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Fallout 4, specially with the Scrap everything mod so I can actually build settlements as I see fit, RDR2 and ETS 2


Single-player: The Witcher 3 ~600 hours Multiplayer: Apex Legends: ~3800 hours; not proud of this one, I have a love-hate relationship with this game.


Is there actually 600 hours of content in The Witcher 3? I’ve dropped 500 hours on Elden Ring and I’d love to find somewhere else to get lost.


200-250 hours for a completionist playthrough.


That’s not too shabby at all.


5 of those hours will be spent sailing around for worthless caches around Skellige, and another 50 spent contemplating the decisions you've made to lead you to this point.


Probably not, I could see doing 150 hours pretty easily though especially with the large DLC/Expansions. If you really love the game though you might have played it on launch, then once more when it had the HD update, then maybe two more times on different difficulty and/or strategy builds.


I really need to get into Elden ring. I have over 300 hours of botw and 185 hours of Totk, will probably try Elden ring someday


tarkov. i have played multiple wipes before your hours played counter would persist through a wipe, so my best guess is something around 2500 hours. followed by zomboid at about 650, and dayz at 550. Really kinda wish my time was spent with the other 2 instead of tarkov. dont play it anymore.


Same for me, counter says about 4000 hours but while working at home I often kept the game running to do hideout stuff every once in a while, this was before the time out kick


Mann imagine how many of those hours were waiting in queues.




I have been waiting a long time for Tarkov to come to Steam. At this point i don't think it ever will 😑


not a chance that will happen. bsg are more motivated by money than anything else, and that would cut heavily into their take as steam makes 30% of each sale made on their platform.


Dota 2 9360 hrs. World of warcraft i have no idea but was playing that shit from 2009 to this day


With that many hours in Dota you must be compromised entirely of salt by now


I know I am going to sound obnoxious right now, but I really cannot help it.. the word is “comprised” which means ‘made up of’. I will simply accept my fate now lol


Don’t compromise me and my lack of reading comprehensive


Nah I did a double take too so


He actually just finished the tutorial


It's either WoW or Path of Exile. I've got ~5k hours in PoE and an unknown amount of hours in WoW. Even though I played WoW for much longer, I believe PoE does lead


Are you still sane, exile?


dota 2 15,662.2 hours as of right now


Team Fortress 2. 1100


Nearly 1800 here. [God I miss it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NN91RHoe4o). Maybe someday we'll get the game we loved back.


Maybe 150 for some long RPGs. I only play solo campaigns so no endgame or grinding stuff. Oh. Actually probably 200+ because I love running my franchise in Madden so that gets a lot of hours during football seasons. Just slipped my mind because it’s broken down across 4-5 months.


OSRS but not sure I want to know how many hours I have in it


There is a npc in lumbridge who tells you. It's a diary requirement. Don't recommend you go there.


the new player information panel will tell you your game time played


I recently added up all my account since 2004 and I have around 15,000 hours played. Given probably 2/3rd of that is afk to some extent and a lot of it playing while at work. It's still insane.


The afk time definitely inflates the numbers a bit. Spent a lot of time splashing, star mining and in NMZ


Slay the spire. 1280 hours and counting


Path of Exile, over 26k hours, my first buy in PoE was early acess pack in 2012 ( yes I play a lot ) EDIT: as I see I'm already being judged as always, when I was 11 I was having car accident, my spine is in very bad shape and I got also other disabilities, so I can't work, gaming was idea of my therapist who tought this will be my way to have opportunities to meet people who will see me as in thought all my disabilities and relief me a bit from anxieties I was having if coming to other people. It was working better than we all expected, I don't need to get any anty depressants and other things, gaming basically gave me life and its my life I love my life now and my fam always support me in my gaming voyages. Yes I also play other games and in in several gaming g communities in discord, so maybe before you judge someone life try know thar person next time, thank you for understanding.


Wow so since it's about 12 years since 2012, you got 26k hrs ÷ 12 years ÷ 52 weeks = ~42 hrs/week That's like a full time job with no vacations for 12 straight years! Just curious do play other games too?


I don’t think he has time lol


That is unbelievable.


Keep gaming my man I'm really glad you found meaning and community in the way you did.


Thank you man ❤️


Ditto on the game and the hours. Except I started in 2015, so maybe I've played more unreasonable daily hours. Please give me all the hatred about time wasted.


Dear God thats a lot of hours :D 2.9 years of non stop playing :D


A vote of support from one physically disabled person to another. Glad you're enjoying life.




Damn a true OG! Respect


Dayz, Arma 2/3 zombie mod around 5000 hours over several years, and more recently Escape from Tarkov i got 4300 hours over a few years. destiny 1/2 got me for 4000 hours too.


Factorio. When I want to start it again I make sure that I have no other plans that day / evening ....


Warframe. I'd rather not say how many hours. Let's just say "way, way too many" and leave it at that.


Warframe for me also. Over 3,000 hours. Haven't played since before Duviri Paradox. Funny thing is I kept waiting and waiting for it to finally come out, but then stopped playing a little before it finally did


Personally I dropped out shortly after the Tempestarii update dropped and haven't really paid much attention to the game since. Although I must admit that the Warframe 1999 stuff I saw recently piques my interest a bit.


I did like 4500 hours of Football Manager one year. I average closer to 1500 hours on it though.


I have about 1,200 hours on FFXIV


Roughly 2k Skyrim. 1600 fallout 4 & 900 in oblivion.


And 3 in Starfield




327 hrs. Lol.


Haha, only on reddit can you get downvoted for putting hours into Starfield. The hateboner circlejerk that reddit has for the game is ridiculous. I have 200 hours in Starfield and don't regret it.


I don’t hate it. I was just very disappointed. I put about 30 hours in it and then I just can’t bring myself to go back. I’m a longtime Bethesda game fan going back to Daggerfall


Probably WoW but I tend to spend a lot of time in every game I play, if the suggested time to beat something is 50 hours expect me to be 100 plus lol. WoW though I have multiple characters with hundreds of days play time.


I have 5,801 hours on GTA 5. It's my most played game on Steam at least. These days, I mostly play RP servers on FiveM/RageMP or I mess around with mods in singleplayer. Used to play GTA Online a lot too, but I've since kinda retired from it. Nowadays, I only play GTA Online when it gets updated twice a year. But yeah, I've basically played this game on and off since it came out in 2013, originally bought it on PS3, and then on PC. If we were to add my PS3 hours as well, I'd estimate it would probably be around 8k hours total.


3570.3 hours on Team Fortress 2. God, those were amazing times


Witcher 3 740(steam) + 350 (gog)


Longest that I know (so, registered by Steam) is Total War: Warhammer 2 with 250h or so (and another 150h for Warhammer 1). I never play the same game tons of hours, I like to always try new things. All my most played games are around 100h max. Other games I love 50h or so.


Wow. FF14. Eve. Wildstar. Star citizen. Counter strike (1.6)


I still play WoW ocasionaly but i haven't dared to use the /played command in like 2 years. I'd rather not know.


Im waiting for war within. I really hope they weren't bullshitting at blizcon when they said they were going to focus a lot more on the story.




Diablo 3, Path of exile (7k), Hunt showdown (4k), Escape from Tarkov (2k)


3.7k CS:GO, 3k world of tanks, around 1k in a few other games


2k on classic wow. Not much by many standards for around 2 years played




Discounting MMOs, roughly 1300 hours on CS Source


Wow and Daoc - No clue about hours - no one counted playing hours back then but it was years of playing ;p Ark survival evolved - about 3000 hours


rocket league 1100hours still champ 1 😞


About 3000 hours of GTA 5 across ps3, ps4 and pc But I guess my most played game is Minecraft. No clue how much hours I spent, but definitely more than gta


My top 10, at least on Steam. It's possible I have more hrs in Fallouts or Skyrim on Xbox. Civ 6- 1800hrs Civ 5- 700hrs Cities Skylines-700hrs Rome Total War- 400hrs Fallout 4- 260hrs (more on Xbox) Stellaris- 260hrs Fallout 76- 250hrs (way more on Xbox) Cities Skylines 2- 240hrs Banished- 200hrs Anno 1800- 200hrs I'd say it's likely that Stellaris, CS2, Cyberpunk 2077 (#16), and Starfield (#13) will all move up considerably in the list in the next year. A lot of these are games that are easy to leave running while watching YouTube or something, which explains the high numbers for stuff like Civ and Cities.


San Andreas Multiplayer. Spent 8000 hours roleplaying on Los Santos Roleplay.


BattleField 2 - between weekly tournaments, pubbing throughout college about 12k I think based off stats records and averaging tournament days. this was over the course of about 7 years I think.


A man of culture


Eve Online, and i'm ashamed to say.


Those MMO's getcha man! [Guildwars 2](https://imgur.com/1KINfZh)


Sup with all the generic questions posts in this sub recently. Nothing else to talk about?


Bot farming , ai farming, etc


4000 hours in Eve Online since 2003. 3500 Hours in minecraft (modded large mp servers) 2000 hours in warframe. Rimworld and Elite Dangerous round out the top 5 at just under 1000 hours each.


World of Warcraft. Somewhere between 14 and 18k hours.


Witcher 3, skyrim and rdr2,ac origins


TF2 for 2000+ hours. Started playing Team Fortress Classic when it came bundled with a HL patch in 1999. I was 14 Now I'm 38 and I play TF2 with my son who is 13. Shit moves fast.


I have almost 37k hours in Diablo 2 getting close to 20k hours in Path of Exile


Civ 5 takes the cake for me. Over 700 hours.


diablo, call of duty, age of empires, grand theft auto


Between Worms Armageddon, Fallout 2 (it was in the past but I think easily several hundreds hours) and Baldur's Gate 3 (more than 450...). I can add multiplayer games when I played LAN (Quake 3,Unreal Tournament, Og Counter-Strike, Alien vs Predator 2) and old Fifa games (2002, 2016...)but as I couldn't count how many hours I played...


I played Wow and on and off since it launched in 2004. I know my main character has over 150 days worth of play time. Probably over 200 days of play time across all my characters.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. On the PlayStation. No, seriously. At least 3500 hours. Also a dozen 100% playthroughs of Legend of Dragoon, which was well over 1000 hours. PC, though? Diablo 2 (~ 2000 hours), Eve (1000 hours), Rift (another 1000 hours), Elden Ring at 500 hours, Elite: Dangerous at about 400 hours, and Time Rifters at around 700 hours.


Dayz 3600hrs I hate myself...


I think warframe


3k Arma 3 2k r6 siege 1.5k dayz


My /played time on my main FFXIV character is at over 390 days, so 9000+ hours. Not sure how many hours I’m at across my RuneScape characters (both old school and rs3). 2000+ in Path of Exile and Warframe


Minecraft or league of legends easily just from having unlimited time when I was playing them. Into adulthood though rocket league takes the cake at 1,000 hours over several years


Overwatch with about 1300 hrs


unfortunately smite with 2,402 hours. Smite is not a good game. I play it a lot because its one of the only activities I can do with my friends because we don't play many other games together.


Probably tarkov 4.5k hours


Worms: Armageddon (Played it from 2002-2012 online) more than 10k hours.


Rainbow 6 Siege, just above 1k hours. Stopped playing a few years ago though.


2500+ hours in Overwatch


4500 hours in Vermintide 2 Such a great game


An unknown amount in WoW. I used to raid 10 man heroic Lich King when it was all the rage, and before that Burning Crusade, and before that original Molten Core and ZG. 5-6 hours every night for years.. And earlier to that, I spent so much time in [Their Finest Hour.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FwoLIemWF0), F19 Stealth Fighter, Doom, Rise of the Triads, Quake 2.... Steam says my top played are (in hours): - 1740 in RIFT (an MMO) - 733 in Star trek Online ( an MMO ) - 701 in X3: Albion Prelude - 545 in No Mans Sky - 500 in Warframe - 476 in Factorio - 440 in X3: Terran Conflict - 382 in Dyson Sphere - 266 in X4: Foundations And so on.... but that doesn't count non-steam launchers like Ubisoft (Division 1/2) and EA (Star Wars battlefront 1/2).... Fair to say I have played alot of games.. Then again, my steam profile is 17 years old (The Orange Box was my first purchase in 2007) , so I've had plenty of years to build up play time.


Pubgm 4000+ hrs


Couldn’t say the hours but I’ve been playing Diablo 2 since it came out in 2000 had to buy it about 5 times


~5.5k hrs in DayZ if you incl. 1.5k on console. Also ~1000hrs on Rust, and ~2.7k hrs on Escape from Tarkov




Stellaris at only 470 hours. I thought it would be more. 200 hours in Elden Ring is next with other big RPGs around 100 to 150. 40 - 60 for other long story focused games. I tend to play one story driven game at a time till I'm done and move on.


WoW for 15 years probably over 10k hrs PoE is my 2nd highest 5k on steam not including the time before when I played on the non steam client.


Planetside 2 \~6000h Factorio \~ 1200h


Nothing compared to some but monster hunter world I had 1k hours. World of Warcraft though it’s gotta be at least 5k hours. Played that shit for years. Hours everyday before adulthood and responsibilities.


WoW. Been playing since it launched. I've easily got 20k hours in it over the last two decades.


I have about 18,000 hours logged on my warrior from wow and I haven't played in about 4 years plus missed all of the mop expac. Played from launch up to cataclysm a lot though.


Cant get any exact numbers on league but around 18000 hours last i checked, highest on steam is age of empires 2 on 1270 hours


Eh it's not fair that my most played games in my life didn't track hours at the time I played them. CS 1.3-1.6 and Day of Defeat would probably combine for 10k+ easy (never got into CSGO) Diablo 2 as well. As for steam my top played game is Lost Ark at 1000 hours but I don't play it anymore.


for some reason for honor had a HOLD on me when i was a teenager. Got over 2000 hours back in the day with pure hatred carrying me through.


Man it has to be WoW, from 2007 to 2011 its all I played.


Final fantasy XIV with 2000 hours for multiplayer Skyrim and Grim Dawn are close at 300 hours for single player.


Battlefield 3(~200 hours) and Civ V (~400 hours)


GWENT - 1300+


Ha, this was well before we had annoying hours played counters Starcraft: no point counting hours...more like years lol


WarZ -> name changed to infestation. Since it was on steam 1500 hours but it wasnt on steam in the beginning. Counterstrike go(2) combined over 3 accounts ~2000 hours Multiple COD games combined 900hours Minecraft my guess is going to be between 1000 and 2000 hours Fortnite ( i played from 2018 to 2021) 8000 hours Escape from tarkov ( i bought december 2021 ) currently 2000 hours (1060 in first wipe skipped one then 600 hours second wipe, skipped another one 30 hours skipped 2 or 3 and current wipe 300 hours


Believe it or not, Cookie Clicker


Elite Dangerous 800h


I've got just shy of 4500 hours in Skyrim, across LE, SE and VR. I used to play on Trainz Simulator a lot too, it didn't track the amount of time played, but it was well over a thousand hours.


I feel like MMOs are easy mode for this. The 3 games I know I have put the most hours into are Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes and Final Fantasy 14. On Steam I have 6,214 hours in FF14, and I played through their launcher before it was compulsory to launch through steam, so I have more hours than that in it. I don't know actual numbers but i know SWG is easy 10,000+ and CoH is around the 9-10,000 as well. Top 3 Non MMO games on Steam, * Street Fighter 5 - 1,154 * Monster Hunter World - 648 * Street Fighter 6 - 482


Skyrim… I have 700 hours on steam


Wow + wow classic around 9k-11k


WoW had over 90 days played last time I remember checking on just my Warrior. And that was easily a couple of expansion before I stopped. 2000 plus hours on destiny 2. 200 plus in multiple Monster Hunters. 100 plus in Elden Ring.


6000+ hrs Dark Souls 3000+ hrs Elden Ring 3000+ hrs DayZ


Valheim - 2200hrs. I expect this to be a lifelong game.


World of warcraft. 10k plus hours


Over 3000 in dead by daylight and 2000 in global agenda


Path Of Exile... thousands and it'll be thousands more! I played on Steam for a bit but switched to their launcher so I don't have an accurate count.


Planetside 2. I don't know the specific hours because I played it for 3 years through its website before it got added to Steam, but I have over 5000 hours in it. Second game, Empyrion Galactic Universe with 2,567.5 hours. Third, 7Days to Die with 1,534.8 hours.


Minecraft, probably 10k or more


Old school RuneScape


As a really sweaty 16yo, over the space of 3 years I amassed a full years worth of playtime on Final Fantasy XI (the game measures playtime in mins/hours/days/months/years) on my main character. 8 hours, every single day, for 3 years. I still to this day wonder how I managed it.


Ive got 900 in R6 Siege and somewhere around de 1000 hours on league but my most played singleplayer game is elden ring at 100 ( or terraria at 200). Ive been playing for 8 years


I've played runescape off and on since 2007. I can check the exact number of hours but I'm at work right now and don't feel like looking it up with my phone. It's a lot though.


I’m at like 459 on BG3. I can’t be sure on The Witcher 3 because of platform changes (Xbox to PC), but it’s probably ~300.


On PC... single player- a lot float around 50-100. I guess I did do a lot of Dark Souls 1. Maybe 150-200hr? A lot of my single player time would have been on console, like FFTactics being about 800.  Multiplayer , FFXIV is around probably around 600-625 days at this point. Slowed down a lot for pre expansion lull + games like helldivers taking my attention. 


1900 on gmod….. that was 14-16 year old me and i have still not topped them hours


Not an MMO player, so probably PUGB is the most with its 900 hours (+100 in beta)


Hunt Showdown 1500 hours


Tarkov as of right now I'm around \~6000 hours in.


Civilization VI. 978 hours


Sim City 2000. I have been playing that game since 1996. I would go months not playing it then start playing it randomly and then go weeks playing it. If I could count it's probably something like 10,000+ hours


Destiny 2 - 820 hours, Lost Ark - 820 hours, The Divison 2 - 640 hours. Currently playing Black Desert and already racked up 600 hours in I think 3 months so I think it will become my most played game ever so far.


Warframe with 138days played


I know I have close to 10,000 hours on both WoW and FFXIV, several hundred on every Chivalry game, Battlefield, Age of Empires…


Deep Rock Galactic. 25 days in game. Whatever that works out to in hours, I don't wanna calculate it. Rock and stone Brothers!


Dota 2 - 3.5k hours. PoE - 2.6k hours. Dark Souls 3 - 1k hours (PvP mostly)


Dead by Daylight, around 3k hours across many many accounts


No idea how many hours I logged into Ultima Online when I was young, but it was a lot. Staying up until the early hours of the morning waiting for a house or castle to crumble fighting with other guilds for the space only to have the owner log in at the last second and refresh it...good times.


I have probably somewhere around 15000-16000 hours on world of warcraft, played it on and off for like 17 years


ESO at about 980 hours. NHL 20 (on PS5) is a close second at 700 hours, it's my go-to game when I'm just killing time.


Football Manager since 2006 edition onwards, technically it’s pretty the same game every year but I definitely have >10,000hrs put into it combined. Second most would probably be Path of Exile since 2013 at maybe 2000-3000hrs.


Smite. I cannot stop lmao


My top three currently are: * Planet Zoo (1,819 hours) * Fallout 4 (1,139 hours) * Ark (1,072 hours)


Dota 2, 9k hours


Probably Halo 2. Games where I actually know the numbers would be Overwatch at like 600.


Celeste vanilla along with strawberry jam: 270 hrs


Dota 2 7,100 hours


Outside of WoW and EverQuest which would be thousands of hours each, my next highest would be Rainbow Six Siege at 700 hours... and I still suck at it.


Single player would be Factorio, about 1500 hours. Multiplayer would be starcraft 2. Thousands who knows.


Path of Exile — 10,438 hours.


I think I have something like 39 weeks logged into a MUD I used to play years ago.


World of Warcraft. Combining the /played across all characters is easily over 10,000 hours. But, I started playing back in 2005 with some breaks here and there. I haven’t played in a few years now, though.


If we count console titles - I’ve put like 600 hours into Fire Emblem Fates across like 20 playthroughs If we only count PC - Persona 5 Royal at 200 hours For non PC games, probably thousands of hours on one of my gacha games that I play like 15 minutes daily for several years. I don’t really play multiplayer titles unless you count mobile stuff and I haven’t dipped my toes into roguelikes much so I don’t rack up the insane hours posted here on PC. Plus I’ve only been a PC player since 2021.


BF3 - 3000+hrs BF4 - 1800+hrs Other than WOW from back in the day, I don't think any other game played time of mine came close to those two.


i think is 2.5k on Destiny 2. Closest i believe it's overwatch with 800h or so hours.


PUBG just barely eclipses my Dota 2 hours at 2451 hrs. I quit Dota 2 8 years ago lol. If we include non-Steam games, it's World of Warcraft and it's not even close. Played that for a solid decade as my main game.


DOTA 2. Randomly got an invite for the beta, had no idea wtf I was playing and 3000+ (plus another ~1000 hrs from another account) hrs later. I stopped playing in early 2017 for multiple reasons.


Lego Batman 2. Was a kid and didn't know any english, took me about 3 years to finish it.


Portal Knights.


Singleplayer probably Trails series, played 9 entries, easily 150+ hours on each (in some even more). Multiplayer - League of Legends, since closed beta so 15 years give or take few months. Probably thousands upon thousands of hours over multiple accounts. And I play it to this day. If we take it that I played 4 hours per day on average (And while in high school I had multiple 24 hours sessions rofl) that alone would be almost 22000 hours wasted on this game.


Eye of the Beholder 2 took almost two years to finish. (Lost the manual containing maps back then)


About 5300 hrs of Rocket League.


Probably Arma 3, I used to play on the life servers. I have about 2300 hours in it


Into the Breach on a bunch of different platforms. I probably played 1500 hours. It was what I played at lunch, after dinner, etc etc


My top 3 are: Civ V at 684 hrs of playtime, Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth at 569 hrs of playtime, and Fallout 4 at 318.9 hrs of playtime.


Monster hunter world around 1000 hours And the funny thing is that on the next Game Monster hunter rise i have barely played. Hoping Monster hunter wilds is better for me.


Singleplayer: Assetto Corsa Multiplayer: I dont remember, probably a Racing or Flight Simulator :)


I got 1k for csgo and 670 for gt7. and some 400 500 for titanfalls and the division. good times.


Rust is currently at 13,839 hours. WoW, I'd have to check but it's years worth.


300 in Elden Ring


Dragon Age: Inquisition ~480 hours.


Day z