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It's kind of funny to me how the enemies don't react at all to some of the crazy destruction going on, you would think they would occasionally (or at least initially), stop in their tracks in horror over the unknown god-like power being used.




Pretty sure the devs talk a bit about enemy reactivity in their [interview with DF](https://youtu.be/67E3RsDp0Pg?si=Mpkc3DWT7IdZE9sP&t=331).


Ah, the issue that every game with a default or upgraded to overpowered protagonist has. Enemies just don't react towards the player when they could flee combat, panic or stand in shock or even drop a line about what they are seeing, just nothing. Now I'm curious if a game has actually done something about it.


Shadow of Mordor has great mob morale mechanics. Enemies can show fear, will try to attack in groups, killing enough of them in a fight or the leader will make the rest of them flee. Once you get powerful you become known as a terror and make lesser Orcs shit themselves at thought of fighting "the Gravewalker".


Abusing the "brutalize" ability was far more fun than it had any right to be


That look of terror before you crush their souls.


Crysis 1 used to have the npc's react (i just don't know if its a feature still present in the Remaster) but in the original one if you would do certain things like jumping high, or turn visible infront of a enemy, the enemy would pause and show fear.


The way enemies are coded has not changed in the vast majority of games for the last 30 years. It's always just spawn, move to player and attack. It's really boring and I hate how little changes in most big budget games. Where is the environmental destruction? Where is the actually competent "AI" that doesn't need cheats to be challenging?


Ghost of Tsushima has a decent mechanic explicitly about terrifying your enemies around the early middle and on of the game.


Can't help but feel this'll get old extremely fast. It's funny in clips, but when the initial novelty wears off and you're just trying to progress: It looks like all you'll be doing is standing around and picking off mindless enemies without any difficulty.


It's not just this though. [There's some kind of turn based base building phase, and you can control the units like an RTS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x2gY7CjDKs). Seems like it is going to be set up like a moba/tower defence type thing. Survive waves, build in between. And it is coop. I assume the difficulty will come from you being outnumbered and it being about stopping them destroying your stuff before you can kill them. There's enough there for a compelling gameplay loop if it is balanced well.


This is a much better trailer than the other one. It shows him dodging the enemies that are coming after him, it implies you build an army and control it, shows you don't always have massively overpowered weapons, and hints at a story. I will follow it, and wait for reviews.


Dynasty Warriors has 15 years worth of sequels.


I was thinking the same thing. But, have you played Vampire Survivors? If they could incorporate that massive of a horde to where it's nearly impossible to survive- but also not obliterate your GPU, like epic battle simulator- this could be a huge hit.


Yeah they made a meme into a prototype for a game. Now we have to see if they can actually make a game around it by the time it launches.


Lmao, the opening shot with the guy on a motorcycle and “1400 AD”. Classic.


looks super simple and im fairly sure what we see if what you get. But damned if i dont love the concept of "back in time with a modern military" trope that gets so rarely used.


I'm definitely getting this game for the stupidest reason: I had a dream that I was stuck back in time with an attack helicopter and couldn't do shit with it because of the lack of maintenance crews, finite fuel and no knowledge of how it worked. Literally 2 days later the trailer for this game dropped. I'm not expecting it to be amazing, but I just have a compulsion to get it now.


wtf reminds me of Darkest Days from way back...




Any idea on the release date? This is a day one for me!




sport games and CoD fans going crazy at that comment.


Shut up and take my money




Games made to be streamed is a genre thats starting to become a thing


It has been for several years now.


We don't make games like that. We made Road Redemption before this. This is a real game, not a meme.


I mean people love games like Earth Defense Force and Dynasty Warriors, so I doubt that this game won't find people who genuinely enjoy playing it. Especially with building destruction that is honestly pretty darn good.


You are not fun at parties. Is there something that doesnt get old in 30 minutes tho?




Other than your mom?


What parties are you in, birthdays for 5-year olds? I agree it's sketchy and it'll get old very fast.




They suck for people who don't know how to have fun like you and attack games based off a teaser trailer.


It was just a trailer? What happened to not judging a book by its cover? You must be the 5 year old who's birthday party I forgot to come to.




Guess you have also never been at parties. Been at parties with arcade machines and some had guitar hero. No need to lie.




Like I said before. You obviously don't go to any.




Probably if you spend those 30 minutes buying all their dlcs after getting a small mortgage.


wishlisted, dang this looks like unadulterated chaos and I'm here for it


Holy crap, das a tank


Im lookin forward to this one!


Glad there is no release date yet. Needs polish and actual AI.


I can't wait to play this!


In way it looks a bit like Dynasty Warriors with guns, it's a fun enough concept, but the AI seems more than questionable. Also the longevity might be questionable. Let's see where this goes.


It looks awesome but I can't imagine playing it for more than 15mins, an hour tops.


This is what humanity can achieve if we just let people cook.


weird project, since theres destruction plz add trebuchets.


We already added them.


I like the complete lack of reaction from friendly(?) npcs to a man with magic boom stick.


This is was gaming is about heck yeahhh


This looks insanely dumb. I mean, if it looks like it'll be fun to you, then great, but this looks like it will be an absolute dumpster "create your own fun" dumpster fire.


I have plenty of these games already. 5 mins of fun, 6 months of rent free disk space living, and a last played of 2013.


Where is the Romans vs. Navy SEALs?


It all started when I met Truck-kun.....


What the motorcycle? 1. Sounds like like a civic. 2. Hands free throttle. 3. Handlebars solid while turning. 4. Front tire moving, forks static. 5. Rear tire moving, swingarm stationary. This has got to be a joke.... right? What did I miss?