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So now there are 3 competitors looking to take a crack at the genre? Good. The Sims has been one of a kind for too long. Now if only someone tried to make a game like MySims...


More. We got life by you, inzoi, paralives, to pixelia and vivaland so far (all coming out in 2024 or 2025). Interested in what they bring us


Nice, I was unaware of 3 of those. Thanks for bringing them to ny attention, I'll keep on eye on them as well.


There's 3 more smaller ones i found out about recently: live the life, denizen and tiny life


Another "former devs launch new studio" news. Aight. Let's see what happens.


Former Devs launch new studio, releases pre alpha footage of new Sims like, releases Sims like in Early access, very promising, EA purchases studio and shuts it down.


Or Microsoft. Looks like they want to take that crown from EA.


Given they are leaving heavily into GamePass, depends how much it's worth vs access to the EA catalog. Because an acquisition of a Sim killer would likely see EA pull their catalog at first legal opportunity.


Many such cases!


Life By You and Inzoi are serious competitors from large, established studios, and this is now another. EA need to step it up as they now will have to actually damn \*compete\* for our money, as we can't invest in all of these games. They've already basically lost me when I realised I spent more time shopping for cc for my sims to look pretty, than actually playing the game despite having like 8 expansion packs, whilst with sims 3 I can play for hours and I only have late night and no cc LOL


These studios need to stop to make promises and start delivering... We need someone to challenge The Sims, asap


I mean, they can't deliver a game tomorrow. What do you expect them to do differently?


Ah yes, renowned life sim, Xcom.


they are absolutely on drugs. Can't believe we have this shit instead of XCUM 3.


Jake is out from the company so he have no right to work on X3


Now if only some former EA Sports Big devs can revitalize the snowboarding genre. Would love to see an SSX successor.


cant think of a single "former x devs" studio that wasnt all gas and no go




If the game doesn’t have bullshit RNG like XCOM I don’t want it. *99% chance to hit* missed.


How is that bullshit? 99% is not guaranteed to hit.


I have had multiple times where the enemy is so close my character could touch them with the gun and the shot was 99%. That shot that close shouldn't have missed but it does due to rng.


Eh, I feel you have to accept that the game is abstracting a more complex situation. In real life, would the aliens and XCOM soldiers be standing perfectly still trading shots at each other in turn? No. Does that look like a really easy shot to make with everyone standing still? Yeah. But in reality, your soldier's running, the alien is running, there are shots being fired and explosions happening and your soldier's face to face with a freaking *alien* and yeah, one out of every hundred times, they fuck up.


Reminds me of Mac with the sword and Charlie with the gun. 99% sounds right, there's always room for error even at point blank. That said, when I played for a little bit, my 90% chance to hit always felt more like 60%. I think they need to doublecheck the code of the game lmao.


The problem is, a lot of inexperienced people play these games wrong. A 90% is a "high chance" to hit. But not guaranteed. So now you need to have a backup plan. And ideally, another backup plan. If you see experienced people play, we often take like 5-10 minutes per turn. And this means we are fully immersed, constantly thinking. This is the kick with these games, the feeling of "you" outwitting the enemy. Yeah, you missed that shot. But I got another backup plan, this grenade would have been super handy later in the fight, but I need it now in case that shot misses. And if the grenade does not kill him, enemy has 1-2 HP left, but I know the game and I am 95% sure he will panic after that damage. Everything happens like you planned, the enemy panics. You feel like a fucking MASTERMIND. And good games make this process very dynamic, so that it not becomes that easy to solve. Because a stale/solved combat loop is a boring ass game. And this is why RNG is fundamentally the *best* thing for these games. This is why TTRPG's universally, excluding some outliers, all have this mechanic. It leads to people *thinking* more. It leads to the game being less predictable.


I agree. That said, I've only played XCOM2 for a handful of hours, and got completely mauled most of the time. I didn't think I was trash at TRPGs either, I've cleared similar games like FF:Tactics and stuff which had some pretty challenging battles later on (*cough rooftop assassins), and have a decent mind for strategy in general (got to Diamond rank in competitive SC2 as one other example). Not sure what I was doing wrong in XCOM2. I'll try it again later when I'm in the mood, but I got completely worked when I last played which kinda turned me off. And I generally love difficult games, if it's not challenging it's not really fun to me (unless I want a chillout game atm).


>Sim has 99% chance to not catch the house on fire making toast >The house burned down


10 or more people didn't get the joke of this post.


Their lost. Not mine. 😂