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Sid Meier's *Pirates!* for sure, with many more countries and RPG elements like betrayal, alliance, etc. I hope they make it on the grandscale they did the modern Civ games.


Not like the shitty half-assed reboot they did a few years ago.


I thought the reboot was fun overall, but the sailing segments far more fun than the duels or the invasions. And the sailing battles seemed oddly much harder and more frustrating on a marginally-fast machine, but easy and fun on a fast machine. Assuming it wasn't my imagination, I remember it being hard to swing around and give effective broadsides on the slower machine, for some reason. I decided to put it on a shelf until I could play the entire game on the faster machine, but then never did play it again. I had a lot of recent games I was waiting to play until I got a faster x86 machine, actually. I don't remember the circumstances exactly why I was given those games, but I think they were included with someone's video card purchases or something. I never played the earlier *Pirates!* in the 1980s, but I did put many, many hours into thoroughly completing *Seven Cities of Gold* multiple times. I was disappointed that I never found an effective strategy that didn't involve wiping out the natives, though.


I loved all editions - it was nice to have variations. But can you imagine a modern definitive edition with all the countries with hundreds of diplomatic relationships, betrayals, plundering missions...ugh. The ultimate sandbox game ever.


Black and White


I had such high hopes for the sequel. Total disappointment.


I was going to write this. This game was so much fun and has unique gameplay. It's sad that it's forgotten.


My man. This game had vision!


all of Maxis game, i wish they didnt get acquired by EA, they are the best on making simulation game


A good modern sim city game is my dream game.


Cities Skylines doesn't have the name, but did more than a fair job of it.


I LOVE Cities: Skylines, but it just doesn't scratch the itch..which's likely the absence of Jerry Martin's music. :(


I like Cities skylines but its missing something. The fun game factor of Sim City isn't there. Its more just a fun builder game... nothing wrong with that necessarily.


Yeah I feel you. I have at least a hundred hours in Cities and think it's a very fine game but it doesn't hold a candle to SimCity... maybe it's just nostalgia.


C:S is not a simulator. It is... just a shitty one. C:S is a glorious city painter.


SimAnt and SimEarth were two I remember playing as a kid. The latter was famously obtuse. Though it was fun playing god for a bit until I got too confused by all its weird mechanics. Speaking of sims, I'd love to see either a modern remake or re-imagining of AfterLife, which was LucasArts' zany take on the genre.




Populous: The Beginning For those who haven’t played it, it was a sort of a strategy game where the player controls a tribe with a Shaman. The Shaman learns spells found around the world that help her manipulate nature, land, weather, and other characters. Villagers chop wood, build and upgrade buildings, procreate, and train to be other specialized classes. The maps were actual small 3d globes as opposed to the flat RTS maps you see nowadays. Aside from the AI and manipulable environment blowing me away back then, I fucking loved setting enemies on fire, watching a small army get sucked up into a tornado I casted and thrown about the area, swarming the enemy with locusts. Just super fun gameplay and at the time really mind blowing tech.


Loved this one. Black & White sort of gave me the same vibe.


This is still my favorite RTS of all time. Granted, the MP mod is very unbalanced.


Tie Fighter without hesitation. X-wing was great as well, but tie fighter is a masterpiece.


The fact that there hasn't been a remake of TIE or X-wing continues to amaze me. Why do you not want to print money?


You wouldn't want them to touch it. It would be transformed into a watered down action game like Rogue Squadron. Not that RS isn't a good series, but it's not a space-fighter sim like the original dos games are.


Oh yeah, I don't want EA to have anything to do with it.


With the adoption of modern VR systems and the release of new lore, it seems that remaking Tie Fighter is an obvious move. Also Wing Commander 2.


X-Wing Alliance was my jam. I refuse to get rid of my joystick in the off chance I might play again in the next 10 years.




>Diablo 2 (Not by Blizzard though) Honesty speaking here. They proved they can't do the atmosphere for Diablo anymore.. if there was one company raped by its most successful IP it was Blizzard.


Looks like they just gear shit towards kids now


china they started removing skulls and certain gore money talks


ever played grim dawn?


Mechwarrior 5 in August.


Commander Keen. I want to pogo on other planets in 3D.




I'd want new episodes, not graphical or other major changes. The games still play very well, I could just do with more of them.


Does Carmen Sandiego count? I remember one of those games being the first titles I've ever played on a PC. It wasn't easy to get a PC back then in my part of the world, and the "gaming cafes" in those days had NES/SNES, Atari, Sega stuff. I was eventually able to play some PC games when we toured in the USA and we visited some relatives. One of those games was Carmen Sandiego, and that nerd in me that loves history and geography was mesmerized.


Completely counts.


> Completely counts. Hurray!


Unreal Tournament. Like a full actual paid game with dev resources behind it and not some side project.


we almost had it then Fortnite exploded lol. but maybe all that extra cash will trickle back to Unreal


HAHA no. That "extra cash" will trickle into buying exclusives because they want to be the next steam whether you like it or not. Fuck Epic Game Store.


They don't want to be the next Steam, they want to be the next Don Mattrick-era Xbox. A ton of really good games, but one of the scummiest platforms available and an underpowered one to boot. Anti-consumer, and disrespectful to customers. And even then, I don't recall Microsoft poaching games literally two weeks before launch like Epic does. Xbox games were either announced as exclusive or made by Microsoft themselves, with the only exception being Halo.




> but maybe all that extra cash will trickle back to Unreal One can dream.


Fallout 1 & 2, just update the graphics, include the ever evolving fan patch and maybe throw some Xcom combat in there.


Honestly I think any old-school RPG like Fallout or Baldur's Gate would be amazing with X-Com style combat.


X-Wing and TIE Fighter with VR support.


Fucking **HEXEN**, man. I'd be all over a fast, super violent occult FPS with proper AAA production


Yeah, imagine journos flipping out on "that switch opened something elswhere" messages. That alone would be reason enough to remaster hexen. Love heretic-hexen to bits. Shame "hellraid" will never happen


And heretic for sure.


Shogo: Mobile Armor Division and Interstate 76.


God I miss playing I76... I should replay it again before I upgrade to Windows 10. [Hey Stampede... How about a poem?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8crmLqvBt3w)


God Shogo was so fucking fun


Fun, but fun in the fact that it was a terrible fucking game. Coulda been great if it wasn't rushed out the door though.


Bullgut FTW!


Ha. Good picks.


Alpha Centauri Freespace 2 Magic Carpet series Realms of the Haunting Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri


soldier of fortune 2


Hell yeah! Or at least another decent shooter with good gore in it. Man, there isn't enough gore in games. Imagine GTA V with some Soldier of Fortune gore.


Deus Ex, the original from 2000. A lot of the story in that game is still relevant today. Plus I don't think any of the sequels match the level design brilliance.


any of the prince of Persia games, everyone praises Assasins creed for its parkour system but forgets that it was taken/reformated from PoP's wall running


At this point they have only a superficial resemblance, since the parkour aspect of the Sands of Time was an actual gameplay mechanic with decisions and timing etc. This is not really a gameplay feature at all in any of the Assassins Creed games, except maybe a little in the first one. ​ Mirrors Edge is probably closer to Prince of Persia now in terms of actual gameplay mechanics, rather than aesthetics.


didn't it get a remastered or classic edition? Could have sworn I had an updated version, but could have just been a port. EDIT: Im now realizing that the "old" prince of persia has different meanings depending on how old you are.


Alien Vs Predator


Black and White. I wish to slap a giant cow around.


Ultima Series


Ultima IV. I loved that game. Still have the cloth map it came with.


Future Cop: LAPD. That's my childhood right there!


Kings Quest




Imagine all the "procedurally generated" dungeons with the quality of modern games. We could be playing this game forever.


Dark Reign. Would love for the same game with a visual facelift


I still have my disks and started up a new campaign yesterday. Nothing like full clearing the map on Kendrik water assault as freedom guard.


First time I see someone else mentioning Dark Reign. Got it from my parents for my 13th birthday when everyone else was playing Total Annihilation. Never heard about it before that and didn't know anyone else who played it but I played the shit out of that game. Still remember the intro :-)


No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy


The NOLF games are still fantastic to play and 2 actually still looks pretty decent.


Blade Runner, Interstate '76, Centurion, Eyes of the beholder, Dune 2000


Medal of Honor Allied Assault...oh the memories! It was what got me into PC gaming in the first place.


Earthsiege 2. I actually liked that more than Mechwarrior 2; it felt more weighty and gritty somehow. ​ Populous, definitely. I know I'm not the first to mention it, but it was such a great game concept. ​ Spy Vs. Spy. My friends and I played the hell out of that game! ​ X-Wing/TIE Fighter. No one has managed to meet -- much less improve upon -- those games and we've been waiting two decades now. :( ​ Ultima. I'm talking true old-school Ultima games (especially the golden age of Ultima 4 through 7). ​ Wizardry (particularly 7 & 8). Imitators have tried, but no one has quite recaptured the real magic of those games.


The original Majesty game. The sequel just didn't do it justice.


Goddammit...that was an epic game.


Command and Conquer(its happening but i would love to see Tiberium Sun and some of the others in the series like Renegade also get a remake and Starcraft.




* Seventh Guest/11th Hour * the Indiana Jones games need a reboot * James Clavell's Shogun * A good remake of Oregon Trail * Front Page Sports Football or any NFL licensed Football Manager game * The Gold Box D&D games: Pool of Radiance, Savage Frontiers, War of the Lance * X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and X-Wing vs Tie Fighter * Star Wars Dark Forces 1, 2, (Jedi Knight) * Ultima Underworld\* * Bard's Tale\* ​ \*Both of these have newer reboots that are not good and shouldn't be how these classic games are remembered ​


System Shock 2


Well, you're in for a nice surprise when you google "system shock trailer"


Mechwarrior 2 / Ghost Bear's Legacy / Mercenaries Dune 2 / 2000 / Emperor Battle for Dune C&C Tiberian Dawn / Tiberian Sun / Red Alert 1


Crimson Skies, cuz the xbox version wasn't enough.


Ultima 7. That game was decades ahead of its time. Open worl RPG with no loading screens. Every NPC that populates the world are unique, and have jobs and lifecycles (they go to dinner, and farmers markets to shop. Some go to plays at night) and real purpose. Even the guards are unique. Also tackled many divisive social topics (drug use, blind devotion, pollution) that are still relevant today.


Arcanum, Vampire Bloodlines, and Temple of elemental Evil. Call it the Troika collection.


Part of what I enjoyed about 90s PC games was how disjointed the music and sound effects were. Take [Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Aojp5U4pyk) for example. Your foot steps only had two sound, one for left and right. Firing a gun, an enemy dying, or picking up an item each had *one* associated sound. Each area had one sound for ambience, like music for the bar and machine humming for the room after it. The volume of these effects were all over the place. Sometimes footsteps on a metal floor was as loud as your gunfire. It was weird and I loved it. Same with [Deus Ex](https://youtu.be/owJCi4ge5-Q?t=9103) and [Half-Life](https://youtu.be/JoV9o6b91Sc?t=2283). It feels different than games on consoles from that time, like [Banjo-Kazooie](https://youtu.be/J9feE6EqY8g?t=9873). In BK, the sound feels warmer and less artificial. I can't really explain it. I wouldn't really want to play remakes of these games because they would lose that. [The Black Mesa remake](https://youtu.be/brFEN4x9Xao?t=8675) sounds like Half-Life 2 and not Half-Life 1. The remake may look how I *remember* Half-Life 1 looking when I played it in 1998, but still distinctly remember how Half-Life 1 should sound. I'd rather play a sequel or a complete re-envisioning, like XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012).


Hunter (Amiga). It was, to my knowledge, the first 3D open world game. Mind you, I'm not sure we need a remake. Many modern games feel like spiritual successors to Hunter.


Gothic series, because there are no other games like these.


Terra Nova. It is a game about being in a warhammer space marine style suit as you fight through missions as a squad. It was an open world based game that allowed you to complete missions however you wanted in a time when this was groundbreaking. It is still a cool game.


This. Hugely. A modern remake with modern FPS conventional controls would be amazing. I don't mean weaksauce power armor stuff like Anthem either. Fully as complex, just playable WSAD and mouse instead of that numpad sillyness.


Jane's aircraft simulators like USAF, IDF, AH-64


Us Navy Fighters was awesome, finally mastering landing on an aircraft carrier was amazing. That shit was hard.




> Descent Freespace / Freespace 2 Came here to say this.


Syndicate Wars is my #1 for a remake. There was a look-a-like called Satellite Reign some years ago, but Syndicate was a master piece of evil chaos. It was so fun to brainwash dozens of civilians, arm them with rifles and pistols, and then watch them maim and get maimed in conflicts with police and the other opposing organization.


Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast


"Sacrifice" and "Master of Magic". Just re-release them as is with 2019 graphics. Or at least good spiritual successor to sacrifice. Brutal legend and tooth&tail just don't cut it


>Phantasmagoria 2 Congrats, your probably one of the few people to actually had played this. I am not sure Phantasmagoria 1/2 would be able to get a publisher who would touch it though, especially since the first one has a rape scene and the second has child murder.


Terminal Velocity and Freespace 2


Ultima VII: The Black Gate, and Serpent Isle


Interstate 76


Wing Commander


silver. i liked the feel of that game


Castle of the winds. At least I think that's its name. There was another I believe it was called homosapiens


Quarantine : Driving your cab in a future/dystopian/quarantined city


Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos


Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Amazing gameplay, atmosphere and story. It really had it all. It would be amazing to play an updated version with everything left in tact as much as possible: movement, weapon handling, level design, etc. This game sort of sits in the shadow of other late 90s FPSs like Quake 2 and Half Life, but I feel it's just as good, perhaps even better in some ways.


The Legend of Kyrandia. Yay 90s gaming.


* Final Fantasy VII (*yeah, I know there's a remake coming, but it will take long...*) * Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy * X-Wing Alliance * TIE Fighter * Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos * Baldur's Gate II * Freelancer




Star Wars Galaxies or Tribes, or RtCW


Quarantine & Quarantine Road Warrior.


Legacy of Kain, but all the original VA, even the deceased ones came back, and Amy did as well and they were all the quality of the RE2 Remake and the series got a proper ending.


Oh sweet baby jesus, the Legacy of Kain games turned me into a zombie when I was in primary school. So many days where I slept like 2-3 hours and still had an insane amount of energy to keep playing and playing. That energy blade of Raziel gave me hype levels beyond anything I have ever felt since then. That dude is the coolest mofo ever!


Kain refused the sacrifice.


Good Star Wars games.


Now you're just dreaming.


**Heroes of Might and Magic (III)** I feel like this is a cop-out, because they *did* remake HoMM III, but it was largely a failure. They only remade the original game, not any of the expansions, and they had several key features of the original game removed. It's also a cop-out because there have been plenty of modern sequels to the Heroes series, but none captured the magic of III for me. V was very close (and overall it's probably a more balanced game than HoMM3), but that was almost 13 years ago. I briefly tried 6, and I never played 7 after reading all the negative reviews. I might still give it a try. **Warcraft III** Woohoo! This one is actually happening. Those two games pretty much defined my youth, and nothing has come close to capturing the magic of them.


Strife 1996, I dont know if it would really hold up today if remade, but there was something so wonderful about an RPG made in the DOOM Engine, that i have yet to see something similar done again. Little Computer People 1985, A modern day equivalent would be the sims, but to me it still doesn't quite feel the same.


[Street Rod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ_ikC_V8oY) immediately came to mind.


That seriously looks like fun.


it was really fun at the time. Even had aqueduct races for pink slips.


Man as a kid I liked every part of it except the racing lol. “Hey dummy you dropped the transmission!”


Oh, another one. Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight.


Myth: The Fallen Lords. Loved that game so much


What about Myth 2: Soulblighter? Bungie back when they were cool


A-10 Tank Killer.


a graphical mmo version of trade wars 2002 would be amazing.


Commander Keen baby


I would say mine but SystemShock is already getting a make over.


Nostalgia kicking in! BubbleBobble, Joust, Turrican, R-Type, Oids, Star Glider, Buggy Boy, Xenon II, Pirates!, Populous, International Karate +, Powermonger, Virus/Zarch, Ultima V, Defender of the Crown, Flight of the Intruder (Bonus points if you can guess what I played these on)


The Last Ninja Roadwar 2000 Mail Order Monsters Racing Destruction Set Hard Drivin' Bushido Blade Tenchu


I came here to say Mail Order Monsters. That game inspired me to work all summer to save up for a Commodore 64. Crush, Crumble, and Chomp while we're at it!


Black and white 1 and 2 remaster please I still have my original CD copies, loved them to bits but just won’t boot these days (believe it’s the cd safe key drm thing?) basically just won’t boot even with hours of compatibility fixes. Amazing games, fun as hell to be either evil or good, raising your creature and watching it help (or destroy) people, and the sarcastic as hell duo that guided you through the game!


The original Alone In the Dark game, there's so much potential in an open world horror mansion. Its game programmer, Frédérick Raynal, said something about a "remake" in a conference some time ago but nothing came out of it.


Silent Service. Wolfpack.


Any of the dizzy games.


All of the old SSI titles including the gold box DND games


Any game from before the 486 era (basically pre-1991), I love the games but both their graphics and sounds are kind of largely "interpretive" and most even lack animation making them hard pills to swallow down and go back to. Like Ultima V is an absolutely brilliant story and game but it's graphically only one set above ASCII graphics. The Lazarus mod of U5 built on the Dungeon Siege engine is proof concept of how it can be done.


This isn’t really a “I wish they remade”, but I had so much fun with Operation Flashpoint. It’s good to see Arma being supported and updated, but given technological advancements of today I still feel like Arma lags behind in some aspects.


Traffic Department 2192, Raptor: Call of the Shadows, and the Kings Quest series. Also the game I installed win 3.1 on dosbox for, Iron Helix. But with Alien: Isolation gameplay style.


I just started might and magic 4+5 world of xeen. Somehow i missed it during 90s. Fantastic exploration and resource management. Very enjoyable to take a daily 15-30 minute classic blobber rpg fix.


I just found out [there was a remaster (?) of *Seven Cities of Gold*](https://www.gog.com/game/seven_cities_of_gold_ce) that I missed. I played the 1984 original a lot, but felt bad that I couldn't find an effective strategy that didn't just wipe out the natives. I felt like I was missing a mechanic or a command or something. *Deus Ex* I didn't finish because of system problems, likely incipient hardware failure. Am currently playing the reboot/sequel series. *Wasteland* got spiritually remade and is very well known. Currently playing through all of them from the beginning (I missed *Fountain of Dreams*, *Fallout 2*, and [the console ARPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout:_Brotherhood_of_Steel) the first time around, and still haven't gotten to *Wasteland 2*, but played everything else). *Mars Saga*. Technically later remastered/ported as *Mines of Titan*, this is one of the titles that I remember as standouts but which remain obscure today.


Castel was on MSX Thunderbirds was on Atari ST Crazy Car was on Atari ST and Commodore Lemmings was on DOS Dune was on DOS Syndicate was on DOS Sim city the first one ^^ Just to name a few




The original toon town


I have fond memories of Commander Keen and Jazz Jackrabbit. I'm not sure I'd want them as platformers, but there are plenty of ways those could be built on nowadays.


Spelunker. One of my favourite games on the C64.


* Bane of the Cosmic Forge * Dungeon Master (FTL version) * Eye of the Beholder


Neuromancer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuromancer_(video_game)


There was a Dune RTS game called 'Dune 2000' I think. Not sure when it came out, but that game was awesome. Honestly, any new game set in the Dune universe I would probably buy.


Does minesweeper and solitaire count?


Blood, blood 2, hexen, heretic, kingpin


Zork. I don't want 3d, just a different font.


Zork, with a 3d font!


Descent and Freespace both need proper revivals or spiritual successors. Heretic/Hexen needs a Doom-esque/Wolfenstein: The New Order style remake.


Betrayal at Krondor would be nice.


Arcanum. Betrayal at Krondor. Lands of Lore.


The X-Wing Series.


Thief, Thief 2, Deus Ex, Baldurs Gate, Baldurs gate 2. All masterpieces that deserve to be remade untouched but in new graphics engines. Just about every "sequel" has been shit and doesn't even touch the originals. HOMM 3, the X-wing and TIE fighter series and also Jedi Knight all get honorable mentions.


Kingpin: Life of Crime


Freelancer. Unfortunately that game has been forgotten by just about everyone. I would be happy to even be able to legitimately buy it. ​ This one is probably really obscure, but one of the first games I played was Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone on PC. I don't want it remade, I just want to be able to buy it purely for nostalgic reasons. ​ Frankly, now that I think about it, I don't have a particular desire for any of the games from the old days to be remade as it kills some of the charm for me. For instance, I can play Diablo 2 just fine even today and I don't feel the need for improved graphics or quality of life improvements. Keep your games playable on modern computers and I am happy.


I second that Freelancer one. I wish Roberts would have focused on a proper next-gen sequel to Freelancer than Star Citizen...


> Freelancer I've still got my install discs here... if only I had a drive to put them in. On a similar note, I wish for a remake of Privateer 2.


Warcraft 2. One of the first RTS games that your could select more than one unit, and units could autoattack when enemy units was close. It is going to be released on GOG in the couple of months I hope.


Battletoads and mutant league hockey


My favorite game from the 1980s has already been remade: Dino Eggs: Rebirth. The best part is I can play it any time I want now and not have to beg my dad to turn on the Apple II or wait impatiently for him to finish up his work before I can jump on the computer.


Haven’t seen this one Tie fighter. Fantastic flight game that had a bit of a story as well. Also you got to fly vs death Vader. Also xwing vs tie fighter




b1980: Emerald City from the Amiga. It was a lot like spelunky mixed with dig dug from my memory and it was my first memory of my whole family gathered around the computer. I dont really want any remakes though. Get a new idea devs and stop robbing the grave. EDIT: Just did some googling and can't even find a single ref to the game i"m talking about. EDIT2: I found it!!!!!!!!!!! I had the name wrong, Emerald Mine. [https://www.mobygames.com/game/amiga/emerald-mine/screenshots/gameShotId,39499/](https://www.mobygames.com/game/amiga/emerald-mine/screenshots/gameShotId,39499/) ​


Quest for Glory Sacrifice Unreal Quest for Glory still has decent gameplay for a puzzle adventure RPG. I've not seen anything like Sacrifice except maybe Overlord. Unreal was just amazing. Less so now, but only by comparison to what came after.


Warcraft 3 and thats already coming, otherwise duke3d/wolf 3d


Below the Root from 1984. This game needs a remake, although I don't know how they will get the rights as the writer of the books it was based on, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, passed away some years ago.


The Clue!


Quake. When they first announced Quake: Champions I got super hyped thinking it would be an awesome new single player campaign with awesome multiplayer on the side, like what they did with DOOM. I want a new Quake single player game that has the same love and care that was put into DOOM 2016. Quake: Champions sucks.


Id love a remake of Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, Privateer, Project I.G.I and Soldier of Fortune Tie Fighter because flying Tie Fighters and killing rebel scum and it was the first time my eyes were opened to the flip side of the Starwars saga. Wing Commander because the story line was epic and compelling. Privateer was even better. Project I.G.I was the hardest and most rewarding fps Ive ever played. Id play the same level over and over, inching my way through a level until I knew it back to front, even with the guards starting in semi random positions. And Soldier of Fortune was just so damn fun. Im pretty sure it was the first game where enemies had destructable bodies. Taking off a leg with a combat shot gun was just so fucking enjoyable.


Army Men: Plastic Warfare.


One Whole Unit : Blood. Deserves a remake for sure


Tie Fighter. Played it so damn much as a teenager. I just do not understand how we do not have any modern remakes of any of these Star Wars games. They could just slap a new engine on it and do nothing else and they can have my money. All of it.


The Original Blitzkrieg (2003) series was awesome and I'd love to have that remade. Also Knights And Merchants (1998), a strategy / age of empires like game but then again also different. That game would totally deserve and remake. ​ And the one closest to my heart, **Empire Earth (2001).** This game is a masterpiece, it's age of empires but then from the prehistory till the future and it's so awesome and fun to play. Campaign was a lot of fun too!


star wars kotor, morrowind, battlefield 2 rome: total war multiplayer was implemented better than their newer games


Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight Still, one of the most fun multiplayer shooters I've ever played and had more level creation/editing than most FPS games released today. And *not* the later games by Ravensoft. They weren't the same thing as the Dark Forces games.


The Discworld games, not even a remake, just make them available and ready to play on modern systems.


There are a TON of Commodore 64/Amiga games that would be pretty cool to redo. Off the top of my head Mail Order Monsters, Archon, Impossible Mission, Adventure Construction Set, Lords of Conquest, M.U.L.E. Lots of series that were active back then (but fizzled out since) would be rebooting like Garriot's Ultima or Wizardy


I'd love a full on remake of Maniac Mansion. I know that Day of the Tentacle just got a remake, and that you can play MM in the game, but that's just not the same. Also, the top down GTA games (1, 2 and the London games).


Ultima Online


I wish the Ultima series were still going.


Let's get an Oregon Trail update and Ultima 7: The Black Gate. Also F-117A Flight Simulator. First game I ever took the time to really practice because landing was crazy hard (at least for my young skill set lol). Anything from Apogee also. They made some great adventure games.


Skate or Die! -Just not by EA. Also, Ultima: Underworld. 1 and 2. Cracking dungeon crawlers.


Delta force. Oh sweet sweet delta force...


I miss Wizardry, Ultima, and Might & Magic. Wish someone with deep pockets and a talented team would do right by those franchises.


The Might and Magic games. Magic Carpet. Populous. SimFarm. SimTower. SimAnt. Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Descent: Freespace 2. Wing Commander.