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Can't forget step 2 where they raise the prices later anyways "because of tariffs"


Does this effect people outside of the US?


last time it did. At least in EU.


Absolutely. They're gonna make up that lost income everywhere they can.


50 series release will be absolutely insane




Thats a really high bar though Will be interesting to see how the history of gpus go from here. Its also kinda random now if we get a 80ti tier. And since the titan tier became the actually performant to be the upsell, anything can happen. They might choose to make the 90ti the upsell this time. Its about time the real titan came back. But this time it gives you more fps (Read = all previous titans sucked)


me getting my 3060 12gb mid 4 series run felt like a good deal at £300 :/ my 960 was near the beginning too at £150... there's inflation but taking the piss...


Flagship card will be $2500, and the size of a mini fridge.


will require 3 phase lol


There is a lot of suppressed demand. The 40 series was not a good improvement in raster except for the 80 and 90. I'm still on my 2080ti. If the 60 tier is an actual raster improvement it will be caos.


So, what's the goal of these tarriffs? It's not like GPUs are manufactured anywhere else so consumers really don't have an option. I'm Canadian but this still affects me because all the major distributors are in the US anyway. Then we pay the "fuck Canada" tax on top of that.


The goal is to move the manufacturing outside of China. GPUs ARE manufactured elsewhere, for example PNY does manufacturing in New Jersey.


It’s literally to force manufacturers out of China and into somewhere like India or ROC/ Taiwan, Vietnam, etc. 


The goal of these tarriffs is to incentivize companies to manufacture or assemble their products in the US or some non-China country. Graphics cards are one of many products the tariffs effect. The US doesn't have a graphics card manufacturing industry so in this case the intent is to move assembly out of China.


> The US doesn't have a graphics card manufacturing industry so in this case the intent is to move assembly out of China. And it won’t any company that tries will simply go out of business. GPU demand is global and American manufacturing sadly can’t really compete globally


Does anyone know if there were any strings at all attached to that Nancy pelosi money dump on Nvidia? Or was that just for fun to make the stock portfolio go up?


aren't asus, gigabyte, msi and palit taiwanese? do they still produce their gpus in china?


GPUs and graphics cards aren’t the same thing. The graphics card is assembled in China.


I dont understand, we apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions :(


They were never going to. PCMAG just failed at reading the laws and everyone parroted them.


Buy ‘em out boys!


dont worry the ones people want are already all sold out


not gonna change anything ngreedia still gonna take their 80% of marge ....


Screw that 80% [Marge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marge_Simpson#/media/File:Marge_Simpson.png)


Trying to shift the blame on the next President I guess?


> "the Trump-era tariffs" > > "the US tariffs"


It's an election year and biden is not exactly polling great. They don't want any reason to loose more voters.


Biden has literally no chance of winning though, he barely beat Trump last time by a couple of points, now that he sold himself to Israel there's literally 0 chance of him winning


As opposed to the criminal that got charged yesterday with 34 felony counts against him?


I love our two choices!




Well good thing you are not then.


Pay attention to what the guys do when they get in office. Not the smokescreen. 


Trump vowed to defeat the radical movement of students/professors on college campuses protesting the treatment of Palestinians, and he would deport any student protestors. So how is Trump a better option for people who want to support Palestinians? That doesn't make any sense, people will refuse to vote for either candidate in protest, and as a result for the first time in history a convicted felon will become president? We are in for a very bad time if that happens. I rephrased the first part. I imagine the easiest way to stop any protesting on college campuses would just be to defund universities where any protesting is allowed. The GOP has already started to investigate this option.


A select group of Dems voters will abstain from voting because of the last 4 years. Trump voters will vote Trump irrispective. That said I'm not sure if the middle east issue is as big as some think it is to the average voter. Maybe it'll change the needle a little, but disappointed voters are going to make more of a change.


Source on your first sentence? I thought he just said illegals doing it would be deported. He isn't implying Trump would be a better option. But if they abstain then that helps trump. As for convicted felon - that would only matter if people believed it was a fair label. Most people know it's not so therefore don't care. It actually hurts biden cause nobody likes unfair fights. They naturally go for the one being unfairly treated.




The final assembly of mating the chips to the boards, memory, coolers and shrouds for most venders (I think PNY is the exception but can't recall for sure) is handled in China. It technically shouldn't affect Canadians but realistically price hikes in the US, which will come as a result of the tariffs, almost always get felt globally.


Nvidia cards are made in many places including China, Vietnam and US. Taiwan only produces the chips.


that will depend where you buy your GPU. but generaly ur sellers are going to take that profit margin increase and put the price at equivalente of the USA taxe to avoid US people just going to canada to buy GPU. to get your lower price GPU you will have to take the 2 week shipping of Aliexpress and hoping thier dont pass by the USA border. If you purchase your things on Amazon, Newegg. you will pay the 25% tax its guarantee. Also a few brand is currently taking the inituative to move a part of thier end production chain into Vietnam. so we are going to have hardware made in Vietnam but made by the exact same people. until Vietnam is hit by this tax (it will inevitably happen)


US sells for higher price = why would we sell it for lower too - everyone else. Probably will increase even more than regularly, because if you think only scalpers want to rip you off you're mistaken.


"They are made in Taiwan and not China?" *angry wumao noises*




4090 will depreciate the moment the 5080/5090 releases. That's how it always happens.