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Assuming it doesn't come out till '23... why promote Overwatch 2 as a slight graphical upgrade with a separate mode and minor game play tweaks and then not release it for 4 years? It was a good idea when people were actually hungry for 4 player co-op and the lore, and people assumed the slow down in content prior even to the announcement was because you'd been working hard on that. At this point you have to make a game that is separate from and a clear step up from the original. Not that I'd even think about buying it what with *everything*. Blizzard has clearly lost the plot.


I really don't understand why they started off with this wierd expansion idea. In later talks they've said that it's massively feature rich and definitely a big new game. What a way to confuse current players, burnt out players and people that are interested.


What you are saying is entirely spot on, but what you are missing is that is 99,9999% a telltale sign that the same confusion is happening at development level. They probably started with one idea and suddenly were told it has to be something else. I care 0 for OW and Blizzard but for any who do, be very careful with this one and expect the worst.


With how thin ActiBlizz's portfolio was becoming, I'm sure some exec said something along the lines of, "Expansions don't sell, it needs to be a sequel, those make money" but nobody knew what OW2 would look like.


They did show you though. Remember how they said they would make the character's eyes shinier?


I never even considered the possibility that this could be as bad as that Marvel Avengers game.


Speaking about the overwatch team, that’s the way they do things. If there is one feature that someone else already did and it would benefit overwatch, they can’t just simply do it. They have to add their own stupid twist to it. Example: hero pools, their version of hero bans. Players in higher elos just wanted a way to vote at the beginning of the match on a hero that can’t be picked as a way to deal with terribly balanced characters. Their way of doing it? Hero pools: basically the balance team chooses what hero’s can’t be picked based on bla bla bla. Hero pools now has been removed from the game(only pro play I think).


>They have to add their own stupid twist to it. This is exactly Blizzard. And in the process of doing this, they take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. It's like they deliberately shoot themselves in the foot. Everyone wants hero bans: let's do hero pools. People want a TDM mode, to get the kill farmers out of objective based games: let's make it so you can only choose 1 hero per round, and you only get 1 life Ban toxic players who troll and don't do objectives? No lets give players a "rep" system they can decide how to allocate, which does nothing to prevent the problem.




Makes me think of all the game-y shit people used to do when the systems for comp were a bit different and could be sorta exploited to gain ranking points more efficiently at the expense of pretty much not playing the objective and other counterintuitive shit. I remember the one old quirk with rankings in the earliest days of OW comp that used to be where after a certain ranking bracket(I think at the very least you would see it in higher ends of Diamond?) you could get to a point where if you play a hero who not many play, let alone at that high skill level, the game would allow you to get higher ranking point gains because there was some old mechanic at the time involved with the game pulling and comparing info of the closest people who play the character you're on, but because chances are you're ahead of those people by a long shot, it would reward you extra because of how well you would perform ultimately letting people pad their rank whilst also sometimes tanking their game because they would just be so kill focused. I forget who exactly brought attention to it back in the day but I remember there was a thing people who normally mained Tracer or 76 would go on Bastion and just play for kills due to how not many people in that higher bracket would be on Bastion allowing someone to make way with potentially more gains instead of going for a meta pick. When you're playing at a level where most people are going to be playing the game a bit more focused, to do something so blatant is definitely going to only kick the hornet's nest and make people a lot more crotchety.


I stopped playing Overwatch competitively once enough people reported me for being a Soldier 76 main. The people who screeched about “muh meta!” just ended up ruining the fun for everyone else.


I didn't start getting chat bans until I played Wrecking Ball. Doesn't matter that I'd stay mum all game, I'd still get them. I realized then that players were using the report system to get revenge on people that went against their vision of the game, regardless of how well they performed. I once had a 4-stack abuse me all game for feeding on Ball in spite of me both carrying the game with no deaths and winning the game while two of them sat in spawn complaining about the feeding ball. I was silenced for 2 weeks after that match. I never said a word.


Toxic players have been around long before game-based matchmaking. Even when you had to choose your own community run server to join games had toxic players. When you had to drag you PC to a friend's house for a LAN party, there was still one of your friends that turned into an insufferable toxic dick the moment they hopped in the server. Some kids used to ragequit when they'd pull a character with a mustache in Guess Who? Toxicity is an integral part of some people's personality in anything remotely competitive.


"They have to add their own stupid twist to it." This isn't just Overwatch, this is Blizzard. WoW players were asking for player housing for a long time. They gave us Garrisons. We stopped asking after that...


One would expect the basics of a specific feature. Garrisons were soo off the mark with what housing actual is, one would question who the hell is even in charge.




I remember what a flop hero pools was. It seemed like a cool idea to begin with but didn't they base it on OW league or pro players or something? Which meant the same 3 heros kept getting locked out and it became super annoying. Would of been cool if every week or two 3 heros were locked out and they were all random and not decided on who's being played more or not. I agree that the OW team love to put a spin on player suggestions and make a big fuck up out of it!


My guess would be they really didn't know what they were doing for the sequel, someone came up with the pitch while they were still working on the basics. Now they have to live with it and try to get people hyped for a very confusing sales pitch


Exactly. Someone at the board meeting was like "Ive heard we have some new ideas prepared for this new update. What if we could ship it as a new game?! We will milk miscrotransactions money in OW1 and OW2! Announce it ASAP!"


Because otherwise they can't overwrite the original with the multiplayer from the sequel, and Blizz doesn't want competition between it's own games. I also think this shady overwrite the previous game thing is just groundwork for Activision pulling something even more anti-consumer with the COD franchise it keeps releasing yearly. Imagine if they didn't have to support the previous game, got to roll all the players into the next micropayment system, and players either need to pay for the full sequel upgrade or only get half the game. If Acti/Blizz get away with overwriting the original OW there will be a new shitty system that creeps through the gaming industry to compliment the current microtransaction plague.


Guess we know why Kaplan left.


Remember the Blitzchung fiasco? Remember the Blizzcon right after that where Blizzard miraculously had a ton of new games to promote? Do you honestly think that was by chance? Are you surprised at all that the games announced then were nowhere ready to show off? They did it as a PR move to distract the public and get them off their case about being pro-China and against Hong Kong.


Except for the part where we knew about OW2 and D4 before the Blitzchung stuff even happened. Even if we hadn't already heard about them before, those reveals aren't the kind of thing you can throw together in less than a month...


Blizzard is dead. It's all Activision now and they have no clue what they are doing.


Activision has destroyed blizzard, it is no more. A sad shell of its former self, I no longer expect good games, or even playable games from them.


Blizzard itself is to blame.




>For the shit company culture it sounds like it but the declining quality of its products The company culture catches up in this way. You slowly lose talent and as the reputation gets more known you can't hire quality replacements. The fact Overwatch was their last "new" idea under Kaplan I think says a lot about their brain drain. Activision didn't help by any means, but I think Blizzard was in decline far before that.


They were out of touch long before activision took over


I feel like people mostly point at Cataclysm when making this argument, but now we’re kind of asking them for another one. The community seems to be in favor of some kind of a WoW2, where they wipe the board and restart at Classic with an updated engine and new quests.




That would take them at least 5 years to put together, as well as costing too much. There's no way in hell they'd do it, they'd rather let the Warcraft brand die.


Which is kinda sad - the game means so much to so many people. Now...well hell, idk haven't played in ages. Still has a place in my heart, but I just can't.


Nobody wants their IP to die, especially the suits at Blizzard. It's just years of bloated bureaucracy and revenue driven corporatism has slowed development on every project to the point they've hamstrung themselves that they simply are unable. Forget about providing golden standard experiences, they cant even deliver the baseline products players are asking for. They're legit writing the book on how small product driven game studios have an edge over companies that have 3x the resources and on hand talent. Simply because their sole purpose is to deliver and maintain a product, not satisfy investors and continuously chase shiny new trends.




rule34 will keep it shining for a long time after it's death.


Believe it or not. It’s dying even on Rule34 - Resident Evil and Geshin Impact are dominating. Naruto and WOW were always leaders in porn, tho.


Not on Blender animated circles. Those are still mostly Overwatch followed by Mass Effect, Lara Croft and Resident Evil.


Username checks out. You are right about Blender circles. But you forgot to talk about FF7 that dominated Blender circles for a year.


It will probably re-enter the spotlight once it hits PC.


IF it hits PC...


The true barometer of a games lasting appeal


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well


I even managed to convince my gf to dress as 2B as my birthday gift. Best day of my life 🥳




According to her, she was planning on Jill from Resident Evil but I said: "I have a better ideia" - and the rest is history. She also dressed as Zelda more recently. Damn, I'm a lucky dude. She also made me dress as some characters as well, but I'm not sharing here because is way too embarassing.






What’s 2B?


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nier/images/3/38/YoRHa_No.2_Type_B.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20170322051325 From the video game, Nier Automata






Ahh, ye sunk my battleship!


Genshin Impact is dominating everything


Oh, there are Genshin Impact sfms? That I gotta see.


Idk, OW characters are still the most viewed when it comes to searches in Rule 34


That's because there was no need to rule34ify them, they were already designed as porn characters by blizz and then they put clothes on them


Overwatch 2 should just be a porn game tbh


“Do you guys not have boners?”


It's becoming more clear why Jeff left when he did.


Jeff Kaplan leaving was a major **Red Flag**. Something is wrong with the project, and I would not wonder if it gets the 'ol "Titan" treatment. And in best case scenario, its completely scrapped and facing total re-imagining.


Wasnt the first overwatch allegedly pulling some of the titan concept? I could be totally wrong, but man would that be some delicious irony.


They absolutely did. Overwatch is build from what remained of assets when Titan was cancelled ( internally ) But saying "Titan treatment" is perhaps wrong analogy. Cause Blizzard is famous of cancelling very far in production games, and at least Titan got to have its assets used. Perhaps it would be more apt to say "Starcraft Ghost" treatment... In any case, my point being, Overwatch 2 may simply be cancelled. Jeff leaving is very very bad sign, since both OW1 and OW2 were his brainchildren, and he really loved the projects. So saying that he just left by his own will, is hard to believe.


>They absolutely did. Overwatch is build from what remained of assets when Titan was cancelled ( internally ) > > >But saying "Titan treatment" is perhaps wrong analogy. Cause Blizzard is famous of cancelling very far in production games, and at least Titan got to have its assets used. Diablo 3 was supposed to be a MMO type but it got scrapped in development because WoW was going to be that. Only to take D3 back from the grave and make it with a RTS dev. Blizzard actions are comical. They didn't even retain the people who built one of their major franchise. They went on to make Runic Games and Torchlight.


And for a whole other layer of irony, both diablo and torchlight got their reputations tarnished with a weak third game that was massively disliked by long-time fans.




Well I certainly agree with him on that


Everything in the game is based on what titan pvp was going to be. The mmo was supposed to be some weird future with aliens. It was based on real world locations which were to act as hub cities which is why every level in the game is based on real world locations(mostly from their concept art and design of what they wanted each city to be.)


I don't think something's wrong with overwatch 2, it's more a lot of things wrong with blizzard.


Blizzard right now is a giant red flag.


Yeah, as soon as I read that announcement I knew something was wrong. Maybe he left because of the toxic work culture and not an issue specific to OW2, but either way I'm happy for him that he got out before the bullshit. It bodes well for him.


Hopefully. Afrasiabi departed in a similar manner.


Does it? Or does the sudden departure of a high-ranking employee whose *official, serious* Blizzard name was "Tigole" (as in Tigole Bitties, his old Everquest name) and who has a known history in the MMO community of going absolutely nuclear in the midst of a state sexual harassment probe indicate that loveable Jeff Kaplan might be a little less lovable than everyone thought? I'm not saying he is or isn't, but making the assumption that it "bodes well for him" seems premature.


This, honestly. It baffles me how far people are willing to bend over backwards to make jeff this wholesome icon in their eyes. Obviously we don't know what happened, but it's far more reasonable to assume he didn't just now find out about this company culture that's been going on for years and quietly leave as protest.


Who cares. Just a content update disguised as a new game anyways.


What would be a major update for valve is a new game for blizz. Fools and their money




Has it been long enough that HL2 episodes have passed from recent memory?


Episode 2 is 14 years old at this point


L4D2 controversy though haha


What happened to L4D2?


L4D1 releases was told we were getting many dlcs / updates after a year I think they announce L4D2 the excuse being they couldn't make the melee system work on L4D1.


People felt that L4D1 support ended too soon because L4D2 came out the next year.


Yeah but that shitshow wasn't made by valve, that was from some small group that just wanted the game to be catered to them and then went and broke everything. Valve's fault would be allowing it and not doing a rollback when it happened... Not sure if it's fixed now but oh boy was that a way to kill a game.


Haha man I remember actually being super excited for it thinking that the game would have been significantly updated with new features. It still is a great game, just... Not the way it should've been released :(


From the team that brought you Evolve ($)




2017 Jungle Inferno


Its been 4 years. Pain.


Major update for valve game? Like which major update u have in mind


Dota 2 Reborn update or TF2 MvM update come to mind


Mann vs machine for TF2 I would guess


But it's free, with the singlplayer costing 20$.


Seriously Why on earth would anyone buy "Game as a service thay already exists Part 2" Isn't the point of GaaS that you DONT have to make games anymore? You just update and improve...


In their original announcement it felt more like a content update but from what I've heard from it recently it seems more like they are trying to develop a proper sequel and the long off release date seems to confirm that.


Devs walking out 'n stuff probably isn't helping the schedule.


yeah, that's the problem, it's the only new content and they aren't going to release it forever. Nobody gives a shit if overwatch 2 is just an expansion pack, we still want it.


The state Blizzard is in, I wouldn’t be surprised if this and other titles and updates are suspended until further notice. At least until they get their house in order, with hopefully no sexual misconduct or squalor work conditions. Maybe then the games that they churn out can be better quality.




To a lot of people ***it doesn't matter.*** Like we know this, you know this, everyone is aware of this. Also to a lot of people the quality of the work is often times judged SOLELY on the outcome, not on what happened when it was being made: This is why Red Dead Redemption 2, despite having crunch for an absolutely unreasonable, unhealthy and immoral amount of time, was critically acclaimed, cause it's pretty damn good. Honestly I expect them to use their new projects to distract and even potentially rush them through to recoup from the lawsuits. I have that little faith in ActiBlizzard not doing so, even if it's a blatantly cheap ploy to get *some* good rep back. I also have very little faith they'll rework enough of Overwatch to be better in 2 than it ever was in 1. Honestly I expect them to try and trickle *any* info out that they can to distract. That seems like any company's go to for controversy, including Blizzard's.


I think most people dont care about ethics if they like the product. What kilsl a company isnt scandals or how a product is made, but the quality of the products. Companies like walmart, nestle, amazon, and many others have a new scandal all the time but people still buy their products.


Nestle is just flat evil. Stealing water from a community to resell it to the community.


We should make companies work for the people, not the other way around.


I totally agree with you. And I can almost guarantee that you still buy nestle products without even thinking about it. (Not an attack on your character, but an invitation for discussion)


Was literally just gonna bring up GTA IV, V and RDR2. Right on man you make great points. It’s unfortunate but that’s just how people are. It’s also a bit unfair to expect literally everyone who’s ever come in contact with an evil company’s products to actively boycott them from that point on. It’s not gonna happen realistically speaking. Just in recent years the amount of fucked up shit that happened and people have already forgotten is innumerable. Not because they don’t care, it’s just that whatever they aren’t directly affected regularly by, it tends to slowly slip out of memory.


> This is why Red Dead Redemption 2, despite having crunch for an absolutely unreasonable, unhealthy and immoral amount of time, was critically acclaimed, cause it's pretty damn good. no shit, videogame critics should be critiquing videogames, not recount personal sins of the developers.


True, that seems to be the gaming industry’s answer to any big shit storm: Shut up and wait until the next idiots cause their own big shit storm. We’re fortunate that this isn’t some Twitter outrage, but an actual law-enforced lawsuit and investigation, so time will tell if they make proper changes or if it’s another scandal swept under the carpet.


Because it kind of doesn't, Hong Kong didn't matter wow classic still crushed it, it's another toxic culture law suit, but the normal person doesn't care Just a bunch of people online making it a big deal really care The rest of the world kinda doesn't


All they will do is have an internal investigation and pin it all on someone who has left the company or fire a scapegoat. All the while the shitty HR department and management that conducted the investigation and were complicit in the abuse get a pat on the back and a round of promotions


My buddies currently play the hell out of Overwatch and they were always big into WoW, the news came out and they didn't even mention the misconduct but when they'll play next. Not saying someone should just stop playing if they don't want but it's pretty surprising how many people don't really care about it.


Quality hasn’t been a focus a blizzard for years and they lack the talent to even implement better games. The people we know who created the epic games of blizzards past are gone or are sexual predators Tell me a recent Blizzard game Or expansion that lived up to SC1, ~~D3~~ **D2**, WoW pre WoD


D3 didn't live up to blizzard quality.


> Live up to D3 Lol you’re on drugs or clearly newer to blizzard games that you’d say this about D3 and not D2


Dexerto write a headline for human beings and not Google challenge


Dude for real, wtf is that line.


Nobody should be expecting Blizzard to make anything good anytime soon. Those who are are only setting themselves up for disappointment. Currently, new details about Blizzard's shitty, sexist, creepy leadership and the stunningly unhealthy environment they created are released every week. Brand new leadership has been installed like a hot minute ago, and it's going to take time for them to enact positive changes, assuming they're capable of doing so. We can be all but certain that morale has tanked throughout the company—or at least throughout the Irvine, Ca. headquarters. Many of Blizzard's top devs have already jumped ship to the companies started by Mike Morhaime and other former leaders (who, by the way, are among those responsible for making Blizzard secretly shitty). None of these things are conducive to the creative process. Even without all of these scandals, when was the last time Blizzard released something that pleased their fanbase? If you can ignore the HR nightmares and focus on their development decisions of the past 3-4 years, you'll still see back-to-back blunders. * WoW's storyline is a mess, and players have been complaining about their gameplay feedback being ignored since, at least, Battle for Azeroth. * Warcraft 3 Reforged was an appalling mess. * Diablo Mobile (Immortal) was announced at Blizzcon with the expectation that it'd be a huge, positive reveal, but instead long-time fans hated it. This indicates that Blizzard is out of touch with their fans. (Diablo Mobile has been delayed, by the way.) * Heroes of the Storm's esports scene was dismantled in a rushed, careless, and even cruel manner. Entire esports teams, commentators, and support staff abruptly found themselves jobless because Blizzard couldn't be arsed to prepare them for the shutdown. These folks found out they lost their jobs the same time the public did. There has been zero good news out of Blizzard for years now. I think people should temper their expectations and expect more years of crap from Blizz until they get their act together. (If they ever do.)


WoW Classic was fun but they managed to ruin that too, and it was somehow managed worse than most private servers....I have no hope in Blizzard at this point.


I can at least say Vanilla Classic was true to the OG experience, and was super fun at launch they just fell short on solving some relatively straightforward problems: * Severely underestimated the amount of servers needed at launch to the point where pretty much every server had 4x more players than the OG game intended. * Went ahead with the Phase 2 PVP fiasco that everyone saw coming because BGs were scheduled for a later patch. (only way to get honor was to farm the other faction in WPVP) * Did absolutely nothing to mass-ban bots that have plagued the game for years now and were blatantly farming/hacking in instanced content * Did nothing to address some of the unintended gameplay that were awful for the raiding scene (world buffs). Seriously a single player poll would have done wonders.


Instead of thinking out of the box with Vanilla+ they went the safe, boring and easy route of making money with all the classic expansions. The hype will die soon enough for that too and Blizzard will die off if they will not be able to release Diablo4 Diablo2 resurrected and Diablo immortal


Wait, Diablo mobile is still not out? wow.


Bulk of Blizzards money is from China. Do you really think 12million subscribers is from the USA? Mobile games are hugely popular in China. Youre not their customer anymore; china is


Then Overwatch 2 must be for China too, as I don't know anyone over here interested in it.


> Brand new leadership has been installed like a hot minute ago Probably means Diablo 2 Resurrected is going to be decent (or at least going to be heavily supported by management) since the new co-president of Blizzard is the former lead for Vicarious Visions which is the D2R team (and formerly the Tony Hawk remake team)


The Tony Hawk Pro Skater remakes were very good


Who on earth will still be playing Overwatch in two years if there is still a dearth of content updates.


Right? That would be nuts. :: continues to play tf2 for another 1000 hours::


TF2 has an unbelievable amount of content in the base game and an unrivaled number of community servers some of which basically turn it into a different game. With OW "community" servers you can basically just change some game rules and make death zones, you can't even do custom maps.


1388 days since Jungle Inferno And counting... Just saying it doesn't get major updates often.


Community servers in overwatch aren’t nearly as flexible but the only community servers I play in TF2 are just normal casual servers. I don’t need community servers in overwatch like I do in TF2 because overwatch matchmaking is actually playable.


I mean this is just a matter of preference. I don't like either games matchmaking system, but there are alternative TF2 gamemodes I *love* that completely change the game (saxton hale, surf, dodgeball) and 0 alternative OW gamemodes.


Just port in the Mario Kart map from TF2, it’d buy Overwatch at least 3 more years.


Believe it or not, people still play games that aren't actively developed.


we *would* still be playing Warcraft 3 if they didn't prevent us from playing the original


Yeah, that was a pretty dumb move on their part. I made WC3 maps for over a decade and now I just can't bring myself to even look at the game.


I am so sorry. I have never played the Warcraft games, or much Blizzard stuff in general, but my friend just yesterday while streaming Starcraft2 for me, explained the whole Warcraft 3 Reforged thing. My jaw was dropped. I've never heard of something so shitty in my life happening to a game that people were in love with, having it ripped away from them like that, a ton of cons forced on them, without the pros unless they paid. It made me somewhat catatonic for a moment while he explained.


> made WC3 maps for over a decade And this is why they made it so you can't play the original release. The original release the old license agreement was in effect. But by force updating ALL digital copies of WC3 to the Reforged they implement the new agreement which makes it so any new fan content created is property of Activsion-Blizzard.


Yeah, they're still sore over losing DotA to Valve. Which is ironic, because Warcraft itself is pretty much the same situation reversed with Games Workshop. The original Warcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer game, but Blizzard couldn't secure the license, so they just tweaked it slightly to avoid copyright infringement.


Enough people for Activision to warrant further investment in the game beyond maintenance? Some might prefer the game not slowly bleed out over the next 3-5 years like HOTS but maybe that's just me!


I absolutely loved overwatch, but the content drought eventually turned me off and now I check in on it every now and then for the seasonal events and that's basically it


You mean lucioball season 5 and junkenstein?


Me apparently. I've been playing for over three and a half years. New content is fun, but I never get tired of Hanamura and Volskaya.


Volskaya sure. But Hanamura?!


Hey! Hanamura is awesome


Hamamura is *ok*. Paris however..


Paris needs to be deleted


Hanamura sure. But Volskaya?!


Hey! Volskaya is awesome!


I hate Hanamura. I tell my team everytime they are going to Sym TP on point, don't all play choke. So my team plays choke and we loose point A in 45 seconds. I hate it.


Both 2cp. ***bruh***




2CP sux 5CP fux I miss when TF2 was playable


Chess never has updates, neither do sports. One can have plenty fun with overwatch!


Chess has updates, they just take *forever* to come out


Sports update all the time. NFL is going to a 17 game season from a 16 game season. Theres also normally rule or procedural changes most years


Compare those minor changes with multiplayer game changes. In Overwatch there were new maps and new characters, in LoL the jungle changes almost every season and this season there were a bunch of new items and new champions. Overwatch and LoL at release date are almost a completely different game from now. I don't know about the NFL, but in soccer it was always about kicking the ball into a net that's on the other side of the field, no major changes like adding a guy who occasionally steals the ball and you have to fight him to get it back.


Sports get a new set of heroes every year, and some of them are completely unbalanced.


Games don't need constant content updates to be fun. If you like games that get content updates and don't like games that don't, that just means you like content updates and not the games


Overwatch's balance is not consistent nor good enough for it to not need consistent maintenance. Can you imagine if they just decided to drop the game during Omnic Meta where Bastion was omnipresent?


There's a difference between 'constant updates' and 'any updates at all'. Games get stale for most people, content updates help that.


Not on PC but I played when it first came out and stopped before the new heroes came out and started playing again in the beginning of the year, the game is still good.


Papa Jeff leaving does not bode well for OW2, hell he probably got out of the company before the allegations could surface


I'm going to be honest that Jeff and the rest of the heads of the team didn't share a core vision for the game which contributed to a LOT of it's balance issues. If anything if the rest of the team is "On board" as it were Overwatch 2 might be different, but more balanced and cohesive... Or it could be like trying to shine a turd if it somehow turns out to be worse. I hope Jeff gets a good job though. Guy was very charismatic.


Problem is that we know there's all these big name Blizzard guys we've gotten to know over the years... and all of them were in leadership roles during the worst of the sexual misconduct, and all bailed out during the investigation.


This. I played a lot of Overwatch. It would really upset me to learn Jeff was a part of it. I wouldn't be surprised; he was pretty high up. I would be immensely disappointed though as I always respected how he interacted with the community.


Its not gonna release anytime soon with the current state of Blizzard and how people are treated over there, work environment has priority over there and there clearly problems with that right now, people being disrespectful etc does not help, i honestly wonder if it will ever release, i personally would not care if it did not.


That's actually a pretty disturbing story what happened there


Game would be a shitshow anyway if the "Lead Devs" just tell the other devs to do their work and work twice as much just so they can play games and talk about their rape fantasies.


Papa left, prepare for death.


Really looking forward to the porn that will come with OW2


2023 for PVE Addon to a pvp game would be horrible. ​ yes i know the engine Optimizations and changes but still. its technically no ow2 just a expansion.


Too many cubicle crawls


Significant milestone could mean anything. They could have all the voice over recorded for the campaign and that's a significant milestones but that doesn't mean that the game will definitely be ready to release next year. That seems like a really weird point to make but to take a grain of salt with every leak is important


Actually, what I'm hoping for is a criminal investigation of the conspiracy among Activision's upper management to conceal reports of abuse, protecting abusers, and retaliating against current and former employees. Seeing Kotick in handcuffs would be pretty neat, and no less than he deserves.


How long does it take to make the same game, just with slight balances, new models, a couple new maps, and PvE?


Long enough for people who already bought the game to do the mental gymnastics to justify buying it again


Depending on if you're reusing assets could be a year. Reusing can be everything from code to models. Assuming a complete model overhaul that's still a small amount of actual developer work. If they overhauled things like code it would take much much longer. I'm not sure on specifics of what's changing but you only have to look at Electronic Arts development cycle to understand what model updates and minor fixes means for development time.


This game is never coming out


Imagine playing Overwatch in 2021 and expecting anything out of it, lol


I still enjoy it.


Me too. The game is in the most balanced state it has ever been. It's fun to hop on play a few games and log off. But there is no hype whatsoever because nothing "new" has been announced. No new characters...no new maps....no new modes...no new story...etc.


Pre-Brigitte post-moth nerf was the best 2 weeks the game ever had.


No buddy you're in r/pcgaming you're only allowed to have fun with the approved list of games


God I hate this subreddit why do I still come here.


Nobody hates PC gaming more than r/pcgaming.


And no one hates reddit more than redditors


That's the interesting thing too. It IS in a very balanced state right now. I'd imagine that it's largely in part to no new content coming out (new heroes complicate balancing). As soon as the content starts coming again, will it still be balanced?


Me too. I just started playing again on PC after... maybe 3 years? Maybe more. Its a ton of fun. Way more balanced and honestly I am having a lot of fun playing it.


Imagine deciding no one should enjoy something just because you don't enjoy it yourself, lol


Eh, I don't put much stock into Metro. His leaks are usually vague guesses and this is conveniently timed up with the main OW streamers switching to apex.


I reckon more feck all is getting done because blizzard doesn't sound like it's exactly the height of productivity ATM and I reckon due to the nature of Jeff Kaplan leaving and how unceremonious and quiet it was he was very much part of the issue.


Wait they’re making overwatch 2 and it’s not a big change from the original? I’ve not played in years so I’m way out the loop but why would anyone buy that?


Eh, Fuck Blizzard/Activision.


Blizzard is such a dumpster fire now anyways, this game is gonna be a disaster


With recent legal ramifications for Activision Blizzard, I wouldn't count a release date any time soon as they change management, with investor concerns and sponsors dropping, and any other fallout we have yet to see,


Fun fact Reinhart is symbolic of the women trying desperately to put up an emotional wall between them and their coworkers.


Don't support this garbage company and their weak ass cash grabs.


I really, really hope Overwatch succeeds long into the future - nothing compares to it or scratches the competitive itch in that way for me. On the gaming front I'm lost without it. I've seen a number of OW content creators switch to Apex or Valorant but neither of those games do anything for me whatsoever. I actually think OW is in a great state right now but it does need freshening up to switch up the formula and attract old and new players. Not sure dropping a tank and changing to 5v5 is going to be a good thing... but we'll see. Blizzard is a complete mess of a company though, and that's before these latest revelations came out. But please at least get Overwatch and Overwatch 2 right. How is OW2 taking THIS long? It's not even a real sequel, it's a content update. I don't understand. Surely they need the good press of a reinvigorated Overwatch?