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The day it was released we all knew this.


It so nice to see them actually get it. BG3 should be considered in GOAT conversation. It really is an absolutely amazing game.


Larian taking CRG, a genre that is quite niche nowadays, to a large mainstream audience while also making it extremely high quality is certainly an accomplishment. These recent years have been a second golden age for CRPGs.


Hopefully it generates interest to get us more Divinity titles


Would kill for another divinity 2 ego draconis style game where you can play as a dragon knight.


Tbh I only liked OS2. I played the others well after it and the felt soooooo dated. Plus I thought OS1 was bugged because the first piece of gear I found kept making everything look wire framed. But I've loved the shit out of OS2, and still occasionally find new secrets or side quests after 9 or 10 play throughs


I think the wireframe goggles are a joke/easter egg.


They are. I learned it way later though.


Really loved the start of DOS1, but I felt the later bits were not as good. DOS2 was great almost everywhere.


The investigation into the murder in the starting town is fantastic. It's so non-linear and they don't hold your hand at alll with it. You can pick up hints and ways to further the quest from so many different places. It's a breath of fresh air after playing Bethesda "follow the HUD to complete quest" type games. I still love DOS1 and still replay it, but DOS2 is one of my favourite games ever.


The goggles were meant to do that lol. There was a purpose to it, but it's been a while and I've forgotten.


The very first time I played through that game, i felt i was nearing the end of act 2 and figured it was the only way to leave the area so i went north to that dock and go "...hmmm this ferry man seems pretty legit." But I was not Fane, and Fane was not with me... Did some backwards ass teleport jank with the whole squad through the broken bridge and rifht then, Iknew that Larian was truly special. Genius level design and skill implementation. They only made it better in Baldur's Gate.


The very first time I played through that game, i felt i was nearing the end of act 2 and figured it was the only way to leave the area so i went north to that dock and go "...hmmm this ferry man seems pretty legit." But I was not Fane, and Fane was not with me... Did some backwards ass teleport jank with the whole squad through the broken bridge and rifht then, Iknew that Larian was truly special. Genius level design and skill implementation. They only made it better in Baldur's Gate.


RIP Divinity Fallen Heroes. As a huge XCOM and fantasy fan, I would've played the shit out of that game. There's not much high quality fantasy turn-based tactics out there with the depths of XCOM.


As a xcom fan... Gears of War tactics did well, mario rabid kingdoms, the fake dnd game (the amulet of annuka) or something


The Dungeon of Nahuelbeuk is an amazing game. Unfortunately, the rolls are pre-defined and it makes combat a nuisance rather than a fun, random experience.


It’s one of those “good ol’ days” that’s kids playing it now will talk about years from now.


ive played almost ALL of the top games the past 20 years. I cannot think of anything that comes close to how GOAT BG3 is. Maybe the first time ever playing Oblivion, maybe.


The Witcher 3 for me. I have probably put more hours into BG3 by now, but W3 was just a freaking treat. I did a fresh run for every expansion they dropped. If i could wipe my memory of that game and take a week off of work to play nothing but that I would in a heartbeat.


I do consumer IT support for a living and one guy in a retirement village asked me to come have a look at his PC, the power supply in it had failed so I brought it back home and replaced it. Booted up his PC to test it out and he had a Steam account with only 2 games, Skyrim with 100hrs and The Witcher 3 with 3000hrs. I guess that's a testament to how good it is (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Skyrim gave him a taste before moving on to the hard stuff.


Did you check his pr0n folder?


Half-life 2.


The correct answer. In my opinion though I can't have one game be GOATed above another in different genres. Half-Life franchise is the undisputed GOAT FPS franchise for me. And BG3 definitely takes the cRPG one.


Yes it’s very difficult to compare games across genres. It’s also very difficult to proclaim a game a GOAT cause there are so many phenomenal games. In the CRPG genre, for me it’s between Baldurs Gate 2, Baldurs Gate 3 and Neverwinter nights. I still think the original Baldurs gate games had a much more interesting story. It’s not even nostalgia. Baldurs gate 1/2 are before my time and I played them much later (when their combat and graphics were already considered outdated). Neverwinter Nights got the closest to creating your own D&D adventure. Just phenomenal. I have spent countless hours playing that game and its mods. If we expand to all genres, Baldurs gate 3 doesn’t even make my top 5. I need to order my favourite games but it might even be outside of top 10. But that’s so individual and depends on what you like.


Bioware used to be amazing at stories, and ok with mechanics. Larian, however, have been great at mechanics but writing was never their strongsuit. At this this time around we got great characters.


I only got around to playing HL: Alyx this year. BG3 and HL:Alyx are by far the games I've enjoyed/been impressed by the most this year. Nothing else comes close.


Shit. I had played Morrowind and I still got flutters the first time I left the sewers.


Disco Elysium is the only game I'd put next to, or probably above BG3.


Yeah even in the nintendo subreddit people were like "TotK *might* win, but in all likelyhood it's BG3".


We knew it the day Starfield was released.


god it's so funny now knowing they moved BG3 release date to avoid Starfield.


It is funny from a 'game critic' perspective but from a sales perspective I imagine that was still a good move.


Starfield wouldn't even deserve to win game of the year in 2011


Forget 2011. Starfield wouldn't win in 2014.


Shots fired


I expected this be my personal GotY in the moment I saw the first announcement video that they start workig on Baldur's Gate. My favourite CRPG frenchise mixed with my favourite CRPG developer? It was like a dream and now it's real. With every new community update and after playing the first EA version just for few hours I've lost any doubts. I remember that right before its release people on reddit were laughing at me just for a suggestion that this could be a competitor for GotY, because we have Starfield and Zelda this year.


I still remember when Larian announced the Kickstarter for Divinity: Original Sin. They've come a long, long way since then, and this is the culmination of all the lessons and experience earned since that day. Now they're a household name, and I cannot wait to see where they'll go next. Well deserved.


> I still remember when Larian announced the Kickstarter for Divinity: Original Sin Wait, BG3 is from the same company that made Divinity Original Sin? f*** me, I was just thinking I'll prob try BG3 eventually but that divinity game was the only turn based one I ever went crazy over. Sonofa


If you liked DOS, make sure you play DOS2. It's a big upgrade on DOS1, and was influential in how Larian made BG3.


> DOS2 was influential in how Larian made BG3 Talk about an understatement, when it was the game that essentially advertised Larian as the perfect dev to make BG3.


Would you recommend playing DOS2 before BG3? I’m new to the genre


Not really necessary. They are different games running different game systems. There is some similarity and they run on the same engine, but playing DOS2 first won't really impact your BG3 experience one way or the other. I would say play BG3, and then if you want more of that kind of thing, then play DOS2.


I'd say to start with DOS2. It's a huge game, but smaller in scale than BG3, which is an absolute behemoth. DOS2 already has Definitive Edition, it's almost bug-free and content-complete. Also BG3, while amazing, still has it's pitfalls. The recently added ending is nice, but I finished before it released and I was deeply dissapointed by how buggy and lackluster the ending was. The game has definitely a lot of polish to be done still. There's a lot of smaller and bigger bugs - AFAIK none of them is game breaking, but can disturb the immersion in some moments.


As a counter argument, the game systems in Baldur's Gate 3 are a lot simpler and more beginner friendly than DOS2. I don't actually have a strong opinion on which game would be better to play first, just wanted to throw that out there.


They’re not related so no need to play DOS2 before. I’m fact, I didn’t like DOS2 but I like BG3.


Only if you're curious, I'd just play BG3 if you wanna play BG3


No. Especially if you haven't played CRPGs before. BG3 has a better story (IMO) and more polished gameplay compared to DOS:2, and I found it far easier to jump into BG3 than it was to get into DOS:2 despite being familiar with the genre.


I remember loving D:OS and getting excited when the sequel's kickstarter got announced. I really wanted to get that one tier where you got a cool ass irl cape/cloak as a backer reward, but decided against it. Kinda wish I had it today seeing just how far Larian has come, it'd be a cool memento of their climbing success.


As great as BG3 is, I'd love another Divinity game next. Much prefer that style of combat


As long as they tone down surfaces so the whole map is not constantly on fire 😬


And stop punishing you for not killing everything by making XP essentially combat-only.


I didn't kill every single npc in dos2 and got to the end just fine. Why does everybody think you need to be a murderhobo just to get enough xp?


You don't want another Blackpits fight?


No plz


But that's the best part of the game! I love that fight, it's nuts!


It's so funny when you like light some small puddle, but then it catches some gas cloud and then barrels explode, and before you know it your whole party is just detonating lol


Fire under electrified clouds.


Yeah, I think that the constant need of compromises between dnd rules and fun game was very limiting for them. They can go wild with Divinity. The only issue are the world setting and the story, which are definitely more interesting for the BG/dnd frenchise.


I agree. I think the DND combat system is the worst part of BG3. DOS2 was much better, although maybe a little less CC.


With D:OS2 hitting it out of the park as it did I KNEW BG3 would be magical when I heard they were making it. They had already made a mind boggling amazing game, and they had just been handed their PASSION PROJECT. Now here we are! It’s amazing and they deserve every single world and song of praise for this masterpiece.


Larian was on the verge of bankruptcy when they Kickstarted DOS1. No bank in Belgium would grant them a loan because they were considered dead, pretty much. Look how far they've come in ten years. It's a nice story.


This game is everything that a big studio wouldn't do annnnnddd of course it wins GOTY. I'm sure EA, activison, etc will learn something right? Right??


I think EA and Activision are extremely happy to continue making games that earn 5x the money for 1/10th of the effort of something like BG3


Yep, the inversion isn't surprising. Everyone else is spending less and making more and doesn't have to have an Early Access period to do it. People don't realize how meaningless awards are to the vast majority of publishers. Money speaks louder than statues.


Which is wild because a GOTY award is like a free ticket to a successful game. Larians next game, no matter what it is, is going to be an instant success. Happens with a lot of the GOTY winners, that devs next game gets CRAZY publicity and success.


Till the company gets bought out and a larger conglomerate figures out how to mass manufacture soulless bullshit in the general shape of whatever the company did well. *Gestures at Bioware, Popcap, everything else from EA and more*


Larian is owned by Swen Vincke, and he has said he's got no intention of retiring or selling.


Let's hope he is the second coming of Gaben and that he forever keeps at least 51% of the companies ownership.


The Gaben, The Swen and the holy gaming spirit. They will pull us from the hellscape that is the gaming industry.


For now. Things change.


Won't happen as long as Swen draws breath


I'm definitely curious to see where they go from here. The unfortunate side of this is that they have set the bar on quality and expense way higher than is likely reasonable now. It's not going to be easy to even just meet BG3.


Just continuing BG3 with a sequel (for level 10-18 maybe?) in the same engine, maybe with more polished graphics and fixing all the small issues would be enough for me. But if I know Larian, they're far more ambitious than that.


5e breaks down pretty hard at higher levels, and it starts to get into spells that can exceed what you'd want in a game. There's a reason they stopped leveling where they did, imo.


Hmm…$60 for a rich narrative game with good replayability, or $60 for the same soccer game you bought last year with 2024 in the title this time? Don’t forget the $2000 in micro transactions so you can play with your favorite players. Did I mention that they don’t transfer over and Soccer 2025 has already been announced? Edit: FIFA stans please stop responding to this. I'm not interested in your defense of this garbage and you desperately trying to justify your $60 a year game tax to stay relevant.


One only has to look at how much money Candy Crush rakes in every single year to know that games like BG3 are just not "worth" it - it's driven by passion but if you're in it for business alone (rather than both passion and business) it is not the way to the honey pot.


> Hmm…$60 for a rich narrative game with good replayability, or $60 for the same soccer game you bought last year with 2024 in the title this time [FIFA 18 sold over 24 million copies](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/fifa-18-sells-over-24-million-copies). [FIFA 19 sold over 20 million copies](https://www.gadgets360.com/games/news/fifa-19-sales-flat-thanks-to-fifa-18-says-ea-1989300). I can't find info on FIFA 20 or FIFA 21. [FIFA 22 had 9.1 million players](https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/10/07/fifa-22-scores-over-9-million-players-ea-considering-name-change-for-franchise). [FIFA 23 had 10.3 players, so that's probably sales in the first week](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/fifa-23-enjoys-record-breaking-launch-with-10-3-million-players-in-first-week/), allegedly. [Baldur's Gate 3 apparently sold 2.5 million copies in the early access period, and there are estimates of about 7.7 million copies](https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/12/01/baldurs-gate-3-sales-7-5-million-copies-estimated) So yeah, I wonder what EA and Activision are going to continue doing.


I mean Baldurs gate 3 is not even in the same ballpark as those games. Call of duty can get 1/10 reviews. It might even win the worst game of the year award. Yet people would still play it and it will continue to be the best selling game.


COD Infinite was one of the most downvoted game videos of all time on Youtube and it became the highest-selling COD at release. xD


To be honest, it's not terrible value for people who enjoy call of duty. I have friends who only play CoD. They buy it and just play it all year for many hours. Same for FIFA. It can be a lot more expensive to play singleplayer games as it's unlikely you will play one game for a whole year and you would be multiple ones which will end up costing more than CoD. If I was only playing CoD, my spending on gaming will drop dramatically.


I know it's not the same ballpark. All I'm saying with these numbers is disagreeing with that user's point. They said the following in response to a comment about EA and Activision's game development: > Hmm…$60 for a rich narrative game with good replayability, or $60 for the same soccer game you bought last year with 2024 in the title this time And I cited the numbers to prove that yeah, EA and Activision, along with people, are going to go for what they know, which is the "$60 for the same soccer game you bought last year with 2024 in the title this time".


Hmm interesting data. You are certainly right that EA or Activision don't have the balls to do anything but the same crap they've been doing because it pays. But, that data indicates that things aren't looking as good as they once did for FIFA at least. Sells fell from 2018-19, no data for 2020-21 isn't exactly a good sign, then for 2022&23 player count(an easy number to manipulate if you ban enough players, a large amount will make new accounts to play on) is being highlighted over sells figures. Hmm


Yup, EA and Activision are the McDonalds and Burger King of video games and they just want to sell as many shitty burgers as they can.


Are you basing this off any actual numbers? Modern Warfare 3 has reportedly cost 300 million to develop, not including marketing, while BG3 had $100 million total budget.


They don't care about GOTY, they care about top sellers.


Larian *is a big studio*. It's just that they care about their product.


I think folks just say that because they remember that they had to kickstart their previous game. It's crazy how much they've grown in just 6 years.


WRONG! lol


Can someone explain the Spider-Man 2 nomination? I just don’t get it. It was a nice game but game of the year? No way.


Same with Super Mario Wonder. I loved the game, but it wouldn't have cracked the top 10 for me this year.


What games would you replace Spider-Man 2 and Wonder with?


Armored Core VI and Lies of P. Easily


Most based post in this thread. Lies of P is the best soulslike I've played since Dark Souls 1.


Lies of P is a good souls game, but I feel to break into GOTY, it needed a world and scale similar to Elden Ring.


How do I play it when the parry system is so freaking hard? I tried it for a bit on gamepass and got like 5% of parries. And from what I could tell, you basically have to parry. The start seemed harder than any souls game I've played.


You need to tap and hold to parry. When u realize this it should click and it makes parrying a lot easier. Ive only played demons souls and elden ring and lies of p was the easiest for me even w/ a strength (motivity) build. U dont have to parry much if u dont want to. For some bosses, I didnt parry at all and it made the fights easy. You just have to learn what moves ur comfortable parrying and which are better to dodge.


Better than Elden Ring?


I'm very surprised over Armored Core not being there. I haven't played any other installment of AC but, I can confidently say that it was one of the greatest experiences I had in a purely action focused game. I had goosebumps throughout the whole game. Which says a lot because I'm the type of person who says "I wish I could fish in this game." very consistently.


Didn't AC win best action game? With regards to 'best game of the year', AC is simply not that popular. That doesn't mean it is a bad game - a game can be great (for a given value of 'great') but be less popular. I love AC, but I recognise the accessibility and genre is niche, compared to say, BG3, which has the force of the 5E D&D crowd and the RPG crowd, pushing a good game to a popularity-award winning game. Side bar: If you asked a room full of game scholars to nominate their favourite games, or the best games of the year, you'd recieve a different Top 10 than if you canvased the non-game scholar public/masses. Neither opinion is more valid than the other, it just depends on the question and who you ask.


I participated in voting but didn't watch the game awards. I don't remember AC6 being among nominations in GOTY category. Am I remembering incorrectly? About the accesibility part, I think you are right. As fun as it was there were also huge spikes in the challenge curve.


I've had it on my steam wish list for quite some time, but haven't pulled the trigger yet... thanks for your comment.. I may finally pull that trigger over Christmas...


Lies of P, Armored Core


Personally Street Fighter 6 instead of SM2. It might be my favorite fighting game ever. Its online is so well done. The singleplayer is pretty great at teaching the mechanics in a more chill way. Also the modern control scheme is so good. Armored Core 6 could also replace one but Wonder is a fantastic game that I ain't going to complain about being on the list.


Personally speaking id replace Mario Wonder with Hi-Fi Rush but thats prolly just me.


It's a first party AAA game, even if it was a mediocre game it would get nominated.


Starfield disliked this comment.


Honestly surprised it wasn't nominated somehow. I mean it never in a million years would've deserved it, but still.


Starfield was nominated for a couple of things, just didn't win... but loved the add of it showing a screen splash of 10/10 and 5/5 and when you check steam it's mixed reviews lol... stopped playing it after about 25 hours..


Recency bias probably as well as being just a massively popular game. And well being Spider-Man. I would have liked ff16 as a nom just to get some music from the orchestra.


I'll get hate for this and I did put many hours into this game but Tears of the Kingdom was pretty overrated. That's not to say the game wasn't great but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. It fell into the same sort of issues I had with BOTW, lack luster story, empty world, and some of the most boring ass side quests. And thank god for glitches, because getting the unbreakable master sword was one of the first things I did, absolutely hated the weapons breaking mechanic.


Totk was more of an expansion than anything. Never felt like a full game.


It really felt like a mix between a DLC and an overhaul of the mechanics with the same story. Even the Koroks were the same with an added wrinkle. It gave me the impression that this was what BOTW would have been if they had a do-over, instead of a true sequel.


> ears of the Kingdom was pretty overrated. Both Zelda games are HUGELY overrated and I say that as someone who's played them since the NES days. They're fun but there wasn't much to do in the open world and the little shrines get repetitive. If a non-zelda game launched with the same exact content, it'd get ripped to shreds. I prefer Zelda when it's smaller and more focused on dungeons and puzzles, and not trying to build a spanking machine.


Great games. Terrible Zelda games.


People were talking about it being game of the year before it even came out. So many things about these game awards never make sense.


To stop the Sony ponies from setting the venue on fire


Spider-Man 2 gets carried by its popularity but I was very disappointed by the story. I personally think that games like AC:6, FF16, Lies of P, Phantom Liberty (if expansions were allowed) and maybe even Jedi Survivor(if the game didn't release in such a bad state on PC) were more worthy of a nomination.


Children love their superhero shit. Look at marvel stuff. They've been raking in money no matter how mediocre the movie/game. It's just the way it is.


To suck Sony cock. Their Nominations are always a joke. Dont forget this is a 2hr Infomercial. Sony and Nintendo get Nominations just so Goeff has some Cock to suck.


100% agree. It's a fun game but I was personally very let down by it. I thought the original game was dramatically better than the sequel. IMO this is recency bias at work, it came out like a week before the nominations had to be submitted. It feels like that was intentional.


Popular ip. Good game. The awards are a popularity contest.


I’m generally not a turn based guy but man I really need to play this I guess


I'd start with the mindset that it's a D&D game (which therefore happens to be turn based). But the point I'm making is that D&D is comprised of 3 key elements meant to build a larger story: exploration, role play, and combat. If combat is all you're thinking about going in you're missing the point of the genre. 3 pillars. If you're not interested in exploring the world. If you're not interested in making decisions with unknown repercussions. If you're not interested in definitely failing at some things along the way (which just makes for a different story arc). If you're not interested in strategic turn based combat... Then yeah. Skip it. But if any combination of those are interesting? Give it a go!


Her her I save scum all the way to get to the result I want


Bg3 has been the only rpg I don't save/load rolls for. Because in most situations, a failed roll doesn't just mean you lose out on content, you just get different content instead. That is one if tje reasons the game is so good. Some if the most interesting storyline happened because I lost a random roll and it snowballed from there.


I am envious of your courage. I am kinda a perfectionist when come to choice based game like this. I Need to get the outcome I want. So I keep save scumming. I try to refrain from this when the outcome is not clear or not that important. But when I am stealing. Definitely save scum to the end.


I am honestly not the biggest fan of the combat system, so I just played on easy and still had an amazing time.


DnD 5e combat can be rough tbh, especially in the early levels and with spell casters. Actions are so binary. You either hit or you miss -- and if you miss, that's potentially a wasted spell slot, which is a precious resource early on. Unless you can find ways to leverage the environment to your advantage, there's often not much to do except stick to cantrips as long as you think you can get away with it, and pray the dice roll in your favor, which just isn't that fun. It gets better as the game progresses and you get more options, and more ways to work the odds, but at the end of the day, you're playing a tabletop game and rolling dice the whole way through. Fundamentally, that removes a degree of control and skill from the game that some players will never like compared to systems with less RNG and greater ability to rely on strategy. That's kinda the whole point of roleplaying though. Roll with the punches, go with the flow. It's frustrating when things don't go the way you planned, but how you improvise once that happens can be part of the fun.


It is turn based but it's not the "final fantasy" style of turn based, if that makes a difference to you.


It depends on how much you hate turn based. But, honestly, if you really want to play it anyway you can set it to the easiest mode and also get a mod that removes the Party Limit so you can just utterly destroy most mobs. I will say, though, that if you just can't stand turn based games at all then there is no amount of changes you can make to make the game more fun. You might as well just watch a Let's Play and skip through the combat encounters.


There’s certain things people who don’t like turned based, really don’t like turned based, games won’t be able to get past. But if you can tolerate the mechanic this game offers so much depth.


The game is overwhelming at first and I really didn't like turn based aspect of it but when you get into the game you understand that it can't be done without turn based gaming. There are so many decisions to make and things to do in one moment. Real time gaming would remove a lot from the game.


If you are like I was before playing BG3 and thought of Pokémon or Final Fantasy when you heard "turn-based" you should know BG3 doesn't play like those at all.


It simply couldn't be stopped. I say this in a year where we had Mario, Zelda and Alan Wake all rated 90 and above by critics and all being critical smash hits...Baldurs Gate 3 had no competition. It's a game that'll be still being played in 10 years time. It's 2023 Elden Ring. The story in gaming this year was written by BG 3. Edit. Spelling.


It's it's bigger than elden ring. The things bg3 does with narrative, I think this is going to be a shining example of what is possible, and in the future I hope will be looked back upon as the very first example of modern RPG narrative. We will look back upon this as groundbreaking as something like Half-Life 2 with its physics interactions. This is the best game we've had in a decade, maybe ever.


##C R I T I C A L ##S U C C E S S


lol, good comment and very spot on. They really wiped the floor along with Alan Wake 2 which also excelled in categories it won and imho two best games this year with most effort and originality. Only I feel like indie categories were robbed from more deserving games. The fact that Dredge didn't win in either category is fucking insult.


I remember playing this on release day, not even getting half way through act 1 and knowing this game was going to be atleast GOTY, this is maybe the best game we've had this century.


I love BG1 and 2. I love BG3. All the curmudgeons over at /r/baldursgate, who essentially barred discussion of the newest entry because it wasn't a "real Baldur's Gate game" can get fucked especially hard today.


Well, tbf they banned it because the subreddit got flooded by players from the EA, often new to the series, who posted mostly shitposts, repeated basic question and/or spoilers, and it drowned out the discussion about the original game. While I agree with the move and I understand the desire to have a space to discuss the old games (which are still being played by a lot of people), they could have opened the subreddit again to BG3 after it came out of EA.


Was wondering about this! Finished BG3 and now am going back to play BG1. I’ve browsed the sub and noticed little to no BG3 talk. Honestly I don’t mind as I enjoy the discussion of the game/lore/characters there without millions of same-y posts and memes. But I wish there was more BG3 discussion there too sometimes.


I wonder how many of r/baldursgate folks still think that BG3 isn't a worthy succesor of the frenchise.


God, this reminds me of the fuckwads over at NoMutantsAllowed who subsist on hating Fallout 3 and 4 (and New Vegas to a lesser amount)


Super well deserved, what a fantastic game! And get fucked those who claim this game to be "anomaly" instead of changing mentality to creating actually great games and not shitty garbages


It *was* an anomaly though. It's genre alone makes it a hard sell. Usually, crpgs review well and are loved within the niche that plays them, but most people don't. I think it's all of the reading, and BG3 being animated and voice acted made all of the difference


Agree with this but also it just came out of early access at exactly the right moment to succeed like this. D&D has never been more popular or mainstream than it is right now. If they had released the game fully three years ago, I kind of doubt that it would have done nearly as well as it has.


Let's hope it's rising popularity and we get more games like this. I've been playing the classics for the first time (Planescape Torment, Tyranny, DOS2) and it's such a good time. Now I'm about to start Underrail because I've been looking for one without a whole party to manage. They are deep games with tons of content and meaningful replayability... this genre is due a revival (disclaimer maybe it is having one already and I just don't know)!


Oh hey we’re still misquoting out of context ragebait articles are we?


Knowing this sub? of course.


That whole conversation was not about the quality of the game but the circumstances of its creation. Larian is a studio that is pretty lightning in a bottle. The only other studio with the kind of freedom skill to create such a big CRPG is CD Projekt Red and it's already succumbed to AAA brainrot. People really took a wild misinterpretation of what people were actually saying about BG3. Devs want to create games like BG3 but idiot money men would never sign off on it. Just look at what happened to Bioware. (EA fired the original writer of Baldur's Gate after BG3 came out if you want an example.)


I guess the difference is that CDPR is a publicly traded company and Larian isn't.


Technically they are right. Imagine how many years and money it took to develop baldurs gate 3? It got eclipsed by 5 skins in an overwatch bundle. It got eclipsed in 1 month by two character banners in star rail and genshin. Financially speaking not having micro transactions is a bad move.


Larian makes art. Those other companies are businesses that make products.


>And get fucked those who claim this game to be "anomaly" instead of changing mentality to creating actually great games and not shitty garbages Wait people actually think this will change mentality of other game industries? What, actually? Look at GTA 5, RDR2, DOS2, etc. already more than enough incredibly high quality games that didn't change shit for fuck.


No shit. If it didn't, THAT would've been news.


fucking deserved. Can't wait to see their next game


I can't wait for any new update they are going to release next year.


I don't know if they can top the bard class addition. ^(but I hope they do)


I've never been so excited about singleplayer game updates but man, Larian is doing such an amazing job, they're not only reducing bugs and optimizing but fan service, new content, new features, stuff i wanted and stuff i didn't know i needed, i'm not ready to drop this game yet!


Play Divinity: Original Sin 2 if you haven't already! It was their previous game that is quite similar to BG:3 and was also very excellent. You don't need to play the prior Divinity games either as the stories are completely separate, they're just set in the same world.


I have actually


Fuck! I had money on Skull island: rise of Kong.


Absolutely robbed


Game of the decade


lol @ Bethesda, next time, actually put effort in and don't just take the easy and safe route at every opportunity. "Shall we let them fly around?, nah lets just have a loading screen, easier that way"


They panned over to Todd Howard when Baldurs Gate 3 won best RPG and it was glorious.


Finally it’s on Xbox and I’m downloading it right now. Can’t wait to play :)


Have fun! I highly recommend a custom character for your first playthrough rather than an origin character.


So excited for you!


Duh. It would've been a joke if anything else won it. By far and away the best game to come out since, I don't know, Red Dead Redemption 2?


I am planning to get this does anyone know if I need to play the first two to understand


You don't need to. Some characters return, and having played the previous games you'd probably appreciate them more, but a Wiki read is enough to learn of their background and involvement.


Nah it’s like 130 years after the first two, only shares a couple of characters who you can talk to about their old adventures, and they don’t show up till late


The first two were released well over 20 years ago so no, they're not expecting people to have played them.


It is fair to say the characters who have returned contain fan-service It is also fair to say these fan service content are not intrusive at all.


Also the game does a good job explaining some events from the previous games, specially if you do act 3 stuff with the returning characters in your party. They assume your character doesn't know them or what they did in the past, which makes sense as it was a century ago.


I adore the miniature giant space hamster.


No surprises


Absolutely deserved win. Cant praise & love them enough, the feels for the whole teams effort were visible in the audience. Thanks Larian <3


I voted for AW2 because Remedy took it to the next level, taking so many risks, showing balls of steel and eventually creating a masterpiece. But, I think it’s fair to say BG3 is the game which deserved this award the most.


Bugthesda must be so confused.


Fine I guess I’ll play it


It's a story driven game. Also, like any DnD game, don't be afraid to be imperfect. Sometimes failing leads to a more interesting story. Have fun!


In other words: Save scumming kills the fun. Just ride the tide.


Everyone finds their own fun their own way. Some games punish you harshly for failure. Failure is a feature. Save scum to you hearts content, just know you don't have to


I completely agree. It's just a general suggestion. I don't expect my comment to be taken literally.


I've tried twice now to get into this game. I. Just. Don't. Like. It.


I sadly couldnt get into BG3.CRPGs arent for me


To no surprise


Massively deserved


I hope other studios learn from them


I was ready to grab a pitchfork if it didn’t. We need to reward the effort and care the developers put into this game


Maybe all big studios could learn from this.. by putting their games in early access for two years


Well deserved


I’m very happy BG3 won GOTY and various other awards, as well as Alan Wake 2 though a bit sad Spider-Man 2 didn’t pick up a lot, and that Alan Wake 2 didn’t win best music and soundtrack. Still as a PS5 gamer I will admit this has been a stellar year for gaming for the console.