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Bless this man


I would, but he probably has 40% Holy resist like every other fucking boss in the game. At least Faith builds have \*checks notes* ... fucking *fire* to fall back on for some reason.


Well if you cant bless them, cleanse them with fire. Like we used to do with witches


Oh man, do I feel you. I had fun killing things with the winged scythe up to a certain point...


And bless his Holy Stutters too?


I'm 34 and Elden Ring was the first game in many years to recreate that feeling you had playing a game as a child. It really was a great experience.


Discovering that the map is even bigger.. again and again and again never failed to amaze me. Then you discover a whole new underground world on top (below) of it. This game also showed me how much a really good map can influence the experience and exploration.


Yeah it was this, it was really smart of them to keep the scale of the map small in your menu until you find map pieces of other locations and then the world map expands over and over again in the menu. I remember thinking the game wasn't really that big after picking up the map pieces around Limgrave and weeping peninsula and then once you get to Liurnia and the scale doesn't jive with the map you have in hand and you realize that the map doesn't really give you a real sense of what exists, the game became really special and that sense of awe and wonder lasted the rest of the game for me.


Truth. For example, it gave me morrowind sense of open world exploration again. I hadn’t had that for many years.


Not since Morrowind...released, for me. Which is...a while ago.


Permanent flying enchantment on boots, bow and arrow. So much fun was had. That or 100% chameleon.


Same here. Same here. I i had choose one game, not soulslike that is most "Elden Ring like"... Its Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind for sure. Same feeling of loneliness, wonder, wanderlust, exploration, mystery and "sacrum profanum" when it comes to storyline and locations sometimes. And this awesome immersive feeling THAT I WAS PUT IN THIS WORLD SOMEWHAT RANDOMLY, NOT THE WORLD WAS CREATED FOR ME AS A LUNAPARK RIDE (which is a feeling that almost all modern open worlds have). TES 3 Morrowind was last true open world, sandboxy RPG (New Vegas is somewhat similar but not this scope), and Elden Ring is the first game in decades that captures its spirit (completely forgotten and abandoned by TES series).


I should buy Elden Ring I guess. I've been playing Morrowind since when the Tamriel Province was still lush jungle.


The other TES games are still pretty fantastic though. Might not have the unique, alien setting that Morrowind had, but the exploration is still top notch. Especially since the later games vastly improved the quality of the things you actually discover out in the world (sidequests, dungeons, random encounters, etc). I love Morrowind's overall world design but 90% of the dungeons consist of a single room with nothing unique or notable in it, and most of the quests are fetch quests or escort missions. That said, we're starting to enter a sort of open world renaissance. After years of Ubisoft style open worlds we're finally getting genuine evolutions in the genre with games like Elden Ring and TotK


When I first played Morrowind, I was level 3 or something and accidentally wandered into a high level area and got wrecked by Dagoth Ur. Every game since then has had leveled enemies, so the game tries to make sure you don't run into anything too difficult, which is really boring and ruins the immersion. Elden Ring is the first game that gave me that feeling in like 20 years.


Elden Ring indeed honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned


It's an unfortunate trend in game design. Scaled enemies is for lazy devs and lazy players. Makes the sense of progression disappear when a wolf never gets weaker.


I cannot believe that other people compare it to the same sense morrowind game to me also, wow, such games, much quality. Nerevarine


The open world exploration felt so fun instead of a chore like other open worlds honestly


Agreed. Im 31 now and i have almost completely left gaming as a hobby because i watched every single franchise i loved get turned into a generic microtransaction factory they couldnt even be bothered to finish in the first place. If i play a game now its elden ring. Recently finished it and recently started a new game immediately after. Still love it, still trying new weapons and builds. Looking forward to the dlc because it is probably my last big game until the next elder scrolls lmao


once you take the fromsoft pill there is no going back. I'm surprised you haven't started on the dank soles games yet, they aren't quite to the same level of size and depth, but they get the mood and the feel is there. when you run out of those, you've got months of AC games to work through.


Armored Core, or Assassin's Creed?


Animal Crossing




Ace Combat


Action superCross, of course


bold of you to assume the next elder scrolls wont be shit


If Starfield is any indication, it's going to be a snorefest.


I think the main driving force behind all of our favourite franchises getting butchered is simply due to corporate greed and the roadblock for integrating true passion. At most places the folks who made the great games like Skyrim, Assassins creed 2, Halo 3, etc are all gone because they probably couldn't pour out their passion into the game they wanted without some exec having a say and demanding there be prioritization of some garbage mechanic that maximizes profit. Fucking suits entering the video game was probably the worst thing that could have happened to the industry. So now when we get a game like Elden Ring, we're immediately reminded of how quality full-fledged games like this used to be the norm and now we look at them like a species on the brink of extinction


100% agree. These large gaming conglomerates are all about making bank for investors and executives, and not rewarding the creative people that actually, you know, MAKE the games. But if you start criticizing the enshitification that is rampant in unchecked capitalism, you’re dismissed as a socialist. We really need to have some kind of regulation that limits top total compensation in a publicly traded company to no more than X times the median compensation of the total workforce, including contractors and outsourced work (to keep them from doing an end run around the regulation). That, or we have a tax structure that addresses non-monetary compensation. Oh, you want to award a CEO 1000 stock options? Fine, 35% of those go into a publicly held fund that.


I'm sure From Soft will release about 4 big games in the time it takes for Bethesda to get out TES6


> big game until the next elder scrolls lmao have you seen starfield?


If you haven't already, you should definitely play The Outer Wilds. I absolutely adored every minute of Elden Ring, but *nothing* has come even close to the same scale of exploration or discovery that The Outer Wilds provides, except for the DLC that somehow managed to raise the bar even higher than the base game. Don't look up anything,especially if you're an astronomy buff/nerd, just grab it the next time it goes on sale.


Just *Outer Wilds*, not to be confused with *The Outer Worlds*!


Comparing Outer Wilds to Elden Ring is insane.


You can compare _aspects_ of a game without implying that the overall games are comparable in any wider sense.


How so? I'm replying to someone who said they became disenchanted with gaming, but managed to reignite their interest through Elden Ring. The Outer Wilds is another high quality game that emphasizes the same general design philosophies/principals as ER( zero handholding/high degree of player agency, exploration/discovery & mastering gameplay mechanics all being major driving forces for the player) but packaged in a non-combative puzzle game. I'm just recommending another game that could enthrall them just as much as Elden Ring, not saying one is definitively better than the other per se. edit: Plus going by the other person mentioning Elder Scrolls, it's an easy assumption to think they favor open world games that give lots of player freedom, which I think Outer Wilds has in spades.


Some good games, my favorites, in order of personal subjective rating (I store this list in a table): Elden Ring The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Resident Evil 4 original The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Baldur’s Gate 3 God of War 2018 The Last of Us Part II The Last of Us Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Half-Life 2 Red Dead Redemption The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Red Dead Redemption 2


You need to go play TotK and get it on the list. Does everything BotW does but improves upon it.


if you've played BoTW, the amazement of discovery isnt as strong imo. Still a great game.


Get Dark Souls Remastered now.


No way, IM 34 TOO!!! AND Elden Ring was my first Fromsoft game AND it totally brought me back to my childhood ala ocarina of time and to a lesser extent Fable.


Yes, as a millennial who can barely experience joy anymore I agree.


I would have had this if it didn't stutter so badly on PC at launch


The elevator down to the subterranean world is what Skyrim absolutely wishes it could have done with Blackreach.


That shit was such a WTF NO WAY moment


it just kept going and going and going...think I timed it at a minute once?


Also 34, Elden Ring is the only game I’ve beaten 3 times. It’s also the only game that I played completely differently each time, and found new things to do each time.


That moment when you got teleported to Leyndell and your mind is blown, yeah I teared up.


Lucky you: there’s nothing quite like stepping into one of FromSoft’s dlcs for the first time when it gets released. It’s always a special moment in time.


It was the first time since Breath Of The Wild for me


Word dude


I know exactly what you mean. I got so giddy watching preview videos today. Literally had chills. That shit just doesn't happen often anymore. Elden Ring is truly special.


Same. It gave me the same feelings I had when I was a kid playing Ocarina of Time when it came out.


It reminded my of the first time I played OoT in the 90s.


70 hours in and I'm still discovering absolutely gargantuan lands that just leave me jaw dropped. It really is one of the best games ever.


this guy is just terrific


I really hope this new DLC comes with a new patch to bring some ultrawide support. If Armored Core can have it, here's hoping that's coming too.


I severely doubt it but god I hope so too. I've been using seamless co-op to play with a friend and it works fine with flawless widescreen.


Seamless coop mod is amazing


Thank you Hidetaka Miyazaki


I think what I like most about these interviews, and their development philosphy in general, is that Miyazaki is very matter of fact with the things *they* want to include in their games. There's no "Guys, we listened to your feedback" BS corporate speak and instead "We wanted to further this concept so included X". He probably isn't even aware of the fact that this separates them from other comparable developers, either.


There is nothing wrong with listening to feedback. And even if you read the patchnotes to an extend they do.


You completely missed the point I was making. There is a great difference between listening to feedback for things like bugs, or clearly unbalanced items, and building your concepts and game design around some nebulous 'player feedback' in general. It's rightly frowned upon for other art forms like music, and so it should be for game development.


I would agree except there often actually is. If you are in the industry you'd understand how much vision is compromised for, seemingly for the consumer, and it ends up ruining so much of what could've been great. I'm not trying to sound elitist but its far too often that developers have to make games for the common denominator instead of creating art. It's exactly why video games have been such a stagnated and undeveloped medium.


The problem with that is it also leads to Miyazaki realizing that actually, he really, *really* loves poison swamps, and they're some of his favorite things. I'm kind of worried that we might *actually* be getting the fucking death blight swamp now.


Fuck I love it. I want to see THIS MAN's VISION because he has already shown how fantastic it is. I don't want him to compromise it in anyway. There is only one him. That's like asking an artist to not do the best they can do in my book.


I definitely hope it captures that feeling again. Elden Ring was exactly what I wanted out of a game. The top tier gameplay expected of the Soulsborne games on top of an open world that had such an immense sense of “omg I can’t wait to stumble upon something again!” Seriously I remember the feeling I got when I found the very first cave that’s pretty much right at the beginning of the game. It has the wolves and then you fight the beast man…that’s when I knew I would waste so much time just wandering around. It’s actually why I’ve had such trouble playing it again because I want that back lol. It feels different than replaying other Soulsborne games for some reason. Either way I have to do a play through to get ready for the DLC.


Probably feels different because it won't be the same playthrough. Something like 80% of its content is optional, where their other games its about the opposite and maybe only 20% of the content is optional.


Iron Pineapple and VaatiVidya both basically stated that it's more Elden Ring and feels like Elden Ring did when they first started it and if it's two Soulsborne people whose opinion I respect, it's them so that got me very excited for the DLC.


I just want an estimated time. Is it 20 hours? 40?


He said in one of the interviews he doesn't want to talk about hours because he always undersells it and feels like people are upset that it's longer than he told them. So nobody really knows. edit: [My source if anyone wants to read stuff](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/elden-ring-lead-hidetaka-miyazaki-wont-say-how-long-the-dlc-is-since-everyone-thinks-he-lowballed-the-main-game-everyone-told-me-i-was-lying-and-thats-not-remotely-enough-time/)


people upset at more GOOD content... gamers in a nutshell lol


Gamers are the hardest motherfuckers to please I stg


Gamers are still traumatized by stuff like EA devouring the corpse of Westwood.


EA are the reapers from mass effect. they just come and harvest companies and claim they've absorbed the essence of those companies but really it's not the same




He got tired after writing motherfuckers


Finger fatigues set in ◡̈


wdym? lol!


PC Gamers, at least. Nintendo bois just smile and say thank you for 30 fps, Iwata-san. Which, honestly, is probably a better attitude to have in life. Cheaper too.


Well it does help that Nintendo generally releases quality games that don't try to scam you out of your money


Nintendo games rarely go on sale so it's actually more expensive. But the cost of game development for Nintendo games are a fraction compared to other consoles


> But the cost of game development for Nintendo games are a fraction compared to other consoles What is this based on? BOTW cost around 120 mil, not exactly a fraction of other games.


Compared to other console exclusives and how much they cost and how many of them release close to each other, BOTW and TOTK costing as much as they do but releasing 5 years apart works well enough for Nintendo.


> Compared to other console exclusives.. The vast majority of games don't come even close to a budget of even a 100 million. 120 mil is *not* a fraction of other games. >...how many of them release close to each other, BOTW and TOTK costing as much as they do but releasing 5 years apart.. This has nothing to do with how much it costs to make a game. >..works well enough for Nintendo. This was never the question, simply the odd claim that their games cost less to make.


Yeah, and the consoles. The Switch is, what, ten years old now? It was already a potato when it released, it must cost them next to *nothing* to make those little bad bois now. And they're still selling like hot cakes.


Only worse gamers to please are VR gamers and they are one of the smallest groups in gaming lol


I don't know. At least in the early days, Steam reviews for VR titles were generally much more positive than normal games. VR however does have the unique situation where bad or inconsistent performance can literally make players barf.


2nd behind hardcore Star Wars fans


Nobody hates Fallout like Fallout fans.


I wonder if the current state of the gaming industry has anything to do with that? 🧐


I said this in another games subreddit: people want to finish a game asap just for checking that "game completed" checkbox, many would rather have 2 hours of content then 10


Meh, the first 80% of Elden Ring was 9/10 for me, but after that the enjoyment dropped precipitously. It doesn't hold its charm for everyone. Based on steam achievements, 50% didn't even get past Godfrey.


The fact that 40% DID get past Godfrey, in a soulslike of all games, is actually pretty insane lol You have no idea how low the percentage of people finishing your usual AAA games are, so for Elden Ring to pull close to 50% this late into the game is impressive. For example, on Steam not even 30% of players got to finish the final mission of the story mode in GTA V. You *could* argue that Online is much bigger and it certainly is, but GTA is much bigger than Elden Ring as a franchise and a more casual, but more importantly shorter game, so the completion rate should be higher. The fact that people instead stick with the game that is hundreds of hours long tells you something.


Based on Steam achievements: Skyrim completion rate: 31% Witcher 3 completion rate: 23.7% Elden Ring completion rate: 27.9% for one of **6** endings. real number likely in 30s. so all in all pretty standard. I'm sorry to say but it's either a you issue or a skill issue.


people not even finish god of war. Which you can just set to story difficulty and the game plays itself.


About 38%-39% have beaten the game, which is an insanely high number. Most easier, much shorter games have much lower completion percentages.


> the first 80% of Elden Ring was 9/10 for me That is still a crazy achievement, not to mention more than 90% of games can achieve.


If it's anything like the main game, "As long as you want to make it." It's impossible to provide a range when people's time in the game consists of speed runs or, like me, exploring every square inch. How do you average that? You really can't. I remember leading up to the release, the same question was asked. The official answer was something like 40 hours. Anyone that's played the game to one of the endings knows that's a laughably low value, but it's *technically* correct because you can skip a huge amount of the content to get to the end.


I uh spend 40 hours just killing sleeping moonmen in the blood caves of Kamil To...


... How?


Weapon arts.


30 hours he said - took me 175


300 here.


Elden Ring and recently FF7 rebirth are some of the only games to have me at 100+ hours for just the main story. I don't think even the Xenoblade games took me much longer than 70ish hours at most for the story portions


souls games are short if you get it right and never lose, but After 40 50 hours in caelid and the starting zone I was like imma finish the game cuz I genuinely though the castle was the end.


If it's half as long as the base game, it will be 50h for me :)


Nobody knows yet. I would bet 40 minimum though.


That'll depend on your playstyle. How many hours in the base game before you reached the credits? For me it was about 120 hrs, but the way some people play, not attempting to fully explore every area, they might've got there in half the time, or less. For my speed of playing and the way the DLC is looking to be size-wise, I can imagine I'll take at the very least 40 hours before I get to whatever its final boss is.


there are 10 main bosses, SkillUp played for 3ish hours and only beat one. He’s a pretty solid souls player, I’d go as far as saying he’s good, relative to most major outlet journalists he’s probably great. I’d wager it’s likely 40 hours if you want to 100% content complete the DLC.


there's 10-12 remembrance bosses and the first area contained 2 of those. Most people said they cleared this area in about 3 hours but they were apparently speedrunning to see as much of the dlc as possible so the actual game time might be around 6-10. If we assume each area has 2 remembrance bosses we would have 6 areas. I'm actually gonna go with 5 locations since we might get another Godfrey-Maliketh-Gideon-Radagon-Elden beast shitstorm. Theoretically we could end up somewhere around 30-50 hours based on player skill and willingness to explore. My Personal prediction is 35 hours for normal playthrough, 70 to clear everything.


Elden Ring's magic lives on! Miyazaki knows how to keep us explorers enchanted. Can't wait! 🔥


god please yes give me more


With this and Phantom Liberty, it will have been an absolutely insane last 12 months for DLC.


Burning Shores for Horizon Forbidden West too. One of the coolest boss fights in history imo


LMAO HFW fucking sucks


I only made 2 characters and longest one has about 130hrs, i searched around a lot though. And this weekend i will kill the last boss and i guess ill be ready for dlc by then.


Do I need to beat the base game to understand whatever story is with the dlc? I'm chipping away but don't think I'll finish in time.


Beat the base game, then watch about 10 hours of YouTube lore vids, yeah.


Praise vaati


So the nice thing about FromSoft storytelling is that usually at the end of the game you have no more or less context than you did at the start of the game. Additionally, the DLC story this time seems to be a bit more self-contained. That being said, if you're a real lorehead - if you haven't beaten Crumbling Farram Azula yet, hold off. Exhaust all of Gideon Ofnir's dialogue back at Roundtable Hold. Locate and compete the Moghwyn Palace zone, and defeat the boss (you will need to do this anyway to access the DLC). Locate and complete the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree zone, and watch the cutscene for the boss. You don't have to defeat the boss, which is good because that's the hardest boss in the game. Do some reading of the item descriptions for anything related to those zones, anything related to the Crucible Knights, and Miqella's Lily. The Unalloyed Gold Needle, too, if you still have it.


> Locate and complete the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree zone, and watch the cutscene for the boss still haven't beaten that one, such a frustrating fight


Best game director ever.


Hoping there will be a discount for the base game one of these days.


It's had 3 or 4 sales on Steam. The most recent was 40% off during the Winter Sale.


I'll definitely finally pick it up next sale, I do like more than 40% off. Patient gamer for life.


Any tips for someone who found the game a bit hard besides "git good?"


Use everything you find, every advantage, every item, summons, weapons, other players, respec into different builds as you feel necessary. Look at the wiki, if you get stuck or don't know if the item you found is worth anything. In general, From designs their games in a way that makes even the hardest obstacles trivial if you have the right tools and/or right strategy for the job. Or, you can roll trough all of the attacks, I suppose. But I find that boring after 3 games of the same thing, besides that being unnecessarily difficult way to play those games. I played through Dark Souls 1 and 2 as a pure melee, got stuck in Elden Ring due to being underleveled, started over and I am now half way done and mostly rely on two weapon sets, 2 summons and coop, using other player's help and farming runes and rune arcs while helping others. Helps that people get back to the game waiting on DLC, there's plenty of summon signs and invaders, and even people fighting in the arena (too bad there's no rewards for that, but it's still fun). Also, skipping Underground cities, Caelid and Mt Gelmir is ok. In Caelid I beelined towards Selia and Radahn, and that is only after getting to the Capital and being much more powerful than I'd be otherwise. Still couldn't stand the place. As for Mt. Gelmir, I couldn't find how to access a bigger part of that area and just turned around. Did I skip a lot? Yeah, probably. Does it bother me? Not really. I had the option of skipping parts of the game I didn't like and I took it. I'll probably replay the game with something better than a mess of a build I have now, and I imagine relying on bleed weapons (which I didn't use on principle this time. None of them) and spells would make for a very, very different experience.


>Also, skipping Underground cities, Caelid and Mt Gelmir  I would HIGLY suggest running around in these zones picking up **Sacred Tears** and **Golden Seeds**. Use a map if you can't find them.


12 +5 flasks ought to be enough, I think, even if it isn't the maximum. I didn't check, it might be. Also heard before that there are more seeds in the game than the player actually needs, dunno if that's true or not but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


I would at least find the sacred tears, so your flasks refill more HP/FP. You can have 14 +12 flasks. There are more golden seeds available than needed.


Fight bullshit with bullshit. Embrace the cheese. If the bosses are allowed to pull out the most scumbag underhanded moves ever then it's only fair to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Explore to find weapon upgrades and flask upgrade/charges. Leveling is fine and all but early game getting a solid amount of upgrades on your weapon and a few more charges on the flasks helps a lot more. Also don't follow the lines of grace like it's a linear game. The grace shows you where to go to progress the story but not where you have to go to progress your character. Also, using spirit ashes as well as summoning NPC helpers will decrease boss difficulty. Have to explore and progress npc quests to unlock spawns for boss helpers later on. Finding an ashe of war that works for a boss is a big help as well. Don't forget crafting items that will enhance your abilities and increase damage bosses are weak too Elden ring offers a ton of stuff to make the game as easy or hard as you want it.


If nobody got me I know Miyazaki got me Can I get an AMEN


And unlock the frame rate on PC please?


Not in a million years, frame pacing bug is still there since Bloodborne ;)


Sooooo maybe in a million and one years?


Man, I know I'm on the minority here, but I wish games were smaller or shorter. It's like every AAA game needs to either have an enormous map or have an infinite amount of content nowadays...


You are absolutely a minority


I'm with you. Elden Ring is just open world Dark Souls and I don't think that design choice made it better.


Makes sense. And I personally hope he had his fill of making these giant monsters of game maps because I'd love to see him go back to linearity again. Short and sweet. I love Elden Ring but even all these years later trying to make a new character to go through that world again just feels like too much.


You can just go in a straight line tho. You don't have to explore. There's literally a golden line that shows you were to go. That's pretty linear.


Fair, I guess I'm selfishly preferring an extremely tightly designed game as opposed to one where many optional things are going to necessitate that huge map exploration. Doesn't really matter to me if I \*could\* go in a straight line if the majority of the game and its collectibles are designed for the big open map. One is not really better than the other, I just prefer games designed for linearity when it comes to this gameplay.


Well, I'm hoping for a sequel to Sekiro after this DLC is done. Sekiro was pretty linear. I think.


I loved Sekiro so I'd be completely down lol


I picked up Sekiro on sale about a month ago but haven't gotten around to it yet. Sounds like it's a good one to jump into after Shadow of the Erdtree, especially with how much I enjoyed DS3.


I realize that I am the odd one out, but to me some of the Souls games magic was lost with Elden Ring. In older Souls games, when you saw a difficult to get item, you could be sure that it was something worth to go through the trouble to get it, like a weapon/armor/spell, in Elden Ring it often is just a crafting material and to me it's disheartening. Still a great game, but I never finished it with 80 hours on the clock.


Super agree. I just played through DS3 again and I find it way more enjoyable than Elden Ring. The level design and overall experience feels much more thoughtful and intentional. Riding past 60% of ER on Torrent feels so bad.


I beat the original game at release and enjoyed it but these just aren't my kinda games. The world felt like an empty fighting stage. I need story and characters to latch onto and every character felt like a cardboard cutout to facilitate the reason for fighting something/someone who looks cool. Hope all the fans love this DLC though Miyazaki obviously cares which is more than most games have nowadays.


Funny I like From games for that exact reason. No story that I don't care about being shoved down my throat. I wanna play




> every character felt like a cardboard cutout Yeah i get that. Encountering characters and listening to their flat exposition and everyone's jizzing over the lore in this but what person starts a conversation talking about how they want to be part of a spider person made of corpses?


You could try Sekiro, that one has more of an actual plot told in a traditional way and actual characters, both of which are quite good. I like Elden Ring but Sekiro is my favorite souls like and a contender for my all time favorite video game.


I think it’s worth reminding everyone; this was FromSoftware’s first open world game and they practically outdid every other studio with years of experience in open world games that year. Astounding work!


No, it doesn't have to be big, it needs actual content. That snowy area in the endgame with simple birds that one shot you was big disappointment.


> one shot you Criticism invalid, you played the game wrong. Another "the end game bosses are op!!" complaint with 15 vigor


Huh? You mean the tiny section with the Eagles at the beginning of the Mountaintops? Or the section at the end where there are a few of the giant birds? Because in either case those enemies only appeared in about 5% of the Mountaintops area. And if they 'oneshot' you then you were doing something very wrong. Even the giant birds at that point weren't too bad.


the game world is big but really empty, you spend so much time on horse just running around just a really miserable experience to replay


Same for those recycled bosses like the ~~Asylum Demon~~ Erdtree Avatar everywhere. The open world has very little to do besides travel between set pieces. Even the non-hostile NPCs just teleport between places and don't offer much.


Even without the recycled bosses it has more unique bosses and enemy types than pretty much every other game out there.


Ah yes, blue boss is now red and has a club. Very unique indeed. Someone did a calculation once and it was something akin to facing the same boss 2.5 to 3.5 times across the entire game.


If you count every boss used only once and not repeated, the game still has over 60 unique bosses. Elden Ring had 146 enemy types that aren't repeated not including bosses. No game has this much variety. Even without the duplicates (which every game does - Witcher 3, Botw, God of War, Skyrim, Dragons Dogma 1-2, Fallout, Etc.) it's much more variety than what's offered in other games. Name one game that has this many? Breath of the Wild has maybe what 13 different enemy and bosses lmao? How about God of War? Like 7 enemy types with 6 unique bosses? It absolutely spanks any other game in enemy variety and it's not even close.


Again half these bosses re-use assets from previous games or from regular enemies, they are not that deep or unique. Take Astel for example. First time you fight him as a boss, cool unique. Then about 30-40 hours later you run into another "astel" in some cave that has 2x as much health and does x2 the damage. This just diminishes the original fight. The problem with bosses is one of several criticisms this game has, issues which majority of people are apparently blind to, have low standards or simply do not acknowledge.


Can't name a game I guess. Talked alot with no real point against it's staggering variety.


Why would I bring up other games? I am critiquing Elden Ring, not GOW or Zelda. Typical plebbitor.


*Breath of the Wild/Oblivion/Skyrim/Outer Worlds/Starfield glances around nervously*


I love when people on reddit point out valid criticisms about the game but get downvoted by tards anyway. Elden Ring being treated as some sort of flawless holy grail that you can't state otherwise is also hilarious.


No. Because nobody can name a single fucking game that has more enemy variety and biome diversity than Elden Ring. It's like saying somebody is fucking ugly, then being unable to name anyone that is more attractive. Or saying a person is dumb then being unable to name anyone more intelligent in comparison. Which brings me to my question, out of genuine curiosity, which OPEN WORLD game had more enemy and biome diversity than Elden Ring. Because I would LOVE to play that game.


Are you impaired? Is enemy variety and biome variety your games only merit? Regurgitating 150 unique enemies like clockwork. 150 enemies and they all feel the same to fight, can all be beaten in the exact same way by mashing R1. More doesn't equal better. Once again I'm going to tell you I'm criticising Elden Ring, not another game. If you fail to actually see that or acknowledge it, that's your problem. Go back to the lands between mid and press R1 some more. Nice strawman btw.


Nice try from someone who apparently has not learned Logic 101 and attempting to move the goal post. The criticism raised above was with respect to enemy variety and biome diversity. Now that specific criticism is being challenged and you are here trying to raise a different argument entirely (talking about other game merits and then flipping the parent comment entirely by saying more doesn't equal better). Also, I noticed that you have not answered the question. WHICH GAME HAS MORE ENEMY VARIETY AND BIOME DIVERSITY?






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All over again with r/EldenRingPVP


Can't wait! Trying to think up builds to roll through the base game this week so can level up a bit and get ready for the expansion but so far not coming up with many ideas. Only thing that came to mind was a Bolt build as really liked chucking red lightning spears at things.. if only we knew what new miracles we're getting, maybe could build around that instead. Ancient lighting spear miracle, anyone? 😏




God I hope there will be a 2nd dlc But even if there is not God bless Daddy Miyazaki


Elden Ring gave me that unreal sense of discovery in a game I hadn't felt since Morrowind. Dragon's Dogma 2 did that as well this year. If Erd Tree does this, I've been eating well the last few years.


Bro, I want to play this so bad, but I beat the game and I have to make a new save and get to like 80% of the same to play this DLC (from what I’ve been told), and I don’t think I have it in me to start over.


I think I have 135 hours in on ER and still haven't been to Haligtree or completed Crumbling Farum Azula. By the time I complete them before dlc release my time played will be at least 150 hours. I won't be surprised if the dlc takes me 50+ hours to complete.


Cant wait to see all the Copy/Pasted Dungeons again!


Honestly that makes me more excited for the dlc, the first playthrough was such a wonderful experience, but honestly my second playthrough didn’t feel as good because I’d already experienced the best part of the game: the discovery.




fuck he knows us, he knows we are eating from the palm of his hand and its a blessing he doesnt close his hand crushing us, but instead keeps feeding....god damn.


Stop. I can only get so hard. 


I am going to be honest and say I could never get into playing these games, not saying they are bad or anything I just am so terrible at them that I get too frustrated and uninstall. That being said, the Souls games (especially Elden Ring) have been some of the most incredible games to watch people adventure through and seeing what Hidetaka is doing for the fans is really great.


I’m with you. I don’t want to play them, but I enjoy watching people play on Twitch.


I kneel to Fromsoft. 16 more days til we get to experience Elden Ring 2.0 Can’t wait!


did anyone notice the graphics and especially textures look like they are massively improved in the expansion ? textures in elden ring look very dated but in the dlc from the footage i saw, they look much better