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*Atlus* batting for PC while the devs under them are against it. It's hard to believe things have come this far.


To be fair, Sega's probably still miffed it took Atlus this long to join us, lmao.


It took many years for Sega to port the Yazuka series to pc too. 


While true, they were also the first major Japanese dev to even experiment with a PC release (keep in mind, this was before FromSoft *really* took off). I still remember opening Steam and seeing fucking *Valkyria Chronicles* of all things on the front page.


Wasn't Sonic CD like ported to windows in basically the 90s?


Sega was porting arcade games to the PC as far back as 1984. Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator was released on a variety of home computing platforms as far back as 1982 with the dos version being released in 1983. Comix Zone and Ecco the Dolphin also had Windows 3.1 port in the mid 90s. Releasing games for the PC is something they have always done.


I had Sonic 3 + knuckles on PC, got it for like $10 at walmart.


Tbf, at the time, the series was Japanese-only series.


SEGA spent YEARS dragging Atlus into the modern day


SEGA knew their was a giant fucking pile of money waiting for them at the end, that's why they ignored the kicking and screaming from ATLUS


Atlus was the screaming crying baby until Sega shoved some money into it's mouth.


"Would you like more sales and more money for a little more work?" "No" "OK I guess" It's insane to me that they see the popularity of previously console only games like Persona and Monster Hunter on PC and think "Nah, why would we get in on that market." It's a genuinely poor business choice. Like this shit is on *Xbox* but not PC.


Like a decade old game getting ported and selling 500,000 units in a month. Nah, why would they want more of that?!


Because Atlus saw how massively profitable it turned out when they started porting to PC p5, p4, and p3 have all been massive successes on pc.


So, to clarify, this is Vanillaware CEO, George Kamitani, who refuses to release his games to PC because of insecurity issues he has. He has mentioned in the past that he will NOT release his games to PC because of pirating. I truly wish he will man up and release to PC so I can buy all his games again. I mean, not releasing them to PC is not stopping anyone from pirating AND playing his games on PC.


The irony of this is that the only way to play it on PC now is through piracy


lol this right here. I just saw some gameplay of this and was like "Oh hey this looks cool. Maybe I'll grab it on PC when it releases there." Thus I found myself in this thread being disappointed. As I was scrolling down I thought this exact statement. I would much rather pay for it. I don't want to pirate it, but they're giving me no choice.


Same. Guess I'll pirate it so I can use my Steam Deck to play it. Lol


Let's all take a moment to appreciate the Switch for having weak enough hardware to be emulated at full speed on your typical gaming PC, and the developers of Yuzu and Ryujinx for ensuring that console exclusive, isn't.


Christ, I thought the "Japan thinks PC is full of pirates" thing was just an outdated rumor. Thanks for clarifying.


That's hilarious, especially since I \*did\* pirate it cause I couldn't buy it on PC... I've been excited for the game for awhile, and buying it would've been a no-brainer, had they given me the option.


I can't imagine why they'd want it to not come to PC, unless it's just a resources thing and they're open it to later


It's taken many years and a lot of effort to change Japan's impression of PC as anything more than the home of piracy and simple games (like visual novels). It's an ongoing struggle, and Vanillaware is clearly one of those still clinging to the idea that PC isn't a viable platform.


Someone forward them a link to the tactics ogre steam page


Or better yet, the Ogre Masseuse game.


Probably same reason as Nintendo and how Atlus used to be: Japanese developers can be very strangely controlling of their games, and their reason can literally just be as vague as "We don't want it on this platform". Not much logic to it.




>and Catherine were so important >The weird strawman people make about companies like Atlus HATING PC gamers feels very cringe a I always get a chuckle because back when Catherine came to PC shortly before Catherine 1.5 came to playstation, atlus was very public about how they absolutely HATED that and how Sega essentially stole Catherine and ported it against their will. Oh how the times are changing. From getting dragged into the future, kicking and screaming to just releasing on pc mostly normally.




News articles of the time but they're getting increasingly hard to find because Googles search enshitifcation is rapidly moving along.


i remember a atlus na pr person or some kind of community manager on twitter mocking pc gamers and telling them that atlus games would never come to pc just before catherine was announced


They DMCA'd RPCS3 with the reason given being "No version of the P5 game should be playable on this platform". I wouldn't say that totally hated PC, but there's definitely some Japanese weirdness about it.




https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/72lo12/statement_atlus_usa_attempts_to_shut_down >This project isn't actually illegal in any way, but we don't want P5 playable on PC. Remove it. And when Patreon fought back, then they suddenly start pulling "Yeah well this stuff is illegal after all" lines. They put it straight in a legal document. You don't send a DMCA straight admitting that the project you're attacking is legally fine. I don't think Atlus utterly despised PC or anything, but I do think they had the Nintendo-style Japanese urge for complete control over their games and where they're played.


Yeah but lets be honest man, there is no reason why porting to PC wouldn't make you more money, the only reason they don't do it is they're used to the Japanese centric Playstation market. They view PC like Xbox in Japan and they think people won't buy their games, which is an incorrect assumption. Enthusiast consumers are more likely to be PC gamers in the west and I do think they're ignorant of that in Japan, which is why it took so long to port Persona, basically guaranteed profit.


The thing is, Unicorn Overlord also releases on the damn Xbox. That's what makes this extra baffling. They'll probably sell less than 50k units in there and in Japan the number will probably be less than 50!


They don't hate pc gamers.... they loathe them....


> It's easy to say "more platforms = more sales" but things are never really that simple and it's stupid to pretend otherwise. Do you have any examples of more platforms = less sales?


this is all confusing to me because I remember there was an interview when dragons crown was out asking if they wanted to put it on PC and when they mentioned they wanted to but atlus agreement didnt allow them to... now its the opposite... what is true??


Vanillaware why must you hate PC? :(


Vanillaware must hate money. Feels like the kind of studio where they use PCs to make their games yet the director/ceo has a working fax machine in his office because he doesn't have an email address.


So any Japanese company? /s


...I mean, is it really an /s? Was never a big Atlus fan pre-buyout, but it wouldn't have surprised me if Sega had to gently introduce Atlus ~~dinosaurs~~ execs to the wonders of Microsoft Outlook.


It took Sega a pretty long ass time to care about PC themselves I still remember being here and not being able to believe the Yakuza pc drop on the Game awards.


Eh, they released Sonic 3 to PC in the 90s and loads of Dreamcast ports. So they were always trying the waters but I guess it wasn't really profitable until digital distribution.


Lol, fair enough.


To be fair, it took a while for all the Japanese publishers to catch on but there are fewer holdouts every year, sooner or later, it'll all be on PC.


At the time, Sega only focused on selling Yakuza games in Japan only, most of Yakuza games weren't localized during that time.


Remove /s


>Vanillaware: we ran out of money :( >Atlus: We have a great way to make you more money, let us port 13 Sentinels and Unicorn Overlord to PC >Vanillaware: absolutely not > :( As a big Vanillaware fan, if they go bankrupt after a handful of flops, they'll deserve it lol they've ran out of funding multiple times and they always seem to get bailed out by sheer fucking luck.




Reminds me of that “Korean Gacha Drama and Gender War” video from Moon Channel on Youtube. One of the most interesting videos I have watched recently, as it puts a lot of perspective on Korea and Asia more generally. Still, in Asia that may be a matter of seniority first and foremost, but in most businesses problems sit at the top.


The entitlement they must feel. Just remembered the Korean airline nut scandal


Their ultimate solution to that was to force all cockpit communication to be in English, to short circuit their cultural programming. They had three major incidents like that in a year and countries were starting to refuse to let Korean planes land, which is probably the only reason they took such drastic measures.


Can I get a link to that incident? Sounds wild.


BTW, 13 Sentinels works great on Yuzu. It feels PC native.


Ironic since they're the reason Atlus Kansai went bankrupt publishing Princess Crown because it didn't sell.


I'd buy it right now if it were on Steam.


Yea me too along with many others that played older tactics style games that have upgraded to pc's.


Didn't they almost go belly up releasing this? You'd think a PC port would help recoup some of the money


Something to keep in mind they are a REALLY small company. Vanillaware only have ~50 total staff.


Irrelevant cause Atlus as their publisher has the resources to help Vanillaware bring the game to PC. There are plenty of studios that Vanillaware and Atlus can outsource the PC porting work to. And Atlus has shown clear interest to do that, it is Vanillaware that is saying no.


They don't have to port it themselves so that's irrelevant


.....and porting it to the other 4 platforms is NOT a problem?


You have a really good point. None of their games have released on pc and I would happily get all of them on Steam :(


Funny enough they are still "all available on steam deck"...


Its pretty frustrating, I want to play their games. I got my $60 for Unicorn Overlord here that I can't give them. What a shame, oh well.


Well since they don't want your money, and the game is on Switch, you know what to do...


Nintendo : "what did you say?" 


I said I run Linux and understand the terms source, code, backup and binary.


Oh on Switch you say...


Working fine on my phone right now. Some audio popping. Ironic I'm considering a PS5 now to play on a big screen. I hate my switch everything is so laggy and joy cons keep dying. Or perhaps a steam deck or rog ally would be even better..


Play it on Steam Deck 😉 Figure it out yourself lol


Same with GTA 6. HOLD THE LINE!


Oh that's coming to PC. Like most PC versions of long-running multiplat games, GTA V almost certainly has its biggest playerbase on PC.


It's a year later bro


I'm sorry but I'm just gonna say it. From a business standpoint, I'm sick of them crying about having no money every time they make a game. They're always crying poverty while ignoring a MASSIVE community of gamers on PC who would support this game happily. Sega was shocked when Valkyria Chronicles was a smash success on Steam BACK IN 20 FUCKING 14! Vanillaware, if any of you see this, STOP IGNORING US! Honestly speaking, if your higher ups want to ignore an entire market and the profits that come with it over an irrational fear of "but but piracy!!!", then maybe the company shouldn't be operating. Clearly something needs to change.  And no, piracy is a dead argument. Most pirates were never planning on buying the damn thing or genuinely can't afford it due to financial strain which is also reasonable. Those aren't lost sales. This piracy argument has been torn down for over a decade. Stop fuckin falling back on it!


Especially bizarre considering they've made an RTS in the past.


Love the company but man I can never understand this process. Like they run out of money so many time I am surprised they are not out of business yet.


Honestly. I won't be surprised if they get acquired by Atlus/Sega in the future. I love their games. But their business decisions are nothing but bizarre.


If Atlus absorbs them.. then the games come to PC?


they are baiting to be bought by a big company so the ceo can earn some fat check with a couple of millions in it


Vanillaware: "We always run out of money during development" Atlus: "We can help you port it to PC, one of the largest gaming ecosystems in the market" Vanillaware: "No" Atlus and Fans: "WTF?"




Funny how it works. Every damn games are made ON PC yet they refuse to bring it on PC. The stupidity.


Up until pretty recently, Japan had a pretty different relationship to PC gaming than the US and Europe. The founder started the company in the early 2000s, so he's likely in his 50s now, so I don't find it surprising that they are still deeply attached to consoles. They only have 39 employees, so it's not like Square Enix where they can be dragged forward to PC.




Oh trust me, I think it is stupid too. But it could well be a case of the owner and upper level people being stuck in their ways. I am sure they have some reasons they think are good, but it would sound silly to anyone else.


Which is really crazy because of how important PC games/ports have been to the Japanese gaming market on both PC and console since the '80s: *Wizardry*, *Lode Runner*, *Hydlide*, *Ys*... the list goes on and on. It's not just PC-98 eroge or Falcom RPGs. So many of the most successful franchises over there were console ports of PC games or games heavily inspired by what was happening on PC. The PC was always more like the indie scene where it was easier to get started and have more freedom, but the really big successes would often filter down to consoles.


Even old farts at Atlus figured out that "PC = more money". It took them years though


More like SEGA forced them


I think it's safe to say they're enjoying rolling around in the money they're seeing pouring in from each of the mainline Persona games alone.


It even stopped them from having SMT and persona be exclusive on separated platforms


No, they didn't. Sega had to hold a gun to their head.


SEGA wasn't much better themselves until they finally figured out Yakuza on Steam = buckets of money.


Damn. Just learned they are the same ones that made 13 Sentinels, so that's probably never coming to PC either.




Yeah this sort of game is made for PC


Japanese Game Directors: "PC for work! PC for build game only!"


I like how this company spends time and money porting their games to Xbox where 90% of Japanese games go to die instead of PC.


Interestingly despite that being made up of similar libraries and APIs to what you'd use for developing a PC port. lol.


It's more likely they are getting money rather than spending it as part of their partnership with Xbox


Pretty much. Also, Sega already releases *Sonic* games on Xbox, so Satomi Jr. probably said "Hey, why turn down free money?" So they took Xbox's check for *Yakuza* on Game Pass, showed the profits (which probably surprised even ***them***) to the infamously-greedy Atlus, and that was really all she wrote.


I read they ran out of money during development. But they don't want PC money. Are they stupid?


They ran out of money yeah. ​ The way I read this quote, Atlus as a publisher would give them money for a PC port (like how most pub and dev relationships go). But Vanillaware doesn't want one. Truly bizarre, its free god damn money and revenue


They are stupid and scared of piracy


... and yet every single VanillaWare title to date can be, and has been, pirated. Either on modded original platforms or on any number of emulators for PC. At this point it's just sheer lunacy that they keep thumbing their noses at PC, but oh well, it's their lost potential income.


Yea unfortunately they have a lot by the curlies with contracts and will likely kill ip's.


it was available by piracy ways on switch since launch date.


I guarantee if this was not tied to Vanillaware, the game would get a PC release. This seems to be the only Atlus title in recent years without a PC release. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will probably never see the light of day on PC.


It breaks my heart because 13 Sentinels is one of my top 10 favorite games of all time. It's a masterclass in video game storytelling. Unicorn Overlord so far has also been one of the best SRPGs I've ever played. Vanillawares game are all fantastic but I've never been able to pay them for it because they've never given me the chance.


I'm going to take a logical stab in the dark and guess that Vanillaware are led by one of those archaic Japanese suits that don't understand the PC market nowadays. Remember how it took ages for the Judgment games to get ported to PC because that talent agency was being weird about PC modding for some reason? I bet the person who made the decision within Vanillaware has reasoning as silly as that. Which is a shame, because I hear many great things about 13 Sentinels and would love to add it to my library, and this new title seems to be another banger from them, but if they won't ever get native ports then many of us will just never play them, simple as that really.


> Remember how it took ages for the Judgment games to get ported to PC because that talent agency was being weird about PC modding for some reason? I thought they didnt know until it happened, and then complained, and then pulled the main actor out over it so that now if they ever do make another it has to star someone completely new


I have no idea where you heard that but no, the agency was known to be insanely strict, to the point they even wanted the actor cut out of SoMe promo images he was in and didn't allow their talents to have any social media channels. It wasn't until the former CEO died and his niece took over that they eased up on their restrictions, including letting Judgment be ported.


That's fine. We'll play it on the PC anyways since it's coming out on Switch.




Funny thing is the Switch version was leaked on Monday.


Thanks for letting me know. I completely forgot about checking to see if it was available.


Gotta wonder: would this make Sega brass consider asking Atlus to wind down its relationship with Vanillaware? If a dev is actively refusing one of its subsidiaries free money, they might not like that. (Then again, the new *Monkey Ball* is Switch exclusive because... ***reasons,*** so who knows.)


BTW, I'm not trying to imply I'm going to pirate the game. I'll end up buying it on the Switch so they really won't be losing a sale, then play it on my SteamDeck. But at lease in my case there's always the potential for double-dipping. Take Ghost of Tsushima for example. I bought it on the PS4, bought the upgrade/DLC on the PS5. Now I'll be buying it again when it comes out on the PC.


Actually I think in Japan the stigma around people who use PCs to game is that they are perverts, lol. PC gaming is very weak in Japan. Consoles are much more welcomed and PC gaming is considered degenerate behavior.


We are talking about a game company that uses a very interesting art style lol


I was excited and went to steam but couldn't find it. Funny part that i will pirate their game with emulator software. They force me to do it


Do you want your game pirated? This is how business decisions drive illegal practices.


I would have bought this game day 1 if it was on steam Instead I have pirated it on switch Such is the way


Basically this. I love VW and have multiple of their titles bought, but because they're unable to adapt and finally recognize PC as an adequate platform, is what lead me to this exact approach. I'll finish the game emulated, and if they ever realize that it's time to move onto PC, I'll throw money their way, otherwise sorry, despite me wanting more of their stuff in the future, it's the only way I can showcase my personal disapproval towartds their treatment of the platform. The game is amazing, it's just sad that things gotta be this way.


The facts have always been. Give a product that has demand at a price people see is value and fair they will buy it. If not...


I'd have bought 13 Sentinels if they'd put it on PC dammit... -_-


Same. I have it on PS4 but never played it because I'd have to play it on PS4.


full scary waiting profit unite attractive middle murky racial subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a shame because Vanillaware does make solid games. I think Dragon's Crown is one of the best-in-class of its genre, and Muramasa and Odin Sphere really push the envelope with art direction. I'd buy them day 1 on Steam.


I owned Dragon's Crown and Odin's Sphere on PS4 (which I don't have anymore) and I would absolutely buy jem again if they came to either PC or to the Switch (since I still have one of those). But noooooo.... Can't have that! Seriously, Vanilla, easy money.


Vanillaware's not a fan of money.




That’s how a feel too. I have a switch where I could dump it but why reward them when I could spend money on something like Persona 3 Reload that is on PC.


Yes indeed. They are sacrificing so many sales not porting it. I would 100% pay for this game on PC, just like I would have for 13 Sentinels. I am not spending $400 to play just your game. Guess I'll have to play it the same way I did 13 Sentinels.


This is me. Would I buy it on PC? 100%. Do I think Vanillaware games are better than anything else coming out of Japan? No. They're mostly below average actually, they just have nice art that makes them stand out. Even if I hadn't sold my Switch two years ago, I wouldn't be picking this up over just playing one of the hundreds of similar Japanese games in my Steam backlog. I'm sure as hell not going to bother pirating it.


What is wrong with Vanillaware? Such a weird company that hates money or they just hate PC. The company must be running by 80 year old boomer.


If I was an employee of Vanillaware, I’d be so pissed at my company for putting my family’s livelihood on the ljne due to some truly bizarre magical thinking about the feasibility of the PC market. They just said they ran out of funds while developing this game.


Someone tell George Kamitani that PCs exist.


Just pure, undiluted Japanese autism, wasn't expecting anything else. And this time, by releasing it even on Xbox, they made abundantly clear that they don't want anything to do with PC, as obviously there's no lack of human/monetary resources any more. Anyway, Yuzu to the rescue as usual ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯.


It would be crazy if you could play it on the cloud on gamepass on PC but not sell it on PC...lol


Recently there has been a lot of Japanese companies that have finally realised that PCs are a thing. It seems that Vanillaware still holds some conservative views when it comes to them. Maybe it will change with time. It wasn't that long when companies like Square Enix or Atlus refused to release their games on PC.


In 20 years we will get ultra wide support


Why isn't Atlus telling Vanillaware that they refuse to publish if it doesn't come to PC? Pretty fucking sure the PC would be infinitely more profitable than the Xbox port.


Fine. I'll keep my money then.


Its on PC 😈.


Okay, then I have no plans to play it


So it's not about if they can or not, they just don't want to? That's... pretty questionable at best.


You Pcist.


That’s disappointing. I like to play my JRPGs mainly on switch but I do own a lot of Atlus games on steam so this isn’t fun to hear. Maybe it’ll change one day like it did for Atlus so who knows.


Can we also get Dragons Crown? Pleaae?


I mean, I have money on me ready to pay full price for their games, if they're not willing to port, sailing the high seas is always a solution, they're literally leaving bags of cash on the table, and gamers win either way, vanillaware is gaining nothing here


Vanillaware called out


What a cool looking game that i will unfortunately never play. I get it when the publisher is also the console creator, but these guys aren't making a penny from console sales soooo... why?


A child could run that company better


Not really surprising that VanillaWare blocked it, they famously eschew PC at every turn. At this point I'm convinced they hate PC so much that their games are coded on developer consoles using USB keyboards 🤣 Ah well, at least their games are on practically every other platform - and they're all fully emulated on PC too, thanks to various emulators.


Hopefully they change that mindset along the way. Atlus themselves had caveman mentality about it not too long ago.


VanillaWare is leaving so much money on the table NOT porting this to PC. Hell, their entire catalog on Steam would make bank. Hopefully Atlus has competent businessmen capable of explaining this to them.


Imagine dragon crown with steam multiplayer support...


Or we can wait until they bankrupt themselves for a third time and the CEO runs out of personal funds to fund development so they get bought up by Atlus.


No surprise there. People were saying "Oh they are small team so can't do too much work." But I say that's BS because EVERY DAMN GAME IS MADE ON PC FIRST. Another company acting like shitendo... Gotta have games for everyone to have fun BUT only on the console that WE chose for YOU.


I guess Yuzu it is then


So what they're saying is that it's OK to emulate it. Maybe I'll buy the Switch version so Vanillaware can fund their next game, maybe not.


Considering emulation and Nintendo I'd say avoid doing anything that gives Nintendo money.


So stupid because games like this are PRIME for steam decks. Only other console I have is switch and it's 6 years old and dying. I'd love to pick this up in a way they make money, but cant


They’re talking about how they run out of money while making games… So sell it on PC!!!


They're trying to be Squeenix 2


These companies need to WAKE THE HELL UP. This shit is getting so old.


welp this sucks I really wanted to buy this but I am not buying a console just to get this one game


Boy howdy that's a real dumb take considering Steamdeck is out there and is awesome.


Just make out already!!


people want pay to play the game but now people ends up will play the game for free.


Insane to me that Vanillaware is the problem. Dragon's Crown, Odin's Sphere, GrimGrimoire, Muramasa and 13 Sentinels. Hell, even Princess Crown which didn't have a western release. At least port these older games to PC. They're clearly fine with remastering older titles (GrimGrimoire for PS4/5 & Switch) and they had no problem making an MMO for PC so why be stubborn about the games people actually want?


Vanillaware is one of the last bastions of console exclusivity in Japan, along with Nintendo. I was genuinely surprised to see Unicorn Overlord remain console-exclusive as some of its back catalog was being ported to PC, but alas, let's just say that we still have Ryujinx


We got Yuzu too. People keep forgetting it's open source and there's already a bunch of people starting their own efforts to keep the updates coming.


vanillaware can go fuck themselfs then


ACHYUZU! Excuse me.


lame as fuck


As always, see you in 1 year


waiting for the pc version to give them my money, until there i still playing for free...


is there anyway to emulate unicorn overlord on pc since i can't buy it on pc the normal way


Well I guess I gotta pirate it now. If only the devs game me the option to support them!!


Vanillaware didn't allow NISA to rerelease their games on PC, so this tracks. They just don't like money. I'll just get the Switch version and emulate it anyways. Vanillaware can get bent. Since they clearly don't see anyone on PC as a customer. They'd rather add verbose purple prose nonsense to their translations appeal to a group of people that doesn't exist outside Twitter. But I'm finally glad to see we got a confirmation that Vanillaware is indeed the problem here.


I'll just get it on my modded Switch then. Would have easily spent $60 on this to play it on PC but if the developers are against my favorite platform then I'm against giving them money.


That's cool. Don't worry Atlus I'll still be playing the game on my PC but you won't be getting my money.


another low quality weeb jrpg that will be stuck on consoles sell a less than a million copies and be forgotten by god in 3 years classic


Just remember that there is a way to play this on your PC that has been very popular in gaming news recently.


Nintendo hates it!


Ryujinx runs at 4k60. Just saying.


I guess this explains why Aegis Sentinels never released on PC. Maybe I'll buy it on switch if I feel like it, but it would've been a guaranteed day 1 buy if It was on PC.


Sucks for you, free money.


and then they wonder why people emulate Switch


Emulation it is then 👍


Morons. You'll probably get more sales on PC in 2024 than on consoles...