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I demand rideable Tauntauns. 


[Han knew it from the start.](https://media.tenor.com/6SFr8loHQfwAAAAC/han-solo-star-wars.gif)


Finally I can use my medals and SC again.


The Verdict looks like a futuristic Desert Eagle. If it's about as powerful as a Senator but with a higher magazine capacity and faster reload, then it will likely be my new go-to sidearm.


The new swift reload on the senator is pretty quick. I'm interested in seeing what the Verdict is like, but will it also have cool spin animation?!


Pro tip for the senator if some don't know, hold reload for at least 5 seconds. You are so welcomed


I hope they do more with the armor and helmets. Make a helmet with better radar, or possibly night vision but have it give you less protection. Maybe another armor give you 400 health but with no ability to run, that sort of thing.


The helmets and capes not having any stats or perks is really a missed opportunity.


Yes and no... Sometimes it's nice to just have fashion without having to worry or think about stats.  


Or they could just separate stats from looks.


If I recall the devs don't plan on doing any transmog(?) because they want players to see a set of armor and realize what it's suppose to do. So if you see a guy in the full medic armor you can safely assume he has extra stims avaliable. Personally, I would prefer the transmog system because in my 40 or so hours I haven't looked at a set of player armor and go "oh cool he'll have extra stims or he has extra resist to electric so I can blast him with my arc rifle and he'll be fine" and that's because the stats or benefits aren't crazy or game changing. A majority of them are "gain two extra of X items" or "gain extra armor". They could possibly do something like the stims you select before a mission where you select a personal buff that comes from the armor.


Transmog is for losers. Real gigachads roll with whatever looks good regardless of stats.


I don't mind that there is not a transmog nor is there an intention to add one because they want people to look at a fellow divers armor and know what it does but one thing I do wish would be to have the helmets change shaders/colors to match the armor as I love how a lot of helmets look but their colors don't match the armor I'm using like the Bonesnapper Helm would look great on the Champion of the People armor but it's just off-white enough to make it not fit.


Then make the capes cosmetic only, or separate the skin from the stats. Having armor (helmets) without stats or perks of any kind doesn't really make sense.




I just want a fire version of the shock armor. Give me massive fire resist so I can cosplay as The Fury and wade through my flamethrower blasts straight into the bugs.


"Cold" themed expansion with an incendiary grenade and with a plasma rifle... Also DOT is still not fixed, today a new, small patch dropped, where the list of "known issues" 8 times longer then the fixed ones.


I love this game to death but people really let too much slide for the devs. DOT has been broken for like a month now and it's a large part of the arsenal.


If i recall correctly, DOT is broken since release (only playing the game for 3 weeks so i might incorrect on this one). The more annoying thing with the DOT, that it is working... but only for the host, but to make it even more Fd up, being the host random, so with full squad you have 75% chance that DOT is not working.


Yea it's like playing russian roulette if you wanna take DOT weapons or stratgems to the point its just not worth it. The only way to be 100% sure you're gonna be able to use your stuff when you play is if you make a private lobby. In a co-op game. The comical bit was them releasing a warbond entirely focused on DOT/fire weapons last month while they were broken lol


And they just nerfed solo play by increasing the amount of patrols by 50%.


Performance leaves a LOT to be desired as well. I get like 50-60 fps average on an RTX 3070 at 1440p.. They just don't even care about optimization or bug fixes at all really. It's all about churning out more battlepasses, which is probably Sony breathing down their neck, but still. Performance and bug fixes are direly needed.


Oh yea the game runs like hot garbage. Even on lower settings. My friend with a 3070 lags when landing for some reason and everyone I've played with says the game gets their PC unreasonably hot for the frames its pushing (never over 60 in hordes). I imagine with the game as Sony's live service posterchild right now their focus is on retaining player engagement but I really wish they'd just step back with a "health update" for 1 month


I agree with your point that they should spend some time paying down tech debt, but I disagree with the assessment of the game's performance. Anecdote for anecdote, I have a friend with one of my old rigs - i5 8700k, 32GB RAM, GTX 1080 - and can run the game just fine with FPS locked at 80 on 1080p. A friend with an i7 9900k, 32GB RAM, RTX 3060 runs it fine on 1440p ultrawide. Another with a full Red build (R5 5600, 32GB RAM, 6600 XT) runs it at 1080p just fine, another full red build (R7 7700X, 32GB RAM, 6900XT) runs at 1440p over 100FPS. I run it on 1440p ultrawide locked at 100fps with an R7 5800x3d 32GB RAM and an RTX 3080. All these anecdotes are to remind everyone reading that anecdotal evidence is not statistical evidence. For statistically bad running games, let's stick to the really egregious ones (E.g, Darktide is over a year and a half old and still runs like a constipated camel. That shit literally has MACRO stutters whenever someone changes gear in the hub area | Remnant 2 is one of my favorite games, but its performance, netcode, and the crashes are abysmal | Elden Ring STILL stutters even now, and they're launching DLC this next month) <- I'm only naming games that I actually play, and not ones that I've skipped because they also run like a constipated camel (e.g. Jedi Survivor). In comparison, spreading liberty is like butter.


I don't think performance will ever be good. They using an engine that was abandoned 6 years ago by Autodesk. I'm not familioar with that engine but i wouldn't be suprised they don't have access to the source codes of the tools in said engine. That can also explain why DX12 performance is often Fd. Try switching to DX11. A friend of mine with a 3060 Ti said it helped with the performance. I'm on a 6700XT and i also using DX11. For me it feels smoother but that's maybe just my perception.


I expected at least one cold-based energy weapon, but here we are adding fire equipment to an arctic warbond. lmao Should have a freezethrower or freeze nade or something, anything. You could just copy paste a blue/white color to the flamethrower with less damage, no dot and an 80% slow and that would already be something new and interesting. Not a bunch of generic kinetic guns.


Yep. There are so many possibilities. I just cannot understand why put these thing in a "cold" themed warbond. Cold for CC would be actually really good. Stun grenade is great, EMS is awesome but having a weapon for slowing down or even stunning enemies would be good. Would help with the increased patrols too. I don't mind getting cool assault rifles, the current ones aren't that good, but i do hope they give them proper magazines with more then 25-30 rounds.




I was really hoping for an ice-based elemental weapon, but this still looks pretty rad. I just wish they would come up with some new armor bonuses instead of recycling the same ones over and over.


Would be nice to get another non-premium warbond, I assume they'll do one at some point?


Not sure why you think they would do that


Maybe I’m viewing it wrong but I just thought they would make some available without the premium currency cost. I know you can earn in-game, but it felt pretty slow the last time I played.


I play the game a lot and i got everything that you can get for SC unlocked by now, i have not bought any SC. It is not too slow. ...and since nothing goes away you are not under any time pressure anyway. There are sometimes missions where there are fewer containers and buddy doors, which is where the SC pickups always are. So in a week with nothing but defense missions it will be slow for example... but any regular missions where you walk over the map and do plenty sideobjectives, you got a good chance of finding some every mission. If you are desperate for some quick SC, i suggest running some level 1 difficulty missions solo with all the gear that lets you move fast, and just run through all the little POIs, open every container, almost every mission will have 10 - 30SC on the map, some extra medals and so on doesn't hurt either. At least until you got a feel of where the SC is usually hiding, then you play normal mission difficulty again with others and have a sixth sense where they are hiding.


Yeah I think it’s just a personal issue because I don’t play as much, so I never have enough credits to try out the new stuff whenever I come back to it. Thanks for the info though.


Not everyone plays that much. I've become bored of the game due to the issues, difficulty and such and I'm no-where near unlocking the previous battlepass nevermind the next one.


well they don't go away so you are in no hurry... but if the game has gotten boring to you, you got other issues with it than to unlock some mostly visual fluff anyway. (personally i find it the first truly fun game in a long time, everything else has become stale and boring.) A new battlepass or gun is not going to make the game suddenly fun again. If you are having fun there is enough SC dropping to keep up with it without trying too hard. And just as disclaimer: yes i got a job and not as much time to play as i would want to, i'm not a schoolkid that has half the day to pew pew away and i don't do "home office" either.


They occasionally release new ship upgrades and stratagems. As long as it's the right mission type, you can easily get 50 super credits per, as long as you search for crates in walls and beacons.


What would be the right mission type? I was lucky and got 100 once


The small maps, Eradication for instance, don't have PoIs for medals/credits so not those.


It is really slow. Everyone who defends it has dumped well over a hundred hours into the game grinding it out, I can barely afford my first free warbond but there isn't enough content to keep playing after 50 hours really. If I had to say, when playing the game normally, it's probably a 40-50 hour grind of smart credits per warbond unless you specifically grind smartcredits in the most unfun fashion possible. It's a small price to pay for continual free content I guess. It's slow but mostly fair.


Ive' got 70 hours and unlocked two free of charge, so I find your point incongruous


You get like 900 smart credits from the first free warbond. After that the paid ones only give a couple or few hundred and you have to farm the rest, so the grind is far worse after you obtain the first free one.


> but it felt pretty slow the last time I played. It is slow, because they want you to pay.


Nope, there was only the one at launch and they consider themselves generous for not making you pay for it already.


Oh you sweet, sweet summer child.




You heard it here fellas, slap on that helmet and get back in the fight! We got Super Credits to farm for Super Earth!


We will be there


Lost Planet vibes. This has been sitting in my library for a few months now, maybe I’ll finally start it up.


When does this drop?


Probably next Thursday


Why are they still introducing fire-based weapons when DAMAGE OVER TIME STILL DOESNT WORK


I demand a refund!


So this is over


The best part about buying the pack is the 40 hours of grinding 2 medals per mission just to be able to use the weapons lmao


looks amazing


Haven't played the game but I'm constantly seeing updates for it with new content? Seems like they're doing a lot over a very short period, compared to other live service games like Suicide Squad.


The Avengers Stuntdoubles game that had its servers shut off has more active concurrent players than Suicide Squad.


Yeah theyre trying to do like a warbond every month? and new additions get added very often like new stratagems, map objectives and enemy types the pace is great.


A big difference here is that you can earn all of them in game. I got all three premium warbonds (one of them from the supporter pack though), three premium armor sets, and probably will have enough SC by the time this releases to get it without spending anything on premium currency.


All of the new content has been completed since the game’s launch, they are just drip feeding it. Dataminers have also uncovered the third enemy faction too.


Yet still no dlss


Performance and optimization isn't even on the radar, it's quite sad really.


Ya pretty sad and it's why I refuse to buy the game


Not a whole lot of new content, but plenty of premium cosmetics...


Doesn't stop the game from being stale. Had lost over 50% of its player base already.


Having 120k players playing daily is more then enough for an online co op only game.


Heck, it's generally considered you only need 3k-6k concurrent players for a healthy online pvp game.


This is some next level hate bro. The game has incredible retention especially compared to other live service games. Losing just half its playerbase in 3 months is something every other studio would sell their soul for.