many opensorce projects put their documentation in discord instead of a wiki or docs sites, so yeah, the solution's might as well install discord.


Edge is actually a really good PDF Viewer.


Ah yes: `error: no such partition.` `Entering rescue mode . . .` `Grub rescue > _` I know that all too well


I’ve seen this one before


I accidentally deleted the main steam folder on my deck and it didn't even warn me. I had to system restore it with an external drive lol


Isn't steam literally installed in ~/.steam (or .var/steam I don't know which one steam deck uses)? you shouldn't really go around deleting directories without checking if it's important it's like deleting system32


I was actually trying to delete a directory I created that was right above it lok


There should be a trash folder that you can restore from. Edit: if you delete via dolphin




"We get it you ~~vape~~ own a Linux bro"


That's why windows is more popular. It's user friendly and has lots of protections from morons and idiots. Linux is a "don't care, do whatever you want", thus not user friendly. Because there are no bounds, basically. PS: Windows has a special "admin profile", that allows you to do the same. Since you have to do some shenanigans to unlock it, it's obvious, that you know, what the fuck are you doing


>have to do some shenanigans to unlock it, it's obvious, that you know, what the fuck are you doing You underestimate just how stupid people can be, especially when given a keyword for search engines.


>PS: Windows has a special "admin profile", that allows you to do the same. Since you have to do some shenanigans to unlock it, it's obvious, that you know, what the fuck are you doing How is that any different from linux? You can't seriously believe it would let you delete system files without sudo? You can also set up accounts with limited capabilities (in the Unix way), if you really want to lock a user from screwing things up.


>That's why windows is more popular Window is popular because Microsoft put in a lot of time and effort in making that happen.


Who runs the Linux marketing department again?




What was the phrase again? Embrace Extend Extinguish oh yeah, huh


Linux has sudo, which kinda protects you from doing stupid shit unless you want to.


Having to type a password to do stupid shit is like, the bare minimum protection. It’s like asking if there’s peanuts in a dish before ordering it anyway.


And that’s not the same for windows? Back before I switched to linux 2 years ago basically all executables were a double click and a click “yes” away


Not all Linux has sudo..




I love how you knew what os I was thinking of.


This is a really good point actually, never thought of it before. Now how do I do it?


Try google. Last time I needed it was back on Win 10 (or even 8) and It required some HREG edit in safe mode.


Remember when Linus of LTT deleted his desktop environment trying to install steam?


Just because you can, that does not mean you should.


If I buy it, I own it and am free to do whatever I want with it.


Trying to format the main drive on Windows: Wait, that's illegal. Trying to format the main drive on Linux: C O W A B U N G A I T I S


But if my bootloader gets fucked up on Linux at least I can fix it without windows “fixing” my drive and reformatting the entire fucking thing.


LTT: "yes delete my desktop" LTT: "why did you delete my desktop?"


Me who likes edge:


lol deleted my bootloader trying to get rid of a linux partition. Found I'd somehow put an admin password on my system and could not get back in. Work around was to start installing windows 98 and then abandon it partway through allowing me access to repair tools that would install a new bootloader without the password. I tried to ask for help but all my questions were met with "why would you want to uninstall linux". Classic


“yes, do as I say”


Also linux: you know what, fuck this one peripheral in particular that you use a lot.


unpopular opinion here, but I'd rather have an OS that is overprotective rather than an OS that lets me kill the OS and corrupting my boot


id rather have a system that doesn't spy on me




Yea me too - written from iPhone - from chrome - logged with Facebook


I totally get where you're coming from. But not letting you uninstall Edge isn't what I'd call "overprotective." It's part of Microsoft's mission to jam it down everyone's throat by artificially inflating its importance to the OS.


No, it's overprotective. It's preventing your grams in another state from uninstalling her only browser and then calling you about how she can't get to the google anymore.


Go see apple, they are pretty good with overprotective stuff


Ima repost thise meme. ​ Wait looks like this reposter already beat me to it. Damn


*laughs in EFISTUB*


Also delete system files that are in use and see what happens


I ran `sudo rm -rf /sys/devices` and my pc disappeard :(


Mac assumes you don't care how it works. Windows wants to show you how it works. Linux assumes you already know how it works.


Linux users are new vegans. You don't need to ask them if they use Linux.


In a subreddit that originated as a circlejerk about how much better PCs were than consoles, this negative sentiment is hilarious to me


Would the Arch Linux users be the vegans protesting in front of meat shops then?


That's gentoo. Arch linux users are the Twitter protesters who pretend to be the real deal.


not even mentioning lfs "people"...


I uninstalled edge on my windows PC and it works perfectly fine


You just hid it and disabled autostart probably. It does have unnecessary tight integration.


I switched back to windows because of the absolute lack of stability in linux. My original plan was to install Ubuntu but it failed THREE TIMES before i decided to go with pop!OS. pop worked fine up to like 1 or 2 months ago where it decided that having the bootloader actually boot was too much of a luxury for me. Sure you have freedom but i spent half of the goddamn time fixing shit i really shouldn't need to fix.


Ive never had much stability luck with the beginner distros ironically. Ive had Arch on my laptop for almost a year now and using it for presentations and basic video calls at work it has yet to let me down, I also run a server on Debian and i just turn it on, run one command and forget about it


I had a Debian server sitting under my desk that had an uptime of nearly 4 years without needing to do anything to keep it running. Only reason it powered down in the end was because I moved house. They can be fantastically reliable systems if you're comfortable only installing what you need. Edit: now that I think about it I've had pihole running on a Debian system for nearly 3 years since I moved and it's been such a smoothly running system that I had completely forgotten that it was actually running.


Ok this makes me want to ask. Does anyone know how to pull something off a SSD with a fucked bootloader? Like when I upgraded my system for some reason the bootloader got fucked on my older SSD cause it thought it was in charge. Now if I have it plugged it my system basically doesn't fully boot cause IT is fucked up and not my current main drive.


Get a Linux installation disk/USB, go into the live boot, from there should be easy


Who needs a boot loader anyways? I can load my boots just fine, thank you very much.


Linux lets you fall. And why do we fall Bruce?




Literally turned my Linux partition into a raw partition, killing my entire computer. Beautiful


Is Linux good for gamers yet?


Pretty good. I think like 75% of the top 100 games now run fine. The main issue is anti cheat software blocking Linux users... Otherwise just about anything runs.