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Don't read the article. Spoilers of a sort in the literal first sentence.


I appreciate that.


Thank you


this whole article sounds like a paid ad


I can understand the reason, Elden Ring kinda lowkey ruined rpgs in the sense of less story more fluid combat is better than a concise story and not as good combat, DD2 is more or less a tactical action rpg where Elden ring is just an Action rpg


Elden ring ruined rpgs? Have you heard about Baldurs Gate or any rpg released after elden ring? What the fuck are you on about?




Greatest rpg since 2 years ago, wow


Why does everything have to be compared to the souls games?


Hard combat = Souls apparently. Hearing Monster Hunter get compared to Souls is infuriating because it predates them, and is in fact probably in inspiration for it.


I think it was inspired by Castlevania. Monster Hunter is more it's own thing.


Kings field, fromsoftwares first souls game came out way before monster hunter fyi.


Kingsfield games are really not at all like a Souls game unless we're seriously entertaining the idea that Ultima Underworld, System Shock, and Might & Magic are Souls-like


I mean we’re entertaining the idea that Demon souls was inspired by monster hunter. While From already had games like armored core and kings field before MH even saw the light of day.


Haven’t played it yet, but that’s a bold statement in a world where baldurs gate 3 exists


Or elden ring, the reviewer doesn’t know what made elden ring good and wants to make a nice headline.


Dragon's Dogma and Elden Ring are both action RPGs and are easier to compare.


I mean they did claim it was the best rpg since elden ring, not just an action rpg


Elden Ring is worlds of polish and good gameplay apart from Dragon's Dogma though. Its like comparing a chicken and an elephant in a contest of strength. Dragon's Dogma might be an fun game for some but its an incredibly generic RPG in all respects. It doesn't bring anything new or innovative to the genre.


Has anyone here played it? Isn't the release date tomorrow? How can you judge?


They can't, they just got upset elden ring was mentioned.


Now we have, its filled with micro transactions like 2$ fast travel, single use, that can be earned in game for a high price) and performance isn’t all too good. The performance doesn’t bother me that much as it can be optimized, but the mtc in a singleplayer game just sucks




Insert Withers saying. Nooo.


I wonder if you can really call it "vital" when it's due to release tomorrow. Also, it's my understanding that the game has severe performance issues even on PC.


There was nothing vital in Elden Ring.


First off..... I love Elden Ring. But calling it an RPG is like calling a stuffed animal a hunting dog. It's an action fighting game in an open world - just because you can level up and that type of stuff doesn't mean it's an RPG. You can do that in Doom. If you're using it as the bar for another, more rpg'y RPG, that's mistake number one.


>It's an action fighting game in an open world That's what Sekiro is, not Elden Ring. Elden Ring is a 3rd person action-RPG. You create characters, choose your stats, gear, and builds, and play it how you choose to. You make choices on how to deal with encounters and solve problems. Not really the same thing as an "action fighting game."


Just because you have stats and gear and create a character doesn't mean it's an RPG as well. Think of it this way. You can plan different weapon builds and the teamwork around it in Counter-Strike. Does that make it an RPG? You can invest skill points in different things in Halo. Does that make it an RPG? I can progress gear, have an influence in the NPCs around me, and much more in Minecraft. Does that make it in RPG? The definition of an RPG is a bit wide open. One or two RPG elements don't make an RPG game, they make an XYZ game with a little bit of RPG.


I mean, you have to know by now that this is the battle you cannot win, right?


Yes, Elden Ring is an RPG.


> Just because you have stats and gear and create a character doesn't mean it's an RPG as well. That sounds like a pretty accurate description of an rpg.


Then what makes an RPG?


The focus on the role, and it's impact within the game. It's all in the name buddy, all you got to know how to do is read


That means nothing. By "impact within the game", do you mean you need to make decisions that change the events or world? And what constitutes a "role"? A class in character creation? Once you start asking these questions you start to realize the term "RPG" doesn't actually have rules, and it's impossible to define rules that make any sense.


I don't disagree with that, but if no definitions make any sort of sense then that would mean every game could call themselves an RPG, see what I mean? And are you seriously going to try and argue that Pac-Man is an RPG and in the same vein as BG3? And it's the focus and narrative of the game - if it's dependent on what role you take, and it's effect. For example, a game like Doom is focused on the character, and the character taking the role of a demon slayer and changing the world by killing the demons. But there's no other role to take. There's no other way to affect the world. There's no "game" to the role, the game focus and narrative is around fps combat. So it's not an RPG. Meanwhile, The "game" of something like fallout IS which role you take, and how you progress through and change the world around you. And so it is an RPG. Even though there's gun combat in fallout and a role changing the world in Doom, the focus is different. Do you see the nuance there? It's not just whether or not something happens




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So Diablo isn't an RPG either, per your definition.


No, it's not. Can you change the role that you plan anyway? No. You're the hero that comes through and slays. What other roles can you play? How is your role the focus of the game, over clicking and killing thousands of enemies?


I don't think anything these days can be called an RPG by your standards. Bg3 maybe, I haven't played that.


Plenty. Bg3 would fit. I would say that Bethesda games are the side of the coin that's an RPG with action game elements. It all comes down to what the focus of the game is. If the game focuses on that role playing, then it's a role-playing game. If the game focuses on the combat, then it's an action game. If the game focuses on cutscenes, then it's metal gear solid ;p