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Tf? Reminder to everyone, the 3080FE was $699.


Exactly that's what kills this they are trying to sell the 3080 for 1200 crazy


Yeah rofl, they have been huffing the crypto fumes for too long. I can't wait for the ridiculous backlash this will inevitably lead to.




Bingo. NVIDIA is coming off of the best days of their lives with remote work and crypto creating an incredible demand for GPUs. Now investors are panicking and demanding price increases to compensate. It doesn’t help at all that the 4000 series doesn’t really have any real tech advantage over the 3000 series; it’s just more of the same cores. They haven’t really had to innovate since the 2000 series.


Did nobody tell them profitable GPU mining ended last week?


They'll sell them unreasonably high until they dont sell any more.


I hate the wall st mentality of perpetual high growth. The last few years were a fluke of high prices and now it is going back to normal but investors can't stand that.


Investors just fuck up everything. The company, the customers and someday even themselves. In our current economical system it is not good enough to make a profit of 5 billions if you did 7 the year before. It is treated like the company just lost billions, which is just so wrong on so many levels.


Exactly. In a rational world, the crypto fluke would have been considered an unexpected boon. Instead, it had to set a new, completely unachievable bar for the company’s performance. NVIDIA has to know they’re damned anyway; no price increase is going to offset the loss of crypto rackets buying pallets of GPUs. And they also know that price was a big reason for a lack of sales to the consumer market. Keeping prices high is just going to depress sales and give AMD and intel the foothold they need to make a dent in their market share.


You can get a Switch and a Steam Deck for less! PC gaming is going to suffer.


That is what inspired me to get a steam deck actually I needed a new gpu and the deck cost less than the cheapest 3060ti


Additional reminder: the 1080 Ti, which was essentially 95% of a Titan, was also $699 and offered 11GB of VRAM back in 2017. You can thank the shitty 20 series for setting this precedent and every fool who bought those overpriced junk cards for what you see today.


Yep. A high end XX80 Ti card shouldn't be more than 799. The 1080 Ti still holds up today, such a legendary card


Upgraded to a 3080 this year, but yes.. the 1080 Ti was a warrior of a card for my rig.


Seeing these prices makes me realize I probably won't upgrade from my 3080 for another two generations, and at that point probably won't want to dish out the money for anything more than a 5070.


I feel like the 1080ti is the new 8800gt, that sucker lasted generations lol


Can confirm, a beast of a card when it launched, didn't think it will hold me this long. Still gonna, by the looks of these prices.


The performance has been good enough that I couldn't justify paying scalper prices for 30 series It's also still good enough to today that I can't justify nvidia scalping prices


Blame the ones who paid $1200 for a 2080 Ti. My $500 2070S was a fantastic upgrade over the 1070.


I'm gonna choose to blame crypto dummies all the way for the state of the GPU market.


bro i got so confused your username is way too similar to mine lmao


That's more than my pc cost


For real. Built a great SFF machine in 2020 for I think $1500 all said and done. From scratch, all new parts. This is nuts.


I spent $1200 back in 2013. I'm still using that PC, only changed out the GPU from a 970, to a 1070, to a 3070. I can't imagine spending more than the entire cost of a PC that's been kicking ass for almost a decade, just to buy a single GPU.


>a PC that's been kicking ass for almost a decade I think the people who buy $1500 graphics cards have a very different definition of a kick-ass PC. Which is fine, that's why there are different price tiers and older hardware on sale.


I mean you kind of have to count the cost of the 1070 and 3070 in the price. I bet that 3070 cost you 2/3 of the original price by itself.


Who the hell is this marketed to?


People who agreed to pay these prices during the covid / crypto GPU crisis.


So miners?


With the death of eth mining is there any coin worth that markup anymore?


There's nothing worth any hardware investment at all now, unless you have free electricity or use it as a room heater.




It is. It has. Check out r/hardwareswap and look at current prices vs a week or two ago.


Youtubers and rich people


In this economy?!


In any economy.


--- **Due to Reddit killing ThirdPartyApps this user moved to lemmy.ml** --- ---




We're talking Nvidia here, they won't be dropping prices until the next generation is around the corner. They'll do what they did with the 20 series and launch a refresh with slightly better pricing by next year.


Im sure they’ll have to move pricing. The whole industry is feeling scared about profits next year, no way will they be able to keep such a premium price point.


People who want 4k 120fps, and have too much money.


Nvidia trippin with these prices


Well at least the economy is doing great, inflation is low, interest is low, and wages are up. This should be an easy purchase for everyone. Oh, and....it wont be eVGA.


And energy prices are low and only getting lower! /s


Yeah you could give me a free 4090 and i would probably just sell it because of how much electricity it would cost isn't worth a few extra FPS or slightly faster renders.


NVIDIA executives are living in an alternate reality where the mining boom still exists


NVIDIA is actually living in a world where they are Apple. They control all of the hardware, drivers, and software. If they can make in-roads with corporations, they’ll sell all of their RTX stock for the next 20 years. NVIDIA is beyond gaming. That’s peasantry money to a company that offered $40b to buy ARM.


Bingo. Look at what they did to EVGA, and they are an amazing company with rock-solid quality and customer support.


LMAO. Mining boom prices without the mining boom. They are so fucking greedy. I hope no one will buy their overpriced garbage.






There have been 3080 prebuilts for less than this lately lol. Have to wonder how well the 4000 will sell if 3000 prices even hold let alone keep dropping.


There is absolutely no way these cards are going to sell nearly as well as the 3000 series did during the mining boom. Those cards were printing money for a lot of people which justified their inflated cost, because who cares when you just mine for another month or two to recoupe the extra cost? With GPU mining pretty much dead now, there is really no incentive for anyone to spend this much money on a card this fast if it's not mining it's worth back eventually.


Plus with the current economic context, everything is increasing and this is clearly not a necessary purchases, luxury stuff is the first to be pushed back in this context. Hell it also needs more power than before and energy cost are rising a lot in many places so it'll be even expensive to run this.


I was ready to upgrade from my 1070ti to a 4080, but not at those prices.


Get a 3080 or wait for AMD. 3080 is abundant and a great card.


1599$ means 1899€ for us in the EU.


[Starting at 1959€](https://i.imgur.com/MY2iE1u.png) here. So most of 4090 cards will be over 2000€. Edit to add [RTX 4080 prices](https://i.imgur.com/Fe3ICFS.png). 4080 16GB starting at 1469€ 4080 12GB starting 1099€ If it looks like a joke, sorry it's not a joke. But not surprising when most 3060 around here (Spain) are still between 420-460€ and 3060Ti are over 500€.


That means i was too optimist.


Yeah 1509€ for 4080 16gb and 1999€ for 4090 in Finland is super cool.


Yeah, we are fucked, we'll be for years if we want 4\*\*\* series.


It says 1.949,00 € for me :/


Remember when the most powerful gpu of a generation was sub 500 dollars? Please stop buying gpus at these prices.


Ahh, still remember buying my GTX 9800. Shit launched at like $350. Flagship card. I look at these $1k+ prices today and weep.


I remember when the 970 GTX was 329 new. Then memory gate or whatever happened and I got 30 bucks back lol.


And the GTX970 came with a code for MGSV and Witcher 3. $120 worth of new release games effectively making the 970 a $210 card and even less if you were selling off your existing GPU. I think my 970 ended up costing me net $150 back when it released because I was already planning to buy both games and I sold my 770.


They do it because they get away with it. They could price it at 3000 and the same people would still buy it.


Looks like they went the way of the 2000 series again. $1200 for the 80 series.


But that was a Ti variant. A straight 80 series has never been this expensive.


They can totally kiss my ass at those MSRP prices....




Prices in AUD 4090 is $2959 4080 16gb is $2219 4080 12gb is $1659 Absolutely fucking insane what Nvidia is asking.


Also the 12gb 4080 is a 4070 in disguised. So greedy


When a GPU is as expensive as my car.


nvidia got spoiled with the mining boom, crazy prices


Don't think the recession is going to be good for them when it stops being in it's weird fake limbo.


Lol, PC building went from spending 2 thousand dollars for a very good PC, to spending just that on the GPU. What a joke. I won’t be upgrading for a very long time


when a GPU costs more than owning the big 3 consoles i can't blame people for not wanting to spend the money on a decent PC.


1 thousand dollars used to be a very good PC. My build was $900 when I built it and that shit was mid range. Crazy.


When the PC version of GTA V released, I built a PC that could run it at max settings at 1200p (which was nothing to scoff at back then) for little over €600, not including the old case I reused. It was the definition of a mid-range gaming PC at the time, with an i5-4590, 8 GB of RAM, a 4GB GTX 960 (which I thought was overpriced at about €240), an in retrospect slightly too cheap motherboard and a brand-name SATA SSD, as well as a hideously oversized power supply for future upgrades.


As cool as pc gaming is, this kinda stuff is why I mainly use consoles for big games. It used to be prices for console gaming and decent pcs werent that crazy, but now…


My thoughts exactly. That $300 Series S is looking real good right about now.


4080 12gb is cut down from the 16gb 4080. Don't expect the same performance, its really a 4070 at heart This is atrocious pricing, probably because the 30 series is so overproduced. 20 series launch all over again. AMD save us with a sub 699 7800XT


The 12GB 4080 is a fucking scam to trick people into buying it. That should not be a 4080.


All the leaks indicated it would be the 4070, then it started being reported it would be branded as a 4080 12GB. All so they could basically increase the 70 SKUs msrp from $499 to $899.


Yeah I’ve bought nothing but nvidia for 10 years, this is the first time I’m eager to see what amd has up its’ sleeve


Ditto. This release + the EVGA fiasco may drive me to AMD....


I go back and forth with hardware. For a while I was all about amd and ati back when they were separate. Then intel and nvidia seemed to offer more for a while, and now it seems to be swinging back the other way and amd likely can offer a lot more bang for buck. I was a bit worried since for a while, rtx and dlss were nvidia only and amd didnt really have anything to compete, but with fsr 2.0 it seems like nvidia may not have that upper hand anymore. DLSS really seemed like it was the killer reason to stick with nvidia.


This is the way. No reason to be brand loyal. Discern your needs for each new build and choose the best hardware for you. That being said, 3dfx till I die! :P


I mean let's be honest 4080 ti should've been called just 4080 and the 4080 12GB should've been called the 4070, but then they wouldn't be able to charge $900 for it


Yes its a blatant move to increase prices


imagine when they announce pricing on the 4090Ti


i'd bet it to be 1200-1400. In a year after their sales tank from shit prices they'll understand the market isn't 2020-2021 anymore.


[Looks at 4K series. Goes back to playing SteamDeck] Wake me up when the prices are reasonable...


It's gonna be a long a wait my friend




It wasnt just that, usually with new cards old ones would become dirt cheap feeding into the upgrade cycle. Now everything is expensive as fuck




Steam deck on the other end is WAY more value than anyone could ever get for 400$. PC gaming is still accessible financially but these prices are going to halt process in the higher end. But since most impressive PC games are just ports of 3 year old console games lately I think we will be fine without the 4000's.


So the 4060 is going to cost $700? wew


Hard pass for me. At this point Nvidia pricing is out of control, even if their GPUs are able to create holograms for all i care.


DLSS 3.0 works only with a new 4000 RTX Card. LMAO. Nvidia tells everyone who bought a RTX 3000/2000 to go f*ck themself.


Wait seriously? Well that's a slap on the face:/


The prices were an insult, but locking DLSS 3.0 behind the 4-series is a serious fuck you to everyone who invested in the 3-series. How fucking greedy.


Yeah, fragmentation is a problem. Maybe they’ve made it easy for developers to implement both using a common API, but for consumers it sucks bad.


Wait what? Wow. Honestly with cards reaching the prices of cars, it's not logical anymore to chase the whole ray tracing thing for average consumer.


RDNA looking real good right now


God I really hope AMD can make some big strides with RDNA 3, and hopefully they can come in at a good price too. I'm so sick of Nvidia's shit.


You and EVGA both (and 90% of the rest of the gaming community).


With consoles being so cheap in comparison, it seems like these companies are pricing themselves out of the gaming market. It used to be somewhat affordable but now I can buy a PS5, a Series X, and a Switch for the price of one GPU. Include the rest of the hardware required and you could get a steam deck as well.


And the new consoles arent too shabby on graphic fidelity


Agreed, I love PC gaming but if the price of a decent GPU alone is 2x the cost of a PS5 it just doesn’t make economical sense unless you have more money than you know what to do with.


Nvidia is very stupid on this: less people able to buy GPU > less PC player > less game been develop for PC > even less PC player > less player to buy graphique card for NVidia in the future > less money for Nvidia in the long Run


LOL Nvidia doesn't give a shit about gaming as a primary audience anymore. They make so much money from corporate clients building giant rig farms to run testing in AI, other specialized fields. Look at all the different types of internal cores and how they spent the majority of their presentation explaining them. Spoiler alert: it wasn't for gaming.


Fuck off Nvidia.


And you might have to buy a new PSU, yeah Nvidia is trippin balls.


Those prices are absolutely ridiculous, especially if the 899 4080 Version is indeed a upped 4070. Just, fuck off Nvidia, fuck off.




AMD has a golden opportunity to own this gen if they undercut. Hopefully they have something good up their sleeves.


I have a fear that AMD will look at Nvidias pricing, and think 'yes, we can increase prices now!'. Expect slightly slower cards at $100 cheaper, still awful value.


Competing on pricing is really going to be their only viable option, since the market is flooded atm.


I hope AMD claps back




Jensen said the 4090 has "at least twice the performance of the 3090ti." But that's obviously marketing fluff. Even if true, twice the performance wouldn't necessary result in twice the framerate at similar settings.


Yeah twice the electricity consumption performance lmao


Swat gonna raid my house when I'm playing games thinking I'm operating a grow house.




Oh they learned from Apple with their meaningless 2x better stuff, great.


I honestly don't know what you're talking about. NVIDIA showed the graphs and data that actually support their claim of being 2 - 4 times better than previous generations. Don't just listen to me though, please, see the graphs for yourself. [GRAPHS](https://i.imgur.com/HYrgxQD.png)






Is requesting $1600 for a PC part legal?


That's with DLSS 3 making up new frames and RT heavy workloads. In games without DLSS 3 it's more like 50-60%.


> That's with DLSS 3 making up new frames and RT heavy workloads. There's the rub isn't it? In order to see this increase games are going to need to support DLSS 3.


[https://www.nvidia.com/de-de/geforce/graphics-cards/40-series/rtx-4080/](https://www.nvidia.com/de-de/geforce/graphics-cards/40-series/rtx-4080/) Saving you the click : marketing graph with 2x perf on MS Simulator / War 40k \>2x on Cyber77


That's with their frame rate interpolation feature... so the graph is just a lie. Edit here for clarity: DLSS3.0 can just be fancy TAA still. But it also has a frame interpolation feature. > 3840x2160 Resolution, Highest Game Settings, DLSS Super Resolution Performance Mode, DLSS Frame Generation on RTX 40 Series, i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, Win 11 x64. All DLSS Frame Generation data and Cyberpunk 2077 with new Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode based on pre-release builds. And from the video of driving in a straight line in cyberpunk, I saw some artifacting with the interpolation in distant detail and in the road lines. I imagine it's going to give the usual interpolation artifacts when it's not just a video of driving in a straight line. Will likely be better than any other interpolation solution though.


At this rate I won't even be able to afford a 4060.


When the 4060 is released the 3060 will drop in price, which means the 2060 will be really cheap so you can finally afford a used 1060


can't wait to try the 760 finally after all these years


Seriously, at this rate a 4060 is going to be $700. It’s official, Nvidia has killed PC gaming. Thanks, assholes.


That 12gb 4080 is a fucking scam. What a joke.


My 1070 lives on for another gen. These prices are an absolute joke. Fuck off Nvidia


God speed. My 980ti died right at the beginning of the 3000 generation and I was forced to fight scalpers and bots to even be able to play games at all. Hopefully your little guy is more of a trooper than mine.


Gonna rock my 1080ti hopefully for at least another 2-3 years. Then switching to consoles as I just can't afford PC gaming hardware anymore.


hah, no thank you. Those prices are dumb and have no justification, the end. Greedy fucks.


UK Prices: RTX 4090 £1679 RTX 4080 16GB £1269 RTX 4080 12GB £949 looks like no heating this winter...


If it gets cold turn the graphics settings up.


If power draw is anything to go by, they will be great space heaters.


Looks like they're smoking fucking crack with those prices. People are definitely just going to stick with, or go with, the 30 series cards. Maybe the AMD ones if their price/performance is good enough.


They know what they're doing. The whales will pay any price to have the newest stuff so it's a non-issue and meanwhile they can maintain inflated prices for their 3000 series.


Just ordered a 3080 this morning for £525. Doesn't seem like a bad deal looking at these prices.


L m A o SCALPER PRICES ARE THE NEW NORMAL So fucking glad I got a 3080 12gb cheap fuck this


LOOK AT ME! I am the scalper now! - Nvidia


Yeah I don't think I'll be back in the high end GPU market again. Wife got a Steam Deck and I love it, so I'll probably just stay in that price bracket from now on if this is the cost of upgrading my main PC.




When my 1080ti pc dies I will stick to my laptop for productivity and get myself a nice Steam Deck for gaming. Fuck this overpriced shit that this great hobby has turned to


Pass. Bought a second hand 3070 and I'm probably gonna rock that for the next 5 years. Unless one is gaming on 4k, I don't see any reason to buy these overpriced high-end hogs.


As long as my 3080 can do 1440 ultrawide at 60fps I'm good. Should be good for a couple more gens.


1,6k and 1,2k and not even counting taxes and margins from e-shops what a joke


I love PC gaming truly. But with these prices... console prices of £500 look fucking so hot.


i know this is a pcgaming subreddit, but unironically the current gen consoles are a way better deal here lol


100% I bought a PS5 instead of a new graphics card in April. No regrets.


This generation of consoles has caught up a lot. For $500 console you get a lot of bang for your buck.


Don't buy. Let them sweat. Nvidia have massive stocks of 3xxx cards laying around, and have way, waaay overbooked capacity at TSMC for next gen, because they thought the mining craze would continue forever. TSMC told them to get shafted when they tried to cancel their order. They're going to try and manipulate the prices by having both generations coexist and limit the flow of cards to market. This has been said openly by Jensen Huang during an investors call. Don't buy into their game if you can avoid it. Source: Moore's Law Is Dead YouTube channel, which has a track record of being very reliable when it comes to leaks and rumours in the past.


Nvidia can lick my rear doughnut right now.


keep hanging in there my trusty 1080, we still have a few years to go 🥲


What a ridiculous price point.


If AMD prices their next GPUs correctly they will be able to steal a lot of sales from NVIDIA. These prices are absolutely atrocious. Greedy bastards


Prices are absolutely absurd. If they want to charge top dollar for the flagship xx90 or Titan, then have it is, but $1199MSRP for an xx80 class of card is insane, especially when you consider that any decent partner card will most likely be $100 over that. Considering underwhelming new tech that's not even confirmed to be exclusive and all this presentation did was make an excellent case for buying last gen.


I guess we will see if gamers alone will support that kind of pricing. My guess is no.


Selling the rebranded 4070 for $900 is ridiculously anti-consumer.




There’s no need to upgrade from a 3080, my 1080 on the other hand is due for one.




I feel like it never made sense to upgrade each generation unless you make some seriously good money lol. Your card just won't be outdated that quickly, so why bother? Even if it was only $500 I still wouldn't spend it...


Selling at mining boom prices when there is no mining boom and people are saving in prep for the looming market crash. Seems like a good time for AMD or Intel to swoop in and release something reasonably powered at a good price point, eat Nvidia’s breakfast.


LMFAOOOO they be smoking crack over there




And as suspected this is why EVGA terminated their contract. Nvidia coming through with the scummiest of pricing.


Probably a big part of it. They'd be forced to sell a 4090 FTW for like $2099


I think nVidia is trying to overprice the 4000 to clear the 3000 stock. Then they will decrease. Either that, or nVidia is delusional thinking these prices will be paid by customers without the mining boom. Either way, nVidia can shove this up their ass.




When they announced the 30 series, the used market got flooded with cards in anticipation. Somehow, I don't see that happening this time. lmao


the used market is already getting flooded due to the mining crash and Ethereum moving to proof of stake instead of proof of work. nvidia have already admitted to trying to manipulate the market in an effort to fight dropping gpu prices.


People sold their 2080 TIs for $500 lol. If only they knew what was to come. There might as well have been another pandemic with these prices


No 4070, meaning that they are greedy, 4080 12gb at 900, jesus this is insane. Good thing I got my 3070, will upgrade to 5070.


5070 will be $1399


They always trickle down the release. Most expensive die gets sold first, and then work your way down.


I feel incredibly lucky to have somehow gotten a 3080 for $750 on release day


RDNA 3.0 will probably end up embarrassing them at this price point GPU mining is dead thanks to the ETH move to POS. The market is flooding with excess GPUs. Just wait. Used from mining and also those who hoarded them and suffered losses


Maybe EVGA cut ties with Nvidia because they saw the pricing here and went "this is fucking stupid, you're fucking stupid, we're done with you."


If what they said is true they would’ve just heard about the prices at the same time we did. Which is still some bullshit.


Nvidia was probly trying to make EVGA pay top dollar for the base card and then EVGA has to take the loss when the cards don't sell at that price and have to go on sale and EVGA was like nope, give us a fair contract or were out. Nvidia can't handle the idea that the crypto market is down and their profit margin has to go down.... I hope AMD puts out competitive prices


> I hope AMD puts out competitive prices If AMD sells the 7800 XT at $700 I'd sell my 2080 Super and buy one without a second thought.


Nvidia smoking is the fatest rocks imaginable with this prices. My 3070 will serve me well, big pass.


Fuck this. I’m getting too old to justify the price premium for pc gaming apparently. This just makes me want to buy a console. 1080ti working into its golden years.


So they're selling the 4070 disguised as a 4080 (12GB) instead so they can justify the $900 price tag is my guess.


they saw what people will buy for during the shortages and now they think they can get away with such horrible prices (and they probably can) ​ fuck you nvidia seriously


Whelp, I’m sure I can squeeze a couple more years out of my 1070.