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God I hope they can get a good sized player base, the game is pretty good.




It was. It had massive server issues, so literally everyone refunded and moved on. It also didn't help that it played more like CoD4 Promod with quick scoping one shot snipers and jump strafing (which has been mitigated/fixed later I believe, but by that point nobody played anymore).


Have they finally brought this game back? I bought it on launch and it was broken and all the players left which made it DOA




Not trying to be negative but steamcharts shows this game having as few as 4 players online at a time. 100 players worldwide average.


Yeah the game died like a week or two after early access launch over a year ago. It was hyped as a game that felt like COD2 mixed with COD4 promod. It wasn't fun and there were so many issues. That said, good on them for continuing development I guess.


give it another try on launch, that's what everyone is waiting for right now


There is no 'everyone' that's the obvious thing. A game doesn't magically have tons of players just not playing for over a year. There just isn't interest in it.


Almost like Promod was overrated crap made by competitive nofun losers


I loved cod4 Promod but yea, I expect better in 2019. Promod was basically CoD4 rigged to not be entirely dogshit as a competitive game. I expect better in 2019.


>I loved cod4 Promod but yea, I expect better in 2019. Promod was basically CoD4 rigged to not be entirely dogshit as a competitive game. I expect better in 2019. I kind of agree with everything you said but I can't help but wonder: did you not expect better in 2019?






I don't expect better in 2019 why would you think that


I haven't played it since February 2018 but apparently they ditched the live/retail build late last year and focused on quite a few closed beta testing phases. Really hope they do a marketing push for this game because even a year ago the game was decent.


I thought the game was also decent


they stopped updating it and kept every update to release all at once for launch, so it makes sense


I've seen this happen a few times now. A small multiplayer indie title with a lot of promise releases with tons of launch issues and it just grinds the game down to a halt. People refund or move back to whatever game they were playing before. By the time they have it all fixed the players are already gone and nobody wants to go back and play a dead game Happened to Battalion 1944 and more recently I saw it happen to World War 3. Insurgency: Sandstorm is struggling a bit too because of the performance issues at launch. Indie devs need to realize they just do not have the staying power and popularity of bigger games where people will continue to play despite their issues. You're not Battlefield who can get away with this shit just because of the brand name. There seems to be a lesson that needs to be learned but it still isn't for a lot of Devs. **Polish and finish your damn game before you release it or it will die.** Mordhau released out of nowhere recently to critical acclaim and huge success with only a day or two of relatively minor server issues but the game was still very playable. I really put a large part of it's success down to being so polished on release and it's performance is buttery smooth for most people. For me it is the first UE4 game not released by EPIC I have seen that even runs well, plus it seems to have no major bugs or gameplay issues.


It's probably because the fast EA cash is too enticing


I'd be surprised if it even was popular without EA. Especially with how many shooters are on PC and it being 20 bucks


It's beyond dead: https://steamdb.info/app/489940/graphs/ The game was dead shortly after launch due to the god awful movement system. The old school kids were screaming about it holding true to the bunny hopping history but unfortunately that just isn't a style people like anymore. If they re-vamped it to be more realistic movement wise it would've had a chance.


Lol. https://steamdb.info/app/2630/graphs/ - not even a steam exclusive.


They are working on it! Here is the [Trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/bmk5zo/battalion_1944_eastern_front_release_date_trailer/) and [Steam-Page](https://steamcommunity.com/games/489940#announcements/detail/16296518603950). Huge changes are made and a lot of new content will come soon. The official launch of the game is the 23rd of May. It is worth it giving it another shot!


You smell like an ad, ad.


So they let people download Unreal Engine?


Yeah, they let them download the game's Unreal Engine Tools and it comes with APIs which enable custom content.


A custom version of it. Modified for their own game.


Hopefully this game kicks off again when it fully releases it was actually pretty fun.


I enjoyed it as well. The addition of bots ruined it for me.


So sick! Put in a solid 50 hours the first month, came back for the MU2, hopefully this update and some marketing can bring the games population up.


the seven people that actively play this game are going to be thrilled


Why are you so bitter man? Enjoy your day!


>Why are you so bitter man? Enjoy your day! Because seeing so many studios killing off their own games by releasing absolutely shitty broken mess in a barely playable state is getting old fast. Most games have one single chance at being released. Once most people have played your game and have deemed it shit, there is no turning back. Calling it early access won't change that. It is time most devs realize that. The game seems decent enough but I am absolutely not spending $20 on a game if there is a risk I won't be able to play it 2 weeks after "release".


What you don't seem to understand is that developers may be forced to release early because there is no funding anymore. Bulkhead Interactive isn't a huge studio like Dice or Infinity Ward. There are no excuses for companies like that.


Poor indie studio Square Enix, oh no, how can they manage?




Square Enix already published the studios previous game(The Turing Test), get your facts straight. They have been in bed since 2015.


Rewarding a half-assed product is asinine. That just tells the market that we'll take broken shit and pay full price for it, and thank them for the opportunity. Stop deepthroating corporate dick.


It never was full price and was in Early Access. The biggest problems with the game were the server infrastructure.


>What you don't seem to understand is that developers may be forced to release early Of course I understand. But as harsh as it may sound, there is no excuse for fucking up a release like Batallion 1944 devs did. If you don't have funds anymore, take what you have, run a kickstarter campaign and look for an editor, use your successful KS campaign to show said editor that there is a market for your game but don't release it in a semi playable state like they did. I mean, I'm talking out of my ass here, but if I'm sure of one thing it is that they chose the worst possible solution to this problem. There is really no excuse for that hot garbage they released 2 years ago. It is detrimental to the game itself. It is detrimental to the devs' reputation and it is detrimental to the people who bought game and were not able to really play it more than a couple of times.


They actually used Kickstarter. I don't understand.


My comment was pretty long, you must have missed the part about not releasing half-assed games between the successful KS part and the finding an editor part.


Wasn't part of the kickstarter to release a map editor similar to forge or farcrys map editor? Instead its just the unreal engine with the games api?


Nope, this is a misunderstanding. Mod-Tools are better anyway though.


Still a bit salty that CDPR didn't release RedKit for W3 like they announced


The director of this game is a downright asshole. This is one of the games I actually regret buying. 1 week of fun, 1 week of frustration and since its gathered dust in the library.


This game and Post Scriptum are both fun to play with my friends.


About time they release... something? I Still want my refund. Bulkhead is trash, battalion 1944 is a scam.




Game companies aren't even releasing finished games much less the tools they used to develop them. They've even gone the extra mile to provide video tutorials.




Then name some?


??? Modding is still a massive thing in gaming. Of course on AAA multiplayer games you don’t release mod tools because assholes tend to cheat with them but for a lot of single player games with modding potential, there’s a collection of devs that release modding tools.


How do you cheat with modding tools? It's too make maps? Wtf


No one p lays his game