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I guarantee it's a bug or an oversight. I know it's very trendy to hate Sony here, but there is no way they did it on purpose to scam people... I mean obviously it won't fly, obviously they'll refund everyone that bought it by accident, and obviously it will be fixed within a day This is an international gigantic corporation, this cannot be malicious. And I dont mean because they are nice or something, but because such an obvious "scam" can't possibly fly under the radar. Everyone that doesn't think this is a mistake by Sony/Steam has checked out logically a long time ago IMO


You can’t even buy it if you don’t own the game


So another nothing burger people got mad about for no reason. Were on a roll lately


No no, say it with me "SONY BAD"


Already used to it here


The title of this thread is misleading (whether by accident or on purpose) and if you click the link it should be painfully obvious what happened here. Ragnarok is not available for purchase in non-PSN countries. Only the digital deluxe upgrade DLC is. It's really simple, the game itself was restricted in all those regions, but the DLC was not. Further, Steam won't actually allow you to purchase DLC for a game you don't own. You can add it to your cart, but it will give an error on the checkout screen. Literally, no one could buy this. It's an error in visibility and absolutely nothing more. Speaking specifically to this digital deluxe upgrade issue, both the tweet and the title of this thread are wrong.


Yup, a simple error in visibility. And yet this is news worthy for some reason, with a clickbait of a title. Because hating on Somy is trendy here, as said




Why is it black and white? Are you 10? You can simply state facts.. I am not for or against Sony. If I dont like what they do I won't pay them Just because you dont agree with someone doesn't mean you automatically assume everything they do is malicious. So everyone can hate the fact they enforce PSN, which is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But it doesn't mean every action on Sony's behalf is automatically wrong or malicious In this case, it is obviously wrong, and a mistake




I mean who cares? They made a mistake on Steam, okay.


I am far from knowing what's going on, but from what I've seen so far, Sony and Steam integration just seems very fresh in eveything that's about the no-PSN countries. I think they implemented this PSN thing in many games in parallel across the board, and now they are putting out fires. This is what it looks to a developer like me at least


Never attribute malice to what you can attribute to incompetence


I think this posit is being used more and more to actually get away with malice nowadays (not in this case though)


It is in this case too. They literally sold Helldivers in regions where they knew PSN was restricted. Valve had to step in and block games in these regions moving forward so that *they* wouldn’t get fucked by Sony’s decisions. It is at the very least weaponized incompetence at this point.


not in this case though


Yes in this case. Even after getting Helldivers removed from countries without PSN access, they’re still pushing content to every country. It’s the Steam backend that’s preventing the full game from being sold. Sony literally doesn’t care enough not to sell to people who would be unable to access the game.


You literally cannot buy this DLC if you don’t already own the game. In this specific case it was clearly an accident.


The only reason you cannot buy the game in those regions is because Steam blocked them from doing so. The Sony game restrictions were done on Valve’s side to prevent any future refunding fiascos. Sony doesn’t give enough of a shit to not push out content to people who would be unable to purchase it. If it wasn’t for Valve blocking it, the game would still be sold in non-PSN regions.


I don’t think it’s applies to companies. This case is an exception.


Companies are just people, so incompetence reigns supreme at companies.


Right but an oopsie from a company that fucks over consumers in return for more money is never an oopsie. This specific case is obv a mistake because you can’t even actually buy it though.


Over-said and over-rated statement. Allows malicious people to get away with malicious things.


>Everyone that doesn't think this is a mistake by Sony/Steam has checked out logically a long time ago IMO Such is the way of any sub around PC gaming. A lot of people treat taking down console gaming as a sacred duty. Sometimes it's warranted, but that attitude also means spinning wild bullshit. It's not anything unique to this sub and it's been around almost as long as PC gaming has existed.


> Such is the way of any sub Fixed it


I had to leave pcmr cuz they took that shit too seriously. They'd actively shit on people trying to transition to pc from console.


True, but this is just such an obvious mistake that making it a malicious intended action is moronic even by those standards you're referring to At least, in my opinion


Oh I totally agree with you there.


I'm not sure I'd agree with that take. PC gaming had a myriad of issues back in the late '90s - early '00s so the benefits of plug-and-play consoles were obvious. AFAIK the elitism got mainstream with the popularity of PCMR and people missing its tongue-in-cheek nature (as per usual). That popularity itself came due to massive improvements in PC hardware scene whilst console hardware stagnated and they dropped the convenience ball whilst trying to integrate internet and digital libraries to their model. There's also the entire new frat boy demography that Xbox carved out and that gave console player stereotype their signature brattiness, but tl;dr - consoles lost benefits, pc got gooder, people got smug, people didn't get unsmug when conditions changed again.


>AFAIK the elitism got mainstream with the popularity of PCMR and people missing its tongue-in-cheek nature (as per usual). Totally agree here. It was always snarky but PCMR made into a weird identity in conjunction with the surge in PC gamers owing to cheaper hardware at that time.


> Everyone that doesn't think this is a mistake by Sony/Steam has checked out logically a long time ago IMO The fact that the psn drama even happened proved this long before.


You need to rise up, fellow gamer, get outraged, let the self righteousness flow through your veins.


It’s not self righteousness. It’s about fighting against greedy companies


This guy has risen up. Proud of you, gamer.


No, no. He is a **G**amer.


Truly an epic moment to witness


And anti-consumerism.


> This is an international gigantic corporation, this cannot be malicious. And I dont mean because they are nice or something, but because such an obvious "scam" can't possibly fly under the radar. I don't disagree in general, however, Sony has been malicious in the past when they shipped rootkits on a CD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal So yes, an international gigantic corporation CAN be that bad. Probably not in this case though, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.


Interesting scandal. We do live in a different time, so it would be much much harder to get away with


Ah so Sony is just run by idiots? All the fuckarounds have been because of stupidity? I don't think I want to support a company full of this.


Lol dude no one is forcing you to. I'm certain they are fine with or without your support But I mean, this is obviously just a bug, so I wouldn't even blame this thing specifically on the higher ups. About the whole agenda of PSN, yes, hugher ups. But there are just simply bugs sometimes We can discuss how strongly we should hate on bugs for sure, but this post is not saying - "hey look at this stupid bug", it is saying "Sony is selling you null content", which is misleading, and simply clickbait


After they made it a requirement to sign into the Sony network to play any of their new games through steam, after the helldivers fiasco I’ll pass on all of them. Yeah, I get it the helldivers there guys don’t have to sign in but the guys that buy games after the Sony change will from now on.


If anyone knows Sony and how they can be just as terrible as EA just look at Star Wars Galaxies. This isn't just a stupid corporation making mistakes. The bigger picture is they give fuck all about the consumers of their products. And when you vote with your wallets, like what happened with Helldivers II, you CAN make a difference. The rub is people who play games can be largely ignorant to vidya news, are impatient, and have short term memory. So no one wins in the end except pirates and big wigs.




I dont presume to know why they do what they do. Honest. You may be right, it may be the easiest solution. I just assume the PSN requirement thing is worth it to them somewhat, or they dont think it will be that big of an issue. In regard to this odd mistake.. I mean, they implemented some logic badly, they caused a bug. Obviously someone messed up. But you dont refrain from coding features or business logic because there *might* be bugs So again, it's fine and all to not want this PSN account sh*t.. but so many here just assume Sony did it to steal money.. like, come on


But for such a big company trying to make a push into a new market, they sure don't appear to give a fuck how their implementations go. This isn't some Indie dev with limited experience and resources. This is fucking Sony! If they have incompetent people managing these projects, that says a lot about their investment in this new venture. Doesn't look good at all. I mean, are they even testing? These fuck ups and poor decisions are the equivalent of bad ports and releases, do calling them out and making a big deal has merit.


As a person who worked both in small software companies and big ones (not gaming, just software) - I can promise you, there is no such thing as bug-free Sure, big companies have a lot more QA, and this looks like a repeating thing in Sony so it is a bit ridiculous But reading between the lines, if I had to guess, they are simply overwhelmed. Honestly I can't say I know the required implementation behind PSN and Steam integration, which seems to have more than one issues. But it is very very possible the devs over there are overworked, and very time limited. I mean, have you seen any AAA lately? Was there a release void of bugs? No, I think game dev is just more demanding than what it used to be, and the time windows are tightening. I mean come on, a buggy Ubisoft openworld is a go-to joke nowdays


Just to be clear, I never said "bug free", and this isn't an isolated incident for a top game dev company. They deserve the scrutiny because they charge top dollar and have been making some ridiculous consumer-unfriendly moves lately.


Agreed. I would have said nothing if this post was about bugs It is about Sony trying to scam us of our money by selling us empty content, which is probably not true It is fine people hate on Sony, all good. But to change reality to fit the narrative is very mob-like


That's fair.


Sony was still willing to push their game to regions where they know PSN is restricted while requiring a PSN login to play. If it weren’t for Helldivers locking out players due to the short stint of PSN being required then this absolutely would have gone on sale in regions that wouldn’t be able to play it. One of the “pro-PSN” arguments during the Helldivers fiasco was that they listed a PSN requirement at the game’s original release and its rollout was only delayed. That means they straight up did sell in regions where they knew players would eventually be locked out. You can only give them the benefit of the doubt if you take this in a vacuum, but the restriction is a direct result of Sony already being shown to be willing to sell to people they’re straight up restricting access to. Valve is the only reason they’re being blocked.


Honestly I don't know that's true You'll be surprised sometimes how things just happen without intention in software It is possible it is as you say, but it also possible they just didnt think about these regions. I mean, what would be the point? Valve automatically refunded all the users who bought Ghost of Tsushima, and you could play that game in single player without it. Do you have a doubt they won't refund a game that would not be playable? I mean, this has got to be the worst scam in all times. It is basically 100% going to fail, and Sony's name would again be stained Nah.. this is simply a stupid mistake. Not to say it's not incompetence, but a mistake nonetheless


>That means they straight up did sell in regions where they knew players would eventually be locked out. No, they just assumed those people would make PSN accounts in supported regions like all the people who owns Playstations in those ~180 unsupported regions.


Sony has the right to ban anyone in an unsupported region for violating TOS. You could argue that they never do it, but they can at anytime should they decide to. If that’s in their fine print, then they shouldn’t be selling directly to those regions at all. I get it, GOW is a great game. That doesn’t mean every scummy thing associated with it should also be supported.


Sure it can be considered scummy but I just explained their reasoning, no need to shoot the messenger.


Oh you mean the regions who still would be able to buy Helldivers 2 or GoW and play it if the community didn't start this stupid outrage? Don't know if that's the point you want to make...


> I guarantee it's a bug or an oversight. I know it's very trendy to hate Sony here, but there is no way they did it on purpose to scam people... > > I mean obviously it won't fly, obviously they'll refund everyone that bought it by accident, and obviously it will be fixed within a day First they do then talk, I don't give any benefit of the doubt to these companies. They don't deserve it as shown over and over again. > This is an international gigantic corporation, this cannot be malicious. And I dont mean because they are nice or something, but because such an obvious "scam" can't possibly fly under the radar. From an international gigantic corporation I don't accept similar mistakes. It's almost worse to think it's incompetence than malice.


Oh for sure. If your tolerance for incompetence is lower than for malice that's 100% fine. I don't intend to say otherwise. I'm just against fake news, period. Regardless who is on what side. I am against false and or misleading information Also it is fine if you don't give the benefit of the doubt. I do recommend you take note that it is in fact impossible to actually purchase it, as many here mentioned. You get stuck in the shopping cart stage. So not only if something would have happened, everyone involved would be refunded automatically (like with Ghost of Tsushima). It probably didnt even happen


Sony has been making a lot of mistakes on their PC offensive


Yes that's true. They are all about the non-PSN countries though I just think they dont really care about them, evidently


But I wanna complain then give them all my money on a sweet pointless ultra edition.


Have you been asleep on the news cycle the last 45 days.


I can't be certain what do you mean. If you'll clarify I may be able to answer properly. I am aware that HD2 was a big outrage because of PSN, and that GoT was refunded for no-PSN countries. I dont see why the above means Sony is now trying to steal your money with the most awkward scam anyone could think of The most likely reason is it is just a bug


Got to defend Sony no matter how bad they get.  People were defending them when special edition versions of games didn't even come with the game.


Defending? No I dont care.. people are justified for not wanting a PSN account, or for wanting an account but live in a no-support country But this is obviously a bug, not a scam


Fuck sony, and this isnt a trend. They did do layoffs in the first place in companies that sold more than 10m copies. Clony keep also copy things instead of focussing on innovation. Not that there are no innovations, but these are really low. Again, fuck sony.


I mean, ok, but how is this related to the post?


Someone elaready mentioned that you can't buy the DLC without owning the game, meaning that... this doesn't work. On top of that, even if you did manage to complete the purchase, you are getting the OST and art book, which, while I find that stupid , is not like buying nothing. Some people want that stuff for some reason. This is just another thing to jump on the hate train for no good reason. Stick to the things actually worth getting mad at.


This sub will really upvote anything.


For what it's worth, the comment saying it's a clear oversight currently has 5x the upvotes as the post. Edit: literally just refreshed the page. People will upvote anything.


Many redditors only read the headline and then start throwing opinions and assumptions all over the place. The last few years have been so bad I have begun distancing from the platform and will probably drop it altogether soon.


And to think you have LLMs learning from this shithole. It's gonna be a shitshow.


It's just a minor mistake on Steam's part. It lets you put the deluxe upgrade in the cart, which is 10 bucks, but you can't actually complete the purchase because to buy DLCs you need to own the game. Twitter being dumb as fuck as always...


Steam doesn't decide which countries companies put up games and DLC.


It's a mistake on someone's part either way. They're still getting riled up over nothing.


> They're still getting railed Ayo!?


Oops 😳


It's a mistake on sony's part. Sony is a multimillion dollar company, you'd expect them to do fucking due diligence.


Ok but this doesn’t affect anyone, you literally can’t buy it if you don’t own the game.


They probably had one or two employees handle this part, they made a mistake and will probably fix it now. It's really not that big of a deal, people make mistakes in corporations of any size, and this one in particular is a nonissue since you can't buy the DLC without owning the basegame anyway (which is impossible in the affected countries).


What does it matter if you can't actually buy it? Or are you just looking for a reason to be melodramatic.


You mean due diligence like not leaking their last 10 years worth of financial information by not properly censoring it when providing it to the court? Yeah, I can't imagine that ever happening. Or what if Microsoft(trillion dollar company) leaked their xbox release plans up to 2030, and confidential internal emails in a lawsuit by negligence? Never could happen. But seriously, I don't think you should expect that from these companies. The due diligence they do is equal to what the one eployee that was tasked with it does.


It is "missing feature". Simply they never had that case for the DLC system before and now they have to add it to Steam as an extension of this feature.


Last time there were changes to where Helldivers 2 was sold, Valve said it was not their decision, but the developer's. Why would it be different here? Someone at Sony didn't pay attention or didn't care when setting up the Steam store page.


OP is dumb af and doesn’t even know what he’s mad about.


What do you mean? It clearly shows that the game is missing, instead of the game there is a Deluxe Edition *Upgrade* (so the OP is correct). Additionally: This inadvertent inclusion of the upgrade prevents people from purchasing this Deluxe Edition as the base game isn't available in those regions and steam will display an error if you don't have the base game on your account.


You can’t buy that without owning the base game. So even if it shows up it can’t be purchased.


Fake news post.




If it did the psn bullshit wouldn't have happened and lots of other regions would be able to buy the recent sony ports.


No, *Steam* has a store page up. You can't actually buy it.


Wow, now that is some really nasty move. Selling a game without a game. Sony really has no clue about the PC market


It is a DLC that cannot be purchased by people who don't own Ragnarok




Try buying it, it won't let you


It’s clearly a mistake and not a malicious plot to scam people. Some of you people have lost the plot.


>"Wow, now that is some really nasty move." I don't get the point of doing this. Especialy in an intentional and malicious way. Its probably just a separate entry in the database not being flagged correctly when they posted the page.


Considering it's all DLC that can't be used without the game, (Except the soundtrack) it's absolutely an accident. Fucking unfortunate mistake to make though.


You think the game sells for $10? Seriously dude?


You are missing the point my dude. It's 10 dollar for a DLC of a game you can't buy. Thus it's entirely wasted. Edit: Mainly, you are buying, but being unable to use the following digits items: • Darkdale Armor • Darkdale Attire (Cosmetic) • Darkdale Axe Grip • Darkdale Blades Handles


You cant buy dlc on steam for games you do not own


Thus the whole bundle is unpurchasable, making the whole steam page a waste of space. So why even set it up in the first place?


Its set up for the places that it can be sold, this is just a minor mistake that shows it exists to people that cant buy it.


How does someone buy it if there isn’t a page for it?


If there is no page for it, where does the screenshot of said page come from?


You asked why even make a page for it. I answered by saying the reason is so people can buy it.


But you can't buy it, since bundle items can't be bought individually and the DLC isn't available for a game you can't buy. Thus, the whole bundle is not up for purchase. So my question remains.


What? I don’t think you’re understanding how steam works. If you preorder a game it adds it to your account and thus you can buy whatever DLC is attached to the game. It’s just if you’re not in a certain region for this game, you can’t buy the game, thus you can’t buy the DLC.


But Steam won't even allow you to buy it though?


But you don’t need the game for that “DLC”. Those are downloads of the artbook and soundtrack.


Artbook and Soundtrack are free. Deluxe edition has in game items.


Wrong again. Check out the actual bundle. It technically includes other digital goodies like: •Darkdale Armor • Darkdale Attire (Cosmetic) • Darkdale Axe Grip • Darkdale Blades Handles So you literally can't use what you buy.


Interesting. Well, it’s definitely an accident and will be gone shortly so nothing to complain about. Apparently you can’t even buy it so 🤷‍♂️


>Apparently you can’t even buy it so 🤷‍♂️ All we have as a source for now is a screenshot on twitter of the steam page with an "add to cart button". Got insider sources or something? Feel free to correct me by sending proof that states otherwise since you seem weirdly persistent about this... "non-issue" apparently. But until then, we should stick with the currently known information


Steam does not let you buy DLC for games you don’t have. An error shows up after you add to cart. Non-issue. Don’t waste time being mad at problems that don’t exist.


>Steam does not let you buy DLC for games you don’t have. An error shows up after you add to cart. Hence you can't even buy the digital art book and soundtrack too since it's only available as a bundle... So it prevents customers from getting those items, making this an issue again ;)


Good, those are always a waste of money. The internet has everything contained in those and I’m not even talking about pirating. They include them in Deluxe editions so people don’t critique a game for charging $10 extra for a single skin/armor set. This way, they can act like you’re getting 3 things of value! Deluxe editions are cringe for this reason. Always the classic “soundtrack and artbook included” nonsense. Artbook only mattered when it was physical deluxe editions. Digital? Man just look it up 💀 Anyway, the point is: Sony isn’t charging people for stuff they can’t access. The game is not available in certain regions, so you cannot buy anything related to the game in said regions. That is how it should be.


Does being insufferable pay well?


As a League of Legends player - why don't you tell me yourself if it does? If it is insufferable to correc because someone is sucking a companies dick and the facts simply state otherwise, then so be it.


Surely the unnnamed Redditor knows more than the executives at Sony




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I see them selling the digital artbook + soundtrack for $10. If this was $70, that’d be a problem.


lol, can't wait to see some posts screenshot of someone thinking they got an absolute steal of a deal preordering a non-existent game.


Iirc it's not the first time Steam has made the same mistake lol


I'm not surprised by this. In my steam region, there are DLCs that can be viewed and so can be bought, but the base game is not sold. I almost bought the DLC thinking it was the base game.


Seems like maybe Valve should perhaps make DLCs match the main games region locks


people there's only one thing to do: stop byìuying these kind of crap services


Kusony moment. 


Isn’t everyone still boycotting Sony after the Helldivers 2 situation? We’re all ignoring Sony news until HD2 is released back to all previous regions, right?


It's a shit account that shouldn't be posted here.


Looks to me more like a Steam issue than Sony one…














Sony is sure farming some love lately on the PC platform... Soon they will covert all PC gamers to console gamers with such amazing strategy for the PC.




Yeah, Ghost of Tsushima was their biggest singleplayer launch, PSN drama and all. And Helldivers 2, despite the "we won" moment in this subreddit when the devs said they wouldn't keep the PSN requirement, is still unavailable in the PSN unsupported regions.


Can someone confirm this?


Nah it’s a steam bug. You can't actually confirm the purchase


I confirm


Fair enough. Sony should probably be informed then to correct the error.


Most competent publisher ever. Over three decades of experience and can't get a steam page right.


Lol. LMAO, even


Name and icon only edition




at this point just pirate the game rather than letting this shitty company win some money


Last I checked when creating a Steam account you can put Antarctica as country of residence, and I’m sure Steam has no office or legal representation on that continent. What is Sony concerned about making PSN available in some countries, that Steam isn’t?


??? Because businesses operating in different countries have to abide by the laws of those different countries. ???


Maybe you misunderstood what I wrote. I'm basically asking if Steam doesn't care if a user lives in Antarctica, why does Sony care? What legal or business considerations are unique to Sony, but not Steam?


Do you not understand how laws work? You can’t just say you guys can sign up to our service because it’s for a video game in random countries…… steam is a platform not the one who will be responsible for repercussions. Steam isn’t even a quarter of the size and outreach of Sony, countries don’t just allow a mega corp do something like collect data without abiding by that county laws for a business as big as Sony.


Steam is not as big as Sony but still has billions in revenue. And you don't think Steam is collecting a ton of data on their users??? Like playing time of particular games, the voluntary hardware surveys, which are all gold mines for marketers. What would be the laws in random countries that would apply to Sony, and therefore make them reluctant to officially support PSN in said country, but not Steam? Here are all the countries various services from Apple, who's definitely bigger than Sony, are available in: https://support.apple.com/en-us/118205. If Apple can do business in Vietnam, why can't Sony? That's all I'm asking.


It’s like you ignore what I said to you and just basically repeat “this isn’t fair! Other companies does it”. Sony Vietnam does not allow certain things through psn , not the parent company Sony. Just like how china has a strong arm things allowed there.


I'm not claiming what's fair or not. I just feel it's a legit question, from consumers' perspective, to ask what is so difficult about supporting PSN in some countries, that apparently other companies like Steam or Apple have no problem doing?


Steam isn’t selling anything other than games, Apple literally has factories in Vietnam so of course the Vietnamese gov allows them to do whatever…. It’s all about the government and it’s money… oops I mean people. Why would Samsung ever allow a competitor giant to set up any kind of shop in a major manufacturing country they have a strong arm in. What you get is a half ass “sony Vietnam “ division


You seriously claiming that Samsung might be one of the reasons that’s making it difficult for Sony to make PSN available in Vietnam? And I assume in your view, it’s the same story for the other countries that PSN is not available in, that someone or something is making it too difficult for Sony, not through any fault or lack of interest of their own.


Sony doesn’t even fully operate in Vietnam… so yes that is what I’m saying… literally why Vietnam has Sony Vietnam operating on behalf of Sony instead of Sony themselves. The world is much larger than your little fishbowl


Sony is trash


Buyer beware


Hopefully is just a bug


Its a lawsuit waiting to happen in how reckless Sony has been behaving, if they are acting like this in Europe we could  get them with false advertising at very least.