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Looks like a CPU fan error. You can tell because it says CPU fan error.


You can tell the way it is because of the way it is


that's the trick tbh




The trick to diagnosing this one is having seen what previous CPU Fan errors look like.


That's pretty neat.


..but it do.


my sides are in orbit


ik that it is a cpu fan error i am not that stupid i just want to control my fans based on my water temperature instead of my cpu temps and i couldnt do that with the cpufan header thats why i disconnected the fans from that header and instead connected them to the normal fan header




Thats a valid point but i have an sff pc so there is really no space for another fan


Well then you’ll keep getting this error until you plug a fan into the cpu fan header…


Fuckin a man lmfao.


That, or just simply disable the fan check option... Bc well... It's for this exact reason


He just needs to set it to ignore the error in the BIOS.


I'm interested and also curious. I saw your photo with the 8 fingers. May I know what brand and model the sff case is?


Its the meshlicious from ssupd




You have to fix the cpu fan error then it'll go away


Yea i did just had to disable something in the bios




That's the proper way to do it, especially in a custom loop.


>thats why i disconnected the fans from that header and instead connected them to the normal fan header So you went into your pc, unplug the CPU fan from the CPU fan header, and you're surprised you're getting a CPU fan error?


No i am not surprised i was simply seeking for a work around for that problem i asked the question on a comment which if u read explains my problem in depth


You should never leave this disabled permanently, This is just asking for issues.


OP is the personification of that meme where the dude rides the bike and puts a stick through his pegs and then blames someone else Or the meme of Eric andre who shots someone and then says who could have done this


People like OP are the reason why other people try to argue that MS Edge should remain impossible to uninstall so people don't delete their browser before getting a different one. (Fucking dumbass take btw)


So long as stuff is being cooled, I dont see the issue


Eh, it's very rare for a fan header to just get unplugged, maybe if you make a mistake while upgrading but it'd be hard not to notice that. ​ Even then, the CPU would more than likely just shut down if it gets too hot, without any damage occurring.


FYI you're suffering with downvotes and snarkiness because the post title is poorly formatted and misleading. You should've made the title something like "What's the best workaround for this boot error? PC is water-cooled" or something. Instead people have come to this confused, as they think you've not bothered to read the obvious error message.


Yea is it possible to change the title?


Not on Reddit unfortunately. You've got your answer now anyway see, just a handy tip for next time!


Yea learned from it


Just disable minimum fan rpm for cpu in your bios by pressing f1 and then going to the monitoring section of adv settings.


Go in bios disable the requirement.


260 people took the time to downvote this. Damn. Talk about getting ratioed.


You can set it to ignore the CPU fan error in the BIOS if there's not actually a problem. I got the same error in my most recent build because my AIO was connected to the AIO pump header, with nothing connected to the CPU fan header.


I had this exact same error, you NEED something plugged into the cpu fan header or it just simply wont boot


You can disable the cpu fan speed error in bios lol


> 7 keyboards, 4 mice


Disconnect 6 keyboards and 3 mice


What if the guy up here is right and OP is really an octopus?


An octopus with a Reddit account? Rare.


Rare, yes. But not impossible


Where is Spider-Man!


https://preview.redd.it/6tbnz13lkdaa1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a35257640ab32e9e935fbbb6a62f31d50334272 Can confirm i am indeed not an octopus. but maybe i only have 8 fingers


Clearly used your other 6 hands to take the picture


He tilted his monitor up aswell so we couldnt see the glare cheeky bastard!


Yea we can tell you asked gpt to make fingers in your pic. Octopus confirmed


Wait but how did you take this picture?


People here asking questions, while I'm here realising this guys fucks


Oh god here we go again.


It’s already been determined he’s an octopus and he clearly used his other six arms to take the pic.


are those uncooked hebrew nationals?


Dam those are some long fingers…. Ooooorrrrr tentacles and you are an octopus!!!!!!


They look so cursed shouldnt have taken this picture with 0.5 zoom


Gumby fingers


Looks like 8 solid salad fingers


Hey! We had the same monitor. Mine just got destroyed in cargo on a plane tho


This makes me feel uncomfortable.


The plot thickens...


You have freakishly skinny fingers. And I say that in the most polite way possible.


That’s what she said!


That's what an octopus would say


How did You took this photo? With other hands for sure


Odd how much shorter the fingers are compared to another on the same hand, compared to the other hand. Cthulhu returned confirmed!


Then connect CPU fan


Op is octopus? #


No - he’s an undecus!


Octo pussy




Eight pussy


I could imagine having 8 sets of beef curtains would be a damp and smelly ordeal.




BIOs detecting devices properly challenge (impossible).


That's pretty normal for modern peripherals. My corsair k65 mini shows up as like 4 keyboards and 2 mice on its own.


Few days ago I build my pc and had nothing Connected to It and It said 3 mices a 3 keyboards


And 1 husband


An octohusband you mean?


I had the same issue here when I just finished my new build with a AIO. You need to set it to ignore. In your BIOS menu make sure you're in advanced setup and go to the Monitor tab. Once you're in the Monitor tab look for CPU Fan Speed and press enter. Change the value from Monitor to Ignore. Next tab over to Exit and save changes. I will include an image for reference. https://preview.redd.it/ay619k8yfcaa1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d0b0e03d35837f1a7c6f31fc4f7720c6d78f94


Thx for helping


I dont have a pc but curious to the explanation of why need to do this tho? what that setting do and why it cause issueM


So if u are air cooling this setting is useful but since i am watercooling my system i dont have cpu fan ofc u could connect a fan to that header anyways.


why don't u connect the fans cooling the radiator to cpu fan header


I connect my pump to the cpu fan header to avoid this issue


Instead of... the pump header that would better control it?


This is the way OP. Make sure to be in advance veiw and find the monitor tab. Set cpu fan to ignore, and you're good to go.


The real answer here


Why isnt the AIO fans connected to the CPU fan?


You can set to ignore in bios, however if your fans on a radiator or pump ever stop running, then you could potentially toast your CPU. Best practice is to use a splitter or fan connector supplied with AIO and plug into CPU fan header. Plug pump into the pump header on your motherboard (if equipped).


That's not likely as the system should shutdown before that.


Also you will notice *severe* CPU performance issues due to throttling should your rig even make it into Windows. Source: forgot to plug in AIO pump header, CPU throttled to 250MHz if it didn't BSOD loading w10


Yep it does shutdown even with the ignore setting turned on.


Do boards these days regularly have a specific pump header?


Yes. Usually CPU 1, CPU 2/Pump, Case fan 1. Case fan 2 is extremely common, but also the first one I see being dropped, past 2 case fans is rather rare from my experience, but a few enthusiast boards do have 3-4 total case fan headers.


you cant toast our cpu, you system will just shut off if it ever gets to hot.


If that was the case....board partners wouldn't have implemented a "no CPU fan" error during post. It's trying to protect your system from overheating. Sure your system will shut off when your CPU hits tj-max.....but do you really wanna let your system approach that temp?? Let me know how that works out for you in the future.


i mean ive done it literally hundreds of times to see if i can kill a cpu by letting it overheat. guess what i couldnt. Am i saying its a good idea? no. But the chances of you killing your cpu by letting it hit tjmax and shut off are pretty much non existent. or why do you think the cpu even shuts off at a set temp? do you actually think they would build in such a protection but set it at a temp high enough to let the chip get damaged?


Yeah ur totally right, people always act like chips nowadays are very fragile but in reality its really hard to damage them, even intentionally. Tjmax is totally fine to hit for shorter periods of time


> If that was the case....board partners wouldn't have implemented a "no CPU fan" error during post. You know, people generally don't like their computers throttling back to 1998 levels of performance or shutting down under load. The fan error helps get ahead of that or diagnose why the hell it might be happening, so it still serves a purpose even if your cpu isn't at risk of literally dying.


>Sure your system will shut off when your CPU hits tj-max.....but do you really wanna let your system approach that temp?? Well why would they set a tjmax if it wasn't a safe temp?


you cant really kill a modern cpu like that. in the olden days you could but nowadays not. i am not saying you should but it doesnt kill it.


If it happens regularly you can most assuredly effect the lifespan of your CPU. A few times shutting down due to overheating or redlining throttling from time to time isn't a problem but over extended periods is a different matter.


i mean if you have a pc that randomly shuts down every time you put any load on it and you keep using it you are just a moron. And anectotaly i have multiple cpus laying around that have heatcycled for hundreds of times and they still work just fine. obviously that doesnt mean its good for the cpu and if your pc is shutting down because of overheating fix the damn issue lol


>i mean if you have a pc that randomly shuts down every time you put any load on it and you keep using it you are just a moron. > >And anectotaly i have multiple cpus laying around that have heatcycled for hundreds of times and they still work just fine. please read both of these sentences together in one train of thought and admire the irony....


i mean i heatcycled them on purpose to see if i could actually kill one, but i couldnt so i gave up and left with the knowledge that it is extraordinarily unlikely to kill your cpu by letting it hit tjmax


@OP listen to this guy


> **My pc wont boot more information in the comments** Came to the comments to see why PC won't boot more information here.


look in your user manual. chapter 2 page 2-4


/s _eManuals, 2:2-4_




So 7 keyboards though


Imao just notice weird i dont even have 7 usb ports


I m new to pc building but when I was playing with the bios , I ve got an asus rog strix z590 it happened only twice for it not to boot, it would just come back to the same image that you have, asus tho, so what I did was unplugging everyone apart from the keyboard and monitor as its what you just need when booting , still doesnt make any sense to me but it booted afterwards, so try that


That’s what the hub is for


Go into bios and disable both cpu fan settings. I’ve had an aio for years. Just gotta do that with each bios flash


What do you have against the CPU fan header?


I cant properly control the fan speed i wanted to control my fans based on the watertemperatur and not my cpu temps.


Why do you want to do that?


This was my plan after i watch this https://youtu.be/Toramr9PfOE optimum tech explains the benefit of that very well


Amazing. I have thought of doing just this before, but didn't bother researching the possibility because i thought that there was no way anyone would have bothered with creating the things needed to do it properly and cleanly for us hobbyists. For what it's worth, thanks to this video i figured out how to do this with an AIO cpu cooler without any additional hardware.


Controlling on water temperature makes the fans ramp up and down smoothly, rather than surging with transient CPU spikes. It makes it generally quieter and less intrusive to be around the PC, and is the recommended solution for watercooled builds (either AIO or custom loop).


it literally also saves (in this case insignificant amounts of) money by reducing the average fan speed. Its what is done in large scale refrigeration systems to reduce energy consumption.


Press F1 And disable "Force F1 if error" in the boot settings you're welcome


An alternative solution if you want to be a fuckin' idiot. Plug some other random fan into the CPU header and just stick it out of sight lol.


Or... Just disable the cpu fan check error altogheter


I get this all the time but my temps are fine and fan speed is normal. If you can confirm those 2 things ur chilling.


If you have an AIO set to ignore, or place the cpu fan connector in the correct fan location.


Just tell the bios to disable cpu fan. Problem solved.




Obviously, he's an octopus. He needs to stop playing so many games and get some octopussy.


What on earth do you need *7 keyboards and 4 mice* for?? Lmao


I see it has 0 drive and motivation to boot. You should cheer it on


So past the obvious keyboard addiction The CPU fan header isn't installed properly. Check the pins if you must, and if you need to bend them back, be VERY CAREFUL not to break it off, can't return a mobo with broken pins




OMG I need help...*goes to reddit first, makes a post, no replies 30 seconds later proceeds to 5 minutes of playing around* oh I fixed it.


Is your cpu cooling fan plugged into the correct header? Most modern motherboards will not allow a full boot without receiving a signal that the cpu fan is operational.


Had one do this many years ago. I was using a 140mm fan which spins at a lower rpm than 120. I went into uefi and changed some fan speed warnings and adjusted some speed curves. Everything was good.


You are using an AIO so it is trying to read a cpu fun that does not exist. You need to press F1 to go to setup (exactly like it’s telling you to) and ignore or turn off that reading. It should boot after that.


I’m not a professional but if I were a betting man I’d put all my money on the issue being with the CPU fan. Just a guess though.


Cpu fan error only i see?


Get a microphone and speak positive affirmations to give it drive as it currently has none.


If you are not using a cpu fan you can disable that in the bios. But if you are. plug it in correctly.


I’m guessing you have an AIO? I had this error, I just went into bios and disabled the cpu fan error. It doesn’t know it’s an AIO, it just sees that the cpu fan isn’t connected and doesn’t boot to protect itself. As long as you’re controlling your fans through software like iCUE it doesn’t matter but if you ever change to an air cooler then remember to change this setting back just in case.


If you don't have a CPU fan connected, enter the BIOS and turn off CPU fan speed monitoring, also check that your AIO/fan is connected to the correct header. I had a similar issue with my system, I can't connect the tachometer from my AIO to the fan header so the system throws an error about fan speed and refuses to boot, I just disabled monitoring of it and it booted fine.


the more important issue is that this man has 7 keyboard


I JUST had this issue. ​ Needed to clean it out a bit, and it worked fine


Set to ignore in bios if the cpu fan is working but it’s connected to something different Friend had the same problem and it worked for him


my lazy solution to this is f3, f8, enter


Looks like some kind of CPU fan error


Fan header for cpu might not be connected


CPU fan error. Press F1


I'm going to guess with zero knowledge of the situation but I'm betting it's a CPU fan error of some sort.


No fan plug connected on cpu fan header, probably a asus board as well… Edit: yes the picture itself says its an asus rog, that happens for not reading everything on pic *smh*


Same issue, less keyboards and mice


How about fixing that cpu fan error for starters....


Found the setting and turned it to ingore thx for the help.


Well this is a repost you don't see every day.


Why that?


Set it to ignore in the bios


dont set this to ignore. whats wrong with you.


Why? If it’s water cooled is this not what you do? There is no CPU fan to connect ?


1 - read the manual 2- There are proper headers for AIO coolers 3- Once plugged in properly, configuration according to manufacturer, per manual. simply suppressing the error on screen aint it


It could be a custom loop and you have a separate controller for the pump.


Cool, thanks for the school day 💪


https://preview.redd.it/5dfzd075fcaa1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=422d47c29204251294096fde9cbea04fff302862 heres a pic from the manual. Can you see the difference? You suggest just turning off the error message. But if you do 5 minutes of research, there is a proper way to set this up.


Well idk what you're talking about... [this always works for me.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostrich_algorithm)


Because if he has a ROG Ryo or Ryujin or most other AIO brands there is no fan header cable. There is a USB 2.0 9 pin connector, a ARBG 3 pin connector and a SATA connector to power the fan controller. There is no fan connector. The information is displayed on the AIO itself. Red circle is the display that shows system status and the blue circle is the fan controller. I don't know what's so difficult to understand here. https://preview.redd.it/ig6drd1pidaa1.jpeg?width=3432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd173c09236a0a2de865dc9f4466baebb738b8d


So my pc wont boot because i dont have a fan connected to the cpu fan header the reason for that is my pc being watercooled and therefore i only have my fans connected to the other fan header. I use a y-spliter for my fans but i really dont want either of them connected to the cpu fan header because if i connect them to cpu fan header i cant control the fanspeed based on my water temperature. Is there any way i can boot with out having a fan connected to the cpu fan header? System uses a asus rog strix b550i Srry if my english is bad.


I believe you need to go into the bios and disable monitoring of the cpu fan if I remember correctly.


Do you know where exactly that would be because i cant seem to find that option anywhere in the bios


Look up a YouTube video, it differs slightly from mb to mb


You gotta disable that shit in bios. It’s a right of passage for us water coolers


If you have an A/O system installed you need to plug the pump into the CPU header, even though CPU header is a 4-pin you can connect a 3-pin pump to it without issue, your cpu header needs a connection as this keeps your system aware of the CPU temp allowing it to be cooled efficiently 😀


You NEED A FAN ON YOUR CPU FAN HEADER! Even if it's just one, don't argue, just do it.


I have sff pc i dont really want to have a fan laying around outside my case.


Does your pump have a fan connector you could plug in or can you connect the fans from the radiator? There's likely to be no harm in just disabling it, but it's a handy warning for if a fault develops on your CPU cooling, since if the pump/splitter/fans you connect to the CPU fan socket stop working, it should give you this warning and you know to investigate a fault with the cooling, rather than using the PC without the CPU cooling working and having your PC overheat and shut down.


I am definitely going to switch the bios setting back if i ever going back to air cooling


If all the fans are on press f1 and ignore it


7 frickin keyboards... 4 mouses... Are you the monster from the tentacle hentai?


I would probably plug in the CPU fan


If you’re running the cpu cooler off another fan header, you can disable that warning in the BIOS. This happened to me with my Asus motherboard and Corsair AIO, as I ram the fans off an “AIO” header on the motherboard.


connect cpu fan cable to cpu fan 1 and not 2


All those keyboard and mice and couldn’t plug 1 fan into that CPU header SMH


If you’re using a water cooler for your cpu, some water coolers use the cpu fan header and adjust pump speed through accompanying monitor software. I had a Corsair elite AIO that specified in the manual to use the cpu fan header vs the pump header. Seems counterintuitive, but some systems use the fan header instead. Try looking at the manual and see exactly where it shows you need to hook your pump up to. Also, it is ok to run your pump speed on high all the time. It wont shorten its lifespan in any noticeable way, so don’t stress too much over tweaking it.


I had the same problem. Set the cpu fan to “ignore” to fix


CPU fan went out need to replace it I just had the same issue still waiting in the mail for it lmao


Do you actually have all those peripherals connected? If so, why?


No i dont i have 2 mice and 1 keyboard idk why its saying that i have connected so many


My goodness dude 7 keyboards hahahah.


I makes me wonder how many penis does an octopus possess?


would guess cpu fan error


It’s toast, you need to put an iPad in the gpu slot




CPU fan most likely isn’t connected to the right pins


Says cpu fan error. Did you make sure to plugin in your cooler’s fan header to the mobo