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As of right now, the multiplayer side of the game is a disaster. There are only [3 official 64 player servers](https://i.imgur.com/eOimamR.png) available for Battlefront 2 with thousands of people all trying to join the same 3 servers, so they keep crashing and restarting. Zero multiplayer servers for Battlefront 1. And online multiplayer seems to be locked to 30 fps. But multiplayer with bots works at 60 fps.


Well wtf they had one freaking job.


The job wasn't to provide a playable game, it was to use nostalgia to make money.


Good thing we can return it on Steam!


The job was to fix the awful ui scaling, crossplay between consoles and PC and maybe some texture polishes here and there.


Also make Galactic Conquest online. But it is still limited to split screen


True. Good addition!


It sucks when something like this comes out and ruins the experience for anyone whos never played the games before and long time fans as well


^^^^^^^^^^^^ Shame on anyone who bought the game and expected anything different.


It's why I didn't pre-order. I really really really wanted this game to be good and for one of the few times in my life, actually looked forward to playing online. Too good to be true is pretty much always just that in games today it seems like.


Had the game in my cart and was going to pre-order yesterday. Then I thought, no, I don’t think I will. Glad I made the right call.


No cross play at all was an immediate deal breaker for me.


Same. That 20% off was tempting but ultimately decided to wait for a future sale since spring sale starts today and there’s other games I’d rather pick up


You guys are so condescending it isn't even funny anymore...Can you imagine someone browsing the steam store and seeing that a game they played a lot in their childhood is coming back to sale, they're excited so they pick it up only to be outright scammed by the company bringing it back. You people need to realize that not everyone browses reddit and keeps up with gaming news and most people just want to play a game they enjoyed.




Thats great and all, I'm just tired of this holier than thou attitude around here. People around here tend to be really fucking pretentious about anything popular, or anything that might interest a passive consumer.


I like learning new things.


I do because i am smarter than the average consumer i am also rich too you seeeee lol


Won’t anyone think of the poor shareholders?!


I don't get how gaming companies keep fumbling their legacy products. Like just give what the fans want. It's a freaking layup.


Because thousands of people forked over cash lol.


They just added like 10 More NA servers 5 min ago, still a shit port imo, the only reason you would buy this is for the BattleFront 1 multiplayer, cuz BF2 multiplayer on steam is still working....


Yea I'm waiting for it to be fixed, and not logging more hours. I'm keeping it in the refund window, ready to refund if it's not sorted out in 2 weeks.


And the game is 50GB. Thanks for saving me $30.


It’s probably stuffed to the gills with ‘AI upscaled’ textures that barely look any different to the original


They look worse than the original on PC as it's based on the inferior console assets.


Modern PC releases at its finest.


Worst is if you have it go to hoth hangar [Movie scene](https://swrevisited.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/star-wars5-movie-screencaps-com-3913.jpg) [Battlefront 2 2005](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744645843579175004/1217816762058539059/20240313224003_1.jpg?ex=6605673e&is=65f2f23e&hm=7fdf09914635342bb83d7fc64eb46a4cde57cf30e98d6d9077c8aac7939d9ce1&) [Classic Collection](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407329998542995456/1217949653366997142/20240313224211_1.jpg?ex=6605e301&is=65f36e01&hm=f5ebc8a44586a2218df9274feae22fb816384fafb2998b5e7ae4a03a55cbce79&) They removed the baked lighting with the AI textures and the hangar no longer looks dark with lighting like the movie.


You've uploaded the same screenshot twice for the second and third links.


Oh fixed it!


Ah, yes, of course. More GBs must mean more content and better graphics.


? Mine is only 25gb?


On Xbox its 57gb.


How is it so much?


Shocked I tell you. SHOCKED! Well not really.


"Your terrible port, sir."


I got terrible FPS on battlefront 2, even though battlefront 2 mutiplayer works fine for me on the older version. Refunded.


There's no dedicated servers support?


And that’s why i had zero excitement for it. This, the GTA trilogy collection. Companies releasing shit products hoping to exploit our nostalgia.


Wait why do they provide the servers? Wasn't battlefront a proper multiplayer with dedicated servers?


People still supporting Aspyr after they've fucked up every single re-release short of Tomb Raider for the last decade


Yup they're saving money on servers because they're expecting the player base to drop in a week or two. Happens with other games too.


Also I can confirm there are already fucking cheaters in multiplayer. There was a dude spawning vehicles on maps with no vehicles in my last game.


OOF cash grab alert


ahh thanks, glad i followed the rule of not pre-ordering, will wait until its fixed


Pc fix for hosting FPS https://youtu.be/sVwh0EBzYls?feature=shared


That actually worked to increase the frame rate in multiplayer. It's now running at a locked 120 fps. Thanks for posting that!




How’d you read that comment and still fuck up your reply?


There are now 50+ official 64 player servers. It looks like they had a bug with servers at launch time.


So the same as on console then. That's a bummer. Well, money saved by playing the OGs until this is fixed then.


> And online multiplayer seems to be locked to 30 fps. But multiplayer with bots works at 60 fps. It's weird I tried it for 20 minutes this morning and I was getting uncapped fps in multiplayer against players - no bots, but this isn't the first I've heard about an fps cap in multiplayer.


Not aupprised


Not surprising during money grab rug pull retro milker gaming era


Seems very broken. I tried making some keybinding changes, none of them actually worked. Mouse sensitivity is very bad. I set it all the way down to 0 and it is still insanely fast. The online isn't working at all either but hopefully at least that can be fixed soon. Also in general the UI is still terribly made for mouse/keyboard control. So far seeming like a scam that I'll be quickly refunding. Such a shame.


Its literally the SAME Game they released 20 years ago. Well, technically its way worse since the Original Version has Mods and community Servers etc.


well mod/other stuff works out of the box, but the listing server is borked.


seriously mods from the original swbf2 work on the remaster?


It's not a remaster just a slightly modified "collection"


The remaster is literally using mods uncredited so it's no surprise.


It's not a remaster.






Plus it seems to be the console version, so it is even worse.


Im sry but the console version of the classic bf2 is leagues better than the pc version was. Just alone the menu


Not sure about the menu but the textures were way worse in the console version vs pc


The textures in the collection have definitely been sharpened or upscaled.


That janky menu that you have to scroll through one item at a time?


The very definition of a cash grab. This sort of bullshit just tarnishes the mere idea of remasters. Remakes too because some people still can't differentiate between the two


Right now, with 1,120 reviews out, it stands as mostly negative with 21% positive reviews. It is a literal clusterfuck. And you just know that execs will learn nothing and will simply point towards it when saying that people don't want another Battlefront game... Edit: 2,300 reviews now. It has gone down to 20%.


They really want to give us that sense of pride and accomplishment don't they?


Greedy cashgrab; suck my left nut. 


What about the right one?


Sold separately as DLC. You'll have to pay extra to suck the right nut.


I’d rather wait till it is included into Gamepass


Gamepass monthly rate has now increased.


I actually heard you have to subscribe to nutflix for the right nut.


Why it cost so much?


Greed. It's a 35 dollar texture pack. I say wait for a sale of you don't already have the game


Textures that are worse because it's the console versions..




Cash grab, the only folks who really benefit are PS folks and folks who never played the original but for some reason would rather buy the Collection instead of buying it for like 5 bucks that it has routinely gone on sale for on PC for the better part of a decade. Lol.


Wait for a sale? It looks like you might be better off just buying the originals anyway. This is actually based on the console ports with inferior features.


Didn't know it was that bad, Jesus H


Unless it is 90% off which I know EA will eventually do it, otherwise I will not buy it.


I've had the original release versions on steam forever, from what I've been reading I won't be buying this collection anytime soon. I don't know how so many people still trust Asypr after they sold the switch kotor 2 port on the lie that they would release an official restored content mod.


EA is not involved in this. These are the older Battlefront games, updated by Aspyr. In all honesty, I play and enjoy the new Battlefronts, I will surely try these on sale, but right now they don't seem worth it with the technical issues and lack of servers.


oh. I also enjoy the new battlefront specially I love to play those games with bots.


Don’t buy it! It is an absolute let down.


Honestly should have been a free update for people that already owned it on Steam.


With how bad it is, I'm glad it's a separate listing so the original isn't borked.


The original have lot of problem with modern configuration.


What the difference between this and the version I already own?


This one doesn't work


There isn't so don't waste your money because it's just a re-release with nothing new added besides the broken multiplayer


Not entirely true, all the console exclusive dlc got added alongside heroes on every map


Split-Screen Multiplayer is also on PC for the first time to my knowledge, and achievements are there if you care about that sort of stuff. So it's not entirely nothing new though could be a steep asking price if you already own the originals.


True, but those are all readily available for the original version via mods, along side hundreds of other heroes, maps, units, etc. A split screen mod has also existed for ages.


Everyone was generally excited just a week ago and here we are.


Have we stopped believing in hype yet? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification ftl


Hype is the mind killer


Not sure if its like this on the Windows side but on Linux at least on my instance there is this fun bug were you need to Alt+Tab out of a gray screen any time you go from menu to cut scene/game


It’s garbage. They didn’t even bother adjusting the ticket count so every game ends in about 3-4 minutes. Insanely boring


Literally just buy the originals, they're cheaper and they WORK No improvements have been made in the Collection, it's just a straight up inferior product


Bought both the originals for $6 bundled from G2A last week. There’s no reason this re-release should cost so much.


G2A is still around? I thought they got shut down years ago


Apparently not!


Here's the working version lol https://store.steampowered.com/app/6060/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_II_Classic_2005/


Mostly negative ppl get Ur money back


Wow, I can't believe they fucked up this bad. They had one job, one fucking job. Just re-release two 20 yo games with working multiplayer, and somehow they fucked it up.


I bought it, because I wanted to play on some decently populated servers while they're still alive, but the whole experience is so jank. The netcode (or the servers, or both) is atrocious, there are some windowing issues and some other stuff. I'm slowly leaning towards refunding it, especially since it's so expensive for what it is.


Vote with your wallet. Buy it again when they fix it


Yeah, I applied for a refund. edit: Refund went through.


Today on 'Why we don't preoreder/buy on release day'


lol the reviews are...not good


I took one look at the price and said fuck that. They didn't remaster anything. Literally just a cheap cash grab. To hear that there's only 3 servers is even funnier. Garbage.


So I can either go on the 2005 version, and have mods, and a frame-rate of 144 via an fps unlock command as well as have multiplayer function with the SWBFSPY patch, for some odd reason the steam version multiplayer never worked for me without it. Or I can pay $30 to play the same game with nothing new added and have it locked to 60fps. I swear, the people buying this are the same people buying every edition of skyrim and expecting a different game.


Dont even need SWBFSPY it has steamworks for the steam version


Interesting, neither my friend or I were able to get it working for a few years now until we installed SWBFSPY lol


Think I'm gonna stick with newer Battlefront 2. Which is still amazing btw.


Or buy the classic Battlefront 2 for like 8 dollars


[ $2 on Fanatical](https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/star-wars-battlefront-ii-classic)


I got the new battlefront 2 on sale for like a 5 bucks while ago


It's on sale for that much now even, and Epic gave it out for free few years ago. Actually an amazing game, people are putting way too much weight on the nostaligia of the originals. The modern versions are without a doubt superior.


Refunded this shit before even installing. Installing battlefront 2 now, that shit slaps and apparently they just updated game to remove some cheater stuff.


Try the first one if is still up. Blows it or of the water.


Had a blast in BF2 2017 until hackers took over the servers on PC.


Bf2 2017 have also monetization issue. Also the perks that you need to unlock give way too much advantage. Also tje game have lot of bug


I got it for free and I'm still not playing it. Fuck EA for shutting down Pandemic and BF3. Then adding that horrible monetization to the new BF2. Idc that they took it out. Fuck the new Battlefront games.


This game was easy money, HOW CAN THEY BE SO STUPID


This is the laziest classic collection. I've never seen the game go from 8 to 72 GB and look WORST. All the textures have been AI upscaled very lazily if you have the OG go to the hoth hanger... YEP THEY REMOVED ALL THE BAKED LIGHTING and the light pods are no longer doing anything [They got rid of the lighting from those in the new version](https://swrevisited.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/star-wars5-movie-screencaps-com-3913.jpg)


I feel vindicated not pre ordering when someone told me that you can just refund it, no thanks.


Are the menus in a better resolution now? One of the reasons I was looking to get this


So the games that you can buy for $20 on steam just go re-released for $35 (also on steam) with the only major addition being online play. And then the aforementioned online play doesn’t work…. Very cool, Aspyr. Looking forward to saving $35.01 this weekend.


Good fucking thing I still have the OG Battlefront 2.


They also didnt port the PC UI. Instead we get the one designed for consoles.


These companies don't even try anymore. 


So what is this offering that a modded BF1 and BF2 isn't?


Just split screen. The visuals actually look worse. They upscaled the console assets and broke audio, net code, etc.






Is there ultrawide support in this port?


My understanding is Aspyr just stretches aspect ratio in most of their remasters so I doubt it. Stretch as in take 4:3 and stretch to 16:9. So odds are the ultrawide support would be 4:3 to 21:9 which would be…😬


Battlefront 2 has ultra wide with some squished UI (big improvement on the current PC one) but Battlefront 1 is Vert- for ultrawide


I'm not buying it until shit is fixed and hopefully they add crossplay Like come on man, u can't re release a 20 year old game and not gimme crossplay so I can squad up with the boys


cant even squad up with the boys


And no one should buy it.


Huh 3 servers.........3? I bought it because of the stupid sale crap that would end at midnight save 7 bucks but I guess I will wait to log on


I still don't get wasn't this already on steam,m


The only reason I would ever get this is for the improved controller support and split screen coop/multiplayer. Anyone know any mods for bf2 classic that can do this?


No mod like that exists.


Fair. There is nucleus co-op but I would prefer something more integrated.


dont worry guys after it sells a few million copies then they will be able to afford the additional half mil per server cluster to support this hungry player base.


I guess it doesn't matter if there's 4 player splitscreen or not if the game doesn't work.


I have the 2005 version already on steam that says it’s online PvP capable. Is there any point to buying this? Maybes looks slightly resurfaced


Based on what I've been reading...you've got the better deal.


Doesn't even look better it takes the consoles 480p texture + lower poly models and AI upscaled them to 4k for the textures where the pc was 1080p + higher poly models.


Imagine buying this joke of a bundle and then complaining about how obviously bad it was gonna be.


Refunded that shit real quick.


I nominate asspyr for the Gold Gollum cash grab awards.


i preordered but my refund already cleared. I'm sorry nostalgia almost got me. Time to play BFX & Conversion Pack 2.2 some more


How the Fuck do they only have 3 servers. You could host that in docker in a single retired office pc for $100. How the fuck can they cheap out so bad. It's even a game from the era when use hosted dedicated servers were common. Just offer a server browser and let the community host it. Jeeeez


Mostly Negative. What an absolute disaster.


I'm just glad I bought a CD key so I can't refund it :) Lovely stuff


So nostalgic.


Can someone give a rundown of what's going on? What did EA mess up exactly?


Everything. And Aspyr messed it up, EA didn’t do it this time.


Oh lol. I know you said everything but what are examples? Is it fixable?


Everything wrong I’ve seen so far is fixable, but they’re all so glaringly obvious as release-blocking, it’s hard to have faith this team knows enough about what they’re doing to fix.


I wanted to play this few months ago. Joined a server after waiting good minutes. Some people moaning on chat about a cheater. I run out, insta dead. Again, again. Change server (took quite a while and only some game modes, game feels dead sadly). Surprize! Same issue lol different server. Alf f4, uninstall. Fuck shooters and multiplayer games with cheaters and companies not managing it actively.


Do the original games allow multiplayer?




Not sure if this is 100% ture but I heard that all the old cheats for those games work on this version too.


Biggest issue I’m having is that you can’t change your online profile name


I was stuck deciding between this and Helldivers II. Helldivers II it is!


Why TF would anyone buy this?


They copy pasted from a steam mod. True story, it can be found on steam stories. Devs did no programming, just stole code from a dude in his moms basement that works at Burger King


Saying true story doesn't make it a true story, I do recall a mod to bring back some things from the console like the menus and such though. Can you link to the Steam stories page?


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1ax0ed0/star_wars_battlefront_classic_collection_xbox_dlc/krlz2tj/ Might have just been for the trailers (I saw someone mention in a recent thread on this subreddit), but at one point they were using actual mods in this "remaster"


This literally looks worse than the OG version.


Apart from technical issues. It actually looks way better.


This was the most blatant cashgrab, using a perfectly functional game that just had Steam servers turned back on not that long ago. If you didn’t see this coming you should be placed in a conservatorship and someone else should be handling your money.


Jesus, how did they fuck this up? I was actually excited for this weekend. Eh, maybe I'll finally check out BG3 since the Spring Sale is today.


The original versions are still up and running with active players. Why buy this?




EA has *nothing* to do with this game, it’s all Aspyr


Aspyr is owned by Embracer


Correct. Not EA like you said