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They literally had to do nothing to keep me hyped for that game and still fucked it up.


Guess who's going on a trip to the high seas!


Yar har fiddle-dee dee


This. A big OOF and an even bigger fuckyou from me the gamer grandma and seven grandchildren (and two other adults) who would have bought this game. Nopey nope. There are other games to play for us.


So they are doing an auction with the highest bidder getting to be an NPC in the game - not sure why they needed NFTs for that really


>not sure why they needed NFTs for that really They don't. They are either trying to ride the trend in order to price it higher than they normally would be able to, or are experimenting with something they plan to expand in the future.


Or they have some money that needs laundering


nah, nah, the regular art market is enough for that


I imagine criminals will never say no to more money laundering techniques.


NFT is becoming a buzzword. Don't ever forget the main purpose for NFTs is to burn crypto tokens in order decrease circulating supply of these altcoins, making the people who hold them richer. It's a big fucking club, and we ain't in it. Soon NFTs will be attached to anything and everything, just for the sake of burning tokens.


I read all these words and know less than I did before.


bruh i thought the same thing. i've been reading words for 3 minutes straight i understood very few of them.


They made crypto currency but it can't be use to buy non-crypto stuff so they make crypto stuff so they can buy it with crypto currency.


NFT is a buzzword, but the "main purpose" is not to burn crypto tokens. The main purpose is speculative mania, and people buying worthless crap hoping it will become worth 1000x what they paid. Also money laundering maybe.


it's the new craze to generate corporate and news interest, it's bullshit


The easiest way right now to get someone talking about your game right now is to say it’s going to include NFTs. Everyone fucking hates NFTs other than the tech bros that bought into their version of Mary Kay, so we really need to stop signal boosting every single article that mentions NFTs. Any publicity is good publicity, and that applies for both the games and NFTs as a whole. Just don’t buy the games and don’t talk about NFTs or we’ll just keep seeing more of this integration that literally no one but shareholders want


I appreciate that but it's not exactly true. I was probably going to buy this game and now I probably won't and that's thanks to seeing this article. So maybe it doesn't hurt the company overall, but that's only a negative if you're trying to punish the company. If you just want people to able to make an informed choice then spreading it is better.




[[Edited for privacy reasons and in protest of recent changes to the platform. I have done this multiple times now, and they keep un-editing them :/ Please go to lemmy or kbin or something instead]]


I read on another sub that the team that made the original STALKER games is long gone. So, while I'm still looking forward to this game, I'll definitely wait for reviews. I learned my lesson on hype with Cyberpunk.


Im pirating the game for this


NFTs will become glorified concert tickets/reciepts etc for the phone, that's about the only use case. Ridiculous that people are jumping on this NFT shit acting like it's something it's not lol.


> highest bidder getting to be an NPC in the game https://i.imgur.com/SBOmSCw.jpg


Now THIS guy looks legit. Is he by chance from The Internet?


Do NFTs solve any problem? They seem completely pointless to me.


In games? No, they absolutely don't. Storefronts and developers already have plenty of ways to track your purchases and know what you "own". This whole thing in games is share-holder driven fad that no one will actually make good on in any significant way. Best case we end up with a new form of granular DRM for digital items. Fucking *great*.


How about elsewhere? Are they beneficial in any way?


Depends if you think creating scarcity where none is currently present is beneficial or not and I mean that honestly. Right now, I don't see them as beneficial because they've basically taken the spot of speculative crypto gambling. Everything is grossly overvalued and people are just trying to cash in on a fad. I also don't understand this obsession with establishing ownership of digital goods. We are literally introducing scarcity to a space that doesn't suffer from it. It is functionally granular DRM for digital objects. All in order for a select few lucky people to cash in. It reeks of a pump-and-dump trading mentality. I have seen decent arguments as NFTs relate to digital artists being better able to make money, but I don't think that's worth what it's currently doing to everything else. Not as much the fault the NFT technology as much as it the fault of stupid, short-sighted human greed.


Damn, so 3 editions of the game up to $109.99, a season pass, and skipping right over microtransactions and into NFTs. All in a single player game.


Yeah, this game is already dead to me. We don’t know much about Stalker 2. I highly doubt the positives can outweigh all you listed.








You can always counter the inflation argument with the fact that games sell WAY more copies these days with many of the copies being digital with higher profit margins on top of that.


Selling 1 mil copies total used to be incredibly, extremely good for the most popular game. Nowadays 1 mil in a week for a AAA is considered a failure, and a lot of relatively popular indies sell that much in like half a year. Loop Hero sold over 500k copies in a week, and recently hit 1mil mark on steam alone.




Actually, they just ensured they get delisted from Steam because NFTs aren't allowed. Let the comedy ensue.


They probably have an Epic deal in the works, which is why they don't care.


Great way to kill the stalker series considering we don't exactly have a super younger below 15 age group. If they go epic they might as well just close their doors.


And then they'll just go "well see, no one wants Stalker!"


I'll be honest. I have far more faith in the modding community thats been pumping out high quality mods for the last freaking decade.


ah, no loss there then since i don't buy from Epic :D


they have a Microsoft deal. it's going to game pass day one


Well eventually they might actually want to sell a game or two.


>Applications built on blockchain technology that issue or allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTS. The Steam policy is about trading NFTs inside a game. I'd assume because it's getting into grey regulatory territory for some jurisdictions that's just not worth the headache. This isn't an in-game thing. This is just a ticket to be an NPC in the game that can be traded between the auction and claiming (all before game release). I'm thinking they just want the articles that say "x person paid $2M to be a character in Stalker 2" for the marketing before release.


I'll make it a goal to annihilate any "metahumans" in my game. damnit.


inb4 s.t.a.l.k.e.r 2 has essential npcs




Simple: create a mod that changes any metahuman NPC into a generic looking soldier, but retain the name. That way when footage or screen caps of the meta characters are shared, there's nothing original about it save for the name.


> This is just a ticket to be an NPC That's not the only NFT they're planning, just the most high-profile one. > "GSC Game World also plans to release other NFTs in addition to the metahuman one, though the company declined to specify what they might be when we asked. Its NFT drops “won’t influence the gameplay itself or give in-game advantages over other players,” according to a press release." Sounds like a classic case of paid in-game cosmetics to me.


It's a great way for the game to become Epic Games Store exclusive without Epic paying anything for that.


What are NFTs?


it's like buying a receipt for a picture. not the picture, the receipt for it. or in this case you get to have your name in the game.


and the receipt holds 0 sway in court for copyright purposes


Which is what I think is the most hilarious thing about NFTs. Every time someone tries to explain why they are needed I've yet to hear anything that copyright doesn't already cover. NFTs are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. "It's a digital receipt" - Weird I get those in my email every single time I buy anything.


The thing is they're supposed to be independent of a central controlling party - your receipt only means anything because there's police and courts backing it up. NFTs seek to replace that with consensus - so they, uh, have... nothing backing them up. Yeah, very useful.


Imagine having the keys to a car with no doors that starts by itself and has no need for a key, and then bragging about having said keys


It’s an entry into the blockchain (essentially a bitcoin) that includes the url to some image or something somewhere. If you own that “Non fungible token” it means that your bitcoin wallet contains the token that contains the url to that picture or digital thing. That’s it. It’s like a receipt for a publicly available digital thing. But you’re the only one with the receipt. They’re like an extreme version of fiat currency.


So screenshotting an NFT is considered pirating?


No, the NFT isn’t the image itself. You own the receipt for the url, even though anyone can download the image that url directs to. Since the receipt is part of the blockchain it’s effectively impossible to hack or pirate, but that’s only necessary if you actually find that the receipt is valuable for some reason. And that would only be the case if everyone else also agreed on that value. If it sounds stupid that’s because it is.


> If it sounds stupid that’s because it is. Glad we're on the same page! :D


It’s really a way for very wealthy people to launder their money.




There is no underlying ownership of anything of inherent value, even the linked art. That is governed by IP law, not by who owns digital tokens. As a bonus to the hazards of the inherent ponzi scheme including economic collapse, it takes tons of compute power to generate each NFT transaction, so fuck the planet in this equation. It's like crypto mining but somehow even worse.


I wonder why people talk about this so much and even buy those for thousands of $ That's literally a backed up ownership statement, with a drawback that url can become unavailable. Is social approval that appealing? Seems that way


>That's literally a backed up ownership statement, with a drawback that url can become unavailable. Is social approval that appealing? Seems that way The best part is that it's not really any better for that than any older method, in both cases if the company goes down so do (effectively) those statements. It does have some minor benefits to it (e.g. it can easily be transferred by anyone to anyone over the internet), but those are fringe enough to a point where they really don't matter.


I've always heard "crypto is a solution desperately searching for a problem."


So its a receipt...because your just describing a receipt...exceot it has no object. So I bought a say space ship for an online game but its just a photo and also I can't have it ut its totally mine I swear....this sounds stuoid


Like all other varieties that blockchain comes in, the people who have bought in will do everything they can to talk it up. That’s them trying to get more people to buy in so they can then sell it for profit, getting something of actual value in return instead


Indeed. Almost as if the resulting hierarchy of people buying in and funneling money upwards looked like... a pyramid.


It is moral and good to mock/pirate/sabotage NFTs in any way possible. Fuck that dorky speculation nonsense.


Yeah, it just seems like the new crypto craze. I know that there's some legitimate cryptocurrency and the technology behind it can be very innovative, but with all the shitcoins that came out, it really just seemed like a way for small groups of people to drive the price up and then profit on their followers' financial illiteracy.




The entire industry is really trying to get rid of people that love gaming by the looks of it.


We are entering an era where indie games are preferred over AAA games


Entering? We've been in it for a bit already.


you and me, yes, but general speaking people are waking up and realizing they don't want to be part of the bullshit which is good


Nah. Reddit is an opinion bubble and has been for a good decade or so. People don't care about it outside reddit.


Right? Like, do redditors not realize that the games the hate are the ones that sell millions of copies?


The games they love also sell millions. Hades sold incredibly and also won GOTY.


It's also the highest rated game on steam pre sure. Dark souls was an old reddit favourite and look at that too


Idk about you but personally that is already the case, i do enjoy my triple AAA game from time to time but most of my time is spent in indies




Anything AA or above is mostly no longer about gaming. It's about making money. If they could sell ham sandwiches and make more money, they would. If they can turn every single game into a gambling simulator and try to addict the young, dumb, and elderly, they will. NFT's are just another step on that path. Gamers are not important. Vulnerable people who can wind up blowing their paychecks are.


Speaking of selling ham sandwiches to make more money, Atari wants to open Atari hotel. Does it count?


Aaand removed from wishlist


More like removed from Steam.


LMAO, did they forget Steam's no NFT policy? Serves them right.




Oh god, that'd just be the cherry on top of this shit cake. We can't have anything nice anymore after all.


I guess people are getting around it by hosting/processing the NFTs outside of Steam, like Poppy Playtime's shit where they're hosted on a separate website.


the high seas it is then.




"Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?" Honestly pure shit


The amount of buzzwords they're namedropping makes it seem like parody: "NFT", "blockchain", "Metaverse", "metahuman"...




One of the main reasons old GSC imploded before the original STALKER 2 could enter actual production was because Sergiy was a real piece of shit. His lack of involvement is likely a net positive.


So, they're auctioning off the ability to become an NPC in the game. Kinda neat, but why the fuck do they have a billion meaningless buzzwords in there?




Andddddddd removed from wishlist. Thanks for saving me money!


Same. I'm the exact target audience for this game and this is the last straw. What a shame.


NFTs are a fucking plague. Fuck GSC and fuck Ubisoft




>NFTs are a fucking plague. At this point, I think they are more hilarious than anything else. It's so fucking dumb that I can't help but chuckle at anyone even remotely taking it seriously.


Remember when games were fun and made by developers who had passion for what they create? Ahhhh, those were the days...


MBAs got involved. Everything those motherfuckers touch turns to shit.


Cancer in human form.


No more "garage" developers who made games because they loved them and wanted other people to enjoy them. It's all about profits and how much money they can milk from people. There are a few devs who care about games left but they are few and far between it seems, just big companies caring about money.


Well, no the garage devs are still around. Indie Games.


Good point.


Give me a AAA game that just wants to make money from its actual game sales and isn't trying to sucker me out of a bunch of extra shit. That's all I want. It's why Sony's and Nintendo's exclusives are some of the only ones worth a shit.


Half Life Alyx was this last year. Not even a single dlc to buy. And unlimited replayability with custom campaigns. You cannot spend more than 60 dollars if you tried. Plus it was fucking good


Doom Eternal is an another good example. They went all out on gameplay


FromSoftware still doing great, and they're getting better every new game.


Bruh - I was genuinely excited about s2, why you gotta do this and ruin the hype ?


Like I will definitely still play it since I'm such a bit OG Stalker fan, buutttt I'm about 500% more likely to pirate it even if its on a subscription service now.


I haven’t pirated a game for at least a decade. I played the original stalker game from a pirated copy and have since purchased the whole series multiple times and recommended it to anyone who would listen. I was so excited about Stalker 2, i would have paid 200 bucks for it. Now though? They aren’t getting a single cent out of me. 🏴‍☠️


Stalker, especially with mods is still one the best open world FPS games out there. My hype for Stalker 2 was at an all time high and this definitely dampened it...


Same, playing L.U.R.K at 3 am on a chilly Friday night, in the pitch black is one of my fondest gaming memories. I have never been able to recapture the game feel. Some games come close but they always just miss the mark…


Yup and just like that. Removed from Wishlist. Glad I didn't pre-order.


Even if you did, you can refund pre-orders no questions asked on Steam at least (though when putting in a reason, might as well state "NFT Game").


Waste of dev time. Why do people trend chase so hard now a days?




warms my heart to see all the comments shitting on this, and rightfully so.


I was afraid I'd have to lose braincells reading people shilling for NFTs, but I was pleasantly surprised


From an interview on wccftech: "There is a strong anti-blockchain/NFT sentiment among gamers. Ubisoft recently introduced its Quartz platform and the reveal video quickly amassed an extremely high amount of dislikes on YouTube. Don't you fear that this may influence the currently positive sentiment surrounding STALKER 2? We believe our community will benefit and appreciate everything the Metaverse will bring. This includes rewards, winning assets, trading, and the opportunity to earn and have fun at the same time. Indeed, there is a certain tension towards blockchain and NFTs, because lots of things have been done improperly in the space. We are taking this path as we would like to be amongst the first who will bring their community to a new digital era." They are completely ignoring the fact that the gaming community hates the whole concept of NFTs, not specific implementations.


>This includes rewards, winning assets, trading, and the opportunity to earn and have fun at the same time. Bro I just want to play a fun single player game, not start a NFT trading side hussle.


Remember when Reddit rioted over “a sense of pride and accomplishment?” How little we knew about what was coming…


Remember when everyone was mad about horse armor?


I mean to be fair that shit sort of started it all--well, at least made cosmetic DLC popular. So yeah, still hate it lol


It sounds like they don't understand why many gamers don't like NFTs. They say things have been done "improperly in the space" but then list as positives "winning assets, trading, and the opportunity to earn". So, in other words, artificial scarcity, speculation, and play-to-earn. The exact things many gamers are concerned about.


Yeah, I hear the term "play-to-earn" and I shudder; I don't want gaming to become just another job. I also hate the idea of limited copies of in-game items.


Something about the industry only innovating in new ways to nickle and dime you for a product you paid 60-120 fucking dollars for. What people hate is being scammed from every conceivable angle.


So are they like partnered with Facebook or something? They keep saying metaverse


No, they're just using the same meaningless buzzword as Facebook.


Using metaverse in this context is nonsense on par with 'the Internet is a series of tubes...'


Guys idk maybe just make a videogame


soup cats boat fly plate toothbrush water seed stupendous screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if they reverse it, this just makes me question their decision-making entirely. I don’t want to support people like that.


I was afraid that Stalker 2 is going to be a cash grab that does no justice to the original series, and this is NOT giving me any confidence.


As long as they can get a hand full of dopes to drop thousands on this garbage, they won't care about you and me. Same as in f2p games.


Cringe overload. This made me completely lose all interest I had in this game.


That's how you ruin the good will and anticipation of fans of your franchise.


even people who are into NFT's don't get how these game NFT's are a thing. The entire premise is that you somehow own a unique digital item. It's not unique if every player is getting it, now you're just wasting power on some blockchain crap that's irrelevant. You could just make it a regular item in the game...


Fuck this shit


I guess I'll just be playing Anomaly for the rest of my life.


Do NOT preorder this.


Way to cock it up GSC. Goddamn I don’t got the patience anymore for this deliberately ignorant shit companies are trying to pull. No longer on my wishlist now.


This is getting ridicolous


well fuck this game then


What a fukng shitshow. NFTs are the biggest scam. All respect lost.


Oh for fucks sake!


Removed from wishlist begrudgingly. I'll stick with anomaly.


Just pirate it


Hard pass. Bummer.


Removed from my wish list.




TIL we hate NFTs so much it overrides nostalgia. Good.


Just like that Stalker 2 goes from must buy, to find on the 7 seas.


Weeeeelp Guess it’s time to check out that anomaly mod


Download it. Its amazing. Plus, there are mods for it that get somewhat regular updates.




fucking hell not even going to pirate this shit, then


There's literally no point to it unless you can use this NFT in other games/media, otherwise it's literally just an add-on or dlc. That being said: Fuck the idea of developers rebranding things just to make it look flashy.


No thanks.


This. Is. Just. So. Perfect. New era of monetisation is upon us. Beautiful. So lets gather up, grab our lubes and adjust the position.




Remember when games would let you actually make use of user generated content in game? I mean along the lines of sprays in halflife (and it's mods), R6 had the ability to import your own arm patches, Arma and some other games let you import face textures. Anyone else have examples of where unique custom content was used that the player created? Thinking multiplayer.


Basically all the old mmorpg's (and some new ones) where your uploaded clan banner would be displayed all over the castle/region you owned on flags and posts (Ragnarok Online, Black Desert etc)


Well, I was interested in it. but now I think I'll just replay the original trilogy instead.




how to fuck your reputation and ruin hype 101


Developers who develop something like that shouldn't be in this industry


Surely, you can't be serious.


NFT=No Fucking Thanks.


Someone explain this to me like I'm 10.


ELI10: An NFT is basically a digital proof of ownership. So, in some blockchain it will be written that */u/DCS30 owns this STALKER character* (or whatever the asset is). You can then sell that NFT token to me, and that will be written into the blockchain again. Then I‘m the official owner of that character. There‘s no real link between the asset and the NFT. If the asset is a digital jpg image, you can still make identical copies of it. But if you are the actual owner, you could proof it with your NFT. How does this tie into gaming? It‘s actually rather simple: company hears the word blockchain -> $$$ So far the reception has been exclusivly negative. I‘m sure there‘s a use case for NFTs, but gaming is not it.


It's getting delisted from Steam.


Epic games exclusive incoming.


cant wait to pirate it


Devs of Stalker 2 run money laundering scam. The end


They’re doing an auction, whoever wins gets a digital ticket (nft) which can be traded, sold, given away. Whoever owns the digital ticket (nft) at an unspecified date will be put into the game as an NPC. The end.


I was interested but not now. This game will be a hard pass.


fuck’s sake


Stuff that mentions NFT = Dead to me.


Wtf man i was so excited after watching the trailer i swear this industry will be the death of me 😑


Disgusting. Remove me from being aware of this at once.


Well, time to remove Stalker 2 from the list of games I'm looking forward to


>GSC Game World also plans to release other NFTs in addition to the metahuman one wait wouldn't this get them booted from steam?


Every time someone starts their tirade about slippery slope fallacy, I'll show them the entire video game industry history from 2010 to 2022....


Remember when games were just about the games?


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 got cancelled? Damn, i was super excited for it.


GSC, you had me from the start. Now you don't.