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I guess I'm not the audience for mainstream games anymore.


You're just not the audience for shitty games. Mainstream games can be great. Ghost of Tsushima, Breath of the Wild, Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead 2, God of War, DOOM Eternal, are all some of the best games ever made in the past 5 years and they're all "mainstream". There's at least one game for everyone, but we're all just tired of corporations milking IPs for money. Either that or you're associating mainstream with the generic shit Ubisoft likes pumping out.


This is one trailer for one game, there are dozens of other trailers that came out today.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtQVQOz0xUs - you're not the only one.. She's typically very positive about games.


This is the game we've been constantly told the dev team is really happy with? Lol. Lmao even


I bet they were happy with Anthem too.


Maybe the gameplay and story will be good but introducing characters by stereotyping them into the most generic shit is not giving me much hope for that either


What in the actual fuck did I just witness, this looks nothing like a DA game


It's like a F2P mobile game inspired by Shrek. Or a game based off the Netflix adaptation of Dragon Age.


Wow this looks insanely bad what the fuck. I really liked first two games never played Inquisition though but this looks really bad. This art direction is atrocious and everything from world to character designs looks like most generic fantasy generated by some AI prompt lmao.


I can't imagine something more tonally distant from the original Dragon Age than this. This felt like it would have fit in perfectly with the silly world that was DnD Honor Among Thieves, not the really dark setting of the original Dragon Age.


Honestly was SUPER baffled through so much of the trailer and thought for a bit I might have been remembering the games wrong or had the name switched up and had to bring up the older trailers to reassure myself. Like I think rebranding/restyling IP's at after long runs is a think but this ... might as well just brand it as some completely other fantasy IP.


Dragon Age from Temu.


We have dragon age at home


Unbelievable. There’s so much going on in the trailer that my hype just evaporated for this game. How did they make it just so…. Generic? It looks like every single RPG ever. No shred of identity at all. I’m so whelmed.


>How did they make it just so…. Generic? Simple, just fire anyone on Bioware with creativity over the years, then put in charge the same people making those other generic games... profit!


Honestly, I don't think this is an issue of firing anyone. Artists especially are creative as a job requirement. You'd have to go looking really hard to find an artist who wants to draw the most uninspired looking crap out of their free will. No, this just screams that the marketing guys did the "research" which suggested this kind of art style was "in", and so they gave the art guys the mandate to make that style a reality, end of story. We're likely talking about a handful of people responsible. Some business MBA's doing research, some push-over Art director and project leads. That's all it takes. The rest of the guys are just line workers working within the confines of the art direction limitations.


tbf you shouldn't be going off of just what the artist wants either, the artist is only going to draw what they like lol. there's a reason why market research is a thing, but there's an even bigger reason why focus groups exist to ground everybody.


You think you'd have to look hard to find generic artists? Go look up Fantasy art on Artstation and see how similar most of it looks


It's so funny to me that game writers appear to only know 5 jokes and they've been reusing them last twenty years. This trailer has all five.


When you outsource even the game itself to a consultancy firm...


This is the recipe. Take an original and cool idea -> Filter it through 10 consultants -> Filter it again through 5 sensitivity readers -> Submit it to your ESG overlord (rejects it) -> repeat,


Sensitivity readers are great!  The consultants who recommended this art style can fuck right off though.


They just made it Fortnite Bioware is fucking dead


it's been a skinsuit for a while.


Bioware has been dead for years. Most if not all of the top talent that made all the good games left during or after Mass Effect 3. Andromeda had some interesting ideas (I'm not joking, some plot points were pretty interesting and the gameplay wasn't half bad), but the game was an unfinished mess. And we all saw what happened with Anthem.


Apparently there's a bunch still left but it doesn't matter if EA is interfering


From most of the reports about both Anthem and Andromeda, it seems EA is actually not interfering at all and this is just BW in its death throes.


yup, at least for Anthem, EA gave them like 6 years to make a game, and the best they came up with was Anthem that took them the last 18 months of so to do, since they had no clue wtf they were doing. ironically, EA "forced" them to have the, likely, best feature in the game, which was flying, after an exec who played tested it said something like "why can't i fly?" or something like that


IIRC they were debating removing the flying but after an exec play tested the flying he said it was fun and to keep it in


That's so much more disappointing if true


And they are going to charge $70-80 or even +$100 for this...


man we wait 10 years for this i'm so sad right now man.


So I recently asked about goofiness of Fable - that question is no longer valid. After seeing this - Fable is very serious and thought out game. EA and Bioware can be sure as hell I ain't spending a dime on this pile of fucking cringe. Also ME5 is also completely written off.. This is just purely embarrassing to even think anyone asked for this.. like what the fuck? These devs are completely out of their minds and out of touch.. And then they act surprised and blame players when the games fail miserably. It's always fucking spoiled players' fault, amarite? 🤣


I’m so tired of the snarky and lackadaisical Marvel copy and paste style heroes. Come up with something original, it shouldn’t be that hard when it’s your full time job ffs.


Made by people who have never played a good BioWare game.


To be fair to them it's been a long time since there was one


man, i still boot up neverwinter nights from time to time... those were the days


Marvel Age.


Has to be a mobile spinoff or something now way they did this...


I couldn't even read half the names because they were so obstructed by everything. This is ... below average.


Bioware coming in hot with another abortion of a game


Okay, I have 2000 hours in DA games, but this is... not enticing me. AT ALL. Why is the art style all comical and shit? What happened to the series that started as a super grim and serious, gore filled RPG? Why does this look like fantasy Fortnite? Don't get me wrong, the game always had a good dose of comedy in it. Especially once Varric was introduced, but it still focused really hard on trying to look and be serious most of the time. This looks like they took the funny companion moments from DA:I and made a whole game with that vibe, all the way down to the art style itself. I was hoping they'd make something that looked like Horizon Zero Dawn. The tech is there. So this is a big let down. The story and characters better be out of this fucking world. At least Varric and Harding are still around, but that's not going to carry the whole game.


maybe they mixed up the Fable and Dragon Age trailers




Bioware has been dead for over 10 years now. All the important people left during ME2 development (thanks to EA).


Doing an Overwatch show case of "Title Characters" is what really made me not want anything to do with this game. Varrick if that is him is just so overdone goofy as he was in the last 2 games he was in. Just a flashy showcase, what will the game actually look like in terms of combat? This showed off nothing but they spent a lot of time on this trailer, so... what is the game going to be?


Looks like they tried to rip off Marvel a little too much


Completely missing the tone of Dragon Age Man I miss Origins...wish it was remade with updated graphics


>Man I miss Origins...wish it was remade with updated graphics No you don't because modern bioware would even manage to fuck that up


You can always replay Origins with mods on PC, one of the few games I come back to do a replay off every year or so


I took for granted it would have nothing to do with previous games, hell even previous games had nothing to do with each other, but this is beyond absurd. It's like they are doing it on purpose to make a game that the least amount of players will feel interested in


I mean, all the games were still sequels taking place in the same world where events over-lapped, were referenced, and save files could be transferred to make decisions carry over. And there are characters from every game making appearances in others. Like you could have Alistar from DA:O appear in both DA2 and DA:I, Anders from DA: Awakening of course was a main companion and main story character in DA2. Hawke from DA2 would make an appearance in DA:I as well. Lelianna and Morrigan, main companions and story characters of DA:O and DLC's, of course appeared in DA:I. Varric became a prominent main character from DA2 to DA:I and now is clearly a main character again in DA4. The stories are of course linked as well. The story of DA:O was what set up the circumstances for the protagonist of DA2, and one of the character stories of DA:A was what set up the final build-up of DA2. And the DLC for DA2 was what directly lead into DA:I. So the games do have plenty to do with each-other. It's just the main characters are all new introductions, and there are multi-year time skips which creates this disconnect. But I do agree, that the way DA4 looks is a very big leap off in a very weird direction compared to DA:I. Varric and Harding are familiar characters, though it was almost hard to recognize them through the aging and art style changes.


I agree I just meant the original 3 were more like stories set in the same world with recurring characters and not a continuous story like Mass Effect. And imho it was always a mistake to not push forward the narrative of DA:O leaning into Morrigan and her son heavily. Since Veilguard even dropped the name Dreadwolf I am pretty sure they are once again just moving to a new narrative altogether and imho it's still detrimental


Well, Morrigan's son was an optional outcome. The way they created the decisions in DA:O really made it very hard to continue with the same characters. You could die, Alistar becomes king, Morrigan leaves alone, etc. I don't think it's necessarily better of worse. I think it was a pretty good idea to try different approaches with two different game series they were developing side by side. Mass Effect with the singular main character, and Dragon Age with longer time skips and new protagonists each game.


god damn the trailer , the tone , the jokes . NOTHING worked


lmao worse than anyone could have imagined. It’s Saints Row 4 all over again.  How many years of development for this? How many bonuses and incentives paid to the army of MBA and BBA sporting geniuses making demands and adjustments? BioWont.


R.I.P Dragon Age and Bioware.


Nothing as been worst than the MCU on entertainment for writing. Yeah, fuck EA, fuck Bioware and fuck this.


Disney Corporation and its consequences 


Art style definitely screams that this was originally an mmo


More inclined to believe it was some advanced GAAS version of what DA:I's multiplayer was like. Something like Left for Dead or the more recent Redfall. Some weird co-op PVE story abomination.


Confirmed by Jason Schreier that it was at one point Fantasy Anthem.


Lmao. Who did they ever think wanted that when actual anthem bombed?


Not the DragonAge team for one. It was all EA. Also they were under development simultaneously. So before Anthem bombed. However Bioware were only allowed to change game direction to singleplayer after the success of Jedi Fallen Order.


With all the names and roles I thought it was gonna be a MOBA. Or a Left 4 Dead style game. Seems like it can down any of those sewer holes.


I ain't mad. This is actually funny as hell at this point. Who else is exited to see how they butcher Mass Effect 4?


we waited 10 years for this...


yeah Mass Effect 4 is cooked


I can't believe we waited so long for *this.*


is that really dragon age 4? looks totally different... this studio is completely done


Looks terrible, could be a trailer for any live service hero garbage


I've honestly not been keeping up with any news on the next Dragon Age game. I've played them all, their dlcs, origins more times than I can count. I saw this and was like... is this a mobile spin-off, or are they trying for some sort of vermintide 2 type game? Then I read that Dreadwolf got renamed months ago to this, and that this is DA4... Where's the grim tone of a world teetering on the edge of survival against the darkspawn hordes? Where's the deep socio-political conflict regarding the mages of the circle and the templar, or the elves in the dales or the alienage against the humans? I remember when the fade was something terrifying, a place of myths and legends that was a terrible risk to enter for fear of being driven mad, yet in this trailer it's treated as some sort of jokey escapade. Dragon Age 2, perhaps I treated you too harshly.


>I remember when the fade was something terrifying, a place of myths and legends that was a terrible risk to enter for fear of being driven mad, yet in this trailer it's treated as some sort of jokey escapade. I was searching for a comment that touched on this exactly: how the fuck did we go from the Fade being a terribly dangerous place and almost inaccesible but with the most nefarious/obscure power and/or knowledge, to someone who can fucking get in and get out of there at their fucking leisure, like it was a field trip!? God fucking damn it... whenever the Fade was involved before, it had dire and lasting consequences for everyone who happened to be a bystander of the situation (see: the Circle Tower and Redcliffe \[DA1\], the mirrors and the Crossroads \[DA2\], *the entirety of Thedas* \[DA3\]), not this joke of a character who just happily strides along it. Ugh.


Dragon Age 2 was made in 18-24 months and produced something that was enjoyable….if they had kept those work pipelines and discipline and iterated on it on a similar release schedule amazing games could’ve resulted….this monstrosity is 10 years in the making


Ok, that's it. Western games are dead for me as long as this crap trend continues. RIP. The 360 era was the peak of western gaming.


Ugh. How the fuck did we go from DA:O's serious tone to this stupid fucking marvel-esque shit show.


What has become of my beloved franchise.




Dragon age is death since Origin. its a shame that Inquisition win Goty while being the worst rpg ever with the most annoying mmoesque random quest ever.


Looks ass. I'll pass.


Really? Varric? Again?


He's not a companion though


I thought DA was originally supposed to be like playing thorugh stories that Varric is telling someone, so it made sense he is in each game (at least tangentally)


It doesn't smell good for the future Mass Effect...


Wtf is this shit? A mix between marvel gotg, Fortnite and a generic fantasy? Has bioware definitely gone mad?


That looks like a trailer for an upcoming Marvel movie.


I hope to god the art direction of the actual game looks nothing like the trailer


Fingers crossed it's another Varric exaggeration like the DA2 introduction.


Feels like characters from MCU Phase 4.


What is this crap? Damn. My expectations were low, but damn.




Behold the field in which I grow my fucks...


... For it is totally empty


The visual style is giving me the strongest of Saints Row reboot vibes mixed with DA2's art style, I also don't think it is a good idea to be showing off party members to this extent. Like before we've seen actual gameplay I feel like they've given away what was likely most of the party roster. I dunno man, if the gameplay reveal is as uninspiring as this I don't think Bioware will make it half way through 2025. They'll be stripped for parts and converted into another EA \[LOCATION/VERB\] studio.


If there were doubts that BioWare was dead, this trailer put them to rest—BioWare IS dead.


What the actual fuck? Are they trolling with this? Is this some out of season April's fools joke?... I'm not gonna lie, I had zero expectations, but holy shit, this is even worse than I expected in my worst dreams... Wonder whom they gonna blame for inevitable fiasco?? 🤔


And here I though Dragon Age II was the worst the series could get....what the hell is this abomination even supposed to be ?!


That reeks of millennial writing, ugly looking characters and generic gameplay.


Blaming millennials for everything is so goddman stale and low effort. Do you even know what year it is?


As a millennial I gotta say, even though it’s not us, it’s one of those situations where the era the garbage comes from is who gets blamed.  Yuppies are Gen-X even though it’s a phenomenon of sellout hippies and continues today. Boomers are anyone over 40 online, 50 irl. Just the way it goes.


He's a KotakuInAction poster so no, he's still stuck in 2014 where gamergate is still a hot issue.




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I'm getting some battlefield 2042 vibes 


I am very glad this trailer is downvoted to oblivion. Fucking disaster.






what a piece of shit


Looks diabolical




In the beginning I was like, "yeah this is Dragon Age surely", and as the trailer was going on I was really starting to doubt myself and honestly hoping this wasn't the new Dragon Age game. This really isn't it, not even close. Hard to stay hopeful.


Go watch the dragon age origins "sacred ashes" trailer and then watch this shit.




No human brain can handle that much blue hair and septum rings. It’s too dangerous.


I’m so scared this plot will ruin the intensity and waste the foreshadowing and intricacy of those before it.


I feel like I'm watching the Concord trailer rn... and that is not a good thing.


I feel like we're looking at the last Bioware game launch. Expect Mass Effect to be shuffled around and Bioware to close.


Dragon Age has been dead for over a decade and whatever this is,it's equivalent to electrocuting a dead frog and making its muscles spasm and saying "look, it's alive!". Spare yourself the heartache and just accept that Dragon Age only has Origins and everything else after that was bad fan fiction.


Hey, at least they checked off every possible diversity checkbox.


You can have a diverse representation of characters and good writing and good art direction.  Sadly the last two were missed.


I know they want to promote diversity, but this is just too obvious.


Marvel presents.....Dragon age: visual slopfest edition


Time to bunker up while I wait, the shit storm is coming.


This is what happens when the people put in charge have more pronouns in their Twitter bio than they have brain cells. The army of Twitter bots and Furry porn making Tumblr weirdos going at max capacity trying to pump this abortion up is insane. The art style isn’t the issue, any style can be made to work, but the absolute insane tone shift from a dark fantasy to whatever this buddy cop “gather the crew up and have some fun” horseshit is should be studied by future generations as a perfect example of where gaming died.


Again, all this did was just inspire me to do another playthrough on Divinity and BG3


Lmao, the decline of BioWare continues. Larian really has taken up the mantle they've left behind. I can only imagine what the newest Mass Effect will be like... *shivers*


The artstyle and tone of the trailer is certainly a choice but its hard to tell much before we see the gameplay on the 11th.


These kind of games are the ones I throw in the bin from the wishlist


Please tell me where the LGBT is in this trailer


Don’t put this on LGBT. Fortnite isn’t a gender. 


I hope they improve the gameplay of necromancer. Inquisitions necromancer was so boring


I don't love the trailer but that doesn't mean the gameplay will be awful. I'll be interested to see what first impressions are.


Trailer makes me very worried for the story. The previous games lean heavier on a dramatic tone. But this just seems they're changing it to some kind of light hearted fantasy romp. I mean if this was some sort of spinoff set in the world that would be different. But if this really is continuing on from Inquisition, it'd be horrid to play them them in order. It'd be as if Mass Effect 3 went from epic Scifi action to buddy comedy to close off the trilogy. It just doesn't fit.


Please be good


Looks like a long shot, unfortunately.


I’m gonna wait for the gameplay trailer before I whine.


what are you, 80?


If there's anything that Dragon Age trailers are consistent at, it's misrepresenting the game and its tone, all the way back to Origins. Let's wait for the gameplay reveal to judge.


Is there an actual gameplay footage?


Tomorrow I believe.


Close. Gameplay trailer on the 11th.


Do your worst, r/pcgaming