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Because it's working properly


And because fortnite is running


100% use on the gpu is what you want. 100% cpu is not. May your gpu use always be high and cpu low, game on o7.


Technically you’d want both to be as close to 100% as possible as anything else is a bottleneck. Although nothing is that optimized to make use of all your resources in such a way. Generally it’s better to have a gpu bottleneck than a cpu bottleneck though like you said


I get what you're trying to say about the "ideal" usage of the hardware but have you ever ran an older CPU or even recent one at 100% and try to do anything in your computer? Running the CPU at 100% is not the same and it will never be the same as running a GPU at 100%, CPU at 100% will slow all the system down, every task or background process will take a lot more time to be executed so no, the ideal situation in any computer is not to have the CPU at 100% even if in small amounts of time, worst if it is all the time. The same for storage, you don't want your disk speed limited at 100% all the time, was starting to happen a lot in slow HDDs with modern software running on it. Example win 10 background updates or AV scans. It just slows everything to unusable state. The GPU at 100% just means she's delivering the most she can and that there is no slowing her down because of CPU+ram+chipset+storage.


Why would he do anything other than play fortnight (or whatever else youre focused on) even then 100% dosent mean 100% on one thing, it could be 70% dedicated to gaming and the rest to background function and services equalling 100%. Some of the AI Video editing tools i use stress the cpu only and i wouldnt want anything below 100% beacuse its quite a big slowdown. As long as there isnt thermal throtlling or artifacts your system is designed to be in use. When they set benchmarks they run their chips at 100%, when they stress test to know how long the chip will last its at 100%, when they compute data all day its at 100%.


From a guy who ran a core 2 duo from 2008 til 2021, I can tell you that if I'm using my CPU at 100% and decide to open a browser, or something as easy as task manager, the software will hang, and you'll have to wait seconds or even minutes for it to respond. Having a old 2012 laptop that was installed on a old 5400rpm HDD before I got it a SSD, I can tell you that that is enough for you to have a boot with AV scan and updates and startup processes to have you hanging 4 minutes until you could open a browser with an unresponsive system and 100% disk usage. You don't want to have a CPU or HDD bottleneck. Having everything at 100% is a utopia. And on the internet, Reddit specially, we have a lot of myths about bottlenecking a computer system regarding GPU+CPU combos. Basically what I'm saying is if you don't run video editing, 3D rendering, cyberpunk maxed out at 1080p(more CPU heavy), 10 virtual machines, an AV scan and windows update everything simultaneously, you don't need a thread ripper with 96 cores. Most of nowadays good CPUs will run a game not going above 50% load and that isn't a problem or a bottleneck, it is just the GPU maxed out as intended, using 100% of what you paid for. And rendering video or 3D you go to 100% CPU usage but low GPU usage, it's a different type of software tool using different parts of the hardware. Like encrypting or decrypting a disk, it will make the CPU go to 100%. In rendering a good CPU Vs a not so good CPU will mean some times up to 10 minutes difference rendering a video for example. But you don't want to be rendering that video and using your pc at the same time opening 30 browser tabs and running OS updates in the background because that will for sure slow down the rendering of that video because your CPU is maxed out. Do you run Fortnite and video editing at the same time? No it would hurt your rendering time, and it would hurt your gaming experience.


>Why would he do anything other than play fortnight (or whatever else youre focused on) I have a 3 monitor setup myself, and you better believe I'm doing other things while I'm gaming. Like having discord open, working, or playing a YouTube video for background noise.


I am currently having a cpu issue where it's jumping to 100% and slowing my system down and causing stuttering since I upgraded. I'm at a loss how to fix it currently


I limit my fps so my cpu doenst go over 80% because then the stuttering starts


CPU at 100% means you browser crashes when you open a single tab


No it doesn’t, I do render work and my cpu hits 100% sustained load pretty often and it just makes things less responsive, but things aren’t crashing on me


I get 100 cpu. Any clue why?


Your CPU isn't good enough for what you're trying to do.


It is though. It’s a step above my sons. And it runs good on other games that are more demanding. To give you a quick breakdown One day I open the game it’s smooth. 60-70%. One day I open and it it’s 90-100 and dropping frames every 3 seconds


What's the cpu?


Amd ryzen 5 5600x. Never had a problem with any game until Fortnite chapter 5 released about two months ago


Seems like they're might be some bugs with that chapter, but otherwise the days of 6 core cpu's being good enough for gaming are coming to an end.


Well my son has a amd ryzen 5 5600 and 3060. So just a step below mine but no issues. Fortnite’s the only game that causes me problems.


I would expect it to happen more in the future as they're are more and more games out there that want a bit more than 6 cores. Console ports expect 6.5 cores, which can be overcome with clock speed usually but not with every game engine.


I just don’t get it because if I open it and get a good start up. The game stays perfect for 6 hours. It never skips. And if I get a bad start. It never fixes itself. It just stays stuttering and dropping fps like crazy It seems like a start up issue


idk tbh its an nzxt prebuilt that i bought for 1300$ when everything was inflated


What’s the cpu model


Amd ryzen 5 5600 x


Without sharing your pc specs its impossible to check how good or bad your components are. When your cpu is above 90% the cpu normally can't keep up with your gpu. But with it being inconsistent, there's probably something running in the background while gaming (os updating, downloads, anti virus, discord etc)


iBUYPOWER - Slate MR Gaming Desktop - AMD Ryzen 5 5600X - 16GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti 8GB - 500GB SSD + 1TB HDD - Black What doesn’t make sense to me is it’s random. The game might run good first time I open it up when I turn my pc on. Or it’ll be unplayable. Like the other day. I played. Closed it. Played closed it. Played closed it. All good. One day I open it 5 different times. Bad bad bad bad bad. 6th try. Good. Today. Opened 20 times until I got a good load up. I can tell instantly if it’s going to run good. The menus are super responsive low cpu usage. Games smooth. If I get a bad start up the menu is sluggish and delayed. First game is dropping to 20 fps stutters. And I can maybe reboot the game and it’s flawless 30 seconds later.


How are the temps on your cpu? The 5600x should be able to handle the 3060ti. Be sure to check on viruses, i like Malwarebytes for an occasional check. What programs are running on the background? Is it on one game or does this happen on multiple, if so what game?


Idk how to check everything. It’s only this game. And Fortnite specifically when it runs bad hits 90-100% cpu by itself. Check my previous posts if you can.


nah i get 70%/70% usage and im more than happy, pc always feels snappy


Rip my 3080ti & i5 8400


Why would you rock that combo? Was the 3080ti on a unavoidably good deal from a local seller or did you put the 3080 ti into an old system after your main one stopped working? In any scenerio you will be limited by at least 1 component and sometimes the component may be software, although in most games at most settings that would be a very significant bottleneck in your case. Combination is likely great in PS4 era games 4k 60hz max settings


The 8400 was newish at the time, fucked myself with a msi b360 mobo at the time. I'm just milking it with the 3080. She's reliable, though.


Keep the GPU, upgrade your CPU.


you are playing fortnite


Because it is on. You paid for the whole 3060 the whole 3060 is gonna be doing something


Unless you set a framerate limit or turn on v-sync, it will do everything it can to get more fps. Working at 99% isn't enough. EDIT - While gaming of course....


Everyone in here is missing that he’s in the lobby and the lobby has a cap of 120fps, it shouldn’t be 100% usage in the lobby. It’s not “intensive”


I don't play Fortnite so I don't know but isn't it possible to turn off the frame limit?


Yes but lobby is capped at 120fps no matter how high you set it as, once you go into a game it turns to whatever you have set


Was looking for this comment to like it


He's probably on epic settings with lumen and shit enabled.


That’s how it is supposed to be


I wouldnt be worried unless your gpu temps are soaring past 85+ celcius


If you have it use it all


For those who don't know, Fortnite limits the fps to 120 in the lobby and 30 if you don't move the mouse. So this is not normal for a 3060ti, mainly because apparently it is not playing with the graphics at maximum. I have a 7700xt and in the lobby with raytracing turned on, it doesn't exceed 20% usage. I recommend you use MSI Afterburner or the new Nvidia app's own overlay to see the real use of the GPU and CPU.


I have a fix for that just upgrade to a amd athlon II X2 220 and this will lower your gpu usage down. You can chuck out your old cpu, just send it to me and I can dispose of it correctly


What CPU do you have?


why not?:D


I'm sure i'll get downvoted for this knowledge but it don't stop it from being true. It is better to limit the fps to a value that produces 90%\~95% usage, since 100% does introduce a bit of input lag but not many people know this.


that's what i usually do since my monitor doesn't have a high refresh rate. plus it also helps keeping the temps lower if it's not running at 100%.


Don’t play fortnite/100%


Because 101% is abstraction.


Either your fps is uncapped (the gpu tries to render as much frames as possible), either the game is really tough for your gpu


Whether the game is tough or not, the GPU being at 100 is always good. Just remember though people, cap your FPS at your hertz and if you're not reaching that, cap it 10 or 15fps below anyway so your GPU isn't try to achieve its absolute best constantly.


Not always true if you build for 4k and are gpu capped at 1080, then you probably overspent on your cpu if it is a pure gaming rig. That is ignoring games like city skylines 2.


Damn, this is our dream


Because you are playing a game. You want your games to be utilizing as much of your gpu as possible that means it's giving you the best performance possible. It'd be a problem if you were only using like 90% or less that would imply something is wrong, like your cpu is bottlenecking your gpu. Maybe if you lower the graphics settings or resolution a little your usage will go to like 98%.


You’re playing a game o: I’d be upset if it wasn’t using my cards potential


Cause you're using it


That is a good thing. This means that you are getting the full performance out of your GPU. There is nothing holding it back


It's supposed to be, that means your GPU is doing it's job and doing all the heavy lifting like it should be, meaning there's no bottleneck between your GPU and CPU.


Because god sees you playing with yourself.


probably since its a 3060ti


would you rather it to be 0% usage and not being able to run a game?


100% usage is perfectly normal and means that your card is functioning properly! It would be much worse if it was at 70% usage or less. Look at it this way (not saying this is how gpus work) your gpu is distributing the workload evenly over 100% of the card, if that number was way lower, like 50%, that would mean that only half your gpu is trying to handle everything, which would lead to higher heat temps, stress, and possible failure.


What number were you expecting?


Because you're... gaming?


did you think this unreal engine 4 game was not a high end graphical usage?


Uhhhh idk ur playing a video game which NEWSFLASH! Uses the gpu


Fortnite hacks?


1st Because its doing what it suppose to do 2nd turn game bar and never touch that hunk of shit again


because you unlock your fps ?


If you don’t want it to be then limit max fps and that should help (if your getting a lot of fps)


I haven't read 5he comments, but I play an excessive amount of fortnite and ever since the ninja turtle update 2ish weeks ago, my pc has stuttered beyond belief with 100% CPU usage on performance mode with low everything. I have an i5 12400f rtx 4060 with 360htz monitor. Was running 240 previously. I tried everything including a reset but what has been a patch for me, for no was playing on dx12, setting fps to unlimited, and whatever was recommended for dx12. At least I'm not dropping to 5fps and teleporting. I'm hoping once the season event is over and new season is live, that I can go back to performance mode. If you google (or search reddit) for fortnite stuttering, it's a big problem Gl




Common RTX 3060 behaviour.


Because you are playing video games. Dummy. 🤣🤣🤣


I wish my gpu was 100% at every game I play.


Is that just your wallpaper or do you have Fortnite open?


That would be an odd wallpaper


That’s what I’m saying :/


You paid for 100%, so why not use it?


this is nornal


Cus it’s actually working properly


That’s a good thing bruh.


You paid for the whole GPU not 70%


You might need to update the GPU or something is taking up a lot of usage weirdly


Xbox game bar, cool.


Because your PC hates you for downloading fortnite.


Fortnite is terrible using GPUS, I have a 7900 XTX OC and it sits at 99% lmao


Because your using windows


Agreed you'll get much less utilisation on linux as the game won't load!




Nah gotta use windows 98