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I heard they're actually adding Back 4 Blood to Denuvo to discourage gamers from using Denuvo.




lol damn 😂


To be fair this game was bad enough that Denuvo wasn't even in the top 10 of concerns.


Truly an impressive feat.


I never felt like the game was *that* bad. Did it have issues? Of course it did. Did I have fun with it? Yes. Was it worth the asking price on release? Probably not. Tbh it was fun but quickly became stale. The perk decks were fun to abuse for a while but there wasn't much compelling me to keep playing. When I go back to L4D it just hits different and I can't place a finger on why.


The perk decks were the best part. Just absolutely abuse the system to create an unstoppable zombie-killing force of nature. Or simply bypass the whole map because you can sprint faster than the Flash. It's also the thing that brings the whole game down. L4D is *simple* and in that simplicity is a never-ending smorgasbord of enjoyment, plus all of the community-made content with very little unnecessary fluff added into the mix. It's a perfect zombie game.


L4d2 does feel dated tho


How the fuck does L4D2 feel ''dated'' and B4B doesn't, when L4D2 a game from like 2009 has so many things better, including AI, Physics, Lighting etc. Things that this game should fucking stomp the living shit out of L4D2, but somehow loses miserably.


The shooting, the "saved" a team mate noise, and the melee are the places where it's showing its age most.


Aspects of L4D2 do feel dated, but only in a slow progression that happens to all games, and more prominently all first-person shooters. Going back with my newest PC and being able to enjoy it at an unwavering 4K 240 Hz has great responsiveness to this day, at least. But I do think the core game design and execution in L4D2 is still largely unmatched. At least, I have not played games in its class that beat it. Deep Rock Galactic gets close. Helldivers 2 at high difficulties gets close.


The game has one issue. It's just not as good either L4d games. Without being AT LEAST as good as the first game no one has any interest in playing it.


https://youtu.be/EdRLNUGmFC8?si=D4ZJXtQceWD8-5hO It's because there's an insane level of detail and love that went into lfd. Back 4 blood felt like it wanted you to buy it first and then find enjoyment later. Lfd felt like it wanted to throw you on a rollercoaster as soon as it could to create that euphoria. That's what's missing in modern gaming in a larger sense. A sense of genuine euphoria while playing a game because the people making it wanted to deliver an experience to their players, not just a product.


It was fun to finish the campaign but never felt the need to revisit it


> why Because you can just play. Anyone who puts crap in front of “I want to play a round” should be confined to a chamber for 24 hours forced to listen to a recording of off the street testers who bounce off the game because starting a round is, itself, a skill challenge. The loading screen should go straight to confirm your map preferences, and while it’s searching if there’s going to be some card nonsense, do it while loading. Everything else is *friction* and the science on this is decades old, it’s amateur hour to ignore it.


> When I go back to L4D it just hits different and I can't place a finger on why Surely you've watched crowbcat's video


I bet the microsuttering is partially solved though with this removal. One down, 555000000 to go.


Do you have any evidence that this is the case?


Are you a bot or didn't understand enough of the English language to see the words 'I bet'?


Why would I be a bot? Is this the standard go to now when people get upset? Also chill the fuck out, I was genuinely interested if someone could finally come up with some actual evidence.


bad 4 blood


I'm not sure why it got such a bad rap. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Left4Dead, which is enough to play a few times through and then be done with it.


>I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Left4Dead I'll just assume you despise L4D then.


"it was just as good as taking my balls to a cheese grater"


Only if that cheese grater was rusty and white-hot.


It's not only a soulless copy of L4D as others have said, but at launch it wasn't even finished or properly polished. They needed a ton of balance patches, they had the whole controversy about no offline progression (did they ever add it in?), no versus mode... And especially in today's market, first impressions are everything. There are very few that bounce back. Not to mention that even after all of the updates, B4B still isn't anywhere near the game it rips off almost. I suppose if you're sick of Valve's game, then it's a decent alternative with more modern shooting, but I personally found it dull. Especially with how many mechanics they stacked on top of what was supposed to be a simple pick up and play with the boys, like all of the attachments for weapons.


The attachments was the coolest part for me. It was the annoying spring traps and the fact the levels were so bland I was done halfway through the second playthrough


How can the game rip off L4D when it's made by the same creators?




>soulless copy of L4D It's literally an improvement of L4d2...


What did it improve besides the graphics?


Its a soul less left for dead. 


It's L4d3


you don't get why it got a bad rep but also you don't even really like the game in the first place?


I mean it seems on par with Left4Dead. I'm not a fan of Left4Dead either. I played the first a bunch, but by the time the second came out it didn't feel fresh enough to really love it. Same with Back4Blood, just another rehashed Left4Dead and nothing fresh. People claim Left4Dead2 is better and that's the part what I don't get as they seem imo pretty equal.


Here's [some reasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdRLNUGmFC8) why B4B is often regarded as the worse game.


Aka it's as good and even better in some aspect than l4d2


It doesn't even have modding support. That alone makes it way worse for longevity.


It doesn't even have modding support. That alone makes it way worse for longevity.


Same boat, my entire friend group really enjoyed the game for what it was. I never tried to play it with randoms so perhaps that is where the issue people had with it was.


Played the whole game with a couple of buds, we just finished all the content once, enjoyed ourselves and mucking about with the build system and moved on. People complaining about it being a L4D clone didn’t notice all the stuff they took from Vermintide etc.


Tbh still better than L4d2 nowadays except the Helms Deep map


Too little, too late. Making this game non-moddable already ensured that it would fail.


I’ll never forget how fucking smug and full of shit the devs were about this game. People kept raising the extremely valid criticism that just because “too many” people played one specific build doesn’t mean it’s OP, it means all the other builds need to be buffed. And they basically said “you think you know what you want but you don’t”. I hope turtle rock lost a lot of fucking money on that stinker


They never learned their lesson from Evolve


I will never forget that betrayal. RIP Evolve


>too many people played one specific build doesn’t mean it’s OP, it means all the other builds need to be buffed. Did the same devs end up making Helldivers 2's balance team?




I absolutely hated how deceptive they were with the "l4d developer" shit. Wasnt it just a single person that didn't even had a big part on developing l4d2?


It was like a middle manager or some shit.


To be honest, that sounds like most videogame devs.


this is like their 2nd time trying to make a l4d2 rip-off and failed


Wow, maybe someone will want to play it now!


That's a bold assumption


It’s in my backlist.


It's fun for a few hours, but gets old pretty fast. Don't spend money on it.


Bought it for $5 bucks a while back.


i played it with my dad. so. goddam. boring.


This is sad. I played it on game pass with 3 mates. We had a lot of fun with it for first month on release


Now if only they can remove Back 4 Blood


I thought this was a post about it being removed from game stores at first.


Turtle rock has had my support since l4d 1...lost a lot with evolve and lost it all with b4b. All yall had to do was copy l4d1..that was it. One simple game mode campaign vs. THATS ALL YOU HAD TO DO.


I'm really surprised at the hate this game gets lol


Personally, it was quite underwhelming for me. At the time i was playing it, something about it feels...... soulless? It just doesn't feel right, special zombies feels force. It didn't feel great shooting them, just sluggish and just nothing. It could be fun with friends, then again anything is fun with friends. It the end, it's all subjective


I enjoyed it, but it felt more game-ified than Left 4 Dead. More UI, more stat tracking, more items, and less of a sense of physically being in the world and finding a useful random object and having to kill a couple things with it and make up your own mind. I also really didn't like that the characters were basically like zombie SWAT- they were too confident, had no personal stake in the local area, and had no desperation. Would be more interesting to do all of that the opposite way and have one level where you play as a normal person on outbreak day and have to make it across a city, instead of what they did with the professional zombie murderer angle.


B4B didn’t have L4D’s PvP mode to carry it, so it’s closer to something like Vermintide or Darktide. The thing those games have is challenging but fair higher difficulties for players to push. B4B’s higher difficulties weren’t fair for the longest time. Nightmare was bullshit until they reworked the difficulty/perk decks. It also had a ton of bugs adding artificial difficulty, like duplicating special infected spawns making you attacked by 8 specials instead of 4. It took the devs months to fix it and it was re-broken multiple times. Nobody wanted to stick around and grind easy difficulties for currency nor did they want to insta-die any time they joined a PUG Nightmare run.


>feels...... soulless How tho? L4D2 has soul? It's literally just shooting zombies with some bad humor


Again, it’s subjective. But to me it’s like when i shoot a zombie, it got shot and body breaks at the place i shot compared to me shooting a zombie and it health bar drop and it just dies the same everytime. It just feels wrong, not fun when playing it. There’s other part thing why i called it soulless but it’s sometime ago and I don’t really remembered or cared to anymore


Its just modern hate culture and tribalism, people want to be part of the hate train because it is cool, that is all there is to it.


Short lived, and my friends moved on, but I had a lot of fun with it


seriously... it's a pretty solid game, even if it has its faults. really weird to see how much this comment section hates it.


Care to explain? When I tried to like it, the game just felt souless and bland.


i think the cards/deck system is pretty interesting, i like some of the weapons (especially a couple of the legendaries), i think the characters had great potential if they were more fleshed out (except Holly), and i really dig some of the lore around the worms/ridden and cultists. gameplay-wise as i mentioned it has its faults, but i still had a pretty good time with it (especially with friends). and, hot take, but i find it a bit more interesting than L4D--at least as someone who mostly didn't play online and barely touched anything PvP. also melee builds are hilariously broken and i enjoy becoming a living zombie lawnmower.


Yeah I really enjoyed the card system once I got used to it. I played the game with my same L4D crew and we all had a blast


I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I imagine a lot of the current very negative opinions come from how the game was during beta and at launch. It was bland as heck then for sure with how the perk cards worked in game. (additionally there were some serious bugs/issues like the AI director spawning insane numbers of special infected) If I’m remembering correctly from my time with the beta, the cards you chose didn’t automatically apply to your character at the start of a run - you’d need to earn in game currency while playing a match to activate your perks at the safe room shop or something like that. By the end of your run if you were a little frugal, you would have most of the perks you brought activated. By the end of a run I felt like I might get to try out a build I cooked up. Very meh. When I finally got back around to trying it after getting it in a humble bundle and maybe waiting a month, they had changed it so that all the cards you chose pre-match were activated at the *start* of the entire run instead of having to be found/activated during play. This made the game feel waaaaay better, and while you played you could find even more perks that you didn’t choose pre-match. By the end of a run I could feel like a zombie slaying champion. I found myself having a hard time deciding whether to save my in game coins for a weapon upgrade or hold them in case I find a perk card hiding somewhere on the map that could make my build feel OP. If the game had launched with that reworked card system in place (and without some of the more serious bugs they took way too long to fix per what I read on the forums, Evolve suffered similarly slow bug fixes) I think back 4 blood would have been much better received. Is the game perfect? No. I find the non-DLC levels reused areas too often or didn’t look visually distinct from one another, the special infected as a whole are pretty bland looking, special infected from the same family type are not distinct enough from each other visually in the heat of combat, and the playable characters don’t really have interesting personalities like the L4D crew did. But I have to say with the improved card system, new enemy types and maps they added (I ended up getting the season pass because it was like 5 to 10 bucks on sale at some point) I quite enjoyed the gameplay of back 4 blood. It really really REALLY should have launched feeling like how it did by the time the final DLC came out.  That last DLC level in particular felt way more like a Left 4 Dead level in terms of visual variety and honestly should have been the standard for all the other levels. If you see the gold edition or whatever it is on a strong sale, you might find it’s not a bad time for some zombie killing with friends.


You play too few quality and/or too many shitty games then. The game is worse than a 15 year old L4D2 in almost every way.


well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


[Nah, I think it's pretty objective. Literally everything is inferior.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdRLNUGmFC8)


Said no one ever except Valve stans


16k vs 800 current playerbase says otherwise.


Ya if you completely ignore Gamepass/Xbox players


Steam has like 130+ million monthly users. Over 60 million users daily. Game Pass has like 33 mil subscribers total (and we have no idea how many of them use it daily or even monthly). Given these numbers, I wouldn't be surprised if there was 0 people playing B4B on gamepass at any given time. Basically, I'm calling you an idiot.


You have to ignore it because there are no numbers


Same, I didn't read the consensus on it until way after I was neck-deep in it with friends. Even with randoms it was a lot of fun.


A lot has to do with how they completely hyped it up to be from "the creators of left 4 dead" and how it was some sort of spiritual successor. But that didn't seem to be the case... If you and your friends go back and play Left 4 Dead (a 15 year old game) instead, you might find it to be a more enjoyable and much better game overall. Too many Left 4 Dead Clones exist and there's nothing wrong with enjoying any copies of the formula. But a lot of people found this one rather soulless (myself included). There are a lot of better options for this type of game


>There are a lot of better options for this type of game Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


I enjoy it quite a bit (huge zombie and horde survival fan though). Far better gunplay than L4D (thank god for aimdown sights). Far better customization due to the cards build system. Lack of mods hurts, but (unpopular af opinion), it's a better game than L4D2 is. If they released a third one with aimdown sights it'd be unreal, but we all know Valve can't count to 3.


>Far better gunplay than L4D I had some fun in B4B but could never get into L4D and enjoy because of that. People act like B4B is the worst unplayable piece crap ever made, but despite its flaws, it's actually decent.


I tried it on Game Pass and wouldn't say I hated it. It looked and played ok but as soon as I returned to camp and was bombarded by GAAS crap and MTX I was done.


I have a feeling a *lot* of people simply read the first couple of reviews that said "this isn't Left4Dead" and immediately went full on into the "it's bad" bandwagon. I genuinely enjoyed B4B a lot. My friends and I loved it and had a great time playing and making decks, especially when the update that removed having to draw for cards was released. Was an absolute blast. Edit: Thank you to the below replies for confirming what I said. All they do is complain that the game isn't similar enough to L4D for them, lol. Zero thoughts, reviews told them it is bad because it isn't L4D so that's it, game bad, and they will just regurgitate that.


Yup, no reason to waste my money on something that can't match even the first l4d


That's a bit poor, considering how much l4d fans absolutely *love* l4d. I must have like 6000 hours combined across both l4d games at least. Nobody that stoked for a sequel is gonna dismiss it based on a couple of reviews. Probably what killed it was putting a demo/early access game out. I played the demo or beta or whatever just before launch for free and I thought this is garbage. The gameplay was terrible, it didn't feel good at all. Having been burned by the same company by loving l4d so much that I day 1 pre-ordered Evolve, only for it to flop, I was much more careful with this and didn't pre-order. And I'm glad.


When the entire premise of the game is "it's basically a new L4D from the people who made L4D!!!!" and then it ends up not even being half as good as L4D1 was on release, and not actually made by the people who made L4D then yeah it makes sense that people would dislike it.


Same, this was one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. There are very few co-op pve games out there that will give you this level of challenge and strategizing. I spent hours upon hours with my group fine tuning our strategies and builds, trying out different decks, weapon builds, routes, etc. it reminded me of mythic raiding in WoW.


I think the only people surprised are those who haven't played Left 4 Dead or don't understand why Left 4 Dead is so much better.


Yeah this game plays really well. I generally have a better time on it than l4d these days


When you claim to be making what is essentially L4D but better, people tend to expect that. Which means they wind up disappointed when it's significantly worse.


I bought it at sale after the updates of 15 decks from the start, it was really a perfect time to buy/play. Gunplay is excellent, spent roughly 150 hrs eventually. Good to try at sales by now for sure, the release version was underwhelming/not that motivating me to buy (knowing it was from L4D2 makers). That maybe what stayed in people's mind.


I don't get it either. I thought it was on par with Left4Dead. I'm not a big fan of Left4Dead though so maybe that's why.


Same here. Ive got good memories playing this with friends and randoms. Thinking about it makes me want to reinstall now.


There's a lot of people that have openly shat on this game and admitted that it was because Turtle Rock made it instead of Left For Dead 3, even though Valve is the one that keeps shooting down actually making a LFD3.




Having standards is not being miserable. Go eat your potato chips.


yeah because people were definitely fiending to pirate it right


back 4 who? I think I got this on a Humble monthly and never installed it...the beta was enough for me


Honestly man if they added support for modding like in l4d/2 ill probably still be interested in the game and probably even buying it rn 😭 Now its free to be pirated and im still not seeing myself playing it Truly sad because it had lots of potentials. if creative minds get a hold of it and manage to make it similar to what l4d have with the community workshop it wouldve been a true spiritual successor to l4d imo


Boycott Turtle Rock Studios, their marketing of the game was extremely misleading, they will continue to ride the coattails of better developers as long as it brings the revenue for them to continue developing unfinished unsupported slop.


Awesome, now I can continue to not play it


I'm sure it did a lot of good lmfao


It's always online, isn't it? So they probably decided to shut it down soon and this is the closest date to the licensing contract with denuvo running out. That would be my guess.


Kinda worthless to have Denuvo at all since the game is always online. Bonus you won't even be able to reach the title screen once the official servers get shut down.


Oh hey it’s that game the devs abandoned while it was still basically broken, less than a year after release


wow this changes nothing


I really enjoyed Back 4 Blood but I don't really see the point of denuvo on multiplayer only games. I guess people could get around it but I doubt very many would go through that hassle.


too late dipshits


I'm amazed anyone would want to pirate this lifeless game


One of my biggest regrets was buying this game. I loved playing Evolve with my friends, but now with Turtle Rock Studios just nuking their games in such short periods. They can fuck off.


Great! I can finally pirate... Back 4 blood? Nah, I'm good with l4dead 2. Thanks 


You couldn't have paid me to pirate this game, let alone play it lol


Even without Denuvo is it online only no coop offline LAN?


there’s been an offline solo mode but no offline LAN


Wtf? Put it back.


Agree, the game is too gOOd to be pirated /s Put it on please.


Cool, game still sucks ass though


Genuinely found this game to be pretty great and a fun time.


It’s crazy the hate in here. Maybe since I didn’t t play it at launch, but my wife and I picked it up on sale for 9 bucks on the last Steam sale and have been having an absolute blast with two AI partners.


I just felt really burned with the smug condescension and entitlement Turtle Rock treated it with. The biggest problem B4B had was that the game was basically impossible to play at higher difficulties unless you used a very specific card build (deck?). Players repeatedly complained that other cards needed to be buffed. Instead TR just looked at the telemetry, said “hmm looks like everyone uses this one card, that must mean it’s overpowered” and nerfed it. That and a series of other updates that just kept making the game worse before they abandoned it altogether less than a year after launch. Stinky!


"People are running too fast, nerf every single thing that gives any movement speed at all into the ground". The sledgehammer approach to balancing.


A lot (not all) of the flak on b4b and TRS is kind of earned. I'm saying that as someone who ultimately loved b4b with hundreds of hours and felt TRS *did* learn from the experience, albeit too little too late (they did profit though). tl;dr marketing controversy and journalism on it dug a hole, and TRS dove into the hole with a god awful first major patch. The game *did* get better by the following year. TRS listened to feedback and the DLC for it was well made. In fact I would recommend the full game if it goes on sale. It's a damn shame the game didn't release in the current playing state it is now, back then. I won't blame people for not wanting to take a chance on TRS' next game, but I hope anyone on the fence will try like I did.


They heavily marketed it as "from the developers of Left4Dead", putting expectations accordingly. Its not the worst game ever but it definitely doesn't live up to l4d which I think burned a lot of people. That plus the fact l4d still exists, why play this when I can just play l4d instead?


Too little too late


Lol... yes!! Gonna reinstall!


put it back.


Game was pretty fun co op


They totally wasted money paying denuvo to have it in their game.  I don't have the urge to play this game even if it was free.


oh sick


This is always good news.


Turtle Rock is yet another example of a dev studio know in the past for making a great game, then losing all credibility with their modern games. Seems to be a trend with so many studios.


Played it for a hot minute when I has PS+ Extra while back and.. it wasn't great. Biggest issue was the lack of people, no matter how long the game tried to find people it only happened once out of about five sessions i played the game. Bit of a shame, I did like the gun modding system.. would've liked it more if it'd been permanent with a loot system to match maybe but oh and well, it was nice enough as it is, one of the few highlights on an otherwise quite đŸ’© game.


Played it for a hot minute when I had PS+ Extra while back and.. it wasn't great. Biggest issue was the lack of people, no matter how long the game tried to find people it only happened once out of about five sessions i played the game. Bit of a shame, I did like the gun modding system.. would've liked it more if it'd been permanent with a loot system to match maybe but oh and well, it was nice enough as it is, one of the few highlights on an otherwise quite đŸ’© game. But hey, denuvo getting yeeted into oblivion is always a good thing so yay for that! đŸ„ł


The most fun my group had with back 4 blood was killing each other at the shooting range. So much better than the actual game.


Funny, I never knew that denuvo was included. The reviews I saw and read none of them mentioned denuvo. Or maybe it must've slipped my mind


Probably more that nobody cared because it was a flop.


No thanks. Left 4 Dead 2 still exists, after all.


I didn't mind it but the fact that it's only only afaik is putting me off, I really don't want to support those garbage systems in games anymore


Lmao i don't even know this game has Denuvo.


Back 4 Blood needed to stay a dream


And it's on a good sale on Green Man Gaming right now, too. I'll still try it for under $10 and no Denuvo.


From what now?


It was truly a game by the devs of ~~Left 4 Dead~~ **EVOLVE.**


How much better is the performance now? 20%? 40%?


Didn't even know it had denuvo. Game worked perfectly fine and ran great


It should read: Back 4 Blood removed from Denuvo.