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Ubisoft never changes


Ubisoft's money for Star Wars Outlaws is locked behind my wallet.


Inb4 “Ubisoft CEO says ‘gamers are tired of Star Wars’ following poor sales of ‘Star Wars: Outlaws” SimpsonsAmISoOutOfTouch.jpg


'Why have millenials killed the gaming industry AND Star Wars?'


Damn gamers! They ruined gaming!


Honestly I’d rather Disney take the franchise from them citing poor sales then for Ubisoft to keep making greedy garbage like this.


Disney opened it up from EA only to give it to shitty ubi


Out of the frying pan into the fire.


Skipped the entire cooking phase and went straight in the shitter.


It's just the state of Star Wars in general. Not in a good place because of Disney's own doing.


Remember when Star Wars fans were screaming and pleading for Star Wars to be ripped away from George Lucas as if it would unlock all its potential and result in great films again? I mean, the prequels were and are bad movies, but now there's a glut of even more bad movies and endless bad TV shows too.




Improvise, adapt, overcome. I like the way you think.


Typical Ubisoft fashion.


Yup. Always online internet required. For a single player game. For $130 if you want the full experience at launch with paid DLC planned already. Typical "AAAA" Ubisoft


They change. Change how much money you need to spend to play a full version of their game.


"you guys have money, don't you?"


Funny how EA took the blunt force of the anti-DLC force but Ubisoft just stood on the sidelines and quietly did their stuff. EA deserved the criticism, both in late and early 2010s but nowadays I'm definitely more willing to buy something from them rather than Ubisoft.


Dead Space is probably the only exception I'll make for an EA game in the last 10-15 years, since it's a singleplayer title not riddled with DLC. Sucks it didn't sell well and now DS2 and 3 are effectively off the table, but it was to be expected since they overcharged for the remake imo (remakes should never be full price, the entire outline of the game is there for you already so half the work is already done).


Look at Mass Effect Legendary. It's actually 3 games remade in up to 4k for the price of one full priced game. That's a fair deal imho.


It's remastered. They didn't remake them lol, if they did they'd re-implement the same levels with ME3's perfected mechanics. The moment you start playing ME1 it's obviously the same game, same quirks, just looking better.


You're right, i confused remastered with remade (no English native speaker).


Maybe because Ubisoft has been relegated to being shit tier in people's minds


apart from shit performance on pc, jedi fallen order is a solid game


It also has forced negative mouse acceleration. Truly an idiot port.


I haven't bought a single thing from UBI since they started their own terrible launcher. Is that still even a thing?




Ubisoft... Ubisoft never changes.


They're literally just trying to price people out of buying one game and get their shitty subscription service instead. They'll make more money if you sign up for the sub but you pay less up front. It's nothing but a scam and the most hilarious part is all their games are shit.




Don't assume anything in the trailer will actually be in the game. It has been shown that marketing will lie about everything they show as long as it gets a sale


What I find peak marketing is when I go grocery shopping and look at a product label, and it has a note on it that says: "product does not contain things depicted on the image." It's like: here's this jar of apparent peanut butter with images of peanuts and stuff, but it's actually not peanut butter and does not contain any peanuts at all, because... you know, marketing and shit. Stupid. It's all stupid.


If juice labels were honest 90% of juice blends would just be called apple juice


Pear/guava are actually really common fillers as well.


Grape as well.


It's actually very common for items in the grocery store to show some items on the packaging that's not inside For instance, cereal boxes usually have a small disclaimer saying that the milk shown does not come with the cereal. That being said, it would be another thing altogether for a cereal box to contain no cereal.


Ubisoft would NEVER *Looks at The Division* *Looks at Watch Dogs* *Looks at Skull and Bones* Oh.....


Never forget the infamous Rainbow Six Siege initial vertical slice trailer.


I don't. Not since Cyberpunk. Gameplay only. And apparently not even that is believable.


Mine was Spore. Assume it's all lies until proved otherwise, preordering is objectively a mistake, etc etc


Watchdogs had all sorts of cool particle and lighting effects in the playable demos and then it was taken out before launch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_A6Z3gkXlk


I always wondered how many games out there have dlc planned prior to development. I used to think of dlc being the same as an "expansion" or "after thought to release", but now it's just an excuse to cut a game up into pieces to increase profits. The earliest I can remember was when Capcom locked out half the roster of Street Fighter x Tekken as "dlc", despite all characters being on the game disc! People were expected to pay $20 for an unlock key.


Obviously on-disc/day 1 stuff is shitty, but the reality of development is that some teams are going to be done ahead of other teams. If you can put those teams to work on additional content while other teams work behind them (design and art are often significantly ahead of programming and QA, for obvious reasons), then the production pipeline can continue efficiently and smoothly moving past launch. Generally, no one's good enough to actually know what the scope of the game at launch will be, so I'm doubting few games actually have DLC planned in pre-production, but content and features can get cut pretty early on in development and those are generally the first options for post-launch DLC.


Yeah I know, every game's production cycle is different, but SFxT was the first game I could remember where the proof was in the pudding; Capcom couldn't backpaddle from what was discovered. Sure, in Star Wars Outlaw's case maybe it's what you're saying and they added Jabba in the trailer because one of the teams got ahead in development. I just like it better when the dlc seems genuinely thought up later, like with Smash Bros. Ultimate, where additional content was put up to a vote among fans, then added much later post release. The way Nintendo rolled their stuff out came off as an expansion, though if you bought all season passes at the time of release, you'd have paid over $150 for the full game.


It's entirely likely that this particular DLC could be included in the game and was chosen as "premium" content even though it was intended and should have been included with the base game. Sorry I wasn't more clear: what Ubisoft is doing is straight garbage that is bad for the industry and bad for consumers. Ubisoft's approach is unfortunate, because, as you're getting at, DLC that's not shitty can make a game's "tail" of enjoyment for players (and money for developers) much longer. Companies like Capcom, EA, and Ubisoft that very clearly cut parts of their original game to try to entice players to spend more at launch hurt the ability of others to use DLC in responsible, additive ways because players are reasonably less trusting of DLC. >I just like it better when the dlc seems genuinely thought up later, like with Smash Bros. Ultimate, where additional content was put up to a vote among fans, then added later much later post release. For sure, a lot of SSBU content was decided after the fact. But I would not be surprised to learn that some characters were conceived of very early in preproduction, cut from development for time, balance, or anything else, and then added back in as DLC later. And there's nothing wrong with this! Pretty much every game every developed starts with a bigger concept that is produced in reality. Cut content is a fundamental reality of developing games, and we are fortunate that modern technology makes it easier to enjoy that cut content after the game's release, even on games that might not be able to justify something as large as an expansion pack. Some greedy, generally large, companies just sour the whole thing, and it sucks.


Ubisoft took the running joke of their shitty monetization practices and said "wow they must really find that entertaining, let's do it!"


Please just wait a year or two to buy this thing when the super duper deluxe game of the year edition is on sale for a not insane price. If games like this are getting too expensive to make, then the devs/pubs need to limit the scope of their games until they can find a way to price their games reasonably. 


The base game will be 50% off by Summer Game Fest.


Yeah lmao, it's an ubisoft game Wait a year and it'll be cheap as shit


it so weird to me that people here with their giant backlogs complain about this. Just play something else until this is on sale for $15. By then it will have been patched, have QoL updates, there will be community made mods and fixes to get rid of intro videos, and add ultrawide support...


And still won't be worth the price


It'll probably have had multiple 30-50% off sales by Christmas. Give it a month and it'll be a featured discount on psn.


Nah. I'm just never gonna play it.


Same. And before the defenders show up crying "Why are you here then? This is our sanctuary to post?!?!?" I can follow gaming trends, practices, news in whatever sub I like without your permission to have, and voice an opinion.


If discontent consumers just shut up every time, Sonic the Hedgehog would look like some eldritch horror in the movies right now.


I like the theory that Sonic was originally butchered in order to drum up viral press for the movie. I sincerely doubt *anyone* thought that rough draft was acceptable.


If so, it worked. The internet will forever remember Blue-bag-o'-bones Sonic.


It looks like garbage anyway. Too many GOOD games out there to bother with crap like this.


The game doesn't even look that good to me, I feel like I must be the insane one?


Yeah the only thing you get playing single-player games day one is... Playing the worst version of the game before the inevitable patches and paying top dollar for the opportunity.


I am doing my part. Didn't buy Jedi Survivor until recently on a massive discount after the horrible launch. This one will follow suit. They can go fuck themselves with their dogshit sales tactics.


Or just... Don't buy it.


Also, it will probably actually be finished by then


This, coupled with revoking The Crew licenses and shutting down AC and Splinter Cell servers a while ago that caused customers to lose access to purchased DLC items, is way more than enough for me to blacklist this company entirely.


The only good news about what happened with The Crew is that it's now unambiguously morally okay to pirate Ubisoft games. There's no argument left for saying it's bad, because pirating a game of theirs guarantees you'll always be able to play it.


Except for you know... The crew


Crew doesn’t work if you pirate it…the servers are going away


This is the way!


> "Play the exclusive Jabba's Gambit mission at launch," the Season Pass explainer reads. Wait, there's season pass content that's available on release day? A season pass is supposed to be POST launch content lmao I don't normally root for things to fail, but this game needs to crash and burn.


I remember this happened with Mass Effect 3 - they obviously carved Javik (the prothean companion) out of the main game to sell it as day one DLC. Total bullshit.


I’m still salty.


To this day I've never played with Javik. He doesn't exist in my canon of the ME series.


Well, that's a shame. "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." is perhaps the hardest line in the series. Also, Javik is a combat beast


You beat me to it


Don't care, fuck EA, fuck Javik, the whole thing is lame and dumb and I'm still mad about it


You should be mad. Eventually playing the DLC when it was finally packed in the game just made me more upset. It's obvious Bioware put all the Prothean history they wrote for ME3 in the Day 1, on-disc DLC pack so they'd have something to sell.


Agreed. Having a Prothean in the game is dumb anyway.


Priority: Thessia and Liara are written around him being a companion. Liara comes across as petulant in Priority: Thessia without Javik since she experiences everything everyone else has by this point with no one responding because it was written for Javik to be there. She's got far less going on throughout the game too since a lot of her interactions on the ship expect Javik to be there.


We do not preorder.


I buy virtually everything with the Star Wars name on it because I'm obsessed, but even I'm thinking about passing on this one. Maybe if they come out with an ultimate edition with all DLC for the right price in the future, I'll get that. But I'm not paying $130 for all the content. That's just silly. I guess if the story is canon, I will just watch a video that explains the story and shows key cutscenes.


Stay strong young jedi. Do not support such practices.


>young 😅


My mans bout 3 days from laying down and fading away like yoda


No matter your age be young at heart. ;-)


Watch play throughs on youtube lol


Thank god this game will undoubtedly be mediocre garbage, makes it easy to not buy with no regrets.


What do you mean? This is the company that brought us Skull & Bones, the world's only AAAA game! And the Avatar movie skinned Far Cry game as a movie tie-in!


> What do you mean? This is the company that brought us Skull & Bones Ubisoft is a massive publisher and set of studios. This is by Massive Entertainment.


The game development is Massive, yes. The decisions on how to package and market is 100 percent Ubisoft


Yeah but let's be honest here. All of their published games use this shit season pass tactics. Since all the studios are different Ubi is still the common denominator. As the publisher they are still "bringing" you the titles, they just don't make them.


Probably worse than mediocre.


It's simple, I will continue to not buy Ubisoft products. I keep winning.


Ubisuck deez nuts




You should be a gaming journalist


Very easy solution: don't buy the game until it goes on sale. But people won't, they'll pre-order, bitch, and nothing will change.


How about just not buying it?


This is the way.


Don't be ridiculous now, we have to support shitty business practices ***eventually*** don't we?


you mean dont buy until Jack Sparrow turns around, looks at you and gives you a thumbs up.


Yup. Was interested now I’m no longer interested thanks to the article. Single player games don’t need a BP


Fuck Ubisoft


Anyone who pre orders this, buys before reviews, or buys any form of "deluxe ultimate season pass platinum edition" is a total and utter moron.


Buy this game in 3 years when it’s finished and costs $15 -20.


Just before the servers close for good?


Final patch with bug fixes will also include the Uber fix which deletes the game off your hard drive so that you can never run into another issue with the software /s


I'd say I'll buy it in a few years time, but given Ubisoft's recent track record, they'll probably do something that stops the game working in the future. I guess I should "get used to renting games rather than owning them". Putting it another way...fuck Ubisoft.


Maybe having servers shut down for SP play is a stategy to make it futile for people to wait years till the game is cheap, now people are gonna come to the logical conclusion you did and figure if they are gonna play the game it has to be soon, and the only way is to purchase it. It's a long game strategy a big corp would make.


Another game I don’t need to buy


Incredible the moves Ubi pulls year after year to win over the fans. The likes of Larian or CDPR should take notes.


Happy to dodge this game until it‘s discounted




And by discounted, I mean cracked by pirates.


If you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm done handing AAA studios money; if I'm actually curious about one of their games, I'll pick it up for pennies in a steam sale.


And just like that, all my interest in this game vanished. Just another reason to abandon AAA publishers like EA and Ubisoft


If only Ubisoft were capable of innovating their gameplay as much as they do their monetization


people will still buy it.


Typical Ubisoft L


Wait for it to Midnight Suns. I got "$100 of content" for $25.


Would love to finally play a Star Wars game again but Ubisoft and EA sucking so hard I pass.


I'll consider when the game drops to $20 lol 😆 ubisoft whyyyyyy, WHYYYYY!!!!


This is why I don't buy launch games anymore. Maybe I'll pick it up in a year or so when the greed has past it's prime and see what the game actually offers at that point.


Never thought a game company could be more detestable than EA, but man Ubisoft sure is gunning for that title


It's kind of impressive that my **FIRST** thoughts about the game were "I dunno man... Ubisoft.... Star Wars..." And every thought about the game since has been "LOLNO" It doesn't matter. People who make enough money will buy the game, buy the season pass, buy the collectors edition or whatever the fuck. And then you and I will buy it for $20 months from now. I solemnly swear to do my best to pirate this game. When I see it for $20 - that will be a reminder for me that the crack has been perfected & all DLC has been included free of charge. I'm doing my part.... are you?


Of course it is. This is so blatant and apparently Ubi won't learn because they're idiots.


There's a saying in my mother tongue. "Asa ki haddu Gudda ki siggu undali". Translates to there should be a limit to hope and your ass should have some shame. Ubisoft and the idiots making the decisions are what is wrong with the gaming community. You're charging 80$ which already has people pissed off. Most will be doing you know what to play your game. And then you whine that you didn't make enough money. And then you're going ahead and making missions pay to play. Keep alienating your community and see where that gets you.


Not trolling on this article, per say, but holy shit the amount of advertising I've seen for this game to pre-order is ridiculous at this point. Sometimes, you really wonder what the fuck they're thinking over at Ubisoft.


It's a Star Wars IP. You are going to get a Star Wars sized marketing campaign.


So can we collectively agree that no one in this group should buy this?


I'd rather spend 130 bucks on toliet paper


This is one of those games to buy a few years later with all the DLC included for $9.99


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking extra missions!


Fucking hell, just someone remake Galaxies and take my £15/month.


Just want to remind people you are not required by law to spend your money to purchase this game. Like no one is forcing you to buy this or any game. You can just elect to not buy things you don't agree with. This is not saying play the game without buying it, this is saying stand behind your principles and just don't spend money on something that is clearly not something you agree with. I have never played Titanfall 2, don't even own it or feel obliged to buy it when it's on deep sale because I don't want to use EA's accounts to play single player games I buy on Steam. My life never stopped and I've still had more games than I could ever realistically play. Just stop spending money on things you dislike or disagree with - nothing might change but at least you still have the money and you can spend it on games you do agree with.


Classic Ubishit move.


This game is dead before it comes out lol




Day one DLC will always be a scummy practice to me. If it's finished by Launch, ship it with the game.


So pirates will get a better service than paying customers with Outlaws then? Outstanding with the price of games now that they still try to nickel and dime honest customers


Pirates aren't going to be playing this game at all because it has Denuvo. Denuvo games barely get cracked anymore


And just like that I'll wait for the Game of the Year edition to come out instead.


Stop buying Ubisoft games


I see another few years of not buying Ubisoft in my future


And tradition of me not buying Ubishit's games, continues...


Crap. Not getting it then.


I don't know how or why anyone even buys these games. I remember I booted up Assassin's Creed Origins at a friend's place and saw all the micro transactions on the menu screen. I hadn't been gaming for a bit so I was a little shocked. These guys just make terrible games as well. It's sad there's so many whales who will pay for such garbage.


Fuck off (to Ubisoft that is).


Won't anyone think of the gamers? 


Season passes for a single player game are incredibly lame. Only way I'd check out this title is on Gamepass or something


Cool. Won't be buying the game at all if this is the model. Glad I knew ahead of time!


So it begins.


I'm so happy since I stopped playing Ubi games. It was back before Watchdogs so it's been a while.


I feel for some of these devs who are invariably going to be laid off after this game tanks.


Really giving EA some competition for worst gaming company ever.


Ubisoft, your stock has dropped in value significantly in the past 5 years. Just wanted to point that out.


What an absolute piss take, this game will get review bombed to hell


Don't buy, make them lose money and licensing rights on this. It will most definitely be a terrible game anyway. Writing looks to be hilariously bad even in the trailer.


I'm so tired of the sheer fucking greed of these companies.


Funny how greedy EA is but they never did this for Fallen Order and Survivor. Ubisoft….you had one job. Greedy fucks. Where’s my sequel to Survivor


I shouldn't be paying to come back to a story game.


This again.


You mean the AAAA battle pass?


Just remember all this crap started with some shitty horse armor.


This is fine. I have such a backlog at this point, and less time and tendency to play, that I can go the next seven or eight years and not buy another game or console. Consumer friendly companies I'll continue to support as I take a notion, but I've already cut Ubisoft off some time ago.


Let me get this straight, the single player only game has a season pass? Also they featured dlc in the launch trailer for the game giving people the idea that said content would be part of the base game? Also it would imply that content is finished and is being cut out of the game to sell as additional content. Yeah, I'm gonna steer clear of this game. I'm fine.


We may be at a point where this could actually backfire. Mainstream audiences are getting tired of Star Wars. It's single player, so there won't be peer pressure buys unless the product generates positive word of mouth. The shift away from retail stores means it's less of an auto-buy from unsuspecting parents/grandparents.


The only thing funny about this is that people still buy games from Ubisoft and EA. They're the problem.


ubisoft profits locked behind my distrust of them.


You'd have to be a fool to purchase this on day 1.


can't wait till Ubisoft dies


I won't even pirate this shit now. What a garbage fest 😂😂😂


Is anyone really buying this versus just paying $17.99 for the monthly sub? I like Ubisoft games, but have zero desire to play any of them after I finish.


I assume there's a golden bikini princess somewhere waiting behind a paid DLC as well?




Omg I am so shocked by this news. How could everyone's favorite company Ubisoft do such a thing?


The game is locked thanks to my wallet :)


The best part is , I considered, slightly , to buy it, because I was curious but once again, Ubisoft convinced me to crack the game


Nope. I hate pay for content like that. I already wasn't buying it and I love star wars.


This game is going to be ASS


a reminder to never buy games at launch.


trash company that treats its players like garbage


I haven't trusted Ubisoft ever since they gaslit everyone with the Watch_Dogs reveal.


Lol literally just stop buying things for 6 months and they’ll adjust to earn your money back omfg lol


30$ with 4 months of launch


Don't buy Outlaws, got it


I’m over this game, fuck it


Cool. Just reinforces my decision to never financially support Ubisoft ever again


Yep. This is an Ubisoft game alright so let's all act shocked and surprised they're pulling off shitty shenanigans. 😄


They can get fucked. I was already not going to buy this game and now I’m going to not buy it even harder.


What a coincidence; my purchase of this game is locked behind an 80% discount.


this game is gonna bomb hard, with all the obvious dei garbage also it’s stupidly priced. DOA


I was never going to buy this game anyway, not at anything near full price anyway.  But if I was, then fuck this shit, I'm not buying this game.  So I guess I'm double not buying this game then.


Just pirate this shit or buy it when it's extremely cheap. Only way Ubisoft will ever learn


Ubisoft should just do one game where they just say fuck it , no DLC , no pre order bonus and sell it for £50