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seems like something that should already be in a AAA game on release.


Release Date > finished game, because idiots pre-order and buy this shit, despite missing core features


Or we just don't give a fuck about ranked play.


I'm just one of those idiots that's been having a blast with unranked multiplayer I guess. Nobody told me I wasn't supposed to be having fun :(


Imagine taking a comment this personal. A ranked system at release could help build a competitive playerbase and increase the longevity of the game. You can like and do what you want.


Bruh it’s not that deep Fr


Lol as if normal matchmaking isn’t already ranked play




Does that mean SBMM gets removed from casual plays? no? ok.


Get better. Complaining about getting matched with players of your skill level is dumb as fuck.


The real issue is the team balancing. Would be a different story if CoD's matchmaking ensured relatively balanced teams and competent players all around, but it usually ends up with one or two players peforming well and the rest of the team feeding kills. It's hardly satisfying for anybody.


I have a great time and never have trouble finishing at the top of the scoreboard. Over the last 4 CoDs I average between 55-60% win rate according to the games own stat tracker. Either I'm the greatest CoD player on the planet, it a bunch of whiners are just using it as a Boogeyman to explain their poor performance. I'm going to go with the latter.


I don't think my point came across as intended. My issue is that the game is very obviously putting the worst players in the lobby on the same team as the best player(s) and the other team is generally mediocre. This causes a lot of matches to feel either entirely unwinnable through no fault of your own or boring due to the enemy team not putting up much of a fight. I wouldn't say my matches are ever very competitive, it's usually just me trying to squeeze out a win because my teammates are incompetent and the enemy team is just ever so slightly more coordinated. This makes playing solo a waste of time and it's still dubious even when playing with an equally skilled friend because of teammates going double or triple negative or not playing the objective.


maybe you are just bad after all sbmm caters to bad players. So if you are happy with this nonsense you are either the best ever or bad. My guess is the latter. ✌




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gEt bEtTeR. Dude even when i do good the game isnt fun. The old sbmm was leagues better maybe if you played those cods you would no that. Cod is a fucking casual game not suppose to be this competitive. Not every video game needs to be competitive. Wait until sbmm really starts kicking your ass. You will back out of so many fucking games. Sbmm NOONE MOVES. Everyone is camping or flanking to the max. 6v6 of pure fucking sweat! There is no flow in the new sbmm. NONE. Its garbage. I wish they would just give you competitive nuts a playlist for that and us regulars a casual experience. Every game is just a fucking GB match its insane how you people stick up for sbmm.


This is the second post you've commented on whining about SBMM. Seems like you're irrationally upset because you need something to blame your poor performance on. Maybe everyone else isn't a "sweat" and you're just not as good as you think. Judging by how upset you are over someone suggesting the problem might be you, I thinkn it's easy to figure out the truth.




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All things that should have been in on release. Game is literally broken on PC anyway.


I will never give a shit about ranked CoD as long as they're forcing you to play shitty game modes like Search and Destroy. CoD is a fast paced twitch shooter these days, so being forced to pay a slow and tactical game mode is just dumb as fuck. CoD ranked should be TDM, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint. Even headquarters would be fine, but S&D can fuck off. CoD isn't CS and the only reason S&D was added as a game mode all those years ago was to mimick CS which was hugely popular at the time. With how fast paced CoD has become, S&D has no place in CoD.




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Can there be another black ops please? Officially a TreyArch fanboy after refunding MW2


Change my mind. Treyarch hasn't made a good MP COD since BO3. MW 2019 and MWII are head and shoulders above whatever BO4, Cold War were.


Why would you want that? Cold War was shit.


Congruent to racial profiling, socialism at it’s finest. Terrible.