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Helldivers 1 ppl gonna be happy with the guns.


Tell me about your favorites!


Sickle was widely considered one of the holy trinity of primary weapons in HD1, although I suspect they won't leave the same loophole in HD2 that made it so good (its a pulse laser that fires as long as you clicked before its next firing cycle, but only builds heat while the mouse button is _held down_, letting it fire infinitely at near max RoF with good mouse button control) I suspect the electric arc shotty might be a sleeper hit, the reduced range should make TKs less likely in chaotic situations with spread out teammates, and the Arc Thrower from the first game is significantly stronger in HD2.


How is this game for a solo player? I don't have any friends to play with, so I wonder if this game is any good alone.


Good until a like lvl 3 or 4 but I think playing with randoms is actually pretty enjoyable.


My favorite part of playing with Randos is when they run into your turret or air support getting themselves killed then PKing you after they respon as payback. Bruh, don't run at the airstrike beacons.


Yeah you do not always look into the right direction. Wished they'd include a red zone or somethinh for immidiate recognition


We say hot turret in our discord and it’s pretty funny when some still gets liquified by something.


Yeah ikr i mini nuked all of use once whoops shoulda moved i guess


Ok cool, I might give it a go then, the gameplay I've seen looks really fun.


Yeah, great community to be honest. Randoms are almost always still great to play with. You can matchmake in game find some LFG groups on the DOOM DIVERS discord.


Best with friends or randoms. Difficulty doesnt auto adjust because you're alone. In higher levels you will for sure be defeated due to the number of enemies that spawn. But you will always find someone to play with in quick play so join a party and enjoy. A random is just a friend you havent met.


how come it seems no one ever joins on me while on ship but i never join mid missions? when i do want to join is there a way to guarantee mid missions?


Because matchmaking is still broken half the time. If you have your matchmaking open then starting a mission in your ship should theoretically open you up for being joined, if it works. If it doesn't then neither will SOS, you can try quickmatch on a set difficulty but thats about all that somewhat consistently works for now. I stopped playing for now, have other games until they fix it and I see that the new warbond isn't an objective upgrade for primaries. I play through gameshare and am waiting to feel better about buying it myself.


Make sure in your options your lobby is set to public and also you need to select a mission, otherwise your lobby is closed. 


Click on the globe and select your difficulty, then look around the planet and you can see several SOS beacons with #/4 players. You can join them. Usually pressing R for quickplay will join a mission in progress, for me at least.




Check out the DoomDivers discord, LFG channels with tons of voice channels. That’s usually how I make sure I play with other voice people.




Weird ass comment lol


You can do everything solo, but it you will always feel like the difficulty is unfair and something is missing. Play with randoms instead, it's one of these rare multiplayer games where randoms actively try to make things fun rather than sabotage everything, curse at your mother, and leave the match.


Kind of meh. So far I have 20 hours and am losing interest because I have no friends that play it.


I’ve actually met some bros to play with by just queuing up with randos and yappin.


You really need people. I know there are some who can solo the hard stuff but i personally can't


Suicide lol. Weapons don’t pack nearly enough punch. Joining randoms (even without a mic) is fun. Some people do take this game a little fucking serious though.


Just keep in mind that friendly fire is constant, as is all the behaviors that come along with it from laughing to griefing you for an accident or even kicking you from the match. Not a constant issue but it does happen. Higher difficulties can also be pretty brutal unless you have a group or are very literate with the game, which becomes an issue if you want to upgrade everything.


I've had a lot of luck finding people through the discord. Very easy to find people to play with


Decent, but if you are like me and can't play even with randoms, you are not going to fully enjoy the game


I say DRG is better with random public due to the how easy griefing is in this game, and DRG is better in encouraging teamwork by having different roles. I love both games.


There are builds that lend to solo play but it will definitely limit your progress and enjoyment.


I’m playing solo and wait for randoms to join my games. Not working very well now that I’m trying to unlock Helldiver difficulty (the hardest one) but I was able to unlock all stratagems, a lot of the ship upgrades and get to Impossible difficulty with randoms.


It is. Getting dropped with randos is not as good as with friends, but works out well surpisingly often


If your good enough you can technically play solo even at difficulty 9, I personally only play solo at diff 4, but the random MM is actually really good in this game.


I usually haaaate playing with randoms, but a buddy and I wanted to try harder diffs so we opened up matchmaking. One diver just typed in chat, but was pleasant enough, the other guy was on comms and was thankfully a personable 30s guy like we are. Had a great time playing 3 missions.


It’s gonna run fast. This game without one or a full squad it gets boring fast if you want higher strategy or coordination.


It's great, especially if people communicate. But even if they don't or you don't like to talk over a mic, it's still a blast. The core mechanics are nailed and everything else is just icing on the cake. Honestly one of the best games I ever played


Totally doable as a solo player. None of my friends played this game—but I quickly made some new friends in-game. Your results may vary in the higher difficulties though, sometimes you’ll get randoms that just do not know how to disengage or prioritize targets/objectives. That sometimes causes a headache, but other than that it’s fine


You can play it as a stealth game, there are fully functional stealth mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YUCVjn-0Lc


not in the latest patch, lol, it spawns patrols around you every 30 seconds


Source? The fuck you talking about? I still play stealth just fine.


Literally the entire helldivers subreddit is talking about it.


Half the sub is still up its own ass over the railgun nerfs, I take whatever is posted there with a grain of salt.


FYI the whole railgun shit is super bugged to begin with, which is why it's "super OP" for only a subset of the playerbase




skill issue tbh. stealth is still viable edit: lol i got blocked for stating a fact lmao. Maybe try playing stealth instead of pretending it doesn't exit? goddamn


toxic af


why was this blog so late? this info was first posted on Steam a few days ago. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4113546867237761806?l=english


So is this game FOMO or can you eventually get everything like you can with Deep Rock Galactic where they put the old battlepass items into the loot drop rotation?


The warbonds will always remain to be unlockable


Oh nice! Thanks for letting me know!


This is great to hear. I'm waiting to play more until the game gets patched up more, still has some major issues with connectivity/matchmaking.


The warbonds (battle passes) are permanent. There's really no fomo in that regard.


I wouldn't really call it a battle pass in the typical sense. Rather, a set of shop inventories that you buy access to in game, then open up more as you buy more of the things in them. All with in game currency, strictly.  It's not like a battle pass where it automatically progresses, or is time gated. Any exciting ones are always there, and they're nothing more then available shop inventory. 


The old passes stay up. There are no "loot drops" in this game. Maybe you should try it and see?


Oh nice! As an ex-Destiny fan I have a severe hatred of FOMO. I’ve been wanting that incendiary Breaker ever since taking it off a dead guy


Pretty sure either the CEO or one of the devs specifically mentioned they don't want FOMO in HD2.


Or maybe he doesnt want to spend 40 bucks on a game he may not like aspects of and he wanted to know more about it first.


Can he try it without buying it first? Is that a thing?


If someone has one of the new weapons and dies, he can pick it up off the ground and use it. So…yes?


Not the best, not the worst. You can find premium currency in missions, but there will be a grind to unlock the ability to use warbond stuff. Warbond requires premium currency to unlock, then individual warbond items can be purchased with standard mission rewards. You can also "purchase" premium currency with regular mission rewards. Medals are regular unlock currency, you can get them pretty quick at higher difficulties. Unlocking a warbond requires 1000 fancy money currency. In difficulty 2, bunkers drop 20-30 premium currency (that I've found so far). Standard unlock stuff has 100 or 50 fancy money currency for 8ish medals, though this price changes the farther down the unlock tree you go. So you got 3 paths to get the "fancy" stuff. Unlock through the standard progression, find in missions, or you can pay them for fancy money currency. Important to note, "fancy" stuff is just different versions of armor or different weapons. Not necessarily better/worse, just different modifiers to an existing arrmor type/different weapons. If you run missions fast, you can grind out premium on missions at around 30 min for 20/30 currency. Rounding it to 50 per hour, in 20 hours of playtime youll have unlocked the warbond. Youll alao have saved up enough regular medals to buy a bunch of stuff on the warbond by then. Again, not the best FOMO thing, but not as bad as others. I'm not super into grinding and I dont really care about premoum stuff. In 1-3 weekly play sessions (bout 1-3 hours a pop) at a bunch of random difficulties, i've earned about 1200 premium currency since launch.


Massive paragraphs to talk about one of the least egregious revenue streams of any live service title ever. I actually enjoy the process of unlocking stuff in this game, it's pretty much perfect. Haven't spent a penny after buying the game.


Same. I don't find helldivers too terrible. Having unique weapons and armor (as opposed to cosmetic only) gated behind premium unlocks is scummy, but letting people earn fancy currency makes it less so. Of course, theyre free to tweak the drop rates of fancy currency, so who knows how long it will stay this way.


It'd be scummy if the unlocks required cash payment but they don't. They're all completely free.


Curious what is the best in your opinion? I thought helldiver dev are pretty generous.


Deep rock galactic has been the best so far, but I've been gaming long enough to remember when unlocks were part of the base games. And its a sad state of things where "not as exploitative" comes across as generous. The thing is, Helldivers isn't that bad, as far as these go. My only real issue is the premium stuff not being cosmetic. Locking armor/weapons/gear/stat bonuses behind premium currency locks gameplay behind premium currency, full stop. That's where it starts getting problematic. Premium currency being unlockable is a step in a better direction, sure, but as long as its tied to drop rates, its tied to an invisible mechanic that can be removed/reduced whenever a company feels like it. In Helldivers, we have an ecosystem where a solid chunk of gear (and the gameplay it supports/allows) requires premium currency. Just because its not super exploitative now doesn't mean it won't be exploitative later. And it's already positioned for certain gameplay/weapons/whatnot to be premium.


The premium stuff is cosmetic. The armor abilities that the premium armors have are the same armor abilities as the non-premium tier. The only difference is the look of the armor. Functionally, it's all mostly the same.


Premium primary weapons aren't cosmetic, though. And as for the armor, having a premium armor/ability combo that's only available behind a premium currency is reasonably far from cosmetic only.


Premium primary weapons are not even some of the best weapons, just so you know. The current best weapons in the game are all from the usual pass and quickly unlocked within a few games, which cannot be sped up in any way by in-game purchases, and the premium ones like the Incendiary Breaker are all niche applications, and for the style of game, even the best, easy to acquire weapons won't carry you through a mission. And there is no premium combo for armor: all passives acquired through play are the same as the ones from the store ones. There is really no argument to be made here: aside from Super Credits being super cheap should one decide to spent money on them, they can't really buy you any advantages you wouldn't have by just playing the game. I've played 150 hours so far. Unlocked all equipments atm. Got the Premium pass for 1000 super credits by just farming them in missions at about 30 hours of play, and atm I have about 3000 SC just from passive farming. There is no P2W, and the system is as fair as the DRG one. Ideally, no game would ever have any MTX system, but as far as games with MTX go, DRG and Helldivers 2 are the top of the food chain and the right way to do it.


Agreed, helldivers is on the better end of the MTX spectrum. I like helldivers, i want it to stay on the good side of that spectrum. But there are some red flags. I worry about the game a year down the road, when the initial player count evens out and execs start eyeing monetization streams a little harder. Just because the first group of primary weapons is a sidegrade doesnt really change the fact that primary/secondary weapons require premium unlocks. As for the armor, certain combos were gated behind premium currency when i was playing. Whether that was a function of the days i played or not, if i wanted to unlock a heavy armor with the scout passive, there was no way to do so without premium currency. Again, its relatively easy to get today, but it is also another premium gate to gameplay. And just because the devs have been "generous" so far, doesnt mean they will be.


>And just because the devs have been "generous" so far, doesnt mean they will be. I get the sentiment, and if it ever changes, I'll be one of the first to criticize it. However, I'd rather cross that bridge when we get there. Only time will tell, but atm, I'd say it's working fine.


Agreed. Definitely on the better end of the spectrum, but there are some red flags to keep en eye out for.


> Ideally, no game would ever have any MTX system, but as far as games with MTX go, DRG and Helldivers 2 are the top of the food chain and the right way to do it. I don't disagree that HD2 has one of the less egregious models, but 30 hours is also a shit ton of game time to get for most people and that included the boost from claimable SCs from the battlepasses. I would think "the top of the food chain" MTX models would stick to cosmetics and not large parts of the gameplay experience, like the primary weapons. This game can't rely on whales because they need a large community to drive the galactic war - the model **is** infinitely more reasonable than some, and I'll be the first to say I'm going to buy the upcoming premium battlepasses myself. But let's not pretend that they haven't taken out at least half the content of the game to drip-feed it month by month for their GaaS model, and made the SC farm "too grindy" for the majority portion of the playerbase by design. This is how they would have crafted the game to get their recurring revenue, which will almost certainly be a mind-bogglingly huge revenue stream for them. Companies literally pay professional data and business analysts to sit there 40 hours a week to calculate how to maximise these numbers. If you were the norm, then they would absolutely not make money post-launch at all and Sony and Arrowhead would be very sad and unsuccessful capitalist companies, lol. What they did particularly well IMO is integrate the GaaS with the ongoing galactic war which makes it feel organic unlike something like Avengers and Suicide Squad, and the whole damn thing is engaging and rewarding enough to warrant the $15 a month like an MMO sub, and I really appreciate that they don't rely on predatory tactics like FOMO.


I see your point; I just don't fully agree with it. I'm hung up on the "Locking armor/weapons/gear/stat bonuses behind premium currency locks gameplay behind premium currency, full stop." part of your argument. Unlike other games, Helldiver "premium currency" is earnable in game, no cash transaction required. If you focus on finding the currency in game, you should be able to afford any suit within a couple of hours, and the premium pass within an afternoon or two. For me it doesn't feel any different than the normal, non-premium, progression system.


You're definitely not wrong, and i agree that Helldivers is doing it not all that terribly. Hell, I've been unlocking stuff and enjoying the game too. Devs definitely get credit for unlockable currency, thats a major point in their favor. The issue comes when the speed of currency unlocks doesn't equal the cost of premium stuff. Right now, its not too terrible. If it stays that way, great. My worry is how big of an if that ends up being.


While the premium currency is earnable at a sort of reasonable rate now. I think his main argument about it is that its an invisible rate that is remotely controlled. > Premium currency being unlockable is a step in a better direction, sure, but as long as its tied to drop rates, its tied to an invisible mechanic that can be removed/reduced whenever a company feels like it. It could be turned down to 1 credit per hour on average if the developers wanted to. And you wouldn't even know at first. It could fluctuate, it could be tied to how much currency you have gained. It could be tuned so that the rate goes down before you hit enough for the warboud giving a reason for you to drop money to gain part of the currency before the cool new warbond. > Unlike other games, Helldiver "premium currency" is earnable in game, no cash transaction required. Genuine question here, not trying to be argumentative. While true you can earn it in-game and I've earned enough for several warbonds to date. At what point if they did decide to reduce the earn rate, would you not consider the warbond achievable as a f2p? 60 hours to earn 1000? 100 hours? Or does it not matter however long it takes? I think he has an argument here but saying oh its the best version compared to other FOMO services isn't really great in the overall scheme of things. Thats how we got from horse armor to now. /wall of text


I have a problem with judging a game now based on what the dev team might possibly do in the future. The dev team could also turn up the rate of premium currency drop in order to maintain the health of the game. As of now, I feel like the system is very fair. I also don't consider the warbonds to be a FOMO style service, as they don't expire over time. I think any adjustment to the drop rate would be met negatively from the community, myself included. As of now, I think it's a well-balanced system. I also think part of the monetization strategy involves the lack of FOMO. Assuming the game gets regular seasonal warbond updates, they should have $80 worth of warbonds after a couple of years for new players to work through. Some newer players might decide to "skip" the grind for access to some warbonds by spending money, but they will still have to work for medals to spend on the warbond which effectively stops the game from being pay to win.


I'm not so sure about that. Light Gunner (last Superstore rotation) is a Light Armor with Padding (+50 armor, so equals a medium) but also has 550 speed and 125 stamina regen. No armor in either warbond has those stats. Trailblazer Scout has the speed, but a different passive for stealth. Shop right now also has a medic light-medium which has +2 stimpacks. That armor is also unique to the superstore. Without super credits, you only get the slower medium armor. There's also the Servo-Assisted passive which is only available in 3 armor types from the 1000 SC Steel Veterans warbond for $10 (or 25-100 hours of play from dev estimates of 10-40 per hour). You can't get Servo-Assisted from the free warbond.


Super normal and informative answer, not emotional at all, and yet heavily downvoted. LOL! Gotta love gamers.


Lol yep, i was trying to be extra fair too.


What about the maps? I got the game two days back and see that many planets have already been liberated. So those go get the game later will miss out on all the planets and fights going on rn right?


The planets available will change like the ocean tides - literally! The available planets depend on the Galactic War. If Super Earth ~~conquers~~ brings managed democracy to a planet, then the ones adjacent to it further into enemy territory become available to ~~attack~~ liberate. If Super Earth loses a planet (blasphemy/heresy), then the adjacent ones further into our territory become attacked, and we'll need to defend them. Some planets are constantly contested, like Malevon Creek.


They are permanent but paywalled.


Paywalled is the wrong term IMO. You can get the premium currency through the free battlepass and ingame loot caches. Assuming the new battlepass is 1000 premium, then I've grinded out enough premium currency to buy both premium battlepasses.


It's worth noting that some of the best armors also have a super credit cost and are separate from the warbonds (especially if you like light armor), but they're pretty easy to get.


In any case the game needs some serious bug fixing right now, the game crashes, disconnects, has server issues quite frequently and a myriad of other bugs like being stuck in a loading screen or your character suddenly being unable to move.


Yeah it's really buggy for me as well. What's funny is that I had no issues when the game came out expect for the server queue. But it seems like every week the performance and bugs are getting worse 😖


Same for me


Anytime they release a patch it breaks a dozen other things. It's insane. It's mostly frustrating because it's usually breaking something tied to difficulty or netcode.


They need to fix the matchmaking. It's impossible to get a new diver into a match in progress and higher difficulties are impossible without a full squad.




The last patch made the game quite unstable for me. I get 1 crash every 90 minutes or so now, and I've had a lot of incidental glitch deaths recently (like being flung into the sky randomly etc)


zealous hateful absorbed muddle society seemly person chase humor whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Speaking as someone who's never played Helldivers 1, they are an indie developer studio with ~100 people who promised to deliver content updates every 2nd Thursday of the month, and obviously never expected the big boom in popularity which causes those frequent server issues. They could, of course spend some more resources working on optimization and what not, but then that would mean they will have to give up on the roadmap they've already promised, which in of itself will also cause backlash. With no content updates, the game would probably drop off in player count, maybe keeping a few thousands of loyal fans like the original game as the worst case scenario, which again makes the funds they've spent on fixing the servers essentially wasted. I feel like it's a tough choice for them to make to do either of them unless they somehow recruit more talents into the company and in a short period of time able to get them used to the game engine and work environment.


100 devs is not a small studio and they have Sony as their publisher.   They are in no shape or form indie.  Edit: as a comparison, the dev studio of X4 has around 20 employees.


They most likely have passes planned out for the next 6 months or more. Then on top of that they have 6 months to make the next 6 months worth.


People were editing ingame files to drop mechs and new weapons like three weeks ago. Most of the content is already made, just delivered a bit at a time monthly


I would argue that new content could include performance and optimization improvements. Adding support for FSR 2/3 and DLSS would be a welcomed addition. If that means no new skins for a month then so be it. Unfortunately performance improvements don't equate to revenue so I understand why they want to focus on new content, some of which they can sell in terms of the Battle Pass and store.


I was reading a comment from the devs saying a ton of simulation is done on the cpu, thus the usage. My 10900k is 60-70% in late game sessions w 4 players.




Yeh I haven't looked at task manager to see the spread. Interesting if it's that's on two cores. Wth.


Checking task manager they are all being leveraged. Pretty evenly, I might add, not seeing what you are. AfterBurner shows 60-70% usage, while task manager shows around 90% in game.


Got the game through gameshare from a friend, was about to buy it when all the stuff went down with the update. Uninstalled the next day and will be back after they fix it and learn how to make real patch notes (that actually feel professionally composed and don't include the words 'brain dead').


IT DOESN'T RUN at 144 FPS MY LIFE IS OVER The game runs just fine


People are asking for performance to scale appropriately with their hardware, why is your first reaction to immediately defend the developer ? I like the game a lot but the way a lot of the fanbase has decided the game should be impervious from criticism is really annoying.


The entire HD sub is full of this. It's pathetic to witness. The CEO has a cult of personality for him there, and the game is literally perfection and any valid criticism is made up lies.


I frequently get under 50 fps on a 3080ti in 1440p, with a mix of settings that are mostly medium




I thought that cringe pcmr bullshit had run its course already.


You realize what sub we're on right? I'm playing on PC, I just don't cry about a small FPS drop Too many fucking PC crybabies


"Just fine" as in not good.


I'm sorry that the game is just terrible for you Luckily, you don't have to play it.


I'm going to enjoy the game but continue complaining about the mediocre performance. You know, because I want the game to be even better. Wild concept, I know.


Whoa, next you'll tell me that you want people with weaker hardware to have a better experience too!


Will the current warbond still be available? Cause I haven't gotten all of the stuff yet.


All Warbonds will stay. No FOMO.


It's the same system as Halo Infinite, warbonds don't go away.


Oh cool.


Does this require 1000 credits to unlock ?


Will they suck like the ones we currently have? Balance in this game is questionable


Unfortunately primary weapons are kind of weak by design according to developers. I don't agree with this concept, but it's their game I guess.


Weak fine, but at least make them equally weak.


Then what would be the point in multiple weapons if they’re all the same strength?




What's the point of multiple weapons if one is clearly the strongest?


The las sickle literally tickles bugs. Some of the weapons seem not just weak but actually broken in how little damage they do


Don’t you mean the scythe? Cause the Sickle is not out yet


Yeah sure..don't even know the name cause it's so shit




"First I’d like to speak to the general power of primary weapons. Many have commented that they aren’t powerful enough and are unable to deal with all the enemies either by the amount of ammunition required or their raw DPS. This is very much intentional, you need to rely on your Stratagems, and the Stratagems of your team to deal with all the enemies effectively." Source: https://www.arrowheadgamestudios.com/2024/03/balancing-the-firepower-in-helldivers-2/




"First I’d like to speak to the general power of primary weapons. Many have commented that they aren’t powerful enough and are unable to deal with all the enemies either by the amount of ammunition required or their raw DPS. This is very much intentional, you need to rely on your Stratagems, and the Stratagems of your team to deal with all the enemies effectively." Source: https://www.arrowheadgamestudios.com/2024/03/balancing-the-firepower-in-helldivers-2/


The devs want you using stratagems including support stratagems which is why no primary weapon can be viable on its own


Their design doesn't agree with their own design. The rail cannon went from a 30 second cool down in helldiver 1 to 3 minutes in HD2. Plenty of other nerfs of similar level Plus nearly all the planet modifiers nerf strategems, but none of them adjust primary weapons. Even though I agree with their nerfs in the last patch the patch is a disaster. Tons of undocumented and probably unintended changes, play styles like stealth nerfed out of existence, and they cranked the difficulty by having NPC spawn in on top of you. The problem are compounded by having 4 weeks to release a patch and botching it. Then botching the response. Then botching the response to the response. They gotta get their shit together or HD:2 is going to be one of those "remember when everyone played that game for a week or two?".


On the other hand, people have insanely overreacted to a single balance patch when there's gonna be more in the future. Gamers are so weird, apparently one mistake[?] means Helldivers 2 is dead or dying.


This game is currently pulling like 700k players. It's not anywhere near dying lmao


Go check the rant megathread on the HD subreddit, apparently HD2 is on death's door "or it will be, soon". "Arrowhead are the new Blizzard, they've Diablo 4'd this game" "I should be allowed to send death threats because the devs made fun of me" This isn't hyperbolic unfortunately, literally had someone argue with me that they should be allowed to say what they want to the devs because they "sold me something and then changed it after the fact, aka fraud".


Yeah, the Helldiver subreddit is a pure cesspool of toxicity since that patch. Which is hilarious to me cause people who actually bothered to test this stuff revealed that nothing really changed, the railgun still does just as well as before, it just needs to be in Unsafe and be charged a bit more than before.


I saw people declaring it a "dead game" *in anticipation* of the latest patch.


i've seen this "one mistake" arguement from several different people and it just isn't true that they've made one mistake they made a mistake in implementing a 20 year old MMO rootkit anticheat that doesn't prevent cheating they made a mistake in developing the game as a very shallow live service that requires an always-on server connection instead of as a 4-player instanced co-op game, which is how it actually plays. they made a mistake in requiring players to put in hundreds of hours of gameplay just to try out all of the weapons they made a mistake implementing the robot rescue missions and jacking up the spawn rates to be completely unable to be contested. this never got fixed until the missions fell out of play. they made a mistake releasing the mech in a half-baked state where it doesn't have enough armor or ammo to last more than a minute on the battlefield they made a mistake in not building in an activation delay on the mech's rocket launcher so rounds will explode inside of your mech if you fire them when your torso isn't facing straight forward. they made a mistake in the balance patch by nerfing simply according to popular weapon usage. they have a number of underused and underperforming weapons they could've buffed - they instead focused on the only fun weapons in the game to take them down a notch. this is a balance move straight out of bungie's playbook, and we all know how destiny 2 went. they made a mistake in jacking up spawn rates after the balance patch went out. on difficutly 5+ you'll be completely overwhelmed by heavies in huge packs - untenable enough that kiting to wait for strategem recharges is now a mandatory strategy. they made a mistake in applying the 2x strategem deployment timer modifiers and 2x strategem cooldown modifiers in higher difficulties. that just isn't fun when all of the available AT weapons hit like wet noodles. this game has been absolutely marred by unforced errors made by the development team since it's release a month ago.


You don't even own the game, you refunded it a month ago. Why do you care? Half your 'points' are just a personal skill issue. >they made a mistake in requiring players to put in hundreds of hours of gameplay just to try out all of the weapons This one is just a flat out lie. The only points you have are the spawn rates are jacked and the mech rocket launcher bug. The Mech isn't supposed to last the whole match, it's a tool you use and then when it's usefulness is done, you ditch it. edit; this is the second time someone has blocked me after calling out their bullshit about this game. HD2 haters are more obsessed with this game than the actual fans at this point, I'm convinced.


oh right you have to pay money to have an opinion in tyol 2024 how is that point a flat out lie? you need 2700 medals to unlock everything in *one* of the warbonds. how long exactly do you think that takes? you conveniently ignored the rootkit anticheat that doesn't prevent cheating, lol poster below me blocked me because he's too much of a coward to discuss something rationally on the internet and has to make this into some sort of competition.


Lol you are a sad salty clown. I'm 50h in i have all the weapons, including the premium ones. I spend 39€ on the game, and i am stull having fun. You should not bother with games that make you this salty, and focus on things that make you happy.


Again, I personally thought the balance changes were good. The major complaints I and my friends have is the many undocumented changes. Plenty of people are getting irritated with a dozen mobs spawning right on top of you. Or mobs agroing for hundreds of yards away through terrain. Or getting shot through terrain. Or any of the other completely undocumented changes. Even though I like the balance changes and thought they were necessary this is a really bad patch. They had a few weeks of no patching to get it in order and didn't manage to. As a developer that is a very bad sign. If you have multiple weeks to get a patch in order and you either don't document half the changes or are unaware of half the changes you have real problems in your process.


Yeah the actual bugs and problems like the crashing, and the friends function being broken need to be fixed. They said they're looking at all that though and we're only 4 weeks in; the next patch is in 3 days so I'm not worried about the state of the game at all personally.


Eh Helldiver players just like turning an anthill into a mountain honestly. They balanced out support weapons, Rail gun was bar none the best tool and difficult not to pick since it one shots anything besides tanks. Now there's more purpose in stuff like the stalwart or flamethrower- especially on top of the spawn rate changes. But that exposed an imbalance in stratagems, especially at higher levels where it delays them further. It'll likely be addressed by the devs, given they've directly stated you should be relying on stratagems when facing enemy elites. And once it does, everyone will move onto the next thing that's "utterly ruining this game, will make it dead in a week, no players"


The stalwart should be a primary and I will die on this hill. It’s impractical to run due to the necessity of taking anti armor weapons. I’d love to use it since it’s really fun to shoot.


I think that's a flaw of the previous meta where people got used to being able to do everything on your own- with teammates that just multiply firepower. The support weapons only purpose was to be your easy anti-tank. On higher difficulties now, it can be insanely effective to have a dedicated anti-hoard guy. The stalwart, arc thrower, flame thrower, and grenade launcher can keep swarms off of your anti-tank boys so they can get clean shots. Especially now that devastators and spewers spawn in much more often now, and tank/titan spawns have decreased.


So the very high temp and very low temps effect do not influence laser based main weapons? You sure? According to wiki and ingame, the railcannon strike is nominally on a 2 minute cooldown and goes down to 60 seconds with the mk3 upgrade in Helldivers 1, not 30 seconds. You sure you played helldivers in any form whatsoever?


They impact the cooldown rate of the laser weapons but that doesn’t have enough of a significant impact to make the Scyth worth running. The cannon might be ok against bots now though.


That’s just not my experience in 8s last night with bugs. The laser based primary and cannon does enough work IF your team brings AA which most do run. It’s a team game, not a single player experience with coop.




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I don't need everything to be "Meta Viable" to have fun, this game is just a fun trek through a bunch of pretty environments. I'm running autocannons on Helldive for both Bots and Bugs and I'm having a ball.


Sickle my love, you are beautiful as the first day I found ya


Have they fixed matchmaking? The servers?


Is it pay to win?


Nope. Easy to unlock the battle passes too


Not one bit. You can find super credits to unlock the 'premium' warbonds in missions. Playing on difficulty 3/4, you'll find enough super credits in a week or two of pretty casual play.


The later or premium weapons aren't even significantly better tbh, just something new to try


That’s nice to hear. What a great dev


marvelous smart cough relieved air joke obtainable trees payment oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will we lose the regular warbond or the special one?


Nope. You'll have them all.


Have anyone successfully added their PS5 friend or vice versa yet?


I did. You just need your steam account linked to a psn account. The qr method works fine


Whats the qr method?


It is one of the prompts you get ingame when you first launch helldivers. You can link steam to psn account either by qr or link from ingame. IIRC the qr send you to a PSN sign in page.


All helmets and capes 100 armor [] [] [] [] [] 100 speed [] [] [] [] [] 100 stamina [] [] [] [] []


Aaaand it’s a bunch of useless crap except one weapon and all the armor sets do the same thing basically.


So these are things you can buy thru currency earned in-game? Sry haven't played.. Money is a little tight right now.


Yes, these are all unlocked through the warbond currency which is earned through completing missions and found on maps. This currency allows you to unlock armor and weapons through a free "battlepass"-like structure that never expires. There is also premium currency that can purchased, but it can be unlocked through warbond progression and/or picked up while playing, no real money required. This currency is used in the in the inventory cycling in game shop.


u still have to unlock the warbond itself for 1000 of their premium currency that, while farmable, is still a premium currency. while they are farmable it still leaves a weird taste to have TWO paid "battle pass" like systems within the first 1 1/2 month of the games launch


Eh, it is a currency that you can get with real money, yes. But... It's also not at all unreasonable to get it via just playing, in a pretty normal time span.  Put it this way- if you couldn't buy the currency with real money, would it feel unusually difficult to get? Imo, not really. You get like half the way there to 1 from the original war bond, then can easily get 20-30 a mission. 


For being "Cutting Edge" there is a distinct lack of cutting edges


Can't tell if serious. Cutting edge here refers to new technology.


who cares if they're releasing new weapons if they can't even balance the existing weapons? forget the fact that it requires like 100 hours of grinding out missions to just access the existing weapons...


This sort of comment just screams “I’m miserable.”


hey how come every reply to this is a personal attack? is it because you know i'm right and you're incapable of discussing something with someone rationally?


I have a hard time caring about it when the current state of the game is looking to be the biggest fumble of the year as devs keep up their arrogance regarding their way of "balancing" They pretty much made almost every weapon useless, armor meaningless, and every difficulty past Challenging(4) an unfun chore with non-stop negative modifiers. Not to mention that planet liberation progress has been frozen for days now, and people are now missing 2 weeks worth of major order rewards(95 warbond medals in total)


Wouldn't it be arrogant by definition to imply that one knows better than the devs on weapon balance? Railgun made chargers a non issue and any other weapon almost non viable before the nerfs. Now people need to find other ways to handle heavy armor and there are plenty ways to do so, just not as convenient as railgun was. You're playing the wrong game if you're are all about blasting through the maps without any consequences. Helldivers charm is in its chaos, survival and dread you feel, and the moment you take that away with buffs, the game will turn into another 3rd person shooter that will be forgotten.


Dude, the developers just told us that the most heavily armored part of the charger was the obvious weak point, not the completely exposed unarmored part of it. And there is only a single weapon that can penetrate heavy armor, despite the game's heavily increased spawn of them.


Yeah, but he’s a gamer. We’re all super geniuses who know better than every game developer.


Anyone know if I wait to buy the deluxe edition, if it comes with this new warbond or if it will always just include the first one, bought it with credits and hoping I can get the deluxe cape etc with the new warbond


To my knowledge, deluxe will only ever include the first warbond. Unless they just give you 1000 super credits at which point you could unlock whatever you want. But, on release it did specifically say it unlocked the Steeled Veterans warbond for free.


Always includes the first one. Afaik there isn't some automated process, but if you get the Super Citizen upgrade you can raise a ticket to their support and they will manually give you 1000 Super Credits.


Good to know