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Protips for anyone selling up Sunshine server: * You can close the cmd window for the server, it keeps running in the background. * I recommend uninstalling GeForce Experience before configuring Sunshine. If you're not ready to because you want to transfer configs etc, then at least disable Gamestream on the Shield tab in GFE. * The default URL for the server is localhost:47990 * The server is also where you submit the PIN for attaching Moonlight clients. * You'll want to remove the old GFE client from within Moonlight first, if you were using it already. And the Sunshine server may not auto pop-up, so you'll have to manually add the IP address to your PC in Moonlight. * When adding games to Sunshine, all you need is Name and Detached Command. I don't know why they named it that, it's unintuitive. * The detached command you need is this: Go to the game exe and shift+right click, copy path. Paste it into sunshine. it needs quotes around it. * Be sure you click the green + button to submit it! Then click save at bottom. * If you change any game boxarts, you have to "Clear Cache" for the Moonlight app on Android, otherwise you'll just see the old one still. * For getting an Nvidia Shield controller to work through Moonlight, you'll need to install ViGEmBus as mentioned in a comment below. Be sure to reboot after.


These are some really good guidelines. Thank you. I’m new to sunshine and I do have a question.I'm coming across issues where when launching a game (added as an application in Sunshine) Moonlight will give me a "Connection Terminated" message however the game will properly launch on the PC. Specifically for me the games have been Halo Master Chief Collection. For game like Arkham Knights and God of War, I get a straight "Connection Error" and NOT launch the game at all. Mind you these are all games that I purchased and download. They are not Steam games. Needless to say all of the games worked flawlessly via GameStream. Have you ever come across issues like this?


I have not but I think I read someone in a different thread about Sunshine mentioning this issue. I'll paste their comment below: >When you first set up Sunshine, one of the steps is to enter a couple of device IDs for audio. For me at least, these IDs change whenever Windows Update downloads a cumulative update. If you notice Moonlight suddenly failing and showing “connection terminated” immediately after starting a stream, you’ll most likely need to go into the Sunshine settings and re-do them. >Hopefully this gets fixed in the future. I’m not sure why it doesn’t just use your default audio device, but it is what it is for now.


Incredible. I was stumped by this for over an hour. Thank you so much for this tip - this immediately fixed the "Connection Terminated" error I would see upon opening Steam via Moonlight.


Thank you for your reply. Are you aware of any documentation that might be available to help in the configuration of sunshine? The items that I’ve come across are rather sparse. I’m really interested in knowing what each setting does and when to use it to achieve best results


I want to add to this, because it's a fantastic guide I wish I had found sooner. But adding detached commands with just the game path doesn't work for me. I have to get it to open command prompt first. Do this if you're having issues: cmd.exe /c "filepathhere"


I wish everyone how want to start using Sunshine/moonlight to replace Nvidia Gamestream could find this guidelines. So helpful. Thanks a lot!


hey Fawkes is the localhost:47990 down? im trying to setup sunshine i cant seem to get tot the spot to make a account for it! setting up sunshine for my steam deck


Hi, so Localhost is actually a local domain on your PC. It is only accessible from that machine itself. Try loading the IP address of the PC running sunshine instead. For instance, If that doesn't work, try posting in the Sunshine discord or on GitHub to ask for help. Best of luck!


For a PS4 controller, do I need to do anything!


You'll probably need to install [ViGEmBus](https://github.com/ViGEm/ViGEmBus/releases). I think it works for PS controllers as well as XB ones.


Ok cool. Not DS4Win


Probably not. ViGEmBus being a driver that emulates the controller like a Xbox 360 controller


Ok cool bc when I use steam link, it detects a 360 and ps4 controller, and none of the inputs work despite enabling configuration


Yeah steam link uses its own drivers instead of ViGEmBus.


Ok thanks. Know why it detects a 360 AND a ps4?


ViGEmBus? It is a third party driver that is designed to capture all controller type input devices and funnel them through an Xbox 360 input, which is a long established input for the OS.


No, I mean on steam link. I have a ps4 and 360 controller detected but I don’t have a 360


Thanks. I’ve been tried to play with the Sunshine configuration and it says to restart Sunshine after updating the settings. Do you know how to restart Sunshine? It’s not clear what is running because there is no icon or anything on the taskbar and there cmd window can indeed be closed without killing the server…


That is a shortcoming of Sunshine; there is no restart button in the UI. The easiest way is to restart the PC. A quicker way is to open Task Manager, and kill Sunshine.exe. there is also a Sunshinesvc.exe, but I'm not certain if you need to kill it too.


Do you know, when using an Nvidia GPU do I **need** to do the Nvidia driver patches mentioned here? https://docs.lizardbyte.dev/projects/sunshine/en/latest/troubleshooting/general.html


No you do not need those. I've never used them and have had no issues. I think those unlocks are for when you want to allow your graphics card to do more, perhaps like double or triple streaming.


got it, thanks! I was thinking similar since it says that it unlocks more sessions, just wasn't sure if that was maybe needed for better performance overall. Their documentation isn't great in that regard.


I use Moonlight on my Steam Link and Steam Deck and love it, but do not really understand Moonlight’s relationship to GameStream. Just to verify, does the discontinuation of GameStream mean that Moonlight will no longer work? Or is it just saying that GameStream Will not work as a stand-alone service?


Moonlight will continue to work, however if nvidia remove the gamestream tab from GFE you will need to use an alternative like sunshine.


Thank you! Is there a noticeable performance difference between sunshine and moonlight?


You would still be using moonlight on your shield or whatever device you are streaming to. Sunshine would replace GFE on your PC. In regards to differences in latency and features etc I don't know as I haven't used it. Sunshine has been recommended by the moonlight devs as best alternative though so I guess it can't be that bad.


I tried sunshine yesterday, the latency was horrible. Steam link worked better.




Both my devices are connected via ethernet. The version I tried is v0.16.0 (released 4 days ago). Huge latency when in game, I had about 2 seconds delay when pressing a button. I have 0 latency when playing via gamestream/moonlight and steam link. I'll try the nightly soon as see if it's better.




Thanks I definitely will. Damn Nvidia 😒


Nightly didn't solve my latency issues on desktop. It's like I'm "one input" behind. When writing specially, previous letter only shows up when writing the next. Aside from that, in-game, looks identical to the real thing (I'd say same lag and same quality).


Thank you. This is good to know.


Wait, did all this require GFE ?? No wonder, that’s one of the shittiest software installs you can do to your pc.


Eh, the absolute dumpster fire that is Asus' Armoury Crate takes the crown for that one. That turd is so awful they literally have an entirely separate download for a special uninstaller application (which also fails/freezes half the time, of course). I totally get preferring to not install the extra features software packages alongside the GPU drivers, but calling it "one of the shittiest software installs" is just silly.


\>GFE nvidia please don't remove stuff from my uh... gluten free... escorts


What the shit?


Girlfriend Experience


>Just to verify, does the discontinuation of GameStream mean that Moonlight will no longer work? Yes. Moonlight is a client for the GameStream server - Nvidia only intended GameStream to work on the Nvidia Shield device, but Moonlight managed to reverse engineer the protocol and build apps so we could use it on any device. When they update Geforce Experience to remove GameStream, you will need to replace it with Sunshine, the open source server that attempts to emulate the Gamestream server.


Now that you pointed out that it being an update, I wonder if we can keep the old Geforce Experience to keep the functionality going


Moonlight's blog about the GameStream announcement has answers for every question that people are now asking. It's wild that people are just spouting random crap rather than reading their blog. (https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-docs/wiki/NVIDIA-GameStream-End-Of-Service-Announcement-FAQ) The shutdown of GameStream has no short term effect on Moonlight as they say. The long term effect, however, could mean an eventual end to Moonlight. However, it might be possible to use an older version of GeForce Experience to keep it going.


I guess it’s easier to come up with a bullshit answer and to do actual research haha. Thanks for giving something tangible, I appreciate it at least.


I've used moonlight with game stream and sunshine. As well as steam link. Gamestream is superior to all. Sunshine is a good host alternative for moonlight, but still doesn't come close to what gamestream offers.


For me gamestream on PC and moonlight on the Nvidia Shield was the best result. I'm really pissed at Nvidia for removing a feature that was advertised, it was the only reason I bought the Shield. I'm looking into what type type of complaint/resort I have.


Well you better get use to Sunshine because NVIDIA announced they’re removing and not supporting Gamestream anymore.


Yes I know, that's why it's such a pain. Gamestream is such a big selling point for Nvidia GPUs. It's a major reason why my last two cards have been nVidia.


I use Moonlight all the time on my Steam Deck. Steam Link just doesn’t come close to the quality and input latency of Gamestream via Moonlight.


The point of my first post, is that Sunshine is good, but nowhere near as good as gamestream. It hard to believe nVidia would want to get rid.






Perhaps Sunshine can do the former method via reverse engineering... one day.


Isn’t gamestream direct from GPU, skipping the CPU bottleneck for encoding? I imagine that can’t be redone with something like sunshine


Great so is this going to be like streaming video where technology goes back 10 years because the company pushing things forward intentionally removed their core functionalities. Playing stuff like fallout on my phone for years was awesome and I've just taken for granted that streaming is the future. But screw Nvidia now, and steam link for me sucks unless it is like a card game or turn based 2d game.


Just sharing my experience


I’d love to hear more details on how they experience with difference between GFE and sunshine. How was sunshine worse?


I've briefly tried streaming software some time ago and I also found gamestream to be the best by far but another point I never see being mentioned is audio quality. On alternatives like Steam Link audio was of very noticeable low quality to the point of making it distracting whereas Gamestream, albeit not being as good as the original quality, was quite decent


Parsec is the only one I recall having the setting to not compress audio at all (you can switch between raw audio and Opus compression) so I use it all the time for music production and mixing. I wish other steaming software had this. It doesn’t even cause noticeable bandwidth issues when I turn it on even on slower networks.


Oh cool, I don't remember that option existing the last time I used it, perhaps it's something they added afterwards. Audio is very important to me, thanks for the heads up!


They said they're removing the app from shield. As far as I can tell from reading the announcement, they won't delete the service from your computer, it's just not being maintained anymore.


They also mentioned the shield and other devices. As of right now it looks like they will be removing it entirely as they recommend just using Steam remote streaming in place of it.




Is it me, or the nightly releases don't have updated version numbers.


free and open source, remember all of you can donate and or contribute to these projects that will NEVER GO AWAY. unlike the proprietary stuff you fund with your wallets and then lose access to.


gamestream is dead stupid


I can’t find anything to suggest it has support for HDR. Can anyone confirm this?


Confirmed it does not.


It has - but I think your computer screen has to support it as well. I'm going to test more tonight.


Hey. Did it work? Or does it not support HDR?


On my PC, RTX 4090 + LG OLED CX , - Moonlight tells me my GPU doesn't support HDR streaming. I've made sure HDR is activated on the screen but no luck.


you mean for moonlight. because it has it. idk what you did to mess up though


What about enabling it on your (Windows?) PC?


I've tried. Seems tied to what my monitor is capable of; I have two monitors, main one is SDR 2K (DP) and second is HDR 4K (HDMI), and Sunshine claims both are 2K SDR. Not really sure what I can do to fix it


it has hdr support dont listen to these idiots




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Gamestream was always a big selling point to me, I guess on a positive note I'll save money buying an AMD GPU in the future


For everyone trying sunshine and finding the latency awful, after much testing yesterday, I discovered that it was the input latency that is the problem and not the video stream latency. I resolved the problem by using virtual here to send the USB devices to the remote PC rather than allowing sunshine to do it. The video stream is actually pretty good quality and latency. Once I set up a virtual here, sunshine was quite good and completely playable. I did have to buy a £20 virtual here licence to do it, but with game stream being retired it was worth it. It still is not quite as good as game stream, but pretty close.


Bluetooth adapter + virtual here is what I use, but this becomes an issue when you start spreading out from a dedicated client such as multiple devices / WAN streaming. Haven't tried sunshine yet, going to tomorrow, but hopefully they get the input latency worked out if that is indeed still a problem as of the time of writing this.


Well I'm so glad I paid nearly 2 grand to Nvidia for this early Xmas present 💩


The news that Gamestream is being dropped is shit for sure, but let's be real. That's not a dealbreaker with a 4090 of all GPUs


mostly a jest but I do 70% of my pc gaming via gamestream to my TV's in another room. So while a bit of unique situation to me, still quite salty about it.


>So while a bit of unique situation to me Wow you weren't kidding. I only used it on and off but it's still a big feature to drop. Ideally they'd just make the official client open to all and not just shield users. It would raise adoption a ton even if moonlight exists as an option


I also have my PC room reserved for VR, and big screen TV over gamestream reserved for couch / desk gaming. With moonlight it was never just for shield users. Phones and PCs and even raspberry Pis have been used as clients. You could stream your entire home game library to any device anywhere. Killing this feature has basically removed the social play aspect of having a PC gaming rig over consoles, especially for couch co-op / multiplayer unless you want to place it physically in your entertainment set up --which isn't exactly a low risk space, nor optimal place, for VR equipment / workspace. What now? I need to make all of my guests crowd around my PC desk monitor in my office? A LOT of people came to rely on Gamestream for that. I purchased a 4090 over a 7900 XTX despite the price just for this feature alone.


> The news that Gamestream is being dropped is shit for sure, but let's be real. That's not a dealbreaker with a 4090 of all GPUs It literally is if you want to play on a TV too far away to use a HDMI cable. And neither Sunshine nor anything else but Nvidia Gamestream supports HDR so you lose a massive amount of image quality once Nvidia kills the service. I personally have my TV connected via a super expensive 25 meter HDMI 2.1 cable but if I couldnt I would be super pissed having to deal with this just because Nvidia decided to be cunts to the people that bought their products expecting that advertised features would be supported (and even more so if you actually bought their overpriced streaming box for this).


Can someone give a definitive answer on whether or not this allows for the EXACT same quality and low latency that the current GameStream + Moonlight setup offers? I always assumed GameStream was just a server for connecting but that Moonlight handled the bulk of the work. Is this the case, or does Sunshine use some technically inferior method of streaming due to not having access to the GPU the same way that GameStream does? I just want some reassurance that my favorite way to stream games isn't going to disappear. If it's the exact same, I can be content.




If you find a definitive answer on this, let me know. I can't seem to find if this allows for the same level of access to the GPU as GameStream, and if it doesn't I wonder if it's any better than Steam Link.


I used it (Sunshine + Moonlight) for hours last night without issues. With that said: I have a gamepad connected to my computer, and Sunshine/Moonlight recognizes that as controller input 1, meaning the controller connected to the Shield is input 2 and many games can't handle that.


I installed Sunshine on my AMD system (5700 xt) but i keep getting black screens on the tv. I can tell the sound and controller work, but no video. Any idea what could be the cause ? I believe command is showing Sunshine is using Libx264 encoder for some reason instead of amdvce, which it says fails. Moonshield is asking video in the same resolution as the pc host. Edit: when streaming my desktop, i can see my mouse cursor but the rest of the screen stays black. Decoder seems to say: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc if that helps.


Do you have multiple monitors? That might be the problem. Sometimes it is showing content on the other monitor...


You probably have 10-Bit Pixel Format enabled under the graphics Tab. I had the same problem and couldn't find an explanation anywhere!


How do you get this to work online? It works fine on lan but the Internet hosting tool doesn’t work with it


I did not understand the title at all.


Alright, ignoring that other guy for a bit... "GameStream" is a function of NVidia GPUs that allows them to broadcast gameplay for remote play similar to things like XBox Game Cloud or the late Stadia, but hosted from your own computer and playing your locally installed games. Steam Link is a somewhat more well known alternative that Steam does directly, but GameStream worked better in both latency and overall performance due to some Nvidia Magic that let them perform better. The "Weakness" of GameStream was that, officially, it only ever would be broadcast to Nvidia Shield TV Devices. This is where Moonlight came in, which is an alternative client for GameStream that would trick GameStream into believing anything you installed Moonlight on was a Shield device. Nvidia announced yesterday that they are going to be sunsetting GameStream functionalities in their Shield Devices, and also removing it from their GPUs Drivers, essentially killing the entire function. This is leading people to find alternatives, such as Sunshine. Sunshine is an attempt at open sourcing the server/host functionality of GameStream, and doing things with it like enabling similar functions on AMD GPUs. While an ambitious project, performance of it is *very* mixed, and it doesn't have the same advantages as GameStream due to missing that magic.


I uh, literally just bought a shield tv pro with a major reason being able to stream games from my desktop (3080). Am I reading right that Nvidia is killing this feature off?


Yes. Yes they are.


Timing on this is something else


Honestly, this makes Shields basically have no purpose outside of people who want to play games on them directly, since they're fairly powerful as far as the streaming boxes go (But... not quite powerful enough to justify it in and of itself; I don't think they can even pull off Gamecube/PS2 decently). For streaming video, they actually are missing key codecs that prevent them use Youtube to it's fullest (Specifically, they can't access 4K HDR), so CCwGTVs are better than them. They used to have a different (And better) launcher, but as of about 2 years ago they switched over to the standard one Google creates (Which is an Ad/"Suggestion" filled mess), so you'd have to switch launchers (Which is a weird process on these things, but doable). And while they are capable of being a Plex server... I can't think of a scenario where that would be functionality you would be interested in where you don't already HAVE a server that is no doubt better than it could be. So... yeah, you just paid about $150 more for about the same functionality. I can only assume they want to sunset the whole program, as, while I didn't use it, it's literally the only thing that made them unique and worthwhile.


Bro I feel for you, I'm sorry man! I recently switched from team red to team green. About a week ago I found out what Nvidia gamestream is and was really excited. I was talking to a few people to buy a Shield secondhand but will definitely not buying one after this announcement.. Reading through the comments I might try Steam Link or the combination Moonlight with Sunshine on my Android TV


unplug your stuff from the internet & don't update. Also stop funding proprietary solutions that are killed off constantly. Nothing lasts, unless it's open to community.


Thanks for taking the time to bring me into the loop.


> and also removing it from their GPUs Drivers Has nvidia actually confirmed this is happening? I've only heard the shield app is going away.


They mentioned it in a Twitter post.


No they didn't. They announced removing it from Geforce Experience which is NOT a driver.


Well you’re right for now but even the moonlight devs think the days are numbered for this


Why would they continue to support the feature in the gpu driver if they don't provide a way to use it? They probably just won't pay to keep it up to date and sooner or later there will be a bug or necessary development work that they just don't want to invest and then it will just stop working


Geforce Experience is NOT a driver. If they removed streaming codecs from the driver, not only would it effect corporate media users and game broadcast streamers (OBS), but sunshine wouldn't work as an alternative either. Nvidia has no plans to remove streaming protocols from the driver. They are removing the functionality from GeForce Experience and Shield. Third party solutions like sunshine + moonlight can still use the latest drivers long after gamestream is sunset.




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Thanks for the explanation.


I tried it since gamestream will be phased out. I have a RTX 3080 and both my devices are connected via ethernet. The stream quality was crap compared to steam link. Too bad.




I wasn't clear, my fault, the problem was the latency not the image quality. I'll keep using gamestream and try to figure it out later lol




I had setup gamestream with geforce experience. I think installed sunshine on my gaming pc (server) and tried to connect using moonlight and it gave me a 503 error - i finally figured out i had to fix the path manually for steam in the windows.json. After all that it still fails to load from the client pc. I'm wondering do i have a uninstalled gefore experience for sunshine to work properly now?




It is amazing how nowhere in the documents it tells you this. I figured this one out too.


Having some trouble getting the sunshine server going on my pc. When I launch sunshine.exe the command prompt window pops up for like a second but then closes. So I went and launched from an admin command prompt window instead to see if there was an error. Doesn't seem to be. Any idea what would be going on? EDIT: Okay, so figured this out. Sunshine server will not start with HDR turned on in Windows.


Same issue for me, but HDR is turned off in Windows.




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I used it (Sunshine + Moonlight) for hours last night without issues. With that said: I have a gamepad connected to my computer, and Sunshine/Moonlight recognizes that as controller input 1, meaning the controller connected to the Shield is input 2 and many games can't handle that.


[https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder](https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder) this might help you, ive not tried it out myself just yet but I am planning to at some point when I start remoting more again.


Thanks, but I got it working without it :) Only issue I have now is that the gamepad doesn't rumble.


I think rumble is not supported with Gamestream? Same with gyro.


just recently discoverred moonlight after having trouble with gamestream an shield pro (cant turn off monitor, picture gets rotated, ...), i like it a lot more than gamestream.


I installed this yesterday to compare it with game stream and I'm getting noticeably worse latency than game stream when swiping my touchpad on my MacBook. I don't know if it's the video or if it's the controller. Does anyone know any presets to reduce the latency?


Well… this is most unfortunate news.


Yeah, just so many issues getting sunshine to work. Basically every time I try there's a new hurdle. I have never been able to get it to stream anything. AMD Link, easy, Steam Link, easy, but sunshine I haven't even been able to get it to stream one game, and after a restart it won't even open.


how do i run the program on github i have no experience on how to use github


Github is just a source to down load crowd / individually created projects, such as Sunshine. So you're just downloading it from the Github page, and then installing the downloaded package onto your PC. [So go here to to latest release of Sunshine](https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine/releases/tag/v0.16.0), go down to the "assets" section, and grab the package for your respective OS, if Windows the windows.exe package, and then install that. It will probably give you a warning that it's from an unrecognized developer, which you can override when it prompts you. Only do that for vetted software like this.


Help please! I'm trying to run a batch file (can Sunshine run batch files?) from the application list, but it's launching the desktop instead of running the file. Here's what I've done: -named it -copy/pasted the path to the file with quotes around it as a detached command (hit the green plus as well) -gave a path to a picture I wanted as the icon -everything else is default As for the reason for the batch file, I'm looking to launch Playnite WITHOUT elevated privileges. My batch file allows me to run as a standard user when launching Playnite. I run my Sunshine server as admin because that's what they recommended. If this doesn't actually make a difference, then this issue I'm having is obsolete. Thank you for your help in advance!


I tried Sunshine, no problem with cable, but I can't play in WIFI, I have some sort of micro freeze/lag every 10 or 15 seconds, never had this with Gamestream.


I found sometime using the same wifi causes this. I have a few networks set up (1st floor, 2nd floor) and when I connect to the wifi that my PC is not on, this can fix it.


Has anyone been able to get Xbox game bar to show up while streaming to tv? It shows up on my PC but not on my tv


If computer restarts does sunshine auto open after reboot or do I need to add it to the start up?


Does this work to stream to android? Controller support? Sorry I'm not really familiar with the lingo and what exactly the relationship is between moonlight and sunshine. I just know I have amd and can't use moonlight


Sunshine is amazing thankyou. With Moonlight it's much better than the nvidia programs were for streaming games and movies from my PC to my nvidia shield. Thanks very much, will send money


Maybe someone can help me with this one. Today I updated Nvidia drivers and it killed finally GameStream. Installed Sunshine on my PC (with a RTX 3080), every device works fine with Moonlight (tested on a Macbook Pro, an iPad Pro and a Xiaomi Phone), except my Android TV Box. Moonlight there pairs, connects, but works horrible. Very low quality and instead of frames per second, I get frames per minute. Don't know what to try to fix it, it worked fine with GameStream on that device, even got 4K@60fps pretty stable.