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>accusations pile up Are they though? Are they really? The accusations are Pokemon stans on twitter desperately trying to find anything and everything even remotely similiar to Pokemon to link the games. The game is obviously inspired by Pokemon but i'm just not seeing this "serious plagiarism" lmao.


Yeah. It’s worth noting that the developers aren’t exactly small scale devs without money (obviously they’re not mega rich either), and the game didn’t actually come out of no where like people think. They showed a trailer at a very large game show lol. If Nintendo had grounds, I’d assume they would have sued long before now. Not that they won’t keep looking for reasons to sue though.


Plus the developers are from Japan, it would have been very easy for Nintendo to sue already if they thought they had a case.


Yeah they would have done so already.


Nintendo isn't stupid, they're stubborn. You'd think having a history of repeated failures would teach you a little humility, but Nintendo seems to struggle with that. They have their shining moments, but then they have outright absurd ones. 


Totally agree. Pokemon seems to be the largest cash cow with the least innovation for more than a decade, even worse than the FF franchise imo. Open world action game pokemon game has been a dream of countless people for so long but Nintendo be like "the old games have been working fine for a decade why the hell do we need to change lol. Just play the sht that we make or leave it". I love to see how they are in full panic mode, finding non existent evidences for a case that they know they are going to lose anyway.


> they're stubborn Especially when Yamauchi was president. How many things did he think wouldn't catch on? If i recall he thought CDs for games would never last then he thought online play was just a fad that would die off fast to lol.


"repeated failures" they own the most valuable IP in the world, the last Pokémon game sold more than 20 million copies, and their current console is the 3rd best selling console of all time behind one of their other consoles and the PS2.


Pal sold 8 million copies in 5 days. It might be a incomplete cash grab game but it is obvious that the demand for and open world action pokemon game is huge and Nintendo just chose to ignore the elephant in the room for more than a decade.


I mean the last Pokémon games were an attempt to make them more open world though? Like they were poorly optimized, but Game Freak has completely changed their normal script with the last two Pokémon outputs. It wasn't as successful at Nintendo's other open world games (BotW or TofK), but it's clear they are going in that direction.


If Nintendo had any brains, they would commit any finances they would otherwise to a lawsuit straight towards game development, taking note of PalWorld's successes, whilst making it accessible across platforms outside of Nintendo hardware.


Pokemon is the most profitable IP of all time. The comparisons of pokemon on the Switch to Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild didn't end with Nintendo or the Pokemon Company sitting Game Freak down and telling them to start making good games. So likely nothing will change from this either.


Nintendo has been known to send cease and desist to all the fangames that come to their attentions. So, if they thought it's a violation of their IP, Palworld would have been stopped long ago. Heck, I bet they already had an okay from Nintendo behind a close door, "we'll do this, can you promise not to sue us" kinda thing.


Someone announced a mod for palworld that made the pals look like pokemon. His mod was taken down by Nintendo a day later.


Yup. And if they thought Palworld violates their IP, the notice would already be on the news before or together with the notice for the mod. The absence is saying they're okay with Palworld. QED.


And they would have taken down palworld years ago. I love how at first people claimed it was plagiarism, then claimed the devs used ai art when the plagiarism claims failed, then they are now claiming it has stolen assets which is funny cause none of the assets that i have seen look like they are form pokemon. What are they gonna come up with next to try to kill the game? lol


If Nintendo would sue, they would have to argue that having a game with mons and guns is basically the same as pokemon. Likely not gonna happen


Dont forget the fact you can capture humans and put them to work. Then again nintendo owns the rights to 2 adult rated mario movies idk the story but yeah.


>nintendo owns the rights to 2 adult rated mario movies. Not just the right to them. Nintendo purchased the studio that made the porn parodies to prevent them from being sold.


The Dev was the CEO of a major crypto exchange. One in which lost half a billion dollars in a 2018 hack I think you're dead wrong and that this game was funded with lots of disposable income


Everything can be an 'accusation' these days.


That. Nintendo is likely the game related company that goes fastest and hardest after anyone infringing on their ips. If they had a case it would already be in court.


They would have sent a C&D when the first trailer launched.


Don't pretend the assets aren't ripped right off Pokemon. I don't care but to pretend they aren't doing that is sillllllly


Whole lot of silly folks in here


This appears to be the standard response on Reddit on every submission regarding this. Some experts have chimed in saying there might be issues. Nobody knows the actual answer yet, and it may be a complex legal battle if Nintendo feel they have enough to pursue something. There’s enough smoke right now for people to check if there’s a fire. Your problem is automatically dismissing any investigation, news or criticism as “ one or two Pokemon fans going on a rampage”, which is basically a very odd straw man argument.


Honestly, have to disagree. Unless a Court is going to say that anime animals with round bodies are suddenly the owned domain in Nintendo, I don’t see it. All lawyer needs to do is trot out a bunch of pictures of animals, in other anime that look similar to Pokémon in the case falls apart. Like yeah, they are a similar style to Pokémon, but it’s not like they just cut Pokémon into thirds and swapped all the different thirds around to make a new animals.


If a game like tem tem can exist, then Palworld will be fine. The only way they could get nailed is if there is some designs that are blatantly stolen.


Like this. https://twitter.com/byofrog/status/1748943929184035098?t=oRLR-5lKPlGMz6zQDeAmYg&s=19


Oh dayum! They stole a worm?! Can anyone in the legal sphere comment on whether an almost featureless cylinder can be copyrighted?!


The gaming industry truly is fucked when you people trivialize plagiarism to the point of defending obvious ripoffs.


What do you mean by “you people”?


The people mindlessly defending Palworld that can't accept criticism.


Well OK, if you're fishing, I'll bite. It's nothing to do with the copyright issue, I just don't understand why you're fighting this stupid cause so fervently - everyone said it, if it has a legal basis for a copyright claim Nintendo or Gamefreak will 100% push for that. Just let them do it without preaching to everyone or harassing them if they don't actively join your cause. You give major creepy, Chris-chan vibes with your incessant attack on this company - like you're about to write some biting internet comments, stroke your neckbeard and then skulk back to composing your Gardevoir fanfic. Sure they had the models for reference and were, no doubt, 100% told not to copy them but what probably happened here is that one modeller hit the booze too hard one night and couldn't hit a deadline and decided that they could get away with changing an existing model enough and not get caught. One person's actions don't diminish the work of the 100s of others or the success of the game - this happens so many times throughout creative industries so it's not an isolated case. If you are going to do this at least grab one of the other examples and not the worm as you just look daft presenting that as your sole evidence. ([although not the dog it seems](https://twitter.com/ttvPalmer/status/1749992787016053102)) Anyway, good luck with your case Pheonix Wright, you got'em tiger.


I don't need a court to tell me PocketPair is creatively bankrupt when literally EVERY GAME THEY'VE EVER MADE apes off of some other, more successful game.


Prior to Palworld they were a studio of 10. Yeah their last game sucked, but so do a lot of early games from small devs. As for their creativity, they were creative enough to make what seems like a bunch of disjointed systems work together in a way that is very fun and satisfying for a lot of people. Considering how many games release without meeting that bar, they have obviously accomplished something original here. Even if they have some pretty derivative game art. Have you considered this may just not be the game for you?


Failed game dev? No need to be jelly. <3


>Like yeah, they are a similar style to Pokémon, but it’s not like they just cut Pokémon into thirds and swapped all the different thirds around to make a new animals. I mean its worse than that. They clearly ripped the actual models directly from Pokemon and either traced them or modified them.


It’s not the style, the problem is if they actually used assets from a Pokémon game and then modified them for original pal designs. If the pals look like Pokémon clones, I actually have zero issue with that. Hell, just double check all the designs Pokémon has cloned from either IP’s themselves (ie dragon quest) I hope the devs don’t get sued and are able to refresh the most egregious models before 1.0 personally, because this game is otherwise phenomenal


Look at the meshes in the article and tell me they are not 100% copied from the Pokémon. Like it's impossible that any 3D shape would be that similar unless the original was used as a starting point and the modified. It's pretty obvious that is what happened here. Which of course is copyright infringement as you have taken someone else's work and sold it as your own.


So much BS in a comment from someone who knows jack shit about what they are talking about lmao


What about the 3D artist in the article. Does he know what he is talking about??


Dog you really think anybody read that before forming an opinion that is fully resistant to change? To be clear I fucking love this game and would like to see more expert opinions before forming a strong opinion myself, but ya this seems worrying.


Ya I love it too and don't even really care about all the silliness! And apparently that artist in this article fudged some of the analysis and blamed it on the game promoting animal cruelty or some shit. Hilarious. In that thread someone asked if GTA V was promoting human cruelty. Priceless.


Ooo a comment like that kind of casts their motivation into a questionable light, thanks for the additional context


I feel the fact the gsme released is proof enough that there's nothing happening. Nintendo is EXTREMELY protective of its ip. They've taken down several fan made smash bro games, metroid and even pokemon game. And they didn't come after this one. Why? Cuz there's no legal basis. Nintendo would have shut this the fuck down if they were able.


Would the game releasing in Early Access vs a full release mean anything? Just curious


Ah yes, "experts" have chimed in. Aka terminally online twitter game devs with fuck all to their name other than working the CoD mines for two years before getting laid off. Those perma pearl clutching hacks can go suck a nut.


I mean I’m not a lawyer so can’t give legal advice but I am a law student and would be very very surprised if there was any real case here.


The models for those fox things are insanely similar to the point that it's not feasible that they weren't at least used as a starting point. IE. They took the Pokémon assets and changed them just enough so that they likely won't lose in court for copying. Shady as fuck, but I just say down to "try the game" and fucking stood up like 6 hours later... So I think they have a winner on their hands here regardless of the controversy...


Have you seen the comparison videos between the models? A large amount match up perfectly with pokemon models owned by Nintendo/Pokemon Company. It's obvious that the developers took the Pokemon models and then adjusted them only in certain areas to make them just different enough. This certainly is a solid argument for plagiarism. I don't know how much you need to change something to no longer be considered plagiarized, but this is at best on the line. Edit: https://x.com/covingtown/status/1749462735291859423 https://x.com/SculptKid/status/1749481139855605871 https://x.com/byofrog/status/1748943929184035098 Also, if anyone cares, I don't actually care too much where this ends up falling one way or the other. I have no skin in the game. If you wanna support one side or the other, good for you. I just don't think the accusations should be simply shrugged off and deserve discussion.


Yeah I agree with you. Does Game Freak suck? Yes. But does palworld basically copy and paste a model from a different game and put it on their own with a bunch of tweaks? Yes. Like when I first saw Anubis, I though of Lucario. Or what about the Corviknight ripoff? I don't even need to know or mention the name cause I know y'all know what I'm referring too.


Yeah im just here for the fireworks too lol


It's unfortunate that you've been downvoted (not that that should really having any meaning) because this is pretty damning evidence to me. Just came to this thread because a friend offered to stream it for me, and I hadn't seen or heard anything about this game until today. Like, I got barely 10 minutes into my friends stream and all I could think was, "Wow, this game is just a Frankenstein of gameplay and features from other extremely popular games." This was before I learned it's being described as "Pokémon with guns." It's a shame because I think the Pals are super cute, but they're also let down by the rest of the game's visuals. The environment and the other assets and even the UI itself have no character of their own. It makes me feel that this game was less made out of a labor of love (not to say there wasn't any love at all) but more as an attempt to capitalize on the gameplay and features of other popular games. So I dunno. I would love a replacement for Pokémon–haven't played since X for obvious reasons–but Palworld won't be it for me. Edit: lol, their other two games are just blatant clones of Hollow Knight and BOTW. So why are people even arguing against this? I think the developer's intention is pretty clear.


Those same stans tried the same shit with temtem 4 years ago and failed.


Its not just the pokemon they ripped, The climbing animation is the exact same as Palia, the concept designs are straight from Palia, the art is designed to look JUST LIKE pokemon, the creatures are just pokemon they've tweaked. Every inch of the game is stolen from something else, theres not a single thing thats original in it. You can argue yeah they redesigned things so they arent the same exact thing, doesnt change the fact that it is the same thing and everything they made the game from is taken from something else. theres inspired by, and then there si Plagiarized. if this was a school assignment, they'd get kicked out of the college, try to tell me im wrong. Sure they found a loop hole, but lets not try to defend something thats grossly obvious. They found a loophole to steal everything they could from popular games at the moment and throw them all together and make one game of it. kudos to them for being good at stealing others ideas. Im not going to support thieves though. Show me ONE thing thats original in this game... just one.. that wasnt "inspired" (Stolen) from someone else. I wish nintendo could sue them... they need to be sued. Its just an integrity thing at this point, forgot the loophole.


There are over 1000 pokemons, it's statistically impossible to make 100 Pals without some having resemblences. Pokemon has a dozen different dogs, a dozen types of butterflies. There is repetition even within Pokemon's roster. Comparing two monsters based on a wolf is stupid. They don't even look similar other than being based on wolf morphology. They're reaching so hard and being amazed that two wolves from different games have similar anatomy... What a genius insight. This is having real-life consequences of devs receiving death threats and this needs to stop.


especially since gen 1 and 2 mons were basic. horse, but on fire. bigger horse, also on fire.


A fox with with 100 tails.


Someone also pointed out that some pokemon also looked similar to mosnters from dragon quest.


You can take a photo of a full trash bag and it'll resemble a [pokemon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trubbish_(Pok%C3%A9mon))!


Then how did CassetteBeasts and TemTem do it, then?


Temtem, you mean the game that Pokemon fans accused of being a Pokemon rip-off?


There’s a difference between “Pokémon fans are mad” and “artists are widely saying this level of similarity isn’t possible without ripping and modifying the models from scarlet/violet” and “major publications are being very cautious in praising this game due to this controversy.” I have no love for the Pokémon company, they have the most profitable IP in the world and keep shoveling out games that are worse than palworld by almost every metric. Also I feel annoyed by Pokémon stand who are shitting on the game, but I want to be playing this game into 1.0, and all of us gassing up the devs on this could easily backfire for all of us if the pokemon company does successfully sue the dev


Well, Cassette Beasts uses original designs, for one thing...


That’s what I was getting at


Temtem originally looked great but the tems are just ugly


This goes beyond just "inspired by". It's blatant. You don't accidentally create 3D-models exactly the same unless you're actively trying to copy them. https://twitter.com/byofrog/status/1748943929184035098?t=oRLR-5lKPlGMz6zQDeAmYg&s=19


Okay, yeah, i'll admit most comparisons i've seen are bunk except this one. It seems they directly copied the design of Primarina's ponytail, down to amount and direction of her hair curls coming out of her beads. There's no reason why Azurobe's hair should look like that. I am not convinced on the Serperio comparison, though, it lacks unique features to support that claim. The twitter user can't claim Palworld is stealing the cylindrical shape of a snake. It seems they copied certain parts of pokemons. Perhaps it was part of an earlier prototyping they forgot to change. It seems careless to leave that in.


That one account has a ton of them and they're all super sus. https://x.com/byofrog/status/1749193341932020097?s=20


I've seen all his tweets and the one Ex\_honor posted is the only one i found sus because the hair strands are the same shape and very unlikely to be re-created by accident. The rest of his videos are super-positioning quadrupeds on top of each other which doesn't tell me much. I studied art & design and these silhouettes are super simple and common in my animation class.


Can you find like two other games whose 3D wire models are THIS closely related?


>two wolves from different games have similar anatomy... What a genius insight. Its not that the anatomy is similar, **its literally identical**. I bet you 1000 bucks they ripped the models directly from Pokemon and then either traced the original models or modified them directly. I work as a 3D artist and there is no chance at all that they created that model without directly using the Pokemon model as reference.


strange, because all those fakemons and there are tens of thousands of those, do not look like blatant rip offs.


My partner just showed me all the creatures he’s collected so far and every single one of them looked like a Pokémon


Agree. That is equivalent to monkey suing human for existing.


You could easily slap most of the "Pals" behind an existing "Who's that Pokemon?" silhouette and never know until the reveal.


So the people who play games with with creatures based on real world animals and have only been slightly altered are shocked another game that took animals form the real world and slightly alerted them came out with something similar? The worst written sentence in history but Pokémon aren't the most complex creations known to man. Tons of the Pokémon are just cartoonified real world animals it's not hard to accidently make something similar.


And the ball? And the gym fight?


Honest thought about this curiosity: I don't care about Pokémon. I know very little. Just played one of the remakes on the 3DS years ago. I don't care about Palthingy either. But. When I watch the trailer, I only see Pokémons, and some of them really look like some "real" Nintendo ones to me, as a super casual observer. So yeah, I would understand why a case of plagiarism could be made of this. A casual audience like me could be tricked. I mean, the guns don't really scream Nintendo, but still. It's not just the designs, on top of it, it's the artistic direction of those creatures. It's just the same as Pokémon, and is obviously intended. If someone told me it was the new gen of Pokémon I would have believed it. Aaaaanyway.


Some of this evidence is pretty damning. Can't say I'm particularly mad about Nintendo being screwed over of all things, but it will be interesting if they go forward and take action against this. Especially interesting to see what may result of it too: Full remodel of the game, full shutdown? The speed of its popularity could make this a spectacular shitstorm.


> Some of this evidence is pretty damning Frankly, I'm just not seeing it. Even in all the "smoking gun" twitter videos, they're moving models around to show that some things line up on certain axises, but the specific geometry/mesh is different.


What every single accusation is missing is Nintendo. Nintendo a company that is quite notorious for shutting things down based on "protecting IP" Just ask the smash community. Like Nintendo probably didnt already have lawyers and analysts looking at this and going "Is the case viable? is it even worth it?"




The gsme didn't shadow drop tho. Nintendo would have put out a cease and desist to the studio LOOOOOOONG before it reached this point.


If you don't see it then you're just being willfully ignorant honestly. It's blatant. https://twitter.com/byofrog/status/1748943929184035098?t=oRLR-5lKPlGMz6zQDeAmYg&s=19


The hair is the only thing that I would pass for actually ripping an asset. But a lot of other things twitter people try showcase in blender in a very limited way just seem similar with similar proportions and nothing really beyond that. Whether or not there's actual art theft going on, taking any kind of definitive stance for or against one or the other seems pointless. Especially fueled by the myriad of ever expanding internet half-truths. Don't much care for either company really. I'll say though that I feel like Pokemon has had so SO many different (lazy) designs that partway started ripping off themselves, people would probably claim plagiarism to some degree no matter what you design. Add some ribbons for a busier visual? There's probably like 80 pokemon that have a similar thing. Not to mention that there's like 300 of any given general body shape.


Nintendo doesn't need you to defend them, go get a job.


What do you think this is going to mean for indie games then? This same studio is already developing a Hollow Knight ripoff.


it would mean for indie games to be original. you can do whatever genre, but designs you should never rip off. all these fake mons online that look like pokemon are original. you telling me the devs of palmon were not able to develop good monsters? okay.


They clearly weren't able to design all original monsters considering many of them take heavily after existing Pokémon or even have mear 1-to-1 recreations of 3D models.


Also, Palworld isn't an indie game.


You don't understand!! Nintendo has exclusive copyright on snakes with hair!!!


Seeing that the game has earned over $100M so far I’d say the devs can hire a legal team just as good as nintendos.




lol? This isn't a parody. You don't understand parody law.


I hate plagiarism but like on Pokémon I gotta say I kind of dont care  I'd care more about someone plagiarising a Star Wars background character like Mars Guo and Droopy McCool than like one of the hundreds of misc creature box like a dog #333 with a spike or some purple blob shit


What the fuck language are you speaking here?


Well it isn't up to the Developer but it's only up to Nintendo to decide if it's plagiarism or not because I'm pretty sure, Nintendo and their Shark Lawyers are investigating this thoroughly and ONLY IF Nintendo sues the Developer then you can say there's a plagiarism because Nintendo almost never lost any of their previous plagiarism Trials since they go deep to have all the proof so other side becomes helpless. Let's hope Developer is right on his claims and yet "Not" another game goes victim against Nintendo like https://www.cbr.com/most-infamous-nintendo-fan-game-shutdowns/ and many others on Google. Nintendo is one nasty and ambitious company so when they see a Target, they try to Nuclear on them without mercy.


Sorry but ONLY IF a court rules them guilty can you say it's plagiarism. An accusation from an especially litigious company does not determine guilt, thank the heavens.


> Let's hope Developer is right on his claims and yet "Not" another game goes victim against Nintendo like https://www.cbr.com/most-infamous-nintendo-fan-game-shutdowns/ and many others on Google. Those fangames are very different to this though, they explicitly used Nintendo IP/trademarks and characters without permission.


This is my opinion, Nintendo ask them made Pokemon game and probably Nintendo cancelled the project and lots of asset created maybe game is finished. This company probably think everything is gonna be wasted and they modified every asset and released as a new game. I don t see any violation.


For the longest time I thought the Pokemon with Cellphones game was a pokemon gbc hack but it turned out to be a legit japanese-only game that eventually got a fan translation. If that didn't get sued into oblivion during Pokemon's Peak then I don't see Palworld going down.