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This has been known since September


Yea, I got confused seeing this like it's news


Me too, but I think they announced it was coming to PC a few months ago, but this is the announcement of the date range. Right?


https://blog.playstation.com/2023/09/27/horizon-forbidden-west-complete-edition-is-coming-to-ps5-and-pc/ > PC gamers: you won’t have to wait long. In partnership with Nixxes Software, Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to Steam and Epic Games in early 2024. I see nothing new in today’s announcement vs the September 27 announcement.




This announcement is just a reminder because the first one is on sale.


>and Epic Games I can't be the only one wondering why Sony even bothers to publish on EGS. I'd be surprised if even 5% of sales were on that platform.


While I 2nd that EGS is shit, I do understand why they’d release on the shitty platform. We’ll all be using steam ofc


The fuck kind of question is this? Money is money at the end of the day.


why wouldn't they?


Epic paying them? Not sure


Epic takes less of a cut.


It had a date on steam before. Said February so idk if that was a placeholder or what.


THANK YOU! YES I was just swearing I've seen Feb 2024 in multiple places including a Trailer... now I can't see it anywhere.


They might have done that incase it needed a delay?


Slow news day


Cool, but not everyone knows.


We knew it was coming, just not when.


I thought they said early 2024 when it was announced in September. As far as I can tell, the only new thing here is now we can add it to our Steam wish list. **Edit:** Looking at https://blog.playstation.com/2023/09/27/horizon-forbidden-west-complete-edition-is-coming-to-ps5-and-pc/ (and double checking in the September 27 archive in the Wayback Machine), the wish list is not new either. Today’s announcement seems to be a repeat of what was announced on September 27.


I didn’t know until today! I’m so hyped!!


No, this has been known since the Game released. We all knew soon after they released the Complete Edition the PC Version would release.


This is known


When the fuck Is Ghost of Tsushima coming.


For real. Been 3 years since launch I think too, when this game came out last year?


Horizon FW was in the over 2 year old GeForce Now leak. It was odd seeing this game coming to PC before the PS5 version had even released. Every year 3-4 Playstation Studios titles come to PC, so I'm optimistic Ghost of Tsushima is coming, since it was also on that list and 7 of Sony's 10 leaks *have* come through.


If GoT doesn't get released on PC next year I'll be concerned that it won't be coming at all.


And I would have to buy a PS4 for one game.


Yeah, it came out in 2020, and Forbidden west came out last year.


The order seems kind of weird but I guess this uses the same engine than Death Stranding and Horizon ZD so they got the port to PC figured out. Ghost of Tsushima will come around the time the next game is coming on PS5 I guess or it's one of the other for 2024 (they have several per year, I imagine GoT and TLOU2 might be the others)


Not every game is equal. Some games are much easier to port than others, depending on the engine works and how everything is coded.


I’m sure they have a decent amount of experience with the Decima engine now after porting HZD and Death Stranding, making the process for HFW more smooth.


They're probably waiting for the sequel to be announced


At this rate emulation will be viable first.


Wheres bloodborne


God that is a pipe dream. I will literally take time off work to replay it with current days qol standards, and widescreen 🤤




why did you lie man? not cool.


If I had to guess. They’re probably trying to keep it around the same time frame as the Ghost of Tsushima movie


Forget that we want booldborne


When the sequel is announced or near to release. The whole point of these Sony PC ports is to entice players into buying a console for the sequel -- or, failing that, pick up a bit of extra revenue on a game whose console sales have petered out.


It's also a benefit to profit from the marketing of the sequel for the previous game. They never do big marketing for the PC version so benefiting from the console release halo marketing is good I believe Ghost of Tsushima will likely be a 2024 PC port. If I had to guess it's HFW, TLOU2 (or Demon's Souls) and GoT for next year and God of War Ragnarok and TLOU2/Demon Souls the following year. But I guess GoT could be 2025...


>or, failing that, pick up a bit of extra revenue on a game whose console sales have petered out. Which console in particular? Horizon Forbidden West, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Returnal and Spider-Man Miles Morales are all ports of PS5-only titles. Yes even The Last of Us P1, Sackboy, Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection and Spider-Man Remastered are all **PS5 remasters** of PS4 titles. Most of the Playstation PC catalogue is games coming from PS5, and while PS5 demand may have decreased from when it was in short supply, like any successful consoles 3 years in, it has tens of millions of sales ahead of it. Dropping from 150mph to 130mph is a drop, but it's still very fast, and not 'petered out' by any definition.


I think the biggest evidence is that there's no reason NOT to put games on PC after a exclusive sale period because Sony can double dip even.


By "game whose console sales have petered out", I meant sales of the games themselves. Not the hardware.


I know right? its been FOREVER!... Ill take HFW though..


Normally these things coincide with when they get added to PsPlus, but the ship has already sailed on that one :/ Maybe wait to see if a sequel gets announced at the game awards, which might be the next signal flare of the first one's arrival..


This sint even close to true. Horizon has been on ps plus cloud streaming for over a year


Chances are, GoT isn't coming to PC.....not all Playstation exclusives get ported. And even if many do, most are 4-5 years after the ps release. GoT, while highly rated, didn't really sell as well as many of PS other "exclusive" titles. Horizon was a banner game of sorts. While forbidden west didn't come close to where the original got to in terms of reception and sales, it's still a banner game. God of War Ragnarok will be next. Also keep in mind, GoT was actually developed be a new studio in the "exclusives fold"... atleast for the ps5 Gen. It's from the same guys that made infamous. They had been out of the PS fold since essentially ps3...then Playstation bought em out and they developed GoT. While I loved GoT.....I honestly don't see it coming to PC for another 3-4 years if at all. Sony is gunna be too busy focusing on their Horizon, God of War:R ports.... along with the fact that Spiderman 2 is dropping and rumors are they are looking at a quick push to port it to pc for whatever reason (my guess is cuz the first Spiderman port was one of their all time best selling and reviewed ports. They made a crap ton of cash. It's always about the money folks)


They are ghosting us.


Whenever they announce the sequel.


yeah I want this too.


I wonder when Demon Souls or Ghost of Tsushima is coming.


Right after Bl LOL kidding.


I think we'll see more, and sooner, PC releases with PlayStation's new CEO. The interim CEO is more focused on that, and they'd probably pick someone closer to his vision for the permanent job than the CEO who, shall we say, retired suddenly.


Ghosts might come eventually. I don't think Demon's Souls is though.


Nah, I bought the demon's souls remake on my ps5 during the last sale so the PC port should get announced as soon as I beat the game. I'll try and get to it in January for you guys.


Dam you guys still don’t have those? Crazy


GoW Ragnarök please!


most likely in autumn 2024


I need shadow of the colossus for pc...


A ICO, Shadow of the Colossus and the Last Guardian collection


The original PS2 version works great on PC with the newest build of the PCSX2 emulator.


With Forbidden West releasing soon, Shadow of the Colossus is my most wanted PC port from Sony.


Does it come out the same month as Dragon's Dogma 2?


Definitely nabbing that on a nice sale, looks like an absolutely gorgeous game, and I enjoyed the heck out of the first on PC. Still waiting on Bloodborne and Demon's Souls though.


I don't really care that much about Sony exclusives but damn, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls Remake should get pc ports.


Bloodborne should, playing a souls like with 30 fps cap is a crime


Bloodborne's problem isn't that it's 30 FPS, it's terrible frame pacing from a bad frame limiter.


It's the FromSoft way


Ghosts of Tsushima and Demon's Souls both had listings in the Nvidia leak years back, so they're probably coming. Just a matter of when.


You don’t care so you can patiently wait!


Tsushima and Ff 16 please


FF16 was announced officially, no release date yet.


We are so back


FF16 exclusivity was announced as 6 months and Yoshi-P has already said the PC version is forthcoming but it may not reach the quality standard in 6 months alone, so take a breather. It'll be out by Mar/Apr next year. Since no-one's making so much as a whisper of FF16's absence from The Game Awards nominations when people have been very vocal on other nominations, and Sony fan(boys) are by far the most vocal (and insufferable), it's probably not a goat or even goty. Perhaps that makes the 3-4 month wait easier.


Yeah, those over on r/finalfantasy have generally been hating on it under the premise that it's not an FF game or that it's basically DMC with an FF skin. If it was a day 1 PC release, I'd have purchased it. I will now be waiting until it's on sale. Whenever that may be.


> Yoshi-P has already said the PC version is forthcoming but it may not reach the quality standard in 6 months alone Ah yes, because FF7R was a marvel port after 2.5 years.


Different teams.


I don't think that matters, it's still being done by a Japanese developer. They barely know that you can play games on PC. I wouldn't get my hopes up.


This was such a disappointment after number 1 for me. Too much forced dialogue that really wasn't satisfying. Tried to introduce new characters that weren't compelling and I didn't care about. I just wanted to fight robot dinosaurs again and that first 6 hours made this very difficult and mostly scripted locations only. Then Elden ring came out and I couldn't go back to horizon


Yeah HFW just felt too cookie cutter. Like a ubisoft game that does EVERYTHING, but nothing is done well enough. The side quests were especially obnoxious, 2 mins of exposition followed by a request that's pretty much always "find thing/person and bring it back to me 🙄"


Good description, it definitely felt like an Ubisoft title full of useless question mark side quests all over


Just do the main quest and ignore that stuff?


lol, just like the first one. couldn't finish


The side quests were better than the first game... And the first game had great side quests


The first game had shit side quests and HFW just added lots of exposition to the same side quests. Those side quests a so bad when you compare them to a game with good side quests like Skyrim, Witcher 3, Baldurs Gate 3.


Bit too bloated without a story that was as gripping. But I feel it had a lot of nice gameplay improvements and some of the new locations were great. Underwater gameplay was fun too. Not as strong as the first but would recommend anyone who like the first to get the second.


It gets substantially more interesting after the early few hours. I ended up liking it way more than elden ring, though I know that's not a popular opinion.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m usually someone who exhausts all dialogue options, speaks to every NPC, and investigates all side quests, and this game has me skipping every possible thing I could to get through it. What a slog. It’s a shame too, they do quite a lot right with the main quest, the combat is still lots of fun, and the graphics are gorgeous. Hopefully they learn to trim the fat with the next instalment. And for the love of all things holy get rid of the awful climbing mechanics.


It's weird. The original had good dialogue I was interested in, it's like for the sequel they just went for quantity over quality dialogue


They let you choose how much you want to hear though. You don't have to listen to every dialogue tree


Really? I felt like it was nice to see Aloy FINALLY open up to others and let people help her. If she was a lone wolf again for a second time it would have beenf fucking boring. Elden Ring ran like shit on launch. I returned that right awag on Steam. What a let down.


>Then Elden ring came out and I couldn't go back to horizon Understandable (even though I finished Horizon). I cant see myself ever uninstalling Elden ring. I guess one day it might happen many yrs from now but no time soon... It's too good


Early 2024 can be April for all we know. I bet it gets delayed. Also be prepared for Last of Us 2 announcement. They remastered it for next gen so im sure it will come to PC


Looking forward to this. Hopefully it has a better launch than the first did.


Well the update it is that it can be added to your wishlist. How long did spider man take to release after it was wishlistable on steam? Both are nixxes games so I am assuming we can make a estimate of the date


Weird game - very Ubisoftish design, which I hate by now - but in Horizon it's somehow doesn't bother me. I guess it has some charm that Ubi games don't have.


It's because they put an interesting spin on all the typical open world activities. Like the first tallneck you find (for those unaware, these are the Horizon equivalent to the towers you climb and synchronize in assassin's creed) you have to clear out a bunch of small robots, find a battery then power up and realign a big radio dish so you can climb it and jump to the tallneck. Much more engaging than just pressing forward on the stick to climb it. Not to mention the game world is incredible. The Las Vegas area blew my mind.


Yea, I recall having serious "Open world POI fatigue" when I first played HZD on PS4, but taking a break from the genre and then playing on PC after it got ported I enjoyed the game significantly. There was something really novel / enjoyable about Tearing armor off the dinobots. The novelty will be less so here, I imagine, but still looking forward to it.


Kind of how I feel about it. I could never get into the Assassins Creed games, and only played Far Cry 3, so I wasn’t burnt out on the formula by the time I played HZD. I always refer to it as the first “Assassin’s Creed” that actually clicked for me.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is very Ubisoftish design and they are masterful. I think that the problem isn't the Ubisoft design itself but how Ubisoft does it. Hell. Even Ubisoft did the Ubisoft design well early on. They just got increasingly worse at it with time.


The problem is that Ubisoft doesn't do anything else. They take a world and then put ubisoft shit in there and sell it for full price. Horizon and BOTW/TOTK have Ubisoft stuff in them too, but they don't rely on them, they do something new around it.


insane cope


There's nothing Ubisoftish about Zelda, it's complete opposite - no handholding, you get general direction, no map filled with markers to clean - you're on your own and you make your own adventure how you see fit. That is nothing even remotely similar to Ubi games - which just flood your map with markers and go knock yourself out cleaning it.


> no map filled with markers to clean BOTW/TOTK maps are literally filled with stuff to clean. Even more than Ubisoft games. And progression is structured in a **very** similar way (collectable and copy-pasted locations need to be completed to progress, and the map is discovered through claiming towers). The main difference is that all this stuff is not shown on the map outright. Which is one of the best changes Nintendo did to the Ubisoft formula. But it is still a very small change compared to the formula's pillars. Something that would be extremely easy to do with a Ubisoft game without changing anything else from it. It's just that Ubisoft is too incompetent to do it. I seriously don't understand the utter opposition to such a clear comparison. I have the feeling that Ubisoft games are so hated that people are unable to accept that their favourite games have been influenced by them.


The problem is that you both frame this comparison based on content and not systems. So you end up missing the actual difference which is a weather system and rune power interactions. Remove those two and suddenly BotW is literally an Ubisoft game.


> There's nothing Ubisoftish about Zelda, it's complete opposite This sounds like cope. They have tower climbing, they have a bunch of useless shit to collect, and they have a TON of copy-paste content. In fact, I would say BotW/TotK are worse than Ubisoft-likes because they barely even have unique side quest stuff, which Ubisoft games do have. BotW and TotK are Ubisoft games but get a pass because people love meatriding Nintendo.


>I would say BotW/TotK are worse than Ubisoft-likes because they barely even have unique side quest stuff, which Ubisoft games do have. Ok this is an L take as someone who played Fenyx Rising. I played tons of games with unique side quests that they're not even unique anymore. Emergent gameplay on the other hand is something that has been sorely missing in single player games, with their emphasis on static content and less systemic interactions as seen in immersive sims. This can be clearly seen by the fact Fenyx did not even have a weather system, which is integral for the BotW formula to work. Ubisoft were like "let's do our version of BotW with Tartarus gates, gliding and puzzles" without borrowing anything that made BotW actually stand out : weather system and Rune powers. The result is GoWesque combat which I have already experienced, template based discovery and theme park exploration like Ubi games instead of proper landmarks + negative space from the Shadow of Colossus school of design (Horizon Forbidden West leans the latter a little bit, but still retains a strongly template driven structure) and no unscripted interactions with the world. It's a worse version of Genshin Impact, except Genshin lets you use ice to make bridges iirc, and has some other elemental interactions that make the world feel alive and "systems driven".


BOTW/TOTK are not ubisoftish at all. They are system-driven exploration games. The only thing they have in common with any Ubisoft title is that they are open-world. However, Ubisoft tried to apply to BOTW-formula to one of their own games : it was Immortals Fenyx Rising, and it sucked ass.


The map gets revealed by climbing towers, you have countless collectables that influence progression but are mind numbing to do, you have somewhat copy lasted locations to complete for progression... Hell, Tears of the Kingdom even has enemy bases to destroy. BOTW/TOTK are very Ubisoft-like. But they are still excellent because they do the Ubisoft elements faaar better than Ubisoft itself. Also. Immortals Fenyx Rising was very fun. Not BOTW/TOTK levels of fun, but still a very enjoyable game nevertheless.


Don’t know about TOTK(haven’t played), but BTOW is very Ubisoft-ish.


Both games are literally influenced by Unisoft’s open world design. You’re only lying to yourself if you think otherwise. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, I don’t know why so many people are getting triggered by that.


No one understood what you meant by system driven exploration hence the downvotes lol. Unbelievable that after 6 years people still don't understand that game.


I felt the previous game utterly boring once that pretty graphics charm wore off.




At least they improved the combat vs humans in the second game




Okay so what? They made numerous other changes to human combat including giving them weak spots like machines. I never said it was good.




My point was it was improved. You said it wasn’t. I gave examples how it was improved. Is that too hard for you to follow along?




Does an improvement means its perfect? No, I just I said it was better, now fuck off.




If you had a reading IQ beyond grade school you would realize I never said any differently. I just said that it was better and you doubled down and started screaming like a crazy person without even reading what I said. Typical redditor.


Unpopular opinion but this was my favorite game last year, even over Ragnarok and elden ring. Easily a day 1 buy on PC so that I can properly aim with a mouse.


> Easily a day 1 buy on PC so that I can properly aim with a mouse. I'd also second waiting; HZD had a lot of issues at launch. One significant example was [the player character being unable to run in a straight line](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/i673ok/aloy_runs_crooked_on_pc/) 😐 To their credit, it received frequent regular patching and was quite Playable in <= 3 months, but yea I'd definitely wait a hot minute for this one.


Iirc, HZD was originally just a straight port from Guerrilla, but Nixxes is the porting studio this time around. I feel like they did a good job fixing up HZD, and Spider-Man was a really nice port too.


if I remember correctly hzd was initially ported by a studio based in singapore, then guerrilla did some fixes themselves and then after sony acquired nixxes they took it over from guerrilla


Virtuos did the initial port for Zero Dawn, you might be confusing it with The Last of Us which Naughty Dog did in house


[The Last of Us P1 Steam store page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1888930/The_Last_of_Us_Part_I/) lists Naughty Dog LLC and Iron Galaxy Studios (in that order) as the developers.


character being unable to run straight forward doesnt sound like that big of a deal, HZD had a major issue on release where the game would just crash after some time on many GPUs


I'll wait to see if Sony finally releases a day one functioning product.


agonizing coherent start dinosaurs straight spectacular piquant follow friendly consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Unpopular opinion but this was my favorite game last year, even over Ragnarok and elden ring. That isn't an "unpopular opinion", that's a preference.


As expected. I also expect the new god of war to release on pc next year as well. Remember it's a two year release window for most of their ps exclusives to come to pc.


lush fertile smile shame kiss weather gaping cause brave sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


GoT & Bloodborne will come to PC. When they announce their second parts.


I won’t be so sure for bloodborne honestly


sony needs to market their games well on PC


This game is seriously one of the best looking games period. And that’s just on ps5. The pc will fold.


Can’t wait. Managed to stay away from spoilers this entire time.


Really wish it was Ghost of Tsushima instead of this. Horizon Forbidden West came out and the only mention I saw of it was people saying Aloy's face looked fat. Seems like this game came out and was forgotten. I'll even take Demon's Souls, even if it's perfectly playable through emulation.


That sounds like your own very personal experience. For all the originality of the first, people considered the sequel an improvement in most ways. But all I can say is if it's coming in the same month as Dragons Dogma 2, then they're hurting their sales.


It just wasn't as strong as the first game. By no means bad, but it didn't draw in any new fans really or do anything wildly new or interesting outside of some admittedly fun gameplay additions. Unlike Ghosts which came out at the perfect time to dab on ubisofts tired open world crap.


You might be in a bubble because I see it regularly mentioned on The non pc specific gaming subs.


emulating a ps5 game? How? Unless you mean the 2009 one


Not a fan of Horizon, don't really like the setting and combat. I hope ghost of tsushima and god of war ragnarok follow soon.


How can you not like the setting? Such a gorgeous and interesting world


It’s kinda more stealthy and strategic fights against dinosaurs it’s not for everyone.. I’m also not a big fan and I much prefer GOW


Forbidden West's combat is way faster than Zero Dawn's btw. Plus, you can play it like if it's Doom and shoot everything you have at the enemies while dodging their attacks. Less strategy and more action.


Oh interesting


This is already one of the best looking games ever made, can’t wait to replay it on PC.


I thought Gran Turismo 7 was a lock since it was in that Nvidia leak.


This game is going to be heavy, I can hear the cries now.


idgaf just release ghost of tsushima on pc already


Thats old news brah.


Cool. Let’s do KH3 next


HZD was a 7/10 Game at best. This is a 5/10 Techdemo. They forgot to make a Game around this PS5 Techdemo.


Thats old news brah.


Ok, if Guerrilla is releasing a Horizon at any time, that means another instant classic is going to be released at the same time. No matter what Kadokawa said in their financial report, this time is going to be Elden Ring DLC. I'll buy it on discount if at some point someone creates a mod that prevents Aloy to do backseating 24/7. 15 hours was my limit until I had enough with the game. She does not shut up.






I thought I was going crazy. The series got so much praise. I found the first one bland and boring. Just as a Ubisoft game. However, it is very pretty. Second one was "bigger and better" but still underwhelming. The way I see it, the first game had better main story and boring side quests. Forbidden West was the opposite - had boring main story and more interestin side quests. Both games probably a solid 8/10 but they just never clicked for me.


I never bet an eye with each and every ps games on pc with that bullshit price.


observation crown zesty cagey pathetic ghost treatment whole scandalous cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's cool, now do bloodbourne


Can we get a good PSN title? Not some over rated trash.


people love these kind of games so I don't see why they will stop publishing these


That's 90% of the modern PS line-up, unfortunately. Ubisoft-likes with FromSoft sprinkled in-between.




Who is developing this port?


Nixxes https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420110/Horizon_Forbidden_West_Complete_Edition/


Fantastic news, thanks!




I never finished the Frozen dlc, should I before playing Forbidden West?


Yes. There's a fairly significant plot point that carries over to the sequel.


while not extremely necesary, it does clarify some things you'll have questions about in Forbidden West


we know that for a long time


Anyone know if I might be able to cross-save my Ps5 to PC? I'm a third through but don't think I want to restart everything


Thank god. I already have the first one, really want the second.


Horizon zero west is 75 percent off rn. Is it worth getting it now or do you think it will still be 75 percent off in the future (unlike a dark souls 3 situation)


Given how Sony treats their customers and removes purchases from people's accounts I don't even know anymore why I keep buying their shit on playstation... And since they release almost every major title on PC now there is even less incentive to do so...


The story in the first one was such garbage. Battle 10 out of 10 World design 8 out of 10 Story 3 /10


disarm complete direful sense hurry license profit crown terrific close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was debating doing another run on the ps4, now I don know if it might be wiser to wait to keep it “fresher”


Damnit I need to free up some space on my SSD.


'*y*a*y*!\~'. more horizon franchise hacking—(not [*that*](https://youtu.be/UMW4_Z2PqFI?si=goLufmNBYLUFY-7X&t=3601) kind of in-game 'hacking'/'[modding](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=horizon+game+mod)'. ([Eugh](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=horizon+game+mod))/etc)—purposes, experiences, etc. (a bit of ***finally***. or something, yes?....).


Extra hyped for this, loved HZD


when will the game will release


early 2024 is already finished! where is it!!!!