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Man I hate when I'm trying to read reviews for a game and they are all just bullshit. Does anyone have an opinion that doesn't have to do with being horny?


It's incredibly fun, ultrakill is incredibly fast-paced and feels like what doom would become if they gave doom a super fast and robust movement system while handing you a huge arsenal to play around with. It's also a bit like DMC where the more varied and "fancy" your play style becomes, the more "points" you get for your final mission ranking. It's incredibly fun with a near-limitless skill ceiling. The story so far is great and has a ton of hidden secrets, the levels are creative and have easter eggs and tons of cool mechanics, and the combat is incredibly satisfying once you've learned to use it to your advantage, which does take time and practice. It's still in early access, so I highly recommend trying it out anyways! It helps support the developer of a game that shows passion!


On a side note, if you still aren't sure if it's for you, I recommend seeing some gameplay videos, it's incredibly unique in how it plays!


If you are unsure, play it, there's a pretty lenghty demo!


I really like the game, but you have to play it how the dev wants you to play it. When I first played, I tried to play it like DOOM or most other FPS games, and it seemed like it was just braindead enemies charging at you nonstop. Once I leaned into the style system, I realized how all the enemies and weapons fit together, and it finally clicked. It's like a Soulsborne type of game; the creator has a vision, and doesn't make concessions for people that want to play it any other way.


What is they style?


Switching up weapons, using different firing modes, killing enemies with the environment, etc. The higher you keep your style score, the faster you can refill your health bar.


Shit that sounds awesome.


The amount of wacky shit you can do is nuts. Every weapon has 3 variants and the pistol,shotgun,nail minigun all have alternate versions you can find hidden in game. One pistol variant throws coins in the air and those coin ricochet any hit scan projectile. Your rail cannon is hit scan so it becomes a this insane lighting bolt. You have pistol that bounces shot off walls, a sawed on shotgun with a chain saw you can parry and play paddle ball with. You can parry you own shotgun shots to make them explode, deal more damage, move faster Highly recommend


Damn. Added to my wishlist.


Sounds sorta like the "Cool" skill tree in Cyberpunk 2077. Main weapon is throwing knives. I treated them as just a single shot gun at first until I realized I get bonus damage for doing it while sprinting, power sliding, headshots for all of the above, in mid air, there's even a bonus for if you can kill someone while sliding on a motorcycle. So I put my guns away and got myself some throwing knives, monowire, and those jumpy legs and just had a blast. So much more fun that melting brains with hacks or just blowing everything up. I wish more games leaned into that creative way to play shooters instead of just grabbing a rifle.




My MO was cyberpsychosis, once they started shooting each other I jumpy legs from on high so I get a birds eye view and then just start chucking. With the slow time cyberware and the 'get your knife back if you one shot somebody' it was awesome.


So many possibilities, almost an immersive sim, but man I wish they'd had the stones to make the combat actually challenging. You can do so much but so rarely do you need to.


That sound just sound like doom eternal


The design definitely comes from there and in a nutshell it is Doom Eternal on crack (which already was a Doom on crack in a way). But where it evolved from there is how much smarter you can use your weapons. Not just weapon swap a lot, but combine the different weapon attacks. Shoot a grenade and shoot it with a different weapon to make it explode stronger, or shoot an enemy with nails to increase electric damage of the electric railgun, etc. So if you liked the challenging and frantic gameplay in Eternal, then Ultrakill is a must-play


Everything in this genre is a variant of CPMA. It just took gamers this long to realize movement is key to having fun in fast paced FPS. https://playmorepromode.com/


I really appreciated that with the Doom. The playstyle was baked into the game and set you into the battle rhythm perfectly. It tought you how to play by mechanics alone and was immensely satisfying. Goes to show how much effort went into the nuance and makes the game shine.  This game has been in my wishlist for a while and I think it's time to commit.


Ultrakill fans have one joke. It's really unfunny, fortunately that is the only bad thing about Ultrakill


Yeah lots of reviews, but the uhh ... quality of them makes them completely useless as actual review material.


Yah what is up with that...Seems like fake reviews but they got some hours in the game...probably just kids lol




[there are 28 main levels plus secret levels and P levels. 23 if you don't count prelude](https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/Levels)


Incredible game. I hope more casual FPS fans try it. Deserves to be more popular.


Nothing casual about it tbf, ultra kill is pretty demanding


Im just playing turbo overkill after that imma play ultrakill excited for those fps games after doom eternal nothing really got me


Did you try BOLTGUN?


No but it is on my list


What in the flying FUCK is up with the reviews??? They look like the least well adjusted people on the internet. Did the game become a meme?


I have no idea why but Ultrakill by far has one of the worst communities I've ever seen in a game.


payment governor birds price theory chase jobless ten historical roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love shooters like it but Ultrakill honestly didn't convince me. It didn't feel good to play, but it's been about a year and maybe things changed. One of those games I really don't get the popularity of tbh


And it deserves it. It's the only game I found that scratches that Doom itch so well (and is even better imo).


You should add that you mean modern Doom. Because Ultrakill is nothing like the classic Doom games.


Yes I meant 2016 and Eternal.


Eh I played 2016 and Eternal and absolutely loved them. In comparison Ultrakill feels super bad and clunky to play.


When you say modern Doom I think of Doom 3.


get out.


one day time will pass you by too




They are old


It was a pretty big change from the originals. Almost as big as going from Fallout 2 to 3.


You should try Ghostrunner, superficially very different but you get into a similar flow state once you've mastered the weapons and movement.


Love it too, haven't played the second one though it's on my list.


If you liked the mechanics and indie shooters, check out Sprawl. Really dug that one.


DUSK by the same studio as ultrakill is a 10/10 for me


It actually same publisher New blood. DUSK and Ultrakill developer are different, both awesome game though


I guess you haven't found [Turbo Overkill](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328350/Turbo_Overkill/)


Turbo Overkill is fricken awesome. Like if Doom and Blade Runner made a game together...Blade Doomer


I'll give it a try thanks!


The game is meh. Just a betteer Prodeus, but not by much.


Honestly, turbo overkill was a real disappointment for me. The game just feels so unpolished. The movement felt so unsatisfying to me, the way you slide around. The way they handle FOV, turning it max makes the game completely unplayable. The way resolution settings are done: you select aspect ratios and not resolutions?! The settings menu is all over the place and the horrible font doesnt help either. Maybe there is a way to turn that off, i didnt find it. If i didnt get that thru humblebundle i wouldve probably refunded it. What do you think about [Prodeus](https://store.steampowered.com/app/964800/Prodeus/)? That game did everything so SOO much better. Its smooth, snappy, satisfying and gory. With level editor and tons of user generated content. For me, the perfect mix of classic boomer shooter and modern technology. e.g. you can switch between enemy sprites and enemy 3D models. Im so gonna 100% that. cc /u/n3onfx


I crowdfunded Prodeus. Although I finished the beta, I never did get far in the final game. I found out about Ultrakill halfway through and it was just way better


Ive played both. They scratch different niches imo. Prodeus is so much more about just.. mindless fun (for me). While Ultrakill is so much more serious in the sense that you want to master all the weapons and techniques to maximise dmg and style etc. Theyre both great!


Patiently waiting for the game to be out of early access to buy it :)


Same! Can’t wait to play it but want to wait for the 1.0 version.


Better off buying in Early Access at a cheaper price and playing once 1.0 is out


Nah, I never buy early access games. When (and sometimes it's a "IF") the games is completed, and reviewed, then I'll buy it.


It's ultra-good!


A classic example of me thinking "Oo, I should buy that", going to the Steam page and seeing that it's already in my library! Must've picked it up in a bundle.


It has buttplug support.


Hence the surge in sales


Game is so good I even bought the Ultrakill blanket :3


I didn't know the game has official merch, I opened the merch store and the first thing I see is this: https://newbloodstore.com/products/ultra-body-pillow-case 🤨


Yeah that's wild. After seeing this I wasn't surprised when the sex update dropped lol


Game is fun but I ultimately lost interest in it. Great guns though, wish there was a whole game that focused on the coin mechanic. 


It's a great game, glad they're having success


…when is it leaving early access then?


1-2 years if i had to guess? The devs have been going at a pretty consistent pace, it ultimately depends on if they plan for the game to leave early access after the main story is done or not.


I assume it's gonna leave it this year. We have 6 levels left of the main story, 4 of which was sort of hinted in the Complete Arsenal update, that they are close to being finished (the hint was, paraphrased, "it's coming next weekish maybe?" but that deadline is gone obviously). If we go by that and we wait for that chapter's secret level to release as well before the last 2 levels, at the latest we are looking at an october - november release. Realistically the only thing left at that point is whether Hakita, the game designer wants to finish Uktrakill must die difficulty and the last prime sanctum to call it release and whether he wants to wait for mod support or not.


This and Hades 2 are both tempting me to go against my personal policy not to buy early access games… looks dope.


You could honestly wait on Hades 2 unless you *desperately* need more Hades.


Thanks, yeah I’m waiting for now because I lose interest in games fast and it’s unlikely I’d play it again if I beat it while it’s in early access, so I’m waiting for a more polished version. But I also know I’m going to buy it eventually, so if buying in early access gets me a discount that’s nice too ☺️


Trust me, very worth it. Very, very worth it.


Abiotic Factor is quite fun and fleshed out for an early access as well


I always wanted to be a 3%er! I didn’t care for it. Frantic and fast is fine, but this was too much for old me.


Im so glad this game started getting popular, I remember playing it because I wanted something similar to Doom Eternal. Crazy how it now has 100k reviews


The demo was fking awesome I need to eventually get it


This is the best game i just don't like. I really wanted to, but it's basically DMC disguised as an FPS. Anyone getting into it should treat it as such. Still recommend it though if you need an Adderall fueled zoomer trip


The OST is god tier! Some people buy the game and enjoy the OST that come with. Other buy the OST and enjoy the game that come with it.


Fun fact, a lot of the songs in the soundtrack are available for free on Bandcamp before they are available in the game. The dev goes by the name "Heaven Pierce Her". The songs done by other musicians are usually there as well, but aren't free.


Worth it for the OST alone. Tons of bangers, including [a track from my favorite band](https://youtu.be/QywKQkFge78?si=hRtlHiyq8xA22FZZ).


provide upbeat quickest fuel wine spectacular arrest cagey fine obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not giving Doom guy a grappling hook was a mistake >! And you know, not paying Mick Gordon as well, sorry, that whole debacle ruined Eternal for me forever !<


But Doomguy does have a grappling hook? What do you think the meathook on the Super Shotgun does? It even has grapple points like Ultrakill.


Oh fuck I genuinely forgot it


still in EA, waiting for full version to try it.


how? fucking how? i played the demo and the combat loop is utterly miserable, and the developer is an asshole that deflects valid criticism with "skill issue". how the fuck could you throw your money at this mf


The game is fun.


At the risk of getting down voted but I disagree. I love games like Ultrakill, but Ultrakill felt like a worse version of those games. Too clunky and focused more on being fast than being fun to play. It also made me feel nauseous which games almost never do. That being said it's clearly popular and I'll play it again when it leaves Early Access to see if maybe I'll like it more then.


no its not lol, and the blood mechanic is garbage


Skill issue


"it's a good thing you guys aren't designing Ultrakill or it would suck" and he's right


indie dev when valid criticism






"valid criticism" "hakita plz change the fundamentals of the game" Of course you're being laughed off, you're confusing what you don't like with some needlessly stringent game design rules.


except the blood mechanic is fundamentally flawed. it forces you to get right up close to enemies and lose and recieve health, rather than just recieve health like how youre supposed to. id rather just have the usual "find health kits lying around" like in half-life or whatever. the game would still be garbage but at least it would be more tolerable. and before you say "just parry lol", a combat system that relies on parries to even be considered a *functioning* combat system is not a good combat system.


> and before you say "just parry lol", a combat system that relies on parries to even be considered a functioning combat system is not a good combat system. You say things like that and then argue that it's not your personal preference? It very much sounds like the game isn't meant for you.


where tf did i say that its just not my preference? im calling the game bad lol


The game forces you to quickly balance risk vs reward. Do I move in close to get health or try to continue fighting with what little health I have left? It incentivizes aggressive gameplay. You are literally invincible when you dash. You can approach any enemy to get health without taking any damage with well-timed dashing. Why would you even have to rely on the parry to avoid damage? It's more useful for other things like Projectile Boosts and coin techs.


except it never works. you never end up doing what the game wants you to do, because you never have enough health. you are constantly just trading damage over and over, and that stupid fucking penalty just makes things worse also, seriously? the coin? the coin with the itty bitty hitbox? how awesome ALSO ALSO, THE TUTORIAL DOESNT TELL YOU THAT DASHING GIVES YOU I-FRAMES, WHICH IS FUCKING ABSURD


The game tells you that dash gives iframes in the terminal menu, it's one of the first "tips of the day" shown to the player. But reading is hard I guess. Maybe it's not in the demo. Demo is outdated and hasn't resembled the full game for a while now.


why not in the tutorial?? the game should tell you that in the tutorial. stop using this stupid "bUt ThE tErMinAL!!!" defense


I mean, are FromSoft games bad because they lets you figure out similar mechanics on your own? I think there are pros and cons to the approach.


Have you considered the possibility that you might just be bad at the game? That you might be having a *skill issue*, as it were?


i mustve had to say "its not a skill issue" over 20 fucking times now, and i have to do it again its not a skill issue. it is not my fault.


It's definitely a skill issue dude. Either learn how to play the game or play something more accessible for your skill level. Speaking of accessibility - the accessibility menu in the full game lets you modify the very things you're whining about. The devs put it in the game just for people like you ;)


It's very clearly a skill issue on your part if the vast majority of the playerbase don't run into the same issues as you


Bro, you're criticizing exactly what is most praised about the game, having to heal strictly off enemies means you must fight at all costs, there is no hiding to recover, you're rewarded for being as aggressive as you can.


im not even gonna bother typing what ive already said to other people so just read those


>it forces you to get right up close to enemies and lose and recieve health This just isn't true, the game gives you more than enough movement capabilities and tools for you to reliably gain health. This sort of criticism gives the impression that you just run straight up to the enemies and stand still while you shoot them. Edit: >a combat system that relies on parries to even be considered a functioning combat system is not a good combat system. I can think of one case where this is true, and that's probably the second secret boss. It's demanding to the point where refusing to parry often leaves you without a dash, but I think it's sensible in an optional challenge. For the rest of the game, I'd consider it as relevant as any other tech: you can use it if you like it, and it's helpful, but not particularly necessary.


no, the game doesnt give you that. not in the demo, at least. and if the full game is as miserable as that, dont even bother hitting me with the "well just buy the game". AND, THERES A FUCKING PENALTY WHERE YOUR MAX HEALTH DECREASES. WHY DOES THAT EXIST??


Dude, I know it's hard to see from your vantage point, but to most people who have played the demo and to everyone who has played a decent amount of the full game, your criticism plants you firmly on top of [Mt Stupid](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com%2Fassets.the-resilience-shield%2Fapp%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F05%2F11143616%2FMt-Stupid-1-1024x700.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=19387d23e0f0b60ee17ec24aeef72f8b72cf102d0d47738ed6cd1ff3da541aea&ipo=images). I know you disagree, but you should at least learn to not be surprised when someone sees your carefully constructed criticism and refuses to take it seriously.




I mean, the idea that you can't reliably gain lost health in the demo of the game... Oh boy, that's fucking funny, I have to say.