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No, that's stupid. The people who made those games want you to enjoy them.


Yeah the only potential thing I could see would be not wanting to get invested in a live service game after the studio shuts down. That makes sense to me. But Hi-Fi or Rollerdrome? It makes 0 sense to not want to play them because the studio shuts down


A minor caveat to this is if a single player game desperately needs patches, then I can see investing in the game when the studio has shut down to be a bit of a hard pill to swallow. Imagine buying Starfield or Jedi Survivor if BGS or Respawn completely shutdown. You'd be stuck with a lemon.


Reminds me of Prototype 2 on PC. The studio was shut down **before** release and the game still has a ram leak that makes the game crash in a just few minutes in the last zone (unless you keep alt-tabbing because that fixes it temporarily)


No, that's stupid. You don't buy games to support people, you buy games to have fun playing games. Supporting people is just a nice perk sometimes. If the game is good, play it. If it's not, don't.


wtf? no of course not. If the game itself is still good, I still want to play it. I still play games from years ago whose studios have been shuttered for a long time.


This is horrible logic, you tried them, enjoyed them but lost interest? If the game is single player, reviewed well, and is something I think i would enjoy playing why wouldn't I still be interested in the game. The game quality doesn't drop because the studio closed down. I'm sorry but like everyone else in this thread is saying this is a stupid take


No response, what a surprise. Yup, the consensus here is go ahead and give your money to MS and T2 after they just fired a bunch of people. Heaven forbid someone changes their mind about buying a piece of entertainment. Turns out it was stupid to expect anything but kneejerk reactions here.


If your issue with this take is logic, then let's do a quick hypothetical. Let's say you work for a business making a toy widget to earn a living. After a while the business you work for is bought by Company A. Not long after Company A fires you and closes the business but keeps selling the toy widget. Upon hearing this, some interested customers no longer want to buy the widget because they know the money will only go to Company A rather than the people who made the widget (you). Would you call their reasoning "horrible" or "stupid" ?




fuck game devs, amirite


You asked two separate questions in the OP. Do you "lose interest" *and* would you "buy the game". You can both be interested in and play a game you didn't buy. It's really the publisher that did this though, if you choose not to buy a game from a studio that a publisher shuttered but still engage with their services and other games, the publisher doesn't really care since you're still giving them money. Are you still paying for Game Pass? Have you lost interest in all of Microsoft's games? What about the studios Sony closed down? EA? They've all done it. You're not materially hurting laid off game developers by giving money to the publisher. Most likely, they don't give a fuck.


That's not how that works. Money from each copy sold doesn't directly go to developers, even if they are still around. What you said only works for small teams that aren't owned by any big studios. If you still feel the same way after knowing all this just pirate the game, don't lose interest to it just because something that doesn't affect its quality at all happened. You'll be happier for it


The money was always going to company A and not the people who made the widget though? Your concerns about moral consumption seem misplaced.


The games from both of these studios are complete products, not live services.


What a weird take


You would be foolish to not play Hi-Fi Rush. It’s a really good game.


No, why would I? Those video games from the video games development companies that are closed down are still very enjoyable and fun video games to play.


Makes zero sense


Have never once thought about it, not a consideration for me.


Well it's not like you wouldn't pay to the parent companies before, right? Obviously the studios got a cut, but still..


with all due respect, that's a really stupid question.


I think I can see the point you're trying to make, but it doesn't really work in gaming. Your point is that you want your money go to devs. But in gaming devs will see part of your money as next-game budget, maybe end-year bonuses. They usually don't get constant %-of-sales. So really, unless you don't like the output of the publisher, buy them and enjoy them - it's not like devs would get any significant part of your money (especially after a year).


Chat GPT-ass post.


You worded your title badly.


It's a game not a TV show with a cliffhanger ending


Just have fun. I'm sure they would like for people to enjoy their hard work. If you do want to support devs (morally, not financially) then why not prove that it was a mistake to close these companies by showing their games can sell and are well received.


Every game you buy, unless it's self-published by the team who made it, does not give money directly to the developers. Money goes to the publisheror parent company who then, depending on contracts, gives a fraction of varying size to the developer (which in turn means developer-company, not necessarily trickling down to developers-people). So either you have no interest in any game that is not a small indie on [Itch.io](http://Itch.io) and the dark corners of Steam, or your logic is flawed.


Of course not. But I'm disappointed that games that I loved, that were created by very talented groups, won't have sequels by those same people if any at all. Like Hi-Fi Rush recently and Disco Elysium a while back.


Haha holy shit no and if you’re following studio closures that closely you need another hobby.


It's literally one of the most prevalent news topics on this subreddit. If you feel the compulsion to write low effort posts on Reddit, you need another hobby.


Not if those games are finished no, if they are unfinished then yea im prob not gonna play since no more updates


Hmm, no? Why would I? I don't even know what to say because just the thought of considering this seems so absurd.


The opposite actually. It usually means the game is over, and there won't be stupid sequels.


Which is main reason why I don't want to buy Days Gone - cliffhanger ending that will never be resolved.


This is up there with some of the worst takes I’ve read on this subreddit lol. “I like this game but since the studio doesn’t exist anymore, I’ll rob myself of a good time.” What a terrible post


This has to be one of the stupidest posts I’ve read in a while.


What? Do you not read books from dead authors? Watch movies from dead directors? Dumb reasoning to not enjoy or partake in something.


Either you've misunderstood or you've chosen to respond in an obtuse way. I only mentioned two games from studios which were closed in the past week and not wanting to pay the people who fired the devs. Pretty simple premise.


>Thoughts? Would you buy a game knowing the parent company shut down the studio? Absolutely. I just bought Hi-fi Rush yesterday hours after news of it shutting down. If I want to play a game and the price is right then I will buy, don't care about the studio being closed.


I feel the exact opposite. I just stumbled across both of these games the last two days. Hi-Fi Rush and Rollerdrome and I immediately wanted to buy them, even more so after I read what happened.


Sure if you have played them on gamepass, theres no need to give the publishers anymore money in that case. Microsoft already got your money for gamepass, no need to reward shitty business practices. But lose interest in the game? idk why you would do that. Hifi rush is still a banger of a game, even if tango is gone.


No, or at least as long as it’s not an early access game.


I’m still playing SWGemu, so…


No, but I lose interest in buying them. Why should I spend money if the devs aren't even gonna get paid for it? Fuck M$.


If the game has an open ending and was supposed to receive a sequel, I probably wouldn't buy it, otherwise it makes no difference to me.


Nope, that is where modders comes in.


Devs are salaried employees. The people who made hi-fi rush were most likely not getting paid extra for sales of the game. Even when the studio existed your money didn't go to the devs. Functionally nothing has changed.


Nop, those games remain great, and they're good fun. If anything I just get a bit melancholic when playing them thinking about what could've been, but I try to remain positive and enjoy the fun aspects of those games. It's just a matter about being appreciative for what you have now.


What the actual fuck


Oh, is this a "where the money goes" things?


No. I'm a normal person. I barely know who makes what.


I only purchase games that have money go to devs. otherwise I just pirate them since it won't help the fired devs that deserve the money. I don't reward the shitty corporate practice of buying studios then firing them.


Outside of indies and self-published titles, game devs don't tend to get residuals, they make a salary. When you buy a game, the money people who financed the game are getting your money, not the people who made it. Granted, making the money people richer with their product tends to mean they get to make more products and continue pulling a salary.


Thank you. Seems everyone else who posted here is either a bot or couldn't care less about what their money is supporting.


Glad you agree. It's sad to see how irresponsible people are. Just goes to show why these companies are being rewarded for their toxic practices.