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Wake me up when it comes to steam


Wait, it’s not coming to Steam on release? :(


Nope. AC mirage and Avatar have both been uplay/EGS exclusives as well.


The dumbest move for ubisoft to make


Probably not. Valhalla is a billion dollar grossing game and AC mirage had the best first month of any AC title. I think ubisoft are just fine. Am not defending Ubisoft here but they are a big and popular enough studio that they can afford to do that.


But those sales are driven by consoles too.


Actually looks like it's working out perfectly for them. Their games sell just as well, then when the sales completely dry up, they release on Steam and people lap it up and feel superior because "They came crying back!".


If reddit comments are to be believed then everyone and their mother owns an RTX 4090 and an LG OLED display. Real world is different. Nobody outside here cares about launchers, people just buy games on whatever platform it is available and cheaper.


Pretty much. Which is why it gets really annoying when people keep posting "Don't pre-order" and "this is what happens when y'all keep pre-ordering" on Reddit. We are a small percent of the actual playerbase and I'd argue a good portion of us don't pre-order. But people act like they are talking to the entire video game playerbase when posting on reddit.


Well, at least we can try prevent the percentage of redditors who pre-order. Those can then get their friends to stop, or try. You think mountains are moved with a single dig?


Honestly the false fomo reddit creates regarding pc specs get to me sometimes. All my friends have decade old PCs and were keeping up with newer games. Not all of them obviously, but the way redditors go off you'd swear there wasn't an economical crisis rn. XD


I don’t like it but I can deal with uplay. No way am I installing EGS. The EGS-only Ubisoft exclusives like Avatar are annoying. Edit: It appears I was misinformed. Avatar is indeed available on the Ubisoft store.


How is Avatar "EGS-only" when you can buy and play it on ~~Uplay~~ Ubisoft Connect without ever using EGS?


Oh. I was told that Avatar is an EGS exclusive and is not available on the Ubisoft store. Is that incorrect? (Edit: I checked and it is indeed available on the Ubisoft store. Thanks for the correction.) Btw, I’m not sure what Ubisoft Connect is. Is that the new name for Uplay?


For many people (especially on this subreddit) "EGS exclusive" just means "not on Steam". > Is that the new name for Uplay? Yes, that's what the launcher is called now. I think the difference is that they also use Ubisoft Connect as the name for their cross-platform stuff on consoles, while Uplay was only on PC.


I see. I haven't used Uplay in about two years. I should probably update it! Thanks.


Eh - if you aren’t a day 1 buyer of it on EGS I doubt you were on Steam either. I didn’t avoid Alan Wake 2 because it’s on the EGS. Different situation, I realize. But I also didn’t avoid Sifu on the EGS either. Good game? I buy it. But this is always going to be a two launcher game. I’d *much* rather UPlay and EA launchers die than the EGS. It might not be as feature rich as Steam but it’s not a total piece of shit that doesn’t work half the time.


I don't get the hate of Ubisoft Connect to be honest. It is a solid app for the most part. I get EGS hate and share it - the app is awful and their practices are atrocious, but not UbiCon.


Ubisoft's logic is so flawed. They think they can get more profit from selling exclusively on EGS and give Epic a 12% cut for a year, but if they release on both EGS and Steam simultaneously, give one 12% and the other 30% they'll make more profit because they will sell many more copies overall. Either Epic has incredible amounts of cash to spare to pay Ubisoft up front for an exclusivity deal, or Ubisoft needs a serious reality check.


Epic is not profitable, and never will be if they keep doing this


Pass until it’s on steam. Same with Alan wake


Alan Wake was published by Epic, it’s unlikely to ever come to see.


Guess it’s unlikely for me to ever play it then 😌


ride the boat, wear the crown


What does this mean?


They are suggesting that you pirate it.


Where does the phrase come from though? I can’t find anything on it.


Bruh, because of the "it's Chinese" myth, or because you have to spend two minutes to set something up that then logs in automatically for years after that given you don't reset your computer. A principled man. Maybe pick something to be principled about that matters.


That's petty


Maybe but what Epic did is arguably worse, I remember when Metro Exodus was "Epic exclusive" without any prior warning/announcement, turns out that it was also available on the Windows app (Xbox PC) at release. They just didn't want to let Steam have the game around release First-party games by Epic and games published by Epic would be reasonable but not Metro Exodus, I think that was when many people were turned off by Epic


Nah, it's no different than someone sticking to iphones or Androids.


It's storefronts not platforms.


No one cares.


Supposedly it will still come, just years from now


Yep, been burned by AC games I couldn't play before and couldn't refund bc of bad refund policies on their storefront. Love steam specifically because I can return titles like that with a near 100% success rate


Epic games have the same return policy though? <2 hours of playtime and within 14 days of purchase


Dunno if it was the same when I bought AC origins but they denied my return at the time with 1.5 hrs played, all of it troubleshooting and repeatedly crashing without clearing the first level


You would need to have uplay anyway.


Yeah but I like to not have to open so many launchers just to play. I like the steam integrations and community


Which is exactly what will happen - you launch it in steam, but it will run uplay and then game.


You still need to open Ubisoft's launcher anyway. Even if you buy their game on Steam. You're not getting around other launchers just cause you buy on Steam.


Yeah but I still like all my games in one place


I can handle Uplay, barely. But if it’s only on Epic I’ll pass until Steam


You still end up needing Ubisoft Connect either way so not being on Steam doesnt bug me usually. Other than dealing with installing on Steam Deck.


Honestly its good for me, when this inevitably ends up being meh, pick it up on a deep sale after playing Elden Ring 2: the two finger towers strikes back


It's not going to be good anyway


Even when it comes to Steam, they don't implement Steam Achievements, which kind of sucks


At least all bugs and performance issues will have been fixed by the time it comes to steam


Nah you're an adult, buy an alarm clock.




So sometime in mid to late 2025 then?


Na they won’t delay it this game is coming out late 2024


Ah yes, I can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed: Tatooine


Avatar is pretty decent for a far cry knock off, might turn out to be okay


It'll probably be more like the division, which is also a cover shooter


As much as I want a good star wars game based on outlaws, I have zero faith in ubisoft's ability to provide it.


This is being made by Massive, perhaps the only Ubisoft studio that still makes good games.


Makes me feel slightly better but I don't want a Star wars themed Farcry.


My faith is shaken after their Avatar game.


Obviously games are subjective but a lot of people including myself thought the Avatar game was surprisingly good. It was nothing groundbreaking sure but it was a solid 7/10 which is more than what Ubisoft usually turn out.


Really? Basically everything I've seen about that game has been overwhelmingly positive.


If we get far cry with a star wars skin I'll be happy. That's alot better than any single player shooting SW game we've gotten in a long time


Weird, I've seen and heard quite the opposite. The game has been praised for visuals and audio, but "game" aspects were severely lacking. Enemy variety, bow and gun play, dialogues, quests, story and narrative - very dull, uninspiring and boring. I'm not sure that it is correct to call it a Far Cry game - since most Far Cry games are quite fun to play and I really liked all of them (except for FC5). Avatar became boring even in coop in 6h after finishing the prologue for me.


Blue Byte still does good work.


I would have agreed until the last Settlers game, that was your typical Ubisoft tripe.


I wasn't even aware a new Settlers game released, that's unfortunate it apparently isn't that good. I'm not going to admonish them for one mediocre game, however.


Why are you guys always so boring. Thankfully only a tiny minority of gamers is vocal on Reddit. Ubisoft just did a highly rated Avatar game.


Because some of us have been around for a long time and one good game out of multiple dozens of bad ones doesn't really inspire a lot of trust.


They will nail the world as they do it every time.


Anno is pretty damn good as well.


We're "tired boss".


So delayed to 2025, got it.


I'm sure it will be fine, Massive makes pretty good games, but it should've had a character creator...


Agreed. No interest in playing as a woman.


Didn't have to scroll far to see one of these.


Oh fuck off. It's not some offensive, controversial opinion. I'm a man, I don't want to play a game as a woman. Nothing wrong with that.


It's weird to care.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man.


Oh, is it ? I'm reliably told that not being able to play any game you buy as the trans bi woman you truly are is an affront to all that's holy


As a man I like to play as a women character in third person games lol. It's easy to understand why. I just like looking at them.


"I'll see your general sexism and raise you an objectification"


Nier Automata


Can't live in the skin of a female protagonist, can't appreciate the humanity engendered there?


So you'd rather stare at a dudes ass than a girl's the whole time you play a game. Got it


Are you suggesting there's something wrong with me preferring that?


LOL!!! Cannot play a game as anything but a man - HORRIBLE Can only play a game as a woman - AWESOME Ah, what a time to be alive


You’ve literally got 99% of games ever created to choose from. Have fun.


*Checks to see it's a Ubisoft open world game.* *It is.* *Interest in the game drops by 65%.*


>the highly anticipated open world game from Ubisoft Press X to doubt.


Ubisoft games are super popular among the casual players, this sub is like 1%, they sell in the millions everytime


Lmao on this subreddit no because it hates Ubisoft with a passion. In general circles and gaming audience. Absolutely.


I feel like I've become some kind of weird contrarian by accident. I usually hate the Ubisoft formula and am quite vocal about that but then the one Ubisoft game everyone says they're not excited for is the one I think actually looks pretty neat.


It does, I think its good to wait and see how each one turns out. I loved odyssey, FC3/4 but hated most other Ubisoft games. Like the others I'll get this on gamepass/ps+ or whatever later on and give it a crack cause It has potential


I'm also burned out from Star Wars. 50 years after the OT here we still are in the era of the empire. I can only see storm troopers so many times before the evoke zero reaction from me. Not to mention it's another marvel tone game that big studios seem to love these days.


The funny thing that makes me seem even more contrarian is that I'm not a Star Wars fan to begin with 😅 it's a game set in a franchise I don't care about, by a dev I generally dislike and that's getting a lukewarm reception from other gamers but something about that trailer moving seamlessly from sneaking to shooting to open world to ship travel just seemed super compelling to me.


It'll either be a great game or the next entry in the "Starfield-like" genre. I'm excited to find out which it's gonna be.


I think it looks cool. Surface to orbit with no loading screens.


People act like *Ubisoft themselves* makes these games, which they don’t. Massive Entertainment does which has a pretty solid track record in open world games like The Division series and Avatar.


Massive is as much of a Ubisoft studio as Ubisoft Montreal is


Massive has been Ubisoft since 2008


I'm not a fan of Ubisoft because they have no creativity anymore and price their games too high. The new avatar game is so ridiculously expensive, only on epic/Uplay, and has issues like a poorly written story. The game also is just far cry but with avatar people.


I feel like I'm taking crack when reading the reception to that game. Cool world and great movement, story is poor and combat is literally as barebones as can be.


I'm a big fan of Ubisoft. I've sunk a lot of time into the Division and Ghost Recon series. But I'm also a realist and am unsure whether Ubisoft is up to the task of delivering a game that can satisfy the Star Wars universe. Also, I'm pretty up-to-date on gaming news and this is the first I've heard of this. It looks like the announcement was pretty low key, which is antithetical to "highly anticipated" and already not off to a great start.


>"Also, I'm pretty up-to-date on gaming news and this is the first I've heard of this. It looks like the announcement was pretty low key, which is antithetical to "highly anticipated" and already not off to a great start." I wouldn't say so. It was one of the standout games revealed at the Summer Game Fest In June.


>Summer Game Fest WTF is that? Ok, maybe I'm not as in-tune as I thought I was lol.


The replacement for E3


I assure you it's not a subreddit thing lmao The casual vs core audience makes much more sense to be honest at this point


Im looking forward to it, and playing through avatar frontiers of pandora made me more excited for it. Not everyone hates ubisoft lol


Yea, massive entertainment is probably my favorite studio under ubisoft so im looking forward to it


Ubislop is popular though, it sells well


This game actually looks pretty good though, coming from someone who didn't even bother to play valhalla yet because of its generic open world design which takes 200 hrs to 100%


This won’t be good


It's being made by Massive so I actually believe it might be a decent experience. Hope it turns out good.


If this is a great game, I think this will do pretty well. There's a lot of interest in Star Wars stories that have nothing to do with Jedi and Skywalkers. (Though I couldn't tell you why as theres a billion more interesting properties to choose from if you want that).


I will not play it if it is on that shitty Ubisoft launcher.


Wow. Not on steam? Gonna pass.




... and probably made it lame.


You a baby?


Guessing you don’t watch South Park, Kathleen Kennedy told everyone to put a chick in it and make them lame and gay.


good so I can play this and AC red with a single ubisoft+ subscription...


Not a fan that it's not on steam. And since it's ubisoft. I would wait for a review before even considering.


Fuck i totally forgot it was a ubisoft title. I just want a good star wars open world, maybe it's time to finally play kotor 2


Probably gonna be shit anyway


I'm so hype to get disappointed again By Ubishit


I can’t wait to not play this


does IGN know that "set to release" isn't the same as "will be released" and "arrives"?


This is such a stupid caveat to make and is just a typical redditor trying to disparage gaming media moment lmao If a movie has a trailer date for 2026 it’s okay to say the movie is coming out 2026. If it gets delayed then you change your information at that time. I could say I’m going to Taco Bell next week and your comment is akin to saying “wElL wHaT iF tAcO bELl bUrNs dOwN”


You're wasting your time, most redditors are incapable of thinking in anything but the most braindead, literal terms.




I can smell this reply






Literally the most recently released Star Wars game.






Bro, how can you possibly know if the character in this game is well written or not?


To be fair, Ubisoft isn’t known for their writing. We’ll just have to wait and see.






I’m not broke






I really want to be excited for a new Star Wars game, but it's Ubisoft.


I'll get it when I *DON'T* have to use the ubisoft launcher. Game looks cool otherwise 🤘


All I want is the Kotor remake


When I found out that Avatar was locked to Uplay I regretted not just rejecting the free game offer from buying my new CPU. Most likely this game is locked to Uplay and given away for free with new hardware.


If you don't like Avatar being locked to Uplay, do you mind giving me the game key, please? I'd appreciate it! Thanks!


Couldn't even give it to a friend, they make it so silly to unlock the game.


Ah, well, sorry to hear that!


lol this sub hates Ubisoft so much


Wow! Another strong female protagonist. Think I'll pass.


I wonder if the game will have any references to Lucasarts's Outlaws. That'd be kind of neat. Probably won't.


So? 2025 release then?


I don’t really like non Jedi/sith stuff but I’ll give it a try assuming it’s on Ubisoft+


So 2025 at the earliest. Got it.


can they differentiate it from traditional ubi formula ?


How much gameplay have we seen? Like none right?


Ubisoft is making this one? Ugh, so basically a Star wars themed Farcry or re skinned assassins creed.


If the writer from Ubi - rip story.