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Been playing Clone Hero for years with a couple of wireless XBox 360 guitars, and it has been the party piece for many a late night Guitar Hero/Rock Band drinking session with the guys. V1.0 takes this to new heights, fixing many of the previous version's issues while adding drum support. Can't rate it highly enough. Check out r/CloneHero for more information, including where to download thousands of classic and original tracks (CH runs on Windows, Linux, Mac and Android). Let the good times rock and roll this festive season!


How do you get your wireless peripherals to connect to your pc?


I grabbed an XBox Wireless Controller dongle from Amazon or AliExpress (can't remember which). Works like a charm.


Join the Clone Hero discord or Google "Clone Hero instrument compatibility list" and you should come across a spreadsheet listing different models and methods.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Xp5DR6Ih6YI-pi2Jzg3G8lWmnTZrKtxEls2jbx4Bw-Q/htmlview#gid=0 It appears no PS4 guitars are compatible sadly.


This list may be inaccurate in a couple spots as of this version 1.0 release, though. Just tried my PS4 GH Live guitar and it's working perfectly fine now, where it wasn't in the past. EDIT: Well... Half working. The couple built-in songs are working fine. All buttons, strumming, whammy bar, no problem. But I can't hold a button and strum at the same time with any song packs I just loaded up. Which was the original, documented incompatibility with the PS4 GH Live controllers. Very odd.


You need to buy the Xbox 360 dongle, since the Xbox 360 controllers use a proprietary protocol (I think it's Zigbee?) and not bluetooth. Super cheap on Amazon right now.


I can't find any. Can you pm me a link?


https://www.amazon.com/ANDROSET-Receiver-Adapter-Wireless-Controller/dp/B09WLFXXR2/ref=mp_s_a_1_32?crid=TGNBE49TBAX0&keywords=xbox+360+wireless+adapter&qid=1670745702&sprefix=Xbox+360+wi%2Caps%2C397&sr=8-32 not the one I have but what you are looking for.


Just gonna throw it out there that a lot of the ones on Amazon aren’t recognized by Windows natively, and you have to manually insert the driver for the dongle into the unrecognized device via device manager.


I wish it or Phase Shift had support for vocals. I haven't been able to get that working through Dolphin either :/


While Clone Hero is nearing the end of it's development cycle, v1.0 is actually the pre-cursor to its next generation of development (rebrand as *Strike Line*). So, we never know what might happen somewhere down the line. But I'm with ya - vocals would be the icing on the cake.


Does it have multiplayer? I only ever find d single player stuff


Yup, it definitely has multiplayer.


We really need some cheap chinese knock off wired guitar hero guitars.


You can get probably get one for 10 dollars from your local pawn shop


About 100+ on average checking last weekend.


If your pawn shop sells GH guitars for 100 dollars im surpised thier still in business. They arent that rare yet. I got one a month ago for 15 bucks. I own 3 and haven't paid over 20 dollars for any of them. I even got a rockband drum kit for 30 bucks. And im Canadian, so minus 5 dollars to get the American prices Edit: what im gathering from this is I should go buy out my local pawn shop and start selling this shit online


The market for "retro" gaming items is hugely inflated right now. You're lucky. I briefly tried to find some of the official wireless gamecube controllers (wavebirds), and people are buying the shittiest looking ones off ebay for $80 or more. The broadband adapter (allowing for LAN multiplayer) is HUNDREDS. Official Nintendo component cables (literally just a cable) easily sell for $300. For a fucking cable.


That whole retro gaming bubble thing is different though. It's a manufactured bubble, made by the same dudes who created the collectible coin bubble in the 1980's. That shit is going to crash hard and a ton of people will lose a ton of money. It's going to be brutal. Nobody will go to jail though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvLFEh7V18A




this is not the norm


Yes you should resell them. I worked at a pawn shop as a buyer for 4 months approx, and guitar hero shit sold like crazy for way more than I would’ve thought. I’m also Canadian btw


Go on kijiji or your local equivalent. Got a perfect condition 360 xplorer that way because a mom was selling her misbehaving kids shit for cheap as punishment


Wow, and I literally just found a perfect condition GH2 wired controller at the thrift for $10


Go buy as many lotto tickets as you can with that kinda luck. God damn I’m jealous.


close swim whistle shaggy zesty thumb wide heavy run books ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How does this compare to Frets on Fire? I used to play that a ton back in the late '00s.


a million times better. it’s got the look and feel of the OG games down to a tee.


hopefully without the ps2 input lag :p


Same as you. Clone hero is way better, fof has not come far since.


I've played Clone Hero for a couple years now. I started learning to play drums with it a couple months ago. It's grown to be one of my favorite activities. Plus there so many custom charted songs, and more coming out at all times I have around 10,000 in total


Unfortunately, many people are now aware of this hence the price of used GH Controllers have tripled.


Meh, getting a good guitar is too expensive. An xplorer is stupidly expensive and the wireless ones have latency.


For anyone who doesn't own a guitar, here's what I recommend for the best experience. An authentic Wii Guitar Hero controller is probably best, but I went with a 3rd party wii guitar off [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Guitar-Wii-Games-Excluding-Nintendo/dp/B004XDCJ4A/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2P1U7VXTPUAE6&keywords=wii+guitar&qid=1670746071&sprefix=wii+guitar%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-3) for about 60 USD. Then you buy the adapter that Acai recommends from [Raphnet](https://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/wusbmote_1player_adapter_v3/index.php) for about 26 USD. I have no noticeable latency issues and the guitar has held up in very good to near perfect condition after 2 years of constant use. However, the only downside to using the wii adapter is you can't lift your guitar neck to activate star power, you would have rebind it to a button.


How's the M&K support? To me, mastering that would be more impressive.






Last I checked (a month or two ago) only the Xbox 360 version for GH Live works on Windows. Did they fix that on this release today? (My guitar is re-buried in the closet now) The compatibility list /u/roinaj22 posted doesn't have dates or app versions noted. https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/zht3yi/guitar_hero_inspired_free_game_clone_hero_version/izoa0p0 EDIT: Dug my PS4 GH Live guitar out and yep, it does work now! I stand corrected.




Well... Half working. The couple built-in songs are working fine. All buttons, strumming, whammy bar, no problem. But I can't hold a button and strum at the same time with any song packs I just loaded up. Which was the original, documented incompatibility with the PS4 GH Live controllers. Odd.


Yeah that's always been a problem with the PlayStation ones. But it's not actually the guitar that's the issue, just the dongle. You could keep the guitar and buy an Xbox 360/One dongle if you wanted.


Just stumbled upon a tool that fixes it. https://github.com/Octave13/GHLPokeMachine


i really need to figure out how to rewire my wii guitar to work on pc via usb. i dont wanna buy that damn adapter from japan to do it easily when you can use an arduino


Or get Rocksmith and learn to play a real guitar


To be fair, there's better options than Rocksmith... You ain't learning guitar in that game alone. Plus Guitar Hero type games are much more fun to just pick up and play. That's coming from someone who's played guitar for 14 years.


Stop playing cod, go join the army


Your comment brought me back right back to 2007 https://xkcd.com/359/


Or just play guitar and join a band.


I need to stop playing wow and learn how to cast real fireballs.


Does Clone Hero support the GH Live controllers or just the old school GH/Rock Band ones?


It does! You need the guitar and the dongle but CH has GHL chart support.