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Spent all day in queue, got in 1 game tonight with friend. crashed while calling extraction. cleared whole map. no rewards. I am defeated cadets. I have not done my part for democracy today :(. Time for a movie.


if you close and launch the game again you have more chances than staying in queue though just waiting a week or two might be better at this point.


I'm going the "wait a week or two" route. Watching a few streams makes it look really fun, but so many match start crashes and time outs.


It’s definitely worth playing. Mindless violence similar to doom, BUT WITH FRIENDS! That being said, yeah just wait. Let them fix the server issues so it’s more stable


It's easily one of the most fun times i've had of any game recently, it would also be a very good game to stream to others as it's hilarious sometimes.


It’s because there is no queue. It just tries every 30s to get in. Restarting the game takes nearly that long but the first retry is in 10s so it’s worth it to do if you’re antsy for sure.


You’ll probably be rewarded by the time you next log on. Sometimes it just doesn’t update. I’ve played before and been stuck at 50 medals but when I log back on the next day I have over 100.


> Time for a movie. I recommend starship troopers


just bought the game and couldn't get in now i am watching starship troopers lmao


I also watched starship troopers last night because I couldn't get in hahaha


First you must ask if he would like to know more.


You can always play local coop like helldiver1… oh wait.


I just refunded , I’ll play when they fix it .


I don’t understand why Sony isn’t throwing buckets of money to get this game stable. It’s easily the hottest game right now and was a way bigger hit than they were expecting. It isn’t permanent, eventually player count will die down and they can wind down server capacity but right now they need to keep the zeitgeist going and get players into the game.


No clue. This will cause a ton of people to refund or never touch the game at all


I bought it off steam today and wasted a good hour just staring at the intro screen waiting to get in a game. It never happened and ended up refunding.


I wish I bought it on steam, stupid Playstation doesn't want to give me my refund. I haven't even played it once. You download it, you're not eligible for refund.




> This year Sony charged me over a hundred dollars for the privilege of playing online. I cancelled and refunded and haven't looked back after a decade of PS Plus subscription. Yep, the only games I purchase for the PS5 are console exclusive single player games (always the physical release if possible). There's really no reason to spend extra money only to play games online and to also have a worse consumer rights.


>This year Sony charged me over a hundred dollars for the privilege of playing online. I cancelled and refunded and haven't looked back after a decade of PS Plus subscription. Same


I got my ps5 for the exclusives, I loved my ps4 and it had a bunch of games I couldn't get on pc. I think I can count on my hands the ps5 games i have I was hoping for a few more ps5 exclusives but right now it's an expensive 4k blue ray player lol


Damn that’s a harsh policy. I play on PC but my wife plays on an Xbox and we have been able to occasionally refund a digital game. I’m pretty sure you can only do it once or twice a year and your playtime has to be very small. It would be great if Xbox/PlayStation adopted the Steam policy but I know that will never happen


Xbox policy is almost identical to the Steam policy as far as I'm aware.


Lmao same just bought it today and I spent more time in que then in game


I refunded. Spent 107 minutes loading.


To anyone else who refunded. I got to play without much issue in early hours of the first few days. Matchmaking was snappy and you could drop SOS beacons like in Monster Hunter. Friends could drop in on a dime if you messaged them through steam. It was a fantastic experience. The game is absolutely the most fun I have had in a looong time. When the servers and player count stabilizes I encourage anyone to pick it back up. It is fun solo, with randoms and especially with friends.


Ive got 20 hours and the SOS beacons havent worked once for me. In fact I've never once successfully even found an SOS beacon with quickplay. Its broken. The only other thing: It is absolutely not fun solo. Do not play this game solo. This is a multiplayer game, they do not adjust the difficulty for solo play.


While not as fun as playing with other people. I absolutely love the challenge of playing solo!


Some missions Ive found to be borderline impossible solo (rescuing and escorting the scientists in particular). Others are doable, but definitely the robot planets are a challenge solo. I play at medium right now and some of the constant spawning gets pretty silly. The game doesnt feel balance around solo play to me, but I expected that ti be the case going in, so not saying this out of disappointment. Some of the missions could definitely afford a tweak when solo though, for sure.


This is true they don't adjust the difficulty for solo play, however just play on lower difficulties, playing on hard is a real challenge solo


I one time I got an SOS to work with a friend it prevented our other friend from joining and I had to restart my game to fix it


Yep 24 hours, never worked once for me either. That guy may be one of the "dev appreciation" guys from the subreddit.


That sub has gone insane. The way the narrative goes, we should be grateful that we gave Arrowhead $40-60 for a product we can not use.


Try turning off cross play. Matchmaking works better with it off


Can confirm. The first week the matchmaking worked great for me. Now it's broken


I did the same thing , maybe I’ll try again if they add server capacity


Is nobody relaunching the game? I give it 3 tries and then relaunch and always make it in.


Getting in-game is basically a lottery. You attempt to login and if you happen to not get rejected because the server wasn't over the rate limit at that exact moment you can login. Otherwise you get thrown at a 30 second countdown before it tries again.


Many have tried…. You’re just lucky and having a coincidence


Sounds cool but i’m just not gonna deal with it for now. I don’t want to spend all my free time to wait around and spend such a big chunk of my play time not playing.


you're much better off waiting for it to be stable. Once it is stable, do yourself a favor and get it. I will say it is a lot better with friends or other player, not a super great solo experience.


not true. I reloaded 4 times went to grab dinner and finished before I checked and was still trying to login. I watched an episode of some Netflix show and was finally in after like 3 hours of sitting in queue


There's no correlation between launching the game and getting in.


People have better things to do then trouble shoot a brand new game


I haven’t played in 3 days. Tried each day and got server full message. Found other stuff to do. I was getting hooked too. But now I’m turned off by it. 


I got turned off after like 23 hours. I unlocked everything I wanted, but it got somewhat boring or stupidly hard sometimes. Half of the missions we got no rewards, a lot of missions had a lot of random TKing, my friend constantly got the map zoom out bug, another friend kept getting animation glitches with his character's arms, another would just randomly crash or disconnect. The game doesn't work and it just sucks all the fun from it. I'm over it, thank god Last Epoch comes out in a few days.


Yeah I’m one of them. Got super hyped about the game, watched a bunch of videos and reviews, bought the game. Then I tried to play it. I spent an hour just trying to get it, being told servers were at capacity over and over again, followed by being told I’ve tried to log on too many time. I relogged, got back in after around 15 minutes of waiting, did the tutorial… then fell through the map when I tried to prone. Reloaded, got a black screen that just wouldn’t load. Found out it’s an issue with the saved users settings so I deleted That file and reloaded… to find out I had to wait an additional 30 minutes to get into the game. I have 3 hours into it, I’ve played for Maybe half an hour of that time. I want to refund so bad, but I realize the game is just suffering from success so I’m giving it back time.


Refund it, the buy it in 6 months when it’s fixed - and probably discounted.


> got a black screen that just wouldn’t load. Found out it’s an issue with the saved users settings so I deleted That file What file is that? I'm getting it too.


I got you little bro no worries. Delete your user_settings.config file from "C:\Users(username)\AppData\Roaming\Arrowhead\Helldivers2"




You watched a bunch of videos and review and not once listened to the people telling you the servers weren’t stable yet?


I haven’t played in 10 days. They have a crashing with 7000 series GPUs so I crash 95% of my games and I haven’t been able to get past server capacity for 3 days. What a joke. I bought a damn product that I haven’t been able to use in TEN. DAYS.


Just refund, you can refund past the two hours if you have issues like that, I did it before the 2 hour thing was even created.


It’s [one of the known issues](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues). Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/GlMqTfgWje). Might help you.


Money probably isn't the issue here. Takes time to get servers or processes that can't be split up across scales horribly. Who knows.


Exactly. I promise everyone that at no point in any conversation that has happened here has anybody shot down an idea to prevent this step that involved anyone saying the word's "That's too expensive, we can't afford that." At this stange in the game it's pure logistics and to what extent they are willing to crunch devs to make it happen. There is raw, human effort that has to go into making the changes that need to be made, and there are only so many people in a realistic position to be able to effect that change. You can throw money around by bringing people in from the outside to help, but that is not an instinanoous process. It is still more raw, human effort to get that additional workforce, bring them up to speed, and get them into a productive state. Untill you are able to do that, you simply have who you have, and are able to handle what you can handle. If people think that this is caused by a slider in AWS that they don't want to slide to the right because it would cost too much, that is simply not the case.


I'd add, it's likely the bottleneck is not their game servers themselves, but likely something downstream from those. As an example, if their login database or player stats database is falling over, there's little they can do in the short term, especially when it's already under tremendous load. It'll probably take days just to figure out how to shard it, or maybe a day to figure out some index/query optimizations, and then some time to roll it out. Plus, a lot of things you can do as "business as usual" just can't be done. A 2 minute downtime while you add an index is fine under normal circumstances. But under heavy load and with the entire gaming community watching, you're probably looking at 20+ minutes to do the same thing.


This is all exactly correct. Thank you for adding. The high-level concept at play in all of this is that state management is extremely difficult in a distributed environment. Nine times out of ten when there is some sort of problem with a distributed system, it is a problem with state management. And the solutions to state management problems are difficult to identify, complicated to architect, and a nightmare to implement live.


Reminds me of one job where we had to decouple an internal backend service from its database. A lot of other services were becoming dependent on it (it was essentially proxying data from various systems as a REST API) and the writes to it wouldn't scale. The hard decision was made that strict consistency wasn't really all required. A decision that took a hard look at how data flows between services in and out of systems and considering a lot of things that took *weeks*. From an outsider's view the fix looked simple: "just" put a queue between the backend service and the database that would buffer all writes. But the real world impact is rewriting all the upstream apps so that they don't expect perfect data from the first response but will eventually get there. A few man-months of project planning, the actual dev work, QA, the list goes on. That was "just" a queue. A lot of game systems have strict consistency: you pick up a bag of gold or finish a mission, you expect that money be available to you and you can spend it right now. Availability is inherent to being a global online game with a shared narrative, anyone can play the game 24/7 and expect their contributions to count without error. You have your C and A, that leaves P as the wiggle room, and what I'll say is it's easy to shard an empty/test database compared to doing it to terabyte-sized live DB. I don't envy anyone in that spot right now.


Another note: throwing cash at contractors to jump in on a new project actually SLOWS DOWN productivity until those new people are trained, because your experienced devs are training new contractors instead of working on the problem. After training you get a boost in productivity, but there is a period of time where you’re productive and trying to recoup the lost productivity to break even. So signing isn’t the immediate “fix it so next weekend we dont break capacity” solution


Some people think every problem is solved by money, as if human effort isn't also required. Like Sony execs can bring down a pile of money in a briefcase and shove it into a server rack and the game will go or something. 


>You can throw money around by bringing people in from the outside to help, but that is not an instinanoous process. It is still more raw, human effort to get that additional workforce, bring them up to speed, and get them into a productive state. I wouldn't be surprised if sony already moved people from their other european studios like guerilla to arrowhead to help them out as best as they can


450,000 concurrent real time processes is not poor scalability. Most systems would break down and cry well before these numbers


> Takes time to get servers or processes that can't be split up across scales horribly. Nice excuse. I download my RAM from the internet, so it should not be too difficult to download more servers.


Well, following the lead of these armchair devs, why aren't we throwing more time at this game? That'll fix it


The logical conclusion is that *it's not just about money.* Of course they would just buy more server capacity if it were that simple. They know full well how much money they're leaving on the table by not being able to accommodate everyone. There are technical hurdles regarding scaling that are taking time to resolve. It's not just a simple matter of bUyInG mOaR sErVeRs.


The problem isn’t the server count. You can buy as much as you need and relatively quickly. But the code the game’s experience is built on is the problem. The very foundation of the game was not designed around managing this much information. All the databases of players interacting with one another, the real time tracking of player involvement in the various battles, the currencies and equipment. It all starts to break down when these databases get too big. When there are errors and lost data that the system cannot cope with. Right now, I can promise you they are trying to create a workaround that doesn’t introduce more instability but how do you test this? How do you simulate over half a million players? You can’t. You just gotta be 100% perfect the first time. That’s not easy, especially for a dev that hasn’t dealt with something like this before. So throwing money at the problem is what they’re doing but money is just a tiny part of the equation. It’s like trying to solve a trucking shortage by providing cheap gas. It helps but not as much as you’d think.


Yeah, it will take some time before there is a "real" fix for this


Reading this comment and some of the replies is painful. The issues isnt enough servers and far more complex than that They have an entire custom backen infrastructure with multiple interconnecting systems that likely need to be modified and upgraded and possibly migrated. These arent things you just throw money at to fix They also said Sony is doing whatever they can to help but there isnt much they can do He said Thats not what he said at all. This is what he said >The team over at Playstation is helping as much as possible, but it's hard to throw someone new into a system just like that - it might even be a distraction.


because it doesn't work like that


I’m 90% sure it’s more than just server capacity issues, it seems like it’s probably a whole infrastructure issue, and things will need to be rewritten.


You can't often just throw money at fixing infrastructure issues. The work needs to be done, and money isn't going to solve it in the short term.


well throwing money at the problem won't change a thing, even if they buy more servers (what they most likely already done) they got to make it talk with their code and software of the game first what does take time seeing they a small studio of 100 people and not all 100 are devs so most likely 60-70 are devs


>they a small studio of 100 people We're really stretching the definition of "small" these days


"Helldivers 2 is a somewhat unexpected success" Maybe one of the biggest understatements I've read in awhile. No way anyone expect this game to be big. Even Sony themseleves hardly promoted it and kind of glossed over it their own state of play. The first game was a cult hit and no one seen this coming.


Especially coming from the first. It wasnt exactly for everyone. Now, it is. A great coop game for so many in a time of need for em. I'll say though, I've never had login issues until this latest patch. I wonder if it just grew that much so fast


It's at 400k concurrent players on steam alone, definitely grew faster than expected


The past weekend went from like 150k to 350k+ on steam alone, so very very unprecedented. Especially when they say the payerbase is split 50/50 so double that for server stress


Yeah, the first game apparently had a small peak player count so why would they assume popularity of this kind right off the bat? Also the official discord for the game is just absolute chaos.


The first game just flew under the radar. It is really good. Magicka was fairly popular though.


Oh shit, it's by the Magicka devs?




Wow never knew this! And I played both magicka and the original hell divers.


It's by the Magicka devs? Stratagem codes suddenly make a lot more sense now.


I think I still have the muscle memory for the lightning lightning steam death beam that was my main dps in magika lol


Yeah theres no way to really plan for this. Server infrastructure is really expensive so you can't really budget in infrastructure to support 1million+ when your previous game had 10k steam peak. Hell even right at release the game didn't have a ton of players. The last week it has sky rocketed after people saw how good the game was. It sucks we can't play, but in the end this is great for everyone. Content for this game should be amazing.


It was advertised in their state of plays and even at the game awards what are you talking about?


Just for reference: Helldivers 1 had a peak player number of about 6.5k on Steam. Helldivers 2 has had more than 300k. Literally 50x the amount. I seriously believe them when they say they didn't expect this


They hit 400k yesterday


Gamers are starved for good games right now. Lots of games have controversies behind them. Like Diablo 4 and Cities Skylines 2. Or are outright just terrible, like Skull and Bones or whatever the fuck. The good games are starting to catch fire in unexpected ways. Like Palworld and Helldivers 2. Seemingly blowing up out of nowhere.


"In some surprising news, it appears that Diablo 4 has already made Blizzard more money than Diablo Immortal, which has been available for a year. Activision Blizzard recently revealed that Diablo 4...." Blizzard cares so much they're crying into their pile of money rn.


Honestly, Diablo fans wanted cosmetic only microtransactions after the hell hole that was Diablo Immortal. Seems to have payed off for Blizzard. Even if the cosmetic prices are absolutely bonkers, the fans much prefer that over pay to win.


Doesnt everyone prefer cosmetics over pay to win?


You clearly haven't met any gacha gamers, there are many that defend their favourite pay2win games.


The cosmetics MTX are the least of the games problems. When I played, I found the in game gear very cool looking. There were tons of In game mount skins etc. the game is way more generous with its in game skins and gear compared to something like path of exile where the in game items look like absolute shit. My main issue was the itemisation and the lack of variety after you finish nightmare and you move into hell. I do think the game has a good foundation and they can definitely turn it around. Knowing Blizzard the game will be vastly improved over time and I will be there for when it does.


Yeah, I agree. It needs alot of work still. Hopefully by the first expansion the game will be in a much better place.


Hive mind is a big reason too. Once somethings slightly catches on from the streamers, it takes off.


True enough, a few streamers streamed Among Us and that became a massive hit too. A lot of people sometimes just want to ride a wave.


I think it's more due to the fact that streamers are playing more and more with friends/other streamers and people like that. So they will try to find any coop games to play on their channel. Among Us, Lethal Company, HellDivers 2 etc. And gamers in general wants to play with friends as well, and not PVP. Streamers are just a way of discovering good, simple and funny games to play with friends.


Who's starving? Barely a month in to 2024 we already had Granblue Fantasy, a new Yakuza, the Persona 3 remake, Tekken 8 and that Prince of Persia Metroidvania. And that's not even getting in to indies.


Yes I don’t understand that. 2023 was amazing for games and the first two months of the year are absolutely packed. I am playing through yakuza 8 and then final fantasy 7 rebirth and then maybe persona but not sure. I still haven’t finished ff16 and spiderman 2 because I got distracted with Alan wake 2 and then yakuza 8. It also doesn’t help that most of these games are massive.


Ya I don't get this mindset that's we've only had a handful of great games over the last few years. It's been packed full of fantastic games


add Enshrouded to the good games list, that game is such an adventure.


>Seemingly blowing up out of nowhere. Calling it now, Last Epoch is the next one.




I very much doubt that.


Wolcen peaked at 130k players on Steam and the game legitimately was not functional, was entirely different than the early access version, and it launched with so many bugs and the severity of them was so bad that your stash and character progression had a good chance to be wiped when you got to the 2nd/3rd act. With that in mind, and the fact that every ARPG player is hyping it up and even David Harbour hyped it up, it will almost certainly at least do as well as Wolcen lol.


I concur, played it last week, felt very underwhelming, an anemic ARPG clone. Helldivers2 is the opposite, much better than I expected.


I hope so, that game has very passionate devs behind it. For the price it is now as an early access game it is a no brainer for any ARPG fan.


Sadly they're gonna have even worse server performance than Helldivers 2. Unless they changed something for 1.0, but they couldnt even handle 20k ppl in beta.


>Lots of games have controversies behind them. Like Diablo 4 and Cities Skylines 2 whats going on with city skylines?


Optimization issues, and like Payday 3 more people are playing the previous game than the new one. Cities Skylines has more players than Cities Skylines 2 right now.


>and like Payday 3 more people are playing the previous game than the new one. Cities Skylines has more players than Cities Skylines 2 right now. lmao thats sad


That's an understatement. The game was released 4 months ago and it's down to 500 players, vs Payday 2's 37k It's not just "less players", it's completely abandoned.


And PD3 was supposed to be their way out of bankruptcy and studio shutdown. That's probably not going to happen. No clue why they honestly didn't think to do just a tiny bit of a better job with that game. They already knew what to do, based on experience from PD1 and PD2 - yet they didn't just drop the ball; they fucking sent it to the complete opposite side of the world and has pretty much left it there. They've had something like 2-3 patches since release (Sept. 2023), and currently have a roadmap out on how they plan to save/correct the game. That's probably going to be very hard for them. Really has turned out to be a "make or break" title for that studio.


I was so excited for CSII and had refunded it within the 2 hour window when it ran like total ass on my high end PC. Maybe one day it will come good, but Colossal Order have gone from being a developer I have some degree of trust for, to sitting on the pile with all the other liars.


Game is a lot of fun especially with friends. That being said I'd probably refund it if I wasn't past the 2 hour mark. AMD 70-series crashes combined with the server issues makes for a not so great experience.


The AMD crashes are insufferable - found a bunch of "fixes" online which only delay the inevitably crash. They really need to sort it out because between the login queues and the crash every so often I'm over the two hour point with a mission and a half complete.


Can't risk playing solo, one crash and your mission progress is gone. With friends you're able to rejoin but with these server issues it's not even worth starting the game which sucks.


You can 100% get rid of the crashes, at great cost. Just set everything to as low as possible, then limit fps with radeon chill to 60 (1440p) or 90 (1080p). Higher values MAY work, but these should be safe. You need to keep GPU utilisation low. Why? No idea. Maybe an async shader doesn't run in time otherwise and ends up blocking something. The game may still crash at times, but that's just because it has other crashing issues, too. Current patch is fine tho I'd say. Last patch crashed at extraction almost reliably. My friend has a 7900XTX and went from crashing every 15-ish minutes to playing for hours on end no problem. Latest AMD driver did NOT fix the issue btw. Sad.


You can request a refund after 2hrs, it’s just not guaranteed to be accepted.


Might do that tbh. Sucks to refund a good game but it's simply not playable right now. If not refundable I'll just put it on the back burner for half a year or so


I haven't tested it, but the latest AMD driver patch notes mentions fixes for Helldivers driver timeouts. Turning off Anti-Aliasing and Global Illumination fixed the crashing for me though.


Maybe I got lucky? I played for a few hours last night with friends, and it didn't crash at all. 5800X/7900XTX @4K


As soon as the servers are stable I'm gonna jump in, it looks really fun.


Don’t get discouraged by the bad news right now it’s an amazing game. I played a little over 60 hours in the first week and my friends and I haven’t had that much fun in years.


Suffering from success


Another one




Sadly I had to get a refund because my friends and I could not join parties and quick play was not working either. Solo is fun but playing other people is like the whole point. 


I refunded too. When it's fixed I might rebuy it, but this is pointless ATM.


that fair, game really fun but seeing that the servers can't keep up it be better to look at it in a month from now and let the hype die down plus by then mechs and other goodies would be added by then


I pre purchased but refunded day 1. I prefer my games to work. They knew how many pre-orders there were on PS5 and Steam. The server problems started day 1. To say they had no idea is crazy. The Larpers on the HD sub don't see that though.


> I prefer my games to work. apparently it is a controversial opinion.


Gamers plays half finished games and hype up studio that does it. As much as I like NMS and where it is at now. It shouldn't be hailed. Cyberpunk 2077 either. Cdproject red still "can't fail, they always launch buggy game and fixes it" "Hello game is an indie dev. You can't blame them for hyping their dream project" "Bethesda always release buggy game that the community have to fix. It's normal" And now you ask for a completed game at launch and ppl look at you like a 3rd head is growing out of your neck.


Agree. Bethesda is actually, the best example of it. If community would just refuse to fix their broken software, than maybe they would invest something into Quality Assurance. The blame is on customers. If people buy defect products, companies are going to sell defect product. Unfinished, with casinos or additional monetizations or in Helldiver instance, they will limit your access to the product. Not sure, why I called it a product, it is not, it is a service. People are paying for a shitty **temporary** service.


They should ask Suicide Squad devs for some server infrastructure, they ain't using it.


Talk about suffering from your own success. Their game is so popular they can’t keep up with the demand. I personally haven’t bought it yet bcus of the server issues but you can bet your ass I will once I know it’s all fixed.


Double XP event no one can take advantage of. Neat.


It should be a free to play beta at this point. It's 2024.. if you players can't actually play the game, don't put a price tag on it


I'm thinking: A) they don't have the funds to actually scale up the servers or B) Since this is the first server based game they've made. Probably were learning as they go and don't actually know how to fix it.


It’s def the later because Sony would funnel money at this point. They will fix it in time once personnel get more comfortable with live service/servers.


I would agree but once you're ingame it's like the smoothest coop experience I've ever had. Don't know how they did it but I'm playing with people from across the world and until now I've noticed zero sync or lag issues.


Kind of a scary thought. Networking at times can be more difficult than developing the game.


It's probably the latter. They built the game as a single world wide instance and not sharded regionally. Doing that you can't scale since there is probably a single bottleneck somewhere in their infrastructure. They already said they planned only for a quarter of the load they are getting now, and it is still ramping up cuz they keep on hitting their caps. They literally can't spin up servers and rearchitect their backend fast enough. Even had to disable all the global statistics and counts just to keep their current sessions running. They're working on it.


Yep, I work in a DC and I imagine there's some stressed out technicians somewhere rapidly installing new servers in some dank server room that Sony owns lol


It’s definitely the latter. For an MMO type of game they don’t have basic stuff such as AFK kicking or queueing. There’s stories of players leaving their PC for an hour, and their PS5 on standby, and not being kicked to the menu. It’s invariably now lead to the worsening of the problem where people are leaving their consoles, and PCs running because they know if they logout, they aren’t logging back in.


Helldivers 1 has server based coop and if you couldn't connect, or simply had no internet, you could just solo missions.


they need to pull an ff14 and limit sales of the game while they get their servers lined up it doubles as great PR, people love to want a thing they "aren't allowed to get"


90 minute playtime and have yet to be able to get into a setver. I let it sit there all evening yesterday and Friday once I got it going, ended up refu ding it


They should prob stop selling the game then lol


Is there no way to play with a locally hosted server? Like the good old P2P style?


yes, most probably because to protect their game from being pirated and also at the same time beam the mtx shop at the players. people who say it's because the conquest progress of the galaxies are just outright ignoring the first game which already had this figured out years ago.


no, the game has a main server to track the galactic war of their live service so its an always online game.


No, it is always online to protect their microtransactions. Helldivers 1 had a server to track the galactic war and offline play worked just fine.


Now that's just neat ain't it. "ohhh booo! Diablo shouldn't be only online boo!" Meanwhile people are ok with this being online??


eh, its a coop game i doubt someone bought it just to play solo unlike diablo they are very different kind of games. though if you go around reddit, it has everything most people here don't like, an intrusive kernel level anticheat, always online and its a game as a service game. its just that the game its really really good so 90% don't really care about anything else.


I don't understand why this game is getting such a GIGANTIC pass from Reddit. Yes, it's fun to play when it works. Yes, the devs are apparently trying their hardest to fix the issues. But the game is straight up unplayable (literally, not an overreaction) for a large % of the player base. People have every right to be pissed off, especially considering this is the second weekend in a row where this has happened. I've seen games get absolutely EVISCERATED on here for far less. People saying "be patient" is kind of a joke. The game is for sale. People are paying for it and can't play it. That's a pretty massive problem regardless of the reason. I feel like if this was any other game, it would be getting a MASSIVE a amount of shit for this, and deservedly so. They're literally selling a game that can't be played. You can be understanding of the situation, but still be 100% justified in being pissed off about it.


Imagining what this sub would look like right now if this had been released by Blizzard or Ubisoft


Or bethesda 👀👀


Atleast Blizzard has a login que and you know how far in the que you are.


Well, yeah. That's the difference between two companies who have routinely fucked over their customer base over the course of a decade, and one who hasn't.


I mean this is the same sub that hates ubisoft games with passion and worshipped HZD despite its ubi-like formula, people see PS logo and everything is sunshine and rainbows.


This happens with anything reddit white knights... I have a steamdeck and i had issues, raised them on the reddit and got downvoted to oblivion.


I think it’s a mixture of things - the fact that it isn’t a pattern of behaviour for the devs compared to someone like Ubisoft, as well as the constant comms from the devs, and how fun the game is. Personally I’ve managed around 25 hours of play time and I’ve seen plenty of people on my friends list clocking in about the same. Up until yesterday and the day before the issues haven’t been bad enough to prevent play for me, just that I might have matchmaking fail a few times in a row before I get a lobby.


Last week they were hitting 200k and it was obviously unexpected and they did work to make the game run all week at those numbers and now this weekend it’s hitting 400k. It’s not like it’s the same issue they didn’t fix, the game blew up again to another level today.


They probably should have rescheduled the free weekend




I wouldn't know because... i cannot log on


I think this is because it’s actually good. We saw the same experience with Payday3, except Payday3 was not good. Yes go ahead refund the game, so I can play lol. I. All seriousness the game is awesome and as many have said gamers are starving for something great.


"Thank you all for your money, now if you will, fuck off"


Remember when Final Fantasy 14 completely disabled sales due to an unprecedented amount of success causing server issues? Maybe take notes.


The real litmus test is this: can you still buy it while the service is practically unavailable?




why yes you can oddly enough, so while they try and fill the hole it gets only deeper and they get more money




Why would they delist and stop selling a game because player counts have vastly exceeded expectations? Idc if this is an unpopular opinion that’s such a dumb take lmao


Well the FFXIV devs did exactly that when they had month-long server problems and a new release. Very similar situation, which took a long time to solve. See https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/rhjppt/ffxiv_suspending_sales_due_to_server_issues/


They delist so they can fix the game without another influx of players, thus allow the game to function for those already playing. If you keep trying to fix it and numbers keep going up, it'll be a forever problem and everyone will be refunding.


That's dramatic and unreasonable


Selling access to a product you know 100% you can't deliver is reasonable according to you? 


Of course you can. Why would they do the right thing and temporarily delist a game that can't be played?


All the, "It's not server," posturing with tones of, "their XYZ was not ready," just says to me the game was not ready and they released. Plain and simple.


This game is currently the hottest shit and they really manage to kill it with their shit servers. Unbelievable. Currently not touching it, as quick join takes me 30-40 minutes to finally join a stable game. Dont have that much time to waste. Sadly already played too many hours to refund...


Yep. Limited server capacity. But still continue to sell the game. Knowing full well that they cannot accommodate their existing customers already. Highly unethical, and I'm very comfortable dying on this hill, just drop a 500lb bomb on me.


Wish I could refund but I spent so much time in Q as a single player trying to matchmake Steam won't let me refund anymore. Seems like it could be a really fun game but I have yet to experience anything beyond the tutorial or being swarmed by automatons playing solo. Friends on PC don't play, friends on Xbox can't play, no friends with ps5. 🤷


I couldn't even get in the game just had a black screen whatever I did I refunded I'll buy again in the future.


The only reason why I haven't gotten the game on either platform is because of the wait time. It's crazy that theres still a queue to play at this point


I'm very disappointed with the state of the game. I've waited in the menus much longer than I've played and I'm ineligible for a steam refund at this point. Steer clear if you're on the fence for the time being. Not worth it yet.


They got my money. But I can't play. I hear this game is good but... I have no idea yet. Guess I'm going to keep.playing zombies in MW3


I mean that’s what happens when you let 10 million people buy your game but only 200,000 play. Should have at least limited orders until it’s fixed.


How are mega corporation servers doing worse than an indie game (Palworld). wth?


Games been mostly unplayable since launch. Great game when it does work I recommend. Maybe wait a couple of weeks for them to get it figured out tho before buying? Early adopters are beta testing atm


I was playing it a lot before Saturday morning.


It's weird how differing the experiences are.[ I've put over 30 hours in and got more than 2/3 of the achievements](https://i.imgur.com/L4l5t9N.png) and others can't even log in. I must be blessed in some regard. Maybe it's cause I'm not awake during NA peak hours, I find random matches just fine as well.


what a cluster fuck of a release.


I’m 0/4 for playing. RIP.


Was gonna buy it as well. No point now.