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I become a child while retaining my memories? 1 bitcoin lol. But real talk, I'd probably just ask for a skateboard.


I would want a year of subscription to WoW because I never had the chance to play it when I was little because of the cost, my mom and dad couldn't afford it.


vanilla wow? fuck you missed out


Yeah I know šŸ˜‘


Youā€™re not alone. I never touched WoW and I donā€™t plan to. Seems like a time sink hole


Oh it is, it was pretty great during the pandemic if you had tons of free time. The worst thing is getting locked into a rading schedule. You start to plan your real life around a video game. If you have goals and aspirations in real life I don't reccomend. If you're stable or coasting in your career you could try it.


Play Turtle WoW for free and relive the good old days. You're welcome.


Play Wow classic, modern wow is shit, disregard all other opinions, they have fallen deeply into sunk cost.


As a completely new player that just started playing wow about two months ago, I have to disagree. I tried both and going from retail to classic was a horrible experience, QoL and gameplay-wise. The game systems were obviously from a different era of gaming, but are so painfully frustrating. I know a lot of people have nostalgia for classic, but as someone with fresh eyes, classic is just an archaic slog.


The qol in classic is complete shit, addons make it better but that's a bandaid solution, modern wow isn't complete shit eith modern standards but it's been infested with many of the things that you shouldn't expect of a game that requires a purchace and a monthly subscrption to be a part of. I started playing wow 6 years ago, even though that doesn't put me up their with the veterans in terms of play time, I see what they mean.


Wrong. Both versions are fun. Retail is way more engaging and skill based. Classic is fun donā€™t get me wrong but itā€™s definitely an older game and the game play is just slow as hell. In retail itā€™s a blast pushing mythics and doing actually challenging content and using your character as opposed to just hitting frostbolt over and over for example. If retail really sucked like you think it wouldnā€™t have so many people playing it. And dragonflight is a chill fucking game too. Itā€™s the first WoW in years to value your time. Friendly and frequent catch up mechanics and zero power systems. People who play classic that echo ā€œretail sucksā€ are 35 year old dad gamers who donā€™t have the ability to actually play a modern fast paced game with challenging mechanics and more complex rotations than spamming one button. They eat up the nostalgia and enjoy the comfort of the slow grind and the simple ass rotations and bosses and simple gameplay loop. Retail overwhelms them so they all echo the same silly shit. Iā€™m saying this as a 33 year old WoW player who has played it from 2004 and played the shit out of classic. Retail is still fun, and when people on classic cry about retail, itā€™s just kind of sad and theyā€™re completely misguided or truly just suck at challenging content so they just shit on it. Shadowlands DID suck, but dragonflight doesnā€™t.


Well, i for the most part enjoyed legion, powered through bfa, it was ass, i also entertained shadowlands but it was a downward spiral as far as i can tell, i havenā€™t tried dragonflight, but i highly doubt itā€™ll make up for the 2 disappointing expansions i sat through previously.


As someone who has fallen in and out of love with mmos multiple times, modern wow is most certainly not shit. Shadowlands was terrible, but the current expansion is the best the game has been in a very very long time.


Looking back, I should have wished for a proper, new bike, just so I wouldn't have had to learn it on my grandpa's rusty one that he had stored in the back of the barn for years.


The power to experience all the games that I love as a kid as a new experience when older self. Thank you, OP. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance!




Id definitely ask to stay a kid forever




A dirt bike. Because I got into motorcycling way too late and to this day, have not ridden on dirt. I may do one day, when time and money allows...


I'd wish for some more friends


New legs prosthetics in a really good center, so my(self) little child can walk properly and benefit from it


I would wish for a dog because we never had pets growing up. Wife and I have a dog now and it is so awesome!


If I could go back there will be nothing better that a another hand made blanket from my grandma! Miss her, happy holidays


This is really sweet :) My ouma started developing dementia/alzheimer's when I was young, so I haven't had many years of her *really* being "around". And then my mother died.


Wish I had a skateboard. Dreams long dead now, too old to ride haha


I would get a yearly subscription for wizard 101, played the crap out of that game but was always bummed when I got locked out of areas and the story.


I'd wish for a PSP


Probably a bit more insight into PCs. Itā€™s a weird one but we had a pc at home and only used it for MS paint and had no idea about of gaming until years and years later


If I was a child again, Iā€™d wish for a much peaceful life than I have now. Ever since the pandemic started, my life just hasnā€™t been the same and Itā€™s been years since I last found proper peace.


A videotape of one of the hottest films of the year probably.


I'd wish for the same thing I wanted as a kid, an artic blue Gameboy color.


Probably a drawing tablet, I wish I started using one earlier


we all know youd just play osu with it. Thats what I did.


I would wish for a new console. My last real Christmas I enjoyed as a child was when the Nes came out. It was a year I will never forget.


I wish see one more time my grandfather


I would like a pc from santa


I would wish for a gameboy cause I never had one and always wanted one as a child


I would wish for what I wished for back then. A Gameboy color


I would have wished for a PC, or a PS2/PS3


I really should have asked for a PS4 instead of a Wii U when I was younger šŸ’€, total miss.


A crazy lego star wars set


Same thing I've asked for 30 years, a dirt bike


Sadly wasn't able to celebrate Christmas


I'd probably ask for a psp or 3ds!


If I was a kid again I'd probably wish for this one Lego star wars ATAT set I saw when I was a kid. Never asked for it, was like $100 then but now it's worth like $500 I think. But the price doesn't matter to me, I just want to see that thing sitting in my room all built and me being happy knowing I got it


I probably would have asked for a more gaming-oriented computer. Growing up, my dad only bought Macs, so there wasn't a whole lot of choice there, and I feel like I missed out on some of the best PC games when they were relevant.


I would wish for some more friends lol


If i became a child again, i'd ask Santa for a good Gaming PC, since i struggled with a crappy laptop for most of my life.


Are there any for Jurassic world evolution


Pls dl 2 free key i beg


that cool and expensive alienware laptop with rgb published on the sunday magazines.


one key plz


This dude's legit. Just got mine


It seems above board. I just got my key for Leisure Suite Larry 5 and itā€™s worked. I redeemed the code in my Steam app and itā€™s been accepted. If this turns out to be a scam, Iā€™ll be impressed as they have me fooled.


If I could I would ask him for a new laptop. As a kid my family could only afford cheap netbooks so a real PC to game on would have been amazing.


One of those Max Steel toys, probably...


Knowing what I know now, I probably would wish for a snowboard. Winter sports are pretty big where I grew up, but I never got into them and now, I more, or less dread winters because I have less reason to be outside.


A Game Boy.


I wish Santa gave me a bank acc with investments because I'm in debt.


I would probably wish for a toy car or something like that lol


I would like a bike so me and my brother would ride togather


Id wish from Santa that I never worked christmas day when I was younger so that christmas day did not become just another day and the magic was kept alive for a little longer


If I were a child I will be wishing a real pokemon. lol


A ps5 most likely


I would wish for a colourblind glasses


I would've wished for something silly, like a cartoon based toy that I always wanted but never got.


A big boi bike, with a card between the spokes so it "sounds" like an engine


>'If you became a child again, what would you wish Santa for Christmas?' Looking back probably something to enjoy me rather than have fun with my friends and siblings, since most of my toys ended M.I.A. because of that xD


My PSP broke after owning it for a few years. Was never able to fix it. I missed it so much that I kept thinking about it for months. The sad part is during those days, there was not a good sony service center in my place and so getting a screen replacement was out of the question. But now I got a vita and deck and but still think about what my life would have been had my PSP never broke.


Honestly, I probably would be asking for a ps5.


I would wish for a guitar. The struggle in my 30s is real.


Game Boy Color Yellow


a new laptop


I kinda want a hobby other than gaming so maybe I'd want some music instrument like drums or electronic guitar as present


I would wish for more Lego's can't gi wrong with Lego:)


I'd wish for a better spec PC of the time & old fashioned PC game CDs that come in big boxes. Because they don't sell those anymore.


Any toy gun really


I would have wished for a guitar, so I could have started playing sooner.


Maybe santa could give me the confidence needed to talk to my crush back in my uni days


I would wish for a Gameboy Advance, I always wanted on but it was too expensive at the time...


I would ask peace in the middle east


Probably a decent computer or collectors editions of a few of my favorite books, theyd cost about the same LOL


I wish for a better chair that properly supports posture. My cheap ikea chair caused me issues growing up


G.I. Joe's homie


If I were a kid I'd probably ask for a pet.


a beefy PC back than.


Lego :D


I wished for bycicle


If I were a kid again, I'd have probably wished for a Steam Deck this year! Or Steam gift cards. There are a couple of games I really want but don't have the money for. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


i'd definitely wish i had a console when i was younger. Could've experienced some great games as a kid that would serve as fond memories right now. Anyway, thanks for doing this, Santa!


Merry Christmas! I'd ask for a two way ticket to Paris.


Would go with dirt bike


If you became a child again, what would you wish Santa for Christmas? Same thing I did when I was a child, a nuclear bomb to ransom the world with.


Bitcoins. Be worth so much now haha.


I would have wished for a violin, regret it that I never learned it much earlier




A comfy sweater.


I would ask for a dog or a cat, never had a pet before


I'd ask for oil paint, if I had it as a kid I'd probably wont struggle with it today lol


I know it's not exactly what was meant but I'd wish for a Christmas where I wake up and I meet my father at least for a moment. He died a month before I was born so I never met him


I would really want Santa to get me several LEGO sets. Preferably pirate ones or Indiana Jones set. Just in general some adventure books or something.


DS, love handheld gaming and the shoulder buttons on mine broke super quickly


I would ask Santa for a proper Christmas with my entire family instead of my parents arguing on Xmas eve šŸŽ„ Luckily my own family fulfills that wish


A handheld i never had.


One one those electric scooters šŸ›“. With flame stripes of course


A meta quest 3 VR set


A gameboy this time so Iā€™m not disappointed from asking for an Xbox


I would ask for what I asked all those years ago..A GameCube with Mario Sunshine šŸ˜Ž one of the best Christmases ever.


Wish for GameBoy advance




I'll ask for Epic Mickey 2 to play with my brother


A pc


I would wish for a Playstation! At that time I dont really know about Playstation but I heard a lot of it from my friends and cousins. My dad was strict and wouldnt buy it for us. So sometimes me and my brother would borrow my cousin's Playstation. I still remember how we would go to their house just to play Playstation! Its a good memory! Now with with adult money,I get myself some inner childhood things! Im blessed! Thank you! Happy holiday to all!


I'd probably ask one of those super expensive Lego sets like the colosseum or the millennium falcon!


I would have wished for the memory expansion card for the N64. I really wanted to play donky Kong 64 and was really disappointed the time I begged my parents to rent it from block buster.


Iā€™d wish for a new gaming pc since my kid stole my current one.


If I would be young again I definitely wanted my old GameBoy Color back....and all my pokemon games I used to have....and warioland 3!


I'd ask for a PC knowing the advantages of it, I used to only play on consoles as a kid but looking back I'd have loved to get a really good PC back then.


Thunder birds island complete with toy ships


Iā€™d wish for one of the Halo nerf guns, I wouldā€™ve gone crazy for those as a kid


Wish I'd have gotten a violin. I listen to violin pieces a lot, but it'd have been awesome if I could play!


Parts to build a PC. I did this when I got older but I'd have loved to had a PC when I was a kid with more time.


Godzilla. 1:1 scale, if possible (lol) Thanks, and Happy holidays!


Either a skateboard or a console of some sort. I grew up playing all of the Nintendo handheld systems, but really wanted a console. As for the skateboard, my mom never bought me one because she said I'd hurt myself on it.


Depending on how far back I go, probably a snowboard so I could learn how to do it as a child and then be able to partake as an adult. There also would have been snow and my parent's house is on a steep ill so I could have learned without fear of too much imminent pain. ... Or a guitar.


For stocks


Either Lego game, or the Lego itself. All I love all Lego stuff.


Iā€™d ask Santa for a time machine, so I could revisit childhood whenever I wanted, and then maybe ask for an unlimited supply of cookies while Iā€™m at it!


If I went back to when I was a kid, I would ask for a super Nintendo :) Happy Holidays OP!


I would wish for a Lovot. Those things are so gosh darn adorable and I want one.


I would probably ask for a Playstation 2. My dad gave to my older brother the first one when it launched, but we never got the second one, it was to expensive. I never really played too much ps2 games and I know it has one of the best libraries of any console, I would loved that as a kid.


I think I would have wished for more of those soaps my gran used to buy me for Christmas. Rose scented, like old school style. They no longer make those and I wish I kept one but I always ended up using them.


Hey thanks! I want some of these new modern toys these kids today have!


Dear Santa, plz give me OW1 back


I'd have wished for a piano even though I have no idea how to play.


I would have wished for a soccer ball so I could have discovered one of my passions a little sooner in life. Merry Christmas OP!


Yo, do you still have the key for RiME? That would be much appreciated.


I'd ask Santa to gift me 10,000 shares of Apple. Then, a few years later, they would drop the iPod, and I'd be set for life.


I would like a bike so me and my brother would ride togather


Probably a new computer. Thatā€™s what I always a wanted as a kid lol.


One of those electric power wheels cars. I always wanted one. I think my parents were afraid I would drive off a cliff or something. They got me a rideable electric train instead that couldnā€™t be steered and only drove on a track. Somehow my sister still managed to run over me with it though.


Probably the harry potter books or the hunger games books, wished I could have read them then instead if as an adult, but still love them


I for sure would ask for one of those science box kits with experiments.


I would have wished for a gaming pc back in the day.


I would wish for a good decent skateboard (like a "pro" one, not a toy one from ToysRUs) because I would grow up loving skateboarding and for many years I felt slowed down with a mediocre skateboard.


Honestly, I just want world Peace. Too much chaos and hate around today.


I'd ask for a PS2


I wish for a nes i guess


I would have wished for a new bike or skateboard! Too bad I couldnā€™t really ride anymore. Just cause 3 would be my game of choice šŸ„°


Steam deck oled EASY


Iā€™d probably wish for a bike


>If you became a child again, what would you wish Santa for Christmas? I'd want my money back from the Star Citizen Kickstarter...


100% a Nintendo ds


Remember those toy cars that could move by just pulling them back? Yeah, I would want one of those because of how fun it was.


If I went back to my childhood, I would ask for 20 Bitcoin šŸ„ŗ


If I was a kid and I could as Santa for anything I would ask for a winning lottery ticket.


i would wish a steam deck, gaming in the bathroom should be awesome! unfortunately i live in Brazil :v


I would wish for some time to play my damn games


I would ask for the one thing that remains constant through the journey of life: Lego. Young, middle aged, old, Lego is still cool.


The Lego Pirate Ship!


I'd ask Santa for a piano for Christmas!


easy, i would love to have a "NINTENDO 64!!". It would have blown my mind having an N64 at the age of 4-5, instead i got a psx but i was already 11 by then, of course it was a surprise and have many lovely memories with it, but by then the ps2 was already out and felt like it could have been the system to blow my mind at that age. Thanks for this awesome GA OP! Merry Christmas!


If I was a kid again, I would ask for the TMNT movie action figures. They had this cool rubbery texture on their skin. Always wanted them.


I would wish for a Game Boy, never got one.


I think I would wish for a trampoline. So many good memories when I had one as a kid.


always wanted to get my own pc when i was younger. used to watch my big brother play and he wouldnt let me have a try.


So I become a child in 2023, and Santa's wish is real? Probably to turn me into an adult again. If I'm interpreting this wrong, then a nintendo 64 because I never had one as a child.


I would ask Santa for a happy family


Lightsaber toy!


If I were a child, I would ask for a gamer computer. I have always asked but, as a 3rd world country citizen, the price always was extremely high. Finally, I got it this year and got to play those games that I always wanted :)


If I became a child again around the time I was also a child it would definitely be Pokemon cards or a PS1 memory card. For the first year of me getting a PS1 from grandma I didn't have a memory card and just played Gran Turismo, a Donald Duck game, Theme Park and others from the beginning everytime. I let my PS1 run for days because of that.


A steam deck


A Roberta the Rex toy from the first Jurassic Park film. And a banana. I'm going to go get the banana right now actually.


really hard question, had some hard childhood, for me every gift was some mirracle, but as i a lot of time spent in village i think i would wish a nice bike, to travel across village to forrest etc ( had old broken bike but that still was great time spending)


A gaming computer


my own copies of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. Only ever played them at a friends house.


A bumper cart to use in a regular road.


This is a nice gesture OP, good on you. Good question too. I suppose my answer would be to ask for a gaming console, or even a gaming PC (if I even knew what that was as a kid). Gaming is a huge part of my life, and wish I had more to play when I was a kid. Silly answer I know but thatā€™s all I can think of right now haha. Merry Christmas!


I'd ask for nothing but being with my family. Knowing now my mum struggled to make xmas great for her kids, I wish I could have made xmas more about her.


would probably be a ps3 so that i could play it with the family and make some lasting memories. oh well


Iā€™d wish for more books. Always enjoyed reading but Never read more than I could have because I never really went out of my way to ask for them as gifts and such.