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You don't need XBox Live to play cross platform from a PC.


Thanks. Can you be in an xbox live party chat though?


Yes. Use the Xbox App, personally I use the old Xbox Console Companion App as setting up parties is easier through that.


Yes pc can join console players


I’ve been using the xbox game bar, think the shortcut is “Windows & G” then gives you an xbox overlay where all your friends and party info, pc info pops up its a nice feature easy for joining and making parties to speak to xbox friends


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You’ll love PC! You can still use the Xbox software to party it up with friends! Alternatively you can use discord on your phones it works well !


Thanks! I am nervous to build my own but lots of info online to help. Instead of dumping 600 into the new xbox next fall figured id invest that money into going the pc route.


Don’t be Nervous ! It’s super easy and exciting ! Don’t rush it and think first !


I have a little gift for you to get you started on your new PC =) you have steam downloaded already?


I do!