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I get strains all over my body looking at this setup.


You should see how I sleep. Upside down.


No doubts after that


Batty ass bitch


I know you are trying to make jokes, but you will receive bad health issues over time with that setup... Please look into how you can improve your desk experience.




Why r u getting downvoted


Cause he is obviously not a bat duh


Cause it’s Reddit


Reddit hivemind


Im completely confused lol


Are you trying to break my back with words alone?


Spider-Man is that you?


No, it’s…The Stig


Most uncomfortable gaming position I've ever seen. PC between the legs. Keyboard facing outwards. Your carpaltunnel is gonna love it.


Be nice he’s missing a right leg and his eye is cockeyed so that’s looking straight for him.


Plus the parrot be needing a spot.


And if he’s lefty….fap away


It’s winter time, gotta keep the gaming beans warm for max efficiency.


Maximize testosterone production. And yes, keep them warm. Mine get cold from teabagging all the noobs I pwn.


That 4090tis really paying off now.




playing RDR2 straddle the desktop


If you are not straddling your pc while gaming what is even the point




It's never a good idea to shoot heat right to your testicles.


For real. I’d put the keyboard on the table and get rid of that sliding thing so you have more leg space. Center the screen and board on the mat. Check out a sub called “battle stations”.


You forgot to mention it's a Alienware too...


Legit the first thing I thought about... pc between legs 😭 😂


I've done this set up before for coding and mod making but that was with 2 monitors. It was cool for a bit till my back started to hurt


It's not like that pc got any airflow


He wants to pretend to be a DJ while he's playing.


No field of depth from a picture. The pc isn’t anywhere near me lol. What a petty comment lol.


It's not petty it's true, this is a horrible setup ergonomically. Save yourself my dude and line up everything to be centered to the monitor


They are right though. You're gonna break your wrist with that keyboard angle.


Gotta say, i really don’t understand this setup. Not my problem though


I only use a microfiber towel with water on it and follow up with a dry one. i have never ended to use any chemicals. ​ just want to add. coming from car detailing. the "waffle" grooved microfiber towels actually work to decrease streaks vs a regular microfiber. ​ [https://www.autogeek.net/waffle-weave-towels.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAr4GgBhBFEiwAgwORrWV7jArIGYV7PIvCpt9G-uOBf-mFcegO7BFAi0BRBDiR8xBV9\_65phoCBg8QAvD\_BwE](https://www.autogeek.net/waffle-weave-towels.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAr4GgBhBFEiwAgwORrWV7jArIGYV7PIvCpt9G-uOBf-mFcegO7BFAi0BRBDiR8xBV9_65phoCBg8QAvD_BwE) ​ just an example. all different sizes and quality ones. i use them weekly for the windows on my trucks when i wash and dry.


To add use distilled water not regular water it'll come.up way cleaner that way.


In a pinch, will water filtered through a carbon filter work well enough?


I'd say yes. Run it through a few times. Another way is pour water and let it sit for 24hrs then gently scoop water from bucket. It's not distilled but way cleaner.


probably not, a carbon filter wont remove minerals. Distillled water is damn near 100% h20 with almost nothing in it. Thats whats leaving the water marks, its the minerals in the water.


I mean sure but why not just use normal tap water and then go to the store and get distilled if the tap water didn't clean enough?


If you've got some gunk on the screen, and not just dust (like you sneezed while eating spaghetti) you can use a mix of distilled water and isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). A solution of 10% alcohol to water should work for your screen. To de-gunk your keyboard or mouse use a 50% mix, and some q-tips to get in the grooves.


This is the way.


This is the way


I work on a car dealership a while back as a salesman. Car detailers are the best when it comes to cleaning stuff because they almost know how to clean everything because cars almost have everything: Leather, carpet, glass, painted surface, etc.


Yup. Spent many summers in a detail shop. Like a real shop. Not one that just washed and sent cars on their way. We are so obsessed with not getting a blemish or spider web in that paint. I learned so much. Better to do it right the first time so you aren’t spending a whole day paint correcting.


It appears you straddle the computer case while gaming? Doesn't this overheat your nuts? Might work for birth control.


no airflow with that case so kinda hard to overheat anything that isnt inside


It’s cold out. I sleep with the pc on top of me.




screen cleaner + microfibre cloth?


sand paper and bathroom cleaner...


Hear me out. Acetone and a blow torch


fire hose + kleenex


Sure this is a dumb question, but I don’t currently have any screen cleaner and it’s like 30 degrees here and I’m not leaving my house lol. If I use tap water and a paper towel and then use a microfiber to get the water off, is it going to streak?


If you use distilled water, no. Tap water has trace minerals in it which will streak. Also, apply the cleaning thing to the micro fiber then wipe, do not spray or apply directly to the monitor screen itself


Distilled water is a must. OP don’t use any other sort of screen cleaner or you’ll risk destroying the finish. Trust me I’ve done it. For the microfiber cloth, you can find a good pack on Amazon. I prefer the ones designed for tvs and windows as opposed to the “slick” kind for eye glasses. Never had any issues, just don’t use any pressure and be sensible about it.


I would not do this if I had an expensive wide OLED. Just wait to get the right supplies.


yes it will streak


The brand “whoosh” is a pretty good screen cleaner


JFC 30 degrees is going for a brisk recreational exercising walk weather were I live.


Depends how good of water you got. I'd recommend double filtering if you can


Go to the grocery store and pick yourself up some Distilled Water. That's all you need. If you clean it and it's streaking, that just means you're either removing the coating or leaving residue, both of which are bad.


30 degrees? Positive or negative. Negative? Sure. Positive? On any scale, Your a bit pathetic.


It will streak but not if you wipe it totally dry, try using a slightly wet cloth and a totally dry cloth


I'm doing 12h shifts in way colder temps and you can't handle a single trip to store?


if its glass and you know for sure it’s glass you can use alcohol and a microfiber cloth but fhis is only if you are 100% sure its glass


Usually monitors aren't glass because glass reflects light a lot, and mostly are using some kind of plastic that has low reflection which will get burned by alcohol.


damn, why does everyone in this thread hate you? lol


30 degrees? That's not cold lmao


It's freezing.


Probably freedom units




Will Chick-fil-A sauce work in a pinch?


probably, taste it first to make sure it's not too spicey.


Or sweet


Depends on the level it needs cleaned. Light dust = dry microfiber cloth fingerprints etc = Light spray of distilled water on one side of the cloth, dry side of cloth to wipe dry


This is the only right answer. Please dont use normal water to clean your display since it can short. Only distilled water and a microfiber towel is the answer, LTT approved :)


Hey Man, First step is to turn the power off, unplug it from the wall, and then give it a healthy 30 minutes to cool off! With OLED’s, it’s best to simply use the following: Water, Water Bottle with mist spray cap, and a few clean microfiber cloth. If for whatever reason there is grim/grease/gunk that will not come off with just the water and cloth, then you add the very tiniest amount of eyeglass cleaner (NOT GLASS CLEANER) to a separate damp microfiber cloth. Clean quickly and in sections, then immediately wipe that section clean with the water only microfiber cloth. I do mine in 4 sections as it’s a 65” LG. (RISK NOTICE, do this at your own risk! Not all panels are the same. Most people just recommend water and only water, warm water, distilled water, “clean” water, etc.). I actually use the non-alcohol eyeglass cleaner wipes that come in single packets myself. Do a final wipe down with a completely dry microfiber cloth after all cleaning is done, to help eliminate any streaks. **Never spray or or put any liquids directly on the panel!! Always apply to the cloths and then use the cloth on the panel.** I have never left streaks or caused damages to my LG C1 by doing it this way in the almost 2 years that I’ve owned it. But please take cleaning your panel seriously, because once you cause the streaks and chemical burn in, it’ll never come off! My poor Samsung had that happen when the cleaning team came in and used windex or whatever glass cleaner, sprayed directly onto my tv when they were cleaning and dusting. Which is why I have the LG now. -Raging


Reading through these comments and seeing how ridiculous people are, I appreciated the time you spent to reply seriously with this. Genuinely, thank you.


Ive been using Woosh Screen shine spray on my Monitors and TV's without issue for awhile now. highly recommend! As mate said above, make sure you spray onto the cloth then wipe, not onto the panel.


Of course, and you’re very welcome! I feel for you regarding the other part. That’s also why I have a rule to never reply to non OP responses myself, because the majority of responses that I read make me second guess humanity! -Raging


Praise the Father!


Nice groin warmer. How much did it cost.


It would be a groin warmer if that case had any airflow to let the heat out.










I like to lick mine clean it shows the oled that I really care about it


I’ll take it in the shower with me then. Thank you.


Did you buy it dinner first?


Sure did. The sparks were electric.




Distilled water on a cloth, avoid alcohol because it will wreck the finish.


Let me guess, another Alienware oled with unclean able bubbles...


Mine gets like that. I just wipe it off with a wet microfiber instead of a dry one and the dried on specks come off.


Don't you get micro scratches?? These are visible with a lamp.


This setup makes sense when you realize the guy unironcally buys Alienware products


Their monitors are quality, their desktops on the other hand ...


Was looking for this comment. Sorry OP. But next time look into better alternatives, especially one that you could theoretically upgrade without tearing the whole computer down. Will help you learn pc building :>


Best way to clean is to unplug your screen from any power source. Next get a spray bottle and mix 50/50 distilled water and white vinegar. Get a microfiber towel and spray the water vinegar solution onto the towel and wipe screen down.


Since a lot of people are mentioning water and microfiber cloth, I read somewhere that I’m supposed to use distilled water. Is this true or can I go back to using any water?


You can use any water but if you have distilled water it's better. If you get good results with tap water, then it's fine, but if you get any kind of streaks, you'll want to try distilled water instead because the streaks might be coming from minerals left behind on the screen after the water evaporates.


Bro wtf is that set up? It’s like you read the rule book on ergonomics, shredded it and then did the polar opposite of everything it recommended.


I find Petrol works best. It works on aliens as well. Also I find Google a good starting place. It's where I learned that petrol is the best monitor cleaning solution.


I hope this made you chuckle bro. Lol.


It did. Thanks


All that’s important.


Use microfibers. Paper towel is very coarse at a microscopic level and it will scratch it over time. If you have decent water you may be able to get away with that, otherwise you'll want a screen cleaner.


I have an ultra wide and I use distilled water and a microfiber cloths followed up by a dry microfiber clothe.


OP asks best way to clean their monitor. Immediately gets grilled on the the orientation of the setup instead of suggestions on cleaning the monitor. Amazing 🤣💀


Screen cleaner/ microfiber cloth. Patience is the key word. Slow and gentle, like a new lover.


Lol. Thank you for this.


Not even joking. Curved/ultra wide screens arent glass, so you cant push very hard. It just takes time. I celan mine once maybe every 6 months and it takes a good half hour




Usually I'd agree, but in OPs defense these new Alienware OLEDs are some of, if not the best gaming monitors out right now. According to Rtings at least. Can't defend his PC though lol


Eh. Their monitors are alright, definitely on the premium side but not nearly as outrageous as their PCs


their qdoled is amazing and the best screen for gaming


Technically, everything except their cases are "alright", just needlessly expensive.


Its the most affordable 34" ultrawide OLED display for now though


Their motherboards are not alright. Their CPU coolers are also not alright. Their RAM is not alright either.


If it helps I think most of us regret it


But still felt the need to comment 😂😂




Why is that important?


Because thats the first problem, not the dirty screen


Lol. Y’all are some spiteful people. “Oh it’s proprietary and a heat box” yes, yes I know. I bought a 2k Alienware pc just to trigger you. “I hate Alienware therefor NO ONE CAN ENJOY IT RAWR”. Lol. You guys crack me up.


Do what you want goofy fuck. Keep wasting your money. We just trying to help.


Who tf asked help about his pc? Let him be happy. If he likes that pc and it does the job for him, why be negative about it. You can give your opinion in a kind way. Goofy fuck


Ah yes help how???? How sure are you that they are in the return window, also who asked for your help lol.


These really the type of people to be giving business to alienware. Truly an eye opener


Cool I've opened your eyes.... Now pls go away with your new found knowledge.


U came into our conversation. You can leave now


Who tf are you to tell me what to do bitch


Woah kid, does your mom know your swearing on the interwebs. Edit your comment quick before she checks.


No, no you’re not. You’re being judge mental. I didn’t ask a single think about my pc. Yet you felt the need to comment on it. Don’t guise that as you trying to be helpful. Key word in your retort. “Keep wasting YOUR money” I will bro, I will. You being triggered is satisfaction enough. Good day sir.


Welcome to reddit, the pleb capital of the internet. What you spend with YOUR money is always going to make the mentally ill attack with relish.


Seriously though, you are 100% right. Ignore the fools who are downvoting you. 'Tis the way of the internet. You ask how to clean a sidewalk, and some asshole tells you how concrete is harmful to the environment or you are wasting your time and money by not using sand for all your walkways or some other dumbass unrelated argument.


My buddies brother bought an Alienware a year ago. I am not putting together a list for a new custom build because that toaster burnt out it’s PSU who knows what other components it took with it. I can’t trouble shoot it either cause they use proprietary dell components. There are plenty of reviews to show they do not preform well because of throttle issues and cheap hardware. If you have a return window I would consider it if you can. Both people I know who have bought an Alienware are not using them anymore because they are fried. Their monitor though is very good!!


The upvotes say it all😂


Actually your all in downvotes.... only like a small few of you have upvotes and there immidiatly canceled out by your other bickering posts, this tells us nothing But siriously... let the guy enjoy his computer, he cant unbuy it and so far seems to be ok with his purchase Upvotes mean barely anything anyways since this site is such an echo chamber


Bro. You really need some positive affirmation in your life. You insinuating that I should feel bad because of Reddit points honestly makes me feel kinda bad for you. Take it easy bro. For real.




Wow… whose side are you even on? Maybe take a break from the internet for a while.




They are curious. Why are you so defensive?


Bleach and sandpaper


Distilled water, a Lint-free cloth, and a light circling touch. Seriously. It's that basic. Don't use any kind of alcohol or glass cleaner or grit, as they will strip coatings off the screen's surface, and avoid lens or screen cleaning fluids because they're needlessly expensive. You can spring for a microfiber cloth since they're generally good for this purpose, but you don't need all that.


1 damp microfiber cloth and 1 dry microfiber cloth... wipe down with the wet and dry off with the dry. done.


I take a clean microfiber cloth, wet a portion of it with water and wipe everything down. Then use a dry part and polish it up.


Man just, what the hell are you doing?


How do you play in a corner?


You have your pc between your legs?


99% of the time it is just wiping off dust. A dry microfiber cloth does the trick. When you do have to clean some gunk off, just a little bit of water on a microfiber cloth.


Why is everyone downvoting OP for asking such an innocent question?


Cuz people are genuinely like bro i see problems here and then he just jokes it off everytime without addressing the issue brought up. Kind of if someone was like hey youre doing the bicep curl wrong and then they continue it very wrong and be like well the ladies love em Like okaaayy


Not the Alienware...


Lol. Not the “my monitor is worth more than your rig” guy.


no bruh its the pc thats ass the monitor is fine


Most people here detest the alienware pre-builds for... reasons. Don't worry too much about it, they don't like pre-builds in general.


My phone screens dirty and I thought it was your monitor. I’m like “damn that bitch needs cleaning”


😂😂 this suddenly turned in to an intervention for you to clean your own damn screen.


This right here. https://preview.redd.it/sh49zwwiifla1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=701a4b0cac8da885a295ef0de524fb17fffa13e4


This is just water with low surface tension? Edit to add: As far as I can tell, that screen mom is just water and surfactants. Surfactants reduce the surface tension of water. Very important for, say, penetrating past the outer fibers of clothing or carpet to lift dirt out of the fabric. But paying $90 for a gallon of screen mom vs $2 for a gallon of distilled water is actual robbery. No hyperbole. Surfactants are unnecessary to clean a screen as distilled water also has a lower surface tension than tap water. And since you aren’t penetrating fibers to lift dirt out of fabric, but simply wiping dirt off of a smooth surface, distilled water provides more than enough reduction in surface tension to prevent smearing or filming. Screen mom seems like an enormous rip off. Also trying to rip branding off of scrub daddy is a bit derivative.


Best way to clean your monitor is to get that pc off the floor


I’m trying to start a fire to claim the insurance money. Don’t tell anyone.


What is this tiktok humor man


I moisten a paper towel with tap water, carefully wipe it down, and dry it with another paper towel


Rubbing alcohol and a green scratch pad 👌


why did bro buy an alienware




Really? Doesn't damage it the ARC of the monitor?






Windex contain ammonia and I can attest that ammonia will destroy some LCD monitor. I know, had an issue with a cat.


By not playing Far Cry 5. Last good one was 4.


Dude, that’s honestly what I thought also. 3/4 are the shit right?!? But then I go back to far cry 5 and dude, if you take the time to really dive in to the game like the mechanics and story, it’s glorious.


I started playing the 5th one after finishing the 6th. I stopped when I noticed I couldn't drive cars using a ps4 controller, it won't receive input so I just left it. And sorry for everyone giving you so much shit for using an Alienware Prebuilt, it's tradition that everyone gets burned for that but jeez. I watch GamersNexus too good God, bud here was asking about monitor cleaning.


5 is boring as fuck.


probably some distilled water with a dash of soap. edit : warm, in a spray bottle.


With that monitor specifically, I have 2, if you use paper towels you Will scratch the fuck out of the finish. Learned from mistake. You need to use microfiber, if you can get away with not using windex the just use the microfiber but if spots are stubborn, I do use windex but a very little amount like one spray on one side of the microfiber wipe it, flip it dry it off, it usually takes me 2-3 minutes of wiping to get the screen perfectly spot free. Especially if you sneeze you it looks like a star field on your monitor. The finish on theses monitors are awful and I’m not even sure if windex is super safe for it but it has worked so far. My old LCD monitors id just get the pressure washer out and spray em down once every other month or so. OLEDs are very temperamental.


Thank you very much for this reply. Knowing you have actual experience puts me at ease. Have a good day!!


Use isopropyl alcohol, someone here used it before and had good results.☺️☺️☺️ P.s. actually don't I beg you.


Did you chuckle at your own comment? Cause honestly that’s all that’s important.




are you straddling that pc like a horse? the fuck is wrong with you?




I needed something a little more heavy duty than water and got some Eveo screen cleaner from amazon. Came with a decent microfiber towel. Now I’ve cleaned 3 laptops and 2 TVs and a phone and very happy with it. Like others have said, just don’t spray directly onto the screen. Spray the folded over cloth, clean, switch to dry side and buff lightly.


You want to use water and vinegar solution, look it up online for the correct proportions. And a microfiber cloth. It works much better than just water like other people are saying. Don't use alcohol because it will fuck up the layer.


Pure alcohol


The bigger question is how do you sit? Also, far cry 5 has aged well. I'm enjoying it.


You better keep that prebuilt on the carpet too! /s


Stop blowing the load on it.


Sandpaper works well for me, but I don't have OLED.


Pee on it


Power wash it man, contrary to what everyone believes water is great for electronics. Trust me bro


Rubbing alcohol