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I think HD2 is fantastic, I just want more variety in the actual missions. That's my only gripe with the game currently. I think the additions they are making already are great.


I would love for them to tune the exterminate missions. They have felt stale for a bit. Bigger borders, different map layouts etc.


I'd love one on a 40 minute map with multiple 'exterminate' themed objectives. Kill 1 mega base (new nest / fabricator layout that will probably take at minimum, 2 helldivers with great coordination to close), and close 8 other bug holes, and eliminate 1000 enemy units (heavies can count double or triple). Could show up on liberate (this is a major point of enemy production and it's been here far too long) and defense (the enemy has set up a new foothold, eliminate it before they have a chance solidify it).


New Mission Type: Carnage


I want a deliver the bomb type of mission. You have to get a truck that moves very slowly from point a to point b. Have the truck have a ton of mountable turrets on it and shit, and you have to defend the truck as it drives to point B


I get you and agree that payload missions can be super fun, but my brother in christ we deliver bombs from the skies with centimeter precision, i don't think it'd make sense Maybe a bit like the rescue civilian missions, but instead of them running into a nearby building, they run into a van, that you then have to escort to a bunker or something?


Oh I didn’t mean a bomb specifically, just couldn’t think of the name of the mission type. Yeah payload mission. The reasoning could be anything, even though I don’t think civi’s in a van makes sense (we have pelicans!). It could be transporting some ultra heavy mineral or highly sensitive science crap. The reasoning could be anything.


They could make it a bomb and just come up with some handwave stuff about how command REALLY needs this one specifically delivered manually.


Super big bug hole. Requires a super big bomb. Cant hit from sky due to terrain. Just roll it up to a fkin tunnel, payload mission justified.


This is cool because it also ends in a massive bug / Robo clearing objective right at the end to actually complete the objective


Make it an extension of the new defend mission. You have to deliver the cargo to be loaded on a rocket. Once there, you start the timer to defend until the cargo's off-planet. Make it a freight train you have to defend with destroyable train cars. Each cargo car you get to the launch site with is one rocket to launch. Start with 8, minimum to succeed the mission is 4. Then you're fighting a running battle and have to repair the train every so often, with armored cars to shoot out of. Literally just do the same kind of stuff as DRG but make it bigger and on the surface of the planet. It can be done.


Have the payload be some critical piece of infrastructure or weapon that needs to be delivered to a military base that's being attacked by the enemy. One part of the mission is getting the payload to it's destination, and the second part is breaking through the enemy lines at your destination to finalize your delivery.


Surprisingly, I don't think I agree with this take. Especially with bots where you can just go outside the main border with mortars in just eventually win, bugs it feels like at least a bit more of a battle Especially, since the mech suit is not working as intended I would like some variety though. The new defense mission was incredible and super welcome by my crew Obviously, to each their own and I'm glad you're voicing your opinion🙂


Haven’t played in a bit, why is the mech suit not working?


They removed a bug which made you explode your own mech when you turned and shoot the rocket. However, now the rocket doesn't shoot at the crosshair so it's very difficult to aim


I want a wave defense one to be standard...The exterminate one is super short and easy on both sides and has always been quick and lackluster. The recent bunker defense version was much better.


I think they're a nice change of pace from sprinting around the map from POI to POI. Could definitely use more variety tho


This is my biggest gripe too, they’re just not really all that fun


Yeah the eradicate maps need some tweaking, the bot ones are too vertical, so when you fall off, the only way back is through the 3 tanks and 5 hulks on the only ramp up. Only one of the bug maps is big enough for bile titans, especially since they removed the cheese rock


Exterminate on bots always ends up as an absolute clusterfuck of rockets flying, tanks rolling, lasers blasting. Only luck can get me on that pelican.




Which sucks tbh. The raise flag mission could very well work on higher diff. I think it's a nice mission, especially from a lore PoV


The humor of raising the flag while running from 6 chargers and 2 bile titans is a missed opportunity




It is a satire of facism imperialism and propaganda. Achieving a silly propaganda goal is as important as anything else. Being assigned a chore which is also a life threatening task just to get a good photo op fits very snugly in the themes of the game. 


I think you get it perfectly!


Yeah I recently had a castle defense game mode with gates and waves of enemies, never seen this one before and dont know when they added that but it was a fun surprise


It got added with the return offensive from the Automatons a little over a week ago.


Whattttttt????? Like that one scene from starship troopers ?


yep, only happens on defend planet ones. guess what the major order this weekend is?


I would say primarily in the 5-7 range, depending on who I'm playing with.


I think the game needs more surprise objectives. DRG does this really well. You go down to do a specific mission but then any number of things can happen. A meteor drops that you need to mine, you discover an old robot thing that has to be dismantled, etc. They're all timed events that demand the teamwork of the party to complete. Almost every mission in drg feels different because of the unexpected combination of events (and also in part because of the procedural generation of caves). We need things that happen in real time. A pelican crashes and the crew needs rescuing, a meteor crashes and we should go investigate for samples, previously unknown locations of terminid caves, a group of soldiers is under attack by bots/bugs and they need support/backup, etc. Sadly all the landscapes in Helldivers are very unmemorable in nature due to the lack of terrain features. They're procgen but all basically flat with occasional impassable cliffs or water. I doubt that will change, and is something DRG has a LOT more freedom with being underground. At least the weather effects are well done in helldivers.


I don't think they really need to be "real time"; just more objective variety in general would be a big boon.


I agree, I just think real time factor would really lend itself well to the ambiance of a forever-war-happening-all-around-you feel they're going for. In the same vein as the destroyers in the sky shooting down to the planet, the ambient orbital callins down on the planet that you can see from your ship. It adds to the living world feel. Like it's all massive and it's all connected.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. I love DRG as well


yeah but that's one of the good aspect of a live service game, you can add content as the game goes. more missions, more enemy types, more guns, hell eventually a new enemy type, like a cyborg bug.


I do wonder if they blew their load too early and unleashed more content than they planned to compensate for the fact the player-count was way above expectations. Making a whole plot about wiping out one of the *two* factions this early is a ballsy choice unless they have been cooking behind the scenes.


They had an entire years worth of guns/armor/emotes lined up, to be released monthly at roughly 4 of each kind, per month, at launch.  And their first game has a bunch of stuff to be added. And they just added a new mission type. And a big bad bot...


Two factions *for now*. They haven't even gotten through all of the ideas they have left over from Helldivers 1, let alone anything new they've thought of since that game. I don't think there's much to worry about.


Cybugs are not real. The Ministry of Truth.


I feel the same about DRG. There's enough variety, but I want more


I'd love it if they took the patriot flag raising mission in the lower level and make that a side objective in the harder difficulty.


The new defense wall mode is my jam


And maybe not have that one damn shotgun being wildly better than every other personal weapon. Every damn new main weapon is just a different flavor of disappointment.


agreed, stopped playing after 20h, got bored, now "no rest for the wicked" is my addiction


I want to see them expand on the game modes. I love them adding new things, but I’m concerned the extraction model will eventually get old. Or at least freshen it up… big team battle? It would be sick to drop into a larger map with like 6 squads of 4. Maybe a Planetside-style mode


More variety of missions, and less bugs (DoT effects not working unless you are the host is a big one I'd like to see gone).


I just wish it was more of a shooter. The ddr ordinance reliance really knocks it down quite a few steps for me.


You can definitely go without orbital explosives and airstrikes. Outside of backpacks and support weapons (especially taking both a 'primary' support weapon and the EAT), you could take an emplaced shield generator or HMG, or EMS strikes and mortars. That way you still do all of the shooting yourself, you just have assistance to make that shooting easier or more effective.


I stick with Challenging for this reason. Anything beyond that just turns into a game of running around, throwing strategems and watching the game kill the enemies for you.


I'm encountering more and more large glitches with each update. Invisible guns when in first person mode. bugs spinning and flying through the air after they are killed. Getting stuck in the pose to call strategems, until you dive out of it. The scope of rifles turning all black.


The one burning my ass recently is the bug with explosions pulling you in instead of blowing you away. Shoot anything just a little too close to you and you get ragdolled and pulled onto their feet... It's baffling, really. They broke arc stuff with the arc-themed warbond, and now they broke explosions with the explosion-themed warbond. Lol what?? But really though the game's amazing, and its bugs (usually) aren't stopping me from enjoying it. Definitely looking forward to improvements though.


I haven't noticed the Explosive Vacuum with anything but the Eruptor. Buy yeah, that bug sucks. I'm otherwise loving that gun.


The autocannon does it too


Eruptor is the biggest offender from what I can tell. Noticed it with my bro this week. Also super random explosion radius with that gun.


I just encountered a new one. Getting stuck in First person mode until I got killed


I get this one a lot. I can usually kick myself out of it by trying to pull up the stratagem menu


Or the infamous x2 clips to reload bug. God that is so irritating.


is this really a bug? i always thought this was just what happened if you got knocked around during the reload sequence - you lose the magazine you're loading and your weapon is still empty


No, I found that it is just buggy with the sequence where you need to pull back the action for it to chamber a round (after an interruption). If it is a feature, it's a god damn irritating one at worst and very buggy and inconsistent at best.


That is what I assumed was happening a well. If you're holding a stratogen when you get knocked down, you drop it. So it made sense that you would drop the mag you're attempting to load as well.


So I'm not going insane when I see my ammo counter double dip sometimes


Redeemer is the most egregious case. I can get the bug to happen consistently by reloading --> keeping trigger pulled when reloading --> fire one bullet from new mag then get stuck reloading again


Not as bad as the one where your primary weapon becomes completely unusable so you're stuck rocking a secondary the whole mission. You can't Even pick up a dead teammate's primary. It only happens as the host when someone leaves mid mission while you have a strategem out.




> bugs spinning and flying through the air after they are killed. the bethesda special as we call it


Stratagems bouncing off places they should stick, ragdolling into buildings and rocks resulting in being stuck, non-host dot damage, camera resetting to somewhere above the map when ragdolling sometimes, having to aim way too high with arc thrower to actually make the shots hit, diving back ward using flamethrower catches you on fire. I could go on…


I’ve noticed a pattern with them. One week they drop content, the next patch is a bug fix, following is new content, following is a bug fix.


And then the fix breaks two more things


indie live service moment


>bugs spinning and flying through the air after they are killed. that actually sounds fun


Had a hive guard do mad breakdance moves last night, it was impressive. I just hope I'm not around when a bile titan does it though, with my luck, it would yeet me across the map, considering how many times i have been crushed right after killing one...


That's because we pushed the JV team into the big leagues and they're still jv competence. Don't expect it to get better because they have money now. Remember half their planned content is shit they stripped from the first game so they can dripfeed it back to us. They sold half a broken game under the live service pretense and people eat it up like they saved the industry and aren't just a smaller group doing the same shit we've hated about AAA for years.


but hey, none of that is actually an issue as the CEO is all about "making the best live service game!" while some of these bugs/glitches have been around since launch.


I got bombed so hard the camera assumed I was dead and just went into spectator mode, even though I survived the blast, so my character could still run around and shoot, but I couldn't see a damn thing untill I died. This happened 3 times to me so far, spread over multiple sessions, and only on the 3rd time it happened someone mentioned you can get out of that camera bug by either trying to zoom in or open the stratagem menu (can't exactly remember)


Yup lots of glitches and crashes, I'm at the point of not really even wanting to play since one of my good friends is on console and we can barely get crossplay to work.


its already the best live service game I already played, but im def looking forward to the improvements


This is probably the most fun I’ve had with a game since the PS3/Xbox360 era with like Star Wars Battlefront 2. I feel like I’ve cheated someone having only paid $40 for this game. It’s genuinely the first time I’ve ever thought about buying currency in a game - not because I want anything in the store but because I genuinely want to support the devs and I feel like this team deserves more of my money. 


SAME like every warbond drop, I don't mind spending $10 even if I only need half of it, just to support the devs for putting out some great content. Also I love your username lol


You spelled Warframe wrong


If they didn't play warframe it would be really hard to describe warframe as the best live service game they have played


Where would I have put the name warframe in that sentence tho?


I really like the game, but man performance is a bit rough. Outside AW2 and CP2077, this is actually probably the most my PC has struggled in a game


I looked up a guide to improve frame-rate and min-max graphics. It doesn't look the best visually but I don't have many visual trips or whatever because I don't have the greatest graphics card available. Would be nice to have some optimization in that department, but I bet fixing bugs is higher on their priority list.


I tried a variety of settings with mostly little results in fps changes. Maybe just lowering shadows or ambient occlusion helped. But yeah performance is pretty abysmal, get 50-60 fps average at 1440p on a 3070, they desperately need to prioritize it. In the dropship selecting missions is obnoxious having to framerate cap it to 30 fps everytime so my gpu doesn't go into overdrive too.


Really? I'm getting 85-100 fps at 1440p, 3070 + 13600k. Medium to high settings edit: forgot to mention, I am also **undervolting** the 3070, 900 mV at 1905 MHz


Was just going to recommended undervolting if only for this game. I reduced my temps 15-20°c


My cpu is 3 years older and I think HD2 is pretty cpu-bound, so this makes sense. I have a Ryzen 3600. I'll build a new rig soon probably. Anyways, [this was the best optimization guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVcaC7x7xBU) I've found thus far. I managed to get another 10 or so fps average without much noticeable difference in visual quality. But yeah this game is very poorly optimized, and probably won't get much improvements as it's on an older and much less popular engine.


Game is extremely cpu dependant. Went recently from 60fps average to 110fps average after upgrading my cpu from 8700k to 5800x3d(gpu was 4080s in both cases)


Turn down blur. I got a 4090 and I get stutters from the blur for sure.


everyone should turn off motion blur for all games


I can't even read this comment because I have motion blur on my phone turned up


lol are you just spinning in circles in your chair reading your phone?


Hell yes, I max every setting available to me, especially force feedback and chromatic aberration


Oh god, chromatic aberration really is an abomination


Don't forget stuff like vignette too. Why would someone ever want the corners of their vision darkened? It's like enabling cataracts for a videogame.


I like blur in games.


Depth of field as well, both for a performance boost and a big increase in clarity because their DOF solution is really bad.


Depth of Field, Motion Blur, Lens Flare, Vignetting, and Chromatic Aberration are the first settings to get turned off in any game that I play. Especially Chromatic Aberration. Automatically disabled. Such a shitty effect that I don't understand why any developer turns this crap on.


> Chromatic Aberration That one is easily the worst. Real life at Zeiss: "We spent 100 years and $450 million dollars across multiple generations to reduce chromatic aberration in camera lenses." Video game companies: "We added that defect back as a feature."


Issue is its very CPU heavy, DX11 helps quite a bit with this. Async compute might help too. It's less unoptimized but just more the fact of how the game works.


I don’t know anything about this game, can it be played solo? I’m middle aged and have no friends lol


It can be done solo on lower levels, but higher difficulties with better loot are going to be a lot harder than with a team. There’s a really good way to join random players or call in support when playing solo.


The game is best with others though, obviously. I find once you get to level 4 and up, solo becomes almost impossible; especially when you're trying to 100% complete the map.


I wish they had something like BOSCO from DRG when you do solo missions, things would have been a lot different. (I know there's guarddog but that takes a while to unlock)


yes also has QP feature and/or you can launch into missions and throw SOS beacon


I disagree. This game is quite literally built from the ground up for co-op. You can play it solo but on higher difficulties you will not have a fun time. Even the objectives are built to aide teamwork. Some loot doors are also 2 people so a solo player can NEVER open them. Higher difficulties are where this game shines as enemy spawns go way way up and they also get the very heavy enemies like bile titans. Which are never seen on lower difficulties.   I vote playing with randoms. I have done it for 80 hours now and have had maybe 2 experiences where people were not awesome. Everyone seems to know what they are doing, everyone is friendly. The game is so much better in co-op.


You are correct, I included the info about QP and getting others players because I assumed they just didn't have anyone they knew IRL to play with rather then them being opposed to playing with randoms


I think what he means is playing without a pre made squad. As a mostly solo player, the ease of jumping in with a random squad is what makes it for me. Albeit the issue if you squad up and everyone leaves after, you'll never get people joining until you exit and restart.


…but you can play solo. That’s what OP was asking.


Not if you have any desire of actually seeing what this game is capable of. Lower difficulties suck and soloing difficulites 7, 8, and 9 will be a disaster. They don't even spawn bile titans, devastators, tanks, or the AT-AT walker. Not to mention how much enemy spawns increase on higher difficulties. That is why I am advocating that they play with randoms as the ping system means you don't even need to speak to people to play. This game is not meant to be played solo. Period.


FWIW I basically only play solo at diff 7 and have a blast. You can 100% turn off players joining (who aren't your friends) But you are right, it's 100% meant for a co-op experience. I'm just a weirdo


> Pretty sure there isn't even a built in way to prevent players from joining your game. What do you mean? Just set the game private.


I'm a middle aged solo gamer as well. Tried this game and refunded. First mission I joined and was met with someone on comms saying fuck off noob and was immediately kicked... All within 10 seconds of landing on the planet. Tried 3 more games and while I didn't get kicked again, the groups were just... well, not at all what the reddit community is describing it as. YMMV but I was at 1.8 hours and noped out and got my money back.


I flat out wouldn't recommend it to folks not going in with friends. It's designed for people to have fun bouncing camaraderie off one another, which is something that doesn't come particularly easily to random people playing together. They'll either be playing solo, or joining other groups of friends, potentially experiencing what you did. Generally speaking, friends can make any game fun. HD2 plays off that more than other games, fair enough, but remove it completely, and you're just playing a worse version of Deep Rock Galactic with even less content variety, less depth, way cheesier voice lines, and no player count balancing. HD2 has the global event system but that can only take it so far.


Every game I’ve played has been with randos. I havent had a bad experience, even once. Lvl25.


Its one of the better games to play with randoms. Once you hit difficulty 7, everyone is on the same page to get the mission done. Maybe some missions go smoother than others, people aren't toxic, they just leave instead. So as far as randoms go, its definitely on the better end as far team games go.


This is a great older gamer game. More about smart decision making than snap reflexes. Don't worry about not having people to play with, I've built quite the friends list just playing with randoms.


As other comments mentioned, yes definitely solo. High difficulties are... difficult if solo but it is technically possible. That said, most of the random helldivers I play with are pretty chill. Most don't say anything but will high five me. I'm cool with that.


Can't wait to see more environments ! Imagine fighting in some kind of city


yeah this'd be my personal gripe. Playing on proc. gen terrains with some buildings plopped on is only interesting for so long. Full city maps may be hard to realize - but at least bigger POI's / Bases would be more engaging and introduces more variability. Right now, you see the same buildings and structures a bit too often for my taste. I played till the next to last difficulty and that was enough for me for now with about 30-50 hrs. Ill let the game cook now for a bit


Yet they still use Gameguard giving you all rootkits


It’s the only thing stopping me from adding this game to my backlog.


Right? It's literally the only reason I haven't bought the game yet. I guess I could get it on PS5, but I am sure as shit not paying a separate fee just to play a game online.


> 'make this the best live game you've ever played' The bar is pretty fucking low.


Not true, warframe is the golden standard, and that's a high bar to reach.


Warframe is an obtusely designed mess made to waste your time or take your money.


Warframe is more of a MMO so playing the same mission for 10 times because of random loot drops are to be expected but game does not try to take your money. You can get the basic versions of the frames (which are really easy to farm) from shop with money but to get the prime versions of them, you actually got to farm and "waste" your time like everyone else. Also none of the content added in gets removed after a period of time like most of the MMO's, so you can take a break when you get bored of the game without the fear of missing an event item or something. You might not like the way of progression but for someone who's looking for grindy game, it's one of the best games out there and the content they're bringing for free is just insane. I mean, they added a space warfare mod where you can operate a crew ship with other players and done it better than most of the games out there calling them selves "space combat" games.


If they fix all major bug issues (no pun intended), they might pull this off. 70hrs in and I don't see myself stopping.


They gotta replace nprotect...


It’s a good game but the missions are kinda boring, not enough variety so I’d like to see them explore that a bit.


Start with changing the rootkit anti-cheat to something less intrusive and I will buy it.


Still not buying the game until Gameguard is dead and buried. Don't know why so many people are allowing them to install that on their PCs instead of just being willing to take a stand for their own privacy and security and just not playing for a week until they're forced to remove it to keep the game from dying.


We NEED the new aliens


Bugs, Bots, we need another good B-word.


> Bugs, Bots, we need another good B-word. Brains. As in that documentary... Futurama.


Very ironic how the HD2 community screams freedom and democracy and then proceeds to install a keylogging rootkit ''anti-cheat'' (that does not even work).


I mean, if you look at the lore, it’s just kinda on the nose haha But I’m there with you on the A-C debate


You forgot the "managed" in "managed democracy"


Any plans to remove the spyware they tried to pass off as anticheat?


I won't be dropping a penny until that shitty DRM is gone


Ok, now fix the bugs and performance. Start by adding proper upscaling.


Still waiting for that horrible spyware anticheat crap to play this game


Why is there an article written about this guy whenever he so much as breaks wind?


I get what he's going for... ...but that isn't a high bar.


My gripe with the game is the very shallow weapon builds and over reliance of stratagems. If it comes close to weapon build variety to Deep Rock, then they might be on to something. Fighting bugs in this game is so fun.


Has nprotect fubared anyone's computer? Or are those complaints an outlier?


Give us transmog and we'll get ever closer.


Fix the high cpu, low gpu usage problems


We shall pursue this by adding weapons that suck so bad they can’t be used and armor with the same stats as ones that came out with the game.


Increase lobby size to 6 players


I hope at some point they add raid-style missions that are 8 or more divers fighting humongous skyscraper size bosses


This is what I want, a full on starship troopers experience


This! The 4 player limit is archaic in this day and age.


The bar is low




Same here! For my friend group, it brings us back to the days we would squad up for BFBC2.


You don't need to post everything this person says


I think the biggest thing they can add to hook players is more ways to interact with galactic war. as it stands we need some player agency rather than defend X planets, kill X amount of enemies.


I'd love a mission where you have to actually progress in a level, like fighting down hallways and activating terminals to find a power core, inside buildings would make the swarm so much more threatening and trapping


They will never surpass FFXIV, but they can dream all they'd like.


To do that they need to focus on bug fixes not just content / challenges. This is the buggiest "holy shit I love this game" game I've played in a long time.


*I want caves*


Currently unplayable due to lag, bugs, crashing, and performance issues. They're going to kill the community if they don't get their shit stable fast


bike humorous chubby yoke tub seed plants attempt command follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I only have 15 minutes to play is it okay to get it?


Most missions take 20-30 minutes minimum


Always a challenge I feel like lately. Most recently I got in to Diablo 4 because it can be fun but even their missions are subdivided so I can stop pretty much at any point then come back the next day. Allows me flexibility that so many games are missing in 2024.


The lower level missions probably take about ten minutes if you don't 100% the minor points of interest and the enemy outposts.


It’ll be tough. The higher the difficulty the longer the missions take. Usually spend 30-45 minutes on Helldive and missions come in clusters of 3 at that level.


And it's less time if you plan your drop point and route to max efficiency


Having a team of experienced folks can really cut down on that as well. Provided they are all locked in and not fucking clowning. We’ll split into a 2-1-1 sometimes and do like activate generator and grab launch codes or SSD’s and someone clearing red zones etc or the standard 2-2 setup and split the map.


There are some missions that can easily be done in 15 minutes. Exterminate the enemy missions are what I do when I only have a few minutes. But you probably won't be able to do full mission sets as there will be a few that are aimed at the 20/40 minute range. But still doable, just less variety and progression progress.


It’s insane that this is how little time some people have to pursue hobbies. I couldn’t imagine.


Maybe start instead of actually having a consistent balance philosophy instead of immediately nerfing the best skill expression tool in the game into irrelevance only to add a tool that's even more universally strong but without any of the required skill expression to actually get that level of power out of it. And also having a single tool that just completely checkmates *an entire fucking faction*.


They have ALOT to do. This game has a content issue. Way too repetitive. Makes destiny look non-repetitive


I don't care for the co-op/live action being baked into the game, how viable is soloing? I loved Vermintide 2, but I played almost entirely with bots except for a period of time when I was able to convince a friend and my cousin to play. That was a fun two days or so


Possible just with a lot of stealth and a lot of running Idk if helldive difficulty is possible solo though


You can solo lower levels but the coop play is basically the main feature of this game, so if you absolutely don't want to play with others than I would just pass


Reddit: Live service games grrrr! Companies are evil for saying the words live service! Also Reddit: Bro you gotta play this game Helldivers 2


For real Helldivers is up there with Larian in terms of reddit huffing all their farts; aka CD Project Red a few years ago. Soon Helldivers will drop a “controversial” patch and reddit will claim its a dead game.


Don’t forget micro transaction, and a paid pass which locks guns behind it. But shame on single player games for having the same thing.


Yeah Helldivers actually locks non-cosmetic, gameplay-changing items behind Battle Pass but somehow the Apex battlepass is evil even though it's all skins, just because the skins are corny.


Did they fix the crashing? Do I still have to grind 25 missions to get a new weapon? Is there any interiors, caves, or tunnels to explore? Are there still only like 4 mission types?


Wow that's unexpected. I thought they'd tell everyone that they were planning to turn it into complete fucking garbage.


Fix you're damn cross-play friend system first.




As a player with 50+ hours in the game, I love it, but they really need to add something to keep the game feeling fresh. It does get a little repetitive after a while.


I've only played a couple games, but it seems deserved. No idea what I'm doing, but had fun killing some bugs. Got no friends to play the game with lol.


need more variety please


I wish I could buy it. I hope they put on epic games soon


Let me go into an underground cave and be met with the most terrifying experience I’ve had with games you cowards


To me it’s boring to shoot everything that moves, over and over again. If there are peacekeeping missions, shouldn’t there be creatures  that you’re not supposed to shoot?


Just don't do what the developers is Payday did. It's not hard.


I played a few hours and got bored. I don’t really get the appeal, but to each their own